Single Word Or Phrase Dreams With No Context

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okay we are live good afternoon good night good evening good morning to some of you uh just make sure my stuff is on here but i trust that all of you guys are doing well i pray that and trust you can hear me well and uh i've decided to do this impromptu teaching tonight and guess what i have a joke for you and guess what that joke is i'm not gonna be long tonight yeah i know so let me just check let me just check to make sure i'm up on all my social media venues oh come on why is this doing this okay and now once i'm up and running then i will begin this uh interesting topic now you know what all of my topics i usually do them as a result of the many requests that i have and i've had an influx of these uh so-called dreams and visions people who are having of course based on my topic here a single word or phrase dreams with no context and i'm going to explain that in a little bit but a lot of folks have been having these i've had many of them before and they're very interesting i like them to be honest with you as i'm about to explain and i like them because it makes the dreamer uh go they put them on a hunt or a search so there's a part that the dreamer has to play in terms of researching what is being revealed to them to get a fuller or a more elaborate understanding all right so we're going to wait for some folks to come in we're going to wait for some folks to come in and we're at 306 as usual when we would have hit uh 500 then we're going to be up and running i appreciate all you guys coming on and i trust that you would uh share the video because it's gonna be informative and to be totally honest with you it takes a load off of me because the more i teach people these things the better they stand on their own i say to you all the time you don't you know if you follow my teachings if you if you follow my writings if you are an avid person that put to practice the things that i i share with you from the word of god you would have absolutely no need for me and that is something that i am trying my best to uh shut things down with people i don't want you to depend on me i don't [ __ ] i don't want you to depend on any man i want you to depend on the word of god but the only way that's going to happen is you you have to make that effort to uh to engage the word of god which we're about to do tonight okay so i'm going to teach you tonight how do we expose how do we bring clarity and even understanding to dreams where just one word we could remember there was a particular phrase or even some of you would have had and it happened to me this week actually this week i uh i i woke up this was like wednesday morning wednesday morning uh i woke up and now when i woke up clara's day this is what i heard the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just now for me that put me on a hunt you know i know what it mean but of course god is trying to say more than just the surface of what i heard so and just hearing that one phrase or sentence it is my duty to now go and put in the work to research what these things mean all right and of course i did just that and i i got my answer which i will teach you uh tonight we're at 462. just gonna wait until we hit 500 and then we will be up and running i trust you guys had a beautiful week and for those of you that don't know my radio show again will be on tomorrow from 12 noon to 2 p.m bahamas time so just google it put in what is 12 known in the bahamas so you can correlate with your time in order to tone in and tomorrow i'm not going to be doing my regular teaching in fact we're bringing on the administration from a local primary school here in freeport grand bahama which the kevin l.a ewing spiritual insight show has adopted and trying to channel people attention to that area too assist in helping those kids that are coming back to school so on and so forth so what we decided to do yes we adopted them but using the influence that i have on this show to bring an awareness to the needs that they would have in giving you the opportunity to assist or to to aid them however you choose to and we'll explain that in detail uh tomorrow you know i'm very big on giving very big on assisting our fellow brothers and sisters and more importantly even the future generation and for many of you find it difficult to help what is in your communities and so on this will be a prime opportunity for you and none of this is coming to this show everything is going directly to them we have went ahead and get a a private number to for you who want to call and make arrangements or however you want to do it all of that we have uh funded and done so that everything can be channeled straight to that school to help those who have a difficulty with books uniform uh even right now to personal uh hygiene stuff whatever it is that you can do whatever it is that you are led to do as usual there's no pressure from this end we want you to be a blessing to these people and to uh the children at that particular school but again we are going to speak more on that tomorrow right anyway we have 515. on a topic tonight a single word or phrase dreams with no context all right many of you have had this many of you write me i spoke with you kevin i had a dream and the only thing i could remember in this dream is the word love that don't make no sense to me how do how do one interpret uh something like that well from the surface it would like with all dreams it would appear not to have any meaning or sense or it may seem silly particularly when we take note of the symbols and the signs and the actions and the behavioral patterns and so on in the dream we automatically throw our hands in the air as in to give up and to just eventually dismiss it because it seems so difficult to make sense from it and this is where most people go wrong and what they don't realize is that they're trashing a whole heap of revelation and knowledge and more than likely a whole heap of what they've been praying for in terms of the answers that god has chosen to answer them the the venue he's chosen to answer them from which would be the stream or this vision i love the scripture that says that the lord will not put more on us than we can bear so if a dream is coming from god trust me according to that principle he isn't putting more on you than you can bear or that you cannot understand so clearly there's a level of understanding that you have that he is certain enough that he would have given you uh this particular vision this particular dream or what have you now such dreams such as these dreams we're about to speak about tonight we just heard a single word or phrase or what have you and this is this is one of the key things to take away from this such dreams i'd say 95 plus percent of the time has to do with current events okay now very rare you would find these dreams speaking of something futuristic or something way ahead in the future these dreams are usually dealing with modern sorry uh current uh situations for the most part but not necessarily all the time it will be speaking specifically to the dreamer and whatever phrase or whatever word or whatever song you heard or whatever it was that you had in that dream slash vision i can assure you the dreamer who is being geared towards is fully aware of the meaning of it now he or she in the initial stages would be like this don't make no sense no relax that's the first thing you do you relax and ask the lord to help you with it because trust me he will not put more on you than you can bill so god is giving you something that is relative to you that you are aware of but again most people in there i guess laziness in guessing their frustration just say you know what this doesn't make no sense so to in the bush with that and again that's one of the greatest mistakes that you could ever make because whatever it is that's being revealed to you the ultimate goal is to give you an advantage over whatever those circumstances are that you may be dealing with at that particular time all right one must observe their current life circumstances in order to bring clarity to what this dream is talking about what is it that's going why why would i hear the word faithful in this stream what what is this well what does it mean to you now that you have the basis that for the most part the dream is referring to current events secondly it's more than likely referring to you to dream up what is it are you being faithful in something or are you not being faithful what does faithful mean to you so we explore the meaning of the word and in doing that as we begin to strip it apart again we must always hold as a standard our current life how does this fit in with my current circumstances what does this have to do with my current circumstances see when you when you bring it when you narrow it down now it's going to become clearer because when you just say oh i don't know this man i give up you you just need to relax okay you need to relax you need to get safe too but anyway we can get there later but in any event you relax see there's no russia you you want understanding you want clarity so when doing that you're going to ask the law to to lord i know you hope you will not put more on me than i can bear so therefore guide me into what exactly does this dream mean show me how does this line up with my life all right so look at your life look at your life are you going through a divorce are you having problems on the job are you having health issues what is it that is going on with you is something positive happening to you are you up for promotion have you just recently been promoted uh but all of a sudden you say you were recently promoted and then you heard in a dream the word revelation what does revelation mean it means to reveal something that's uh that was always there but now it's the time where it's being exposed if i took a penny and hid it under a rug when the rug was pulled up the penny didn't just appear there no the penny is being revealed so revelation is something that is already there is already set in time set in motion but now it's being revealed hence where we get revelation from it's being revealed what was always there so the dream could be saying to you you know something god is getting ready to reveal some stuff to you on this level of promotion that you just received again use what is going on in your life what is most active or concerning in your life at that time to bring clarity to what this particular symbol is trying to reveal to you all right now when it comes to breaking down the understanding of these things i really want you to take this moment to really listen to what i have to say okay because if you listen to me a lot of you wouldn't have to be having to have a conversation with me as it relates to your dream all right when you have a dream okay let's let's say you had a dream okay and in this dream you heard the word budget and you woke up no context no other content just the word budget okay kevin so what exactly do i do when i awake well you do the prayer like i told you you know you do your prayer ask god to give you is the knowledge understanding to reveal this remind god that you know he will not put more new than you can bear so clearly you can bear the you can you can handle the understanding of this or you could uh you could uh achieve the understanding of it with your faith in the word of god based on what i just said now you take it from there so what do i do what does budget mean most of all what does this have to do with my life right now i can't see nothing budgeting budget budget so when you hear the word budget what comes to mind well to budget means to be responsible right it means to be responsible so is the dream look again look at your life before you start going off in this tirade or whatever look at your life is there an area that i'm not being responsible in because why would i hear the word budget to budget also means to give an account right uh in terms of your expenditures and your revenue but again we're not dealing with finances we're dealing with the responsibility of doing these things now you look at your life where am i lacking being responsible where do i need to put my focus on in being responsible uh let's look at another word uh on my former job because i did a lot of traveling and i had to do a lot of expense report reports so let's say i heard and i woke up out of a dream and i just heard in my spirit expense report what does that mean okay i don't work to fedex anymore i'm not a account executive anymore so what what would it have to do with me what does the word or the phrase expense report mean expense report speaks of accountability the people want to know how you spend their moneys on the hotel on the food and the car you rented you need to be accountable now you take that look at your life is it this is this is reflect your marriage this is reflect the way you treat people are you accountable for whatever you're dealing with at that time so again i'm revealing or trying to teach you here how to look at it in this first stage from a surface level i want to be clear cuz because the more you become verse in dream and vision interpretation i promise you the more and i've said it to you many times the more complex your dreams are going to become the more complex the uh the visions or whatever is going to become all right now you may say well kevin why is that well as like with any baby or child you don't feed them steak and stuff in the beginning so the way that god now begins to train you to commune with you will be in these simple stuff but as time go on then the the complexity of these things are going to become greater all right and again they are all coded message so which is getting us from the spiritual realm a complex message that god is satisfied to himself that kevin could figure this out hence again the scriptural principle god will not put more on us than we can bill so if god placed this dream on you he know that you can figure it out he sees certain of that you may not have confidence in yourself that you could figure it out but he certainly know that you can figure it out all right now let's go back to expense report you woke up and you heard this in your spirit or you heard it in the dream or you heard it in a spiritual sense audibly no one else heard it just you expense report which means accountability you must give an account for the resources of others or for your own resources or whatever the case may be again look at your life are you lacking in this area see what i love about these dreams you don't get to debate nobody for example right if i came to you and i said i don't know i had a dream about june all i did was accountability see you will have the opportunity though so you're trying to say i responsible you're trying to say i don't handle my phenomena i try to say nothing to you so with the single word of phrase dreams you have nobody to row it except yourself so again this is why i saying to you it's all pointing back to the dreamer for the most part these dreams two main points here will be dealing with the current events of the dreamers life for the most part but it is not limited to that it could be beyond that but i'd say more than 95 plus percent of the times it's dealing with the dreamer and current events in their lives you'd very rare these particular dreams will be speaking about something's gonna happen way up the road it's talking about right now and again with that said you now focus you focus okay this is beautiful because it has narrowed it down to myself it is narrowed down to something going on in my life that the mystery behind this quoted message is going to give me the revelation or reveal what the real deal is about these current circumstances that i'm going through being challenged with or whatever the case it ought to be nothing negative whatever the case of whatever the case may be now going back to like i said let's let's use budget this time the budget right you said budget kevin okay that that represents being responsible all right you're putting your affairs in orders you see where you're appropriating things in a certain position and for a certain period of time okay when i get that all right but kevin i don't see how that's still i don't still see how that gives me tie into my life now this is where you go deeper all right and this is why i say to people there's some people who come to me or write me whatever and they will give me a dream and i have nothing honestly the spirit of the lord isn't telling me anything i'm not getting any revelation no word of knowledge would have wisdom nothing and they become somewhat i read like okay i taught you with a dream interview i'm not get i write i may be that but i am used by the higher one christ to reveal he has not revealed anything to me and i'm not gonna lie to you i'm not gonna make up a story to you i have not received anything to give you right so a lot of people get challenged by that but coming back to what i'm saying earlier using the word budget we see budget means to be responsible but the the dream might say well i don't see that fit in my life okay but let's let's let's go a little bit deeper so how do we go deeper now we begin to research that word aside from its meaning see the meaning itself was the first stage what does this word mean what does it represent and we all agree that a part of its meaning it would mean primarily being responsible for whatever right so we go a little deeper kevin how do we go a little bit deeper well we look at the origin of the word and the origin uh the the word for this ethmology we're looking at where that word came from where did where was it initiated where was the where did this word begin what brought this word about right so what i'm going to do here now let me see if my thing is up here okay so what we're going to do now we're going to uh we're going to look up the word budget let me see if i can pull it up here and we're going to look up the word budget let me type this in here the ethmology of the word budget okay so let me see what we have here okay now listen to this okay i'm looking at the not the meaning now we already define what the meaning is the word budget means to to give an account of your finances your expenditures your revenue all this other stuff how much you bringing in how much you expediting out of your life and actually so on but it's just a symbol that we're using now to bring clarity to some stuff going on in our lives right that's the meaning now we want the ethmology of the word we want to know the origin of this word where this word came about so listen to what google is telling me right google is saying to me mr ewing we're looking at the origin of the word budget and it says late middle late middle english from old french b-o-u-g-e-t-e all right and it's in its original meaning listen to this in its original meaning the word budget literally meant leather bike now you see there you you see now you see where things switching up now right okay now in the top in the the first level all right we see now where budget meant to be accountable to be responsible but you're saying well kevin that don't fit in my life i don't see what i fit in my my current life okay well we're gonna go a little bit deeper now now we're gonna look at the ethamology or the origin of the word okay because now it's going to give us more content more context as it relates to this one word this one single word you heard in a vision you saw in the dream or when you woke up you this one word just came into your spirit right so it's saying here that the original meaning of this old french sorry late middle english that came from the old french budget b-o-u-g-e-t-t-e i guess that was pronounced okay and it means leather bike all right from latin bulgar meaning leather bike or knapsack or ghoulish origin okay compared with bulge bulge the word originally meant a pouch or a wallet and later it's contents in the mid 18th century the chancellor of whatever that is is presenting his annual statement was said to open the budget in the late 19th century the use of the term was extended from a governmental to other finances so you see there one simple word that from the surface we just figure we know what the word mean it has to do with expenses and finances and and revenue and so on and that is true but as you can see here it says that that word would have absolutely nothing to do with finances in its origin but speaking specifically to a bike a leather bike to be precise and as time went on it evolved by some guy who brought his statement to given a code whatever and he brought it in a pouch and from that point they called it a budget so what am i saying to you now look at all of this information all of this insight we're getting from one word that we originally said this make no sense i just woke up and i heard the word budget this is so stupid i don't know what this mean this could mean anything no you're being crazy you're being crazy because you do not want to do the work and go and research what these things mean right now you might say well kev ah that's still in adding up there right beautiful i don't problem with that so we go a little bit deeper but can't probably go deeper now we look at okay remember what it said it came from the old english right now some things let's say we read in our bible or certain things we could tie back to the scriptures depending on which part of the scriptures that we're reading from whether we're reading from the old testament which was written in hebrew and some portions of it i think daniel was written in uh like anyway the the new testament is written in greek so what we do now because a lot of us will take the english meaning and try to go into define it and then we come up all lost no so when i hear a particular word and especially if i want to reference it to the bible then i really need to go to the origin of where that language in which it was originally spoken and looked to the meaning from that particular perspective because what something may mean in greek may not have the same meaning in hebrew so look that's that's what one that's already three layers we're looking at when it comes to interpreting the single word or single phrases as it relates to dreams and i'm just showing you how to be thorough in your investigation in order to come up with a concise answer right now i want us here to look at some scriptures right because this is where it becomes really really beautiful so let me pull up my actually let me go right here okay so let's go to let's go to let's go to proverbs 25 and let's go to proverbs 25 verse 2 proverbs 25 verse 2. i love this listen to what it says here all right proverbs 25 verse 2 it says it is the glory of god to conceal a thing that will conceal means to to hide to cover or to protect revelation means too high to cover to protect something but the thing is this is the revelation in all of this what is being hidden or concealed already exists you see what i'm saying it's already there it's already there now god is saying this is the time to reveal it remember in the book of daniel after the angels was giving him so much information about the future events and all kind of stuff these visions he was going in at one point daniel was becoming sick by the things he saw in the future that could he could not relate to i i am bold enough to say daniel saw planes and helicopters and cars and stuff that angel was showing him back then and remember he was told to shut the book he said because this here is for a specific time meaning that it already exists and when the time come god is going to use his prophets to now pulling back the cover off of this thing that was concealed for this particular time so the scripture is telling us here now in proverbs 25 hold on let me just fix this right here in proverbs 25 verse 2 it says it is the glory of god to conceal a thing but listen to this but the honor of kings is to search out the model so again it takes me right back to if the lord has given you a dream or revealed something to you he's not playing games with you he's not trying to frustrate you he wants you to get above your lazy butt and begin to do the research you now what this research is doing well it's doing it's going to do for you exactly what it's going to do for me not only will you get become informed during this research but it's making you a smarter or more intelligent person as it relates to the things of the spirit in particular and this is very awesome to know now it brings me to this next point okay there's a term that uh uh judicial law enforcement use quite a bit and that term is called forensic science okay forensic science is basically garnering sufficient evidence of something to present before a quarter what have you to prove a particular point or case right let's take it a little deeper and this is why i love that term forensic you hear me use that a lot right let's say i murdered someone but i did it way in the woods nobody saw me no video cameras no nothing i murdered this person i had on my gloves no nothing no fingerprints no nothing and i left the scene and read about my business nobody saw me so how does forensic play a part in this and this is key and what i'm about to tell you because it has a lot to do with how you understand and interpret or get the revelation from your dream what forensic science does is it gathers sufficient information to place me at that crime scene even though they have no video no audio no eyewitness nothing that was normally used in a court so what do they do they say okay they now try to uh link this person who could have possibly done that so they checked their phones they checked the last calls that they've made before the estimation of their demise they now have way they have some footprints right so they find out that this guy and kevin ewing was best friends okay so right now we're going to do some investigation on this cabinet but what we're going to do is take a mole off of these couple footprints that we found here and we also find some carpet now this would have been carpet from my car that i wasn't aware of that was caught underneath my shoe but was left at the crime scene forensic evidence now matches all of these things to me and even though there's no camera even though there's no audio even though there's no eyewitness to place me there forensic evidence is sufficient to have put me there this is your shoe size when we went and search your home we found the exact shoe print we check your car these particular fibers on your car up this is the exact same thing here and all of these things that they're tying to to now place kevin in a spot that nobody saw him in this is where these dreams come in where these dreams come and this is why i'm telling you the more you do your research the more you stop depending on pastors and kevin and teachers stop it take the information they give you go and research it now you go grab that bible and you begin to open it okay god i see what you're saying here now give me more revelation i recommend to you on several occasions i i have many bibles here but my main bible is the king james sorry king james uh word study bible why i love it is because for each verse it will give a cadre of other verses that correlate with that where you can research further with what those verses have to say and just like forensic you bring it all together to prove a point when you're ministering teaching whatever the case may be all right so in this case now coming back to this this forensic stuff kevin nobody saw kevin to the scene but we have everything here that directly ties kevin being the murderer of this victim that we found on the scene and all of the evidence is pointing at him nobody else everything is pointing at this the scavenging so again this is the exact same thing as it relates to dream interpretation and why i love forensics so much i i watch it a lot i'm not gonna lie i'm a fanatic when it comes to watching forensic files because it it makes you think it makes you think outside of the box because a lot of times when they solve those places how'd you take in the normal route that person would have gone scot-free you would have never linked that to that person so when it comes to doing forensics and in dreams you you you have to depend primarily just like with forensics and science on the rules the the the the the rules the laws the the protocols because see this might always be the the vein you're going to flow in let me give you an example you called me to interpret a dream yes because you don't understand the dream so let me call kevin that's fine but why did you really call me though i just told you kevin because i didn't understand it but why do i understand it you don't understand it because of what put a put up put a pen right there you don't know how to drive a car why you don't know how to drive a car what what is the real reason why you don't know when i fearful that's not true that's not the real reason in both scenarios you are ignorant to the rules you are ignorant to what you're supposed to do the standard to operate a vehicle the the rules or the standard to the basic to to interpret a dream you you you're not interested in it or you don't know so therefore for you it becomes difficult in other words anybody who's an expert at something anybody who's well-versed in something the reality is they have mastered the rules of it or they have some level of understanding of the principles that govern it and this is why you hear me speak about this so much in my teaching and this is why i use so much scripture because i am trying this is the most difficult thing for me to do with people i am trying to pull them from the pies in the skies come here come away from the name it and claim it come away from the fake it tell you make it look at the principles of this thing where is marriage where is dream interpretation whether it's whatever your job what are the rules because what the rules does is it stop you from just arbitrarily doing stuff and leaving you confused in the end the marriage didn't work because either someone or both parties made it their business to insist on breaking the rules nobody wanted to abide by the rules so when you don't abide by the rules life becomes complicated everything becomes complicated you become frustrated all because you don't want to govern you don't want to submit to the rules of how this thing this organization this person this marriage or whatever works so what does that do it leaves you in a position to depend on somebody else to who knows the rule to master you for you to submit to them and and work for them and make them rich when you have access to rules like everybody else nothing i teach you is a mystery meaning that i'm not holding back or saying no i'm not going to give them this because i want to pay me for this or whatever no i as much as i could as plainly as i can i break it down for you very simple i'd say now this is the rule this is the principle let this be your guide post let this be your measuring stick don't go arbitrarily just trying to figure it out you must have us uh uh uh a stake in the ground to to remember okay this steak here is my home so no matter where i go i know this steak with the red ribbon on it this is where my starting foundation is people just don't want to be they don't want to abide by the rules whether it's in society in the churches wherever and where you see people who are not following rules not only are their lives complicated the aim is to make your life complicated and frustrating because every second they're going to call you every second no matter what it is oh let me me let me call this one let me call and when you when you put them in their place they get angry with you when the truth is they should be angry themselves and this is what i'm saying to you you at some point i gotta take you off of this bottle okay at some point you've got to go there and try it yourself at some point you got to now do the work you've been taught the rules you've been taught the regulations the protocols the principles what more do you want help me so now we go forensically into these things so going back to budget again okay we got the meaning first we know what the the meaning of budget is we went into the ethmology the origin of the word we went an even little deeper okay which language did this word originate from was it greek was it french was it hebrew was it uh excuse me whatever it is so we keep we'd be going deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper now what were we doing when we were discovering one of those levels we were garnering forensic evidence on that particular word because we're going to need all of that now to bring to uh how does all of this evidence we got out of one word that originally we became frustrated with because we didn't understand it but now that we got the the definition the ethmology the language that it came from and we broke it right down now let's take what we have now how just like forensic how do we take this evidence to prove our case in terms of how does this apply to the dreamers life and that's how you bring an understanding no no no mystery no mystery all right let's look at some other scriptures look at some more scriptures here let's look at psalms 25 and verse 14. psalms 25 and verse 14 i love this it says the secret the mystery the hidden revelation the secret of the lord is with them that who fear him i love this because remember now i got one word i got one phrase if god will not put more on me than i can bear then that means whatever if god has given me this or if i've been exposed to it then god is confident that kevin can figure it out but psalms 25 verse 14 is saying now god says this the secret or this mystery or this quoted message okay i didn't just give it to anybody he said this quoted message is with those that fear me the word there doesn't mean fear as in hey i'm scared of god no it speaks of a reverential fear i honor him then god says oh you wanted me kevin i can share some stuff with you but it can be coded but remember now i'm not going to put more than you can bear you can figure this out and that's why i'm giving it to you it reminds me of my my my supervisor excellent gentleman uh mr malcolm schweitzel the best boss i've ever had in my life my my last manager i had before i left fedex and and he was the kind of person whenever he called on you to do something that mean he knows you could do it all right he's confident no matter what you say to him malcolm i think i'm a little free there i don't know if i can do this no no kevin i know you could do it meaning that over the years of analyzing my performance watching me in action and so on he when he gives me this project i am confident that you could handle this meaning now in his head after looking at everybody else it isn't that they cannot do it but the way that i want it done i know you have the capabilities to do it it's the same thing with god god look at all these people here and says you tom you i'm gonna release this vision to you this quoted message because you have what it takes so with that in mind this is what you say okay god you i know you didn't give me this because you had no nothing else to do and i know i have what it takes i have it remember that at night we was talking about uh matthew 13 versus uh 9 11 somewhere when the disciple says jesus why do you speak to these people in parables and jesus says because i'm speaking to them in past because you the followers of me the believers of me jesus christ it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom you have what it takes to figure it out i don't think you're getting this you know listen you have if you are a believer of jesus christ if you have surrendered your life there are a cadre of benefits to come with it primarily you have what it takes to unravel to understand the revelation or the mystery of the kingdom of god that's being presented to you in a dream or a vision on a prophecy or what have you and i think if people will be become more aware of this or they would be trained or taught more on this level again they would stop depending on other people and stop making other religious leaders their god like god can only speak to a pastor god can only speak to kevin god could only speak to your apostle no no in fact all of us who have these roles should be doing what i'm doing right now training you not being jealous of you not holding you back not keeping stuff from you because this is bigger than us we need to train you so you could go there and do the work to bring the souls to the kingdom so this is what description mean in the book of i think romans it is romans hebrews anyway we'll talk about uh how it says that the five forward ministry or the pastors and so on are responsible for our souls all that now they convert that to you being accountable to them which is absolute nonsense all that simply means if i'm accountable for your soul remember the context in which this is being said what is being said here is that kevin the scripture says that okay now you must submit to your leaders okay fine so what that means is your religious leaders should be teaching you the word of god and the religious leaders according to that scriptures are accountable for the souls that god has placed under them what is the accountability that you are giving them the word of god not accordable i had one preacher tell me one time and i thought he was such a foolish person when he said this he said that the members of the church are accountable to him because listen what he says to me he feel that if he is accountable for their souls they should be accountable to him and i said to him it doesn't matter why do you people are so demented you pastors who believe that what is your obsession with controlling people listen carefully this has nothing to do with controlling anyone you are a pastor i am a teacher whatever it is that we do in terms of the five-fold ministry pastor bishop pope whatever we there is no authority and scriptures that give us control over the con against or over those who are led by us no authority what we are given is a responsibility from god to ensure that the gospel of jesus christ is being given to those who we will be accountable for there is no scripture that says that they are accountable to us what the scripture does says is that they must submit to us in the sense of those who are giving the unadulterated word of god not submit in the sense do as i say and that's what made me run away from the church because that concept is so polluted that if you hear you must just if i tell you go kill yourself go do it nonsense nonsense it is not about putting faith in you it's not about what you do in front of me our job like i do every time i speak to you giving you the word of god that's it this god i am going to stand before god one day kevin ewing now and i am going to have to give an account to god kevin i have exposed you to hundreds of thousands of people all over this world through the internet and whatever else i sent you to minister my word face to face and i sent you there to preach my word instead kevin you know what you did you told them about being rich in motivation so you see what accountability is now the accountability to the souls were i did not give them the word of god i did not tell them to get their soul right i did not tell him none of that all i told him hey if you'll be good god is gonna bless you you're gonna have a nice house and a nice car and a bunch of gold teeth and all kind of foolishness that's accountability that's the responsibility that i have for your soul you are not you are not subject to me the scripture goes on to tell us who is accountable to who and i think it's romans 14 12 or 12 verse 14 one of them go read it it says we are all including you pastor including you teacher kevin including you bishop pope including you parishioner member we are all accountable to to god i don't know where these demanded preachers come from that you responsible to you accountable to them all of us are accountable to god the preacher according to the word of god is accountable for our souls to ensure that's what accountability is to ensure that we receive the word of god that's that's the rule right there all right and anyone who says otherwise it's a nut case they're a controller dictator the body of christ is jesus christ himself never tried to control you jesus christ christ gave you the word you know what he told the disciples he said now you go into the world and bring souls back you go and preach the gospel to the four okay that's your role i don't i have already taught you i've already equip you now you go there and you replicate what i what i did but not bow to me and kiss my pinky finger no man that that that there that's just you could see i get very very angry with that because i come i came from that background i i watched that happen and just about every ministry i went through it's a trend that is demonically inspired and it's not of god it is so it's a controlling mechanism and and that is what i do not teach you my job is to that's why i tell you don't lean on me my i am pointing you to the scripture i am i am doing what i'm accountable to do i am responsible for your soul in the sense that i am responsible for ensuring that you get the unadulterated word of god but you don't owe me nothing you don't have to bow to me you don't have none of that none of it you don't have to to to stay under me none of that if you might won't pick up and say i don't listen to kevin anymore because i i see something go if that's what you want to do my job while you're here is to give you the unadulterated word of god that's it no strings attached no seeds on no none of that if you want to do that on your own but you might i i execute my duties like i'm doing right now giving you the word of god and that's why many of you listen to me right now don't go to church anymore for this very reason i'm talking about you're sick of the control you're sick of the manipulation you're sick of the motivational speakers you're tired of it with no fruit no progress no nothing why because everybody is taking scripture and pointing it to them honor your pastor only a preacher all of this honor that get on my face talking nonsense anyway we ain't there tonight so back here now we have to look at these one word phrases sorry these one words or these phrases and like i showed you we need to break them down from the initial level in which we look at the definition when we don't get much from that we look at the ethmology or the origin of the word then we look at the language of these words and we just go down that level and i can assure you once you would have gotten it all of that information as it relates to this particular word or phrase it's going to make perfect sense to you now let me i like to use an example i told you i think it was wednesday morning thereabout i woke up and in it was i i don't i don't want to say it was in my dream no it wasn't in my dream because when i woke up i mean this thing was just resounding in my in my head and i heard clara's date the wealth of the wicked is transferred or whatever it is to the just and i to be honest with you i knew i didn't have to really yeah i did some more research but i really knew what the core of it was right now let me tell you what it meant to me okay solomon i'm going to look at solomon's i'm going to use king solomon as an example and i'm going to use abraham as an example all right and what this have to do with me when god said this to me now there's some major projects that i have i'm involved with right and a lot of these projects of course needs to be funded but i told you before i made a vowel years ago but i will never come to the people of god and say god say send me all your money so i could do all this stuff no no that scripture was god reassuring me once again don't think about those things the scripture is saying that god is going to be the one that's going to do this transfer to you let's use the example i started abraham abraham the bible says that god came to him in genesis 12 right let's see if he could pull it up god came to abraham let me pull up the scripture because i want to read it for you because i want to show you how the scripture with the forensic evidence and how we tie it in okay so i want you to turn to genesis chapter 12 not in this crazy here we go genesis chapter 12. this thing is loading up all right genesis 12. okay now in the first part of genesis 12 god told abraham to come from among his family and he's going to make him a father of many nations so on and so forth and he's going to direct him to a city in which uh god is already gonna be the one who is gonna create form or whatever right now after all of those promises that god gave abraham look at verse 10 of genesis chapter 12. so immediately after all of these promises abraham gets this uppercut in verse 10 and it says and and there was a famine listen now and there was a famine or a drought okay in the land and abram went down into egypt to sir germandale for the famine was grievous in the land now now hold on now i kind of confuse here now i always i'm giving you to tie this into what i heard the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just all right so abraham got all of these promises from god like god would have told me many promises he told me just like abraham but right after he would have told him this all hell now breaks loose in in abram's life but the hell that he would assume is hell is god directing him and he don't even know now watch this this famine caused him to do something he would have never done under normal circumstances and that is going into egypt because the egyptians didn't like them so verse 11 says of genesis 12 and it came to pass when he which is abram was come near to enter into egypt that he said unto sarai his wife behold now i know that thou art a fair woman to look upon you're beautiful and these fellows over here they they crazy right verse 12 of genesis 12 therefore it shall come to pass when the egyptians shall see thee that they shall say this is his wife and they will kill me but they will save their life because you're so beautiful sir verse 13 say i pray thee or tell them thou art my sister when they ask who you are do not tell these fellows here's my wife because i didn't tell you to hear they right they're hating god they can kill me and keep you because you're beautiful so tell them we're sisters and brothers all right that it may be well with me for thy sake and my soul shall live because of thee you are going everything is hinging on you right now sarah whether or not i can live so go along with this lie well not it wasn't entirely like it was a different story listen to this verse 14 of genesis 12. and it came to pass that when abram was come into egypt the egyptians beheld the woman that was very fair now could you imagine this sarah is a old woman it's from the 90s now and she was still fine put out in the back of your head verse 15 the prince also of pharaoh saw her and commanded her before pharaoh and the woman was taken into pharaoh's house listen carefully now listen carefully god made all of these promises to abraham all right now he wasn't broke but he wasn't rich either or well not wealthy wealthy right and right after god gave him those promises in verse 10 all he'll break loose now most of us would have complained my god god you're dumb you can give me this blah blah blah but look what you're doing now oh man look at stop complaining i keep telling you that stop complaining stop oh listen the bible says all things are working together for the good of those who love lord the lord and so on and so forth uh thessalonians says that that we must give thanks and listen all things grand the bad why because this is the will of god concerning us in christ jesus so right here this is the will of god he might not have seen it that way but this is the will of god directing him to the resources that he need to do what god has called him to do right so the bible says here in verse 16 and he who is he the pharaoh this is the big chief of egypt and the pharaoh sorry and he entreated abraham well for whose sake for sarah's sake or he had favor with abraham because of cyril and what did he do and he had sheep and oxen and donkeys and men servants and maidservants and she donkeys and camels and and all of these things that he had right now watch this let's go to let's go to chapter 13 you can read from verse one to verse two and abram went up out of egypt this after they would discover that they weren't brothers and sisters all right so the pharaohs say look at you all get yourself for the displaced cause and trouble so genesis 13 says and abram went up out of egypt he and his wife and all that he had and not with him into the south listen listen to verse two and abram was very rich listen the word very very rich in cattle and silver and gold how why well because pharaoh hook it up but why did pharaoh walk you up pharaoh hooked you up because you thought a bad situation was bad when the trailer said was good you just couldn't see the purpose behind it and and and pharaoh entreated with you for sarah's sake or he had favor on you because of your beautiful sister to him and now begin to give you all of this stuff so that when you would have left when you would have left egypt you was he wasn't rich no more he was very rich so here you see where the wealth of the wicked pharaoh has been transferred to abram and guess what abram didn't have to ask to sow a seed abram didn't beg god called how you're going to give me the monies or the resources to facilitate all of these grand promises that you gave me i can say it again god will not put more on you than you can bear if god told you something you don't have the raw pill it still lie why because incorporated in the combo package are the resources that are up the road awaiting your arrival how it's going to come to you that's not your business just do what god tell you to do uh follow the rules the regulations because like i tell you the rules the regulations and the ordinances are gonna die gonna automatically take you to your intended destiny so you see god through the heathen transfer the wealth no questions asked he didn't ask to see abram's passport he didn't say now hold on now let me see you account no sarah sarah was so fine he said okay like her and give you some stuff here keep you busy but he don't know this is god's plan now that's abram right let's go to solomon solomon uh as you would have known had a dream and uh where was it gabor whatever it was wherever he was and god came to him in a dream i think this is voice kings three foreign anyway god says solomon what is it that you would have for me to do for you and of course he said he said well lord i mean basically everything already said you were so good to my father david blah blah blah he said only i want from you god is that you give me wisdom and knowledge to you know to deal with your people righteously so god says okay solomon i've given you that already and he says because you did not ask for the life of your enemies you did not ask for long life or even wealth here's what else i'm going to do for you i am going to give you wealth and riches like none of the kings that has been before or even after you so what he's saying to him is that you will you will be known as the richest man that ever graced the face of this earth now as we read more about solomon how did this happen though that solomon had a couple amazon outlets to uh do internet whatever did he have some walmart or k mod or whatever ma no he didn't have any of that how did it happen most of his wealth came from his enemies kevin i understand what you say to me read the story when you read the story about solomon and let that be your homework go and do a research on solomon when solomon decided to build the temple when solomon decided to build his house read the story how the kings of syria and all of these other places sent him ships with lumbar with granite you name it then queen sheba from ethiopia came with camels filled with the best of of of of ethiopia silver and gold and ivory you name it what am i saying to you let's go back to what i heard in my dream kevin well it didn't say kevin i just heard the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the just it's in place for you already you don't have to worry your head about trying to manipulate people lie to people steal and rob them in tides and offerings and all these things and telling them god is going to do you have to do none of that do my will follow my law and in doing that by you doing that it's it's automatically taking you not only to the destiny i've created for you for you to fulfill but the people have put in that path to favor you to bless you to do what i've called you to do solomon the majority if not all of his wealth for the most part came from his enemies go read it you don't have to believe me and you know what i don't want you to believe me because now i want you to go and research it for yourself go reach it start off with the queen of sheba and which she brought listen what she brought for him when she was so fascinated by the organization of his empire his castle read it for yourself so like i said when i heard the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the job i knew what that meant i knew what it meant because and to be honest with you a few days prior to that and i was thinking i said boy lord you gave me these major projects to do and i i mean i don't know okay because you you got but i mean i need to see some kind of evidence of how this can go about i mean i know you show me what you want me to achieve you show me what you want me to accomplish you show me these things you want me to fun how do he says the wealth of the wicked so what he's saying is that kevin let's look at the scripture the wealth of the kids now first of all who is the transfer going to is it going to anybody know he is very specific it's going to the just okay now let's define the just who would the just be well the just would be those who are in right standing with god the righteous so what does that mean as what is righteousness sorry righteousness mean to do things the god way of doing it according to scripture not what somebody's telling you the aversion do what god has called you to do and what may seem like it's just a waste of time no you have no idea how much you're engaging your destiny and being led to your destiny by simply engaging the rules the laws the principles of god it is automatically taking you to that person to that place to that environment that god has already set for you you don't notice now how you get this way you could become confused because you'll be like my god i married this person they cheated on me had a kid in the marriage who don't belong to me the person divorced me had no control over it the the church ostracized me and all this stuff but okay we get that now where is it leading you to where where how come you on this course now think about this course that you're on as a result of all of this pain as a result of all of this disappointment and embarrassment you end up on a on a path that under if things were going good in your life you would never be on this road but guess what on this road on this road god has now unveiled some things he's promised to you god has now turned things around and at the end of this and you see how much you've achieved in life in retrospect now you look back boy you know what my god this would have never happened if that lady didn't take my heart rip it out my chest jump on a couple times and now throw it into the sahara desert i would have never been on this road if that didn't happen to me hence the scripture says i think it's first thessalonians 5 and 18 we must give thanks and not some things all things that means the good and the bad why he says because this is the will of god concerning you in christ jesus you can't that ain't for you to figure out are you fearful for god so when i look back at my own personal life and that's why i say to you y'all probably getting tired of me saying this i thank god every day for my enemy i thank god every day for everyone who took the time and put in the effort to undermine me to to to do me and i thank my jesus for you because had it not been for you i would not be preaching to these people right now i would not be teaching them right now god has calculated god has engineered your enemies into your life to bump you to where you need to be that's why i keep telling you stop listening to these fools telling you pray prayers against your enemy no your enemy serves a purpose in your life there could be no jesus christ crucifixion there could be no redemption of sins without mr judas iscariot judas iscariot played an important role he had to betray the christ in order for the events to unfold so that we could be reconciled get out here that guy don't come to me nothing else because that is how this thing go stop looking at your bad situations and condemning it stop looking at your bad situation and getting people to come in with you oh lord things ain't working oh jesus lord this money no goodness woman ain't no good these children so rude why are you saying these things why no no no no i talking to someone tonight again ask god god not why is this happening to me but what is it doing for me abraham was bumped into his destiny of wealth when he was forced to go to egypt because of the circumstances he was confronted with in terms of fulfillment this was right after god tell him i'm gonna make you a father of many nations you the all families of the earth are gonna be blessed because of you mr abraham all of these things mr abraham it's gonna happen to you surrounding you you're gonna be the man you're gonna be the king you're gonna be the mock you you now what god didn't tell him were the details now you can go through some hell mm-hmm yeah is it gordon that's a god again god is giving an example don't focus on the negative don't focus on the negative do not focus on that focus on what god's saying that's what keeps me going every day i i what i'm going through right now doesn't match up with what god said to me so that mean i must keep going i must keep going keep going till i see what he has said to me come to fruition all right and he ain't no devil in hell can tell me otherwise i'm heading towards that and i just want to encourage you basically i'm finished i just want to encourage you tonight to to really focus on these one word one phrase with no context dreams because there is tons of revelation in it if you followed the simple steps that i told you tonight in researching researching the definition researching the ethology or the origin of the word looking at it in whatever language you go deeper and deeper and deeper now after garnering all that information it's now forensic now we're going to now try to prove our case in terms of how do we tie this with me the dreamer's life how do i connect all of the dots with this how and that's how that works all right so i thank you for your time uh this is awesome i am one hour and 10 minutes see no two hours tonight is going to be sure i'll see you all listen to me you want to listen to me so join me tomorrow tomorrow at 12 noon bohemian or bahamas time till 2 p.m where we will bring where we will be bringing on the administration uh of freeport primary school again the kevin elliot spiritual inside show has adopted that school and as a result of that we're going to use the influence on this show to try to get people to assist the needs that they have their kids coming back to school uniform pens pencils all that other stuff and even personal stuff we're trying to get it so the principal and uh her staff will be there tomorrow and my wife is a part of that she is an administrator to that school also then they're going to be here tomorrow so i'll be on the show tomorrow and they're gonna express what is it that they're in need of and what the kids need and so on and so forth and the reason why the two reasons why of course you know this we i believe in giving you know that this is what i teach this is what i preach in fact none of you could probably record any point where i ask you to give me anything or give this ministry anything every time you hear me speak when it comes to this exercise it's always me giving back so we brought them on board because it's a school that could really use to help that's number one and number two it's not going to give you the opportunity to really meet some needs if god leads you to do that we've gotten a a a special phone number for that which will all be revealed tomorrow where if you want to call directly and however you want to make a contribution then you can do that so this would be your way of giving i am a strong proponent that on the day of judgment and this is why it's so adamant to me on the day of judgment yes god is gonna uh for those who haven't repented of their sins they're gonna be checked on that but i think primarily based on whatever that read in scripture the primary thing god is going to judge us on is how did you treat your fellow man how when i blessed you when i gave you the resources and the way that he blessed you he bless you that not only will you be blessed but to be a blessing to others how did you meet the needs of other people i am listen to me when i tell you i believe that if someone wants to cut my head off right now i that you cannot take that away from me god is going to judge every human that's correct but he is also what did you do what did you do for mary i have blessed you with monies i've blessed you with resources i bless you with favor and all you did it was for year four no more why didn't you you your children had all the uniforms all the utensils and so on for school but your neighbor next door where is your sister brother in the same church pew whether it's your physical neighbor next door and your your co-worker why did you never share your resources why and that's why in this ministry i said you over and over in all your form of distribution the primary or what you do first is you give to the poor you sort them out because when you do that and i will talk a lot about it because i'll do like about a 45-minute teaching on giving before i bring them on and i'm going to reiterate all of this tomorrow and add more to it where god wants to bless you but he wants to engage you and many of you right now listen and you're saying kevin i got a need in my life and i don't know if i can do that kevin i don't know if i can help other people no no no no what you're saying to me is you don't want god to help you that's what you're saying to me because according to scripture not my bible i didn't write this in fact let me quickly turn there right now if we quickly go right here to proverbs sorry psalms if we go to psalms chapter 41 psalms chapter 41 i'm beginning from verse one to verse three now listen to what you're saying when you say to me kevin i don't know you know things really rough for me first of all stop thinking i gotta give someone six million dollars stop it it isn't always monetary okay you could have some clothes your children are not grown but they're good clothing you want to bless someone who don't have nothing whatever it is don't don't just limit it to clothing okay i want to help you here now now here you come to god you say god i'm believing you for whom i'm believing you for my own car i'm believing you for i want to put my my child i have one more year in school let me go to college but what i don't see where those funds are coming from now you want that transfer for you to right you want that well from the wicket to come to you to just right that's what it says right now how you're gonna you gotta engage the law now you've got to engage the law let me just give you one scripture psalms 41 verses 1 to 3. it says blessed is he that consider the poor i love it how how what are one of the ways a person could be blessed well according to the scripture one of those ways he or she must initiate that blessing to him that is already in place for him but we're trying to get it to him now excuse me by giving to the poor so blessed is he to consider the poor to consider them mean i just sit down and say john you're poor okay let me consider johannes paul okay i did my part no considered report basically mean that you change or make an attempt to change their circumstances you don't leave them in the states you met them in there should be some help contribution to this person so when i do that now i'm engaging some spiritual laws that's gonna work in favor for me all right now watch this blessed is he that give it to the poor now watch what god is going to do to this person but before we go to what god is going to do let's be clear with what the scripture says initially blessed is he that given to the poor right that's what you read right now you didn't read i know these legalistic uh people out here you didn't read blessed is the christian that gave it to the poor you didn't read that right blessed is the catholic that give to know you didn't read that blessed is the baptist you didn't read that blessed is the sinner you didn't read that blessed is the sadness you didn't read that what did you read well you read a generic term to cover all of what i just said blessed is he that give it to the pope whether you're a sinner or a saint the same seven promises god willing infuse on you so blessed is anyone that changed the circumstances of one that is less fortunate once they encounter their presence it says the lord will deliver him in the time of trouble that's the first one so the first rule by me helping the poor didn't say give to the church he didn't say give to the pastor and say gift to kevin let's see what it says give to the poor voice that's the first thing we can do when i do that god says okay you've engaged me but how do i engage you i didn't pray to you you didn't have to pray to me but i didn't fast you didn't have to fasting but i didn't spin around and give my neighbor high five and tell them i love them no because it's not required in this sense when you made it your business to assist someone that is in a less position than you with your resources god says the first of seven promises i'm about to read this is what i'm gonna initially do to you he says i will deliver you in your time of trouble now isn't that powerful every last one of you listening to me right now got pending problems right so god is saying how do you counteract that problem in the future now by helping someone else read the law i'm making this stuff up read it god says if you help someone i will help the first thing i'm gonna do for you but god i'm a funny kid i'm a liar i'm a cheeto okay give me the context on what you say what you're trying to tell me because my law because what you're trying to say is your personal feeling supersedes my law my law says blessed is he that considered the poor blessed is he that changed the circumstances when he encounters someone in a less position and he says the lord will deliver this person who helped the poor in his time of trouble mind you he's deserving of it but god says because you help your fellow man i love this here because you help your fellow man i'm obligated to you but i'm a rich voice okay i didn't say this is going to get you in heaven i said to you when you help the poor i will help you i will help you in your time of trouble he says i will help you in the time of trouble number one the lord will preserve him or protect him or guide him that's number two and go and keep him alive number three and he shall be blessed upon thee that's number four and thou will not deliver him unto the will of his enemies number five the lord will strengthen him upon his bear of language or sicknesses that's number six and that will make up all his bear in his sickness that's number seven seven promises not from me not from the apostle not from the bishop seven promises from elohim yahweh el shaddai jehovah mechadis jehovah gyra seven promises from him and this is for all on sundry anybody when you assist those who are less fortunate not my rules now why is this happening why why it's kevin i don't get this because jesus said and i can go into all of this tomorrow he says because when you give to the poor mark uh 25 matthew 25 he says when you give to the poor when you give to the last fortune when you consider them when you change their circumstances he says you're doing it unto me it was me jesus christ every time you help somebody in need you're given to jesus anyway folks we can deal with the rest of this tomorrow so tomorrow bohemian time 12 noon to 2 p.m two hours the first 45 minutes i'll be doing a more extensive teaching what i'm doing right now just to show you how you what you're going to be in doing when you're helping these people at the freeport primary school these children of course and what's your really the long term and the short-term effect of it and how and who you are giving to yes you're giving this towards this child but according to scripture i want to be clear here now you're literally giving it to jesus christ and that is how you take your earthly wealth and give it to our spiritual jesus that is how you do it all right it doesn't say give it to a church it doesn't say give it to apostle and that doesn't mean you shouldn't give to them but i just want to be clear how we give to jesus that's how the scripture advises us to do it no other way you give to jesus when you give to the least of these all right heavenly father we thank you for your word and for your wisdom tonight we thank you father god for everyone that is online whom your spirit through me has imparted to your people i am a curable for their souls in this that i am responsible for ensuring that they hear the unadulterated unpolluted word of the living god not my opinion not how i feel not no rearranging or restructuring of the scriptures it is my prayer father god that they would just not leave it as this but now go and do their research their reading and putting the principles that i've given them as you have laid them out to me so that they will not begin to see the fruit of their label father goddess your word is clear and it says that you will we will know them by their fruit you've also said according to i think matthew 5 or john 15 you said father god god lord that that that you are divine and we are the branches and that if we abide in you and you and us we shall produce much fruit father i pray that everyone listening to me do not look at me as their god me as their savior no way in this lifetime that will happen but let them see you let them realize that they have to abide in you and they do that by committing to your word committing to your laws committing to your principles and in doing that they're following the protocol where they're abiding in you now you and them they're reading and then digesting your word and your word is in them and you say as a result of that they will now produce much fruit you didn't say if they abide in kevin and kevin and them you didn't say if they abide in pastor and passed in them you didn't say if they abide in bishop and bishop in them which you did say if they abide in you and you in them you guarantee them they will now produce more fruit it is my prayer right now lord that you you you break the tradition of people putting their confidence in men and when they become disappointed they break away from you that is not what you want instead they must put their confidence in you so that even when men failed them they're still holding on to the everlasting hand of the father so i cover everyone under the sound of my voice with the precious blood of jesus christ and the whole arm of god i pray psalms 91 verses 11 and 12 over them where you said father god that you've given your angels charge over them to keep them in all not some but all of their ways that if they as much as dash their foot against a stone it's the same angels that will gather them in their arms father let your word be true let your word be true let every man be a liar fulfill that which you have ordained before the foundation of the world in each of their lives individually cause them to have an insatiable desire to know more and more of you i pray that as they go and research as they go and follow the principles of the scriptures that they would have this this this desire and passion to read to study to gorge to digest the word of the living god and they they they test every spirit according to the principles with the word of god to ensure that this is the true unadulterated word that they're receiving so father we bless you we honor we praise you and we ask these things in the matchless and in the mighty name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen and amen so that's it for us guys and uh again tune in tomorrow at 12 noon to 2 pm obama's time god bless you
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 23,489
Rating: 4.9118943 out of 5
Keywords: dream symbols, vision symbols, dream interpretation, common dream symbols, meaning of dreams, dreams, visions, dreams and visions, spiritual insight, kevin l a ewing dreams, biblical dream interpretation, minister kevin l a ewing dreams, facts about dreams, kevin ewing dreams, dreams by minister kevin l a ewing, isaiah saldivar dreams and visions, biblical interpretation of dreams, dreams and visions from god, single word sreams, single word dreams by minister kevin l a ewing
Id: qD_O8yEdzfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 56sec (5156 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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