What's inside a High End Storage Locker?

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- The cleanest most pristine storage locker in one of the richest zip codes in America. - This almost pays for the storage shit just by itself. (upbeat music) - Welcome back to What's Inside. Today we are going to see what's inside of a $2,000 abandoned storage locker. In the year 2020, they don't have storage unit auctions like they used to. Where you go with 40 people and you walk around, they open it up and you look in it and you buy it. Everything is online, so I placed my bid when it was at a $1,000, got all the way up to 2,000, and I won the storage locker. So you have 72 hours to clean it out, so I jumped out on my car last night, drove through the night and got here right when they opened, and we're here. So yeah, enough talking, let's go find the storage locker, let's see what's inside of it, and I'll tell you more about why I think this is a gold mine. Okay, the storage unit is on the second floor. I couldn't do it all by myself, so I had to call in some friends. And one of my only friends that I know in Arizona is Steven Hedrick. If you remember way back in the day... - Oh, it's so far. - We did a video, what was the video that we did? It's like... - A fidget cube. (all screaming) - [Dan] All right, any guesses, think, do I, did I spend too much money? - Oh, you definitely spent too much money. I mean, not knowing what's in the boxes, I honestly have no idea. I hope so, we'll find something that I can buy. - [Dan] I think we'll get more than $2,000 worth of stuff in here. - That's stretching. - [Machine] I find you lack of faith disturbing. (lock clicks) - (exhales) You guys ready to see inside the storage locker. This is a $2,000 storage locker right here. (door bangs) There it is. This is it. This is what I got. This is grace.com.au and this is an artwork box right there. So we've moved enough times that we know that whenever you have artwork you send it in a certain type of box. I went on their website and they say that they specialize in shipping fine art. I don't know, I feel a little optimistic. As soon as somebody stops making payments on their storage locker, that's when the company reaches out to them and they have two or three months until if they keep missing their payments and they don't contact you and give you money, then the storage locker facility opens this up, takes a few pictures of it, they're not allowed to go inside of it. Nobody has touched this except for the owner, the previous owner of this thing. This is a place where there's a lot of corporate headquarters, a lot of executives from companies work here. When COVID hit, this person that was some type of executive of a local company, because of the visa and because of COVID was forced to go back to Australia. He moved back and in the process changed the phone number, changed the email address. They tried contacting the company that he worked at, everything, no luck, could not get a hold of this guy. So I'm optimistic that this stuff is worth something. Also this bike right here, this looks like a nice bike, Electra. It's not electric, but, and then of course, there's like a pretty nice couch in here that I think Steven, do you want a couch? - I'll take the couch. - [Dan] Okay, we'll give you the couch. If you look at Steven and if you look at me, we don't have one thing, muscles. So this is our muscles right here. - [Steven] Wow. - I don't have muscles but I'm thick, so it'll help. (all laughing) - [Dan] You have a YouTube channel, you kill it with pranks and funny, funny videos. - Sure, GilstrapTV, I basically just do pranks, trying to make people laugh and change your day for the better. - All right, so our muscle is provided by GilstrapTV, I'm pumped, let's get into this thing. We're in the locker. Okay, packaging material, might need that later for our super expensive stuff that it's worth a lot of money. I'm gonna wanna put it in there before I put it in my Tesla. I want to go straight for this, cause I liked golf clubs and, but I'm really curious about this Dakine bag. Oh, it's a snowboard. - A beautiful one, that's awesome. - I needed a winter coat. It's 60 degrees now in Arizona. (all laughing) - We got some sweet boots. - Wow. - [Man] Check out the snowboard. - That is actually awesome. - You may have just made your money back. - Dude, that is sweet. That makes me wanna go snowboarding right now. - That's nice. - It looks sweet, what does it say on it? Ride M ride Machete? Okay, so this is three or $400 snowboard right here, you've got the nice boots that are probably worth some money, we might as well pack them back up, and then some great snow clothes. - [Man] Yeah. - It's a dust, industrial ride shop. Skateboard, snowboard, here's the bike, Electra Company Bicycles, like a street bike. (upbeat music) This is Italian leather right here, it's gotta be at least $1,000. There are a bunch of 27 gallon, tough totes, this one says docs, laptop and business. They did say that if, if there's personal items that we need to return them downstairs to the front room. So if we find out like say birth certificates or identifying information that tells us who the person actually is, then we need to return that. Okay, this guy is incredibly organized. Okay, a bunch of notepads, old school laptop, the Asus laptop. Okay, this is hardware probably for the couches maybe. Okay, we got a personal information, cards, lots of business cards. So we're gonna give that back to the storage locker facility. We got some coins, got some glasses, this is so weird going through somebody else's stuff. It feels wrong right now. - I know, it feels very weird. - I mean. - [Steven] Little magnifying glasses? - Nice little glasses there. - [Steven] Gotta see the dates on the coins. - These are coins here, and they're all Queen Elizabeth Australia. Ooh, more documents. Just a bunch of receipts. All these betting things. These are all flights. Here's $5 at Mandalay Bay for you. - [Steven] Ooh, yes. - $5, Perth, Australia, next time you go to Perth, $5. $5 at Mandalay Bay goes to this birthday man, right there. $10,000. - Thank you. - Banco Central de Chile - Still my birthday. - Here we go, this is big money. Watch this, convert 10,000 Chile pesos to US dollars. (dramatic music) - [Siri] Just a sec. - Come on Siri, you can do this, $12.93 baby. - [Steven] Ooh! - This is a iPhone box with nothing in it. - [Steven] You're not gonna be doubling. - A wedding ring, personal info, pictures of kids, flash drives. Why would you leave a wedding ring with a diamond in the middle of it? We got through our first bin, that was interesting. What did we get though, like, how much money? - I made $10, you made some money. - You did make 10, I made $12.56 or something like that, and a wedding ring, and some other things, feels weird, but probably we're making some money back. I wanna go with one of these. (paper rustling) Got this, ooh, it's even more of a surprise. - Ready? - I don't know if I'm ready for this. - Smells like paint to me. - Ooh, why does this guy so many things. Just random documents and stuff. - [Steven] Got a soccer. - This whole bin might just be trash. More business stuff. Okay, okay, big money. - Ooh. - Bam! - Whoa, that is so... - Look at that iPod. - [Steven] Dude, that is cool. - Feel how small it is. - [Steven] Is this bigger than the iPhone mini that's coming out? - [Dan] It's probably smaller. Does that feel weird in your hands? - I feel like I'm in like the early 2000s again. - [Steven] In Derek's hands, it's so tiny. Would you give up your Samsung for that? - No. - Okay, cool. - [Man] Do you have an adaptor at home for it? - Oh baby. - Ooh, you're getting the jackpot. - Oh baby, we got a watch over here. - [Steven] Might be a $20 Walmart watch, but that's okay. - It's heavy, it has a good weight to it. B-A-U-M-E M-E-R-C-I-E-R. - [Man] Oh wow. - What, really? - What you got? - [Man] This is just some of the ones that are on the brand. - [Steven] Ooh, you might, yeah, wait, that's... - It has a serial number and everything, it's heavy. Ooh! - That alone might pay for this entire thing. Are you giving it to me? - No. Documents, documents, lettered, lettered something, a message from the president of the United States. Did he become a US citizen maybe? Real paper signed by Obama. (paper rustling) - Uh oh! - Ooh, Ultrasonic Wear Indicator Group. Wow! Wow, somebody needs this for something. It's like a CAT servicing tool. - Ooh that's fancy. - [Man] Oh my God. - Wow, I see your face upside down in it. - [Steven] I see your face upside down in it. - Look at that, do you see it? We got a mug, LLC documents, QuickBooks. (dramatic music) - [Steven] What is in the other little box? Uh oh, you didn't see this. - [Dan] Dude, we got some stuff in here. - That's fancy. Masters. - This looks like some sort of like past player medalist 1983. - [Steven] Whoa! - [Man] Whoa! - I mean that's gold. Portfolio by Tiffany and Co. - And this is Cartier. - This is Cartier, this is Tiffany and Co. baby! - He said, he said at the beginning, no, we're not gonna get it, then here we are here. Pierre Cardin, is that a good brand? Look at all the gold necklaces and stuff. Necklace, bracelet, silver. - [Man] Feel like you have to go to a jeweler after this. - We should actually, dude, this could be a lot. - Yeah, I know. - We could potentially be up to like, I don't wanna, I don't know, I don't wanna jinx it, but what if we have $10,000 worth of stuff in these watches? - [Man] Be crazy. (Dan clapping) - Killing it. - A box of pictures, these will go back. - More business cards. - That is a very nice gauge. - Business degree. - The rest of this is trash. This bin was very successful. I gotta say, a couple of bins in, I feel like we made our money back. We still have a lot to go through. So, oh man, poor guy, like this, this, there were some medals in here from like winning a soccer medal award thing. And so these jerseys, like, they're probably valuable and also just like nostalgic for them. Like you've got a Yankees jersey, you've got a Australia, really cool Australia jersey. Oh, that one is nice. - [Steven] Those are super nice. - [Man] Oh, wow, yeah. - [Dan] Nike. - [Steven] They're like brand new. - These actually could have value - [Man] Dang! - That's literally brand new. That's NBA? - It's The Heat, your favorite team. - It's LeBron. (all laughing) Its' Lebron though, I'll take it. - LeBron James. - Oh, look at this one, sparkly, oh this is... - It's the original D-Back. - [Man] Dude, shut, wait. I've been trying to find one, who's on the bag. - Are you serious? - [Man] Shut up. - Wait, come here, come here. - [Man] Can I please have that Dan? - Randy Johnson, The Big Unit? - [Man] Yes. - Get over here. - Yes. I've been trying to find one online. - Dude, that looks sweet. - It's your size? - Oh, I'm so happy. - That is so nice. - It's actually pretty sick. - I have goosebumps right now, I'm so happy. - He's been, he looks at this stuff all the time on the auction website. - Dude, thank you Dan. - Are you serious? - All the time. - Okay, so what do you think the value of that is? - I don't know, I have no clue. But it has to be over $100 I'm assuming, and it's stitched, and it's a two X, it's my size. It's literally perfect. - [Dan] Priceless. - Yes. - [Steven] That's amazing. - [Dan] To the right person. I wonder if it really is like old or not. Hold on a second here, oh, I thought that was Lebron James. (all laughing) Yeah baby, Manny Manziel. - Oh, it's Steve Nash. - [Man] That's Nash. - What's with all the jerseys, this is amazing. - Dude, Clippers, is this who's this, is this Chris Paul? - Good job team. - Another closed one, now I have more hope for the closed ones. - [Man] Boxers, are those boxers? - Dolphins fans out there. Supreme beanie, like people will buy that. And I think this is the person's son, this is like his clothes and stuff. We got a blue box. Oh, look at those shoes, old All Stars. - So many hats in here. - Congratulations on graduating college. Brian. Thought of hi-fiving you, brother's gotta hug! There's my brother, he's never in my, he's been in our videos once with like oyster stuff. Sorry Brian, can you be in our video, kind of? - I guess. (all laughing) - This is my brother. We need some insights on some of the stuff we've got. CAT Ultrasonic Wear Indicator Group makes this machine. - Man. this is cool. The CAT stuff is interesting, right? Because they're in the middle of that right to repair litigation. CAT's kind of locked down repair equipment as its own intellectual property, So farmers can't fix their own stuff anymore, so this might be valuable. - Storage Wars, take that! (all laughing) - Looking at this, looking, I mean, as good as my eyes can see it, this is legit. This is , it looks like 18 karat gold, so. Gold's at, you know, over $2,000 an ounce right now, this is a few hundred dollars right here. This almost pays for this storage shit just by itself. - Ooh, look at that hat. Hey! (all laughing) - Whoa! - Whoa! It's a machine. Native Instruments is the brand, to do some DJing in here. - This is a couple hundred bucks. - Teddy, pump, seeing some tools in here. - Oh yeah, that's, it all looks unused. - Whoa, hey, hey, Fuji films. This is a nice watch box. - Yeah, there's an actual iPad finally. - [Man] Fancy ashtray, look at that thing. - Wow, that's a nice piece of ash, the Fuente Story Collection. - [Man] 50 bucks. - [Man] Yeah. - Look at that pump. Marketing materials. - It's a proof coin. - Proof grade is where they actually take the dye and put a mirror polish on it. So you get really nice contrast on the coin. So they're super, super high quality coins. They usually go for four or five times as much as the metal content of that. - Oh yeah, I like that, I like where you're going. - Speaking my language. - Oh yeah, this is nice, so here we go. Look at that, beautiful 2001 Austrian kangaroo. That's a dope coin. - So there's one on eBay, used for 107 right now, and then there's another one for 75 also. - Nice. - There you go. - $100. - Money. - $75, We got this. - [Man] But if you find a gold one, that's two grand. - Dishes and kitchen, which ah, whoa, which, I liked the way they style their kitchen, with the Mustang Horse. Okay, not exciting. Tupperwares. Oh, that is beat up, it doesn't even, watch. - Oh, there you go. - Once inside a MacBook. - There you go, it's broken now. Oh, another machine. - [Steven] Oh, look at that. - NBA 2K10. - World of Warcraft. - There's so many games. - I've never played. - [Man] You've played a lot. - But, a lot of people do. - Look at some of these games on here. What the heck? - [Man] Oh, PSP games. That's dope. - Wow, Family Guy. - [Steven] That's been a while. - [Man] Is that Guitar Hero? - That is classic. - We got the Pokemon Blue. - [Steven] That's cool. - iPod Nano. - DS. - [Man] The DS. - The DS Lite. - [Steven] Dude, that's a classic. - The first iPod. Flag of the great Australia. 200 Mexico pesos, that's worth at least a couple of pennies. Painter. And we got books. Ooh, ooh, ooh. - These look fancy. - Ooh, I don't like these. Got old soccer medals. We're doing this guy a favor by getting rid of all these papers. There's no need for all of these papers in your life. Or just full of documents. - So literally, ooh! - So, yeah, oh my, yeah. Let's keep that, 70 years Flamingo. Build lean muscle without the gym. Stress Energy Mega, The Bottle Shop. - Got a lot of trophies. - This is something from college. 2008 Chardonnay Pinot Noir. Oh my gosh. - More shoes. - Well that was an easy one. Let's get rid of that, muscles. Well we're back to the jerseys a little bit. This is a good haul for somebody at Goodwill. More suits. No, all right, drop her in. Probably more clothes. More clothes, the clothes bins are definitely not the most exciting. We have two computers in here, we have part of the couch, it looks like a bed. Let's go through our last two bins. Ooh, basketball. - There we go, finally! - Hey. - [Steven] That's pretty nice. - Signed by... - Lebron James, Lebron James, come on. - Carmelo Anthony. - Hey, same draft class. - 100% autographed, same draft class. We've hit the mother load of cigars. Look inside that bag, straight from Cuba. Okay. - All right. Gonna open her up? - [Man] Oh, that's real nice. - [Steven] Oh, it's sealed, right? - Refined Havana cigars. - [Dan] Oh baby. - [Steven] Oh, I like that. - [Brian] So this is a Humidor, this is, this, this box itself is worth a lot of money. - [Dan] Manufactured in Western Australia. - [Steven] I don't know what exactly it is. - [Man] It's Chile. Wow, a Chivas, all right. (imitates car revving) - Bam! Okay, it's not really fancy art. All right, so the last remaining things we've got woo, part of the couch, Lenovo's business computers. What's inside the cardboard? We've hit the mother load. Come on baby. (all cheering) - LeBron James. - He loves Lebron James, he likes Lebron James at Cleveland. That's what inside of our storage locker, we did it. We got through all of it. Now we just needed to dispose of it, and we're going to see how much this stuff is worth. Go to a jeweler, get this stuff checked out, if you wanna see the revealing of how much this stuff was actually worth, and then also what my family's reaction was to the, like the watches and everything, I think it's gonna be pretty good. Go check out the family channel, we'll have a video up soon. So let me know, do you think it was worth it for me spend $2,000 on this storage locker? Did we get our money back? At this point we, we haven't sold anything, so we don't know, but I feel pretty good. What do you think? - I definitely think you got like at least triple your money. - Triple my money. - Yeah, I think so, with the washes. (tires screeching) - Right, I might go snowboarding this year. (imitating horn blaring) No, no.
Channel: What's Inside?
Views: 937,684
Rating: 4.8100767 out of 5
Keywords: what's inside, storage unit, storage locker, abandoned storage unit, luxury storage, what's inside high end storage unit, abandoned storage locker, abandoned storage, storage unit loot, gilstrap tv, storage loot
Id: PhiozsQWO-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 08 2020
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