becoming a 4600 IQ solo impostor horror ASSASSIN...

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[Music] oh no no no no no all right okay first thing is first let's get an alibi dead body okay dead body is in storage oh brook recorded it yeah where are you did you see the body bro i can't see the body because the lights are off yeah but um i was walking into electrical and i realized i had a report body so i went back um someone can vouch i was in communications hold on bro you say you're electrical but i'm at electrical no i said i was going to electrical and then i went back where did you end [ __ ] that's all i got in storage okay one real quick sometimes when i kill a body and then i realize that someone else is about to find that body i reported it you go back and forth okay no way that you guys are voting me out over there i am i went to communications as the lights are off so i'm confused how brook can see me from storage with the lights off oh that's that's three bro that's three [Applause] oh [Applause] i don't this guy's toast also i can clear i was protecting joey all right next would kill ray and frame brook i don't want to use that vent because sometimes they might be able to see it okay oh god brooke i think we leave broke alive for sure people are in um i'm a freaking [ __ ] that just locked myself in toast came out of the vent toast came out of the thing i think he came out of a van ugh oh i am a trained freaking assassin let's go baby oh my god like you know any day you want to get one kill would be great any day now any day and i'll take you know just one kill man just just one kill saku no holy [ __ ] oh bro i killed him ryan peter leslie ray and edison where's brooke oh my god i literally just no okay no i'm getting framed so hard whoever did this is the biggest five head okay before you wait wait jodi and jody right now hold on brooke hold on jody me jody brook and ryan were together me and jody left and now ryan's gone oh my god you guys lose that way well bro there's nothing i can say i'm in admin right now communication communications yeah you were in and so was ryan ryan and so was ryan i left ryan in there and i came up because i have my second downloader and jody left right jody we went to admin jody can you vouch for cycuno yeah it's johnny we're together from my perspective it's brooke and john i'm down to go with whichever one you guys are more comfortable with i mean from my perspective it's not me but if you guys suss me that's i don't i look did you see toast up there when you were with ryan lovely it was just me and ryan i left the room came up to where you guys were and then oh god brooke it sounds like but you're making it it's like the common factor here for me it's brooklyn when lights went off because somebody was on cams and it was probably leslie and then lights on off and then nobody was on cams anymore so it couldn't have been anyone on the right which was me well except for ryan and ryan but i just know it's not jody i think it's between john and brooke probably i think the common one is brook and it's the safest shot it could be toast too but given what happened round one guys it sounds like it's broken i'm gonna vote brook together you're the last person ryan i actually have no idea leslie you rest in peace now well thanks a bunch jody thanks a bunch second you want to kill one person or something i killed five people that game followed me the whole time every game i've had a lot of fun as impossible last around i think i'm down to just um like dye this round to let people shine um orange brown lime white orange brown lime white orange brown lime white orange brown lime white orange brown lime white leslie that's the longest download i've ever did see white orange white orange white orange white still need to do upload orange what why is it no oh i saw the tip of edison's head there well i walked past peter and i'm not dead so i'm really happy about that okay hmm it's like puna where'd you come in i'm interesting uh i came from the top left i did the wires it's always wired so interesting um i briefly saw edison 10 seconds ago in reactor actually um oh i'm just super suss of suscuno because the body is by the emergency button yes and i see saikudo running to trash and so i'm taking out the trash that's not a bad thing why wouldn't you wouldn't you have seen the button but he said he came from wires but who does wires top left cafeteria and then first trash on the right kind of a crazy point what's wrong with is this wrong with doing wires is this ray's lying voice i can't tell no this is my digesting voice okay i ate a lot of food nice what'd you eat i had salmon brussels and uh glaciers that's healthiest that's a good breath guys wait wait what it could have been a drive by or i don't know was it you nothing huh okay when you were doing wire see edison well somebody could invent it in the caf kill him and invent it out where was the kill exactly was it it was next to the emergency button table wow well i just thought wait i just came from there and i didn't see me i didn't see i feel like tycoono would have seen this body was it on the left side ray you know i'm blind half the time actually more than half the time but that's besides the point look look look guys you can heavily suspect me why don't i stick with someone to prove i'm innocent i got voters around foreign all my friends who kept me alive thanks no problem you're all next hmm jody said it could have been eventual she turned down cycuno right quick but i don't think it's the people who voted who said four secundo who are the bad guys whites don't need to upload what happened oh sorry i followed rey to prove i was innocent nobody's been killed so bro died oh but but you know it's not me right nobody's been killed well brooke was the other sus for that and now it's between cyclone and rey wait wait what what do you mean between me and ray it is between saikuna and rey wait i followed her to show that i'm clear and nobody i went into med bay to start my vial and i the door shuts and i just see agree a sliver of green on the other side of the door because i was following you to show you how innocent i was on the other side of the door the door opens i'm running for my life i pass acting people i go to communications i pass people into standing there watching can also say ray didn't do this kill um someone maybe vented in i wasn't trying to freak you out ray i was just trying to show you that sorry leslie one more time where was the body it's like right when you're gonna do the lights okay it's on where you do it so someone killed oh wait the lights are still awesome so that means it was a stat kill no i ended top left of storage leslie ran past me we were in admin together yes i thought she was going to kill me so i ran right but then i realized she would kill me anyway i thought she was sabotaging you because i'm not the imposter yeah i thought you ran into the wall though so you're either drunk or i thought you had yourself over caffeinated everyone else you guys still want to kill us wait wait guys you guys are crazy you guys want to still kill psychonauts don't kill guys guys look look i don't know what are we doing we're not against just killing seikuno right now i'm just gonna skip oh i didn't even vote oh interesting i've seen toast stream he likes to kill someone in front of lights and vent out [Music] oh brown orange brown orange brown orange ah jody voted for cyclone last round but why the change of heart there's no way it goes for this kill right there are witnesses outside there we go where's the body ray cycuno toast peter that was the order what um walking up on cameras it's the bodies on cafe area where's the body you can also clear me from the skill because i was with ryan let's the body is on cafeteria no i just walked through what i was with i saw ryan on cams but i was going to top to finish my jody the reason why you didn't see the body when you walked past because this was done in front of me just now oh okay and who are you blaming well it couldn't have been the group it's the guy who attached himself to ray what oh no yeah wait what what guys didn't you see toast right behind you what do you mean um i was you know i was i was just i was just walking around trying to do my task um what's what i don't know i was just walking up and the meeting happened wait yes i well i did i was actually following them but it wasn't within my line of sight so like it was just toast and cicuna ahead of me so toast you actually saw him do it yeah i did oh i don't remember seeing anything i'll put it like this let me make it easy for you guys ryan you're on camera you saw all four of us go up yep so i saw a death happen in front of my eyes sakuno says he's blind peter says he didn't get a good look unless both of them got [ __ ] amnesia in the last second it's cycuno who killed ray but peter didn't have a chance to kill me in time unless you're i just i didn't get this i wasn't with that we're on seven we're on seven guys what does that mean it's like both of your defenses have been impossible to me we should pete peter leslie leslie and i have a defense for leslie really thanks yep i don't even have a defense for myself oh god you're just going to kill me peter's going to kill me you're just going to kill me you're going to kill me out of fight huh peace out peter wow wow here we are again alrighty my defense for leslie was um when lights turned off for who fixed it or no leslie found brooke's body yes so i ran into admin past leslie when lights were turning off i was hugging the right of admin she could have easily killed me and hit the body but she kept running towards lights and the way she passed she ran instantly instantly delights rather than just killing me yeah like it just it was very crewmate of her it was like an easy hidden body for her wasn't that a 50 50 between toes and cycles no yes yes the game would be over if you know what's happening jody i'm taking that to the insult because you think i'm not smart enough to just call time with toast the sabotages for the double kill that's what you're implying to me right now you didn't get a single kill last night by actually killing you you just voted everybody off so yeah i think you're capable of no no so jody um if you and peter were impostor there you would double kill us and you win wait what you know what i mean if it wasn't out because you were on top of me in toast with peter so if you and peter were imposter why are you saying me and peter why are you doing because i was because i'm clear i was saying if toast was okay let's say toast and peter they double kill us there we lose just like last game doesn't i didn't no i know i'm saying like what if they're trying to do some crazy youtube [ __ ] no no no no i could have done that last game i just felt like winning but she thought it was peter before though right yes peter why is it not you i i just didn't do any of these kills it's not me i was following i was following along with ray ray cycuno and toast and then ray's dead toast reports it so i just didn't see it within my vision i thought we were sleeping on seven three people skipped six peter loves to vote i don't know jesus even like the only people that skipped was leslie and peter and cycuno and i want to clear leslie jody we're gonna have a taco you and me we're gonna have a talk [Laughter] gg i didn't know how to use snake i didn't know how to get out of that one [ __ ] oh that was tough it's all right peter they kept catching me and i killed him right before the button every time what a moment that was funny that was oh god sad that was a sad game that's just that's just a word to use orange pink black yellow orange pink black yellow blue white brown red i'm missing green oh there we go there forever where is everybody before pokey med bay and one more uh corpses and admin yes this body is back at spawn you were there last yeah this is true oh wait you think it's me leslie where exactly is the body by the right side of spawn i went all the way i just doubled back explain yourself all right so i just walked up saw you guys i was going to clear i can clear toast rey and i think pokey for this no leslie let's see did you see leslie pass let me let me let me ask you leslie it's kind of weird leslie it's kind of weird that you got to spawn with no one seeing you uh what i did yeah i don't remember seeing leslie and you know what's the weirdest thing the weirdest thing is that i counted nine heads walking past me no one was left behind in spawn how did i get there was the last one he was the ninth person i counted all nine heads it's cycuno yeah wait no it's impossible because nine heads past me why leslie why would i do this leslie and self-report it's two elijah telling if it was one i can overlook it but you're telling two lies right now and i never saw you pissed yeah i don't think leslie powell okay not me a hundred percent just keep okay you guys can vote me it's like okay good try though i'm so confused people walk past me so there's no one left in spawn zero people walk behind me so there's no one respond now leslie is saying there's two people at spawn herself and the corpse i don't know what leslie big brain play there was but i think she just self-reported and didn't want to get sussed out for it so she made up a lie and said the body was at spawn which is just like the craziest thing you guys said anywhere else but spawn is like because i was counting them heads you know is it muscle he's the only one who skipped this is such a hard map for foster like i think they should have like 17 hey valkyrie you want to explain some movements why was that i i left you it wasn't seiku no yeah why was it i left you in psych i mean people can vent anywhere on this goddamn map um but basically i left sarcuno and valkyrie down in the bottom balcony area i think you call it i come back down just because like reactor gets called they're hiding the body figured right so i walked down and i see sakuya dead right on the weather balloon task i feel like it should be very obvious that i'm in because i got leslie yeah yeah but i just wanted you to explain like the your path i just left after i did balloons i did i did asteroids and then i did balloons and i just left and i went back to admin i went to admin i did card swipe i did the rockets on the top right and then reactor went off and then wires on the wall and then i went back up to do the other wires but then this meter i'm actually really glad psycho no dad cause that's the person who sussed leslie so now we know he's not yeah so we know that this is most likely event kill it's easy it's either a laser in my opinion or ellie i i was literally sitting on medicine it could be toast venting fast i am currently i'm currently holding down the right hand side of reactor my my mind is english i i just don't know what's going on i just want to clear myself i was literally on this part of the game that's like the right way i don't i don't think anyone else is in the reactor wing i swear to god if i'm getting killed after sussing out the first imposter again i'm going to lose my mind that's it i really do i think it's corpse i uh laser then hey i was i do you think i faked medbay no no no i checked out the [ __ ] madman does that got about so the only other person that was on the same page elliot yes me and five up both kind of figured it has to be moose silk because um he was the only one who skipped like okay so let's vote elliot that we're gonna wait i'm sorry can we not do blind votes again no it's not really standing on youtube we have one posture out i saw what i man when i did asteroids there was white blue green and me and then we did go to the balloon and if laser is clear and cycuno's dead it has to be blue well i mean it could also be or there could literally be a vent kill in two minutes who could have been killed is toast because five up and corpse were together and me and ray were together toast where were you at the beginning of that round no wait we're talking about the second round oh wait and toast is clear because he got out leslie okay has to be blue has to all right i don't know if this is correct but sure let's do it okay let's have another pogba's moment hopefully okay maybe this happens let's not continue very hard there was actually no that was not a fair one just passed me on i didn't do i didn't get seen once nearby [Music]
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 3,515,814
Rating: 4.9695516 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, valkyrae toast
Id: FWeMnGuOF60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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