Pawn Stars: HOLY GRAIL DISCOVERIES *Part 1* (7 Super Rare High Value Items) | History

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So, I’m pretty sure that this is all staged. The Toy Shack guy actually owned them already. I happened to visit the Toy Shack around that time and he offered to sell me the Flagg for $1000. Unfortunately at that time, I was brand new to collecting and didn’t pull the trigger. I’m not sure why they quoted 4 to 5 thousand in the video. Guess it makes for better TV.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/TheAceMan 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Yeah the FLAGG and the Defiant are awesome and all, but there's a lot more of them out there than there is some other items. I'd consider the Sears exclusives 100% with box to be much more valuable and more deserving of the "Holy Grail" moniker.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/TheRealTurdFergusonn 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Reality shows generally aren't for me, but "Reality Programming" should be written and stated as "Programming Reality". A more accurate and fitting description.

Always got a kick out of seeing the storage finds and then hearing some Jabroni value Wal-Mart brand furniture at twenty times its value. Good luck with that Bud. Maybe if they're using the "Rent to Own" business model. 🤷🏽‍♂️ At this point it's "Rent to Refuse".

Edit: First line wasn't written clearly, fixed.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/UnslakableTemperance 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

Very cool

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PJR9667 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
world's largest collection of nikes the holy grail  so give me a minute while i meditate i consider it   the holy grail of mark twain collecting that's a  big wow factor right there this is the holy grail i've been trying to convince the guys  that i can find them some killer deals   so i found something that could  make rick a whole bunch of money   this place is amazing world's largest  collection of nikes it looks like a temple to me so give me a minute while i meditate   so what all do you have here well it's the world's  largest collection of nikes you've got 40 years of   nike running all in chronological order where  nike running ends nike basketball begins so you   got five aisles of basketball there's just so many  damn shoes you'll never find another collection   like this anywhere i can appreciate a few good  pairs of shoes but this is insane what is that   that's the dunk corner holy sneakers bam there it  was the holy grail this thing was freaking amazing   so what's so special about these job i mean  you got the what the dumps you got the supreme   collection you got the huffs you got the diamond  tiffany blues everything's here can't believe it   so what exactly is a dunk in 1986 nike made the  dunk it was a basketball shoe but since then the   dunk has become an iconic skateboarding shoe  and behind me are about 50 pairs of the rarest   nike skateboarding shoes that have ever come out  okay what's your most expensive pair of dunks here   this pair right here is worth about five  thousand dollars whoa i think trump set up   a real possible deal here i know enough to know  that people will pay insane money for some nikes   but i need to take a step back and work the math  i mean what's your rock bottom price on them   i want a million dollars what i'm looking at here  is something that's going to take me two years to   sell a ball i'm gonna have someone working for  me for two years that i got to pay a salary to   to sell all this stuff i mean i'll give you 300  grand for it no way maybe that's cash you walk   away you don't have to deal with nothing no  way not even close i'll all come down to nine right don't let the deal of a lifetime slip out of  your hands rick is a tough negotiator but i can't   let him pass this one up this is a gold mine for  him and not to mention a pretty big payday for me   how long did it take you to buy them all 13 years  you'll never see another collection like this   in the world i mean i'll tell you what i'll go  half a million bucks i won't go anymore because   literally it's gonna cost me at least  a hundred thousand just to sell it all   half a million bucks is 250 a shoe i've  got shoes in here that were five grand   i'll come down to eight  that's my rock bottom price   i'll tell you what to go 550. i can't do it it's just too low it was nice meeting you man rick it's nice meeting  you too nick i really appreciate you let me see   everything but come on shawn we got to go it's  not going to happen you want to sell anything   individually thanks for coming by nah thanks for  showing me my job you're really really missing out   rick you know what i still think it's worth the  chance really sucks we didn't make that deal rick   would have made some serious money and i would  have got my two percent and having those shoes in   the shop would be unbelievable hey how you doing  good how are you doing today good i brought you in   a very rare book you have a book um you know what  my boss is right here hold on a second hey rick   do you have a second to look at a book sure today  was actually kind of weird i was just looking at   a book with rick and another one came in it was  just perfect timing the adventures of tom sawyer   classic of american literature this is actually  the salesman sample for tom sawyer okay that   is definitely cool i consider it the holy grail  of mark twain collecting all right there you go i'm prepared for tough negotiation  i've been here a few times   they always have their eye on the profit  okay so what do you want for it well uh   i would like to get 10 000 out of it what  do you think what do i think let's see this is a really rare uh mark twain salesman's  prospectus salesman's copies were thrown out   after they had served their use that being said  it's also quite beat up and it's still not a first   edition tom sawyer with all of those things in  mind the value that i would place on at retail   is probably between nine and ten thousand  dollars okay i i'm thinking five grand   i have to resell it i have to make money i mean  i tried to find out and the library of congress   doesn't even have a copy of the salesman sample  it's that rare he's right that this is a more rare   salesman sample of twain than other works by him  yeah honestly five grand is just too little for   me to go i mean i want you to make a profit uh  i honestly didn't think 10 000 was unreasonable   uh i'll tell you what at the end of tom sawyer  he finds gold you know how much gold he finds five thousand dollars worth six thousand  dollars but six thousand dollars worth of gold   that's really the the least i could take  and i think it gives you i'll go 55. it's a fair price you know it's a fair  price i actually think 6 000 is cheap   it was a little awkward to sit there during the  negotiation you want to put in your two cents   but it's not really your business i really  want to stick to six six six i'll go 5500   you will have a line of twain collectors  at your door i promise you once you start   getting over like a thousand two thousand  dollars the amount of people in this world   that have the money to buy it and are willing  to buy it dramatically falls off a cliff mm-hmm   uh it's it's honestly hard to give this one up  for that it's a it's a it's a very special book how about like you know tom soy he swears on a  blood oath i'll do a blood oath at 5 500 500.   it's a deal um i'll meet you right over there and  i'll have someone write you up 5500 was honestly   low i think he's going to make a profit on the  flip side i think mark twain would be smiling   to know that i got 5 500 for a book that was  likely going to be thrown out in the 1800s   what do you have here i've got a handwritten  letter from george washington himself where did you get this so i found it at an  estate sale in richmond virginia um bought   a nice decorative mirror get to the house go to  put the mirror up and the cloth that covers the   back fit ripped open and taped underneath  down at the very bottom was that guy right   there this is really interesting from what i've  researched online it looks almost exactly like   other documents that george has written  so i feel like it is the real one   george washington really was that great guy  you read in history he was the richest man   in the united states he risked everything for the  revolution because if they lost a revolution it's   not like they would have slapped him on the wrist  they would have hung him as far as u.s historical   figures nothing's bigger than george washington  period without him our country would look nothing   like it does today so if we have an undiscovered  handwritten letter by george washington   i'm holding the holy grail this is really cool  it says october 21 94 which i'm assuming is 1794.   yes um it reads uh sir being about to return to  the seat of government i cannot take my departure   without conveying through you to the army under  your command so he's writing to a general which   have led them so carefully to quit their  families and homes and comforts to perform   a long and fatiguing march this is about the  military marching in 94. this has to be about   the whiskey rebellion you ever hear the whiskey  rebellion no what was the whiskey rebellion   right after the revolution we were really in  debt so the federal government was trying to   come up with a way to collect taxes so everyone  sort of came together and says let's tax whiskey   so there was farmers in pennsylvania and they  didn't want to pay the taxes it just basically   came down to george washington getting 13 000  troops started marching towards pennsylvania   so this was all about whiskey when you get  pissed off you're in a bar and someone came   up give me 50 bucks or you can't drink that  whiskey yeah they had every right to rise up how much you want for it about 3 500. something like this that  deals with a historic event   we're probably talking a lot more my best guess  at the moment is if this letter is all legit it should be worth at least a hundred thousand  dollars wow i'm just not buying the fact that a   handwritten letter from george washington  was just found in the back of a mirror people spend a lot of money faking  things that are worth this kind of money   so i'm going to call someone up i'm going to get  them down here i'm get him to look at this okay   just the thought of leaving here today with a big  sack of cash it gives you a lot of anxiety but   it makes you excited too with this  much cash on the line i need to be   100 sure and stewart is my go-to guy on historical  documents i was really excited when you called me   over because this is actually pretty important  american history but this is one of the first   times that george washington really is the  power of the federal government people were   uprising in western pennsylvania didn't want  to pay taxes tarring and feathering the tax   collectors which may still be a famous uh american  pastime these days i don't think it's a bad idea   all right what questions can i answer for you  rick okay is it really signed by george washington   and how much is the damn thing worth okay  in the uh pantheon of american presidential   autographs there's three at the top george  washington thomas jefferson and abraham lincoln   about 10 years ago there were a couple george  washington letters that dealt with the whiskey   rebellion that sold for about 120 130 000  at auction it would probably be higher now   there are a few things i use to  authenticate these types of documents so   first i'm looking for period paper they  use what's called laid paper back then   so there should be parallel lines about an  inch apart if you hold it up to the light   see those lines that run down so that definitely  is purely paper that's a good sign for you the   next thing i want to check is to make sure this is  in george washington's handwriting so i brought in   an example here let's look at a commonly used  word like the so we can find the word the there   and though there and if we start looking at  the overall feel of it the letter formation   completely different so unfortunately this  is not in george washington's handwriting   one thing this could possibly be is the body the  letter is in washington's secretary's handwriting   and washington signed the letter all right let's  come over here and look at the george washington   side by side here he signs geo washington  where in life he usually signed g o washington you can see that it's very different  than the way is written over here   yeah so i don't think this is in george washington  handwriting or signed by george washington at all ah that sucks do you have a really nice napkin   however i do believe it is old and antique this  is called a contemporary copy it probably is 220   years old if somebody wanted to keep a record of  the original they would make a copy for themselves   this probably has a retail value  of about four thousand dollars   nice so you're telling me that a copy is  actually worth four thousand dollars right   copies can be worth money um and this one has  really terrific content this would be about as   good of contemporary copies you can get all  right well thanks for busting us any time   nice to see you again when i came over to the shop  i knew that the original george washington letter   was in library congress however sometimes famous  people make more than one copy of famous letters   and i thought perhaps this would be one of them  for example abraham lincoln actually wrote out   five different copies of the gettysburg address in  his lifetime i don't mean to beat you up but i'll   give you a thousand bucks for it uh i feel like  that's leaving three thousand dollars for you to   just snatch up the next time somebody comes along  to buy it let's go two thousand i'll be out the   door right now with two grand i'll tell you what  i'll give you 1500 bucks that's the best i can go   look around my shop you'll find  all kinds of things from the 1700s the 1500 you got a deal all right write them up  corey all right man come with me fifteen hundred   dollars is a lot of money to be able to walk away  with just that today uh i'm pretty satisfied feels   good so what do we got here 1963 american-made  fender stratocaster oh to me this is the guitar   but there's something very very  special about this specific guitar   all right this guitar was  actually played by jimi hendrix that's a big wow factor right there what i'm  bringing to the table today is not only a piece of   rock and roll history but it's very well preserved  okay you mind if i pick it up no absolutely by all   means right this is the holy grail he actually  held this guitar that you now have in your hands   and made wonderful music with it is there any  pictures of him playing it on stage or anything or   no because he it was exclusively played in the  studio this was his really favorite sort of   recording acts i'm gonna set this down how much  do you want for the guitar i think this guitar   you know from everyone i've talked to  i'd be willing to take say 750 000 for it i have a friend who if this thing is real he will  know and if not he'll call bull bring it yeah   i'm saying all right i'll be right back  give me a few of those okay thanks man   i have nothing to hide let's turn the lights on  real bright this is an authentic jimi hendrix   guitar i'm happy to challenge anybody that  he wants to bring the table to look at it   because he'll authenticate the guitar this is  stupid cool i mean jimmy's one of jimmy's guitars   hendricks turned the guitar into an extension  of his body every way he moved was altering the   sound of the guitar when you see him dip down real  low he's bending the kids i'm physically bending   the guitar there's very few guys that can  make their own statement with the guitar   anymore that guys come along like jimi hendrix  and just take it to a completely new place   i want to make sure this is 100 before  we start talking a lot of money yeah   you mind if i take a look at it no man  by all means that's why you're awesome   there's a couple things you'd want to look  at the tremolo bar these are usually bent and   angled up he played the guitar upside down he  flattened a lot of these out made him straight   so they probably weren't ramming into his arm  and stuff like that another thing is what they   call ring wear if you're playing the guitar  like this my wedding ring hits the guitar   removes a lot of the paint finish from there if  you look at this guitar the top side of the neck   has a lot of that wear that's from the guitar  being this way now jimmy would have played it   left-handed the article that you guys have sitting  over there they asked a bunch of vintage dealers   to take a look at this guitar with photos and  stuff like that the serial number here l14985 this guitar has actually been documented   no doubt this is definitely one of jimmy's  guitars that's really really cool in my head   i think i know what it's worth but what do you  think anywhere from 750 to good auction million on a personal level i absolutely love it  but you have to find the right auction   best be advertised in the least amount  of time would be a year most likely right let me give you 450 000. 450. my my thing is  i take all the risk you walk away with cash   for a guitar that could fetch maybe a million  dollars on any day your own guy just told you that   okay but come on 450 grand yeah i'm thinking 750  man a lot of commissions and a lot of people got   to get paid to sell this thing right it's the way  the world works right okay i'll give you a half a   million this guitar is worth more than that it it  just is if you want the money now i can go 550.   knowing that it could potentially affect a  million dollars at an auction i can't leave that   much money on the table uh 750 really man that's  that's the bottom dollar i can take for the guitar hey well have a nice day tell me if it goes to  auction i might bid on it okay thanks man well six i can't do it man but i'll call you if i change  my mind okay all right he's fired one last bullet   across the boat there with with the 600 000 offer  you know honestly i was starting to kind of get a   little bit more tempted by that but you want  to come to a fair point in selling something   of great value don't be desperate about it and  that i am not how are you sir i'm doing good   what we got here this is an old civil war pistol a  clark and chirard uh clark and sherrard that is um   it might be the rarest civil war gun there is  uh you just walked in here with jimmy hoffa you know how rare these are there's like just  a handful of these in the world absolutely   i'm like in awe of this thing right now but  just they're so rare i have my doubts you   understand why it's just octonauts basically  just walked in here with the holy grail so   how much you want for this thing  been several of them everyone's   sold for the big auction house uh and it  went for like 60 70 000 something like that   i'd be happy with forty thousand you've literally  walked in here and told me you know when you go to   france to the louvre and you see the mona lisa  well that one's fake i got the real one right   so uh i'm gonna go make a phone call get someone  down here i'm not even beginning to figure out if   this thing's real or fake i just don't know  enough about it so let me call a friend who   will know something about it okay okay all right  i'll be right back these are so rare saying it's   like the mona lisa is not an understatement i've  never seen one outside a museum so i've never   actually touched one can i touch it absolutely wow  there's 11 known to exist four have this etching   this design the last one came to market that was  etched and it was almost eighty thousand dollars   okay the serial numbers of the etched ones were  in the hundreds and two hundred range this is in   the range of the known etched guns which is really  good the problem is from the ones that i know that   exist and the ones i've been able to research  the serial number font does not match this   it doesn't mean that the gun is fake it  does mean that the serial numbers are thanks rob yeah thank you very much thank you very  much very knowledgeable it could be legitimate   but the serial numbers have been tampered with and  once that happens you're not going to spend 80 000   most collectors won't spend anything because  they're too afraid to lose their investment   i'd love stuff like this i love crazy weird  history but we're 99 sure someone's tampered   with that serial number it's it's gonna be  too difficult for me to sell i mean when   someone walks in my shop i give a guarantee on  every single thing i sell and i can't do it on   this good luck dude that's all i can tell you my  pleasure a guy came in with two gi joe playsets   from the 1980s these things are monstrous  there's just no other way to describe them   i don't know if they're worth money luckily  johnny's a nerd and he'll figure it out for me wow hey man what's up what's up hey i'm marty hey  guys nice to meet you we got the defiant and the   flag sweet man all right so tell me about these  things the 80s was a fascinating time to grow up   i mean the cartoons had toy lines you had gi  joe yeah transformers i mean you're watching   it on saturday morning cartoons and then these  toys were on the shelves when you went to any   store across the country you know they were  amazing i mean all the playsets the vehicles   they were about 1 18th scale so each figure fit  in all of the carriers and tanks to begin with   the flag and the defiant are very expensive toys  at the time not very many people got them and not   very many people saved them i mean these were two  of like the largest toys produced in the 80s and   these are definitely the holy grail when it comes  to the gi joe line he wants 1500 for these things   well looking at the condition of the boxes um  i mean definitely a win-win on the condition   of those the big part of the value is how complete  it is there's always the little parts missing okay   how are we gonna know if every piece is here i'm  definitely have to open them and put them together   for sure you're gonna have to you wanna play with  a budget you're gonna have to let me do that man   so how much are they worth that they're  all here because he says everything's here   well if everything's here you could easily see  in the four to five thousand dollar range for the   pick wow right on i mean to any gi joe collector  i mean this is at the top of the list okay   so you still want 1500 bucks for him i mean  you brought your guy in and he's telling   me it's worth five grand now i mean i'll  tell you what i'll give you 500 for them uh can we do 38   i'll tell you what i'll give you three grand  if they're all here that's the most i'll do all right that's the deal all right so   if you guys can put them together and all the  pieces are there we got a deal all right thank you   all right i'll be back in a little bit man cool  man which one you want to start with let's go   at it with the defiant first i'm a little nervous  about uh not having all the pieces there i'm just   hoping that i was a good boy and did what my mom  told me and put my stuff back the way that i found it this thing is really cool though and it  actually comes all the way up isn't that awesome   you guys look like you're enjoying yourselves you  know man this is what i do every day man play with   toys great job thank god i never bought these for  my kids dude i mean this is days and days of fun i   mean you were everybody's best friend if you got  any one of these toys i mean these are classic   back then i mean these toys are massive i mean  they'll never build toys like these again i mean   the quality of them i mean the thought that went  into it i mean the blueprints were so cool for   these these vehicles i mean you have to build them  you have these huge blueprints i mean you felt   like you're a part of like the gi joe army you  know what i mean well the question is it all here   oh overall uh figures are here structured are  here and luckily all the pieces are complete   yes all right cool man so we got three thousand  bucks you got three thousand bucks i got this   glad it was a gi go and not a g i know um you can  take this apart all right no problem i got you let   me give you some money man cool i'm absolutely  blown away and i'm stoked i'm really excited   now i get the plane ticket to london and a little  side money maybe i'll go first class the guy came   in with an old 78 rpm record of the song stormy  weather performed by the five sharps i've never   heard of it so if anyone would know anything  about this it would be warwick hello how are   you doing today what do you got he says this is  like the rarest of the rare records he's right   this is the holy grail of doo-wop 78's stormy  weather is a great track isn't it lena horne   made it her signature tune in the 40s and uh  and then here we got a doo-wop version of it   in the 50s in actual fact if you've ever  heard it it's terrible yeah it's awful this is   uh famous just for being a rare record it's  not famous for being a good wrecker okay   do duwalt music it's really a forerunner of rock  and roll it's primarily comes out of the suburban   areas of new york queens brooklyn where guys would  get together on street corners and just practice   vocal music the infamy of this record comes from  a doo-wop record store in times square somebody   brought this record and just show the owner of  the record store he wanted to play it on his   radio show so he took it home somewhere on the way  home he got broken the guy's pet raccoon sat on it   and then he put an ad saying well i'll replace it  for the guy and then they discovered how rare it   was they couldn't ever come up with a replacement  so from that point on in the record collecting   community there was always this myth and this  reward for this one record the raccoon story   is really part of what makes this so notorious  but how can we prove that the raccoon made that   break i'm not really sure how you're gonna answer  that but i do know that this record was supposedly   the one that was that record i can't add in any  value for the raccoon it all goes to condition   so what do you think it's worth this record  could have gone for opposite twenty thousand um   i would only pay twenty thousand dollars for  the most beautiful copy this one it's cracked   that's a major thing to me but i don't  think you could get easily get more than three or four thousand dollars for it okay thanks man i appreciate it my pleasure  always i think if if the guy could   prove that that the raccoon sat on this  very record it would be worth the money i would give you a thousand bucks  for it it's funny you should say   that though because i've already gotten  offers four times the amount he offered   um good luck with it and also remember offers  are one thing cash is another understood   good luck with it man thank you be well  he's entitled to his opinion but for   that amount of money i would just  keep it and hang it on my wall you
Channel: Pawn Stars
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Rating: 4.8676839 out of 5
Keywords: pawn, pawn stars, pawn stars episode, pawn stars full episode, the pawn stars, pawn star, pawn stars episodes, pawn stars chumlee, pawn shop, pawnstars, pawn stars old man, pawn stars full episodes, chumlee, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, Pawn Stars clips, vegas, gold & silver pawn shop, rick harrison, pawn stars episode pawn stars full episode, pawn stars show, Pawn Stars 7 Super Rare High Value Items, Watch pawn stars 7 Super Rare High Value Items
Id: yJjs8_LsAms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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