Dreams that's revealing the spirit of poverty attached to your life

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[Music] good-day Facebook as usual as a pleasure to being a company once again and again to do a brief teaching on the dreams that indicate the spirit of poverty attached to our lives this is going to be a very very provocative teaching in that a lot of times when we experience financial adversity financial financial tsunamis I call them a lot of times we just look at what's physically around us and try to attribute those financial dilemmas to a lending institution that we can afford to pay or having lack of resources or things of that nature and in our minds will convince that you know if we were to get a second job as always the blesses with some money or we would even find some money we can a satisfied death that we would have depth that we would have incurred very rarely we look at these things from a spiritual perspective and as you would have known already in following my teachings I am convinced there is no human in this planet that could convince me otherwise that the origin of everything that takes place or transpires in our lives happening from an original place which I call which the Bible referred to as the spirit world so today our teaching is on recognizing dream that are revealing to us the spirit of poverty being attached to our lives that has become unknown to you the source as to why you cannot achieve or go past a certain point financially in your life now before we getting that I just want to wish everybody a happy sorry a Merry Christmas I'm sure you've had a wonderful time with your family and friends I showed it at a wonderful time and my wife and my family and I was so beautiful day yesterday today here in the Bahamas and this is why I love the badness we are celebrating our holidays on the weekday which is Monday Tuesday Christmas and boxing a yes we recognize Christmas on Boxing Day on the weekend but you know what government has decided that we would have the work weekly to extend that vacation now let's get rid of it when we're dealing with a a spirit clearly we're dealing with an entity that we cannot see we cannot touch we cannot physically interact with the reason why this is important at the beginning of this teaching is because this teaching is geared to showing you that the source the genesis or the beginning of the financial crisis in your life has very little to do but what you deem as the source as not having enough money or having enough resources to satisfy those things in your life that requires money to satisfy what we going to do today is we're going to go deeper to ascertain or to discover the root as to why what is it that we find ourselves in the same cycle year after year month after month holiday Christmas New Year's whatever after holiday where we're coming up short but there's not enough for just enough for barely making it or not having anything at all to facilitate the things we would like to do that requires finances to do it so when looking at it from a spiritual perspective we have to now go to the scriptures why because these scriptures are spiritual laws that are going to give us the root causes as to why these things are happening to us all right the first scripture I've been mentioning mentioning the scripture for a number in a number of my videos and the first scripture that I want us to go to is Ephesians chapter 1 I'm going to read from verse 3 2 verse 4 Ephesians chapter 1 I'm going to read from verse 3 to verse 4 what we're seeking in this particular passage of Scripture is an origin that's what we're looking for see because once we find the root of something then destroying whatever that something is becomes much more easier because once the root of anything has been pulled up or destroyed or whatever then whatever that was cannot exist anymore it cannot grow or reproduce anymore like I've said in my previous videos our problems became repetitive or began to cycle itself simply because the solutions that we were given only dealt with the branch only dealt with the leaves or the trunk or the fruit of the tree and you know as well as I do that even when these things have been removed then they regroup or they reproduce so in this teaching today we're going after the root alright so any fissions chapter 1 and we're going to read verse 3 I'm going to take our time and read this because we want understanding if we're going to read from verse 3 to verse 4 if Ephesians chapter 1 and here's what it says says bless this verse 3 blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us past tense that's already happened who has blessed us listen carefully with all spiritual circle that were powerful circle the word spiritual read again blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who have already this already happened had blessed us with not some not a piece and not a portion God through His Son Jesus Christ has already you know you hear all the time God getting ready to do this and God get me to do that number them in order to get that God has already this is a past tense sentence this has already happened God has already blessed us look at the word be el es se D any word with the letters e d and its ending is speaking to an event that has already transpired already taken place say I'd love to break down the scriptures because see for me I need understanding before I jump to the next scripture I need to know who he's talking to why is he saying this what is the significance to do with anything in my life so the scripture is making it clear that God has already gone and getting ready to bless you there isn't a blessing of the road field no God has you have already been blessed period but not only that according to the scripture it says that he has already blessed you with all but some all my piece oh not a question all he has already blessed you with all spiritual blessings it's powerful spiritual blessings why because the word spiritual speaks of an original state an origin so I'll tell you like on the last video your blessings in its nature in its origin in its genesis in its beginning is spiritual you cannot touched it you cannot touch the future wife the future husband now you you probably you cannot see them now you cannot see the future promotion or the no wealth that goddess all of that exists but the same scripture it's going to now tell you the geographical location of this invisible blessing I watch this let's continue reading it let's start from the beginning again bless it be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us past tense with all spiritual blessings where are they in heavenly places in Christ that term heavenly places speaks of the spirit realm the spirit world in Christ so what does the scripture telling us now description saying that from the day you enter this world God has put everything to cause you to advance to go forward to go to the next level of your everything you have been equipped with in its origin spiritually which other blessings to advance you but these blessings don't just drop on you all at one time the Bible says that there in heavenly places or spiritual places or the spiritual realm sorry in Christ Jesus so all throughout the course your life let's say you were born like myself in 1970 unless I left to see 2070 okay God has littered throughout the tenure of my life all blessings for me to go forward all blessings for me to advance all blessings for me to be the head and not the tail all our blessing to continually progress in life therefore it is these blessings Guru hereis that when the enemy comes at you this is what he is challenging he isn't challenging the physical car that's here already he isn't challenging the wife that's giving you trouble on her husband that's giving you trouble already no no no no no he deals with you from the origin from the spiritual realm let me deal with the spiritual blessing which was the wife which was the husband which was the promotion because once I shut them down spiritually ain't nothing happening for them physically because that is the law of manifestation that is the law of the spiritual realm whatever has been dealt with in that arena the invisible world the spiritual world it directly affects us here in our natural world I don't care how much Bible School you been to I don't care how much theological whatever degrees you have if you have not mastered that concept then you will spend the rest of your life with titles bishop apostle and all of this and have zero effect or power in the earth realm you know why because your entire frame is in violation of Ephesians six and 12 where you don't understand the spiritual realm and understand your deal with spiritual entities but instead you read your war against people against things against environment against things that are against things that are physical so the scripture saying listen listen carefully God has already bless you on everything that you're praying for you already have in its raw state which is the Justice the spiritual or the blessings and what you need to do is not coming an agreement with what God has already put in place for you he designs for you to have a husband a wife he designed for you to excel he designed for you to have a good health the Bible is littered with these promises you now need to come father I thank you for blessing me in advance for my mate I thank you that you have already blessed me past tense for this promotion I thank you and come an agreement with what you have already done in advance to remove the sickness from my body I bless you for what you've already done in advance for making my family sought in order to remove the spread of division so this scripture is saying to you that those things you've been begging for those things you've been crying for that God has already unloaded at specific points in your life has already been said the question is what has been delaying them what has been challenging them what has been fighting us from that arena that has caused those divine appointments that never manifest themselves that is what we're going to get it so in verse 4 of Ephesians chapter 1 which is the next verse that we going to go to because the first verse first is basically pointing out to us that this awesome God that we so talked about has already this has already happened man trust me this according to this it has already happened and he says that I only have I bless you with with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places on the spiritual realm he says that watch verse 4 now watch this verse 4 he says according as he which is Jesus which is God has chosen us in him watch this now before before the foundation of the world I love that that we should be holy and without blame before him in love now what is this basically saying he says remember what I told you in Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 that I have already passed hence blessed you with all spiritual blessings and really what it means all blessings are for you to go forward he says and they are in him he says now before the foundation of the world before I set up the structure the foundation to rest the world upon he says I have sorted out all of what you should be blessed with as it relates to your life before I did all of that so what does that mean that means a lot of the things that you crying about right now and going to God about it weeping you crying for stuff that you already have that you already own but because of your lack of knowledge because of the limited education of the Scriptures that you have then you follow the same old church trend the same or the church talk everywhere you go God getting ready to do God getting ready to do that go out get oh I see God doing this and I see God doing that but nobody's saying to you who I saw i coming in agreement with what god has already released for you i come in an agreement I see a blessing of us it was that happen years ago but the devil Brockett but I come in agreement with you like run up that that skirt that is tied up that blessing that God had already released to you is released in the name of Jesus no nobody will pray later because they don't understand Ephesians chapter 1 verse 3 where God has already passed its release it to you it's gone so I don't want to stray away from my topic I just trying to build this foundation now that we understand that we already blessed financially we already blessed health-wise we already blessed in every area of a lie because the blessing is the raw material for advancement in the earth for the human being as well as the process are rather sorry I don't roll material for stagnation in the life of a person so when you hear the term curses or crust it means that it is the invisible raw material that when released into the life of a human being it stagnates it anchors them to a place of non progress so the blessing and the curses our spiritual raw materials that are activated through the course of our lives by others or ourselves to be released into our lives so I'm sure we get that understanding now the next which I want you to go to is Matthew chapter 13 and verse 25 and this is a spiritual law and this is going to tie directly into what I've said so far how is it that this devil who is in no way can be compared to the power of the Almighty God how is this fellow able to stop the power or the releasing of the blessings of God for knives is there an or is there something that he has tapped into that has given him this right yes he has and she this is why you need to know the laws of God when you don't know the laws of God you have volunteered to be a co-conspirator with your adversary the devil to oppress you he'll never can you help me oppress me today that's basically what you say it so in Matthew chapter 13 let's read verse 25 when love this Matthew chapter 13 and verse 25 and this is a spiritual law as it relates to how Satan and his agents tie up the blessings that are in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus prevented from happening the scripture says in Matthew 13 verse 25 spiritual law was release LA dreams but while men slept yeah but while men slept his enemy you know came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way now you've read that for years and you just forget some parable or Jesus making another statement no no this is the laws of God these are the laws that govern the invisible realm at our physical realm and the scripture is saying that our enemy Satan and his demonic host through this law while we are sleep at night because remember I told you you you you you are a spirit housed in a physical fleshly body and when this physical part of you rest and go to sleep you become unconscious of the events around you your spirit mind is awake interacting with the realm of the Spirit so the scripture is saying here that the enemy now takes advantage at this very vulnerable point in our lives while the asleep and now he begins to come in the realm of the Spirit at your spirit and all of the blessings pending for that particular time he now begin to so Bad Seeds how does he do this Kevin when you find yourself drinking in the dream eating in the dream how things sex in the dream all these crazy things are symbolic of curses or tears like the scripture said among the wheat which is our blessings and the Bible says after he would have done as he goes as we why because he know what he has now reprogram your life for to give him a specific and result and I can only happen if you are ignorant to the laws of God that's the only way can happen so I'm taking this time to show you you cannot go into next year 2017 under the same ignorant under the same nonsense that has being exposed to you Oh God getting ready to bless you turn around seven time give your neighbor high five how much high-fives you can give this place and man how much time to the spin around how much time you got summer song blonde is garbage only to come up with the same end result the church people is the first set of people I see say every day Oh insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a end result but that's what you're doing that is exactly what you do it show them the Word of God show them the scriptures that that literally break the chains and the shackles in the realm of the Spirit and watch things now begin to I speak from experience everything I teach on I have lived it and seeing it happen in my life initially and in the lives of others when I tell them about it and they follow or Kevin law but the laws of the scriptures so the scripture saying here man dis fella this spirit entity along with his cohorts came in your sleep and begin to reprogram your life for failure and you woke up having zero knowledge of this and as a result of it the end result off the rational war he now sit back and he watched the results of failure of stagnation of disappointment and you cry you know because of your ignorance father why is this happening to me I fasted I've called Kevin we've prayed we've done this she's my corner Pole pass enough passes and just reading on you God passed and say God lieutenant we're going to fix it and he been telling me this'll make this a little madness happening for me not because that is not God's Way God's Way is for you to deal with these mother's from the unseen robbed from the spirit world okay so we've gotten to laws so far the first one we found in Ephesians chapter 1 verses 3 & 4 which clearly dictates like God has already blessed us this ain't something trying to do this has already happened and all the blessings this is the raw material of the things that he had planned for our lives a good marriage good job our own business whatever the case may be college education your children prosper all of that is in the blessing a blessing in a simplest turn is for you for for for a spiritual endowment only to cause you to catapult and do things you couldn't do in a normal circumstances a curse is just the opposite a curse is a spiritual endowment has come upon you for a legal reason in both cases and that is now given those entities the right to stagnate your progress stagnate your group because the whole idea of a man has original reason for being on the outside of worshiping his God is to advance in life any area of your life you're not advancing any area of your life you've stagnated your no curse you will not like that time but it doesn't matter because the Bible speaks of that clay you were made to advance you were made to go forward you are made to propel throughout life now in our topic today we're going at dreams that indicate poverty and it was imperative that I give you those two laws so that you would understand the principle on the things that I'm saying to you so when you see these particular things I'm about to call off right now in your dreams then make no mistake there is a spirit of poverty attached to your life now what does that mean when a spirit of poverty remember we're talking about a spirit this is an invisible entity that is in your life a part of your life and he is responsible that you do not advance in anything financially any bonus any miracle money anything to do it finances to enhance you or to better the quality of your life this chief spirit is responsible with lesser spirits to block every area that resources especially financial resources income it so one of the first signs of the spirit of poverty in your dreams is where you have dreams that are filled with roaches and rats mice all of this speaks of poverty or you have dreams where you're always entirely closed all closed raggedy clothes you always look like a bum or shoes with with holes in it or you see yourself in a dream begging for money or begging for food or picking up coins that beggar position all of this is revealing a spirit or let's say you had a dream and in your dream you lost your wallet or you lost your purse or whatever container that you use to keep funds in again this is showing a spirit of poverty and let me give you another law to support these things or before we go into the other things we can look for in John chapter 10 verse 10 it says that the enemy only shows up in our life to kill to steal so going to work and to destroy so again when you see these three labels being displayed throughout the course of your life a know that it is the enemy be he's coming with your cooperation see because you have to which I'm going to explain to you later you have to agree with what he's doing you know once you agree what he's doing then the deal has been sealed - now carry out this particular curse in your life so you have a dream where your wallet or your purse was stolen that speaks or indicate a spirit of poverty we're in raggedy clothes I told you that begging for money begging for food etc the loss of cash you had a dream where you know you had extra money in your pocket you got X mana money put somewhere and all of a sudden when you went back there you cannot find it the spirit of poverty another point of what a label to you two whenever you having dreams and you see things moving in a dream or something going missing or something happened but you didn't see no hands or human do it that is pointing to a spirit that there is a spirit that's cook so the dream is showing you that what is happening here is not natural there are invisible entities that's orchestrating what you're seeing in this dream so your cash going missing let's say you want a dream and you took what you wanted and when you open the water because you knew you had money too but there's no money you didn't see nobody steal this money you didn't nobody take this money your wife husband whatever then take the money so the dream is revealing that the loss of the funds in this water that you did not see anyone steal there is a spirit robbing you the next point I want to make whatever is being relieved of you financially in that dream like anything else that it means that if you don't rebuke the dream while you're in the dream or you don't rebuke the dream after you have come out of the dream then expect losses financially in your everyday life you see remember what I said the law nothing could happen in this world our physical world unless it was achieved or conceived in the unseen world or the spirit world so whatever you knows in that world whatever was taken from you whatever was destroyed whatever then you better anticipate and prepare for the losses to manifest physically if you do not challenge if you do not resist the dream and the contents by saying father I would I had a dream where my wallet was missing or I had a dream where I lost my bike card therefore I renounced that evil subtle agreement or and that the enemy was trying to coerce me and bite and coming together with him anyone who never happened given a red jacket I would not see this how you have to come at it why the next law proverbs 18:21 death and life is within the power of your tone and day that love it would see it the death or the life that they speak they say they shall eat the fruit of it so my words will produce fruit so what I put out now that I have this power I speak to what I saw what was made privy to me in the dream father first of all I thank you for revealing to me the spirit I curse you in the name of Jesus I bind you according to the power of the Living God I command you to be destroyed and your plans and your intense for me to be broke busted and disgusted I reject it I renounce it I cousin it will never happen it will never come to pass because I refuse to agree with it in the name of Jesus is that I come in agreement with the blessings of the Lord that has been assigned at this time in my life to be released and unhindered in the name of Jesus that assignment greetings these things so going back to our lists here now let's say you had a dream and in the dream you had the bike but the bank door was closed you see people inside and thought he saw people going inside before you call it as soon as you got there someone close to unlocking a spirit of poverty it's saying to you in the realm of the Spirit that this this spirit is trying to lock away resources for you so you need to pray against that another dream you had let's say you had a dream and you went to the ATM and either your car wasn't working when you put it in there and I have to dream something to this - or you put your card in and just when you pushing your numbers and put in the amount the electricity went off all of this speaks of not only a spirit of poverty which is the chief spirit but this specific dream now is revealing a less tormenting spirit what does that mean this Dominic's but we're still is in relationship to the sport of poverty is a spirit of financial delay you follow me so meaning now that there's certain things that you are expecting on the horizon and the devil and his cohorts know this so from the spiritual realm they come at you remember we said in Matthew 13 and 25 while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares or curses among the wheat among the blessings and anywhere this way excuse me the law now just showed you - that's what's happening in a dream so now you are the ATM and you put in your card punching your code and punching the muncher one of the electricity went off and you wake up father God I come against the spirit of financial delayed according to that dream and because that dream came to me then it is evident to me that there is a financial blessing on the way and the enemy is trying to block it in the realm of the Spirit so I want to stop that I'm gonna block that now in the mighty name of Jesus I renounce his plan I reject his console I reject his antics and his tactic and that he will never take place in my life instead I come in agreement with your one that has considered me the head and not the tail above only and not believe into advanced continually based on the blessings for this period in my life that is how you pray takes these things another thing we can look at here like I told you about the roaches and rats and years ago I used to have I mean myriad of dreams of roaches climbing to the extent of being gross and I never knew what they meant during that time but of course true the length of my stay and so on it was made known to me the spiritual significance when you think about a place that is riddled with poverty and environment rodents and roaches the most common type of creatures that you would find out symbolically symbolically this represents poverty not just poverty we're talking about a spirit of poverty how do you know that there's a spirit of poverty and not just your regular everyday luck in your life in terms of what is normal a spirit of poverty will always be evident in unexplained financial losses for example let's say you make a hundred grand a year and you try to go to the bank for home that cost two hundred thousand you want to know one meaning that you have no other bills and your salaries are coming in just be a regular silent make bills such as light water food what have you don't have no major loans no else you go to the bank and they say you are man this this is going to be easy - and getting you sign up for this mortgage just a piece of cake it was couple days and we'll give you back surely with a confirmation that you're going to get it then they call you back and they say well mr. urine I don't know but based on our records you know we can't give it up which mean you can't give anymore they make $100,000 the IQ Peters off in no time stuff like that when it is unexplicable it doesn't make no sense you would do for promotion you would do for bonus everybody else get a promotion everybody else get a bonus you work the hardest you did the most all of a sudden oh we cannot do it maybe next time you know but you got the numbers and I'm sure next time you'll get it next time coming in and it cannot happen but then we go back to our dreams this distance the origin let's see what why are you so upset when these things happen because you're trying to deal with something which is really the end result of what has already happened the enemy defeated you in your dream which is the spiritual realm Matthew 13 and 25 while men slept his enemy came and saw curses among the wheat which is the blessings you did nothing about it you didn't rebuke it you which I challenge it you in fact you you silent then gives consent so by default you agree to it so this now gave the invisible entity which is the spirit of poverty in this case the right now to now challenge every area of your life that now dictates financial increase or financial blessings for you they are me run the show now so this is why it's important you must understand these symbols you must understand the significance of the symbols in the dream it's not by accident you're having this dream God and His infinite wisdom who has given everybody the tool of their dreams to now see in the realm of the Spirit excerpts of the things pending for their lives or things that are against their lives you not haven't been made privy to this so life and death which is in the power of your tongue can either come an agreement or reject it in the dream or come an agreement or reject it once you're woken up or in the natural you have the power to do that but if you sit back and you just want to tell Kevin why can't a dream last night man look here these bunch of will just come after me and boy Lackey I take off running so what is that supposed to do what is running away from the Spirit going to do if you didn't cancel the spirit so these are just a few things to indicate poverty in your life now another thing I want us to look at here I want you to because I'm gonna do some scriptures no nope you got a pen because I want you to write this dialogue I want to give you now the effects of poverty in your life what are the effects and these effects of course I give you some of them just are about being rejected from the bank and so on but one of the chief signs one of the chief physical signs your life of the spirit of poverty is where every place as it relates to resources and finances reject you follow me everywhere you go sometimes you could be on the news right now there's a guy who is given away fifty billion dollars and everyone who comes he's going to give them excellent measure if you are the first one there he rejects you everybody else they get their money the spirit of poverty is synonymous with the spirit of rejection it is designed for everyone that can help you to reject you and if you don't see it that way then you will spend the less of your life feeling sorry for yourself or having people pray over you know what they prayed for just pray in a general prayer when you're dealing with spiritual warfare and said you need to zoom in on the root of the problem and deal with that because if you don't do that then the Spirit is going to use to their advantage James chapter 4 and 7 which says that we are to submit ourselves unto God media let's do this thing go to me and I says if we resist the devil read it small D not the big D as in Satan devil mean as in the devil of poverty the devil of sickness the devil of confusion he says that this if we resist the devil in this case poverty he will flee so what do you think is going to happen if you don't resist these Devils as being exposed in your dreams then he have every legal right to stay do I remember the conversation with someone in the past and they were telling me about a particular sickness that they had and how the sickness was causing so much financial strain on them and what they've decided to do was keep praying for healing as it relates to this particular sickness and immediately the Spirit of the Lord arrested me right there and indicated to me that the spirit of infirmity is just another spirit that came in through the spirit of poverty and it is the spirit of poverty that is causing these events that happen in their life to cause their financial areas to be dream so I Center the processes you know what forget the spread of poverty I say sorry the spirit of infirmity I said from today forward go on a fast go on a three-day files they normally require a $3 the requests are 3d files the number three speaks of completion and perfection I said now and I gave them all of the scriptures as it relates to prosperity and so on and what God wants for you in terms of his goodwill in the earth and I said now when you pray for the next three days don't touch no food you want to drink water or whatever but no food and you're gonna focus no TV no food no cell phones don't nothing cut all a little cut that out set the time aside and what you're going to do now through prayer and fasting the descriptions of God which are the laws of God it's like you come into the courtroom with your case and these are the laws to support your case and you're not making your case in your petition to God who's a supreme judge and now as you begin to levy these laws that God has put in place then you will begin to break that spirit and watch things change for you well guess what guess what endure it after going through that process that I told them within a matter of this all that whatever it was going to came to an abrupt end and fatiah just add whatever pills to dogs I give it came to an abrupt so what does that mean no more money for the doctors no more money for medication no more money for the hospital that any idea every other area where they were hemorrhaging financially came to the Prophet why is it because of Kevin SuperDuper powers know that Kevin casts a spell know what Kevin did was advise them to follow the laws of God they tell them that Kevin tell him what I'm by the beach and bed naked at 12 o clock in the night no the tell Kevin tell him the concoction to a for me crossing no did Kevin Templin put garlic on him and spin round seven times and somersault no Kevin gave them the laws of God that supersedes any other law in the universe that's what you ever did so no credits a Kevin we thank God that Kevin interrupted their plan by the power of God to a gift of that instruction but it was up to them to follow the rules of the word of God is as simple as that so this is why I become irate and a lot of people attack me on this when I go to these services and so on and I hear about a special offering of a thousand dollars and God is going to do this if you give six trillion dollars and there's the scripture Oh where's this where's this law I've never in it so this is what I never ever reject or saying you should not give to a ministry you should give to a ministry in my opinion as much as you could because they are dealing with the core of humanity's problem if that institution is doing it God's with others so yes I agree to that yes they want to put out a new wing for the children's church they want to do more outreach ministries yes give if I give $1,000 in those cases but don't tell Kevin who not along that if that God does something special then you saw thousand dollar liar and the devil is in you using you to manipulate the people of God and I and I don't care who of a problem with that if you want to refute them with me then you give me the scripture that shows the thousand dollar see making a special difference in someone's life other than that shut up I don't hear you back to the floor so now rejection is synonymous with the spirit of poverty that then the spirit of view is on you its tentacles begin to influence others decision and views of you to the extent they reject you for no reason they might have liked you before but if you understand you now you could go into a bank or something like that the teller giving you attitude for your own money the teller trying to make it difficult for you the lower offers are trying to give you every hop skip and jump to get to a particular position where everybody just sail through so the spirit of rejection is synonymous with poverty now let us look at a few scriptures let's look at proverbs chapter 10 and verse 15 and I'm going to read it here because I want to give you clear-cut evidence of the spirit and when its tentacles spread out these are the things that you could expect to happen proverbs chapter 10 and verse 5 am I getting the fifth inside proverbs chapter 10 and verse 15 listen this is proverbs chapter 10 verse 15 says the rich man's wealth is his strong City or this is confidence the second part of the scripture says the destruction of the poor is their poverty now let us think a little bit because we can explain that the destruction the what is destroying the poor man is his ability so is eNOS isn't is in his position of being caught no no the word poor means to be lacking any particular area of course the most common understanding of being poor of someone not having their basic necessities to exist but I want you to read the scripture and get an understanding Part B of proverbs 10 verses 15 clearly dictates that the destruction what is destroying the poor man is it him being poor know the scripture showing it is a spirit of poverty listen the destruction of the poor is their poverty what the scripture is saying there is a spirit of poverty all in this person that's destroying their lives and causing them not to go forward spirit I don't many people upon certain areas they're not being destroyed they're not be publicly rejected and humiliated many of them I know but description if you see the scripture from a spiritual perspective it is saying that is telling you what is destroying this man this poor person what is destroying it a spirit now let me break it down some more fusil give you a better clarity what I'm talking about okay let's say I try to find a good example to use think about a person you know right now that lacking when I say lacking they're not wearing tight clothes and they look broken not like a bomb they just aren't where they used to be financially so that represents luck in that particular area which also represents poor remember the word if you look at the definition of the word poor it means to be lacking or not having sufficient in a certain area now those people are still able to dress nicely take care of themselves again they may be kind of back on the red or back on the mortgage limit but they don't look the part they still got yourself looking good so they're not being destroyed this scripture saying that the poor Jesus you got to read that again it's saying that his destruction is as a result of poverty the spirit of poverty on him is causing people who can help him to resist him to reject him to cause him not to have in life so the root of this problem isn't the fact that he is poor because all of us are poor we are lacking some area of our life the root of his problem is that there is a spirit that will normally that that that favor and other spirits of God will come and help him to resist that so there's an amount of God may even come into the city to bless him but if that man of God isn't a strong man of God that spirit and the tentacle of this fruit of poverty can make him resist the poison he was originally sending help so this is why in my teaching I'm trying to get you to look at the root and the root isn't the fact that you don't have money the room isn't the fact that you don't have account the route isn't the fact that you have an education the root of your problem is that there are spiritual components in place that's blocking the original blessing that God already secured for you before the foundation of the world that is being challenged that is being opposed that is being resists and as being a pose challenge and resist by the spirit of poverty this is important to note because now you pray against a specific spirit you wouldn't know what you screaming for our Lord send that money Lord send the child school fee lot of you can only send it this go-around father is gonna pick up this semester for my college Lord or not send me a job I can I want to bug again just to make the difference you listen to you does spurred on you even got you talking about a poverty mindset no deal with the spirit from today forward you deal with the spirit of poverty father if they have projected the spirit of poverty against my life by the means of witchcraft or the spirit of poverty has entered my life through generational crisis are there certain things that I've been confessing that invited the spirit of poverty this day I break the covenants just say I reject every affiliations with these spirits and that they will no longer be working along with me ignorant Lee for my own demise no more today's the end of it I break that covenant I break that curse I break that known or unknown agreement that I've made either in the spiritual realm in my dream or confess verbally daily with my mouth how do i confess daily with my mother Kevin probably who does that nobody does it yes you do you know you doing Shia guess what every time you make one doll you got a spare to Jesus every time you put one foot forward you gotta take two backwards my god you just pin breaking the pay bills you I invited you are coming and agreement with the anymore voices of this the gram that's projecting those thoughts to you that you are speaking and coming agreement with and now putting yourself in shackles in the realm of the skirt again break the covenant break the covenant so in proverbs 10 and 15 it says clearly that the destruction of the poor is not that he will have the right resources it says poverty the spirit of poverty is the source of his him being destroyed of him not getting or being advanced that is this problem let's look at another scripture let's look at proverbs excuse me chapter 14 and verse 20 and I hope you have your Bible oh I hope you write in on these scriptures for you to go back and and and reference promise chapter 14 and verse 20 and listen to what it says it says the poor is hated even of his cooking he puts Jesus they can't tell him but they're doing it because they want him there's a spirit on them that's being emitted from the poor man to resist him to reject him to despise him I've let the Dooly it's a spirit read it again proverbs chapter 14 verse 20 and since the poor is hidden even of his neighbor watch this love but the rich have many friends blessing hmm so poverty like I've been telling you is synonymous the spirit of poverty sorry is synonymous with the spirit of rejection it's synonymous it rots hand-in-hand together because poverty figured out this world from any property that is has figured out that you know what yes he has a biker come with this yes he have uncles and aunts and cousins and friends who could help him financially yes there is and connections that he have to could could access resources and to restore them so what are we going to do the spread of probably talking now let's challenge resources let's shut him down originally in the realm of the spirit by influencing any human being any place any environment that can remotely assist him financially let's shut that down and we'll never happen for him he can he could do all he want do whatever unless he's dealing with the laws of God against us ain't nothing happening so problem chapter 14 verse 20 says the poor is hated he's rejected he's despised even by his own neighbor not at me even if his neighbor poor even if his neighbors in the same position I said he still be checking him and he had no better position in him is it not a skirt is another skirt let's look at another one problem chapter 19 hope you're writing this down proverbs chapter 19 and we're going to look at verse 4 proverbs 19 verse 4 listen to what it says promise chapter 19 verse 4 says wealth makes many friends but the poor is separated from his neighbor my grandma's woman is my to take the poor is 7 the spirit pulls them apart to make sure that no one can assist him to make sure that even his poor neighbor who might be in the same position as him will not share his resources with him so you see I'm making my point that the spirit of poverty on a person's life is Simon this is synonymous with a spirit of rejection let's look at another scripture let's look at the same problem chapter 19 I'm going to read verse 6 2 4 7 listen what it says verse 6 the problem chapter 19 being goes right into verse 7 here's what it says it says many will entreat the favor of the Prince and every man is a friend to him that giveth gifts it's a blessed man because if he could be given gifts he's clearly blessed and I obviously everybody want to be his friend well let's drop down to verse 7 it says all the brethren of the poor not forget his neighbors because we don't see his neighbors and reject him but it's another good one I reject him now because the spirit of poverty is on his life public shaft in 1946 says all the brethren of the poor do hate him what has he done what did he do to you he broke buzzer discuss it he couldn't have done nothing to you you know what the resources to do nothing to you with but the spirit on him is influencing the spirit of his brethren to despise him to hate him to reject him to resist him and if they are all ignorant to these laws that I'm reading to you they feel comfortable they don't see nothing wrong with what they do it poverty the spirit of poverty is synonymous with the spirit of rejection so for seven problems 19 says all the bedroom of the poor do hate him how much more do his friends go far from him the scripture says he pursued them but once and they are they are wanting to him in one of them God will help me please why you hate me and they run it you know what to do you broke this is spirit deal with the spirit if you are not dealing with the spirit if your leaders of pastors your apostles are not dealing with the spirit of poverty and assignments and an attempt to break the case of property on your life then whatever they are doing you are wasting your time come against the spirit of poverty now what are some of the causes I'm going to I'm going to read these scriptures on - you're just going to give these scriptures laziness laziness is one of the primary reasons as an invitation to the spirit of poverty and you will find out in problem chapter 10 and verse 4 we're not going to read it I'm just going to give you the scripture and I'm going to give you the headache another sign is dismissing rise counsel or dismissing rise consul Tory wise advice or scriptures being given to you to come back these forces you'll find that in proverbs chapter 13 and verse 18 another's cause of sign is is having an anxious spirit you don't want to think things over or seek counsel to make the best decision you know it all these were rushing this stuff not knowing that this is a spirit on you causing you to direct to secure our losses in the end and you'll find it in proverbs chapter 21 and verse 15 this one I love I have a friend of Mines he thinks he's a lover boy right but whenever we talk he always sang me manques ever - and things really rough and I said to him on many occasions the same scripture proverbs 21 and 17 in fact he gets mad at me when I tell him this proverbs chapter 21 verse 17 says and love this it says he that loves pleasure shall be poor why am I telling you this thing what take our laws and when you begin to operate in them knowingly or unknowingly it's going to set off a sequence of events because the spirit of poverty have a right to do it so if you won't play love a boy will have sex with all these people that make up on these children and go to your party and every night and so on and live in the high life because you're trying to satisfy your pleasure the scripture says the end of all of that will panel for you property why because when you begin to participate in this law then you invite the spirit of poverty so poverty is there you don't have the reason to come into your life ain't nobody don't obey on you you ain't speaking on this property you ain't got to ingest and generational crisis of poverty but all you like to board in live the high life and you love pleasure sex and drinking and frolicking and all this stuff then you get the attention of the spirit of poverty so according to proverbs 21 verse 17 it says he that loveth pleasure not mate but shall be poor is a law as a decree and when you begin to participate like that then expect poverty as UN result so I tell my friend listen as long as you stay on this road then you see who's the big baller then expect not to have anything expect not to succeed expect to always be in a state of luck because what you're doing by activating this law is saying hey poverty spread poverty Samir oh man listen I need to stay broke my neck it seemed of you B do seem to be the chief on that so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna activate this Lord says that if I die love pleasure I love pleasure but I love the girls I love the guys whoever as you like enough party like fancy cars I like expensive stuff and like new IVA towards I like that stuff even though I got a blister day if I get that man so so tied me on how to keep me broke and that's basically what you say it so when you activate proverbs 21 and 70 and then your end result is you will be so do it by the spread of poverty are never able to access the resources that you have on to to to distribute them wisely [Music] worthless pursuits proverbs chapter 28 verse 19 most miss pursuits mean that you're going after things that are fruitless that you already know in that in commodities why you basing your time here a lot of us have found ourselves in those positions in earlier part of our lives unfortunately that people who 40 50 60 so go through it where you're pursuing people that you have actually the video you love and this is not the person you're supposed to be there so you find yourself by this paid for a trip here by Nemec I am building a house for them put all this stuff when according to proverbs chapter 20 verse 19 it says that this worthless pursuit of course was an engineer but a spurt of poverty but cause you to not have in the end you will not have the resources based on investing them and these fruitless dead-end investments you wouldn't have what you need to accommodate the things that you'd want to do in your life all right the last one want to give you here is proverbs chapter 28 and verse 22 and it speaks about a person who is stingy me and cheap they wouldn't give you what they don't want then all of this are invitations to the spirit of poverty in your life now what I'm going to go to now is how do we break the spirit of poverty are there scriptures that we can use to destroy the spirit yes yes there are scriptures and this is what I really really want to jump on and I'm going to be ending it probably the next 10 15 minutes now in breaking the spirit of poverty you just don't say I break you spell poverty yeah yeah whatever spirits adhere to or respond to spiritual laws if what you're doing of what you're saying it's not added by a spiritual law that it's equivalent to speaking English to a person who only understands Dutch they don't be looking at you like what so there for you when you'd eat you got to make sure and put in the same energy understanding you're dealing with a spirit so just like I'm looking at this camera and talking to all of your deal or just like how you will talk to your husband or your wife or your children you make eye contact when you point wherever you want to point and you speaking to the realm of the spirit and now you're going to quote the Word of God but to add to that in most cases there's certain things you have to do to now release the spirit of poverty sorry of prosperity in your life to subdue and to destroy the spirit of poverty alright so the first scripture I'm going to give you and I what does that turn there because I want to read it excuse me and that's a proverbs chapter 11 proverbs chapter 11 and we're going to read from verse 24 to verse 25 alright and we want to read to understand man you know gone are the days when we just read to say we read a scripture and then some guy go off screaming and hollering in Carroll or some female and and you don't know what they were talking about so I love to break the scriptures down I like to get those key words exploit them so we have a keen understanding what they mean because it is those words that are seemingly insignificant which becomes the adhesive to all the other parts in the description so you find me doing that a lot where I would zoom in on one particular word and get the full understanding or the f-m ology of the word which means the rgvida word came from and how does it place yet why is it place here because this is how revelation comes about revelation which is a secret or a mystery that was once covered so revelation means that now the cover is going to be peeled off which also means that the the solution or that revelation always existed it was just never uncovered thus giving us the revelation so in the scripture in proverbs chapter never because now we're talking about how do we annihilate how do we break the spirit of poverty now listen it says in the King James Version it says there is that scattered or there is a person who's always giving there is all the persons always sharing or distributing what they have so that's what it means as in proverbs 11 was 24 that there is that scattereth or there is a person that's always giving and yet which is not yet they increase now this is why I love about the law the world system says to you child save your money would you prop the money for a rainy day which I agree now save your money now the more you save the more you'll have or the more you save the more you'll increase but that isn't what the spiritual law says that's really good proverbs chapter 11 is ending in verse 24 is saying that the one who gives a lot will increase more so how do we start mr. Ewing to break this spirit by giving the little that you have no dough no camera no no see I don't you have to drink but from what I know mama tell me save your money for a rainy day mama sit up a little bit here a bit there so you have soul so later well well this ain't will mama did write this book and we are looking at things from us because you want to exchange from its origin which is the spirit right so follow the spiritual law what I given you don't be like where's that script at your side don't be like proverbs 13 and 18 this says when you dismiss wise counsel then you will end up inviting the spirit of poverty I am giving you the spiritual laws from this book the book is saying probably never was 24 it says the mystery to breaking the spirit of poverty is by sharing with others by giving to others many of you out there who have had any kind of interaction with me of Norma I'm a giver of books PDF books physical books I'm sharing my talent my wisdom my knowledge what you didn't know is that I was always following this law right here and what has happened mysteriously I was a mysteriously because I know is the Spirit of God fulfilling his law men will give into my bosom people who cheat me in another area it was made up for in another area why because the law of my giving is secure ring increase for me no matter what man tried to do to me they could one day witchcraft they open all a donut order to themselves because I have activated a law through my giving and giving doesn't necessarily and always me and financial I am giving you right now I am giving you and sharing of my talent you may be good at giving advice you may be have some clothes that you got there that that someone else could have some choose something but in order to activate you got to release it so the scripture says remember now we will be combating the spirit of poverty from a spiritual perspective so therefore we need spiritual laws to deal with this so proverbs chapter 11 verse 24 says there is a person or there is that person that give or scatter it or they distribute their resources but yet they increase what's the next verse however there is also people that this whole onto more than what they need we need a share with nobody but watch what the court says it says they shall surely come to poverty Oh child I let nobody know money I try to get my house I need my down payment I don't care what come down the church can access that kingdom I don't care I see ya but let's see if you can meet that damn thing first of all you don't talking with a poverty-stricken mindset why you want to down payment if your God on the cattle on the Tarzan Hill why would you want a down payment when the silver gold belonged my important these things in charge but ever you go to your God you give me a bit of water please Jesus or just just you a little knock I don't get a whole bunch no if you truly believe those things that you speaker corner we want you to speak but the Bible is saying to you you're stingy nnessee or meanness your inability to share and you know it really is what's causing you to do that fear hmm see fear is governing your behavior fear sends you what if I give Kevin this or I give the pastor that or if I give the fellow on the road they don't have anything that's then what I have fear the scripture says in second Timothy one at seven God the same God who caused all of those things did not give you a spirit of fair instead he gave you a spirit of love a spirit of power and a spirit of soundness of mind so why are you entertaining fear why can't you believe that this scripture says that if I give I shall increase but no you are such a poverty-stricken mindset that you go along with the second portion of description unknowingly or foolishly and the scripture says he that holds on to more than what he needs meaning that even though you have in excess me giving it to nobody else because fear is dictating to him that if you give that then they can come from who else can help you ain't nobody help but use it why he will help them no God is going to help you that's why it seems like such a mystery than the initial stages of this scripture when it says that heat up distributes or he that scatters shall increase he should meaning that man will have nothing to do with this God speak to the heart of men - now give into your bosom till you even know why they doing it you know why because you activated the law some time ago and now things begin to happen you I could give you story after story miracle I remember telling my own pasta that my life is a life of miracles I am a walking book I can write books alone forget my teachings just on the mirror of God via the application of these scriptures so if you think by hoarding up stuff you're going to be more successful then you got another thing coming because would you basically celebrate the final no of coordinating show god I could do this and go contrary and still succeed really the scripture says there's no console against God Almighty so I don't know where you coming from with that the scripture says there is this is proverbs chapter 11 verses 24 there is that person that always giving but yet they increase and there is that boy who was always withholding more than he needs but it says that he will surely come to poverty and like verse 25 I love this verse 25 of proverbs 11 says it says that the libram the word liberal means free the free-handed it says the liberal soul shall be made fat that what fabian means wealthy they will have an abundance that says he that was always thinking could they look for the opportunity to invest into somebody else's life because they know what the end result of it is gonna pan out it's going to peril prosperity for them but more importantly is going to crush the head of poverty the spirit of poverty because the spirit of poverty also might suddenly operates with the rejection the next thing that operates with him they are cohesive in their behavior is the spirit of fear the minute somebody gives you something and you poison on of me always and I said let me put this up when the Spirit of God says I bless you with that so that you can be a blessing to someone else and at the same time crushing the spirit of poverty in your life but all your life you've been consumed to television consumed to people talking nonsense consume the spewing foolishness all day that you feel my holding on Kevin just brought me twenty dollars right I know my body says she need a five but I given us a lord one because I don't know what a next one come from then you are securing poverty for yourself quando description description says that the liberal soul was 25 of Proverbs 11 shall not might shall be made fat which was his next and he that water or water or or help other people or invest in the lives of other people shall one day be watered himself everyone that I've ever given to in my life I bless people what stuff I didn't have and I'll explain that later and I do it my wife said I missing mind you was so generous any things that you do I said honey look at the law I got the law it took a while to get akashi not begin the city things after that force is it look at the law forget how it look forget you fear forget on what you haven't what you don't have you know and multiply it then you begin to give share and I don't mean stupidly say your release in me who did you want me to give to and I were doing the teaching years ago I was talking about our abundance and prosperity and the key of that teaching I was telling people that whenever you asking God for something beautiful a calm horse whatever it is there is always mysteriously someone that's going to come in your part requesting something from you I have seen this happen over and over and over and over I wonder when my knees pine about to God correct I need this particular thing done of my life and all of a sudden did I get about a prayer my phone ring or I jump in my car all the way to work I get a call someone sent me an email but a careless and I hate doing this man I mean I really need sort sue but because I got in law I think I can't got this brother calling me why because the scripture says he not water it he not give it one day someone can give him one day someone healthy so Google is now putting people in your video and not coming in your way by accident God is putting them in your way to get you to activate the law for the law of prosperity to begin working for you and simultaneously crush the head of poverty simple as that it's as simple as that I'm showing you how to overcome the invisible forces that has been oppressing you all your life I'm showing you how to overcome the invisible forces that has made a mockery of your family mockery of your friends mockery of whomever all because they did not know or understand the law so whenever whatever you're asking God for excuse me you going through a tough time in your marriage your partner isn't being favored over the case maybe this is a good time to so but like I say it always have to be love it can be shown advice good advice to somebody else's situation who may be going through the same thing you're going through it's Kim so release distribute and God says one day I'm gonna send someone to help you I want to fix this situation but you need to go and say I can jump in and do it but that isn't how my laws are written I need I give it a law now that you participate the truth is you're coming an agreement to make it discovered it work and I gotta work for you God says I'm obligated to work for you when you activate the law but I'll sit back think I can feel sorry for you because the distance this happened or they take your house and they'd know he isn't a god of sympathy he isn't a god of you crocodile tears you know come on baby don't cry call the fixes you know he said do my noise simple do what my law has asked you to do and then watch me do what you could not do but you have to activate the normal what am i speaking Spanish activate the laws of God by doing what the law says all right now I want us to jump to another scripture I said 15 minutes right I gotta get one or two more minutes let's go to proverbs there's the last one the proverbs chapter 2 never hold eat more but I try to keep it short promise 28 and this next scripture I want to show you I'm going to wrap it up radio and all throw the bottle proverb the book of Proverbs you're going to find laws that govern poverty and laws that speak to prosperity and I can show you 99.5% of the laws that speaks of releasing prosperity and crushing the head of poverty will always be tied to a poor person let me let it soak in here a little bit most of the laws that speaks about you breaking the spirit of poverty and releasing the spirit of prosperity with more than 95% of the time have to do with someone poor and you investing into their lives what no I'm going to close with this proverbs chapter 20 and verse 8 it says in proverbs chapter 28 verse 8 it says he and what I like about this before I going to run out when you're here especially use the terms he or whosoever it's not just speaking to Christians this is important what it is saying is that whoever decides to participate in this biblical principle will reap what it says whether he's a Christian or not where he is a sickness a woodworker where he is our apostle it doesn't matter the law is the law and like I've told you in my previous videos and writings the laws of God isn't looking for a Christian or a Jew or or the Holy Land our poison the law is looking for the practitioner of the law that's what I was looking for the law is in looking at your son of skinny black or white Australia or curlier the Lord is enough the time for the law is looking who who is doing it who was doing the law the scripture goes on to say how the eyes of the Lord is to and fro in the earth until we get showing such strong other thing else will be those who are practicing the law those were for a keen understanding of when they participate in certain things that the scriptures request and they sit back in anticipation for the law to run its course so in proverbs chapter 20 it is our last verse verse 8 it says he that by Ussery us you are lying that's a bonanza right and what that word really means is that a person who you borrowed something from let's say money and they charge you these these humongous interest on it so the scripture says he that by Ussery and unjust gain so there are people who do ripping off people okay through their businesses will have you then there are people up there maybe banks or whatever that are charging people is exorbitant interests on food loans car whatsoever or poison roads it says he'd actually user and unjust gain increase in his substance so what was guarding stuff it made him learn what he gonna do there's a desert this look there's a point in this he says he that by user an unjust gain increase in a substance but watch what he says next he use the e here the he is the one true usery and I just give who has increases something that says he shall gather it for him that will bought pity the poor what am I saying team and finish if you are a giver continue giving if you are not a give up then jump on the bandwagon of giving because the Bible says in your doing that remember what we just read as always tie into one we have just read in proverbs chapter 11 and verse 24 - was 25 and it says he that scattered or he that gives or he that shares or he that distributes shall increase that's a mystery doesn't make no sense because the more I give over the last I would have from what I know no no no the scripture says in the spiritual realm the more you give in the spiritual realm the more you'll have and the more manifest you by strangers by other people by people you have no affiliations with the scripture that goes on in the same program shaft 11 verse 24 it says but he that holds on to more than what he need and he does not want a share he does not want to help nobody else the Bible says what he doesn't know is that he's activating a law that would secure poverty or invite the spirit of poverty in his life the verse 25 of province 11 says it says the liberal order giving all the free soul the one who always loves to help always loves to give to other people it says that he shall be made fat but none of these scriptures they say who's doing it meaning that is from a spiritual aura it says he shall be made for he shall be wealthy and it says and the same person who was always giving he was always helping who's always sharing out their talent God says one day I'm gonna send someone to help them one day I'm going to send someone to one of them one day I'm gonna send someone to a system one day I'm going to take the wealth from someone and give it to them who is this somebody's talking about let's come back to proverbs 28 in verse 8 proverbs 28 in verse 8 says he that true unjust gain and true and charging people enormous interest on stuff and ripping them off the Bible says he shall definitely increase his substance but what he don't know is that he is heaping up all that stuff so that good in this case could transfer his wealth to the one that is always pity and giving to the poor or those who are less fortunate in him why is not a camera because God realized I could trust you you're always giving you all you're not harder you're not trying too hard stuff up constant smile I see you every day I see you have a heart for people you know that these things don't belong to you you want a general got a nephew forever you know that you if use it a gazillion you could never spend that but in your lifetime so what you decided to do is just give it a light just help other people and you find out that the more that you give the more that you get the more did you give the more that you get you've eliminated the spirit of fear that comes along with poverty you've eliminated the spirit of rejection that comes another poverty and you've eliminated the main spirit which is the spirit of poverty I hope I'm making sense to you show me some love of making some sense to you because you need to understand these and laws and the Lord is trying to speak to you that you should not go into 2007 already slated to repeat the same thing that you went through this year and the only better it can change if you take the laws of God and you make it active in your life and now you will begin to see the change somebody asks you for something today somebody asking for something master day somebody probably asking for something last week and you brush them off who is that I got a job up even lied to them what you didn't know is that you was pushing away the solution God had for you to give you what you was asking for you must anyone if you go to the gas station or you go to the ATM or you meet up bombing the Sudanese asking for something the first thing your mind said you're not given that 10 film to go buy alcohol or to buy drugs that a with the loss in the law did not say only gives the hammer or smoke dope only give the emerald ring liquor the law doesn't say don't give that a phony killing the law did not say that stop putting sub-clauses to the law to now say he that given it didn't say to a specific person you should give he says once you release and don't matter what they do it don't matter how they perform it don't matter he says what you have done doers activated the law to bring increase for you to bring bail for you to subdue the spirit of poverty to sever the tentacles of that spirit of poverty which is rejection and fair and now you will go forward in life and the more you give the more you can get the more you can advance because the spirit of poverty you have arrested you've not tied them up in the spirit why because the spirit words I can't get Kevin I can't get Jane I can't deal with them the way I want to because they're activating a law that's keeping me in bondage they're activating a law where I cannot infiltrate their lives and keep them him that I cannot do it because they're doing what God and ask him to do I try to send fear to tell them that if you give this you and gob this later but they seem to reject that I tell them to hold on to this what they seem to reject it and they're going on the laws of God and if they give then someone's got to give them now it's manifesting in their life and the spirit of probably said forget that let me go to the next one or another law you know the law there is no way listening to what you're hearing right now for you to go into 2017 with the same silly mindset of securing poverty and working along with the spirit of poverty to keep you Brooke I will feel no sorrow no remorse for you because it tells me that you don't care about the laws of God and you can do it yelling than fine don't you because the law also says in proverbs 16 and verse 25 it says that there is a way unto us that seem right but know for sure is a guarantee that the end of that way the Bible says to lead to death and/or destruction so you can take that road so I'm finish this is that I have two more videos that I'm going to do before the end of the the next video that I'm going to be teaching on this call dreams that is revealing things being buried in your dreams say you saw someone bearing your clothes on your underwear your water whatever you're going to be doing an extensive teaching on that would the storerooms represent but just to give you a snip of it it represents someone's bearing your dented entity bearing your yo-yo your destiny sorry if it just seems for someone bearing your passport someone stole your passport in the dream but you pass about represents your daddy it represents who you are it gives a brief description to whatever immigration office I'm never looking at it as to where you're from your height not as other stuff to make sure this is you so you see someone bearing stuff like that or bearing money or whatever we're going to do an extensive teaching on it and we've got to be saturating this particulars teaching next time with the scriptures all right the Scriptures of it my last teaching for the year is going to be apart true it holy sprit made it clear to me that we got to come a goodness apart - of breaking the covenants of our ancestors mm-hmm oh yeah I'm going to be doing that I probably on the 30 to the 31st somewhere around in that last video because I have gotten so much responses from that so much responses so my last video is going to be around a 30 the sort of is of course our honor and I've read on it and we're dealing with part two of breaking the evil covenants of ancestor so let me pray with you before I leave Heavenly Father I thank you for this group for this crowd that you have funnel here to hear your word like heaven word to hear your law not Kevin Lord and your word declares father God Lord that that nothing as far as you're concerned as it relates to your people it's happening by accident therefore I come an agreement with every scripture every verse every chapter that we have released I come in a Goodman with that word because that chapter that verse that word is your covenant to us and I come in agreement with that Lord and now that that would begin to to now permeate into the lives of the listener into the lines of the hair the lives of the seers Lord that day would now take your word and now make your word applicable with confidence and to see the manifestation of whatever it is that you have promised I come against the spirit of poverty I come against the spirit of muck I come against the spirit of just enough not enough I come against all those spirits that have set limitations that I set restrictions on their spirit in the realm of the Spirit I now found the board come after Satan and his evil vote that he has stolen the blessings and discus the financial blessings of your people and I command him according to the Word of God and I always use proverbs chapter 6 verses 31 which says of the thief be found that boy we did we discovered him today and now the uncie's that devil that thief today and command him to return 7 for of everything that he has stolen from us and kept in his evil Treasury I commanded to be released in the realm of the Spirit and we stand an expectation in the realm of the physical for those things that were once lost and now come back to us in the name of Jesus Christ I break that spirit of stin genus I break that spread of meanness I break that spirit of fear and rejection that came along with the chief strong man of the spirit of poverty I bring confusion to these spirits and I pray that they would turn among themselves and hear a decayed and to be evicted out of the lights of these people in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I plead the blood of Jesus over the mindsets over these people to break that mentality of poverty to break the verbal education of poverty from their mouth your word declares that death and life is in the power of the tongue from this day forward there will be no more I'm only working the tables no more of a put one step further only could have to take two about get that garbage out of the hair father will rebuild that evil and step father God let them all and let us all become an agreement with the blessings that you've assigned to us and now father God as of this day because of this teaching because of this prayer let those blessings be retroactive in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth let those things that we should have had now come forth to even enjoy and Camilla but those things out now for the present we speak it we decree we declare it and we ask these things in Jesus name Amen and amen of these teachings have been a blessing to you please leave a lot of my facebook wall leave a note in this particular teaching so that others please forward forward share this let other people see especially those who you know are going through financial difficulty tell them this is the solution you know this is what you need all right and God will make the way for them and you if you decide to do the way of the Lord you have a blessed rest of the day and blessed week and I prayed and call an advance you can approach you slingshot you as to where you should have been at this point in your life in the mighty name of Jesus amen and amen [Music]
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 451,782
Rating: 4.8274193 out of 5
Keywords: Poverty, Dreams, Evil spirits, Bad dreams, Evil dreams, Ewing, Kevin L A Ewing, Minister Kevin L A Ewing, family living in poverty, poor, hardship, financial education, financial literacy, financial freedom, financial, spirit of poverty, stagnation, financial difficulties, spiritual world, spiritual warfare, the unseen world, hard times, bible study, bible study lessons, bible study live, holy bible, word of god, kevin ewing, kevin l a ewing, kevin l a ewing ministries, spirits
Id: wfxYneRNqvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 1sec (5701 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 27 2016
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