Todd White - Fill up with the Truth

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certain books of the Bible a lot of people don't read I mean that I'm not saying everybody the real the real issue is certain books the real issue as if people rely upon a video or a pastor instead of their relationship with Jesus and honestly and so I sometimes like when you when you share a message like like last night or like this morning it seems like it's too strong like it's way too much this whoa like that's way too intense but the reality of it is is that all of this is alive everything in here is alive everything whether you're reading Isaiah whether you're reading proverbs whether you're reading Leviticus it's all alive we say that we love God and we we say that God's the most important part of our life but God and His Word he's magnified his word Psalms 138 verse 2 says that you O Lord have magnified your word above your own name and so if I'm gonna say that I love God and I'm gonna say that that's like as a Christian you would say that you love God you would say that God's love is the most important thing you cannot say that you love God unless you're loving the infallibility of his word I'm gonna say it again I cannot say and mean what I say that I really love God unless I'm going to say that I love the infallibility or the unfailing truth of his word you can't do it and honestly there's there's so many people that when you talk to them about certain sections of Scripture it's it's a challenge like I don't I don't know if I believe that but the world says that like the world says well it was a book written by men the church says this words alive if you're part of the church and you still believe that it's just a book written by men you're in big danger people are calling good evil and evil good and right now we're in a time in the church where there's there is so much weird stuff that's inside of the body of Christ we cannot afford to be swept away by what we think is twisted we have to be swept away by the love of God that's in Christ what I preached last night is normal Christianity when I got saved I got saved into normal your your see this guy that's talking to you couldn't read so for 34 years of my life I couldn't read I never read a book my whole life I'd never read because what I'd read I couldn't comprehend so if I would read a page in in school because I went through school just like everybody else goes through school but teachers push you through like you can get pushed through school and never read a book has anybody ever been in the place I'm talking about about reading but not being able to comprehend what you're reading like like you like studying for a book report was easier for me because I could find the answers I could plagiarize plagiarize means plagiarism is copying exactly what you read and making it yours when really someone else wrote it but the Bible is different see I can I can quote the word and not plagiarize it God wants my flesh to become the very word that I say I know Jesus was the Word made flesh that came and dwelt among people he was the active Word in action when you saw Jesus you saw the word walking and we are to be living epistles known and read by people because they see our life and it's the word walking and our flesh is to become the very word that we say we know so this this is the this this is the utmost property I just a priority that cycle continues in his word a disciple denies himself picks up his cross and follow him a disciple is one that is being discipled by the master so if I'm gonna make disciples I need to make disciples of him not of me this is so important because it's not so your pastor at your church isn't supposed to be your link to God your pastor at your church can feed the sheep now see sometimes when I say that we're like wow I've been hurt by pastors you're right he's not mine but that's not what I'm saying I'm not here to help you lick your church wounds I'm I'm here to help you get free from them look sometimes we let we get hurt at church and a lot of times it's because we don't know who we are so I'm at a church and the pastor didn't notice me he didn't put me in the ministry quick enough or I want to sing they won't put me on a platform and sometimes our motive is platform instead of Jesus it's not about me needing a pulpit and it's not about me needing a microphone it's about me needing relationship with God relationship with God isn't defined by a one time altar call relationship with God isn't defined by you telling people hey are you born again do you have a relationship with God but really not even have one yourself you can say that you have a relationship with God because you got born again but being born again was essential to unlock your potential but being born again is the essential starting place we must be born again born again means to be reef odd but if you got born again through an emotional response at an altar I'm not taking away from that that is the essential starting place but from here you have to get to here with truth in your hand for this truth to get here you cannot live by this you have to live by a constant communion where you allow the word to take its priority in your life it's not about books about the Bible it's about the word I love books but books can deceive you not all books man okay so for 34 years of my life I lived and I walked the earth just like everybody else does I never read a book and then when I got saved and went through all that stuff like with Bobby with my guitar player with living in hypocrisy I never opened the Bible cuz I couldn't read and when I opened it I felt like I didn't get anything out of it because I would read a scripture and my mind would be drifting into someplace where I shouldn't be so and then when I'd read something that would be convicting it was condemning because my life was out of order the word is conviction but if you're reading and you're condemned it's because you're living a twisted life that needs to be that needs to be transformed but the only way that a twisted life gets transformed is one repentance but repenting isn't just to change the way I think and to think a good thought repenting is I was facing this way I didn't know it I was in a immoral relationship that I had no idea was wrong God pricks my heart I change I changed the way I think but I can't walk this way for long until this thing sucks me back if I don't put truth in here that keeps me from ever going there it says don't be conformed to the world here I was conforming to the world hey they love you you love them you guys can sleep together it's okay and then all of a sudden like God comes and interrupts this with the real truth and says this is sin oh my gosh God you love me this is sin this is a violation to this love that I have okay now I'm gonna change the way I think like last night you come forward oh my gosh my life is messed up if you don't put truth in here Satan takes the word that you heard takes it from here that hit your heart stores it here and it has no power because you didn't act on it so now you're in the same relationship that you were you were convicted once then it becomes a thing and before long without you acting on what truth says what happens is you sear your conscience and you shipwreck your faith you sear your consciousness in other words your violin your conscience is violated here so u-turn here but if I don't take truth in here and feed myself with the very bread that came down from heaven Jesus I will feed myself with this which doesn't provide nutrients that just provides fulfillment of lust you guys all right I just want to try to break this down in a way where it's not such a harsh word but if you see if you taste and see that he is good this won't be cake and eat it too you won't want cake anymore because you've tasted and seen what really is good this doesn't fulfill this provides fake nourishment to where you think that this is okay but you always need more of this in order to feel good this is the story of life so now alcohol drugs sex all of it it doesn't provide active nourishment that keeps you fulfilled it's only a momentary freedom where you think you're free but really it's bondage because after you step into it again oh my gosh I feel convicted so before long what happens is you justify like being married and you're in a marriage and then you have people around you that would say they're giving you Christian counsel but really it's demonic wisdom demonic wisdom is the Lord has somebody better for you they were the wrong one that's demonic strategy what if God thought that way about you well you don't understand they cheated on me I have grounds for divorce I get it when's the last time you cheated on God when's the last time you considered something else first other than him you're a harlot well I don't like the way you think that's okay the truth is is that God would Israel and wanted Israel for himself and wanted to provide for them and wanted them to see that he was Jehovah Jireh the Lord that provides and so God rained down Nana every day there Israel are you with me the children vishna they come out they have no food God's like I've got this manna rain down in front of their tent God wanted them to know that he that he had for them but as an orphan thinks and orphan thinks I've got to gather as much bread as I can because I won't have food for tomorrow and they gorge themselves today like when you I think when I went with Heidi to Mozambique and you see an orphan that's taken in and they've never had food you give them food and they eat so much that they just throw up everywhere because they can't keep it down because they don't know where their next meal is coming from so they gorge but that's why being born again in the New Covenant is completely different because you have a father but if you still think like an orphan so the children of Israel were learning that God wanted to provide to them every day so God would rain down manna from heaven in front of their tent they would have enough to eat that day but if they stored more it would turn into worms because unless it was the day before the Sabbath they would they would they would store more for the day of the Sabbath so they'd have enough for two days but God wanted them to see I'm gonna feed you every day and I want you to trust me every day so God would feed them every day they would have enough to go through the day and God wanted them to see that he was the one that provided it's amazing and if they took more than one day God's like that's not okay because you didn't trust me for tomorrow so it all turned into worms it's the same today give us this day our daily bread well I don't want to feed on that I'm gonna feed on this book over here no that's not what I said give us this day Lord teach us how to pray our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name great great to be revered as your name it's above every name and god you've even magnified your word above your name so I should really Revere your word your kingdom come your will be done whose will your will wait a minute how does that happen through the kingdom what is the kingdom the kingdoms neither meat nor drink so it's not your food or your drink but the kingdom is righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost so now your kingdom come Holy Spirit come I'm afraid of the Holy Spirit well you won't understand the kingdom well the kingdom is righteousness wait a minute righteousness that's crazy the Holy Spirit reveals righteousness but he also convicts you of righteousness there's where it's at man if I get convicted of right standing with God if I get convicted of my righteousness I am convicted of right standing with God if I get convicted of standing right with God I don't want to do anything to violate my right standing sin violates righteousness if I'm convicted by righteousness I won't taste sin that violates this once I'm satisfied with this I won't want this because this no longer satisfies so the cross is right standing with God what is righteousness righteousness is right standing with God God came through Jesus because he made a covenant with man the covenant with men is here's my law 613 laws and ordinances and Ten Commandments and in order for this covenant to be satisfied you have to obey all 613 laws and Ten Commandments everyday without missing one because I am God and I'm holy and light and blameless and there's no darkness in him so he makes a covenant with man so here it is if you walk diligently and don't go to the left or to the right Deuteronomy 6 25 but obey all these ordinance I put before you today it will be accounted to you right standing righteousness so the whole Old Testament was about what I had to do to be right with God so it's through works it's because I have to work at this thing and work at this until Jesus is born of the Virgin Mary this when I get persecuted for probably more than anything besides preaching holiness purity how can a guy with dreadlocks and my finger shoes wear shorts on a stage preach righteousness inside of the cup this violates religion like hugely I love Jesus with all my heart God knows who I am when no one's looking God sees my heart when no one's looking I live without closets I live with the truth about right standing with God I believe that I'm right with him and if God is for me who could be against the devil but his vote doesn't count anymore greater is He that's in me than he that's in the world you have overcome them dear children because of because of blood of the Lamb what is the blood of the Lamb what did it do did it wash away my sin or to retain my sin washed away okay blood of the Lamb word of our testimony what is the word of our testimony I know it's the testimony of what Jesus did through me but it's what the testimony of what Jesus did for me the blood of the Lamb the word of our testimony and that we love not on our own life unto death the last part right there is the hardest part wait a minute unto death yeah because we died crucified with Christ no longer live but the life I live I have been crucified to the passions of this world crucified what is the passions of this world girlfriend's boyfriend's alcohol drugs pornography crucified it's amazing it's the gospel it's amazing so watch so God established covenant between man and God the Old Testament Old Covenant the Covenant was you walk out 613 laws in Ten Commandments and then it will be given to you right standing so man tried but man failed God knew because they couldn't do it he found fault with them not fault with his covenant cuz he's holy and perfect there was no fault with his covenant see there's no fault with a covenant there's fault with the people that couldn't walk out the country but the Bible says in the New Testament that I am to be blameless and spotless wrinkle-free well that's impossible no it is impossible in the strength of a man unless that man was Jesus Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary he was born there was no earthly father for Jesus Joseph was not Jesus's earthly father he was the father but he did not impregnate Mary Mary was impregnated by God come on man this is so powerful so Mary was impregnated by God Gabriel said whoa Mary Oh awesome blessed are you but Mary's not your Savior blessed are you Mary amazing highly favored you're going to bear this son God what how could this be I've never yet been with a man the Lord will overshadow you that's pretty cool like Mary's the only one that ever get pregnant by God you have something that no one's ever seen before like it's going to be hard to explain to your husband come on man imagine that I'm Joseph I know what it looks like Mary no are you kidding oh my they're gonna steal you kill you a an angel has to show up and tell Joseph this is the one Joseph listen this is crazy see God made covenant with man and himself and the only way that this covenant could be fulfilled is if a man walked out man's end so Jesus fully the Son of God walks this thing out fully as the Son of God but lays divinity aside humbles himself there weren't Philippians - humbles himself and becomes a bondservant and is tempted at all points yet without sin this is the mysterious amazing gospel so Jesus lives as a boy into eighteen eight and a boy into a young man into a teenager into a man and he didn't do it as God he did it as a man in right relationship with God this is almost like heresy actually most of the church it still is but Jesus could not fulfill the Covenant as God he had to fulfill the Covenant as man God made covenant with man Moses given the law this is the Ten Commandments Jesus had to walk out Ten Commandments and 613 laws and ordinances in order to be right with God this is crazy I mean you need to see this read Leviticus and just see how intense it is crazy so Jesus born of the Virgin Mary why because Jesus had to be born as man fully God but fully man here's why Jesus couldn't walk out God's end of the Covenant unless Jesus became man so when you see Jesus on the planet this like this right here brings a lot of silence because this almost sounds like heresy because we don't read the Bible the Bible defines this covenant can't be fulfilled unless somebody dies to give us a new covenant the New Testament is what Jesus did for us to become the Old Testament is what you had to do to be the New Testament is what he he did so you could be Jesus lives and walks this thing out as the son of that's why he referred to himself as the son of man fully the Son of God see people think that when I talk like this I'm taking divinity away from Jesus but I'm not Jesus had to walk and live as the son of man on this earth in order to fulfill the Covenant to take us to a new one so Mary gives birth to Jesus but Mary didn't die for your sin Jesus died for your sin not Mary so I can't put my faith in her I have to put my faith in Jesus I'm not taking anything away from her she was impregnated by God no one lived that you are a Christian that is supposed to have Christ in you the hope of glory and you are supposed to be equally as pregnant as Mary every day you are to be as pregnant as the mother of Jesus was on a constant basis ready to deliver Christ in you the hope of glory everywhere you go that's powerful so people hear me well you're taking stuff away no I'm not I'm putting them in their place oh yeah but Jesus now you're saying that Jesus was man no I'm saying that when he walked this earth see until Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan no miracles happen through jesus's life why because jesus humbled himself and became a bouncer what's a bond servant a bond servant is a slave that's been set free that continues to live for the master mislaid the slave has to do what the master says a barn servant is one that's been set free by the master but continues to work for the master doesn't has to but get to see when you become a slave of sin you have to but when you come an instrument of righteousness you get to I'm no longer a slave of sin but I have become an instrument of righteousness threshing the devil every day everywhere I go because I can why because it's not my strength nor my power it's not my strength nor by might but by the spirit but if I don't have relationship with the spirit I'll think that it's about me instead of him so Jesus lives this life and is tempted at all points scripture says that it is impossible for God to be tempted it's impossible for God detect and it's impossible for God to be tempted that scripture alone proves that Jesus was tempted at all points because he wasn't doing what he did was he was on the earth god he was doing what he did on the earth for us it's amazing to me what does this do this opens it up that I can walk in the miraculous because the same holy spirit that dwelled in Jesus dwells in me but that's not just for the miraculous that's to actually be holy that's to be free because when the Sun sets free is free grace and truth came through Jesus since the same spirit of grace and truth has plugged me when's the last time Jesus tried to sin and get away with it he never did so why would we because we're in the world yes you are but you're not of it come out and be separate from the world what's that mean that means you're in it but you don't look like it that means another chameleon when I hang out with people I don't blend in Jesus didn't blend in Jesus never compromised the dust before anybody yet he was loved by all except people that thought they knew it all and the very people that thought they knew it all and came against him he said how long have I desired to gather you under my wings the very people that crucified him that hung upon the tree looked and said Father forgive them they know not what they do the ones that ripped his flesh apart that shredding him that pierced him and put him on a tree bring yourself down if you're really in : Elijah come on Father forgive them for they know not what why did he say that because our war is not against flesh and blood but against principalities spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places say influence this that twist this so the meanest people and the angriest people aren't your problem you are that's why the dust will says to now your self pick up your cross and follow Jesus it's the original gospel it's the one full of love full of the love of God that's in Christ Jesus it's the life that's completely focused on white you're here you're not here to gain platform you're not here to get a ministry you're here to be like Jesus be an imitator of God your children and walk in love how powerful is that it's amazing its freedom its freedom so Jesus lives and watch this thing out as the son of man fully the Son of God but lays divinity aside to Humble himself to become I can just picture him with the Father God can I go can I get him can I not yet son oh god do you see how messed up toddies look he's hooked on pornography look at him look at him father hooked on pornography hooked on drugs manipulating maneuvering everybody look at this can I go we don't think like that what was me well God doesn't think about me he's busy wrong says that God knit me and my mother's womb when my mom didn't understand who she was and didn't know why she was pregnant I can't believe this how we afford this my dad just came home from Vietnam totally messed up in the head because of war messed up he wasn't thinking let's make a baby he was thinking your heart about my mom I think wasn't thinking let's have a kid they were thinking you look good probably drunk and then all of a sudden there are 80 million chances of Mirren Oh God eighty million chances of me released into a birth canal who a frenzy no matter how it happened whether it's lust whether it's this whether it's that 80 million chances of me and 79 million 999,999 other chances are going up a birthday now headed for the egg trying to get in but there's only one that gets in and I'm the last one slower than everybody else trying to get into the egg natural instinct hammer sledge hammers saws you name it trying to get in but when I get there they part like the Red Sea and then they look at each other how they get by how they get through who let them in who pushed me out of the way but my voice that's never heard the voice of the world never been trained by here never been taught to mistrust you have to learn mistrust that's why Jesus had come to me as children because we're we grow up with this world thinking we're rejected by our mom where we think that we're this and we think that we're that that's why you must be born again but I don't know any of that all I know is I just came from the father cuz all life comes from God and my voice that's never heard the voice of the world says to everybody out there sorry guys I was predestined before the foundation of the world cuz that's the truth about who you are yep my mom rejected me who cares your mom has nothing to do with who you are unless you let it see because when you get born again you get brand-new DNA the divine nature ababa yeah but my mom didn't want me okay you're here so God did that's why you must be born again but born again is essential to a market potential but once you get born again you have to find out who you've been born again by and you have to realize why you're here who your dad is and the spirit of adoption comes and whoa and then the Holy Ghost inside of you says Abba Father and even when you don't know how to pray the Holy Spirit who's your friend prays for you but it's not being so spiritual that we'd neglect truth and it's not growing up in church so we've been taught legalism so we walk away from the word and we become spirit [Applause] it's not about just spirit it's about spirit and truth Jesus and when the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth but it's not just about you listening to your pastor it's not just you about watching a YouTube video I love to encourage people but if you hear anything that's laced in the message it's your need for the word because you have to establish relationship with the book that's a lie because without this you will live and it says that people have itching ears and they will keep up for themselves teachers in the last days and they will listen to what they want to live listen to you you can't afford to be that one you have to let this if you're going to have a spirit guide let it be the one that guides you into all truth if you're going to say I have a spirit guide that better be the Holy Ghost because he will never talk about anything that Jesus didn't come on man this is so portent the Word of God is a life is sharp and active sharper than any two-edged sword its able to divide and separate the first place that the word comes to divide and separate is your soul from your spirit why you have a spirit you have a soul have a body and God wants to sanctify you completely spirit soul and body but the first place that the Word of God separates is your soul from your spirit you're born again you have a brand new relationship with God if you don't learn how to cultivate the relationship that you have now with the Heavenly Father you will live for 30 years and still be starving we adopted we adopted a couple of years ago we adopted a heroine a baby that was born addicted to heroin and it was the most intense intense time when we were in rehab with him Azariah is his name we named him Azariah it's a bend that goes original name because we knew he's gonna be in the fire so we just called him Azariah with with his pacifier in order for him to qualify to graduate to the next level of this rehab he had to be able to calm himself with a pacifier baby's calm themselves with pacifiers and tell a certain point than they need to drink nope and so with him you would see him be able to chew on the pacifier and calm himself to qualify but there came a time when it passed where I didn't work anymore where they had to feed on milk the church widely is still sucking on a pacifier thinking that they can get through and they're going from Sunday service to Sunday service or YouTube video to YouTube video or they're living at home not even going to church because they've been offended by a leader or somebody but the truth is the reason why you got offenders maybe maybe the leader didn't know who they were and maybe you were looking for validation that you shouldn't have gotten from them but maybe the church leader didn't know who they were and they were trying to control manipulate maneuver whatever and then you got hurt by it but the fact that you got hurt by it means that you didn't know who you were when it came so which validates which so I could hurt by a church because they didn't know who they were but you got hurt by because you had no idea who you were so when we gonna grow up you can't grow up into him without feeding and you can't feed without the word and you can't go through life without the word or everything else will be your problem Adam Adam God creates Adam and Eve gives them one commandment don't do this they had to choose whether to live by God's standard of good or choose their own standard of good Adam said God says to Adam and Eve do not eat the tree the day you do you surely die die didn't mean like physical death diet meant spiritual separation from God they were never separated God created man in His image and Satan got them to question their identity did God really say God just knows that when you eat it you'll be like him they had no idea who they were or they would have never ate it because they were already like ah so Eve listens to the serpent eats the tree gives it to Adam and Adam listen to the voice of his wife instead of the voice of the Father now I'm not saying anything against women because that was right there I'm not it's not a man or woman thing there's neither male nor female its Christ so God says Adam it's not like God didn't know where they were Adam come on I created the world where are you come on out and stop fighting for me it's enough come out come out now God knew who told you you were naked you made her if you wouldn't have made her I would have never ate the tree in other words it's your fault Wow it's your fault you made the woman the woman Eve this is true you made the snake your fault again God's Lake because you've done this cursed crawl on your belly all the days of your life he didn't curse a man to crawl on his belly you're not a worm in the dirt Satan is anyway curse eight amazing cursed ah and hmm by the way the seed of this woman you're gonna bruise this heal but boy is he gonna crush your head I love this God's like Satan since you've deceived my creation my creation is gonna stomp you you've got to hear the heart of the father in this since you deceived the ones that I've created in my image one that's coming the seed from this woman who's also going to be in my image you're gonna bruise his heel it's gonna be a fatal blow you bit his heel and you're gonna think that you want and as a matter of fact I'm gonna let you kill him because you won't know that there's a resurrection so Jesus as the Son of man goes through life is tempted at all points I haven't been tempted at all points he was tempted at all points all points of every person ever ever Jesus is tempted at all points 613 laws Ten Commandments Jesus never misses one James 2:10 says that if he transgress one law you've transgressed them all what does that mean for you and me I was a drug addict for 22 years you were a good person I was a drug addict for 22 years I was an atheist people are dead because of my life I heard a lot of people I stole from a lot of people you'd like once we're the same no no no no you were bad no no I believe that what Jesus did see here's the problem see whether you broke one law or 613 you broke them all we don't measure like that we measure like I've talked to so many people they're like man the reason why you love so much because of how much you've been forgiven man it's so weird the lady in Luke 7 comes in busts in to Simon the Pharisees house she don't care who's there because Jesus is there she doesn't care Simon is very not okay he's a Pharisee and he now has a woman in his house who is like this prostitute like lower than low scum of the earth in the house boom falls at Jesus's feet breaks an alabaster jar worth of one whole year of wages even even disciples are mad especially Judas this amazing because Jesus took each owes to this he knew he was gonna sell him now he said I'm picking you come with me what does love look like to you man what does love look like to you Jesus chose Judas he's like following me do you think that he didn't know he was gonna sell him out do you think that Jesus didn't know that Peter was gonna deny him three times do you think Jesus knew it all man by the way I knew you before the foundation of the world we need to start thinking like him like I I need this in my life because there are people that are horrible that are mean that are angry that say the worst things people close to you and we said we have to have boundaries tell me one that Jesus had you take your world philosophy and drop that thing man boundaries set up you don't have brought me get protect yourself since when is that part of the gospel if you have yourself for your protection you're the only defense you have I thought it was in your weakness that he is strong your weakness is a magnet for his strength your strength is found in a secret place where no one's looking see because we don't have that place pounded constantly Jesus spent time with the father he's with everybody pouring out pouring out pouring out pouring out when he was gone he was with the father people are like where did Jesus go here he comes down where do you been I've been with the Father all night hey let's go where did your energy come from coal he goes [Applause] we got it mixed up our strength comes from our personal relationship with Jesus not a confession but impactive 1 our strength comes from the love of the Father the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the communion with the Holy Ghost this is amazing what an opportunity I would hate to miss it the sign that you missed the the very sign that you missed it is that everybody works on your nerves it's always somebody else's fault unless you're willing to take ownership last night was ownership I don't want to be this way this is nothing you created me to be true ownership is this is not who you created me to be show me he created me to be the hard part is coming altar call to altar call to altar call to altar call saying nothing's changing what do I do I missed it you missed it no he didn't he just started you have the rest of your life to work on it how salvation works itself out salvation gets in here and works itself out with fear and trembling and all of a sudden people see you different your family what's changed nothing and the stuff that used to bother you you cry at not because you're offended by it but because mercy stuff that used to hurt your feelings you find that you're not hurt anymore instead of being hurt by now you're hurting for it's different your intercession changes you're not calling friends saying I can't believe what they did it's awful sure so I mean you have no idea that I mean they really offended well we need to pray for that well wait a second there's more that's because you're not eating living breath and you're not living by every word that comes on man do it I don't like how you make me feel about here that make you feel good I'm not I'm here to show you who is good and he's good well how does this help me on outreach when you go to talk to someone and they go now God is amazing man and he created you in His image that means that in the image of amazing they created you God is love so that means in the image of love he created you Satan we lost everything in the garden but Jesus came to restore that which was lost what was lost your identity come on man created in the image of God Satan got them to bite the bait and Jesus restored that which was lost is this making sense cuz I'm on a like he's amazing he loves you like he'll never change his mind a thousand years from now he's not gonna change his mind oh man I really messed up with Todd Oh thousand years oh gosh I forgot about that one thing this lady came into Pharisees house busts in who sins were many she anointed Jesus's feet with fragrant oil two of them left the house smelling the same Jesus she busts in she anointed Jesus's feet with oil her hair and tears Simon the Pharisee reasons in his heart if this man were really who he says he is there would be no way that he would let this woman touch him he says Simon I love it suppose you had two people both owed the master and the master knew that neither could repay one of the master fifty and one of the master million let's just using numbers but a lot and a little and the master knew neither could repay and he freely forgave them both which one would be more loved well it's easy we're talking about Mammon of course you forgive me a whole lot I'm gonna be feeling like I'm not more hey Simon you've chosen right and this woman who sins are many because she's been forgiven much she will love much problem I get saved people come to me oh the reason why you love so much because of how much you've been forgiven no no see the cross doesn't just forgive me for the little the problem is as the church doesn't really believe they're forgiven why because they need time you revisit your past apart from the blood of Jesus and the mercy and the testimony of what he's done the blood of the Lamb the word of your testimony anytime you revisit your past apart from the blood of Jesus you're asking the spirit of offense to come into your present tense and bear dead fruit in your present reality so anytime I revisit something that I've been forgiven of but it comes to produce guilt shame and condemnation and regret I'm allowing something that God doesn't see the influence what I do see what does that do if disables you from receiving the love of God does that mean the love of God is not coming no way if constant see if I put my hand to the plow and look back I'm not fit for the kingdom why because I can't steer straight how many times have you revisited something that you wish you'd never done apart from the blood of Jesus and said why no that's what God's Word says but that butt is a devil because now I've taken the word that he magnified above his own name and I'm taking the word down saying yeah but I still feel if this hits your heart it'll change your life why Jesus forgave and forgot what gives you the right to think you can remember know what gives you the right to dig it up people are like you're violating my ministry if your ministry is built on something that the blood of Jesus violates you ought to get out of it now oh boy I'll get some hate emails from this I don't care I just throw them in the trash I don't even read them the blood of Jesus is it look I couldn't read I couldn't read I couldn't focus I couldn't God God opened up my understanding and showed me the truth of what this says why would I not preach the truth if God takes my sins and moves them as far as the East is from the West how can you hit West if you're constantly going east if God throws my sin into a sea called forgetfulness what makes me bigger than God to drag it up out if the blood of Jesus has truly washed away my sin what makes me more powerful than the blood of Jesus to take it out if my conscience has been washed clean by the blood of Jesus which Hebrew success let us leave the elementary legend move on past the elementary principles of Christ what's the first one repentance from dead works here's the deck work I did this I lived here I focused here this was my life what is repentance boom that's the longer part of my life now I'm walking here now I'm not just walking here with spirit I'm walking here with spirit and truth and God guides me into all truth yeah but you need teachers yes the Bible says we have a five-fold gift of teacher pastor apostle prophet evangelist teacher it is so important that the five fold is there but if God doesn't become your teacher when I saw dan Mohler and I was so affected by his message I'm like dude I am like blown away here my spiritual father Dan said Todd it sounds like what you're saying because there's lots of talk to spiritual fathers I said well the Bible says you have many teachers but few fathers he said you're right he said but God needs to become your father because if you'd know him as a father you will call me on the phone to answer and if I don't answer you'll feel like an orphan on the other line but God will never disconnect and is always available for you and I said well then if they're not my father if you're not my spiritual father then you're my mentor Todd it sounds right what you're saying but the Bible says it says you need no one to teach you for you have the anointing that teaches you all things that are true that doesn't mean that I don't have teachers that just means that I need to be able to calibrate what is true and what is not true because the spirit of truth my teacher lives in me and I'm in constant relationship with him so when I'm sitting in a seat or in a pulpit or at home watching something on a TV when I'm hearing it my spirit starts to tremble and say that is not truth not because of what I've been taught but because of the act of teacher that dwells in me but if I have no gauge for that truth because I never spend time with him I won't be rattled like this I need to salvation works itself out with fear and trembling I need to have a fear of God and leave the fear of man the fear of man is cut off when the fear of God is there and you cannot have the fear of God unless you reverence him with everything you are and you can reverencing with everything you say you'd you unless you elevate his word above his own name it all works together but I have to have active seek we're like one man just this is so much this is too much for me to handle now here's what you get out of it God wants an active relationship with you he wants to speak to you personally you are a sheep jesus said my sheep will hear and obey my voice and the strangers they won't follow you have to know the father's voice in order to expose the strangers and it's all up to you because he's made himself available it's all up to you nobody can separate you because Jesus bridged it he bridged it for you to know the father he bridged him all you do is walk through the cross man but you don't walk away from the cross because it's ever journey where you never ever ever leave because the cross is constantly on your back but knowing him is an everyday experience to where I can know him more today than I did yesterday see people come last night they're like oh my gosh this is like too much for me that's because you love your sin I loved you I won't I don't tolerate that stuff why don't agree with you why well because judge the only reason that you would be violated by that is because that's in your life because you haven't tasted and seen that he's good well no I grew up in legalism if you heard legalism and what I shared you listened to the wrong message God is not lenient like we think he is and loosey-goosey and sloppy Gracie God is holy he doesn't think it's not gonna change to make you feel good no cuz once you taste II see that he is good you'll want this you'll be like oh my gosh this is amazing and then you won't be offended by people that are living that way you'll just know there's this hope for them why because you're now an ambassador of Hope because you carry the actual hope of the gospel the actually truth of the gospel and your whole life has been transformed so now you know the person that's messed up in front of you has the need for Jesus the Jesus that you've known and tasted that you see and now sharing with them doesn't become hard because they're not your war because you were blind but now you see and you see that they're blind but you're telling them that they're blind out there as a witness as there's times where you can speak into someone's life but say you're just lying you can't see like that's not good you care for well no I see you don't know don't be careful about being so right because it's not about right it's about righteousness righteousness bears its fruit unto holiness you can't like do holy it's look a tree you don't go by an orchard where what kind of have fruit trees they have around here Apple okay you go by apple orchard right there I mean back home it's fall time apples to come when it gets a little colder out so so you see the blossoms real pretty and then all of a sudden you see the little you don't go out there to the trees where's last time you hurt an apple tree going yes I knew it I am an apple tree that's not it and trees of righteousness don't go holiness good I knew it no it's the love of God you're rooted and grounded in love and as you're weirder than grounded in love the same SAP and then when you bear fruit see it's easier to be a trio righteousness and not sell your family your fruit it's easier to be a tree of righteousness and let your family pick your fruit rather than try to I'm telling you know what is going on with you bro something's really different about you at work what is happening with you dude something so different than you like that's like weird I've met Christians before but you're like another breed it's the new breed it's the very original thing that jesus said behold I'll do a new thing what's the Covenant that we're in this is the Covenant that I will make with them in those days says the Lord their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember come on what if we believed what if we believe that God actually forgave and forgot see you can't maintain this unless you step in and unless you read and fellowship and talk to God commune with God read the word and have him speak to you and say and you just sit back and go oh my gosh this is crazy people like what you hear I don't know but something's different there's bread baking in here serious when I first got saved and I went to Teen Challenge when I got shot at and truly surrendered I couldn't read I know it opened the Bible and be like it didn't make any sense if a regular book doesn't make sense this one really won't because the here's the great news the Bible's not meant for your brain it's meant for your heart because your heart can take you places your brain can't fit it's like I tell people it's like it's like a guy watching a show and he's crying in front of his friends what stupid let's go to your heart took you someplace your brain said stop crying stupid one crying it's tough pride stuff the Bible does it all the time you read you like oh my gosh that's amazing except when this thing hits your heart pride leaves and you don't care who's watching you cry I'll be on a plane like [Applause] what's wrong I'm a Christian oh you poor things when I'm in the prayer room and I'm reading every morning I would wake up in team challenge every morning an hour earlier and everybody else cuz Dan said Todd if you don't find out who God says you are that you're right with him that he's your father because you'll be in trouble but if you dive in and ask God to reveal what it means to be right with him it'll change your life so every morning I get up I'd go into the program I flip my Bible open wherever would go cuz I ain't know where to go I had no idea I need to know how to read the Bible I didn't know table contents whatever likes it's crazy a big book okay I'll just open you're like oh my gosh that's crazy I've read but my mind was go like I'd be reading read a whole page like my whole life was this way that I would daydream constant I'd read and not be dreaming like daydreaming like in a it's actually sometimes it's a vision it's crazy but in my life I would try to read and I'd read one line and then gone but I'd still be I don't know how your brain that it's like driving somewhere not remembering where you went like what you got there that's how my reading would be so I get up every morning and read and I would still drift and still drift and still drift and then one day in Teen Challenge they were talking about trials and up and on so many trials buddy I've been in front of so many judges I hate trot I hated I mean and I hated trials I'd be in front of so many judges so many courtrooms court marshaled military I mean you name it eyes in front of it and I was always guilty that's why I hated trials I was never innocent ever ever and God revealed to me that I'm forgiven so why would I hate trials but that's not even what they were talking about I mean it could be but it's James they were reading James the day before so kind of joy when you face various trials I'm like oh my gosh I hate trials how can you have joy in a trial when you're guilty and then it hit me I'm not guilty so I read it I went in there can't enjoy when you face very strong oh oh I'm not guilty I could beat you luck I gave up I surrendered I'm not guilty okay I think I can have joy and that and that I saw a scripture says if you lack wisdom and I went oh my god I did is me just me and Jesus see no one saw me in there see now this is the reward of the secret place no one sees you except him and that's the great reward no one sees you in the secret place it's not a pulpit it's the closet see we live our lives to gain approval by people that we think the secret place is boring but really it's where you meet him and when you admit that you can't get this word and your pride goes down out how smart you are the Bible's not meant for your praying man that's why book smart people go for whatever she just have to look in there and go oh my gosh Lord this is not God you are come on I'm serious you get to Baptist oh my oh my brain is not God Lord you are God but I knew that I couldn't read anything I knew that I was totally like lost but he was forgave me and I knew that I was forgiven and that wasn't gonna like be a hard thing to go on trial anymore because I'm not guilty and I'm like consider joy I can do that Wow first time in my life I felt that I'm like I can do that I'm not guilty I gave up I'll be everything's in the light it's like amazing and then it said if you like wisdom and I went like this I stood up I went that's it I have no wisdom list by myself no one was looking just God I can imagine every angel to stood to their feet yes finally me admitting that I'm wisdom less and had no wisdom was what that's all he was waiting for that's it god I don't have any wisdom it was like God was like now now we can work with that and from that point forward the Bible went I mean my hair scaling up right now because it's a life to me when I read it it's not just a book that I've read before people like Joe read Ephesians G I read I read a couple times yeah I read the Bible in a year what how do you do that I don't know how you do it it's the big book yeah I read it in a year yeah what'd you do the next year well you know I read it last year what'd you do this year that was 12 years ago okay well people like been there done that got the t-shirt this ain't it been there done that got the t-shirt are you kidding me do you still live and yesterday do you still live with your sins yesterday or are you free whom the Sun sets free is free God wants you to live and no guilt no shame and no condemnation every death tour when you look in the mirror you go oh my gosh I see you in there you like to live in there we're like that's just weird no no that's arrogant no it's God fit it it's different it's confident in who he's created me to be he's created me to be like him not to take glory to me but to give glory to him it's amazing and that day everything changed that didn't mean that I could explain the Bible that didn't mean when I come out of there actually remember that day I'm in school and there's this guy Sean he was my roommate and Sean had already had four different Odie's he had died four different times they revived he's 19 years old I mean like he had just given up and just he's in Teen Challenge he's man what's going on man dude I was like I was reading this morning and I get it I got it what'd you get I don't know but something's changing in here like I it's amazing like something's changed we'll be careful man don't be deceived no it's like it's different man something changed well what what changed I don't know I really couldn't explain it God didn't want me to preach it he wanted me to be coming I was like oh my gosh this is amazing like it just like be like the lights came on oh it's not like I could explain the whole Bible I knew this I knew I was forgiven I knew that God would never ever bring up my sin again I knew it watch oh it's 1121 okay boy shared a lot it is good it's good it is good girl Rosie I'm no longer a slave why [Applause] imagine if that thing hit your heart watch this from my mother's womb whoa love called my name I've been born again into what what oh what is that they give you reality I'm no longer fears I am a child of God whoa alright ready I'm just gonna read here just a little Romans 8:31 I love Romans II actually love Romans 7 I do cuz Romans 7 is sandwiched in between 6 and 8 I'm not kidding Romans 7 is trying to live under the law and there's no way you can do it and even though you want to do it you can't and even though you will - you don't Romans 5 says I've been justified why I have peace with God been justified by faith why because what Jesus did it's amazing Romans 6 you're dead buried with him in Baptism dead consider yourself dead to sin and alive to God reckon yourself dead to sin dead to sin Romans 7 people like well you gonna call Paul saying no pulsing if you're trying to walk out the law in your own strength you always fall short because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God there is no way for you to do this thing in your own strength that's why we need Jesus Romans 8 thank God who shall save me from this wretch thank God Jesus it's powerful Jesus Jesus Jesus what does Roman eight start with by the spirit by the spirit bear forth anybody being Christ there is therefore now no condemnation for them who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the oh Jesus powerful be careful it will get in you oh my so good Romans 8:31 what shall we say to these things if God is for us who can be against us the devil but his vote don't count his vote doesn't count anymore well what does he do tries to drag you back into who you were instead of you stepping into who you are what does he try to do you're too dumb you could never understand the Bible you need a scholar wrong Jesus said unless become like a child a child is not a scholar a child just believes unless you become like a child yeah but I've got to go to theological school well tell a three-year-old that a three year had been a three-year-old has to learn that he can't trust his father and they learn over time but God's not God's not a father that can't be trusted God is a father who defines trust he who did not spare his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him freely also give us all things God City Sun Jesus comes lives as a man grows up as a man on the planet to fulfill the law dog makes the law and the commandments and says here's the Covenant I'm God you're man you hold your end I have mine and once you hold your end it'll be given to your righteousness jesus walks out 613 laws in ten commandments and never sins never misses it not once lives this life 30 years of age comes down to the River Jordan John the Baptist is baptizing John sees Jesus coming Jesus comes to John and says I need you to baptize me John knows who this is and says I need your baptism yet you come to me jesus said let it be so so that righteousness might be fulfilled why because the fulfillment of righteousness is that someone would walk out all the law and all the commandments and never miss it thirty years of age Jesus comes down to the River Jordan because Jesus was about to proclaim that God was his father when you proclaim that God is your father and your thirty all that you have in Jewish culture all that the father has is now yours at 30 years old so Jesus comes down to the river Jordan and he said it is necessary so that righteousness might be fulfilled now what does the father say to Jesus when he goes down in that River he comes down into the river the heavens open the Holy Spirit comes down rests upon Jesus and remains and God says now watch Jesus said let it be so now so that righteousness being fulfilled the fulfillment of righteousness is 613 laws and Ten Commandments is completed so Jesus walks it out and righteousness was given unto him and God said this is my son Andrew mom well pleased so when righteousness hits your heart God says this is my son in whom I'm well pleased if you get this you'll never live in condemnation again you will live in conviction but living in conviction means you obey your convictions and you never step into condemnation it's amazing who shall bring a charge against God's elect the devil plays a liar his vote don't count it is God who justifies justifies how justified by faith having peace with God because of what you did or because of what Jesus did because of what Jesus did as a propitiation as a substitute for you because you don't have to he did who who is he who condemns the devil but who's condemned the devil he's eternally condemned cut off he's ashamed he's bitter he's afraid and he's never ever ever ever ever gonna get out of it he is hopeless and depressed and he's trying to recreate himself in your mind it is Christ who died and furthermore is also risen who is even at the right hand of God who makes who also makes intercession for us who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or sword as it's written for your sake were killed all day long we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter yet in all these things we are more than conquerors what is it to be more than a conqueror if you conquered that's amazing how can you be more than you live in the one that conquered all through him who loved us for I am persuaded listen carefully that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord and everybody says amen now watch this because something didn't make the list and if you don't see this it's so important we'll wait a minute well you're adding to the Bible no I'm just going to quote the list ready death life angels principalities powers things present things to come your past didn't make the list now you have to see this my hair stand enough why because see the reason why I love much is because my past has been forgiven the reason why you can't love much is because you don't believe that your past has been forgiven we spend so much time on programs to try to help people get free from their past but your past isn't part of the equation because your present your future is because when the cross is taught the blood of Jesus cleanses you from all sin and if you mess up after you're saved you confess to God who is faithful and just to cleanse you of what all unrighteousness and if he cleanses you of all unrighteousness the only thing that's left is righteousness so you can constantly hear the father say this is my son in whom I'm well pleased this is my son in there well pleased this is my son in whom I'm well pleased this is my son whom I'm well pleased yea but God what about this I don't know what you're talking about this is my son in whom I'm well pleased yea but God when I remember last year yeah I know you confessed already it's gone this is my son whom I'm well pleased yeah but God what do I do about this just get in the word when are you gonna believe that you are who I say you are stop listening to the stranger's voice is telling you who you're not when I am crying out from the rooftops listen do I say that you are yeah but God are you in Jesus yes has your sin been forgiven yes is the blood of Jesus still active yes it never coagulates it's on the mercy seat crying out mercy see there's a Judgment Day when we'll stand before Jesus but this repentance altar call is to prepare you for that day so that your conscience can become clean so that the weight of junk that's been on you and shackles that have been on you have been snapped off and released and you can finally breathe but breathing involves you meditating on the word so that you can get the truth inside of you so that shackles don't come back because the devil is waiting he wants to shackle you constantly he wants to bring you into bondage constantly he wants you to be depressed bitter ashamed angry afraid jealous and full of rage see the devil knows that he cannot come up into heaven and dethrone God see Jesus died on the tree and said it is what was finished the veil tore why did the veil torn so that we could go beyond the veil let it spend time with the father but you can't spend time with the father if you're still looking back you have to believe the blood of Jesus has set you free from what you used to do so that you can live in what he's done and your present and things to come can't separate you but you're looking back and doubting the power of the blood can separate you from receiving the love of God the love of God is coming but it'll separate you from receiving it because you keep looking at things that God says are finished Jesus is amazing and he really has amazing plans for you he really does okay so here's the deal we brought a team with us where are you at where's team I need you guys to come up here please team I need your help we bought a team we brought a team with us some of them are from London some of us but I want you guys to all come up here please everybody form our team come on spread out screw it up yeah you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 65,411
Rating: 4.8655119 out of 5
Id: sOL4W8w5Zsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 19sec (4999 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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