After the fast-FULL TEACHING

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goodnight Facebook family you guys doing I trust you having a good night I decided to just stop by briefly to give you this word I've had a lot inbox people telling me how come I haven't seen a while in a online in a while and I haven't been hearing from you well I've been doing a number of things particularly that of preparing for my three part series evil alters arising or being projected against churches I'm gonna start that this weekend I'm so excited about this series I'm really really looking forward to it so there was something that was really really I mean Noren at me for the past two days and I say you know what I'm just gonna come on here and I try to squeeze in 30 minutes all right now don't hold me to that and try to squeeze in 30 minutes nevertheless I'm gonna get it out there I've been once again receiving a number of emails Kevin I've done the fast Kevin I fasted Kevin I did this Kevin I did that and this didn't work and that didn't work listen y'all some of y'all are some wine is you know the thing about it what I don't get all the time right how is it that you've been insane for 50 million years 50 million years you've been doing even right okay then all of a sudden now you expect to give one purl one product one fasting and God is just gonna just flip it all over for you that's not gonna happen oh my god is training you wherever you are whatever oppression you're under right now whatever resistance particularly if you are hearing to the rules the laws the protocols and the principles of God that's a good thing you've been trained you're being conditioned I would not be right I'm today if I didn't catch hell if people didn't do me and if people didn't throw me under the bus and and did evil to me I would not know what I know right now so your adversity is conditioning you to be great in whichever capacity the Lord will have you dumb but tonight what I'm gonna talk about very briefly I'm gonna speak about after the fast after you'd have done whatever fast you would have done three day fast seven day fast Daniel fast Mara fast Pookie damn fast or whatever far as you decide to do I want you to know that it isn't so much during the fast that you're gonna find yourself in difficult circumstances because most people they believe that going without food or going or water that is the most difficult part of the fast but not necessarily in fact you will learn later that's the easier part and here is why because see after the fast is when the temptation comes now I will say this during the fast you will have some opposition especially in the capacity of being hungry and wanting to eat and wanting to drink and frustration yes then of course during the the the dreaming part of it you know where during the fast you're breaking evil covenants you're breaking generational curses and of course there's an influx of dreams where you begin now to see the spiritual order of your life and why your life is the way that it is why you are they are where you are because like I always say to you you know your your spiritual life is consistently dictating your physical life and that's why it's so important to understand your dreams because your dreams are giving you excerpts is giving you a a view of what's going on around you spiritually what's dictating the course that you're on right now trust me everything that you're doing everything that you plan to do there is some invisible entity that's either influencing you coercing you encouraging you or leading you whether that's from the kingdom of light or whether that's from the kingdom up but the quicker you grab ahold of that concept that the spiritual forces detailing the course of your life to imposing their will on you and you are accepting of course of course then you're gonna understand very quickly that you need to recognize the spiritual realm and deal with it from that level alright so tonight we're going to talk about what happens after fasting so I want us to go and I'm going to try my best to be very brief tonight because I really want to finish up on my intense study on this thing we're gonna take up on Saturday anyway in Luke chapter 4 Luke chapter 4 and I'm gonna take my time a description because I really need you to grab ahold of this understanding tonight and we're again we're talking about life after fasting Kevin why is it that I've been on a fast to break the spirit of lust to break the spoon of poverty and right after I had this fast I had this sexual dream alright when I thought this fast would have stopped these dreams it appears as if they ever increase or it appears if I'm not dreaming at all oh I just feel even more frustrated ever since the fast ended well like I said earlier it is after your fasting is where the real fight is going to begin so when Luke chapter 4 beginning at verse 1 it says and Jesus being filled with an invisible being ok I want to make that clear because even though it says the Holy Ghost it was really an unseen non tangible entity it's a spirit and it's only gonna repeat what I've been telling you through on my teachings we live the coexists with spirits no matter you put it we cook their spirits right now in my home their spirits right now where you are whether they're evil spirits whether they're spirits of God there are spiritual entities that inhabit your space you're not just the only person living there there is a there person's there outside of you or whomever else they're physically there are spiritual beings coexisting so the scripture says here in Luke chapter 4 verse 1 it says and Jesus being full of the holy spirit so there's an invisible being that possessed Jesus that inhabits him that is living in him because again the scripture says look for watch up to one and Jesus which is the son of God which is the second person of the Trinity or the triune God he is filled or full with the third person of the Trinity which is the invisible Holy Spirit and Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit returned from Jordan watch what it says next much what it says next and was led by the spirit so you hear that right so Jesus isn't going off his own whatever just like you just like me there is some spirit leading us when is the Spirit of God or whatever the spirit of demonic forces if you are saturated with lust or hate or pride or greed or whatever that is what's leading you but it is sin just a word hate it isn't just a word bitterness it isn't just a word lusts it is an actual entity that you cannot see it is not tangible but watch this it is far more real than you looking at me right now the serious thing about this is that when you die the real you which is your spirit will be permanently a part of the spiritual world so the things that you see in your dreams that's going to become normal for you when you could leave the side where is with the kingdom of God or whether it's with the kingdom of that and so the scripture says here and look for verse 1 that Jesus is now possessed or there's an invisible entity that he's filled with a full-width which indicates here the Holy Ghost or the Holy Spirit the scripture then goes on a sense that Jesus was led by the spirit in the wilderness so there was a spirit leading what spirit is leading you if you and your boyfriend had a router night if you and your wife had on a fallen Oh tonight what spirit led you to Casa what spirit led you to tell him he's nobody what spirit is is right now telling you how you're gonna get at your co-workers tomorrow for what they did you do see there's a spirit leading you now you may think you doing this off your own recognizance you think the CEO won't mind doing this and that's what spirits do their job is to influence you and I'm talking with evil spirits in this case influence you to make you buy into the idea that the thoughts that saturate in your mind are your thoughts but they are the spiritual voices of evil spirits and this is why you gotta silence that voice that voice of hate that voice of loss that voice of pride that voice of spitefulness that voice of greed you gotta say it I spirit affair I silence you spirit of hate i silence you I refuse to sit here and entertain you with these depressing thoughts with these frustrating thoughts with these overwhelming thoughts that they're not your thoughts they're not your thoughts there are spiritual beings that are right where you are right now if you're depressed right now if you're frustrated right now thus the the spirit evil spirits I'm talking about now the the spirit job is to and this is how you know the spirit to make you point to someone something or some environment as the source of why you feel do we let you feel no no no no no see when you and that guy breaks up when you own your husband or wife break up when you had some fallen over someone depending or how it happened there's a spirit now that comes then begins to lead if your husband cheated on you your girlfriend then there's a spirit of anger there's a spirit of getting back the scripture saying unequivocally clay here then look for verse one that Jesus was led by a spirit all right so this isn't just reserved for him the scripture now is giving us the protocol of the invisible entities be it good or evil that are playing a major role in the decisions that we make so why I'm saying this because I want you now that when that feeling of affair come on you when that feeling of anxiety attack when that feeling of depression come speak to the spirit that's what it is it's a spirit oh I feel so the pressure is not a spirit of depression I bind your powers spirit of depression you have no legal right over me I renounce and reject any covenant covertly or overtly established by me entertaining you so you've got to speak to the spirit that spirit of failure that spirit of rejection speak to it silence the voice of that invisible being because it's speaking to your spirit let me do it I would speaks to you alright let me give you this illustration I want you to say after me I'm gonna say a very short sentence but I don't want you to open your mouth I don't want you to move your lips I want you to say Jesus I love you but I want you to hole your lips together and say it don't you hear you saying it in your mind you saying Jesus don't move your lips like me but say Jesus I love you don't you hear yourself in your mind but there's no voice this is how spirits operate spirits communicate with your spirit your spirit hear the voice of the spirit of depression of the spirit of hardship of the spirit of generations they are speaking consistently to your spirit but no one has ever taught you to challenge to resist to come out i silence the voice of depression I refuse to spend another night depressed I refuse to take the whole world on my shoulder speak to the spirit the Bible says in I think Luke 10 verse 19 it says behold the Lord has given us power to thread over serpents and scorpions and over all the works of the devil start using it that's not just a voice to repeat and that's what we like to do they quit you you you say something they quit the troll voice that you watch had no weapon formed against me shall prosper for Oh any time that rises up again all that is great now when you gonna start using it meaning that I start speaking against the invisible voices that speaking against you then are you gonna do that no you just can't wait to prove to me you know a scripture by repeating the scripture but never becoming a participant of description no no no no man your book your Bible your scriptures are the weapon your scriptures is your sword and when you speak to the invisible forces that is attacking you they got to subdue you know why because when you speak the Word of God the invisible realm must conform to that word so you got to rise up so in Luke chapter 4 and again be dealing with things after the fast after the far system the greatest part of the fast people think once you stop eating and stop drinking that's fasting and that is a part of fasting but the next part of fasting is after you have completed the restriction of food and liquids now you got to face the very spirits that you decide to fight or come against when you get on that fast every time you go on the fast you are coming against spiritual entities and those spiritual entities are not gonna sit back and say ok you know what we're gonna give you your life back and we're gonna pull depression off for you and and the sprit of rejection we're gonna call them back a little bit so you can live your life no no no no no no this is why the dreams begin to to sexual rate you during the fast that's why you're dreaming so much because now you enter the realm of the spirit to see your spiritual environment people say to me all the time Cameron how come with most of the times in you interpret people dreams like it's always negative don't blame me that's your spiritual environment I am just interpreting what is being presented to me via dream and the dream is showing me all of this spiritual dark clutter where the fast now begins to reveal these things so look for us on Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost Jesus is filled but you are listen to this see because you could say something for so long we you've been in and out of church you hear the term Holy Ghost you hear the term spirit you get a term devil you get a term god you get a term angels you get the term demon you hit a term foul spirit and you just move on to the next scripture but what the writer is talking about are invisible beings that you cannot see they are not tangible but they're very much existent right now right where you are and and the power of the invisible entities the dark forces is the ignorance of mankind spirits look for fools mmm spirits I'm talking believers person are evil spirits look for people who are ignorant to the law evil spirits look for people and who reject the Word of God who rejects teachings such as witchcraft voodoo and Obi tridacna garbage tree away in it are the only more here is blessing they say okay let's keep once we keep him away from the reality of who we are then we have the upper hand on this person so you need to be well-trained as it relates to the spiritual world and that's what I teach about because that's where the reality is when you die that's we all of what we talking about now the spiritual stuff you can deal with that for a sign in your debt so no matter how you skin this cat this is how it's gonna end up look for verse 1 again and Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan and was led by the spirit in the wilderness verse 2 being forty days tempted of the devil now this was during the fast for for forty days Jesus wasn't eating at all he wasn't drinking so for forty days the devil tempted him this is what happened to us so why do you want your three day fast your five day fast or whatever fast you want so the dreams are now coming but you're being tempted to have sex with this poison in the dream somebody feeding you in the dream you see itself lying in the dream you see yourself breastfeeding or somebody breast feeding you all of this a demonic evil spirits tempting you because the minute you are engaged in whatever is being offered to you in the dream it's a covenant it's a covenant being forged so what does that mean why would an evil school on a forge of covenant with me all of a sudden out of them on the fast because the forest is breaking the bonds of wickedness that had you restricted Isaiah 58 verse six the four things that initially happened when you go on a fast he says it's not this the fast that I've called you to do number one to do it to break the bonds of wickedness what have you restricted you can't go forward so therefore you need to go on a fast to break the invisible chains that have you I could go into a conference that says break every chain in a set you free the reality is you need to upgrade your spiritual warfare by engaging in a fast that is the only thing to come against certain spirits jesus said this can only come true prayer and fasting so fasting is imperative so first two of Luke forces Jesus being forty days tempted of the devil so at this point he's on the fast it says and in those days he did eat nothing and when they were end it the fastest gonna end now I want you to get this when they were ended he's ending his non eating he's ending his non drinking or however you decide to do your fast now it says it's coming to an end and it says afterwards Jesus was hungry so in verse three of Luke forces and the devil said unto you not do you think there was a bit of a visible devil there no no no the same invisible devil who you always talking about childless one full of the devil look at the devil comin over here my god that man just mash up his new car that's the devil you know but you didn't see no devil no but you subscribe to the spiritual world that there is a devil so the scripture says Jesus has just ended and this is what's happening to you right now no holy for you watching me and emailing meters left Kevin I was on the fast and like all hell breaks loose yes that's good that some of you probably offended me when you say to me Kevin or everything break loose in my life after this fast and I would send a smiley face back and say thank you Jesus because think about it nobody beats a day at horse why all of a sudden these spirits now want to beat the living light over you after you have engage in that's fast because you rip them apart during the fast so their job is to hope that you are so ignorant that they could now whoop you after this fast and make you believe nothing took place on that fast you still broke you're still sick you still got this terminal disease the monster love and come back home don't be a part of the marriage the woman somebody do miss you got to do no no no no no no no no no no the more you look at it physically the more confused you become the more misled that you will be misled look at it spiritually the scripture makes it clear it says after the fast that ended Jesus was hungry and verse 3 says and the devil and the devil said unto him if thou be the Son of God command this stone that it be made bread now you may think that's just a simple statement no no and that's why I want you to understand the spiritual world as born abode covenants it's all about covenants the devil is trying to get mr. Jesus to agree if you be the Son of God mr. Jesus that then do what I say and make these stones turn into bread so if Jesus had done that he would have been forging an agreement by Jesus who's a physical man coming in agreement with a spirit remember I told you the law how what is the law of manifestation meaning that how this thing's from the spiritual world manifests to our natural world well this is how it happens when you have a human being that agrees with a spirit then manifestation now occurs so for example you broke like the Ten Commandments and you need a turnaround financially in your life so you get the Word of God which is spirit you find the scriptures that speaks about prosperity advancing promotion and now you begin to pray and believe that so what are you doing you're coming in agreement you the human with the Spirit of the Living God which is his word and now the expectation of the manifestation of what the promises of God I will begin to manifest in you it is the same law that runs the demonic Kingdom so the Bible says that the devil comes here now says yeah Big Shot Jesus if you so bad son of God then turn these stones to bread but watch how Jesus respond because this high you need to respond to that voice of depression to that voice of loneliness the Bible says in verse 3 and the devil said unto him if thou be the Son of God command stone that'd be made bread and Jesus I love was for and jesus answered him who's him who's him him is the invisible devil the same one whispering in your ear right not only sinner Kevin the same one saying my time I think I forgot what some a scooby-doo the same one saying the right now we'll call a man wife from her corner woman husband the same one saying Matt why don't you set a trap for your coworker tomorrow the same dev one who you cannot see but it's speaking to your spirit it's the same thing what was happening Jesus in this case but I love Jesus response because this is what I want you to look at when you are now off of the fast you need to come up with the word of God which are the laws the rules the principles the precepts the commands of the almighty god and jesus answered this is always full of Luke 4 and jesus answered him which is the devil saying it is what it is rip it's a law so in this whole thing we're about to read every time Jesus respond you say my gift for mommy he said man like leave me alone no every time he respond it is written what is written mr. Jesus is about to speak the Word of God see because that is would challenges the forces that's coming behind you depression anger leave because you say go mister depression depression leave me you just spin your last night why'd you tell for mommy no no depression is going to leave sorrow is going to leave poverty that all of these things that you would have broken during the fast but then now they're coming but great intensity hoping that you're ignorant of what we're reading right now and they hope that you will fight on your own accord you are no match for those spirit of your own accord in your human strength not you will lose for every time Jesus was the son of God is giving you the protocol as to how to deal with these things after fasting because after fasting you are going to be bombarded with the forces that you just kick up in the spirit while he was on that fast so the scripture says in verse four of Luke 4 and jesus answered him which is the devil saying it is written when last you did that when ask your pastor leader or whatever tell you to do that well last year leader said you know what every time you see in the press you tell about tell the devil right now it is written I have the peace of God I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus the scripture says in Isaiah 26 and 3 it says that God will keep me in perfect peace as long as my mind is stayed upon him the scripture says in Psalms 119 verse 165 it says great peace have they that love thy law and absolutely nothing shall offend them I claim that right now that is my sword in the spirit and I'm coming against every spirit of anti peace every spirit of anti contentment you have to speak the Word of God and make no sense constantly below I wish they F and try something tomorrow that ain't helped you in fact you're working with the invisible forces that's what can against you cussing people out calling them names the only thing you doing is satisfying your flesh that's it in the same spirits that influence you to do it and be the same spirits like a deal with you later speak the Word of God Jesus said in Luke 4 and 4 it has written miss the devil it is written when you hear the word written here what are you saying so much worse this is the law yeah you just just this is the supreme law you ain't no gold over this ain't no other law that supersede this he says it is written it is written that man shall not live by bread alone but what should he live by mister Jesus but by every what word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God you got to live by every word every word what does your scripture that you have this morning when you woke up what scripture did you that you line your eyes on and thus in the Bible if you open it and you begin to let that thing Marren and resonate in your spirit that no matter what come at you I hold on to this I found that God had and I have an interview tomorrow I have to go to the doctor tomorrow and I refuse to let the spirit of fear that's trying to leave me I got me I you know for God did not give me a spirit of fear instead he gave me love and power and soundness of mind 2nd Timothy 1 and 7 that's my word I refuse to sit here and let fear the spirit of fair play Monopoly with my mind no no no no no no I rejected right now I come against it right now no the adam-12 morning's ago I had this dream and I noticed was the devil because I got some big stuff coming up in the future and all of a sudden in this dream there was a lady that I dated years ago and all of a sudden I'm about to go and sleep with her but just know my bow to bow or no I said no no notice me in the dream and I woke up and man listen it was the minute I woke up I come out in the living room and get on my knees I reject that dream I Christ that evil demonic familiar spirit that covenant that he was trying to forge with me in that dream to introduce evil in my life whether it's poverty whether is the spirit of delay where is this whatever that entity was trying to get me to agree to through intercourse in the dream homeboy you back up on the wrong person yeah cuz you it wasn't dealing with no fool I said I reject it I renounce it I cry sit from the very room I I forged no covenants with no spirit to have no legal right in my life instead i saturate myself with the and I began to quote the Word of God the righteous shall be recompense and direct that's me the Bible says he will bless the righteous and with favor shani encompass him about that's me do the scripture says that he will increase me more and more me and my children that's me that's me see I now break that nasty filthy covenant that he's trying to come at me in the spiritual run by in my dream and now I begin to love myself for the real Covenant which was the word of the Living God soon so much words I would say mr. devil it is written just like Jesus it is written the man I'll come right over that nonsense no no when I was young dumb and stupid you can come with that not now I know too much now to sit back and let you moonwalk on me then have it no I will speak I see I'm not gonna sit back and say well just my mind my mind the Bible says Jesus was led by the Spirit of God what spurred leading you what spirit is leading you if you lay in your bed right now planning are plotting evil against some body I don't want you for one second to believe only you do not there's a spirit assisting you and all you doing is just following the instructions of that spirit and you do nothing about it you don't pray against it you don't rebuke it you to reject it you into tin it so you'll be coming through the Covenant through you acting on the advice that the Spirit gave you just evil the devil setage if you be the Son of God turn these stones and he could have done it but Jesus Antonin understand spiritual law if Jesus followed would mr. devil say then he would have bowed to the devil that would have been a covenant forged in the spiritual realm so the real deal while the devil tried I don't get him the devil around his course in jesus's life but jesus knew better so verse 5 says and the devil taking him who's him Jesus up into a high mountain showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time so this they saying that natural happening you know the supernatural 4/6 of Luke 4 says and the devil every time you see that what I want you to circle it why because we are speaking about an invisible being if you lose your keys right now and you have someplace to go you can't find your car keys more than likely not you're going to say my god that's the devil really busy you may be busy I see anybody doing CC it's not a finger speech the problem is you don't believe what you said the problem is you just think it is a figure of speech but it is a real devil there are real spiritual entities that are everyday working against you to stoop primarily to stop you from progressing in every area of your life so for six of Luke 4 says I'm the devil said unto who him who's him Jesus Christ of Nazareth he says all this power will I give thee and the glory of them for that is delivered unto me so the devil is saying I have all this power but I will give it unto you mister Jesus and whomsoever I will I could give it to for 7 if the vow therefore were what worship me all that this shall be so the devil is saying to mr. Jesus who just came off a fast he says if you worship me now for you you just forgot what is this devil isn't this a brazen dude you don't know ain't no brazen this dude is a smart dude mind you listen he says if you worship Me if you worship Me now you may think that's no big deal but if when you think in terms of spiritual or that is a big deal why because the scripture says you must worship no other God than the LORD thy God and if you worship Him which is found in Exodus 20 verses 2 to 5 he says if you decide to worship other gods he says as a result of it I will visit the iniquities of you upon your children and down to the turn for generation so if G imagined Jesus Christ who came to die for the sins of the entire world imagine if he had dropped and bow to Satan he would have now activated the law which is found in Exodus 20 verses 2 to 5 where by him doing that the same people us the earth that the human beings who we came to deliver from the clutches of the enemy would have been slaved us more through this law so what I'm saying to you was when the devil comes at you this dude ain't comin for comin sake he ain't throwing stuff at you open you'll bite no know what he is legalistic he but his his his hope is that you're ignorant to the law this is why the scripture says my people perish not because they don't have degrees not because they don't have a nice home or a nice job not because they're not sufficient money in the bank now he says my people are perishing because of a lack of knowledge so when the enemy come or when he used someone against you the idea is to make you bad been in terms of let me covertly get them to go against the laws of God this is how he have legal right to your life now yeah and just to pause here for a second in the Book of Numbers 22 and 23 where Balak the king of Moab summons Balaam the rich doctor the common cases rule and long story short the upper one Belfiore the mountain and they just doing these altars and calling up spirits calling up spirits but the spirits could not go down into the valley to afflict the children vision now the children of Israel in the valley having zero idea that that Baylock in Balaam and the Lord's and the eldest of Mora was up on the mountain waking all type of sorcery but nothing could have touched it but watch what happens in the end Balaam said to Balak the witch doctor says to the king of Moab he says I cannot curse Israel but the key was an end I couldn't cuss whom God has not cursed no I was in it you know he said I cannot curse Israel because the Lord has found no iniquity in them so what that mean if there's no an iniquity remember he didn't say sin he said the Lord is finally iniquity because we all sin iniquity is the abuse of sin in liquid tea is there's no more you don't care no more you ain't go repent it don't matter you no more you Christ's life fornicate smoke dope dude you don't care that is iniquity the abuse of sin so the scripture says Baylock sorry Balaam said to Bella he says I can trace these parts I am the biggest witchcraft worker here and if these fellas resist in my obeah he tell him he says because there is no these people living right these people repent their sins on a daily basis these people living right but he advised me say just what to do then this is how are you gonna all of these Spurs we've been calling up but could not attack them this is how the spirits haven't have a legal right in the children of Israelite he says cause the women of Moab to seduce the men of Israel mm-hmm what happened all hell break loose a plague break out fellas dropping down there like nobody business why am I telling you the story because I'm trying to show you the power of evil spirit the power of sorcery the power of these things in your life the fuel of it is the sin in your life or the extension meaning that the generational curse given it the legal right to run its course on you so now let's go back here to Luke chapter 4 so Luke chapter 4 verse 7 says if thou therefore the Satan telling Jesus if you will only worship me man I'll give you all these kingdoms all and this here will be yours but it was more than that because if he had worshipped him like I said Jesus would have activated the law by him serving another God God would visit the iniquity of what he was doing upon all mankind just like how he came to die for all of our sins well he could master that right there by bowing to Satan so you see Satan even though he's throwing stuff out there he's hoping that you will bite onto it because underneath the flower and Clara is a slaw is a room so when you do it easier hey God look here look here God don't come take up flow Jesus now don't take him for this Kevin dude he breaks your law that's why the Bible call him the accuser of the Brethren he's acutely everydays before God you see you see see see this would you call your man of God hmm mister fornicate over here mr. big chief liar over here so whatever he is leading you to do the plan is to to break the laws of God so we can run its course so in verse 7 it says and jesus answered and said this after Satan said if you bow to me I'll give you on the kingdoms of the earth first it says and jesus answered and said unto him him who we need to know we talking about Jesus is talking to who's the devil this is an invisible being he says get thee behind me Satan stand about that's where you belong listen what he says next for it is written again Jesus is using the sword of the spiritual realm what is the sort of the spiritual realm the sword of the spiritual realm is the Word of God every time you speak in the Word of God you are literally wielding the sword in the realm of the Spirit but what are you actually doing well according to Hebrews 4 in verse 12 it says that the Word of God is sharper than any double-edged sword cutting asunder what should it does cutting asunder spirit and soul your soul is your mind your will your intellect your emotion in fact it is the administrator of this physical being which also house your spirit and it says that the Word of God is cutting the spirit let's say there's a spirit of lust attached to you which is your soul your will the intellect influencing you how do we separate this well according to the law of Hebrews 4:12 it says the Word of God like a double-edged sword will cut asunder this evil spirit from your soul so here is why I am consistently in my teachings bringing you back to Scripture I can always drag you back to the scriptures I'm going to always repeat the scriptures because the scriptures this is your power CEO Shelton in church and you're screaming and you running man and having convulsions and running your head into the pulpit that can help you that's a performance and just how you run your head in there and they run you straight to the hospital and you incur some more bills upon the ones you're trying to get rid of right now my job is to always bring you back to the scriptures why because Paul said I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the one it is the power unto salvation that word means deliverance the word deliverance means to be set free from something so therefore you now got a make up in your mind but I can't let us no more man but I need to get this this fella always talking about this Jesus and word and he always calling these different scriptures that mean I want you to get into it even if you take one scripture if you read once a verse father let me meditate on this would let us become a part of my life open up my dark spiritual understanding and cause me to see be on what is physically presented in front of me so the scripture says in chapter verse 8 of Luke 4 and jesus answered this dirty devil he say get D he didn't say get from me he put him in his rightful place he said get behind me yes they written about them he said get thee behind me what he says now cuz now he's gonna come at him with the law again for it is written thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve so Satan and finish say you realize that you know what let's read another law yeah so I gotta use a different strategy or him and that's a lot of you there right now a lot of you are growing through these teachings but you notice that the boat really ruff now you see because the the biggest threat to the kingdom of darkness especially as it relates to your life is the knowledge of God why because I quoted all the time proverbs 11 verse 9 through knowledge shall the just be delivered deliverance for you will come through the knowledge of God and I cannot put enough emphasis on that it's not gonna come to you sowing seeds it's not gonna come to you given a special seat it's not gonna come to you given $1,000 seed now the day you show me that in the scripture I wanna apologize for everything I'm seeing right now but I will never apologize because I know it's not there but what I will show you is proverbs 11 verse 9 be through knowledge which I'm giving you right now shall the just be delivered what is the word delivered mean to be set free from something that had your restricted something that had you held back something that has you I could and you couldn't go forward so you're 40 50 60 years old never enjoy your life never encoded and participate in the blessings that God always had for you why because you mentor some structure that had you given and given and given and given and given and given and everybody else get enriched Xavier everybody else happy except you especially ones you're taking your money and all you sitting behind me in my time you write [ __ ] never be your time until you begin to participate in the laws of God Almighty so say you say listen this this toward know the law cuz every time I try to trick him he's coming with the laws of God remember what this topic is tonight we are talking about that the next stage of fasting fasting doesn't only incorporate not eating and not drinking no when you stop the fasts there's a next the next phase is dealing with the spiritual attack that's gonna come against you that you would have unseated during the fast that's why the attackers on you because you unseat the spirit of poverty you unsee the spirit of hate you unsee the spirit you did that in the fast and that's why they try to tempt you in the fast by having sex with you or trying to get you to eat something because they trying to reinstate the Covenant that feeling you understand rebuking to reject it naughty enemy's gonna come to you after the fast just like with Jesus and every time he comes you got to do the exact protocol our Lord and see if you did it is written my man man should not I don't want ya you mister devil today you gotta read your Bible didn't go watch them somehow channel 7 news man go drink your coffee man take a walk no I'm going over I will walk no Beach no no I'm gonna reinforce a this the attitude now people maybe passing your pretty sister some morning me yes something wrong with me you know what's wrong with me I am ridding myself of these invisible beings that held me back all my life now that I have the understanding to sever him via the Word of God I gonna beat them silly and that's how you have to take that attitude and shut it down because they come to shut you down so the scripture says that verse 8 and jesus answered and said unto mr. devil get thee behind me that's what you belong in the back Satan for it is written thou shalt not worship the Lord sorry thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only shalt thou serve verse 9 of Luke 4 and he brought him to Jerusalem who is he this is how we understand the scriptures we need to know who we are talking about he and he brought who's he Satan brought Jesus to Jerusalem and set him on a pinnacle or a high point of the temple and said unto Him or Satan said unto Jesus this invisible being because every time you read Satan and every time you read the devil in the scripture it is not a physical being it is an invisible being it is a spirit it says here and verse 9 and he brought him or the devil brought Jesus to Jerusalem and set him on a pinnacle of the temple and said unto him if thou be the Son of God he are you trying to put doubt in him if thou be the Son of God cast thyself down from fits now this is what I want you to see and this is such a powerful powerful piece of Revelation because this is powerful man and just come for us because I just get excited sometimes when you begin to saturate yourself with the Word of God when you begin to really marinate meditate and really go into the disciplines are fasting and really building built your human spirit trust me the devil attack against you would be different from the attack of the one who in study make you because he realized you have upgrade yourself spiritually and he can't pull those tricks that he normally pulled before that last and all that stuff no no no you you don't shut that down no no you gotta come inside nice bro and guess what he's gonna come in he's gonna come with the Word of God oh yeah what's this let me prove it to you verse 9 again and he which is Satan brought him which is Jesus to Jerusalem and set him on a pinnacle of the temple and said unto Him Satan said unto Jesus he says Jesus if thou be the Son of God cast thyself down from here or from hence what Satan you scriptures verse 10 Satan speaking out for it is written he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee now in Lion he's telling the truth and [ __ ] he is quoting Sam's 91 verses 11 and verse 12 where the scripture says for he which is God has given his angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways that have we as much as - a foot against a stone the same eath invisible beings will gather us in their arms so what that mean I'm walking down the road Monday and guess what a trip that I almost felt and most people will say oh my god I was lucky here more luck you didn't read the scripture he says he has given his angels that have you as much as - your foot or Bucky or the gangsters stone and you are about to fall these same invisible forces will gather you up you even realize it but immediate you can give it to now you know luck here man luck eyes of the devil so again when you when you get an understanding of the scriptures and you want to read the scriptures more it makes you wonder that's better than someone jesus said I said you'll hear a lot ok show me the word break it down to me make me understand it maybe one will read it for myself and absorb the revelation be understanding to set me free of the years of bondage so Satan come to him in verse 10 he says okay mister Jesus you want us scripture let's split it so Satan says to Jesus Jesus join yourself down remember if you are the son of God then the angels of the Lord will get e you up hallelujah that's like me saying do you read now yeah Mary if you a Christian right why don't you go on the Empire State Building in New York have you so holy why don't you jump over and then really make out there and watch the angels of the Lord grab you up no first of all I ain't listening to you my man that's number one number two I reject you I renounce you I didn't know you I'd eject you you have I refuse to listen let me tell you why I refuse to listen to you mr. devil because any instruction I take from you according to the realm of the Spirit I am forging an agreement I am coming in a covenant with you this now gives you the legal right to my cooperation as a human through your suggestions and instructions as a spirit that I agreed to now you have the legal right to run your course and not hear my brother inhabit you ain't talking to no dummy so watch Jesus's response verse 10 says for it is written Satan speaking for it is written he shall give his angels charge over you man to keep your soul jump off verse 11 says and in their hands he stopped reaching to Jesus so Satan says remember now in the ha in their hands they shall bear thee up he said any time thou dash thy foot against the sword so he again is quoting Psalm 91 verses 11 and 12 so he knows the scripture okay not everybody the code no structures mean that their childhood God so you see this duty who's mr. King devil he know the scriptures verse 12 says and I love this piece and jesus answered said unto Him it is said thou shall not tap the Lord I hope you get innocent I hope you are seeing the consistency of this pattern that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ have left in place for us this scripture here look for from verse 1 to verse 13 is telling us how we ought to perform and behave after for us what is the primary thing you do not entertain the devil after the fast all of a sudden your husband freaking out after the fast all of a sudden your children are came funny after the fast the fun's gone this is normal behavior this is the same devil that Jesus had to face the invisible being who you think arsenal is all of a sudden you can almost stand after the fact what do you do it is written you begin to quote the Word of God that's what you do you don't cuss what we will get it after the fast well mother you know what you just couple of us really a part of this you you you just succumb to the suggestions of the evil one no big because I know I just came off the fast but I just can turn the heat up on you mind cuz you coming at me with all you got because you know I already kick you up during the fasting itself now after the fast now you trying to come a bit but buddy I coming at you cuz I know better i shutting you down how am i gonna shut you down when I feel overwhelmed I'm gonna get on my knees father God in the name of Jesus take the spirit of being overwhelmed of being frustrated of being tired sometimes you're making these confessions listen to your confessions Jesus tired of fighting Lord how much much stop saying that stop it every time you feel defeated you begin to praise your father even though I don't feel like praising you I give you the glory right now father God there's no reason why I should be praising you because I wanna have breaking loose but I give you the glory every devil that is trying to make me behave perform or speak in a negative way based on my circumstances you pick the wrong one to mess with today you know why because I believe that there's an end to one of this I believe that my breakthrough is right on the horizon I come an agreement with the Word of God not you mr. devil I'm not gonna allow my physical circumstances to dictate my future no no no no no no no the scripture says in proverbs 11 or 21 it says that the righteous that sound like me the righteous shall be recompense in doing so you don't admit after all this little commotion mr. devil recompense is waiting for me I am waiting for recompense I will make my turn for recompense welcome Pence is my portion you ain't to get me to speak against my recompense no no you ain't to get me speaking my god I so tired my god I so broke my god like I get for one foot Ford you gotta take to pound you want me to get out of coming out of my mouth you ain't hear that would you go here as when I put one foot forward I can lick quantum leap ahead that's what you can get from me you don't hear from me whatever sickness that you were telling me I had I checked cancer I reject heart disease I reject blindness I reject frustration I reject sadness I reject depression I would everything that is anti God's will for my life I divorce it from me it has no legal right in my life I reject you to the toy power i hearing you my ass clogged up if you ain't speaking but thus said the Lord then you speak in smile it's because I don't understand that you're talking Dutch that's even worse because I don't understand that I understand the laws of the Living God I understand what the scriptures say I commit myself to the scripture I don't need no one to fluence me I don't need no one to come and pop me up I'm gonna pump myself up I'm gonna sit right here while all of these they're what's coming at me okay you were frightened I okay good let's look at some scriptures dead seeing that you were fight seeing that you won't come in and do for the scripture says mister devil and Ephesians 3 and 20 it says the same God who's supervising this situation that you mr. devil think you've got control over says that he will do exceedingly abundantly and above all that I could ever ask or think according to the power which is the Word of God that operates in me so why do you here mr. devil trying to to make me see things negatively I don't see what you see and I definitely ate here and what you say to me I believe the Word of God the scripture say and sounds 5 verse 12 it says that my god he says he will bless the righteous and with favor chandi encompassed me by the sheer description say in proverbs 3 and 3 he said I must not forsake mercy and truth but bind it upon my neck and write it upon the table of my heart and in so doing shall I find favor I'm good understanding before God you married or do you know the scriptures say proverbs chapter 18 verse 22 it says that he that finds a wife I got one of them to finds a good thing and obtain favored father God I got my wife I did my part now you do your part save who must come to me he that finds a wife find a good thing and obtaineth favor see you got to know the scriptures you need to know the law every time this dude come at you mr. Satan shut him down with the Word of God shut him not for too long you sit back and let this [ __ ] wake your mind read over you just sitting there this guy your hand like this my corn man oh no what I ain't get enough gas to take this short school tomorrow oh no harder I don't get paid on the end of the month when I got to penny to rub together while you saying I'm s why are you saying that mess why no no no no no no no shut it down go go grab scriptures and begin to speak the Word of God they can't take my house this the scripture says he says I will give houses that you did not build I would give you vineyards you did not plant I will give you a pool you did not eat this I will give you land that you did not live i claim those promises right now father I refuse to agree with the devil and the negative mess he commanded me with the people oppressing me on the job this death season that's their time but that's all right Lord show me what I supposed to learn order this what is it that you're trying to teach me that the minute I learn it you cannot put me to the next level and leave these fools radio see this is how you need to be speaking this is how you need to be performing don't sit down and let the coworker come sit on the side you Charlie's people rickety my god I mean my huh hey no fair for God hey get for mommy get get get I don't hear knuckle from you speaking the Word of God get away I don't want hear that don't come don't let the devil use you to come and be friend we could pump that see the devil at this point I've no respect for nobody will use anyone including your good friend to come and pump nonsense you ain't got that and me cuz I ain't hearing that in 2018 I don't wanna hear your story don't tell me what that man doing to you don't tell me what that woman doing to you don't tell me they doing on your job either I don't worry hear that tell me what God doing for you tell me what Gordon do for us tell me what scripts you read this morning - meditate on that - get up yes that's let's talk about those things I don't want hear nothing I don't want anything that is contrary to God word I don't wanna hear it no too much things going on negatively I can see all that already I won't hear it don't tell me nothing I tell me what the Word of God says that's it that's it so let's wrap this up verse 12 verse 12 of Luke chapter 4 it says and Jesus answering said unto the devil in a said thou shalt not tempt the LORD thy God and love was thirteen and began radio verse 13 says and when the devil had ended whoa when the devil ended so there's an internet there's an end to what you going through right now but how why did he end it because you didn't give it why did he end it because he came to frustrate you but you were a force treating him how you were frustrated by shutting him down yeah by speaking life by speaking the things I might my life could be listen it's 2018 will not close with me in the same position no no no no I don't care what riddle and rhyme and they say in the church a lot of them saying him things I don't believe it but I believe what I believe and I believe that I will really recompense in this night I will not shut my eyes and transition from time to eternity without the promises of God being fulfilled in my life in fact when I leave the site nothing to cry for you know why cuz I didn't accomplish it all everything that he had settled for me to do every gift that he's given me I have emptied myself like mr. Myles Munroe so therefore I look forward to blurry and see people who crying who no one died or I will go to where I want my children oh no no no no no no no that me hey finish your mission see once you finish your mission you don't take care your children your was a responsible parent you lead them on the right way you tell them but God you can't make them get saved but you said that foundation you said that foundation there you teach them out of budget you teach them out of drink people you do the things of God so when it's time to die you should welcome it won't you wait not you should let what you know why you should welcome it because the Bible says that a man's life is like a vapor you hear you've gone but daddy in the back what have you done within that space of time that you were here that's what I'm talking about so forget this night be a night of inspiration to your mind stop sitting back and waiting on the devil you know many people listen to me right now sitting right there can I feel something why don't you say no cancer oh no breast cancer oh my god oh Christ me why you saying I'm s what when you gonna sit back and say listen it's put up infirmity I curse you listen to me Kim see you gotta talk like the spirit of infirmity sitting across the table from you and look him right in the face listen spirit of infirmity unless all my life you you just had me going away but you ain't leavin on woman listen and you come out in with the Word of God so the Bible says in verse 13 of look for and and when the devil had ended all the temptation see he got to end because she realized this area regular woman of God this is your regular man this is serious one year this ain't no one who this I say he love you with his mode but his heart is far from you no this one's serious this one know how to fight me and even when I bring the scripture and he shall shut me down so he says that when the devil had emptied his temptations he departed listen to us now from Jesus listen listen carefully for a what season so what does that mean he's gonna come back but by the time he come back you would be bigger and you'll be better come come buddy let's go what'd you what'd you bring now that's the attitude you got a tape hey I get excited about this my cuz I live this I love this and that's I want you to be stay in the scriptures man any human being teaching you or preaching to you or up on the pulpit in 2018 and they're not taking this Bible and going through the scriptures and breaking it you're really a man leave we're living in a time right now where not only is time short but it's treacherous and you need something more than just puff and fluff you need the Word of God this is I can listen if you don't you know word of God don't even turn into the shadow because that's what you didn't get from me you gonna hear this you hear scripture after scripture after scripture we can break it down we gonna pull it apart let me go bring it back together again then we can live it that's what we can do being I just talk it to say he had a good sermon where he could teach good know I were here that I were here he teach so good that it changed my life that he made me go in the scriptures man and I never used to read the Bible before I never interest for it but ever since this dude start breaking the stuff down and he talking about this Baylock and Balaam he talking about this devil and this it's interesting now and I will know more about it but don't give me that message God said and when he come it's a Batman I know what scooby-doo by what see them thanks man show me the way of the living god that's right I'm a sub mere I can't sit on no church nobody do not foolishness I got too much things going on in my life to waste my time with somebody hawking and sp-- it Lupin in honor and I need to hear solid you know I need something to challenge my spirit I need something to convict me something to say cavern this ain't right what you don't even do it in you you feel is right even though you're my your wife your sister your brother stem telling you is right I need the spirit of the Word of God to convict me to say one boy uh-uh think again but it can't convict me when this fella moonwalking slagging and doing the war to z of their own appointment I can't deal with that okay we need the scriptures so I finished tonight father I thank you I thank you for everyone listening tonight father I break the curse of backwardness I speak to the case of anti-progress and those are there having difficulties with getting a job those who feel that they're inadequate or they don't have what it takes to get ahead father I break that spirit of defeat I break that spirit of failure every voice speaking to you I silenced the evil voices from every evil altar by the eternal voice of the Living God I send a fire of God to unseat every devil every demon every spirit tormenting your mind every spirit of loneliness every spirit of anti-marriage every spirit of entire every spirit of rejection that has dominated your life and cause you not to embrace the life that God has originally planned for you I send the fire of God to uproot that devil and to remove it permanently from your life now I pray Lord now that the petitioners will move none of the stumbling blocks are removed now that the things that were one in place spiritually has been removed I pray now that everyone that God has assigned for your life to advance you to promote you to uplift you to encourage you to put you on the path that leads to his blessings father let those people that once passed them revisit them in the name of Jesus let the opportunities that once went by them because they were on a different course father reroute them to that opportunity reroute them to the persons whom you have ordained for them to be a part of that person's life as husband and wife that would you over then before the foundation of the world let that come and that only to fruition anyone that they are involved with right now where they engage where they've been gone for sixty-six hundred years as boyfriend and girlfriend Lord if that relationship is not of you I pray for a spirit of division to pry all apart and definitely you know why because the scripture says that there is a way unto us that may seem or pair to be right proverbs 16:25 but it guarantees us that the at the end of our way we are guaranteed destruction but the scripture also says and proverbs 19 and 21 that there are many devices or ideas or closer in the heart of man but only the counsel of God shall prevail father my prayer for those listening to me let your console dominate their lives not what they want not what they feel is right father orbiter in their lives we shake them up of the things that they're not supposed to be a part of reposition them and now cause via your favor and grace that the right people the right places and the right things would now be attached to them slingshot catapult them to where they should be at this point in their lives I now pray for those who are fasted those who are praying those who are seeking you on every level but all hell breaking loose in their lives I give you the glory for the hell breaking loose in their life because it's a spiritual indicator to me that things are changing I thank you that you are uprooting in their spiritual life the things that are not supposed to be there I thank you true their their spiritual discipline and their spiritual obedience to your word and to your men and women of God has spoken in their lives and they took the initiative and followed your instructions father led their obedience be rewarded in the name of Jesus father caused them father God those who they were challenged financially I pray right now that the spirit of poverty that would have plagued them all their lives father I command that spur to be bound in the name of Jesus I command that spirit to be tormented before its time in the name of Jesus and according to the word of God I command that spirit to be cast into the abyss according to the word of the Living God now father God fill that void in their spiritual life with a spirit of Revelation a spirit of knowledge a spirit of wisdom and now a spirit of prosperity so that they would have the wisdom the knowledge the understanding to articulate wisely their financial affairs I command the spirit of waste to be relief from their lives I command the spirit of doubt I command the spirit of fear I command the spirit of weariness and tiredness of these evil spirits writing them every night I break the spirit of procrastination I break the spirit of being like a basical I break the sort of being lazy I break the spirit of negative speaking negative thinking I father every time they go to utter a negative word let your Holy Spirit convict them finally father I pray I pray for your peace that passes or I pray for those who dread going to sleep tonight who are going to be visited by evil spirits instead Lord just like your word says in Psalms 91 11 and 12 you said that you have given your angels charge over them father I dispatch that angelic charge over their lives and I pray that the angelic hosts of the Lord will disable every tormenting spirit that will come up against them tonight this night I pray for perfect sleep this night I pray for perfect rest this night I pray that they will enjoy their sleep night mayor free because the angels of the Lord are dispatched in their homes and they bear to protect them from every evil force your word declares in Psalms 34 19 it says that many are the afflictions of the righteous but you O Lord promised to deliver the righteous out of them all your word declares in Psalms 34 and 7 it says for the angel of the lord encamps honorable those that fear him and these seem angels deliver them father I speak your peace that passes all understanding give that person listening to me right now who was frustrated who have an interview tomorrow whoever doctor's appointment who's waiting on some results and their minds have been bombarded with the most negative things ever I silenced that evil voice in the name of Jesus and I will enlist the voice of the Living God through the Word of God and the scripture says it says down on God will keep him or her in perfect peace only if they're mine has stayed upon thee Isaiah 26 and 3 so I take that scripture and father what I marinated over the spirit of those who have difficulty with finding peace I pray that you would release them from the prison's of captivity and I share them into the freedom in which you are originally designed and ordained for their lives I pray for their children right now and I pray samms 11 and verse 21 that says Dohan join in hand the wicked shall not go unpunished but the seed of the righteous shall I pray for that young man that's facing a court tomorrow I pray for that young man who are hours away from being murdered who are a couple weeks or days from being shot let the spirit and the angelicus intervene so that the day that the enemy had for their demise will never take place I pray for your children right now and cover them with the blood of Jesus I cover them with the whole armour of God no matter where they are whether it's in a mess-up relationship whether it's in a prison whether it's being formed for them to go to prison I break and destroyed by fire the plans of the enemy that has been a sign in the realm of the Spirit to incapacitate the young men of this world and the young women so father what I pray that the counsel of the ungodly shall feel that the evil words and their spoken over your children will fall to the ground and never take shape in their lives but instead I prophesy I decree and I declare Psalms chapter Psalms 112 verses 1 to 2 it says praise ye the Lord and it says blessed is the man that feared the Lord and delighted greatly in his commandments for his seed or his children shall be mighty upon thy father God our children shall be mighty because we fail you our children shall be mighty because we praise and glorify you it says for his children shall be mighty upon the earth and the generation of the upright shall be blessed father God because of what we the righteous are doing now our children shall be blessed generations whom we may never live to see it is because of the decision to save you now is securing their future I thank you for the law I thank you for your principles I thank you for your your precepts your commands I thank you for your protocols because not only does it secure me but it secured those who come from me so father I bless you tonight I give you glory tonight I give you praises tonight I refuse to sit back and wait on cancer I refuse to sit back and wait for high blood pressure I refuse to sit back and become a product of generational crisis no then I reject I renounce every evil pattern of sickness every evil pattern of the spirit of and Jesus said to the woman and Luke 13 who was bent over he says he says mess nothing wrong with you you have a spirit of infirmity Jesus attacked us we come against the spirit of infirmity over your mother tonight over your father over yourself over you that child who was aching and riddled with pain we speak to the spirit of infirmity that we commanded to leave father your word declares that you are our Jehovah Rapha the god that he led us your word declares in sounds 107 and 20 father God that you've sent you a word to heal us your word declares because of your stripes we are healed people listen to me tonight quote the Word of God speak the Word of God pray the Word of God repeat the word of God keep saying to tell you believe it keep say to tell you vomited out keep saying to tell you regurgitate it speaker to rocked misspell speaker to the foul spirits around you bind their powers you will have perfect rest tonight don't let them sports lineup they're thinking that oh this another night they go put on you no no I put it on you tonight and how I can put it on you by putting the Word of God on you I renounce I reject every Kove every dream that I've had last night nights ago yeah every dreamer I was ignorant every dreamer I participated in sexual intercourse eating food conversing in it and having any kind of engagements with deceased every demonic dream that would a fourth covenants ignorantly in my life I renounce those everything that the enemy had legally in my life to my dreams I reject renounce denotes I divorce myself from every evil covenant every evil alter every evil voice no longer when I sit back and allow the enemy to railroad me no no no no no I know too much now I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus I am the Redeem of the Lord and I will continue to say so I am the bless of the Lord this man I put on my helmet of salvation my breastplate of righteousness my shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of the evil one my belt of truth my sword which is the Living Word of God to my shoes shut with the preparation of the Peace of the gospel of our Lord I'm I am fully armored tonight so when I go to bed tonight while my physical mind may be sleeping my spiritual man is not only awake but it is entirely attired but the whole time come on devil come now you come now I got some of you tonight you come now for it is written the righteous shall be recompense in the earth I said sorry Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 35 it says it says cast not away your confidence don't throw away the word of God on your belief in the things of God for it is this confidence or the Word of God that shall work for you a great recompense so not only shall you get that which you loss or the equivalent of it but the word great which is the adjective in front of it means that God will exceed what you would have lost I thank God for his word I thank God for his promises I believe his promises in fact no devil put no fear me I put in Finn you mister devil bring him on then I will speak decree and declare the word which is the voice of the Living God now father God we see in this prayer according to your law according to your principle according to your protocol and mark I think in heaven and 2423 which says that whatsoever things we desire when we pray oh yeah we must believe that we I believe everything that I said tonight I believe every word he said you must believe that you have received it I haven't I know like by faith I have it and [ __ ] i decree tonight that time is advancing us to what we believe right now so you better be believing something positive every prayer that we pray tonight every scripture that we read tonight time is advancing us the timing of God what God has console concerning your life before the foundation of the world you are you are moving on a conveyor belt which we call time to participate in the promises that God has set in the field the scripture says Ephesians 1 verses 3 to 4 he says blessed be the Lord our God who has already passed and already happened already blessed us would not some but with all spiritual blessings where is again in heavenly places where are the promises of God for my life in the spiritual realm in verse 4 Ephesians 1 it says it says for he who's he God who has chosen us all of the believers in him when did he do it before the foundation of the world before God created the earth God had already sort of who my wife was gonna be he sawed up the job I was gonna be on he everything he has already done he didn't do he didn't do it when he created the no sponsor say he did it before the for father of God you did before the foundation of the world let me be a participant in every portion of it I will leave this site fulfilling everything that you have done for me before the foundation I will participate in everything that God has promised that God has ordained for me before I even bask in what God has done for me before the foundation of the world you only hear me tonight I speak the Word of God I will have father everything that you have set aside in the realm of the Spirit I coming up I Forge a covenant with you God to manifest from the spiritual realm to this natural world that would you have concerned yourself on concerning me and my family and those who are praying for the night to be manifested in this natural world I speak it i decree it I declare it I call it forth in the matchless and in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen amen I am so excited right now I am excited man so listen this weekend man this weekend is going to be awesome this weekend I'm going to start my three-part series evil alters raise the gangs churches let me tell you something that is gonna be one of my hot teachings because we got to go deep and it took me a while to to teach this because I've been doing extensive study this teaching is going to be and I want to make this clear when I start this teaching do not hear me clearly clearly do not come to this page without a pen and without a notepad I want you to hear me carefully because we are about to unearth some deep revelation you are going to see via the Word of God on my opinion why some churches never grow never they say with a certain set of people no miracles no power just words just I seek I see house I think i'ma get my I see properly I saw D I see I see I see but you never see nuttin in reality we are going to show you the spiritual components involved that even the pastor don't know he don't even know she don't even know but they have been held hostage by the powers of darkness and it's all because they ignore this radio the Word of God as a result of that they have a structure would they call Church but Christ is lower part that he got nothing to do with that so Saturday Saturday I'm trying to do a morning teaching when I'm gonna do the part one of evil alters race against churches I'm gonna be on a 10 o'clock 10:00 a.m. on Saturday Eastern Standard Time bohemian time ten o'clock 10:00 a.m. I'm gonna be here and I'm gonna be broadcasting on all of my all of my media sites and we'll have both of my cameras set up I'm gonna be on Twitter Facebook periscope YouTube simultaneously all in it yeah I showing right off I do all my equipment I had enough so you're gonna sing on every format I'm gonna be teaching and I there's gonna be no Russian I'm gonna take my time and we are going to sieve and pick out and sieve we gonna break down those scriptures and then we're gonna put it back together again and now we're going to live it and you are going to see the power of the Living God begin to operate in your life according to the protocol of God so I pray you have a great night thank you for the what was supposed to be 20 minutes and I thank you and pray that the blessings of the Lord will invade your home and the Spirit of God will lead you like it let our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and look for in one way the peace of God be with you in Jesus name man and a man
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 110,450
Rating: 4.8450899 out of 5
Keywords: Fasting, Fast, Spiritual warfare, Spiritual insight, Spirit world
Id: vXqsGEpT_HY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 28sec (5308 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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