Toast SACRIFICED himself for me...

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Reaction ft. Slyleaf (Osu Edit) - James Landino

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/001Guy001 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] huh me and nogla huh hey pokey you know i'm not gonna kill you there oh [Music] man no glad he just has no mercy i can't believe he just he just straight up murdered her there i feel really bad because it's okay i got to fix my settings it's fine it's ray i'm talking about you are talking about okay here's what i want each of you sing a show to whoever sings it worse gets voted out seikun will go under the ocean downward leaking the legs look it was me it was me all right it was me guys what are we gonna do what is up guys it's spykuno here we walk around a little when do you stay away from me i don't trust you you know who i trust tina would never kill me first right tina i'm gonna follow tina around there's no way tina would kill me first in the last game and toast is trying to protect me too all right well that seems very innocent of tina to go leslie what um yes leslie it wasn't me what are you talking about who killed wendy leslie why were you standing there in the hallway staring into the distance um which hallway she likes to camp lights there's a painting in the hallway i think she was just saying yes i could hear your guys's footsteps and i knew you guys were coming so i was looking for company i'm sorry is this role play still leslie no it's not me it's not me why would i kill wendy because you're impossible you know whoever killed wendy it's okay with me you're okay in my book right outside of like comms weapons i'm not actually upset or windy i was learning from jack and fox outside weapons and calms and like the left side of office all right okay first sure this couldn't have been peter it definitely wasn't teenagers i am so [ __ ] blind eh where did you see me that where you're clearing me wait excuse you we're literally on top of each other's body right now trying to open bottom door oh oh i must have had the thing open as you walked up then because i don't remember seeing you okay um i know i believe you don't you open that [ __ ] so slow peter hmm i saw people with i'm a boomer wait so so no one else thinks like leslie was acting a little sweet weirdo also i didn't spawn kill you but wendy was not so kind oh yes i appreciate it peter thanks all right over here run over there man peter just threw wendy under the bus there didn't he man i mean i don't blame him i i mean i knew it was wendy but man he just threw her down um i was just meme i'm not obviously i'm not actually that's part of the game it is a really good place to get a kill toast is just following me maybe toast is trying to protect me because he he's you know trying to make sure i survive this last game but you know i've lived a long life guys i didn't die at the beginning i stretched my legs a little bit toast probably thinks i'm weird for circling around like that to do the wires here but um that's okay oh oh dead call the button actually in terms of numbers that doesn't make sense that's true that's my bad i'm sorry but i did it anyways i'd like to say edison's completely clear by the way edison i was chasing you because i saw you went to the proper common task first so i knew you were innocent that's why i stuck with you i was uh yeah i i tried to bait you into getting stuck in deep contempt and then run out i was like i was like it's not gonna work [Laughter] wait so isn't it just even leslie pj and seconds before the button was called okay so peter was alive when you check vitals yes i'm pretty sure it's not me tina orton right there like my goodness just because toast has been with me the whole time and tina immediately ran her comments went there like when the light still looks like all right the second thing i have a hunch outside of bed i have a hunch who the killers are guys closest big hunch i'll tell you next round if i'm alive all right don't worry all right yeah but you'll have to get through my security guard to kill me i'm getting paid by the hour all right i do have a really good hunch for who it is um i think it could be leslie and abe and the reason is i know it's not toaster team well i know for sure it's not toast and i'm pretty sure it's not tina because um what's it called because she immediately ran into her card swipe and uh this is gonna sound a little bad but i feel like tina as an imposter would not think that through hard enough uh to plan all that out so i really don't think it's tina just because of that so i'm pretty sure it's not tina on toast and pokey and edison vouched for each other so uh that only leaves two people unless hmm you tried to get through my bodyguard you're crazy toast toasty take the bullet for me oh god i'm gonna have to pay a bunch of money for his hazard pay but anyway it was eight guys he killed toast and leslie i saw oh my god the reactor was going off and abe [ __ ] oh no launchpad toast guys he was right in front of me he tanked the bullet for me abe was right there he lunged at him like a lion going for a chicken wing it had to be abe guys he was right in front of me i toast thanks for taking it before you vote huh it's sakuno and it's probably sakuno and pokey or unless dude i would believe you but you would never say that about toes think about it today alone has killed toast like two to three times he's changed you don't know him yeah but he's not gonna lie but you know what toast tanked the bullet for me guys i'm avenging him it was abe guys i saw him i saw him in the act okay [Music] oh wait you guys are actually voting for rape i don't trust zaikunu ape don't worry i'm honored with you again no no i'm glad you did you're right no you're supposed to trust me yes yes trust me um it's abe toast take the bullet for me guys no no no guys look guys no he take the he take the bullet it was very dramatic he tanked the bullet for me into the lava with you guys no he tanked a bullet for me [Music] oh thank god you voted for abe oh thank god we avenge you toast we'll never forget you they don't think i'm lying right there's no way they think i'm lying good old toast he put on his officer suit he literally tanked the bullet for me let's run over here wait do we have something oh we still have how come the lights aren't fixed oh how is no one doing the lights what the hell is wrong yeah i was wondering about that i dipped because i thought tina was going to do them listen listen leslie killed tina oh let's just vote and win the game okay can i explain it from my perspective yeah leslie what did you see so so me and pokey were going to do the lights right i left your ass yeah because i knew yes skull killed me no so then i see tina roll up okay so i was like tina's gonna do the light so i go down to oh too and so whoever came and did the lights killed tina oh ain't no way why i can literally hear you smiling because you're singing there is no smile oh you just smiled when the reactor went off and i saw abe go into the [ __ ] launch pad for some reason i saw that you weren't actually pressing on the right side reactor it's true i was also going to say that edison and pokey vouched for each other really hard that other rounds so yeah yeah yeah it's icuno we all know all right see ya see ya i'm gonna vote for me too wait edison wait edison well look we know who it is we can't lose right i actually thought leslie voted for herself yeah like what yeah i thought so too actually you too oh she did for myself well we we already know who what's she gonna kill us you know we already know who it is what's he gonna do you know uh hit that meeting button guys anyone gotta meet no oh i don't have a button i have a meeting i'll go uh psycho oh yeah what's up leslie in to the meeting room to call a meeting and who's on the body um actually you look like you were passing towards the top of the table so you're you're probably heading towards it i think i'm behind you it's edison it's virtually impossible for it to be me can i explain why because sacramento is in front of me that's true it was in fact in front of you so just by logic so if you're a logical person uh-huh yes edison the logic yes yes oh your fingers slip oh goodness oh no and edison both vote for cycuno that round and that's how the boat was tied up [Music] okay well leslie i think you know what's happening here i think you know exactly what's happening right leslie of course you do i'm actually gonna jump in the vent this time hmm all right let's go back to spawn we gotta walk out otherwise they'll know we vented hit the lights really quick um so i don't know how to read the logs so this might be a dead giveaway because i don't know how to read the logs so someone's probably gonna be like what are you doing on logs if you don't know how to read them all right over here this is a tough one guys um okay so everyone just left right oh pokey's still here that's gonna look suspicious all right um did everyone leave yet so here's the problem um oh all [Laughter] dude i had a feeling i had a feeling my eye was on here dude pokey saw me in here she knows i'm clean hey corpse you passing by i'm passing by too yup yup everything's clean no problems here enter the old id code alright so the trick to this map is to kill people and then um go somewhere else and then we fix the lights really quick all right i was already in there no they didn't even even even even even find them oh my god oh god there's so many dead people what was that for this long yeah that's crazy okay i have a quick question for jack jack how did you get into reactor so fast in the beginning of the round i instantly sprinted there and all i had to do was flip my node am i really gonna get sussed on running the body is dead lab area it's like uh oh right next to the wires there by kuno's creating a graveyard wait what no wait alex alex you know where i am right yeah but that doesn't matter though why wouldn't i just why wouldn't i just guard the bodies if i was trying to do that right listen i'd be discouraged no wait corpse i passed you coming i kind of do too but i don't really have much anybody could win right now i only got 22 seconds boys we gotta vote okay corpse corpse who do you think it is corpse yeah i want courage it's the highest point okay all right i'm i'm going with corpse on this i'm voting for this i don't know i'm just trusting corpse on it guys i don't i would encourage we have to vote together everyone told you what happened guys we got to vote together i don't know what to do anymore we gotta vote together we gotta vote together guys uh you know um man those were some clean kills uh cat high five all right 16 so this has like six seconds it's over guys look you do have to vote together as crewmates now we aren't the crewmates so we don't have to vote together but uh what we have to do is i'm gonna let wildcat get the last kill i'm just gonna camp right here because the only way they win is if they come push the button because the next kill wins so wildcat can just kill whoever or or jack [Music] nice job [Music] foreign
Channel: Sykkuno
Views: 1,613,179
Rating: 4.9762068 out of 5
Keywords: sykkuno,, offlinetv, lilypichu, lily, valkyrae, otv, pokimane, sykkuno valkyrae, disguised toast, toast, among us, among us sykkuno, among us offline tv, sykkuno offlinetv, among us impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us funny moments, among us gameplay, disguised toast among us, among us vent, among us vent kill, among us toast, pewdiepie among us, jacksepticeye among us, among us pokimane, among us trick, among us crossover, james charles
Id: Bh4_1Ym5HOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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