✝️ Dan Mohler - Christ in YOU, the hope of Glory

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okay goodness yeah I didn't know what he was trying to do to me there yeah seems like the last probably three places I've been they had me crying before I got up here I what's this strategy this new strategy Liberty should get a fair old messy you said something awesome I don't know if he caught what Roy said he said you're so good thank you for the gift thank you for this life we get to live if you don't understand this he see what the gospel intends to do is take the perspective that we've always had on life and shifted into the true perspective of what he's always intended it's not what he can do for us it's what we can become in him and by him it's not always just what he can do for us what he can do for us is awesome the blessing of the Lord I'm not denying it right but if all you emphasize is getting something from him and never becoming something because of him you're going to miss the point you're really going to miss the point and then life's going to speak way louder than truth and that's a problem because truths where you find freedom and all of a sudden you're only as good as life's going when you sing these songs like we sang tonight and there was a song like that that we sang and it's not that things don't come it's not that we haven't experienced even lost sometimes in our lives or challenges it's that he changed our perspective we live from a different place yeah I mean in my personal life I settled something a long time ago guys like I've already won like I'm sealed in him like I'm never gonna die I'm gonna live forever in him he's never gonna judge me for where I've been he's gonna judge me for where he's been and I sincerely have given my life to him and he's just he's amazing so it's not about what I'm going through it's about what he wants to do in and through me it's the message he wants to send it's the hearts he wants to mark it's life is good in god amen so when you sing the goodness of God please understand you're not finding the goodness of God through the way life's unfolding you're finding the goodness of God through the fact that he sent his son while we were yet sinners please don't miss this stuff like he sent his son while we were yet sinners how you doing good to see you buddy sorry family reunion I'm really down here turkey hunting I come here every year in turkey hunt you know you guys don't know that maybe but but but but turkey hunt started today so I just came for the day tomorrow and Friday I'm leaving out Friday and Roy said well what do you want to do that on Wednesday night I said I really wasn't I just was coming to Turkey on I don't know any right you don't do it Wednesday night service he said well we can do one we'll do one I said well I'll gladly do one I said do you think anybody will come forgiveness learning there's people over there isn't it where's that where they had in that in that hole right there hey guys hi so there's actually people over there said you all came and they're over there we pulled up and they were like stand I said some Goods going on where's this huh I just came to turkey hunting man and I thought no we did what we came for more than that it humbles me guys that you guys all came out on a Wednesday night you actually seemed excited to be here Jesus is a big deal and and yeah and I was a Christian since 1995 but I went to church for a long time and never understood this you say you went to church you weren't a Christian well I went to church because I thought I was supposed to go and my mom wanted me to and when I first got married my wife wanted me to and I went to church for two years just to keep my wife quiet I done being honest and then she took me to a church like this where you couldn't blend in like they just sing really intense stuff and you'd look around and everybody was like and like if you were just like standing there like this you just stood out so you know where you learned to do when you're just there to make her happy and after Wow it's like oh I can do this did it all the time for two years never even thought about the Lord never even thought about reading my Bible never even thought about anything about him I just showed up her own Sunday because she wanted me to and sometimes we get so thin-skinned and shelling she's like well at least he's going to church my life was zero like Jesus it's probably why you see a little passion in me all the time now cuz I'll live that thing and then I got saved the Spirit of God came into me not just to take me to heaven and to transform me put something new in me and something fresh yeah yeah yeah so those days are over I remember pumping gas after I got saved and I hadn't been to church for about eight years I was pumping gas I looked in the pastor that went to that that was the pastor of that church we went to was pumping gas I walked down and apologize for being a hypocrite and just coming and playing a game and just started then I cried and told him my whole heart and he held me and hugged me I told him I'm saved and he was happy my wife's happy - she is see I used to be resentful that she expected me go to church so I usually had her crying before we got home I'm not joking we could have walked to church we lived to three blocks away and she's crying usually before we pull in because I was subconsciously frustrated that she expected me to go so I was always angry God didn't create us to be that way guys he didn't create us to live at the expense of another person I'll be real straight with you he didn't create us just to need people to meet our needs and to be that a ferocity he created us to be in him and him in us and for us to shine and walk in love to be filled with his spirit to follow him I'm just telling you he did not create us the way we all grew up we grew up in a lie then the truth came so you got to put off the and put on come on this is real he changes your perspective he changes the why behind your life he changes your reason for being put off the old you put on the new your new creation created in Christ Jesus right old things behold how many things I bet he's talking about my mind sets my perspective my motives but he's not just talking about the bad stuff I did and now I'm doing better stuff I bet he's talking about the way I thought what motivated me the reason the why in my life like how can you how can you deny yourself pick up your cross and follow him and stay self centered and self focused how did you deny yourself and be a Christian for yourself I'll go smile the whole time I'm free - how can you do it how can you deny yourself and still have rights to be ticked off and angry and frustrated well I would well how come will they shoot the wolf they did not what see here's the thing you never saw him like that that means he never taught you that or me so where did we get it because you never saw it in him so I we didn't learn it from him he said you have one teacher Bobby said you have one teacher he's the Christ call no one on earth to teach you you got one if you didn't learn it from him you didn't learn it at all the spirit of this age the spirit of this world taught us to be self-centered the fall of men who were born into a lie we were born into Adam you get born again how did born again turn into something that blesses me and takes me to heaven someday instead of a brand-new life with a whole new living web we even let self-centeredness creep into our definition of born again and we make born again all about my blessing instead of my transformation so now we sing all the right stuff and live the same in many ways we got to get a grip on that and say wait a minute that's not why he came man he's good like when I didn't get it he never lost sight of it like he knew why we're here from the beginning and man has never changed him man can never change him generations of unrighteousness haven't changed him generations of sin and willfulness hasn't changed the Lord he's the same man I love that about him I say it all the time on my darkest day he didn't lose sight o who he created me to be he didn't let my life change his mind that's why he had the power to change mine you know how we've gone to work and we let work auto-awesome people order us and now we got to work beside so-and-so all man and we're gearing up there's just gonna be a long day guys that is totally self centered self focus it is so weak you're letting one person decide who you are and how you are in their name isn't Jesus but it's normal to us growing up normal language normal conversation we eat lunch and talk about that stuff and say oh man I hope you don't go work right in side him tomorrow and we're not even thinking about shine and light and walking in love and making peace and showing mercy we're just thinking about who I gotta walk beside and if I'm gonna make it well it's just good to use some of these illustrations cuz we get caught in this stuff and days and months and years go by and we do church the whole time I'll smile the whole time I'm not mad I'm not mad at a time hunting turkeys I'm having fun man you see what did them turkeys ever do they strutted their stuff pride comes before a fall we're out there sayin ain't not beautiful they got no revelation to covenant they're trying to get as many women as they can so I put my little fake woman out there and they come up there see I'm having fun man I'm on turkeys I'm not mad at anybody can you tell I'm not mad at anybody I'm excited that God never changed his mind how many times did you change your mind about people how many times people change their mind about you how many times you were in and then you were out you were on and then you were off how many times did they say this and then say that you said this and then said that that ain't the Lord we didn't learn it from him he doesn't change his love never fails he's not up and down he's the Lord that's amazing gives me so much confidence to be in fellowship with him man when I was lost he was wooing me not disgusted and sin was abounding grace was coming greater not to empower my sin to get me out of it you think I'm not serious now you think I'm not going to surrender to a god like this he is good you sure yeah but look what happened with your kids years ago look what haven't you arrived and looked your mama died look if I find the goodness of God through life and life I'm phoning up he received his people to go to church and don't know God come on he's not my genie in the bottle he's not my answer to a wish he's my father and I came forth from him from the beginning through his will and his son and he predestined me to be adopted in as his boy and he loves me and he didn't save me to play charades with me he didn't kill my mother he didn't drive my children he gave me an answer to stand and stay the same like he's he showed me a perspective that kept me solid like he saw he said the things I do you'll do if you believe he said he's the firstborn among many brother it says we're predestined in Romans 8 to be conformed to the image of his son yea that's a lot of Scripture that makes us one he calls us the body of he said all authority in heaven and earth been given unto me now you go in my name what'd he do he just sent you to represent him that's a big deal you can say who me yeah Christ in you the hope of glory and if you're a Christian for a better day you're probably distracted and deceived you're probably focused on how your days unraveling you're probably missing the opportunity to walk in love and live in the spirit if you're just safe for a better day you're probably stumbling over your day I'm not safe for a better day I'm safe so I can shine in my day so that when my kids do make terrible decisions enforcement decisions untimely decisions I can love him like he's always loved me so that all of a sudden the light can dawn in them and they can turn and see just like a prodigal they have a father to run to see the prodigal son story isn't about a prodigal it's about a father to return - it's about somewhere to go it's not just about a boy getting convicted in the midst of his sin it's about having somewhere to go and when he got there he found more than he expected yeah that could be you and me we could be that same guy not the boy the Papa John you grew up saying like father like son why don't we let it be sir come on if he loved me this way why wouldn't I love you this way if he forgave me why is it hard to forgive you how can you be selfless and have trouble with forgiveness it's impossible come on let's get on this thing I'll smile the whole time don't get uncomfortable you're here hey I'm talking to you through that yeah you yeah I'll just play are you with me come on let's get real with this thing we've been trained by a lie we've been homeschooled in their own home we've been taught by life our whole lives and then the author and giver of life comes it needs to say I want to make a great change I want to transform you I'm going to bring you out of darkness and into the light I don't want God to take you out of the world I just want him to keep you from the evil one but I want you to stay here why because he wants us to be the body of Christ to shine as lights yeah it's Matthew five I think it's 14 you're the light of the world I thought you were Jesus I am and I put myself in you now I'm telling you you're the light the way Jesus said you're the light of the world he said no he was talking to his twelve disciples stand on exagerate to scripture well Matthew 28 he said you go make disciples of every nation and teach them to observe everything I told you so if he's talking to Peter James and John and guess what he's talking to me and you don't have to believe that that's that's your privilege you don't have to believe that but it's in your Bible yeah so I encourage you to they said you're the way of the world you'd have a different attitude than you ever had you can actually walk in love you can make peace you can show mercy it's not weak it's not passive it's not come on guys it's not wimpy we know booty making me adore man Jesus was not a doormat he was a living epistle of love manifested love he said follow me it's a big deal the honor that he would invite you into following his life which means it's possible empowered by Holy Spirit when they bite you why would he say follow him if you couldn't so don't make any excuses throw all the justifications wasted well brother you don't know what season I'm in right now see that right there's what deceives us that right there that line working for you well yeah but you don't know how it's been - I'm not being mean see yeah but you don't know what so-and-so has been doing and what I have to go through and I'm just praying through right now but I got a lot going on buddy just back off a little more sensitive I mean I'd be in a different place if it wasn't for this isn't it but none of those things have anything to do with truth they're all the sudden become justifications for you to be the same now you have no conviction for change so tomorrow's always yesterday and how long can you live there without getting bewildered discouraged or deceived come on how can we live in the same old mindset that we never flourished in and proclaimed him at the same time he changes your reason for being you see well the people around me don't seem to care it doesn't change anything about who he is in you yeah but my spouse doesn't want it doesn't change anything stop preaching at your spouse just walk in love and shine lift change just be in fellowship with God and don't push the envelope and don't project and let your spouse see in time we don't like that phrase in time let your spouse see that you're changed and that Holy Spirit convict their heart don't you try to be holy spirit spouses of notorious tried to be Holy Spirit like a guy like me you'll be preaching and I'll be like I hope they're listening they might not even pray in tongues but they're trying it's crazy how we do that stuff that we get so focused on each other you've been a service like this and I'm speaking something you've been praying for your spouse to changing and you're like oh we're right then they're opening a gum wrapper and you're like spirit of destruction and the whole time you don't even realize everything I'm saying is for you plus you don't even realize you're letting where they're not decide where you are and your focus is their life come on it's just real see my smile the whole time hi you look so bright yeah man there's so many people that are mamas now too since I first came here you girls some of them weren't even yeah you did use a preaching all the time Genesis one everybody's getting married and having kids like non-stop turn to page so brother they got it talk about a passenger trying to grow a church he said we're in house they say transfer growth is in house good yeah just keep preaching Genesis 1 you got it you got it guys flip the pages so much good gospel you know what's so awesome about what we're talking about you'll never be as free as when you learn to not think for yourself but think for his name and for others it's the freest place you'll ever live if he races self consciousness fear a man insecurity identity crisis he races everything that we've all fought with it some level we've all fought with this stuff at some level some more than others some were expressed some more subtle but we've all been focused on herself from the time we were little we needed honor appreciated stability we needed approval and a lot of us didn't get those things at a very young age so then the fact that we didn't have those things began to dictate our lives in fashion us a certain way so we became a product of our lives instead of his life and by a very young age you were nothing more than however you turned out through however you've responded through whatever you went through because we all had great need because we were all born into a life without an identity you were finding yourself along the way but the tragedy is that the person you found wasn't even you was however you responded to whatever was when you find yourself in him everything changes that's why he says stuff like out of darkness into light that's why he takes you out of the world right you're in the world but you're not of the world it's so beautiful so all the sudden I wake up every day as a Christian and I realize man my life's not my own I didn't wake up for me it's not just how God can do something for me today it's not about him blessing me or making my seas calm it's I don't even think that way anymore it's about shining it's about walking in love it's about being a legitimate Christian a little christ-like one that in the course of life I make him known without trying so hard because when I've been alone with him I've been changed so I'm not projecting it's who we are you get what I'm saying come on guys we can live this way frustration contentions arguments animosity the stuff that happens sometimes in our homes because we get familiar with each other it can go away I'm telling you it can go away because it takes one to start that process takes two to tango takes one to make peace come on some of us even fought with God against God some of us grew up angry some of us were mad at God because so-and-so died I mean there was a lot of stuff going on just in this room in our backgrounds and if God would have entered the equation to tango and well we're knocked out no he's a peacemaker he came to make peace through the blood of his son so while we were yet sinners he sent his son you're gonna try to tell me he's not good while we were yet sinners he sent his son you're gonna tell me he's not good he said for God so aren't you glad it says that don't you go ahead doesn't say for God was so antagonized frustrated and that wit's end with humanity he finally sent his son that's a different picture but he so loved doesn't seek its own love takes no account of the wrong done to it then why are we hurt as Christians because we don't understand what it means to deny ourself and live for the glory of his name somehow were still living for ourselves in his name come on love takes no account of the wrong dawn keeps no record of the wrong done to it why are we legitimately hurt then and if you preach this stuff then all the sudden you're not being real you show me Jesus hurt you ever see Jesus just sitting on the Mount of Olives Salkin you sit in just one morning just sitting up on the Mount of Olives on a rock at daylight Peter walks over to him Lord what's the matter I just I feeling it Peter I just ain't feelin man yesterday was hard for me but I mean all them people we healed in Capernaum why me yet I mean it was cool yeah but but they just don't get it they won't repent they're needy when a fetter they just came back and found me on the other side cuz they just wanted more food they they don't care what I'm saying and they could care less they just want what they can get out of me and I don't know Peter I don't know if you ever away but I just feel so used sometimes I feel so I don't know is you should trouble oh hey John yeah no no you're not doing that today I'm on you today John yeah so you guys never read that scripture you never saw that in your Bible because he never was that and never will be that why because he's Jesus because he's loved don't miss it don't make him a special man what makes him special sees love of course he's got almighty omnipotent I get all that but what's amazing is he's loved that's why we have access he could be all-powerful and not be loved now he's just some wicked ruler he's all-powerful in his love that's mind boggling throwing up all our little sitcoms a little cartoon things all that I always talk about this is because I remember this maybe I'm the only guy that saw these little cartoons but it was always this little sinister guy he usually had a big head big head that looked like a light bulb with a nose and a tiny little body and he always went a little do you ever see those little cartoons there's a little sinister guy trying to get all the power and rules but it wasn't cuz he was love for God so love so he came and he forgave me of everything I've ever done and he looks at me as if I've never sinned a lot of Christians don't get that he justified me through the blood just as if I'd never sinned come on if you're forgiven how can it be as if you sinned if you're righteous how can it be unrighteous if he forgave me of all my sin and cleanse me of all where does that leave me righteous clean free Colossians one holy blameless above reproach come on this isn't blasphemy it's not my fault it's how he sees me through the blood cuz the goodness of God leads man to change you see brother you know about love it's about judgment you show me where judgment transforms lives and the people that quote that all the time I mean when they're saying it and don't know Jesus very well you can't know him and be mean it's impossible to know Jesus and be mean you say brother that's too hardcore no it's first John four its first John 4:8 if you don't love you don't know him and love isn't selfish and doesn't seek its own didn't say you don't go to church serving a ministry feed the hungry feed the poor or go on a mission trip but it did say if you don't love one reason not to one not to 1 you don't know it like you could not talking about need for Savior not talking about forgiveness of your sins not saying whether you're going to heaven or hell not even in my mind I just know that scripture point-blank says if I don't walk in love it's cuz I don't know him like I could which means it's impossible to know him and not be transformed by him jesus said in John 17:3 and this is eternal life that every man prays the spirit confesses his sin to get his name in a book called life before he dies that's not what he said he said and this is eternal life that you might know him it's a heart knowing it's an experience or understanding knowing it so it's not a gnosis knowing it's not one plus one is two it should know him this is eternal life that you everybody invited that you then we get complicated well except you know and predestined predetermined in the elective unit isn't it amazing other people that preach election always believe they're the elect it's so self-righteous proud and presumptuous it's unbelievable yeah yeah go but see you can't be mad at that stuff you cry over that stuff your heart doesn't go oh what a bunch of knuckleheads when you know Jesus that changes in you so you say well brother that gets me cuz I still think you not go ahead sometimes okay so you catch yourself thinking that it's not about failure it's not about condemnation it's not about you're not for real it's about grow up into him so when you take permission away from yourself to live there that's when you'll see grace start changing you when you catch yourself in that place and say man where do I assume the right to mark a man with that kind of label if God came and looked at me and said you knucklehead I'm done what he had a right to cause a knucklehead Muro do you think I would have had a legitimate opportunity to cause knuckleheads do you think Dylan I think but he never called us that through his son he calls us sons because this beloved he calls the Saints he calls this holy blameless above reproach that doesn't sound like a knuckle head doesn't sound like I rub God so wrong that I got under his skin well brother you got to get out get out of denial get real I mean there is some people brother that get on your nerves why don't you get new nerves see because your idea is just waiting for everybody to change to line up to your preference so you make your preference Lord that is self righteous now all of a sudden everybody has to fit your world no wonder people feel lonely that's a lonely place to live it's called control what's called manipulation it's called unrighteousness I'm smiling the whole time you can't even hear this stuff and not hear it I can feel it in the room you can't hear this and not hear it is transformed your life i i think i'm june i'll be saved 24 years it's been so fun like fun yeah i'm happy about that it's a blur it's a flash my hair is a lot rider i don't even know what's going on with all that just the more i pray and read it just changes I'm calling it wisdom I'm 57 I don't know where time went save 24 years booms flash but what a fun 24 years men did everything go the way I ordered and wished and hope men not probably hardly none of it being honest probably hardly none of it non-stop challenges non-stop people doing things she didn't think they'd ever did non-stop whose life doesn't look like that I'm not safe for everything to go smooth and safe to shine and be more like him when things don't go smooth many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all why because he gave us a new perspective he gave us a new understanding he took away the biggest problem than every one of our lives us living for us they're all said they can wake up for his great name and live and honor in integrity and look in the mirror when nobody's looking and actually feel good about what I see in that mirror no secrets no regrets no condemnation no looking away no looking down just smiling and it's not vanity yeah mercy I feel that seekers I live with me I know exactly what I'm talking about I'm gonna go to bed with me tonight I'm gonna wake up look in the mirror it's gonna be me it's gonna be another awesome day and a turkey will die I have really talked about chilling the turkey aim I have no compassion they're not people they're there in Pride and they're not people so I can't even pray for him with mercy if it was a person I would just pray for him and cry if it's a turkey I just shooed Chani people he turkeys good what am i doing pray for me but there's some trifle Birds know be real with me mark Matthew 16 if any man come after me Lane first to know himself I don't know that we preached that I think we try to get everybody in heaven I think we try to get everybody to nod their head and pray a prayer that we've come up with and get everybody to believe they're going to heaven when they pass instead of get rid of the biggest problem we've all had waking up for yourself when you're made for His image you're made for his likeness you're made to live in him you know how many people commit suicide just in our generation it's probably astronomical the numbers just in our generation I've committed suicide you know what's so tragic about it you get tricked and deceived into taking something that's not even yours and we're so sure it's ours but like well it's my life I'll do with it one way it's never your life friend it was always his life in you from the beginning read your Bible it was always his life in you and life apart from him is so twisted up that people take responsibility and privilege for their own life that's why abortion is a big sting with the border roads my life I'll do with my where's my baby it's my life I never was your life friend in fact the right to conceive as a gift and came from the Lord just to wake up every days mercy mercy wakes you up every day to give you one more day to look more like in mercy every day to have one more day to be like your father and guys we would grow up in a wisdom that found reasons to complain be discouraged be upset be frustrated have issues come on I'm not being mean I'm just talking real and I'm saying man what if we just get back to this thing and say wait a minute this is why he came this is why I'm in him this is why he's in me I'm going after this Holy Spirit seal this thing in me and then you keep yourself disciplined you stay in prayer you keep studying show yourself to prove till you actually start believing what you're surrendering to see a lot of people think a lot of people think that a lot of a lot of preaching on freedom is exceeds what we've done we've studied a fallen man and we have psychology and we have all the study on a follow man we have personality types we're studying a fallen man and saying this is us so when we get thrown into a situation we believe we already know through life live how we're supposed to be because that's how everybody else would be but you're studying a fallen man so if Jesus through his word can change the Y in your life the perspective and the motive then all the sudden you don't respond the way you always did because you're changed and then people that don't understand that look at that and think you're not being real because they know they wouldn't be that if they were in your situation so what they're doing is they're saying the way they would be is truth aid that song and when I read my Bible I'm telling you it's like I can live changed did you did you ever realize this do you ever think of this stuff I sit and think of this stuff it's like I think he gets me to think of it it's like I don't know the first time I saw this I was like whoa and then people would say this to me my whole Christian life because of the stuff I preach they'll say well brother you got to get ruined some things I mean God gave us emotions you make it selling tonight and supposed to have emotions no I have tons of emotions you can tell when I preach I have tons of emotions but they're all channeled through truth they're all coming through a perspective that's not unhealthy and my emotions are never at the cost of another person they never robbed you of your identity and never a fringe over on your identity I'm passionate about topics I'm passionate about things I get on fire about things I get I feel are like not towards people towards things sometimes I'm like a freight train of emotions but I believe my emotions are channel through Truth and selfless living so they're not negative emotions watch this people say what God gave us emotions don't you give him credit for what we grew up with Adam gave you those emotions you were born into Adam you learned them in an unborn again live you have to get born again now let me just bear with me this isn't deep to happy you'll be able to get this from the time you can remember it was all about you you were the priority that's why you were angry before you could speak English well if love takes no account of a suffered wrong then why are you angry because when not love were self-centered we were created to be loved but we became self-centered through sin we got caught off from the source of love became in need of love so instead of being loved we need love so instead of getting it from where we need it we try to get it everywhere else yes good reach that's how I feel all the time I just can't like you know I live with me this gospel changed my life you'd say oh you're bearing witness of yourself well I guess I am cuz I live with myself I know this I've been on both sides of this thing and the more you learn through prayer receive grace to live selfless you can't even really describe the freedom and then you can't hardly even talk about it related because everybody's comparing ourselves among themselves and we make our experience Lord instead of him and all the sudden we're not even following him we're following ourselves and trying to align his word to us instead of let his word change us do you know how many people in the church have trouble when people are going through a crisis and they're okay if he's unmovable and unshakeable and he called us to be unmovable unshakable and have grace so we can stand then what's wrong with standing like when my momma died do you think there's enough physical loss I'm left to nine physical loss I'm not I'm not like saying so my mom died hey no we don't matter no you you you you there's physical loss you can't hug your mother anymore in the flash I'm never gonna look in her eyeballs again as a man on the earth I'm never gonna hear her voice again on the earth she's never gonna be out her chair on a holiday I get that it's real but there's something I get a whole lot more that if it wasn't for the blood of Jesus it's a done flat-out loss and from ashes to ashes and dust to dust but now she's with the Lord she's in the presence of the Lord like she's an eternal victory and the worst I have is a temporal moment of time where I don't have my physical mother on the earth but I'm gonna live forever and ever and ever and ever and the presence Lord she'll be there and I'm gonna let this little temporal time blob me walk in the light and shiny no friend I'm not you're not gonna talk me into depression you're not gonna talk me into cross tears you're not gonna get me to hang up pictures and cry every anniversary you're not because I'm free yeah not smiling anymore because you're not now I'm smile serious people are getting robbed by this stuff and then that life decide who they are and how they are instead of the giver of it and it's because we're not wrapping faith around a bigger picture and we're not seeing what Pastor Royce that we're not seeing life as a gift to where we live it out in him and we get he said we get to live this life come on that's different than just prayin for a bunch of stuff living this life is different than praying for a bunch of stuff yeah yeah man I'm glad you all came you really did jump we pulled up miss patty said oh I was nervous because they didn't realize they didn't open the doors yet I saw them people I thought they were already everybody was already in here and they couldn't get in nicely he said no they didn't open the doors yet I said oh thank you Jesus got nervous for you then you come out in the open grass and just preach out from you know honestly all joking aside it excites my heart when I see hunger like that when I went up when I like when I'm preaching right now you might not know what I perceive I'm up here I'm I'm in the anointing I walk in I'm in the grace that I understand you can perceive hearts soaking up the things that are being said in this room which just humbles me and excites me beyond what I could probably explain that people want this gospel they don't just want save to go to heaven they don't just want blessings they want to live free they want to have an impact they're tired of being miserable and angry and frustrated having a reason to be mad see the word when we say God didn't give us the emotions we grew up with it's true Adam gave them because we got self-centered through Adam so so all your emotions flowed out of a self-centered well sprint you know I don't teach this stuff from the pulpit much because people just they critique there's some people just sit and listen for just one thing they don't agree with and then go crazy over that one thing so I'm gonna do it right now and just get a thousand emails by December's I'm just not worried right now we always say Jesus couldn't sin concede was God but I have trouble with just that comment because what it does is it always gives us permission to sin and then we can't even talk about it cuz we say what are you saying are you perfect well nobody's perfect brother what are you saying you're perfect and we can't even talk about it without freaking out and reacting to no what I'm saying is Jesus came and denied himself and made himself of no reputation had be empowered by God he came as a man yes he was the son of God but he came as a man he didn't defeat the devil as God he defeated the devil as a man empowered by God extremely scriptural accent thirty-eight how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth that's man that's a man Jesus of Nazareth if he came as God he wouldn't need anointing with a Holy Ghost in power who went around doing good yeah and healing all Jesus was selfless completely selfless there's not one sin on the earth that was ever committed that didn't hinge to self do you see why he said deny yourself it's the problem it's not your neighbor it's not your spouse I see your spouse too and I don't feel like you towards them I'm crying for them why are you crying for you I'm having so much fun you guys take it so well you really do you're so fine you guys take it great Jesus was selfless sin has no birthplace and selfless if you don't seek your own and take no account of a suffer wrong where does sin have a birthplace where does it have a platform see brother you're freaking me out but see it seems like you're trying to say in a code you know like you're not sinning I'll tell you the wrong truth I don't even think about sin and if it would be something in my life it's very hard to talk about because people want to crucify you and can't hear what you're saying because they're so sin conscious that they get like a cat in the corner when you talk like this because they'll leave here and look at something they know isn't profitable and then they get lolled to sleep and of conscience straight out and then they preach a grace message that allows them to stay there and still be so when you talk like this people get nervous Romans 6 says I should reckon myself dead indeed to sin but alive unto God and how can I reckon myself dead to sin and still boast in my ability to commit it how can I reckon myself dead to sin and still keep feeling the need to talk about it and how much that I always am doing it maybe I'm even sinning right now and don't realize it well people talk like that I just had a lady do it with me she went through the hole she was taught that her whole life so she went through the hole and she said brother we're all sinning right now like we're just not sensitized to the Spirit enough so we probably have sin in our thoughts right now we're like literally sinning all the time and aren't aware of it the Bible doesn't teach that the Bible said he that knows to do right and doesn't to him at his sin it's not talking about unconscious stuff come on that's their complicated thing because then people keep an identity of sin and then they don't ever address their life and get a picture of their life transformed and changed wonder if you woke up every day every day just woke up you and me every day we just woke up and sincerely had a communion time in the Lord with the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit I so appreciate you in my life father thank you for another day what a gift right Roy what a gift to live this thing that you created me for and I just thank you today man with all my heart I believe this and I asked you to make this so real put definition to it and keep me in line in this thing that nobody owes me a thing today god I woke up to shine even my spouse I just woke up to love nobody owes me a thing I'm not gonna let anything around me decide my disposition because you've already settled that thing god I thank you there's joy in my heart unspeakable I'm coming after you and I thank you you're gonna reveal yourself through my life without me trying thank you for another day that would send you to screw that would send you to work that would send you to the all in a whole different place people went tick you off bother you get on your nerves cuz you got new all that stuff yeah people say well you got a net brother some people just rub you wrong you tell Jesus that and you see what he says cuz I'm not gonna fight with you over you you try to sell that to Jesus well brother you got to admit people some people are just cured man a bit flat out bother you man come on get real brother you try to sell that to Jesus forgive him father they know not what they do except that one idiot over there he's been bugging me since the day John proclaimed me he's been in every crowd I think he's just there to torment me please make him suffer hard see see when you put those kind of thoughts in Jesus's mouth it sounds ridiculous so it ought to sound ridiculous in ours were made for His image and as he is so are in this world right here right now in fact I'm just gonna close with that I am who laughed at me like I'm not closed who was that that was a loud unbelief laughs I don't blame you one bit I don't even believe that stuff when I say it I just say it cuz I mean well first John for you won't look at first John for this would be awesome can we look at first John for oh my first John fors first John 3 it's amazing see I got my Bible color-coded it's my own little childlike color code but I'll get everything Green is loved looking yeah whoa so we probably ought to read this Wow see Jesus paid for our transformation you see how the chapter starts beloved don't believe every spirit but test the spirits that doesn't mean you're looking at something go well yeah just giddy about everybody just yeah test the spirits whether they are of God because many false prophets have gone out into the world now watch by this you know the Spirit of God let's see there's people that fight over this people in church leaders fight over this right here every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God why is that the barometer to test the spirit is it up there why is that the barometer to test the spirit whether it's of God or not that it confesses Jesus came in the flesh why isn't it that Jesus is Lord that Jesus is the Son of God why isn't more spiritual why is the barometer that Jesus came in the flesh because the lying spirits the things that don't want to acknowledge his thing don't want you and me to ever see what was accomplished through his flesh and what we've become because of it doesn't want us to ever step in to the finished work just pay homage to him and bless our food and now I lay me down to sleep and ya test the spirits not only spirits of the Lord and the spirit that doesn't acknowledge Jesus came in the flesh it doesn't make much of that why why I added to make much of it because you can't know that without making much of it why because it's the whole reason he came yeah like here's what I understand at this point I was taught my whole life in church he died on the cross because I'm a sinner and he has to forgive me if I'm going to go to heaven and for some reason he wants me to go to heaven so he had to send his son to die so I could be forgiven and someday go to heaven I don't know about you that's the gospel I grew up with still mad at each other still beat up my brother cuz I was younger but bigger and I thought that made me better and still yelled at my parents when I got older and I still had all my issues and I was still not changed it just left me a forgiving sinner but here's what the gospel taught me he didn't die on the cross because I'm a sinner he had to die because sin cost his life but the reason he died was to give me new life to get the lie off of me to restore me back to the beginning and redeem me through his blood now nobody ever taught me that nobody ever taught me that his Spirit would come in me and he could change my nature my motives my perspective my reason for beating nobody ever told me I could walk in the light as he's in the light they just said I'll always be the same and for some reason he loves me because he's loved no I get it now because now I have the ability to love you because this revelation is so in me now I see why he loves me he doesn't see me for where I've been and what I've done he sees me for my potential my created value my purpose he sees me for why he put man on the earth and he never lost sight of that truth and paid a price to restore it nobody ever taught me that Holy Spirit had to teach me out in the bedroom and then you come out of bedroom teaching it people look at you cross-eyed but I realized the people that didn't believe that weren't free and they sure could preach a sermon a Bible they sermon but boy they had their issues and I've seen countless people leave in churches fight mad at pastors pastors mad at people sleeping with folks messing around lie in saving face covering up things I've seen it all right in the center of the church and it showed me that we don't understand why he came because if we understood this truth those things can't be can't be because the truth Thank You frame yeah come on I know that straight pointed in challenging its own purpose don't you sell cheap when you're not for sale you've been bought with a price you're not your own yeah it's not Christ incorporated it's Christ in here I was in Alabama preaching like this years ago a young man was driving home from the service and he was shook he was just sitting back you know how people are funny but people come in and they're determined not to listen because somebody said you need to come and they're just coming because there's possible you need to just come so they're like well I'll come fine I'm listening I'm so not threatened by that I love you do you get it but you don't owe me anything you don't owe me your attention I'm fascinated you're all here you know what I mean people say well do you ever feel resisted like how was the atmosphere I think pay attention I'm having the time of my life I think I'm not looking around to see who's not receiving it's not on a seed sower you've given me a mic I'm just [Applause] getting it in the back then where they say the anointing it is strong but I don't believe that because we're not going to a church I sit back your seed sower the kingdom of gods if a man scatters seed it's not the kingdom of gods if a man is so clear and so calculated that the anointing in his life is so amazing that everybody falls on their knees and praises the Lord I'm preaching so good your seed sower if you don't so nothing's gonna grow you sow seed you sow seed in your family in your workplace you sow seed everywhere you go somebody comes along and what is that thing you don't even realize what's going on somebody rips something where they didn't even show I read this stuff in the Bible but somebody will just leap somebody's life somebody I'll get burning Internet and then we call them an evangelist than they do conferences well the only reason they read this cuz somebody's son and it wasn't even then that saved him God gives the increase so we are all just labor together rejoice together cuz some so some water summary where they have it even some so you ought to get your seed bagful and get real wet being I say a Christian where God fills the thirsty and floods the dry ground and then you just start pouring seed and pouring water and since you do that you go to bed at night and wake up and go well that's just the c2c y'all by itself oh so I've see people that come to service sometime and they are set on I mean you see it sometimes the Lord even lets me see it sometime I don't try to figure it out as most time it skies maybe like but it's so funny how that never stays there cuz they can tell I'm not being mean I'm not trying to set them straight some people say you're funny if I tried to be funny I wouldn't be funny I don't even know how I ever got funny people say you're funny I don't even know what's going on with that but I watch and change i watch their hearts change I want because you can't hear not hear because it's not empower Balazs it's too simple it's clear and the heart precedes the hearts get challenged but that person could leave and even be like whatever and leave but you're so excited because people were here and I'm so honored to be in this position I don't need to be up here I'll minister through my life no matter what but what an honor to stand here and believe you have something to say in the Lord and now Holy Spirit has a voice in everything that was said in that individual that that individual could be laying on their bed tonight and just those thoughts running through two days from now come back they could be in the middle of sleep and wake up my face will be right there who'd be so also make if he just chewing out their spouse and all of a sudden here's something that they heard tonight they could be done chewing him out walk away and get the whole way through the house and Holy Spirit's boom they could ignore it oh yeah but she deserved it he deserved it and then get in the bathroom and next thing you know they're in the bathroom with the door closed just crying because they understand they're out of control and they have a different thing going on on the inside you got an option now I'm telling you I get these testimonies they sound like fairy tales people say I found you on YouTube and I was so mean and so miserable my marriage was over and I started getting convicted I was listening to you and next thing you know I couldn't even be mad anymore without thinking about it that I got out of that and God changed my life and I'm thinking that's the gospel somehow we got the idea we just go to church and life's the way it is for everybody you know whatever but how do you [Music] you're not supposed to do good Church is supposed to be good check in fact if people can't see him in your life they don't want what you say like anybody watch I love you mean anybody can be angry and having attitude and issues that doesn't make you special that makes you like everybody that doesn't know God what makes you special is when you walk like him when you understand forgive them father they don't know what they're doing if they really knew they wouldn't be doing that if they really saw they wouldn't be saying that stuff and all sudden you hurt for them instead of hurt because of them and now you realize you've grown and all of a sudden you're not even trying to be okay you just can't see any different because you've been with him yeah see that's got mayor standing up right there ooh so see this isn't my fault he gets all the blame he's guilty he's guilty of changing lives we should just be guilty of believing him so when we stand before God our guilty verdict should be you believe me you are guilty of being a believer because of heaven Mark's me as a believer everything's gonna be in place o believer what believe that he just loves you and wants to take you to heaven no I believe he wants to live in me and shine for me and you love not your own life unto death and you endure hardship is a good soldier and anyone enlisted no longer entangles himself with the affairs of this life this is a brief moment a brief moment of light affliction when you compare it see that's not denial a brief moment of light affliction when you compare it to the eternal weight of his glory when he comes probably ought to live for that day instead of letting this one decide you sounds like faith to me man that's too solid I gotta finish I said first John four and the ladies got me all whoever she was it's her fault now I just know it's definitely not her fault I've been here before verse seven beloved let us love one another first John 4:7 beloved let us love one another for lovers of God and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God and verse eight he doesn't say born of God he just says you don't know God you say well that's because he's saying you're not even saved well I don't even need to talk that one over with you here's what I know he is saying he who does not love does not know God he didn't say you don't go to church he didn't say you don't pastor he didn't say you don't serve in the ministry he didn't say you don't sing on the worship team but he did say if you don't love you don't know God why is he saying that because it's not about what we do for him it's about what we become because of him he said he doesn't call his servants he calls his friends you don't serve in a worship team to please his heart you walk in love because he paid for that yeah and when you walk in love and sing on the worship team Kabang that's a whole nother realm [Music] when you walk in love and minister when you walk in love and feed the hungry when you walk in love and go on a mission trip hold another realm because if you're not walking in love you'll let the things you do for him take the place of knowing him and what you do for him will have your identity instead of his life and you'll get puffed up and knowledge to puff you up and you'll get proud you'll say well I did this and I did that and I did this well I go here why if three times a week I heavens gonna look at did you laugh you say well I had to love if I did these things noriko in themes 13 first Corinthians 13 says she gave him all knowledge not some all all knowledge of all mysteries you have faith to move all mountains which means all faith well guys that's the closest thing to Jesus we've ever seen that's an icon that's a spiritual icon man that's the keynote speaker at the world conference all knowledge all mysteries all faith all mountains we all want importation from that days and he said if he doesn't have love or she doesn't have love they've missed the point and got nothing and then it says you can give your buy all your goods to the poor and your body to be burned well why would you give all your goods to the poor in your body to be burned if it wasn't love to make a name for yourself for people to esteem you to mark people's hearts for your sake because you could give all your goods to the poor now they'll get your goods and you'll give your body to be burned if you don't have love you got absolutely nothing ain't that something 1st Timothy 1:5 the goal of our instruction the purpose the commandment is love the finished work of Christ is not paid in full when a man prays a prayer to go to heaven the finished work of Christ is paid in full when his nature's restored back to life that's the glory of his inheritance not yours his his inheritance in the Saints his deposit has reaped great dividends one son many sons to get it the finished work of Christ is not paid in full when a man prays a prayer to God heaven it's when his nature's are stored back to love we've just tried to get in the book here's our here's our average article in America if you leave here and get hit a tree on the way home and die and don't know where you're going raise your hands so you can pray that's our average article we're trying to get people to respond to a prayer we came up with called the sinner's prayer to make it easier I'm not against the sinner's prayer and I'm not against your name in the book of life I think that's incredible but please tell people the story so that they can become you can pray a prayer to go to heaven in case you hit a tree on the way home you can be mad at your boss tomorrow you could scream at your wife before bad come on guys you saying you never scream at your wife I can hardly even talk about my life anymore people are like would if you ever bump into my wife you ask her if I ever screamed at her in 24 years I don't know how to I love her and it's because I'm in him and I love him you say well brother yeah I'm condemned by that be challenged and encouraged don't leave here and say boy I got a long way to go no leave here and say man I got light on the trail I got somewhere to go I need to raise the bar I need to stop calling what is normal because if it ain't producing life it can't be God I found in Scripture the wrath of man never produces the righteousness of God and he rules his kingdom with the scepter of righteousness and the wrath of man never produces the righteousness of God look how we've held on to permission to have wrath and the last thing you want is God to have it why do we want to receive from him what we're not willing to become through him Matthew 18 calls that an evil and wicked servant that wants what God is towards him and doesn't want to become what God is towards others it says that man is bound tormented and in darkness Matthew 18 it's there you can read it okay I'm trying to finish I'll be done here in a couple minutes don't laugh couple minutes is two in Jesus Heath two ish he who does not love does not know God for god is love Wow I so encourage you guys that's telling me that I can't have relationship with him intimacy with him without him influencing my life to the degree that he begins to mold me and shape me after who he is if that's not a picture of grace so watch this in this the love of God was made known towards us or manifested towards us it means to made known seen revealed that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world see the measuring stick of God loving you as Christ crucified not your circumstances God loving me isn't tested by my mama died God's love towards me isn't tested by getting laid off at work God's love is already settled by Christ being crucified if that wasn't true how could you ever get rooted and grounded in his love if his love was always up on the chopping block to be questioned through life how could you ever have faith working through love you see or me you'd be reduced to being driven by need the watch is that that God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through him this stuff is in your Bible disease it's not up there but it's in your Bible in this is love in this is love not that we loved God but that he loved us now I understand why that message was talked to me the whole time I was growing up because it never let me see his first love that made me wonder about it and confused and asked more questions than I ever had answers because why would he love me why does he care why's he want me in heaven nobody taught me purpose here's the deal if you don't preach the gospel in a way that causes men to see God's love how will they ever love him because of that scripture if you don't see his first love that best you'll feel indebted to him and you'll feel like you have to serve him or you owe him and then you won't feel like you're measuring up to your service but when you see his first love and you love them because you love him you obey Him you don't obey Him to prove you love him you love him and obey Him you obey Him because you love him come on that's simple he says if you love me you obey me he's not saying it if you love me you obey me that's how we hear it he loved us first not that we first liked him and he sent his son to show us mercy through his son that's what propitiation means beloved if God watch this this is so in our Bibles beloved if God so loved us we also ought to love one another that should every counseling appointment right there who's a leader who's a pastor outside arroyos ever done counseling or counseling province in this room anybody yeah let me see your hands raise them there's a bunch Wow look at you keep your hands up let me look at your faces tell me if I'm telling the truth or if this is an overstatement a high 90 some percent of counseling is people having trouble with people people struggling with people you know what that proves we don't understand the gospel like we sing because how can you have trouble with all these people when you know who you are through him and know who he is through you all the sudden people aren't even your problem you have an answer yeah see how quick my counseling appointments are I need to talk to you pastor I'm really hurt why are you hurt we need to talk about not being hurt well give real everybody gets hurt brother well maybe we want to look at some scripture and talk about relationship and talk about perspective change and see if that's still true what we've done and all sudden I don't even talk about who did what because if I could change their view of it all sudden they realize they don't even have an uh need for an appointment because all their appointment is saying is I can't be okay until they change guess what they're doing now they're making them the lord of their life and don't even realize it so now their whole life is governed by an individual that's not Jesus and they let what they don't see decide what they do see you see I am trying to finish though right [Music] beloved if God loved us shouldn't we just love one another I'm thinking the answers yes love is not seeking its own no account of the wrong done to it it's kind its patient you know there's a joke in the church don't break for patience brother God will give it to you well you when you're praying for patients what you're saying is I'm not perfected in love I'm not formed in love because the first thing love is is patient I'm just short on patience no you haven't informed in love so people have lines in your life they can cross there's chips here they get knocked off you take them lines away get them chips off and you'll be good yeah no one has seen God at any time if we love one another god abides in US and his love has been perfected in us by this we know that we abide in him and he in us it's not our confession see he has given of his spirit and we have seen and testified that the father has sent the son as savior of the world whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God God abides in him and he in God watch and we have known and believed the love that God has for us that's huge guys god is love and he who abides dwells remains in love abides dwells remains in God and God in him now watch this this is amazing love has been perfected among us in this this is amazing that we may have boldness boldness in the day of judgment you know the day of judgment doesn't look like a day when men have boldness if you read scripture scripture calls it a day of darkness a day of doom a day of gloom it says men will cry and despair they'll cry out for rocks and trees to fall on them and consume them at least they face the glory of who he is the day of judgment does not sound like a cool day it's actually called the day of darkness like the day of gloom like dread and terror a day of terror you can find that in your life and you can have boldness in that day how because as he is he just talked for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 verses straight on God being love it's all green 11 verses because as he is he is well loved as he is so are you'll have boldness in that day cuz as he is so are you when he comes he'll see who he is in you and it'll mark you the same and you'll have boldness because you've walked in love you'll have all you don't have you don't have to fear from his presence you'll just reverence him because you already have with your life there is no fear in love for perfect love casts out fear you just talk about that day right there he's talking about the fear of judgment in torment that's why you have boldness because you're walking in love and there's no fear in love perfect love it's cast out all fear why it's not self-centered self-serving you're not seeking anything for yourself you fear in him his name and love and others it's just amazing because fear involves torment but he who fears has not been perfected in love see we must understand that scripture a lot of times no read in context we just think if you fight with a feeling of fear or somebody goes boo and you go out that you haven't been perfected in love and then he nails something down in verse 19 in this we're all close we love him why do we love him because he first loved us listen when you minister Jesus to somebody you got to make sure that you show him why he loves you and how He loves you and what his love is he's revealed last on my darkest day he didn't lose sight of who I was he never changed his mind about me I didn't have the ability to change his mind because God is steadfast in Iraq no turning no shifting a shadow so he wooed me when sin abounded grace came greater he came into me overtook me save me from my called me out of darkness into light put his life inside of me and then said I've changed you you're now the light of the world so walk in the light yeah let your light so before so they see your life and go wow there is a God says nobody nobody lights a lamp and then puts a bushel of rain so guess why you're born again you're born again to shine so anything that keeps you from shining is a strategy of deception any reason you have for not shiny you need to relook at that time because she let her light so shine I did a conference months ago it was called the champions or something becoming champions and I had him look up on their phone some champion definitions and I said I'm looking for a definition I don't even know what it is but I'll know it when I hear it somebody said read a tacit note that's man that's a good one though but I said and somebody said someone that has overcome every obstacle I like that's what I'm looking for right there I sprung off that one phrase and preached the whole thing a champion are we more than conquerors aren't we over comers we overcome every obstacle yeah how can you do that by walking in the light as he's in the lap your goal is letting your light so shine not having everything go the way you hope how come we get laid off and live laid off why do we get betrayed and live betray from the night he was betrayed he's passed and bread and cup and given his life he said follow me on the night were portrayed were calling a friend crying telling all the details pulling their sentiment into it that's pretty I like that I just flat-out like you that's the problem right there ever since I first came here I have had the problem of liking this is not a problem gave me a CD a long time go to somebody did but it's you sing and I play I wouldn't tell you that if I did you're on that picture too it's all of you the whole crew it's good yeah just keep strumming that thing hey guys no seriously like this is the anointing moment this is the end of the service it's like when God actually comes and does stuff right no he's always stealing stuff I honestly I felt like in my heart for the last I believe in the for the last bunch of years for the strongest importations in my life is just Ministry of the word just to speak the word in a way that a child could understand it goes right into the heart just won't tell you what hymn playing so beautiful like that like we can live this life so I just like kind of passed you the ball like weird you know it's it's NCAA things there's a big tournament right now so I just passed you the ball you're breaking to the basket take the ball go man see what I'm saying don't don't pass it off score take the ball yeah and just say you know what I'm just rude in my own heart I'm gonna guard my own heart not other people's I'm gonna walk in the light I'm gonna pursue Jesus I'm gonna have a relationship and I'm gonna give him every bit of permission from within me to mold me and shake me and make me everything he paid for and I'm gonna be that thing and he saw from the beginning yeah that's for you to respond to now you let somebody else shut that off and you can let something else matter more than what really matters most and you get your mind on the earth and not seek you first the kingdom of God that's your privilege but it won't produce anything good a lot of people think life is a grind and tough and I'm telling you straight it's because you're not living it for why you're here the only reason life is a grind to people it's because I'm living it outside of grace because they're not waking up and living for what they're here for why would God empower you to go down a road you were never created to travel it's why it feels hard if he changes your perspective even in the hard trials you won't crash and burn because you'll have a different vision and it's never just about you and how you feel it's about his great name and the message you're sending to others and when you get that that's when you realize you're free and nobody can touch that freedom they can write about it gossip about it talk about it opinionated about it but nobody can touch that traitor so go for it cuz it's yours it was paid for he just wants your participation he want you all in he wants you to say yes so are you saying yes tonight I mean that I'm telling I'm willing to have an article like if you if you've never even been born again just saved that duh [Music] really that's repentance duh we only sing your Pence's I'm so sorry sometimes people do the boohoo I'm sorry because they don't see any answer true repentance a lot of times it's just job what was huh thank you see it's it's not that complicated so you'd be just sitting there go duh I mean serious tap the person beside you and say hey see this is a different auto call just you being real tap the person beside you say are you born again the special are you born again well yeah well I'm not did you pray with me that would be awesome listen if you haven't been living the way I'm preached I then preach this to you you're a pretty sweet so you say yes God it's not about where you've lived or have it lived it's about how you respond to what speech and it's about leaving here with vision it's about running the race worthy of the prize it's about not trawling back because when you draw back at certain destruction it's about continuing on go pray over you guys then we're gonna do something kinda quickly but it'll be fun father we just thank you tonight I'll thank you for all the people that are over there not overflow just acknowledge them right now and just guys you're in this thing too for sure just pray for grace over all these folks want that everything that was said would become such a reality become such our lives in you follow the freedom that I'm talking about all my goodness Lord that that freedom would just come into our hearts because of laid down lives that people would just weep and say this is freedom and this is good I just thank you that you erased the carrying of care anxiety discouragement worry and all the stuff that we've written in as normal Lord would you change that in us by causing us to wake up with a different life a different mode of a different reason God in our marriage installed please Lord don't let us just without conviction continue to just live from one another like trying to get something from each other lord teach us what it means to lay down our lives to honor one another to value one another and bring out the best in each other Kyle don't let us live another day truly needy to know the love of Christ be filled with who you are in every way let it be a resume so I ask that grace on this room on every marriage on every individual on every soul Holy Spirit I ask you to come and empower this night in a way that brings fruit that brings change and like we use the illustration of leaving here and you having a voice let there be nowhere to run if we try let this revelation overtake us God and let the world around us eat the fruit of who you are I ask for that righteous fruit in this house and in our lives in Jesus name Amen amen [Music] yeah I want to do this this is lo after night I don't want to stay that long with all the kids in the sched Wednesday I have been a little sensitive to time I didn't even want to go past nine but uh let's do it this way Jesus won't mind at all I know he won't [Music] if you're sick in your body legitimately got a situation in your body or you need healing in any way just raise your hand and let us know where you're at right we're out just lift your hand please don't not participate don't say all this in a service thing you know nothing ever happens to me please don't do that raise your hand please if you're over in that other room raise your hand if you're in the overflow let people in the overflow see your hand raised please people in the overflow look around you guys look around if you're sitting near somebody their hand raised reach out tap on the shoulder say hey I'm believing with you right now look back and grab their hand so they might be hitting you from the front in the back that's alright don't smother I'm just tapping lightly don't smother but just get somebody just get somebody now I want you to pray right here in a second and just just we're not even asking anything right now just say be healed in Jesus name in a second and just believe that God brings wholeness to their life into their body do that in the overflow please make sure somebody's with somebody with their hand up and this belief called together I'm gonna pray don't always do it this way I just feel like we have grace to do this that God will come and just do sweet and beautiful things and when you leave here and you're rising you're setting down and you're waking tomorrow you'll realize man this is a direct result of being pray for this is amazing so we're gonna believe that can you believe that with me guys okay this isn't just like a religious thing that we're supposed to do cuz it's like gives some kind of hope this is what he paid for the redemption of people's lives so go ahead right now and just pray over in the overflow please pray right now say be healed in Jesus name be completely made home no more symptoms no more pain no more sickness in Jesus name complete wholeness complete healing all through this place Holy Spirit I ask you to come thank you yeah in Jesus name be home total Redemption in total restoration in the name of Jesus if you're being prayed for in your heart just thank God that he loves you believe he loves you or he did never send his son don't let the thing that you had that you raised your hand for distract you where his love's concerned he loves you where he wouldn't send his son in Jesus name thank you Father so thank him that he loves you be home be healed in Jesus name you say does anything ever really happen when you do this stuff real quick and pray like this oh my goodness it makes you try the girl that does me most for me because I get to me Muslim Sikh read emails on a computer I'm sorry I'm by him say well you should do and I'm a very personal guy I just don't real-time email so if you send me an email thinking I'm gonna read it you send me whether to make long wins I'm probably not yelling at see she reads them there's just too many but she said you have to read some of these so my pile gets really big like she actually prints them and sticks them in a mailbox for me and she she said you gotta read some of these she said I read them all and I just cried and I said well if you want to put a few in my few is turning into a stack of papers because she's like you gotta read over something but they do make you guys and it's just stuff that God does cuz he's good and it's stuff that people went right if it wasn't legit they're not asking for anything they're just tell him they're just telling I mean you have a young girl who's laying on her bed watching YouTube and she's 17 and she's been promiscuous and she has h HPV or whatever H yeah all right then I'll say the letters right right hey HPV no it's a herpes thing it's a yeah what is it no no HPV am i saying right it's a herpes thing yeah that's what she had and she said she's watching a thing on Redemption and if you sinned and if you did things in your life and you're sorry for it you wish you wouldn't it did it and you know better now if you could go back and redo it you would but you can't she's hearing this whole teaching well if God will never judge you for where you've been why is where you've been judging you and if he takes all things away and your new creation and old things especially I don't think she's hearing all this and she's crying and she says out on her bed god I am NOT that same girl I thought that girl and he just came all through her body she set up an appointment when all the herpes detection was gone out of her womb that's this one that's just one to me amazing huge test by the logo that's just one of so many reports that come to me through just simply preaching the gospel and trusting God will do these things it's really really good I just got pictures sent to me a guy in a little service like this that just we just did a little thing like this at the end had a golf-ball-sized tumor in his lung and he sent me the picture and then he sent a side picture in the front picture of his new pictures since he was prayed for and there's zero nothing in his chest one little six second ten second moment don't get frustrated at that get excited about these say well that didn't happen to me get excited about it let it be relational let faith not just be a point in time not a hope so in a moment let faith be the position of your heart to receive what he paid for and stay in that place yeah look I love you I think I'm done I'm gonna hunt turkeys tomorrow man and so pray for me I get this big giant turkey even if you don't like hunt and pray for me so uh no actually I I took traded I won't try to get a turkey that we didn't get the turkey but anyway we'll get one tomorrow you guys good we can live this life bunch of hug somebody meet somebody you got anything you want to say you want close out yeah Roy's gonna close out he's gonna give you like the benediction official
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 9,498
Rating: 4.8422937 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Power and Love
Id: 6y3ZVwCPVps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 22sec (5722 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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