Tithing Was a Law For Who? Pt. 2

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you are live ok good afternoon good morning good evening to my YouTube and Facebook followers all over the world I'm back with you again with another teaching of the tiding topic as you would know we are continuing our series with that I'm just waiting on some some folks to are chiming okay DeAndre Stubbs present teacher good there would be no detention for you DeAndre ok Michael king shantel Clark Elizabeth defense okay Patricia where's that again I met so quickly alright people are coming in so I'm gonna give everybody an opportunity to come in because we go now this is gonna be a very very very informative night where we get to really get into it as you can see my sub topic on this teaching of tiding is what a man Rob God listen of this ever a scripture that everybody everybody that not any affiliation with church have been exposed to any kind of church teachings will a man Rob God is the most commonly rehearse voice verse or passage of Scripture ever will a man Rob God I'm letting those client numbers climb up we had 282 let's seem like you're like 500 before we get started and this of course was a combination of YouTube and Facebook natural queen Dave as I see you cariann Rousset afoul I think it is Chandi Eliot Gloria and the merit like that she Yolanda Castro Shakira din happy belated birthday my wonderful friend my number one supporters Martha who else we got here Elizabeth Mohammed Kwame holder the Shan Wellington Terrence Lionel okay good okay good Melanie Gerald Rita Diggs Annie Okafor Okafor I think that is Shammi eight six eight Merton CatDog and I think it is all right I am a sappy on me I'm okay but tonight is gonna be very be at 352 I'm gonna give him what a minute more I'm gonna give up in a minute more so he will be at or at least about 500 before we get started and while we're getting started while people are getting and I want to make a statement I wanna make a statement okay and my statement is for you guys that listen to me something I really want to tell you a lot of you have contacted me about folks in particularly lady whom name I would never call has posted up my name on Facebook and said it I'm preaching rebellion and warning people not to listen to me because I have no covering i teaching era and all this other stuff okay now here so I want to take this I'm paying on no attention at all I'm in and I look at what they told me she had there and I saw on follow was turning or not but here's what I want to say remember now remember we are fighting flesh and blood let's be clear here I want to be clear as your teacher I must instruct you to do this the right way we must pray against the spirit in that lady and whoever else is joining her in their nonsense okay pray for her pray for that Jezebel spirit spray for that spirit of I mean I don't know why she sort of need to put my name out there but she did it but these are the same people who preach love and the Scriptures tell how have you ever known with your brother go and call him speak to him and that is the problem that we have with Christianity the data again another reason why I had to leave the four walls they prefer to come on Facebook and social media and plaster your name and call you everything but a child of God which I don't have a problem at because again I'm not I would have a problem if it was my opinion but it's the Word of God so that defends itself but it's very it was very disappointing because she calls herself a prophetess or pasta but yet she see the need to rip up people by name when I teach I teach generally I speak generally past as apostles who ever fall under the umbrella that I'm using the Word of God for if did if it's you then is you I'm talking dude I'm not gonna call your name so if she saw it fit to call my name and call me reading but it's an accordion a I pray for her surely I pray for her that she would really come to know Jesus Christ and really follow the rules she seemed to be very adamant about adamant about covering boy I tell you that that's a strong olia it's really a stronghold she's adamant about covering him because I'm against it she said I'm preaching rebellion of course she goes into the shepherd and all this garbage she runs all of it but let's pray for that's what I want you to do I don't want anybody attacking this lady I don't want anybody don't stoop to that level okay do not stoop to that level we as believers our real fine is in the invisible world unfortunately a devil or Devils are using her but we need to pray those Devils off of her okay and I'm not killing him I'm very serious and a lot of times people you know they if they heed to the conviction of the Holy Spirit they would see the error of their ways because I won't I ran on a page I looked at the post I looking at the comments and I'm sure I saw where some of our own followers sold or why didn't you reach out to ministering if you felt that way so fellow minister like you I profit is past or whatever you call yourself why didn't you reach out to him but again that spirit would want you to you know see us how much likes you can get and how much people you could get on your side and so on but I'm not interested in them we are interested in the Word of God so in all honesty and all fairness I truly pray for her I pray that she would have stopped attacking the Word of God get confused and they believe they are attacking me remember what do I do I give you the Word of God I don't point you to me I don't tell you have to be under my covering like they do I don't tell you have to be a part of my ministry like they do what I want you to do is be a part of the Word of God be a part of what Jesus Christ wants to do in your life be a part of the testing that he's already cut cuddled and chatted for you so that's what I want you to be a part of don't let these sideshows inside attractions get ahold of what we're doing here we're finally breaking the traditional stuff that had nothing to do with the Word of God and the reason for us doing this and breaking the traditions is so now that the Word of God can be of affect now we could see the manifestation of the power of God based on the promises it is doctrines like the covering and all this other stuff tradition man-made rules that Jesus made it very clear in Matthew 15 because of your tradition it isn't that the Word of God is ineffective he said because of your tradition your tradition and so many words became the stumbling block as to why my power could not work in your life yes you I question yes you go to church every Sunday yes you to every Bible study yes you to every conference Conclave whatever however it is your tradition that has block the promises the manifested power of God in your life those traditions are like covering and all of the other things that go along with it you have to be under an apostolic dis or a pastor and so on so I guess if your weren't if you died and you weren't under a covering I guess you're gonna go to hell and fry the dead even though you honored God you worship Him and you did what he asked you to do you fed the hungry you helped those and prison everybody asks me to do to your fellow neighbor you did that but the spirit of pride and egotism and self-centeredness and self aggrandizement and some of the leaders who believe they're above God and above God's people then they now bring in their rules all a part of this spirit of control but those days are gone man I'm and I really feel sorry for that lady I really really feel I truly believe she want to do good but uh the devil is having a free ride when I right now so me pray for me pray but I'm gonna call in me we pray for how y'all know she is we pray for her and honestly we pray no need to attack up I don't want none of you doing that there's no reason to attack that lady leave or we pray for her let us say a stuff about me and many others they have the opinion people have the opinion and that's another thing before I get started we have to appreciate the opinions of others now the only time I will tell you I may introduce them to the block ministry is when they begin to be disrespectful I have no problems if you read my post right now there's a lot of people who disagree with me but they're respectful so I want other people to see other views the only thing I'm sticking by is I sticking with the Bible I love your view I love all of your conjectures and I prophecies I love the way you have your comedy in your question mark one another's hand tap you cross all your T's dot all your eyes but it's against the Word of God so that disqualify reading as you said so I welcome your opinion I would never challenge somebody who does not agree with me in terms of delete them whenever I delete a person from my page it is solely because of disrespect and that is the problem that we have the problem is we we have a problem with the opinion of others remember I'm a counselor this is what I do I can't so people and a lot of times you hear their reasoning and they really feel that they're right until you cause them to look at it from a different perspective and on a bigger scale on a bigger picture because all along their decisions were based on based on just being selfish self-centered so that's what we have another have a lot of them you know labeling themselves as prophet & prophetess and they have a word from the Lord and so on and and that's all good and well you might be that for true but you see you attack your own self when you publicly call the name of another member of the gospel of Christ and make disparaging remarks see that's when you make people dismiss you they might have been listening to you before and you feel that because you're a prophet or prophetess you have to speak as a prophet in and this isn't easy to be a prophet or a prophetess because you know God tell you to do things you don't want to do it and stop it alright so we pray for her maybe three that she will be delivered and set free but not said okay gonna be at 709 I think it's only fair that we get started right now let me put these things out of the way here because we're gonna do some delicate surgery tonight you know do some delicate surgery and there's a book I'm gonna be reading from tonight there's a book that I bought years ago or to show you this is called living prophecies take a look at this is a very old book living prophecies let me just fix already living prophecy it's gonna right there would you take a look at that it's a very good book it has all of the Minor Prophets power phrase why like this I have like about a leasable seven to eight different Bibles and why I get them because I I for me I like to understand things and I love the King James Version my main Bible is a King James Study Bible sorry Hebrew and Greek Study Bible that's my main Bible but I have the open Bible I have spiritual warfare Bible I have the Hallelujah Bible I have many type Bibles and I look at him and but I'm doing my studies to get the essence of what the writer is saying and all that other stuff this book here that I just showed you like I said have all of the minor prophets of the Bible and Malachi is in this book and what it does is it literally brings it to a I mean palatable understanding and I'm gonna be reading from this and of course I'm going to give you the scriptures in malachite and I'm reading from because you got to get a full understanding because that's what we're gonna deal with tonight so I'm just gonna do a quick overview of our last teaching and of course that was pretty powerful and we just get my notes here right and again we're dealing with the teaching or tithing and what this teaching has also done it has caused many would be nicely many to crawl from under rocks to fight when I come to fight give it okay they never come to fight to say preach but souls they don't come to fight to say preach against sin inand oh no no only when it's so amazing that only two things they will come to fight me for when I talk about covering and money tiding and covering those two topics right there I said mark and I watched those religious religious spirits I mean like they they go crazy and I love it I so love it I love it I love it because we get to see who they really are whenever they could find every scripture about tithing and covering it but they make up of course and contort but talk about soul-winning then covert 19 was killing up everybody that was a perfect time to go didn't use that covering why didn't you use it why did you don't shooting that I've been the ideal time to use the covering I would think so I would think I would be the the ideal time so when it comes to money when I talk about the tides but look here they could be on a flight to Prudhoe they can tell the pilot come stop this flight or not right he talked about tide he would you massive without but you won't die today so again what do I say to you you will know them by their fruit anyone who listening to these teachings but say whatever how they feel about me I don't like heaven or whatever but I must say Kevin is giving us the scriptures if Kevin didn't give us the scriptures then we would never agree with that lady he's a rebellion because he's preaching or not ago in fact he accuse me of that also I'm preaching another gospel so in our last teaching in our last teaching tithing the the topic was like now tithing was a law for who I was stern part one tithing was a law for whom of course this is a tithing this is another teaching of tithing was a law for who part two remember in our last teaching we were talking about the law you see we could debate ID we could debate the Sabbath day we could debate fornication adultery divorce we can debate those things but the debate is fruitless if there is not a law that it sits on so in our last eating I took you all the way back to when the tide was initially introduced in the Bible and that was in Genesis 14 verses 18 to 20 when Abraham father Abraham had his spoils that he got from the war after Melchizedek the priests the king of righteousness is also known as the priests of Salem blessed him gave him something blessed Abraham and Abraham in turn gave him a tenth which is a type of what he had not like I said that was not in law that was a one-time event anyone who try to contort it into a law is being dishonest they're being deceptive let's see it for what it is we read from Genesis 14 we read as all the way back to Genesis 1 and we see nothing in there that says as the law so we cannot use that and say that see down Abraham paid tithes okay so he paid died so what he probably brushes t2 guess what he actually probably took her back you know what he probably played kick the rocks so we also to say that they are also losses a lot and she kicked the rock Heather remember Abraham taking the rock so you better kick Rock everyday would you go to hell no so let's be sensible as we stop controlling just be accept the Bible for what it says stop and that's the real problem and this is a part of the tradition I'm breaking up here in my teachings dismiss what they have been saying unless they're telling you what the Bible is saying then we went to Genesis 20 verses 16 to 22 where the other time that did time or the tenth was mentioned was in the case of Jacob when Jacob had a dream and after the dream he said to God he he said of you if you feed me take care of me and so on and provide for me he said I make a vow that I will give you the tenth of everything that I have only time again from Genesis 28 Kuwait all the way back to Genesis 1 there is no there's nothing in there where it says that he was following a law or he he in fact he told godness I'm making about you so the mere fact that he's making a vow of God there was no law there was no rule there's nothing there that we can look back on and say okay Jacob did it you know but Jacob did some other things if you want to call it a loan Jacob actually fell asleep right there in Bethel which was formerly called laws and the Bible said he used a rock as a pillow while he went to sleep so could we also call it a lon should we say hey Jacob we could make that a law jacob slept on a rock that's a pillow so every believer of Jesus Christ should sleep on a pillow if he want to fulfill the will of God if you're gonna say because he vowed to God to give a tent that's a rule it's not a rule stop making it up then we went further in our study where the third time the tide or the tent was mentioned but this time oh I love this piece this time it became a covenant it became a not just a commandment but a commandment by law according to Hebrews 7 verse 5 where God made a covenant he made it a rule now it wasn't a rule before it wasn't a commandment before now the next thing is who was he making this commandment in rule 2 was it for the entire earth No no that's what we read what we read when we delve into two numbers in Leviticus and so on we saw there that God said to the children of Israel through Moses he said now look here when you go into that promised land he said let me tell you on the rules right now aside from every other ceremonial or moral or ritual or all of these other stuff he said now let me be clear I am instituting a financial system and economy amongst my Hebrew people only y'all this have nothing to do with the Canaanites the swordian nights is have nothing to do with the Yemen this have nothing to do with Syria this have nothing to do with Lebanon none of them this this covenant I'm making here is with Israel this is internal so here is the Covenant I'm gonna make he said when we when you go into the Promised Land this is how the economy is gonna be because the economy of course was sheep and gold and vegetables and fruits and oil and wine and so on they didn't have what I would say they had enough money they did have money and we get into that probably the next teaching so he said to them listen to this carefully he said I have chosen Levi out of all of the 12 tribes of Israel I have chosen Levi Levi will be those who will represent me God they will do the works of the sanctuary the temple or the tabernacle all right meaning now that I am also establishing a priestly Levitical covenant whereby beginning what Aaron who will be the first high priests all priests will come through the blood line of Levi Levi was the second child of Jacob who in me shared with Leah members Reuben Levi Simeon will go on with Alastair right so this is what he's saying now he says now listen carefully now listen very carefully and remember see right now here's what I want you to do because you could get mixed up right here remove everything the church told you about take break now try your best to take that out of your mind and and let's look at what the scripture say because you're not gonna understand it if you don't do that because you're gonna be frightened what I'm telling you in the Word of God says when would you have told what you were told over the years so expunged every one of your minor right now because this is what I'm telling you is what the word says we you could watch the next video for those who have come home for the first time he said this is the this is the priestly Levitical covenant that I am making among the children of Israel particularly the tribe of Levi prior to choosing Levi the rule was that every firstborn of the children of Israel belonged to God God says no no no I'm not gonna do that anymore what I'm gonna do now I have chosen Levi so the firstborn that came out of the matrix no no that that rude I shut that down so Levi now Levi will be those who will represent me so here is the deal when you go into the Promised Land every other tribe except Levi will own property Levi's could live in the cities but they cannot own the property so the other eleven their inheritance would be a piece of the land in Canaan which we now know today to be Israel except for Levi so watch the trade off he said the trade off now the trade off is instead of them getting piece of the land I am commanding by law according to Hebrews 7 and 5 so we see here law it wasn't a law in Genesis 14 where Abraham it wasn't a law in Genesis 28 with Jacob it's now a law with amongst the children of Israel and only them he say the law is the 11 tribes because Levi isn't getting a piece of that property every one of the tribes of Israel will have to give a tenth of all that they have to the tribe of Levi because they are the ones who's supposed to take the time for themselves also to feed the hungry the widow the downtrodden the strangers people who believe in their God but to help them anyway all of this is a part of the time I can be without tomorrow night okay or whenever I teach it again so he says this is in listen listen listen carefully listen carefully according to numbers 18 26 and Hebrews 7 verse 5 this is a commandment from God according to the law we're the only people on the planet to receive a tide must be from the blood line of Levi ready guard you all listen to me tonight I hope you are listening to me tonight you understand okay see when they come and say you preach his false doctrine don't listen to them remember I giving you the scripture I are me with the scripture it says very clearly according to Hebrew no Testament New Testament New Testament reiterated the law that originated all the way back in the Old Testament as it relates to who legally is to give the time and who to give the tide - so when brother Kevin tell you that if your pastor is not a Levi is not to throw chairs on him it is not to berate him it is not to come at him personally I have I don't know him I have nothing against him Kevin is going according to the scripture now tell you this if it never said law if it never said commandment you know I'm gonna tell you right now go go pay it I call go here in Aurora Berlin and Rome as you painted now on other than you cheating yourself but you go and read it and don't let nobody take you on no ride the scriptures are clear Hebrews 7 verse 5 what does it say Hebrews 7 verse 5 says that in fact let's turn in there because I don't want you to think I'm making this up I don't want you to think I'm making this up because I telling you this because a lot of you feel guilty because you haven't been attired and then again what I'm saying I'm not saying yet you this means you must not give to the church I'm not since foolishness because a lot of people who are brilliant and listen to the rest of what I'm saying or even listen what I've said in the past they are so quick to judge so quick to say hey I'm right he's wrong that did not I say this all the time they're hearing me but they're not listening to me to hear is general if I had 50 people in this room I could hear them that I can understand what they're saying but when i zoom into this person who's right in front of me I am listening to them because I could hear everything they're saying to me so the difference between hearing and listening is how we process what it is that we hearing and listening you cannot process what you're hearing in a big crowd and come up with sense at the end of it but when you zoom in to what the scripture is saying you're now listening so now you could comprehend better what the scriptures are saying to you now if I am wrong here is what I want to say to whoever sing I'm wrong did description say that God made a law and covenant and commandment with the Levitical orders and with each individual that by commandment according to the law the tide is supposed to be paid to Levi yes or no that's what I will hear I don't hear nothing else from you yes or no Hebrews 7 verse 5 Hebrews 7 verse 5 witness the same and verily they that are of the sons of the Ewing family no I didn't read that I read that I didn't read that I read here and varied that day and early day that are of the sons of the pasta I didn't read that I didn't redone and burley data of the sons of the bishop I didn't read that see if I read past a year honestly if I read past a year then I couldn't be preaching when I preached and written I couldn't be teaching I would have to say to you by law by a commandment and according to the law you are supposed to pay the pastor the time but I'm not reading that here listen to what I'm reading here okay because it's only reiterating the original law Hebrews 7 verse 5 says and verily they that are of the sons of Levi the Levitical are oh and that could only come through blood who received the office of the priesthood have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to though the law but who are these people he's he are the eleven siblings sweded again maybe it's different in here and burly data of the sons of Levi who received the office of the priesthood have a commandment this this is a commandment from God to take tithes of the people according to the law that is in case you didn't know that is of their brethren the other 11 tribes though they come out of the loins of Abraham now less less less I could be wrong here you know what maybe the writer of Hebrew did not put he probably supposed to put in the first verse the first sentence re and Vernie data of the sons of Levi oh sorry of the sons of the pasta because you know some people would say well the pastors represent the Levi's today yeah yeah yeah yeah I was gonna take a find that liar so I could be wrong so let's look for some more proof let's look to let's look to where's this now let's look to Ephesians chapter 4 Ephesians chapter 4 and we're gonna look at verse 11 and what we're looking for is that God gave the body of Christ us to believers some leaders now I believe we're gonna find Levi in here okay so Ephesians 4 verse 11 says and he which is God gave some some meaning the body of Christ they give them a parcel okay I see that he gives them prophets okay I see that he give them evangelist I see that he gives some pastors I see that he gives some teachers I see that - I don't see Levi y'all mean look at it you'll see Levi in that anybody seen Levi or anybody see priests that's saying forget Levi do you see priests and the leaders that God has given us and he says why he gave them these this particular group he say in verse 12 he gave them for the perfecting the word perfecting means to equip to teach to aid for the perfecting of the Saints as we supposed to do for us not the man covering on us for the perfecting of the saints after you don't reach for dough for the work of ministry so they're training us for ministry not to be followers of them not to fight another minister to say because he don't believe in covering he is our order now get out here is it now for the perfecting of the Saints for the work of ministry for the edifying for all of us then I'll build the body so when you come on teacher Kevin but he still ready Nike - Kevin is teaching you and you walk away from me you say boy I learned so much from Kevin Kevin is really opening up my eyes I never knew these things before so what am i doing I am edifying you for your ministry now all Mina come from me God might say okay you need to stop listen in the camera now not that he's wrong but I need you to go something else cuz you got from Kevin when I wanted you to get Kevin it's not supposed to hold you to him I said to feed and lead my sheep okay not too hard my sheep now I want you to go up here to pastor Timbuktu cuz he is now gonna teach you more on this or whatever the case may be so anyone who's saying that they you because you were part of the administrator under their covering and that that's why I tell you that's much Graff Jesus Christ himself never did that to you so what am I saying here ephesians made it clear whom the gifts that God has given us in terms of the people to teach and lead us and nowhere in here do we see priests or Levitical order we don't see that so what makes any one of these people here would give them the right what scripture could be fine just like let's turn back here again now Esther Makeda Hebrews I'm gonna go back here Hebrews where we Hebrews chapter 7 and verse 5 hebrews chapter 7 verse 5 says very clearly and ver lead a data are of the sons of Levites making very clear who received the office of the priesthood ok have a commandment those who receive those Levites who receive the office of the priesthood have the commandment okay to take tithes of the people according to the law that is of their brethren now show me the law now let's be real because I just showed you my scripture I just showed you my scripture where it says by law the the priest from the Levi tribe doesn't only try Baker come from they have a legal right to receive tithes of the other tribe use me tribes of Israel now you show me I will be fair I will be fair this is no funny matter I want to be fair very fair show me anywhere in the scriptures please please show me be one of we want truth show me in the scripture where I could find a law that says where the past or any one of the five fold ministries was given a commandment by law to receive the tide show it to me please just once I mean look here nobody can show it to me this is wrong you all know the auto all of this back and forth about the pasta suppose they kept the tie but no one could produce a scripture come on man folks man please corn corn the popcorn somebody call his majesty someone caller lawyer doctor please I just gave a scripture I just gave a scripture Hebrews 7 verse 5 let me read it again cuz I'm giving my scriptures but nobody was against me can give me this I'm reading here meaning that it is still relevant even in the New Testament it says and Hebrews 7 verse 5 and verily they that are of the sons of Levi meaning them only verily or truly they that are of the sons of Levi who received the office of the priesthood they have a commandment not an opinion they have a commandment to take tithes of the people according to the law that is of their brethren why did he be specific there their brethren will be only their sibling tribes Simeon Simon Benjamin Joseph Neftali God assured all of our people the scriptures are clear we cannot dispute it a very data of the sons of Levi who received the office of the priesthood have a commandment this is a law so that means you are breaking the law Parsa you are breaking the law apostle you are breaking the law teacher Kevin you are breaking the law if you are demanding a time that you have no legal right to according to the law somebody said we're the sons of Levi today I don't know deus i don't know what it is cuz wherever they are and i even get into that what I do know is what the law says now here's where this is going to boil on - this is why I'm pounding on it and this is what you're gonna see who for God and who for the idols do you believe what this says or do you believe your pastor who tell you you lose who's calling you at home do you Inc of it who's sending emails yous coming to yours and knocking on the door you have that tight I need that please now who you going to believe see not this is where this is where the rubber meets the road you don't cost me all day and night you don't allow me inside preaching heresy and I preach and rebellion okay good fine that's your opinion I can't knock your ear and your title that now all I'm asking you those who you're leading and saying Kevin is preaching rebellion right I just showed you a law now tell your followers the Lord that God gave you that gave you the legal right to demand tide from them listen the key word dimma if they choose to pay you ty that's a different story that on them but I'm talking about you demanded because you say Kevin is preaching a false gospel and Kevin is causing rebellion IRA causing rebellion with the Word of God I give you the law you show me your law now but that said right I want us to look at one more scripture before we go into Malachi so let's go to Leviticus 27 Leviticus 27 I'm gonna read from verse 32 32 Leviticus 27 verse 32 32 and we're gonna read this for the understanding of what we know already okay the tide belongs to who it belongs to all of the legal right to collect it the Levites they could take of the time all right so listen to this now verse 30 of Leviticus 27 it says and all the tides of the land whether of the seed of the lamb of the fruit of the tree is the Lord's it is holy unto the whole Lord okay and if a man will at all redeem all of his ties he shall add there for the fit part of he decides to keep it no pain will you gotta pay a fit on it all right but the first part that is what I want you to get that it is holy unto the Lord let somebody says next okay and verse 32 sorry the first 32 of Wrigley's 27 and concerning the tides of the land or of the flock even of whatsoever pass it under the rod the tenth or the tide shall be holy unto the Lord first 33 of Leviticus 27 he shall not receive sorry he shall not search whether it be good or bad neither shall he changed it and if the QI and if he changed it at all then both it and the change thereof shall be holy it shall not be redeemed listen to verse 34 listen to verse 34 Killingly all right listen first 34 of the ribs 27 these are the commandments which the LORD commanded Moses for the children of Israel in Mount Sinai so the point I'm making here once again as it relates to the tithe that is holy unto God this is a god deal yes the pasta is my leader yes I must submit to the leader who was leading me to God he's not my covering he's with my leader Jesus Christ is my covering because he eliminating some the Mesha are hypocritical the church is particularly did a baptism Pentecostal church and whatever church that followed the covering thing you are quick to jump on the Catholic and berate them and say how they idolized the Pope and the priests or you have to make confession soon you showed him the scripture that we make confessions to God you are doing the exact same thing when you tell them you're under the under your covering and whatever they do they must clear it with you the only difference between you and the Catholic is the names but you are doing the exact you hypocrite you are doing the exact same things that they subscribe to that you detest and preach against so don't come with that you don't need exacting the Catholic have a confession Center split box where the priests is on one side and the people come in and confess their sins to him we've read the scriptures our confessions of our sins is to God for it's John 1:9 if we confess our sins he who is faithful and just whose is he was at the priest no is God Jesus Christ he who is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness you preach on them you say that they are wrong okay Baptist and Pentecostal whoever else you say that what the Catholics are doing is evil as wicked how dare a man feel that he could forgive them how could a mere mortal like a man who's who have sin in his life who still have to repent that God could forgive somebody else of their sin that's what you're saying but you are evil good because yours you have the exact same doctrine under different title you call it covering and you're telling your members that whatever they do in their life they have to clear it with you if they got a bowel movement they must call you if they can take a flight they must call you if they whatever they do with a husband and wife they must clear it with you not their partner whom God has put together there's become one flesh your name is cleared with you how are you different from the Catholic you tell me you will hypocrite and I can't sell people don't see that y'all need to get it together boy stop this this false doctrine stop this nonsense and this is why I told you I don't subscribe to two to two denominations I am NOT no Baptist I am NOT no cat-like I am NOT no indicating I am an ambassador of the kingdom of God when I accept Jesus Christ I did not accept Jesus Christ and he gave me a label of Baptists anyone who believed in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God is my brother and sister so you see when I tell you about denomination it's hypocritical you saying one thing you ain't like with them you doing the exact same thing they do it well y'all better go get see if boy y'all better get accept Jesus Christ before y'all go to hell be it is to me it is the biggest hypocrisy ever you tell the Catholic how dare you all go in there and confess your sins to a mere mortal you don't know what this man doing in his life and you go into him but Holy Father forgive me for I have sinned my god blasphemy listen to this but you on the pulpit telling them if they leave your church they Christ if they come from an inch of cover and God can't protect them no more what y'all got to go to hell fire of your non yes save like where hell waiting on y'all because I cannot see people and they right mind following these Devils how could you okay you know what Kevin is wrong tell me someone tell me no me Laconia tell me the difference the Catholic believe that you have to come to their priests and make your confessions of sin the other Pentecostal in Bacchus or whatever our churches to subscribe to covering they believe that it covering is that they must be over they dare to switch it up on you because they followed the see they would say no I mean we Shepherd you listen your job shepherding means that you are leading me to Christ teaching me the things about Christ's Kingdom so all of this works with me for my ministry so one day I'll go on my own you don't own me okay I don't have to go by you know suits no cars no nothing no way in the scriptures is that your job is to perfect me means to equip me with the tools that I need spiritually so now go out there and win souls for the kingdom of God and to be in a position where I could stand up and depend on the Holy Spirit not have you as a crutch everywhere that I go that is what you do now you tell me now you tell me how you could tell them they and to be under your cover and if they leave this okay if they go outside of the hedge of your cover and what scripture could we find as you witchcraft work on because only people in the cove insist earlier witches and warlocks and wizards that yeah boy you look here but don't play because I didn't tell you before that I come here to set a revolution that's my job and I know it can be a lot of pushback and I don't care because at the end of the day whether I live or die you know what's gonna be said that man stuck to the scriptures that man preached the Word of God in season or a season that man no matter how he came out every stuck with what he believed the scripture said not would know ma'am what who could change their mind every minute who get along with the old husband and wife and you will have control over me you and the devil I'm your wife and husband is Lyons get on that garbage you witchcraft Waco here no nonsense so anyway like I was saying Elio before I go I'll Ryan I just tired of it what's the obsession with controlling people my lord I mean that mean it's a obsession it's just nauseating mind so like we would have seen him in Leviticus 27 okay and verse 32 32 at the end of it it shows that this is a commandment by God to Moses to tell the children of Israel in Hebrews 7 verse 5 it made it very clear who was supposed to give the time who was supposed to collect the time I'm constantly harping on laws rules ordinances because once it's a law you can't add to it because of how you feel a pastor can say well I'm the head of this church now and I am a shadow or what happened with the priests is a shadow and I'm the head so I'm the priest now so the tides have to be paid to the church to me really well why you only pick that piece up because according to the Levitical law what couple things number one even to become a priest in the lineage of Levi you cannot be under 25 and you cannot be over 50 this Levitical priests leak cover dental laws made to them and that's why I keep telling you why are you trying to squeeze yourself in a covenant that you have no part of so the law is if it as a priest once you reach the age of 50 you are to stop serving you could sitting in worshipping everybody else would you ought to stop serving you cannot be a priest of your 24 you cannot be a priest of you 51 between 25 and 50 that's the rules I go over my last teaching you will see it secondly when they are now doing the ordination for you to become the priest number one you have to be a Levite to the bloodline then what they would do is sprinkle one of you and you have to shave every piece I hear off of your body yeah eyebrow your bed you hear all of that your private parts on the arm you're supposed to be here less but this is a one-time thing under the how they consequently become a priest did your pastor did that seeing that he want to collect the tie and seeing that he represented the priesthood and who shave him or me make me understand who did all of that then the children of Israel supposed to put their hand on the priests when did this happen see you just will connect the time but everything else you dismiss and like I say tomorrow night or whenever we do the next one we gotta talk about what was supposed to happen with the tide it was God's economy with the tide which supposed to benefit the Commonwealth of the Hebrew people so much so God says even when the stranger come along you're supposed to give piece of that tide to them stranger would mean those who are not a part of the children of Israel even if they serve another God if they hungry would ever go out say feed him give them something that they got a need this this is what the tide is for are you doing that you fake Levite no you're not so I said all of that because I want to go to exactly where I want us to go tonight and I started off with my subtopic he put this here my subtopic is will a man Rob God okay will a man Rob God now we put this over here Clemmie table yeah because guess what what I'm about to throw on you all right now I can need room right now okay let me pull this up a little bit now let's go to Malachi okay you gotta go to Malachi and I want us let me pull this up radio and all of y'all notice every time it's time to raise money especially offering time you are going to hear if the any other scripture you're lucky you're good but you are definitely going to hear will a man Rob God or not I love this let's go to Malachi this is going to be so juicy tonight Malachi chapter 3 alright first eight and I'm gonna read to verse 10 okay but when I finish reading this I'm gonna give you a summary from Malachi chapter one chapter two and then I'm gonna come right back to this right here because Malachi 1 and 2 it's going to make very clear what Malachi 3:8 210 is speaking of unto and who okay Malachi 3 verse 8 says will a man Rob God no listen man will a man Rob God question mark this is the Prophet Malachi I can tell you he talking to because you know some of you know but being a good ear right now will a man Rob God who's he's speaking to who is he speaking to will a man Rob God yet you have robbed me boy I've heard there's so much times everybody stole a motorcycle and I'm gonna be honest with you I just spent all my Tide money on my motorbike used to be so as well as the news right but I had a street bike at a Yamaha 700 and I had a ninja 1,000 love bikes or still love motorbikes I got a whisper that's right I can sneak one by one man when did she catch me at anything hey listen man listen I stopped a little tired money put a little time money put aside he's appetite oh yeah but you know when some neon lights coming from my bike or some nice Dunlop tires I'm not by choice I don't think so buddy hanging order this that makes you feel guilty when I go to church that's preacher stand up there will a man Rob God mighty God God give you a whole salary glory to God and you couldn't take 10% of that and give it to God you are well okay you guys your scripture say you are Christ with a Christ you do devil Kevin you he me you going by Dunlop tire and baffle for your motorcycle a muffler the son yep you devil Kevin and I used to be condemned boy will a man Rob God yet you have robbed me but you say wherein have we robbed thee in tithes in an offering so Malachi make it clear I remember Malachi is the prophet whom God sent to Israel he didn't send them to the Canaanites he didn't send them to the Libyans he didn't send them to Egypt he didn't send them to - no else God's prophet God prophet minor prophet he sent to Israel and now he's laying the charges and you have robbed what is his how you've robbed God in tithes or in the tent well you should still good already who are we talking about because if there was a commandment that the tide was supposed to be received by the Levite priests and they were supposed to be given by the other 11 tribes you don't need to be a genius to know who was robbing God take my time of this now take my time to this the skin too juicy yeah well a man Rob God was he speaking to you Pentecostals was he speaking to you Roman Catholics was he speaking to you Baptists was he speaking to you Assemblies of God you tell me because we read the law and if the law said in Hebrews 7 and 5 very clear lianca comprehend we all could read the law said that the Levite had the right to take the tide because it was a commandment by law from his brethren if that's the case then and Malachi is asking the question will a man Rob God who is Malachi speaking - I listen and I can freeze on me all tonight boy I can free you tonight now let me be clear let me put my disclaimer this does not free you from give you are supposed to assist your church and what I'm trying to teach here and I don't want to jump ahead of myself but the new system if you follow it you will get more and you'll be able to give you a church more more than just a 10% even you follow the law of the new temples which I will end this series on which we will deal with the new money system in terms of giving and whatever if you follow it which is what I live by today which I know by today if you follow that you will get more you will make more money you would be in a better position you have been a better position to help the church more help you pass the more and I think so silly you fighting someone who trying to help you get more to the new system but it only six planes to show me that you have no fate you tell them or fake you better so that I know when whose faith let them give according to their heart but no you will trust that because they may not give the full 10 they may he less than that no really man Rob God melaka who you're talking to look Kevin you've got to be a genius who was the law projected hmm let me see Hebrew 7 and 5 says true the commandment than the vehicle prison had the right to take the tenth of everything that Detroit the remaining tribes of Israel had and yet they could not tell them no so Malachi says will a man Rob God yet you have robbed me but you say wherein have you robbed the entire sand an offering now an ox another question I want you to be honest with me I want you to be honest with me your please don't lie this is no attack against nobody I want you to be honest with me every time you heard this in church did your preacher say to you this scripture is referring to the Levites the Levitical priests or did your preacher said it was you that was robbing God because you didn't pay the tide and as a result of that you are curse with a curse now let me look over here I want to look at the answers Shaniqua Vanderpool said never nope God shall Uprising nope hmm so you telling me your preacher never told you your preacher dr. so-and-so apostolic anointing so-and-so Reverend dr. so-and-so meaning and I'm calling those titles because they are learned people meaning they know better now let's get more real now we can get like they say the listener we can get real of giving yeah really right now okay your preacher whoever who know the scripture said to you when it's time to pay time you have robbed God of you of NPH a tide if you haven't taken a 10% of your income and paid that to God you have robbed God if you don't give of your first fruit every new year you are robbing God but the first fruit often and every other fruit or whatever under tide again this was for the Levitical order that had to they were commanded by law how did you get a Levite pasta pasta please show me the law in the Bible that said and God made a new amendment and he said no longer well the priesthood of Levi received the tide but a commandment by the law I have now substituted them with the pastors and the Apostles and the doctors and the Reverend they are the one by law now to receive the time because all your life you told me I was one of them all your life you told me you are curse if you do not pray that time and I believed you and every time a problem came up in my life I attributed it to not paying the time because I was riding it on my motorbike okay so I'm saying pastor if your pastor said that once your posture being truthful with you I would love to hear the excuses now so that's what I say when you coming at me because I'm not sure passed or because you worship your pastor and you worship would they say more than what the Word of God says see I'm going to do that no more I did my part I am showing you now going back to going back to but let me finish reading this voice and then we can go here back okay okay will a man Rob God Malachi 3 verse 8 will a man Rob God yet you have robbed me but you say wherein have we robbed thee in tights and an offering verse 9 you are cursed with a curse very famous lines for you have robbed me this is God saying you have robbed me even the whole nation so at this point the priest wasn't doing what he's supposed to do they wasn't bringing the the tide and offering into the storehouse and the tightening offering as we all know was not money it was livestock it was vegetables it was fruits it was wine it was strong drink it was those things they brought them all into the storehouse and depending on which time they did it which number of the year where the Levites were the first year will eat the tire I think even the second year the third year they get a tenth of the tire and out of ten they give us a heave offering the priests back to God the other 80% of it they take that warehouse full of all of the goods from the other 11 tribes to feed the hungry to feed the poor to feed the widow to feed the whomever and also the strangers this is what they were supposed to do with the tide so because the priest was encouraging them not to pay it he said the whole nation not only the prince but all y'all okay so he says the whole nation sorry verse 9 of Malachi 3 you are cursed with a curse but who is he speaking to whose curse you if you don't pay the type how could you be cursed if you're not a part of this rule it's covenant how could you be cursed if you don't pay a tenth of your money to the church order no pastor how could you be cursed when we have read all night who the tide was legally to go to and who was the legally clear to them so how could you be curse tell me I don't understand how could I be curse every particular law of a landowner would apply to me how so he's now saying in verse 10 how you can fix this he says bring you all the tide now what was the tide again livestock vegetable fruits fishing stuff all of that bring you all the tithes into the storehouse this is the place that you would bring all this stuff that there may be meat in my house so for him to say that it was no tie there for that for the for the sole purpose of those who were supposed to eat from the tide not just the Levitical order but the other strangers in the widow's and so on so that time the widow's looking around for food but the priests who was in charge of this remember they were responsible for the duties of the sanctuary of the temple and this was a part of their duties they weren't deign to do this sort of live in a Calado alright so he says bringing all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house he says now and prove me now herewith saith the Lord of hosts now what what is he going to do to those who would now reinstitute the original rules that were given to them meaning that collect the tyre and distributor or whatever are you supposed to he says now I will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it okay so if you didn't believe before if you didn't believe before that you were not supposed to pay the tide right but let's look at our last piece you decide now you know what I wasn't paying the tide and that's why I was cursed and that's why things rough for me so you start to pay the tide now you paying the tide faithfully been doing it for years now listen to the last part of the scripture it says here prove me now herewith by bringing the tides into the source or it may be meet my house now prove me if you do this he says prove me now he had said the Lord of Hosts if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour you are a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it you know that mean that mean picture a glass of water half-full all right and you get another bottle of water you begin to pour it in there till again to the very top and I begin to overflow now picture the bottle as coming from the windows of heaven heaven being poured into your cup that was half fun or probably even empty and God is just laying in that pour and pour and pour and pour because you're following the tide according to your preacher because this is for you and it says that I will get I would try or a blessing that the cup dude isn't if doesn't even have sufficient room you don't even have sufficient room of the blessings that I'm about to pour now now now that we see that and those of you paid the time and be honest now don't lie to say Kevin wrong be honest could you say that since you've been paying the time that you are living in an overflow position you could say that not only are you able to pay off your bills put your church or school own your own probably cuz you've got so much money coming in that you are able to help your siblings you people in the church who need help you able to help them and still got a chunk of change and more because that's all throw to me and no matter where you go big you have proven that the tide has kept you in an overflow position you in fact this is how I see it Ephesians 3 and 20 where God says I will do exceedingly and abundantly and above all that you can ever ask or think according to the power that works in your would of God so to see an overflow meaning that I my bank accounts can't even keep the mode of money here I got so much resources so much wealth I whatever I need to do I don't have to struggle I don't have to go to the bank for a northern [ __ ] I got so much going on because I've been paying the time and the promise said that he will probably or a blessing that there would not be even room enough for me to receive it I should be in a position pastor I hear you're talking about we still owe on this church how much what's the balance Kevin the balance is 210 dollars pasta come with me to cook up the chat tomorrow because I'm living in the overflow I got more than enough faster so I won't take that offer the church records right now you don't have the peanut no more I'm gonna take care of that pastor you have a list of people and Yahoo poor who ain't waking yet give me a boat idea them I'm gonna commit the 300 dollars for the next year for each one of them to help them because I'm living in the overflow past I can be honest with you please give me the opportunity on Sunday because I got a testimony I want to tell people will pay that tide because I am I just live in I am living in the overflow you know what overflow mean you cannot contain it the space that you have isn't sufficient for the blessing that's coming to you who question on this line right now is living in the overflow right now I'm listening and if it's only 2 or 3 percent or even 1 or 4 4 or 0.5% of you that's only proof to me that that scripture was never speaking to you again let me make my disclaimer I am NOT bashing no pasta I am NOT coming up against anybody my ministry is about the truth of the word of God that is why I saturate my teachings with the scriptures it has no I have no opinion and any opinion that I do have will be supporting what I have read who I'm asking a simple question who I've been paying the tithe is living in the overflow who was living the winner he listened he said he said a windows of help open you know he say eundel windows can open no heaven windows he say I will open the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that you wouldn't even have room to receive and didn't you hear that when he told you to bring the tide so why you mad at me when I tell you I stopped praying the tide you tell me I speak in rebellion you tell me I can't be a man of God trying to get people to turn away from the Word of God how are you getting you to turn away from the Word of God when we're gonna see right now that this scripture the whole book of Malachi is talking to the Levitical priests are you a priest are you from the tribe of Levi if you paying the tide are you from the tribe of Levi if you're collecting the time are you a priest cuz you know didn't even not a rule do you know that even the Levites even though they wore day and to get the tide you know a Levi by itself couldn't get the tide you know a priests had to be present when the other Israelites bring the tide because the priests was the one who distributes it read the scriptures see if they would teach you all of this none of what I telling you would be a shocker to you right now you are shocked right now because for the last 60 years you've been going to church you have never are in these scriptures and it's most of them that I'm telling you right now and I'm gonna bring more to you know the teachings and show you the Levitical the things that they were responsible for as the priests of the as the agents of our Lord and Savior so I still looking at who is ah ah okay Karen mother sild mother cell Karen let me post this I got a post this one listen what Karen see the pasta is in the overflow here and I love you Karen Karen the spirit here in your aura but you're right you're right Gary you're right Karen the only one in the overflow is the one who is illegally demanding you to pay tight here and how to put that up there you are listening tonight so let's go back now that we have already read that let's go back and I want to show you this book again I I I want you all guys to get a copy of this book I want you to get a copy of it living living prophecies it's a very old book the Minor Prophets paraphrase with Daniel and the revelation so that one of the minor prophets plus and after the book of Revelation and Daniel it's written by let me see this you get this when I got this I got this a year so goes a very old but this one is kind of beat up because I use it a lot what it does is it really gives you the scriptures in everyday language it power phrases it and I love it so go into Malachi here are we gonna go from Malachi chapter one right because you need to get the full context before we get to chapter three I'm gonna quickly go through that so that you have a better understanding that's the Bible saying all I getting get understanding okay okay Monica a chapter one beginning at verse one remember this is a power of phrase version of it alright okay here is the Lord's message to Israel given through the Prophet Malachi I have loved you very deeply says the Lord but you retort really when sorry when was this the business and the Lord replied I assured my love for you by loving your father's to your father Jacob I didn't need to I even rejected his very own brother Esau and destroyed Esau's mountain an inheritance to give it to the Jackals of the desert now he goes on with some more stuff I won't drop down here to verse 6 and it says a son honoured his father this is God so speaking to Malachi and this is Malachi want a son honors his father a servant honors his master I am your father and master yet you don't honor me o priests Sally Malik I swallow cash after one but you despise my name he's talking to the priest now who us you said when did we ever despise your name when you offered polluted sacrifice on my altar polluted sacrifices the acts are the question now when have we ever done a thing like this so no Hall of Malachi 1 is where go on its end malachi to read the riot act to israel but primarily the priests and what the priest was doing initially was the order in which they had to make the sacrificial laws meaning the ceremonial laws but the different sacrifice they wasn't bringing no unblemished sheep and unalaq no more whatever they could get they had on they didn't help Schneider on your mind caught on but trying to be all you know particular and this is what they were so do where they were doing and God now sent Malachi to now showed him what you were doing wrong and why all of these troubles and crisis was coming on y'all even though y'all are my people mainly because you are not following my law which is what we have today you have people telling you pay the tithe as that's the law that is not true it is a law but it is not a law for you so he goes on to Jesus every time you say don't bother bringing anything very valuable to offer to God you tell the people name animals are alright to offer to the altar of the Lord yes even the sick and the blind ones and you claim this isn't evil why don't you try it to your governess sometimes give them gifts like that and see how they will deal with you verse Dania says Oh to find one priests among you who would shut the doors and refuse this kind of sacrifice I have no pleasure in you says the Lord of hosts and I will not accept your offerings for c11 of Malachi 1 again this is a power of phrase version but my name will be honored by the Gentiles from morning till night all around the world they will offer sweet incense and pure offerings and honor of my name for my name shall be great among the nations said the Lord of hosts verse 12 but you who is he talking to please the priests the one who is put in charge of everything that relates to his holy temple the priests he says but you sir by the name I know okay verse 12 but you dishonor it but you dishonor it saying that my altar is not important and encouraging people to bring cheap sick animals to offer to me on it who's who's encouraging the people to do this the priests Malachi 1 Malachi - and Malachi 3 is all about the priests I won't be clear now what you read it in your spare time alright for studies as you say oh it's too difficult to serve the Lord and do what he asks and you turn up your noses at the rules he has given you to obey think of it stolen animals name and sick as offering to God should I accept such offering as these acts the Lord verse 14 curse is that man who promises a fine rom from his flock and substitute a sick one to sacrifice the God for I am a great king says the lord of hosts and my name is of the of mine and my name is to be mightily revered among the Gentiles chapter one so he's dealing with the priests or not only following the rules but encouraging the people to break the laws of God you gotta bring no clean animal like God requested bring whatever your gun ever be lame sick disease-ridden no morrow and God even said then would you do this to your own governor's to your own apology you wouldn't you would never do that to them but you doing it to me you have no respect for me now we go into Malachi chapter 2 listen how it starts off again listen you priests because I keep hearing these priests you right here you yet in here because we can get to you it was to you earlier and in chapter 3 but we still in - and we still talking about the priests being chastised and being warned by Malachi listen you priests - this morning this is Malachi speaking to them listen you priests - this warning from the Lord of hopes if you didn't change you if you don't change your ways and give glory to my name then I will send terrible punishment upon you and instead of giving you blessings as I would like to I will turn on you with curses indeed I have cursed you already because you haven't taken seriously the things that are most important to me and what is that God following my rules my lost my ordinance my commandments why are you participating in something that is totally for the Levitical priests why are your leaders demanding you to pay attack let's drop to verse 4 then at last you will know it you will know it was I who sent you this morning to return to the laws to return to the laws I gave your father Levi God please go read Malachi that'll be your homework read the entire book of Malachi released from chapter 1 to chapter 3 everything is pointing to the Levitical priesthood and he's saying in here listen these notes got so dirty they were leaving the priests not leaving their wives committing adultery divorcing their wives the priests the Levitical tried the ones who were concentrated to God I'm going to marry other women then God begin to give them the riot act the priests that's what the scriptures on a portage are did you lead it Angela did you leader one day sat down what she would say all the time he was talking about the tie here is what's been going on here verse 5 of chapter 2 says the purpose of these laws and he sort of ceremonial laws and so on the tide not a sort of stuff right the purpose of these laws was to give him life and peace to be a means of showing his respect and all from me by keeping them he passed on to the people all the truth he got from me he did not lie or cheat he walked with me living a good and righteous life and turned many their lives turn many from their lives of sin priests lips should flow with knowledge of God Hiyori seer now the priests really want take some advice the pastors who qualities are freeze your lips should be throwing with the knowledge of God and not putting a demand on the people for them to be under your covering talking foolishness priests lips should be flowing with the knowledge of God so the people will learn God's laws the priests are the messengers of the Lord of hosts and men should come to know them for guidance but not to you for you have left God's path your guidance has caused many to stumble in sin you have distorted the comfort nint mighty God who was he talking to he's talking to the priests he's telling them they have caused many to go astray by manipulation by polluting and diluting the laws the rules and the principles of God your guidance has caused many to stumble and sin you have distorted the covenant of Levi and made it into a grotesque parody says the Lord of hosts therefore I have made you contemptible in the eyes of all the people for you have not obeyed me but you let your favorites break the laws without rebuke oh listen to this let's drop to verse 13 of Malachi 2 yet you cover the altar with your tears because the Lord doesn't pay yet you cover your altar with your tears because the Lord doesn't pay attention to your offering anymore and you receive no blessings from me dropped over seventeen of Malachi - you have worried the Lord with your words who is he speaking to continually he's talking to the Levitical priests you have varied the Lord with your words where heed him you arcs in thick surprise how have we buried him by saying that evil is good that it pleases the Lord or by saying that God won't punish us he doesn't care now we drop to Chapter three got a job - Chapter three and I want us to start here let's go to verse one listen I will listen I will send my messenger before me to prepare the way and then the one who and then the one you are looking for will come suddenly to his temple the messenger of God's promises to bring you great joy yes he is surely coming says the Lord of hosts what is the drop to verse 5 at that time my punishment will be quick and certain I will move swiftly against wicked men who trick the innocent against adulterous and Liars against all those who cheat their hired hands or oppress widows and orphans or Deford strangers and do not fear me says the Lord of hosts now what is he really seeing him you priests a part of your duties and function was to secure the tithes in the offering in the storehouse this is not money this is sheep this is meat and all this other stuff vegetables and so on instead you were lying and robbing encouraging people to do this and all the orphans and the the widows and stuff now they had nothing you were taking advantage of them because now they got a look to you for somebody not yeah so they got a compromise so all of this is wood the priests this is the priests e stocking - now we drop to verse 8 that you are always taught in church and a question is asks will a man Rob God but who is he speaking to who is Malachi the Prophet whom God has sent to the nation of Israel to read them the riot act for the wickedness that they were doing they were giving all kind of sacrifice they did dismiss the laws and the ordinance of God they were not putting the tithes into the storehouse for the orphans and the widows and so on none of that they were doing so now Molokai asks the question this is God speaking to Molokai verse 8 now saying I didn't want to tell you Molokai was asking the question not to you know Testament people not to the Canaanites Baghdad not to the children of nuts to the Egyptians or Anna's OD it wasn't speaking about him he was speaking to the people that God had a covenant with and his economic system amongst the tribe of Israel like we would have read in Hebrews 7 and 5 it's said by a commandment according to the law that the Levite priests had the right to take the tide from his brethren which were the other 11 tribes of Israel so how are we getting you preacher preacher how could you tell me if I don't pay the tithe I am cursed when I see here it was the priests them who wasn't paying the tithe and they were told that they were cursed and now they were also told that this can be reconciled stop your wickedness ask for forgiveness now bring the tithe priests and offering into the storehouse make the people go back to the law and the covenant that I would have established with you in the Book of Leviticus okay let them bring the tithe and the offering here so now that day maybe meet in my house now listen priests prove me priests this thing and see if I wouldn't open up the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there wouldn't even be room up in this storehouse to contain it how did you get in there I'm listening how did if Kevin is preaching a false gospel then the Word of God is forth and you under devil is show me where Kevin is preaching against the preacher show me where Kevin is preaching rebellion cuz you're calling the Word of God rebellion I have able not Putin I have no opinion other than the Word of God can I just read to you show to me so Sunday when you go to church and they read the scripture to you when it's time to collect time and they say to you you don't pay the tithe you are curse now you can receive it you can receive it you could receive it if you want to what would it will say to me is that you honor God sorry you only your leaders more than you honor God don't you play with me see when you come together when you come at Kevin Wright you better come prepared see you you you you dealing with a learn it man here I can tell you before I don't drop tradition all of that you have to be in a church all of that you have to be in a past all of that should to be undercover honor that you have to pay attack I don't do none of that and I am far more successful than anyone who goes to church right now tomorrow July 10th will make one year I walked off retired from my job walk away and didn't pay tight since 2012 but the windows of heaven open for me why is the windows of heaven open for me because I followed the New Testament rule he said Kevin and all who would listen if you sow sparingly and grudgingly expect that to come in return you know that man they forcing you to pay the time you're given a grudging because you don't want pay your time you only given 10 percent that sparingly will Kevin if you can do that you can do it I can stop you but expect that in return but Kevin you won't more get give more Kevin so bountifully and guess what Kevin this doesn't really the next piece I love about a forgiver Kevin guess what every time money's come to you Kevin this what I want you to do do not ever in your life believe you own that money Kevin it belonged to me so when I tell you who to give it to just to keep yourself in check you say this God money and that's what Kevin and his wife does Kevin don't lock his wife don't lock his children no lock his family what laughs guess why cuz Kevin following not the rules of men that they make up and and contour to get me to give them those days are finish your ten ten days then finish your Gorgon Christ me because I appear too tight that done done I am a living witness I am a testimony who haven't paid a tide since 2012 - now that is eight years which means according to your preachers I should have been under eight years of curses but another date guys to me no man I try to help somebody trying to free you okay Kevin in what should we do I just told you what to do let me talk more better tomorrow where you follow the New Testament system the New Testament system is gonna liberate you cuz God is saying now everything you about to do now is by fate he says you may get a $1,000 check come Friday or whatever I may tell you give 2% of it as well as I may tell you give 50% of it I might even tell you 70 but this is where you trust me you trust me but listen to what I tell you now cuz when I give you big figures to give you know you can get skin so you all know I know but you know no no no remember I tell you if you sow bountifully you I will give you in return bountifully and this somebody says now in fact let me tell you I really want hold this can be the last part of my teaching but I know a lot of you are saying right now I can't when I get it it makes sense to me tonight but how I supposed to why do to replace the time well I I don't want to go here but I gotta have to because I know a lot of you on you I know a lot of you on here been asking me that question so let's go to second Corinthians 9 all right we go robbery do I finish second Corinthians 9 okay and we're going to look at six because this is what I live by from 2012 to now and until the day I die this is the system that me and my family live by we have no luck we owe nobody be none of that remember I told you I retired last year I retired at 48 years old I'm gonna be 50 come September 30 I couldn't get up a nice being the time now so I'm trying to tell you okay you know why cuz the law of the times never for me I was participating in the law and expecting God to give me the overflow when he made a covenant with a group of people for that to happen too he didn't make a covenant with me with that so listeners listen to this very carefully 2nd Corinthians chapter 9 beginning at verse 6 this is Paul talking to the church of corrugate and Rahill but this I say he which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully every man see this is when a problem is Radio see because the pastors those who not all those who demand that I keep saying that those who demand the type those who demand the tide don't trust you with this piece of the scripture video 4 7 of 2nd Corinthians 9 every man according as he purposeth his heart no no no no no no we cannot mess with that this those who demand the time because if I leave that up to you you might say go I tell you or that $10,000 check you get for severance pay you might say you only was so 200 I can't do that I stick that at 10% we can't run no game here so we either need at least $1,000 one or 10,000 severance C because they have no faith they tell you you don't have the favorite rule is they have no faith you know how to trust God they don't gotta trust God when you learn to trust God what the Bible says I saw and I give it to me one of my ending power but I got a troll is Phillip ISA he say give no thought for what you should eat what you should drink which you should put on tomorrow for your heavenly Father already knows you before you even know it he say look at the lilies how they arrayed themselves and look at the boys and they are flying but they're not worried about losing heat next because I have only father's already taking care of them so why you know human more intelligent than the birds in the air got this man on the pole tourist woman who got you in bondage because they're thinking about themselves I cannot okay Kevin as an account executive the FedEx Mary is a doctor so as a lawyer no biking he'd be preaching at 10% because I don't he making some big Sun I cannot worse second Corinthians nine verse seven to leave them on their own but let their heart oh I used a hard today ten percent no ten percent is not for you you are not mandated according to the Scriptures being even talking o New Testament from the new tech from the Old Testament you are unless you were part of the tribe of Levi and the coven was made with you with them then that's a different story so you are not a part of them so whatever preacher telling you what he's a liar you tell him I tell you that and if he tell you whatever you show him but I do tell him explain that explain that and when he run out show him Hebrew seven was sure the law now you tell him show you his law where God now say the pastor could get it now or the church could get it so it says his second Corinthians nine every four seven every man according as he purpose in his heart as he purposes in his heart heart so let him give not grudgingly because that's what the tide that's what the tide system is doing to you by the leaders who demand it why didn't they come and around your house covered killing up everybody they willing to take the risk the catch cover to come beg you for money sister Susie now you know I know I know you were sick I was on the brink a dead last year 2019 I know you had a long transplant and you two legs are from diabetes and so on but I just need you see if you could creep to the daughter bring that tied at one of glory be to God you know glory to God you got how fake you know crawl I'll try yourself own the bear and creep roll yourself over till you get to the door knock a tree time I'll open it I'll get the signal and you slip the tired and I need the Doria okay be the see in next week to see him talk glory be to God yeah right you rubble you fake you phony you thief you are you have no legal right to that time none sister married a manga see you no more until you need a tie it again God is gonna punish you God is gonna chastise you I pray to God tonight every pastor that I've lied to their congregation and are continuing to do it when listen to this message and repent to God and any one of your minions come on here right now who you got so fool well you're going against the Word of God I showed you the lawn I you show me your law show me the law that supersedes the law of Hebrews 7 verse 5 and the Levitical laws where God told in numbers 18 25 26 where he said that the Levites were to connect the tide from their brethren to laws they all under knew now you showed to me show me a law show me with God anywhere show me where God said to you pastor apostle doctor whatever you need teacher Kevin show me show me show me where God in this word and what I have done now is that because I have done away with the Levitical order me the commodity so everlasting covenant as what I read that's what I read they excuse me show me a law so verse 7 he says every man according as he purposeth his heart so let him give not grudgingly ordinance of necessity for God love God want you to be free that's how I mean de jure that's how we are I am so expect as so listen when God has confirmed to us this is the people you want us to that that's it is listen it is first of all is a burden to us if we don't do it that's that's a good thing that's how God wants you to live go I don't want you living from paycheck to paycheck go I don't want you to be going into food store and you look at it but I don't you know why because they are training you to be broke where you are they are training you to subscribe to a system that is limiting you from the overflow they're telling is gonna give you overflow but that too is a lie because that overflow was for the Levitical priests if they made it right with God by now ree-ree instituting the original laws that they should have been following a long time you are not a priest if you are a priest and yes you could subscribe no you're not a priest sorry he's not a priest yeah pastor no you are not of the tribe of juda II of this role he knows this so why is he saying to you that you're gonna be customer because that's being dishonest I know let's some of you in a sense tonight all Kevin you be in the last how okay listen if I tell you right now I was 55 but you learn I'm 49 am I not lying so the Apostles stand on the pulpit and he says to you Malachi 3 verses 8 to 10 you are Christ or the Christ because you didn't pay that he's talking to you congregants and he's encouraging you to the scripture to come and pay your tie because if you don't pay it you curse I showed you tonight I didn't make it up it was always there that the this scripture in fact the whole book of Malachi is strictly towards Israel specifically to the priests so how would switch from the priests to you because the priests in order to get the time had to be of the bloodline had to go to a ceremony of water being sprinkled him shaving himself have to be between ages of 25 and 50 and so many other things when did you pass the apostle teacher Kevin when did you go through all of that how did you come to the Levitical line the people you are collecting it from at other Hebrew tribes what evidence that we have that these components are all true also come to this point which makes you a legal recipient of the time any pastor that is putting a demand anybody putting a demand that their members pay time it is an illegal act again according to the law what is the law once again Hebrews 7 verse 5 let's turn to do again because I'm basically finished here all alone woes let's look at it again because I probably reading it wrong Hebrews 7 verse 5 what does it say here again and verily they data of the sons of Levi is past the role as son of Levi is pastor Ewing a son of Levi his pastor sandesh passed the Simmons pasta Taylor pasta Capron pasta Morris let me ask again are they of the sons of Levi that's what I'm asking because if they are the sons of Levi then this is look able to them and they have the right to connect the tie I'm gonna read it and it's so amazing what is it so awesome because the religious spirits now I'm going to fight the Word of God I think they fighting me they're gonna fight the Word of God they're gonna say don't listen to him he's earth how am i leading you astray and I'm showing you the word or one person say I am interpreting do I interpret dreams I don't tribute scriptures I read the scriptures in and agree with them okay they saying over to listen no vision here I interpret dreams so you're mixed up alright and very they that are of the sons of Levi who received the office does your posture or Bishop all the office of a priest and if he does how how if you're paying tithes you're paying it illegally if you're giving a church an offering or a donation or whatever is that's fine there's nothing wrong with that if you won't call it that now that's fine but if you call me at a time it's an illegal app it's a part of a covenant that has nothing to do with you that covenant that he did with with Levi and the children of Israel was never ever transferred to us it has nothing to do with us and if you say I am wrong and if you say I'm a liar and if you say I'm in rebellion you're telling God that I did not give you my book and told you my rules what I did was I pointed to a law and that's why I said to you I'm taking this teaching from a law perspective see the reason why did has opinions will mean nothing anymore the law of the land of the Bahamas is when that stoplight is on red you sit your hip right there if you go through that red light you have broken the law and now you were trapped the enforces of the law to prosecute you or to arrest you and that would be the police officers you can't tell them you from the you're a prime minister cousin uncle child so what that does not exempt you from the law so again when I read this and very data of the sons of Levi very clear okay going back to our Ephesians 4 in heaven God has given to the body of Christ some pastors apostles some teachers bishops evangelist fivefold ministry as we call them why are we not reading in there a Levi maybe because a Levite priests is not a title but a bloodline thing why when we read in the Ten Commandments we do not see the 11th commandment pay the tithe maybe because it was only for Israel and the Levites along with their living sibling tribes Hebrews 7 verse 5 and rarely did out of the sons of Levi who received the office of the priesthood 2 qualifiers you have to be of the sons of Levi in order to receive the office of the priesthood and now it says with those two qualifiers you have a commandment to now take tithes of the people according to the law but who people he goes on that is of their brethren so I'm gonna read it and then I'm gonna fight over this tomorrow I'm gonna do tonight I have made that clear as I possibly could and of course I know they're gonna be naysayers but again I can be clear mature that's why I know I give it nobody with this you know I don't argue the scriptures I don't debate descriptions I love them I believe what they say we don't believe that on you I did my part God called me to be a teacher of the scriptures he have given me the gift of articulating the word in such a way that even a child could understand it if you choose not to believe it hey that on you I cannot force you like your pastor does force you to pay the tire anger do that I have no right to force you if somebody sent my needs to me they are making a donation if they want to call it a tie down on them I would strongly suggest they don't do that because as we would have read tonight this does not stop you from giving to your church this does not stop you from giving to your pasta this is not taking any way from them but if we follow new rules by faith when God said you will give them more you wouldn't be limited to a 10 percent so when nobody's taking anything away from anybody everybody's gonna be happy in this deal if they go with the greater portion of the deal he that give more shall receive more and you know get more and more according to second Corinthians and in chapter 10 it says and God ministers seed to the sower okay so I stopped at nobody from paying the type and you could give your opinions all you want I ain't here to challenge your opinion remember what I did tonight because you're honest can't mix up bad I am speaking about the Word of God I am speaking about monic I that we will lie to over and over that it meant us as I read it you saw it yourself from Malachi I want straight true it's talking about Israel specifically the Levitical priests if you live by the tired of you believe or not listen to me carefully I don't know why or like to lie on me there is no teaching that I've ever done that told you not to pay your tithe if you listen let me be clear if you want to pay your tithe go do what you got to do Kevin okay no time now you could call me a heating you could call me whatever okay I don't no problem with that what I'm saying to you based on what I have read I didn't I didn't interpret anything anyone who read the scriptures if you come up with something different in Malachi other than the priests and the Levites he was speaking to show it to me show to me because of you coming up with the same reading that he's speaking to the priests then you cannot deny the fact when you get to Malachi 3 verses 8 to 10 that he isn't continuing the conversation with the priests and you-you-you but first of all you didn't even need to read the rest of Malachi from 1 & 2 because if you understand the law but the Levitical priesthood and the Levitical rules as far as the hi you will know automatically when you get to Malachi 3 verse 8 when he said that you have robbed God how did we rob God and tied an offering you should see right there he only could be talking about the priests because only them were the ones to collect the tied so let me be clear one more time before I end this if you say to me Kevin I check and for you I live by the time I get died by the time I don't know why you telling me that you sound foolish telling me that because you cuz you making it seem as if I'm telling you don't pay your diet I am Telling You I have to be clear because people are liars I'm telling you I have given you the Word of God I am NOT shocked that you're refusing the Word of God over the rules of men this isn't new this was happening in Jesus estate my job here in this session is finished I gave you the Word of God before I became a Christian in 1996 the Word of God was preached to me many times many times I went to churches and they offered me the free gift of salvation and I walk on a lil doesn't receive him no Christ I was an Internet dead if I had died and gone to hell who would I would have blamed nobody why because that's the decision that I made I prefer the pleasures of the world at that time over Jesus Christ no one could tell me what to do I'm telling you that that's the same position you who I cannot tell you what to do so what I'm saying to you is don't bring your argument to me you are disagreeing with the Word of God not me you disagree with the Word of God if I say to you right now I'm going to marry while I'm married to deej I'm going to marry and I don't mean because I want to have two wives you will jump on me and say Kevin you can't do that but I can say to you I can't do that then you've appointed me to a law but I said I don't I don't I live by the two women on my life you can't tell me what to do you know you just say to me exactly what I'm saying to you right now well Kevin you know the law so you do what you want to do right because I'm a grown man you can tell me to do so again to the naysayers and to everybody else if you feel by reiterating to me you pay eternal your life and you will continue to do it what is your purpose of telemeter tell me why is that gonna change the Word of God it can't so save those comments for yourself that stay there they don't make any sense they're not they're not logical right now because we're preaching with teaching we're learning and we're unlearning the word of we're learning what we should know and dismissing that was implemented to the rules of myth so my advice to you is follow the Word of God if you choose not to and you know follow your leader than you've already heavily for I thank you for your wisdom I think if we acknowledge you thank you for understanding I thank you for the people on this line those that may say yes as well as stone so agree father you've never impose your will on anybody you've made you told Moses you know Deuteronomy 30 verse 19 Moses said to the children of Israel this day I said before you blessings and curses life and death and he said if you're smart you'll choose life but I can't make you do it so father God I am presenting them your word I cannot force them I cannot twist their arm if they choose to stick with tradition to secure your word says that it is their tradition it's Costin would have got to be of no effect well then they would have engaged that law again it is their decision to make I respect as well as you do their decision but I pray I pray that the scales be removed again these teachings are not to come against no leaders no church no nothing it is the pure Word of God again if you don't want to receive the Word of God that is on them but I cover each one of them those who hate me those who love me those whatever my I pray the blessings of the Lord upon them I'm not just in the diarrhea I pray today come to the full knowledge of Jesus Christ in every aspect so that they will not only be participants of the promise of God while they inhabit this earth but even when they move from time into eternity that you can say to them thou good and faithful servant enter into ers that is my desire for everyone on this line everyone I will see this in the future I pray right now father God for a spirit of understanding you said in your word that wisdom is the principal thing but in all our getting you said that we must get get understanding the ability to comprehend the ability to make decision into not only assimilate what is being said but walk away with a complete comprehension or understanding of what is being said lord I pray that that even those who are challenged right now and put aside their personal feelings remove how they personally feel about me about what I've said and again you come on the light here God to hear your word to hear God word and to put aside all of the sideshows and whatever distractions maybe I come against the spirit of ignorance I come against the spirit of destruction I come against the spirit of pride of self of anger bitterness or whatever it is that the enemy would have said as a spirit to disable their ability to hear not Kevin but to hear God and according to your word in Psalms 1:1 whenever the word says that the voice of the word of God the voice of the Lord is the word of God so in my teaching your word and even praying your word led them here through your word your voice not my voice I didn't write the rules I didn't write Malachi I didn't put the law with the Levitical tribe I didn't make a covenant with them I am your servant I am your conduit I did not preach another gospel I preach your word I quoted your scriptures I read the Word of God which you said is your voice so I pray that they would have heard your voice not Kevin's voice that they would have heard the voice of God and I hear to what God says not what Kevin say because whatever Kevin say there's only in compliance with what you said and word of god according to Psalm 103 verse 20 is the voice of God so father I thank you for this session I thank you for every other session every other teaching i thank you lord and you have given me this platform to reach people worldwide i thank you for the many encouraging emails and and voicemails and what's up when i hear so many people's lives has been changed for the better through the application of the teachings the the fasting the listening to the word on CD and all of those recommendations that I gave and it has changed the lives of marriages and homes and families and brought families together I I am happy for that because I know what I am in doing is not in vain and at the same time I know that I'm encouraging other people to not sit in a forward building and wait for someone to tell them it's time to go into the world when you would have given the Great Commission already to go into the world and with your gospel so father we bless you Father we honor your father we praise you father we glorify you releasing on your people according to Isaiah 11 and to a spirit of wisdom a spirit of knowledge a spirit of understanding a spoon of counsel and might releasing upon your people according to Ephesians 1 in 17 father God not only a spirit of knowledge but a spirit of revelation releasing upon your people a spirit of favor you've said in your word in proverbs 3 and 3 it says that we should not forsake mercy we should not forsake truth instead you said we must bind it upon our Nexen and write it upon the tables of our heart and in so doing shall we find favor and good understanding before God and man your word declares and sums 5 verse 12 where you promised you said that you will bless the righteous and what favor shall you encompass him as with a shield these are your promises you said in your word in Psalms 150 14 you said that you will bless them more and more them and their children you've said in your word in Psalms 112 verses 1 to 3 and it says praising the Lord and blessing is the man or woman that feared the Lord and delighted greatly in his commandments for his seed or his children shall be mighty great upon the earth and the generation of the upright shall be blessed verse 3 says wealth and riches shall be in his house and his righteousness shall endureth forever your word declares in the Book of Psalms it says that no good thing shall be withheld from those that walk uprightly your word says in the book of Proverbs and it says that the fear of the wicked shall come upon them but the desire of the righteous shall be granted your word declares in proverbs 11 and 21 and it says that Dohan join in hand the wicked shall not go unpunished but the seed of the righteous shall know what someone need to hear this tonight God said to tell you your seed your child where are they on drugs whether they're in prison whether they're hanging with the wrong crowd if you are the righteous and you are that have you accepted Jesus Christ because you have become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and proverbs 11 this is a super promise to you right now God says that the seed Doha and join in hand the wicked shall not go unpunished but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered your word declares and prophesy 11 verse 31 and it says that the righteous shall be recompense in the earth they shall be repaid for the losses and injuries that they have suffered so much more the wicked and the sinner according to the word of the Living God your word declares father God in the book of sounds and it says that many are the afflictions of the righteous but you O Lord shall deliver us out of them or not is such a wonderful promise father we thank you for your promises we thank you for your word right now with the light in your word we hunger we couch on your word tonight you said in your word Lord that heaven and earth shall pass away but not one tittle not one speck of your word shall pass this is your promise you said that you've placed your word well above your name you said in your word that your word can not return unto you void but it must have complic but it was sent out to do that's why I love your word father you said in your word in proverbs 30 verse 5 and it says that every word of God is pure and that you O Lord are a shield unto those that put their trust in you father I love your word father we delight in your word father we relish in your word father there is no devil there is no demon there's no power in heaven and earth angels principalities Thrones dominions Lord your word says nothing can separate us from your love father we immerse ourselves in the love of Jesus Christ we immerse ourselves in you O Lord who are our official and only covering the sinless Christ your word is clear for its Corinthians 11 verse 3 where you said let air you let it be known to every man let it be known that that Christ is the head of one of us and the head of every show in the head of every man is Christ father God wanna thank you for that you said there's but one God and one mediator one middleman one negotiator one person who have sacrificed their life which was sinless that is Jesus Christ he's the mediator between you there was no one between us and God the scripture is very clear and it says that because of crisis death burial and resurrection that we can now become boldly before the throne of grace we don't have to go through a high priest anymore there's no more sacrificing of of scapegoat sin and lambs and whatever we because of what Jesus Christ did he has given us liberty in him he who knew no sin became a sin for us the word says in Colossians chapter 2 verses 13 to 14 somewhere about there is that he has brought about all the handwriting and ornaments on laws that were once against us and he has mailed it to the cross father I'm reminding you of your voice because you said to do so you said to remind you of your word not that you forgot your word but it is your word that you respond to your word says in Psalms 103 verse 20 oh how excellent are the angels in their strength who hearken or listen unto the commandment and the voice of his word every time we speak the Word of God we are deploying the angelic host to now go ahead and fight for us so therefore when we decree the Word of God that's why he said to remind him of his word when we say no weapon that has been form on gangs shall prosper and every tongue that has risen up against us in judgment father you given us the power we condemn it every one every spirit poison that has been speaking against us father we condemn those words not the person we condemn those words to fall to the ground and never take shape in fact those words that has fall to the ground and he pop shall come become stepping stones to elevate us into our destiny to catapult us to where we should have been at this point at this time in our lives father I thank you that you are God of restoring your word declares in Joel 2 and 25 and it says that you will restore unto us the years that the cankerworm the caterpillar and her locusts and the Palmer were my seed knowing your word declares in proverbs chapter 6 verses 30 to 31 and it says if the thief be found he must return unto us the owner thereof we make that demand that beat the man and command of the fifth thurid turn unto us at minimum seven fold of everything that he has stolen from us father your word has fueled us tonight your word has in vigorous tonight your word father God has put us back to where we should have been realign us to our original destiny I pray for everyone into the sound of my voice that has been bound by generational curses that has been held in captivity by some need a some parent someone was dominating them spiritually so much so that they are now bowing to the will of that person you did not call us to a Ministry of subjection of imprisonment and [ __ ] it violates our freedom in Christ Jesus which you died for Lord I call on the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob to release that person even now to break the shackles to change to release the more of that spiritual cage and cannot pull them to where they should have been at this point at this time in their life in the name of Jesus Christ father I pray for a spirit of peace over those who are suffering from depression anxiety panic attack worrying about tomorrow your word is clear father God it was clear I say at 26 and 3 and it says that you will keep them in perfect peace as long as their mind is stayed upon thee your word declares in Psalms 119 verse 6 165 and it says that great peace not just peace but great peace have they which love thy law Commandments statues principles and nothing shall offend it your word declares in the book of Philippians that is only you that can give that peace that passes all understanding father I love your word I agree with your word I bind my spirit my soul the core of my being to the word of the Living God a word that has been tried and tested I commit to the laws of God I commit to the rules of god father i immerse high saturated my spirit with the word of the Living God no human could come near me to harm me you know why because according to job job chapter 1 verse 10 Satan said it himself go on the only reason why job has not turned on you because you have a hedge of protection around him everyone that is a child of God I want you to hear this tonight there is an invisible hedge around you the only way that hedges tampered with is when you entertain send meaning you don't repent of the sin that you're committed so father I pray right now lord I pray and I come and agree with everyone i bind my fate to them right now that whatever sin is in their life according to your word sums 66 verse 18 you said to them if they regard iniquity in their heart you will not hit him your word declares in Isaiah 59 verses 1 and 2 and it says that your hands are not sure that you cannot reach him your ears are not deaf that you cannot hear them but the iniquity has separated them from you and they're sinners caused you to turn your face from them however you've said in your word and first john 109 that if they confess their sins that you O Lord are faithful and just to forgive them of their sins and you throw it a bonus and to cleanse them of all unrighteousness then you said that you will take their sins that you have forgiven them and toss it into the sea of forgetfulness that's why I love you not you know hold nothing over our heads you don't bring up the past for the sins that you've forgiven us for that's why it's a joy and pleasure and glory to serve the one and only true God the God of Abraham Jehovah Mehcad s you over sitka new Jehovah Cibola the God of War Jehovah I don't I father I thank you right now father I bless you I feel so good right now father I thank you I thank you I thank you even now even now you're filtering the spirits of these people even now Lord the chains are being broken of tradition the chains of traditions Lord destroyed even now in the name of Jesus father remove the scales from their eyes Lord nor just like when Elijah servant came to him when the Syrian Army had surrounded them in the book of kings and he ran inside and he said alas master the Syrian army has surrounded us Elijah says son fear not for there are more that are with us than those that are with their father the word says that Elijah knowing the boy was confused put his hand on him and prayer in and said Lord open his eye so that he may see father the same prayer that Elijah prayed for jzi I pray for your people right now father opened their spiritual eye so that they may see not Kevin not Kevin voice not how I feel about Kevin let them see the Word of God that they were blinded to for years now father God we see less where according to your word that says whatsoever things we desire when we pray we must believe that we have receive it and we shall have it in the matchless and in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen and amen my lord oh man I was kind of it I feel I feel little bumps coming over and I don't know but sure but I really really enjoyed tonight I thank all of you for coming on we had over 1300 of you on here I appreciate you coming on I prayed up God that the teaching was a blessing to you as usual I always advise you to go and play it again listen to it take notes read the scriptures for yourself don't take what I say take what the Word of God said make up in your mind as you're not gonna settle for nobody twisting the Word of God for you anymore you want to receive it exactly excuse me the way that it was given to you so you have a blessed night we're gonna be black with part three between tomorrow probably Saturday and we're coming back with the Deuteronomy 14 in particular where it's gonna show how the tie not only was received but the different periods the first the second deterrent there was a seven-year cycle so we're gonna show you what was supposed to be done with the tie but this was doing the fire in a second yeah we're gonna see where at I was not taken out of every paycheck that you're supposed to get we're gonna see all of that again my disclaimer I'm not trying to show up no pastor all I'm doing is exposing the Word of the Living God god bless you and you have a great night
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 25,849
Rating: 4.8633938 out of 5
Id: hjvYXsTcbNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 10sec (7690 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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