He protected me even though I'm the Impostor...

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you know what has to happen i didn't want to do it i didn't want to do anything oh no pokey saw it oh wait that wasn't for her to see oh my god oh my god oh my lord good jesus christ lord please vote for me first guys vote for me first for me vote for me i might have accidentally hit the report button after i i killed him uh is that right what is up guys it's spykuno here let's see all right let me put on my saikuna protection huh oh thanks oh oh guys i'm gonna laugh if we immediately get voted off because they'll be like sakuno's not dead you must be the imposter oh no we're with ludwig oh no he'll understand if we have to kill him all right ludwig you know what has to happen here ludwig i didn't want to do it i didn't want to do it but all right um guys look i'm bad at imposter so here's what we're gonna do here's what we're gonna do we're gonna see if ludwig is going to uh let's see what happens guys let's see what happened after the cameras we're not gonna kill ludwig alright i finished that i'm gonna hide over here all right ludwig is keeping us safe he's keeping us safe this is good all right you know what we have to do guys oh no guys oh no myth is probably looking at us funny but look there's too many people nearby let's run over here jiggle on this bed too charlie's just looking at us funny um because he didn't change his hat what is this oh my job is to protect okay look sorry we're gonna lose i'll be honest guys we're not winning this imposter game there's there's no way this is this is as good as over um but look at least we know ludwig's backing us up oh wait ludwig um we were afk on the bottom right molly um the door shut on me i was about to go to adam and then i was like well maybe i should check for you he might stuck he wasn't me all right blood or psycho um yeah running around strangely yeah and i was hoping to not die so i did strange stuff and the doors just closed in electrical so i got trapped inside electrical is there a chance it could be someone that came late yes yes that's why i'm only clearing blood inside you know okay well i came before the lights even turned off so i don't think that makes sense the only reason i think it could be used because we were left side and you crossed over electrical and then you went into electrical as well because i hadn't seen people in so long i was afraid that there was a graveyard somewhere czech is loyal also i think i know who one of the imposters is but i want to wait oh really you think it's janet don't you hear that imposters you have to kill her [Music] because you're because you're walking in a med bay from cafeteria towards after lights or go off wait she was walking funny that's good enough for me guys like said you're walking funny okay well it's like i'm trying to accuse her i'm trying to accuse her so we look innocent thank you guys smith said she was walking funny guys she walked crooked you heard it right guys excuse me mr psychonaut huh oh wait i thought you said that yes but you guys voted for me oh i bet myth voted they wouldn't expect two imposters to randomly turn on each other galaxy brain see janet would never expect us to turn on each other all right look ludwig ludwig we're friends right ludwig ludwig you trust me right um [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh my god oh my god oh my god jesus christ lord oh no pokey sod oh wait that wasn't for her to see um oh goodness oh goodness this is bad this is bad the only ludwig was supposed to see that oh no oh no this is bad this is bad oh oh god sabotage sabotage the lights um okay okay only ludwig was supposed to see and he's still guarding us guys he's still guarding us this is why we trust ludwig guys this is why we trust ludwig cycuno protection services we offer protection no matter what the stakes i will always protect you where's pokey though we gotta kill her oh man we're done so we're done so janet you gotta kill pokey she knows it's you too oh oh god i was wondering why no man oh man yo well look guys we might we might lose this game but we got some [ __ ] to talk about but yeah i think we actually won because we know that ludwig's our face yes no listen i was standing on top of sid when the lights are off and running after her because i am trying so hard not to die because i saw someone vent so i was like and i couldn't get to the button because the doors were closing and then i saw wendy and then the lights shut off and i was like how did you just stay on top with someone so i don't die because i know they saw me i think saw see them i saw you're going to try to kill them i do not buy it wait what was the info you're waiting okay so i crossed you ray uh in reactor right yes yes you did and i go into reactor and i see the vent jiggle jiggle and you know who's standing on top of the damn vent blood so i can't wow guys ludwig i let's see if he rats us out guys this is the ultimate test here right everybody was also in the vet either way all right the biggest sus on him if you guys want to vote him out i think it's a good move but if you want to keep playing hey guys she sounds a little weird right we should skip i'm i'm willing as long as you're guys he didn't rat us out but that was guys ludwig passed guys good old ludwig we got no input oh right oh yeah the meeting where's everyone's locations um i was with ludwig like the whole round my rights [Music] guys guys it's not ludwig honestly there's nobody in this game right now i trust more than ludwig is all right guys look i know some people are gonna say that was really trolly but look i just wanted to see if we could trust them and we can that's what matters you know however this game goes i'd say we won so i know pokey doesn't have a button i'm just going to leave and follow her and then look guys you know what we got to do here all right that's what you get for trying to turn it on ludwig having a heart attack or like right when you're about to have a heart attack dude guys last round she almost got ludwig killed for us cams i just want to put out there it's like a killer second one wig is very like he's trying to lure me onto a vent no i'm not i'm not it was worth these guys she tried to kill ludwig wait cycuno if you think it's ludwig kill me first myth kill me first the opportunity to go kill me before you kill somebody no kill me first like no kill me first instead of myself i killed that i voted like you know they're trying to tear apart the vote here most likely yeah vote me vote for me first guys vote for me vote for me vote for me saikudo all right look guys okay we got we gotta we're definitely voting a lot because we can't do it we can't do this guys we're voting for us on seven that's how confident we are right i know what's happening here ludwig is trying to tie the vote for us but we're not going to do it guys we're not going to do it we can't we can't get part of my message you people voted for blood does that mean wait i think i don't know what it is too cool guys ludwig's too cool thanks ludwig you know what guys you know what guys we may not have gotten the victory screen but that game really felt like a win to me good old ludwig guys all right hopefully janna can win i don't know where she is though okay ray's dead um there she is where's the body oh uh upper left [Music] [Laughter] ludwig you're a real pal um let's make a little heart you can't make a carrot are you kidding me not poor ludwig ludwig is such a good pal guys he saw psych vent um oh my god okay okay okay it was windy it was janet it was close it was so close looks like we're not the imposter finally so i'll catch you guys next round but look we had a great run guys here's the thing finally not the imposter but we've gotten it so many times they're probably conditioned to think that we are the imposter so what we're gonna do is actually look like we're the imposter and do the exact same strategy you see now i'm going to run away because they're going to be like oh cycuno's the imposter um because he's got he's got to go get a kill i got to go back up to my fence and do the exact same thing i'm not even the imposter but any second someone's gonna come back and check on any second this is my galaxy brain strategy you see and i don't want them to think i'm innocent i want them to think i'm i'm the imposter so i can help out the impostors in case it's one of my friends that i'm backing so we gotta stick to our strategy let's stand on the circle here we're only going to do this like the first round to chill um and that's it somebody should be dead by now honestly i'm getting a little bored of standing here but we got to commit to the strategy so look someone just pop out of oh oh hey well that looks suspicious um look we're just gonna do it one round that's it um oh you hit this yeah what's happening dude oh no janet's dead which thing are you talking about hey uh i buttoned because that was the longest round of all god damn time got information i can't find any bodies uh but someone is dead but i can't believe you would kill my bffl like that we were both walking down the y and then she doubled back towards uh like light's room and then when i doubled back in there she wasn't in there and then when i went down to decontam she was there so i was like i promise i walked up no no no no no no there i walked up and i went to decontamination i doubled back i did the task faster okay no i walked up and um i think i saw abe and pokey no wait was it was it corpse it was corpse i walked up decontamination with you guys i never saw you get up there i think hippo's been the weirdest for me because i did the leap task i don't know if train you were there i did the leaf task uh she was on the leaf task before me and then left right after me which i just thought was weird ludwig say it say the word ludwig say the word anything it's not toast it's also not uh it's not aids for sure it's definitely not well-dressed who voted me i have i have no information it's not ap clear i'm not sure what's happening but um abe is probably clear because i feel like in the darkness right we're chilling in the darkness at the spawn by ourselves there's no way he wouldn't have killed me he definitely would have killed me or thought i was the imposter or both oh wait you can't do both um and over here b3 oh uh gang thanks for this uh five gift subs king uh pokey dead body is an admin well it wasn't corpse hippo where are you right now cyan in the middle she's pink warding but i don't know when she got there no okay okay i'm only asking because i was on the logs really early on and you were the first one out and you looks like you went like left side but i don't know where you were yeah i wanted d-can to finish my simon says okay blood where are you right now but wait you were there by yourself last round what yeah i'm addicted to this no i know but like so okay so here's my problem i left cyan in in med bay uh in reactor uh last round just me and her and i left and then i went to press the button and i so i had to run all the way to the button and in that time she didn't do her simon says but went back this round that's i am suspicious of cyan once again oh say it ludwig say the word this is eight this is our last chance i lost one i lost one i can't call it anymore no do it lovely you can redeem yourself no i don't this could be the one ludwig i believe in you stan are you the imposter oh he did it i believe in you ludwig you got it all right oh we're skipping i but i i believe in ludwig he's got it right he's right like 99 of the time with cap power of cap yeah i believe in you i believe in you all right there's no way ludwig gets it wrong again look guys ludwig feels a little bad that he got it wrong last time on toast but you know what guys when your friend feels bad you got to back him up even harder so i'll be completely honest i have no idea why he thinks it's hippo but when your friend is doubting himself he needs you to back him up and that's what we're going to do for ludwig because he's he's worried that he can't get it right anymore all right over here do that what else do we have left we have wires and a bunch of stuff well what toasted my treat um i just found abe in the middle of decontamination yeah did righteous fat no what no no sorry i'm eating pop tarts okay and i i know i was i was i was being really awkward there i know i was really really awkward but no where is everyone cause i'm in cafeteria well i'm in decontamination i reported the body i'm i'm north with uh corpse and toast right up on me wait it depends whether or not you think we're right on hippo well corporal said he saw her vent right i didn't know i didn't visually see her event but like that first round was really weird where she i went i mean i don't have much to go off i'm sorry i'm obsessed with a little bit i don't know okay we have yeah we got to pick one person toast what are you thinking i prefer i don't know i would go rey over lud i i mean corpse did say it's really not off of the information that i have yeah i don't have too many hints right now unless toast is the imposter but all right we might have gotten played by toast i really don't know we have no idea all right we got played by toast at least we got him a video i don't know how many tasks do we have left okay we should go to the wires and then we just got the rest in laboratory [Music] team wires is me oh oh all right um all right so i want to have a lot of blood here what why uh i disagree with that because i think it could be hippo or it could have been ray but i think we definitely got one because there's no reactor call now we definitely got one [Music] oh gosh wait who voted corpse oh yeah you just got scanned right huh i thought that was the last who voted corpse train who did you vote for there for it all right i don't know what's happening all right we gotta go do our last couple tasks in laboratory um i don't know what's happening i'm thinking maybe i'll hold one to see what happens but um oh hey ludwig how did you get here so fast i thought i left him back in cafeteria oh no oh no oh no i i didn't see anything i just did my task i didn't i i didn't see anything oh golly a report button oh where is it oh god all right well where was the body left side of reactor oh i was just there wait what am i doing where are you now it's like no i really was there i was uh just clicking the right next to simon says i was clicking the one to ten uh just finished right when this meeting got called got a payback this is what's gonna happen we're gonna shoot lud if it's wrong i'm going to fix light you're going to call button and then we'll shoot cykuno what whoa wait wait go for me first thing go for me first then i'm going to vote for myself no don't vote for no come on saikuno don't vote for yourself vote skip we don't need to kill anyone here i'm gonna vote for myself i all right well i'll vote for myself too then okay this actually [ __ ] things up they know who it it is like it's over it's over but we gave him a shot all right we gave him a shot okay was i supposed to do that oh hey again yes yeah one of us hit the button so well i'm gonna vote for myself again i really don't think it's cycuno here guys no here's the thing it has to 100 percent be loved because love lied above if we lost off this i would actually come over to your room and yell at you you have to hang well i don't want it to end just yet maybe okay i can win this game and i think i wanted to give him a shot at it cap what i think someone has a shot at winning this game look i don't know what it looks like controlling all sessions to stream um i think it's fine to vote for me now because there's still gonna be three left right yeah why did they skip oh no my mouse didn't break obviously but i that's fine we just stick together what kind of weird sim fiesta is this why did they skip i they know it's ludwig they 100 know it's ludwig but what is ludwig trying to do here that's my question just do it ludwig just just do wait why don't i just finish my task i can just go finish my task right all i have to do is finish my task and then and then we win anyway nobody has to die nobody has to die guys all we gotta do is finish our task all right this is how all of us win guys this is how all of us win okay over here run down this way look i might have accidentally hit the report button after i i killed him um is that right that could have happened i might have misclicked um one of you after this game i'm going to yell at one of you after this game oh okay all right we'll die let's i just what okay why did you see cycuno i i didn't even see the body i just hit report um and um i uh uh ludwig i kinda wanna vote cycuno why look look because you've been ruining my life i'm sorry ludwig this is the farthest it goes i'm sorry i'm sorry the road had to stop somewhere saikuno the this is the first ticket i'm sorry one second left was way harder than that i'm sorry i don't know saw love with him [Music] myself
Channel: Sykkuno
Views: 2,528,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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