19,900 IQ INVISIBILITY strats as the NEW SWOOPER role... (custom mod)

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among us i am playing the game of humongous now do i not kill pokey first or do i kill pokey first why don't i hear so much i saw someone vent and then they chased me who wants it come clean sir just do it oh it's a guy sir sir don't worry all right i already voted them chris why did you do it after you take over i just couldn't help myself come on i don't want to out shoot you come on okay okay fine no confession it's ryan froghead it has to be pokey then yeah ryan did you vend are you the engineer okay but the thing is then he chased me and tried to lock doors but it like messed up it's spooky it does sound convincing you know ryan voted me out of the last two games [Applause] or maybe i'll let her have this one let her catch me i feel like if she gets to talk one more round she's gonna assess me for what huh all right you sorry it could be your youtube video but it could also be my youtube video and in my defense you got my partner out so you're super cleared [Music] oh no she's not the mayor she knew too much who killed our mayor where was the body it was in vaults no idea what that means wait wait wait wait wait it was like up top like top mid i came from i came from like the meeting room and i went on the ladder wait i know who can solve this the camera person yeah i know i know it's me but here's the thing so i was on the cameras and i saw toast and pokey just standing there yeah and then they were yeah and so then i leave i go back on it's just pokey she's standing at staring at the camera and i'm like oh hey and then i left the cameras are off the past five ten seconds because i left because i got bored nothing happened but she just died and as i left cameras yeah because me and pokey were involved we were i would dance in front of the camera and a pokey dancer from camera no i failed so hannah should have seen maybe seen someone i saw one person who was it it was a man with a hat chris oh wait wait it was correct so i have and all seeing eye okay okay and hannah's name is gray so i don't know what that means oh you're saying you're seer yeah great ray like an executioner i i was executioner okay the mayor oh she just died oh so you're just tell your guests or not skipping no i'm crewmate what you're still great to me hannah weird chris i saw you next to the mayor okay wait the target could also be the imposter find out who the imposter is just give me a second all right so christopher is the seer that means if he checks me he knows i'm an imposter ah he's trying to check me he's trying to check me he's gonna fix the sabotage my timer is so high though but he can't report anything until there's a dead body [Music] i saw leslie vent yes yes i'm venting but that's because i'm the engineer again again leslie again really how many times leslie i know twice again i've been using the vents to spy actually i haven't gotten any information um can someone tell me where the admin table is it's inside of the cockpit where is that just in the cockpit why don't you see it like that hey hey chris are you doing anything after this uh among this lobby i'm vibing what are you doing oh you wanna do that thing we talked about we're gonna be making plans all right let's do that thing we talked about and we're playing among us hopefully nothing happens in between now and that session that will make me not want to do that with you why do you guys talking so like what are these secret memes i'm sorry anyway abe why did you call this a meeting oh cause i saw leslie uh saw leslie yes he's telling me he's an engineer well you're trying to you don't know i'm engineering hey was she trying to chase you i know you're engineering kind of running imposter oh no i so i saw events like in the corner of my screen when i took the you know yes yes yes yes and i saw her i might have just caught her but at the same time she might be engineered okay my kill can't take this vote me out chris is here he checked me on red whoa no no no chris is imposter no chris check to me he's he's chester why did chris just tell me my name's red when i'm interested no no chris is sipping for me it's crazy it's me i even voted myself oh my [Music] okay so now i have to kill hannah i had to kill hannah i can't even vent as imposter i can't vent us the super this game is tainted i lost there's so much thing that puts the kill on pause sorry hannah because she technically becomes the jester [Music] guys it's okay guys i figured it out you saw that right me young what did i see i figured it out i was spy yeah i saved the game guys it's toast what it's not toast i scared it wait stop it chris is not seer he is not i think venting you what do you mean you think please wait sorry sorry explain where i vented when ryan was the one who vented when you were in the top middle and then boom you i saw two toasts on my admin table on the bottom all the time two toes vented right yeah that's true as well i don't know i'm just not like she's the only one supers can't that body was really close to me and leslie and chris left chris is trying to be a homie right now no he's misaccusing you leslie he said my name's red i'm the yes because he's covering for me oh well then we vote him for this that is absolutely so you're saying you killed hannah toast is that what you're saying yes oh my head where was hannah's body it was uh on the right side right side of what what was what do you mean guys i'm trying to vote for myself wait but where is hannah's body on the right side you remember we reported all right june you're the next one to go uh oh so the thing chris and i were talking about is um careful chris thank you it's so funny watching her duck head pop into a vent and pop out maybe i do have to kill chris i don't think any of them went up though because i didn't hear the ladder sound where is everybody hello people where are you guys yeah i just caught sabotage maybe i'll just swoop my way on over all right myang thinks i'm jester huh that's good uh [Music] so leslie's body is at the bottom of the ladder to meeting room where like the reactor yeah yeah yeah on the left reactor he was fixing it i don't believe that chris is here he's the seer i i don't believe that chris why don't you believe that i can see names wait didn't you say leslie was a bad per bad guy like christopher he's covering for me this wind is tainted oh so it's kristin toast no chris is the seer i'm the only apostle oh the other one ryan no no no i don't believe i'm killing chris um i am so i i don't believe i don't believe that chris is the c i've scanned everyone's name everyone here is green except one person guys just get me out please please i've been voting myself since three rounds ago the game's not gonna end [Music] all right i can lilly next why is it when i'm sussing myself people don't believe me people will have i should just treat it like opposite day you know when i tell the truth people don't believe me i was scared who scared you lily you me what the hell i'm in the freaking emergency waiting room thing sorry i don't know who to trust anymore yes i only trusted leslie i'm not gonna lie all right you're right i am the jester and the p the reason why imposters are so afraid to vote for me is because they don't want the gesture to win that's why abe pushed it on chris so you can vote for me and let me win or you can vote for abe and let abe win wait is even poster yeah definitely not me i'm the gesture no i actually think toast is jester oh okay then who is a dave if it's not me or you oh so it's meow oh god it could be me it really could be me so we have to vote miyang cause good enough for me i don't know guys get me out of here okay well i'll get you out of here me yeah we'll get you out of here thank god this is the weirdest game dude i've only told the truth i've only told the truth [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] thank god [Applause] good all right i am the swooping super am i muted thank god okay first person i'm killing is pokemane don't take it personally pokemane you just ask me a lot and then leslie i'll kill you next let's go all right time to swoop soup soup soup soup the super cannot apparently what two dead nas who just joined messed up how do you do the the coin diamond diamond thingy figure it out oh you do it on the okay yeah figure it out it's really hard you gotta go to the other side chris of the bridge and then put in the info hey i think you knew that already though and that's you hey christopher where did you come from i just did my download on the cargo thing i think i found the body the only person that i passed by was christopher running over there there were two there were two people in cargo that went up above me the guy left guys he asked what the diamond diamond task was yeah unless today is my first day on airship oh i don't believe him oh yeah maybe that's what he did the first task oh you don't watch ourselves don't watch any of your friends playing among us guys no i stream because i don't want to feel left out so i do my own thing guys it can't be him he said diamond diamond task come on guys that's exactly why it is the same come on guys he wouldn't know that unless he's innocent we just saw him yeah we just did well yeah what lily said no hey wait this is you isn't it you son of a wait now i believe chris [Music] all right here i come the swooping super gonna soup why does that remind me of like a soundtrack from movie so so so so so so picking up my guns putting it away picking on my guns putting it away okay i need to find people who are people where are people and why are they at the steeple [Music] [Laughter] oh no tell us what happened all right so uh abe was afk so i was protecting his body i had the very strong feeling he was innocent so i'm just around it's what was protecting his body lily walks by he's kind of just like you know doing her thing leaves okay so i'm still standing over about 10-15 seconds later abe's body just goes and falls over the swooping swooper did it the super super yeah that's impostor so how do we know it's not you wait yeah because the last the last time you said you were protecting afk body leslie you killed me oh yeah that's true uh but this is different okay this one is different wait can the poster get rolls too yeah super super so why didn't the why didn't they uh they saw two of you there yes but they only killed yeah why didn't they kill you yeah why did they kill you don't ask me just a bystander who do you think and it is not me okay what about me what about me on you so i was on vitals and i saw it die and then report like maybe a half second later what about lilly what has she been up to i saw yeah at the last second it's kristen lilly don't play dumb with us how could you chris and lilly wow guys can i just ask why like every task takes like 30 seconds to do because you're bad it doesn't take me 30 seconds oh it was just me yeah wherever voted lily you're on to something lily's executioner her target was abe abe was dead so she's now jester and she's voting herself here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna throw chris under the bus and then i'm gonna get lily to vote with me on someone else and then i'm gonna give her one she checked me [Music] leslie's got swooped she got i was with meong and h june so i think that it can't be them chris where'd you go chris i was in the kitchen i fixed the lights underneath it and then i went through the armory where's the body guys listen chris said he did diamonds so it can't be him no it's chris and lily okay i think it's lily lily is super i think no no lily are you swooping can i explain it yeah go ahead go go ahead i was i was executioner and then my target died so now i'm crewmate what is the execution oh god oh wait is it toast and kristen no no no no no no it's chris and lilly it might be toast but it's not you guys are right the first time i reported on six and i thought cause uh she was she got the ak-47 you know what i mean she put it on the thing why would i kill leslie only one person died no yeah i'm saying you're clear no one's hard no it's hard a one body it's leslie's body and it's at the bottom of the ladder to the meeting room [Music] i think it's i think it's toast and crisp because toast cleared chris saying like oh you know no no wait you guys saw no i was captain it's a hundred percent crazy i don't need his clear i think he might be too nice oh no i was i was i haven't i was being sarcastic i still think he could be lily what all right let's do chris dandy lily it's definitely what chris was from round one just do it oh wait lily didn't turn back into a gesture that messes up my plan [Music] yeah i got scared it was a very scary time why the doors close yeah it closed on me all right any last words lily toasted and killed right what he could have won the game there like i mean assuming chris was wrong then yes i just do there's no way i don't make sense i haven't done any guys you are giving me way too much credit for my big brain please i agree being a duck because i've seen your your iq changes fluctuating i'm literally just being a duck here every single day dude i say we send lily i was executioner [Music] yeah so it told me i have to vote out abe but then died that's why i was saying like self-reporting so your partner killed him abe was killed by imposters yes and then my role changed but wasn't that the one where we accused chris of killing okay sorry what are the concerns there's an option so we could have chosen the setting where uh execution turns to crew or execution returns to jester and apparently we have it said the execution returns to crew this could be a big brain play by lily yes okay i'm first of all i'm not that smart guys what if kill her god chris out the other imposter sacrificed him for the youtube video i sort of got if you guys vote me once again after catching an imposter lily first lily how am i getting really first first you guys know i don't care you're the most out of everyone yeah you're the most successful what you guys didn't vote if it's not really i didn't lily i would never remember this i got your name oh i guess we don't have to gesture version turned off so zoom button there so i don't have to worry about him buttoning he has to find the body so what i have to do is find the victims so i just need to keep closing doors until um i can find someone to kill so jew wants oh all right chris all right chrissy tell me something what are you telling me chris yeah this this is taking a long time let's open the door so ryan's on the on the right side he's interested in getting to the left side i just have to camp lily's body right i mean meow's body damn it odd ryan are you are you are you what happened ryan you saved the game i think i did too i think i did it was toast tell us where'd you come from i came from the left side to fix the right side hey what did you fix or what did you do what did i do yeah so i called the meeting last time we were both there we had the same idea right i called it so i don't have any meetings left i saw toast i spawned right next to toast so i was like i ran away i ran away up top i was like i'm dead but he didn't chase me he went to go kill who who else was left miyang i was like ryan ryan i was like screaming my mic ryan go call it and i let you have that little like conveyor belt and i let you go first and i was watching behind you i was like ryan go call the meeting and then you called it and then you saved the game now we will toast that and we're going to win okay actually you can vote me if you what toast up to you again ryan why is it i so i threw the first game um and i'm doing it again oh my god wait what happened to my five votes then i saved all games you have to vote five times the only reason i pressed it is i don't want to press sabo that's the only reason yeah i think it's a good thing lily that's crazy you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 1,995,161
Rating: 4.9621878 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, swooper among us, toast swooper, toast mods, townofus
Id: KgjsjbzIaVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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