this 2434 IQ VENT MARINATING strat won me these impostor games

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all right it's time to do the thing this will prove my innocence oh uh first of all i'm gonna say edison's a psychopath and he did in fact get away with that kill somehow no one's ever gonna find that body no one's ever gonna find that body again but the one problem is if anybody does find the body then they're gonna know it's me you know what that means right guys what is up guys it's spycuno here boarding pass okay look look at how innocent i look guys extremely innocent okay brodin and jade doing something funny okay nothing in here huh nobody's here hey sydney oh you know what to do jody i believe is going to admin right now um [Music] oh okay um maya how many times did you mess up uh oh on what the swipe card oh the assignment says oh i didn't mess up at all i was just singing along to it oh [Laughter] okay where it's probably old um bodies and weapons download okay um can i just say one thing real quick in case i die i i feel like i'm being hard marinara by broden yeah he was following really heavy into the specimen i'm trying to fuse our bodies and there's only been one kill so i left sydney alive in um weapons area and then i passed tina in when we were going to admin and then now city's dead so tina what is that what is your um oh god let me remember i think i'm an admin right now right i don't um seeing you in that tina wasn't specimen in the beginning of the round i was okay yeah yeah okay we weren't were we talking about the beginning of the i um uh uh um so you're telling me that you didn't pass weapons [Music] i don't think so god this you know this sounds so bad for you and if i was an imposter i would have a thought process all laid out okay because i would be sweaty and i would be i would be like you know hardcore trying to rush for myself but right now i actually agree with that i'm laid back and i just kind of forgot you know what i mean okay i would originally agree with that but you walked out of admin and then i'm pretty sure it would have been you i don't think why me because we passed out and i left sydney there which leaves you i'm gonna i'm gonna hug you jody i'll give you guys [Music] okay so going for the free kill there um all right we're done marinating that's enough marination for now there's no way she's gonna suss me out after that absolutely no way now i know what you're thinking i could have just killed her there but why kill her there when we can just uh we can just leave her alive looking around down here um sorry john nothing personal though close all the doors then i just got a vent out of here over here and i'm gonna try and book it to the right side of the map in an obscure path that no one takes so people don't usually go through this path um all right john's dead hmm [Music] two people in communications room oh okay perfect i look like i came from the room [Music] no that probably explains why there's so few kills care to explain is another word for why okay oh you're saying he said why yeah he said why okay oh i also think that there hasn't been any kills because tina yeah [Applause] i'm a stone cold killer remember well let's say jay hit the button let's let jay do his thing let's let jay say his piece you know guys broden has been following me for the longest time and in the first round i kind of tried to bait him by making him do a task while i was on labs and then i quit my task early and left down and apparently for some god known reason his timing was immaculate he was able to get into the he was able to get into the little the little decontamination center yeah wow well i'm to go back i think no no i think we vote tina based off of that i really think we're having another piece and then we'd be like okay what do you have tina what's the idea i saw jody do the lab things with the vials right the anomaly and it was like one second and she just walked away i went because you only clicked one button no you can't leave you can leave you can just click one and then you go back yeah you can leave you don't have to wait oh okay um that just happened that was a free kill all right oh all right it's like who know i have the library covered no this is so sus who's ever ever gone into the library i don't even know there was a bookshelf here okay goodbye it's five up my goal is to find a box did i do it i wish we could have doubled them there that would have won it for us oh we have to right all right close the doors close the doors close the doors next person who puffs up will handle it what yes ah uh just hitting the button because i lost jay in the light oh wait jody um you lost jay in the lights huh there's a double kill yeah no five up in who wait no sydney voted out a single kill single kill yeah so we got tina okay um so burton you're saying that you lost jay correct so you're one alibi technically i lost him for three seconds okay so you lost jay and now all the kills pop up hmm you forgot leslie i don't think it's secundo because i had a dance party i can 100 confirm it's not maya i fixed lights we're good i can confirm [Music] partner broden or something well here's the best part i lost jay for three seconds and in those three seconds i was at button and hit button so it couldn't have been me unless the bodies were at the bottom of them jay look guys if we kill brodin and we don't i gift everybody one sub okay wait once everybody goes i mean that's one more something i would have gotten me to meet you i will give everybody wait did you say to your channel oh i already voted guys i already voted oh no oh no i already voted for broden i thought i was getting the sub but you know i i may have not gotten i didn't get a sub but at least we gotta win nice job jody nice job oh my god nice job jody oh my god you played yourself like no no maya i said i knew you were clear which i did know because i was the imposter i never said i was clear i just said i knew you were clear i had a dance party with you on the vent oh sorry there's food in my mouth me and edison wow he just joined all right it's time to do the thing this will prove my innocence i don't know what all that is oh what the heck what just happened what happened i don't know i was running on top of the vent and then i just ran to the left and ray died me and pokey just walked up on it wait pokey did you see who anything bro i was a right side i see [ __ ] oh well me and ray were running on top of events what what i saw was i stood still at the entrance to like you know the lab area like on the right side and then sakura was just standing on top of the the hole and then ray was running circles around cycuno yes and then i was i was just sitting there and then bri uh pokey pasta she came out and then i was like okay that's another monkey business so i walked down and then i saw sakura rain as i said alright to the left i think and pokey also went to the left yeah oh it was actually none of us then because me and psychonauts both walked up on a dead body me and pokey just walked up on it okay well then somebody's right over there sneaky sneaky though so i don't think it's me wendy saikuno abe that's all the people that were right side i'm so confused what are you guys laughing about exactly i think she was laughing because you know was doing the thing where he started an event with ray yes um so i i know rey is innocent uh not that so what did ray go now where did ray go she just ran to the left and then she died like right launch pad yeah she went to left me and pokey walked up together can anybody vouch for each other tina are you i'm i i don't know where i am i completely forgot like she's doing what credit card swipe oh yep that's what i'm doing does he not leslie oh yeah it could be tina and leslie then no there's toes what i thought those were i thought [Applause] uh first of all i'm gonna say edison's a psychopath and he did in fact get away with that kill somehow anybody anybody [Laughter] okay no one's ever gonna find that body no one's ever gonna find that body guys but the one problem is if anybody does find the body then they're gonna know it's me you know what that means right guys they're about to find us anyway there's only one thing we could possibly do um what okay okay i just wanna say that was done it was before the lights before the lights because i was on vitals really okay whoa so it wasn't me you or edison yeah emergency tina like i passed by tina and her movie was so weird because she when she saw me she immediately like started following me listen i'm just frantic all right movements you're like seems i feel like lights was called within 20 seconds of the round starting yeah like the kill was so shouldn't even have been really surprising was done before lights yeah yeah wait when we were all at vitals it showed that black was dead when peter no not peter sorry pokey um edison and i okay we were in the vitals room i checked it and it showed i mean i'm not trolling because i'm the impossible talking about the last five seconds right no no no no no no no because right after the lights it was just me and you edison no no no no um can anybody vouch for each other this round i can vouch for peter cicuno and toast at the beginning of the round yeah we were all together as we were in a pack moving over i split from you guys because i thought it was most likely tina no i saw little leslie legs near the end of this round now [Music] yeah this is our only chance well this is good for us um is abe's child there oh thank god it isn't okay um well let's just try and lure someone else back in there pokey oh my toast any takers looking for one person wendy oh come on oh edison found the body all right i was on cams for the first half of the round i go off okay go down to do my task and tree come back up check cams again and pokey is dead on cam all right no no no she's not i was trying to lure people into that corner i go into her dead body yes i saw her a bit dead body and it was actually right outside of um i don't know it's like the water wheel and the guys they wouldn't follow me into the event what am i supposed to do i tried um oh okay do you know when this happened it was some time before before i um i think it was where was the body again seconds of the round it's like the bottom left node near that okay well well are we insurance i am i don't know i'm not sure you guys want to start blasting hold on hold on hold on wendy wendy you were checking um vitals right was pokey not dead when you checked vitals because i saw you doing it on cams i honestly didn't she was she was dead when we checked wendy yeah i was right next to you because i was trying to lure you to that vent can't be wendy then you know i was wiggling did you see me wiggling wendy i was trying to get you to stay on the phone just ignored you know i just what do you want to stand on the vent though like it's my thing it's my thing i don't want to stand in the vent with you sorry why not the last time somebody circled you around the event ray died who do you guys want to kill peter takuno edison for peter peter wait why peter peter why peter i don't know okay okay i heard peter like three times i don't know what's happening period and then vote me off before i get to say i'm sorry i just he said peter i i there are no lights edison you know what we must do okay wait for like five-ish seconds why did you call the lights instead of the reactor don't you fix it edison don't you fix it great job you actually fixed it was it you got a it means that one of the two that we killed is correct who did we kill we killed peter and wait did we only kill peter this round yeah we killed peter and tina tina so one of these two was right so i am oh he's trying to he's clear leslie's pretty clear well i voted for peter so who didn't vote for peter i did i vote for peter because i didn't think it was p i i actually didn't vote for peter either oh i did but that's because i think cicuna might be clear here and then that's a one and three shot and edison had the chance to kill me so it's a one and two shot for me wait so who do you think it is then leslie what do you think is clear he said well the whole event thing he doesn't when he's innocent i okay so also she thinks i'm innocent for standing on top of events never in my life did i think i would get cleared for standing on top of events are you clearing wendy leslie who do you think we should go for leslie leslie oh it's like no it's like what would you vote for yourself if i voted for you sure leslie sure leslie i will vote for myself i actually i'm actually inclined about wendy here but right but there are five of us no idea who it is i don't know we even got a right person what if it's toast they could still be too impossible what i don't care it's hilarious oh man there it goes well it was a good try guys it was a good try um oh i can't oh okay well all right uh right yeah okay so we know there's only one impossible host went to the left reactor with wendy okay uh violent and care thanks for the subs wait explain what happened what life wait oh toast what the wait it's edison toast went to the left reactor with one no he didn't he went to the right side i went to the left side that's why it was completed oh my it's edison leslie it's don't listen to your fight he's lying to you right now i'm just listening to my vibes you never leave me um okay okay hold on hold on explain what you guys have done for the pat okay so think about this rounds right yeah go faster so two of the rounds i'm pretty damn clear i found the round of pokey her body off of cams if i was imposter i would have let that body slide and also the uh the round were i called lights um i was camping it and so i got it immediately so there were two kills that happened where i was nowhere near them also i'm pretty sure edison did it for style points and also to make you think he did try to do it on style but i went to the left reactor and toast one to the right reactor and he's saying that he went with me to blame it on me but toast went to the did he just say i called lights oh my god it's you it's not oh god it's not it's edison oh my god leslie you have to do the right thing here okay you did the right thing this is like how are you doing come on tell me it's right tell me what's right tell me [Music] you
Channel: Sykkuno
Views: 2,372,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Yg5qk8Fqmcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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