Teach Me How To Pray

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just waiting for us to load up here and once we load up then I would take it from there good morning my youtubers good morning my Facebook family and friends there's a pleasure once again to be here with you first of all I'm gonna apologize for last night last that I was supposed to do this teaching and 5 or 10 minutes within the teaching everything went like the the electricity went out we had some thunderstorms and lightning last night and I think we had an island-wide shutdown with the power so as a result of that you didn't get my video but you know what it was a blessing and the reason why was a blessing was because it happened initially when I started teaching because I would have really been upset had I been like well good 20 30 40 minutes in and and the power you know so it was out just about all night I think it came back on like about two three o'clock this morning so I guess it was a blessing so everything is fine now so I want to jump right in it to it this morning I've never done no morning teaching believe it or not I don't think so and my topic is teach me how to pray teach me how to pray and this teaching came as a result as usual where I have an influx of one set of particular emails and most folks were saying to me brother Kevin I like the Perez that you give at the end of your teachings I would really like for you to do a teaching or not to teach me how to pray I've had people when I would say people had a person that written to me who was say for thirteen ten or fifteen years she said and she when she prays she's normally just you know feeling for words or whatever the case may be so nevertheless I'm gonna address that now let me tell you about me first I my prayers are very strong and that came as a result of a lot of pain in my life earlier and I know most of you would would agree with me because it's amazing how creative you become when you suffered a lot of pain and disadvantage and unfairness you could become extremely creative and most of the prayers that I prayed they were birth out of pain now initially I was praying that pain Oh Lord take it from me Nord get the Moose coming after me and all his other stuff until the Lord showed me in a revelation how to put more of his word in my prayer as opposed to my word and the reason for that was that a he already knows why I'm coming to him and B he's gonna respond to his word as opposed to my word so it was a matter of me correlating what I was going through during those times with specific scriptures that were relative and relevant to what I was praying for all right so this morning I want to touch on three key points and just basic prayer just simple prayer not people not a pray a lot of people about half a minute into a pretty it lost for words they don't know what to pray so what I'm gonna teach you this morning is three points the first one is the purpose of Prayer what is it that you're really doing what is it that you're really engaging secondly we're gonna deal with the rules of Prayer yes they are rules as it relates to prayer and thirdly we're gonna deal with the contents and the context or a body of the prayers that we are show up to God all right so firstly the purpose of prayer now I know if I would ask you that right now most people have different purposes for prayed they would say they're praying for whom finances and so on well that's not what I'm talking about initially the purpose of prayer is to invite God to intervene into your affairs I mean that's basically what you're doing at some point you realize that you have would have exhausted your human strength your human powers your human connections and therefore you decided to allow God the spirit to do supernaturally for you which you could not do for yourself had you been able to do for yourself there and clearly you would not have need God at all so the purpose of prayer is saying to ourselves I need help but I'm not seeking mere mortals help because that's limited which would would have been the reason why you're seeking a higher power or a spiritual help I need help and I need God to assist me in this situation that I'm going through so initially when we pray we're asking God we're saying to ourselves we're humbling in our ourselves and no matter what it is what he is about a marriage where it's about finances where it's about a job it doesn't matter you're saying God I need you in my life right now to take down this petition in my life that I cannot do by myself or with the aid of other male models other human beings that's very important so whenever we decide to get on our knees whenever we decide to seek God sorry seek prayer we're dealing with an invisible entity and this is key and I would believe that the mere fact that you actually getting all the way down on your knees and seeking God that you must believe that there is a God I mean you would be kind of crazy to go on your knees and don't believe that you're actually praying to a spiritual being right so definitely we're praying to God when we seek Him now when we're praying to God our approach is very very important and I said this and many of my teachings before even though I was in teaching about praying but I remember recent teaching that I did many of you would remember that call sending prayers but the sender's are demonic witchcraft press you should never be doing that and I'm picking that particular teaching because again you know analytically looking at your attitude towards prayer because someone did something to you and you weren't able to get an advantage on them humanly so you're trying to contract God to do your dirty work for you so basically you're saying God I mean I know you exist and I really hate Kevin I second him like jealous am so I need you to put a hit on him for me so clearly God would never respond to a prayer like that but of course when I did that teaching I got a lot of hate mail for it but if they only proved my point that their approach they'd they were filled with hate bitterness and unforgiveness and you're already starting off wrong so whoever God you praying to I can assure you it's not the God of Abraham it's not the god of Isaac so we must deal with our hearts first look at our motives are you coming approaching the throne of God on the basis of of unforgiveness on the basis of hate and the basis of bitterness and resentment and being vengeful because all of these things that I'm listening off will disqualify you getting an audience with God it's not gonna happen and we're gonna look at those points today so we have to deal with as many of you many of you got up this morning you did your morning prayers but there are some people in your life that you are unhappy with and they're things that they did where it was recently or years ago and you know good and well that you have yet to address that because the mere mention of their name or the thought of that person's name brings automatic resentment to you so clearly you have a heart condition spiritual hardness and if you're planning on going to God for prayers or whatever you're praying for I can assure you I can assure you right now that's you're praying and there and he's really not he is not hearing that and I again I will show you the scripture says it's not my opinion God is not hearing your prayer so it's vital that if you're gonna take him you're gonna make the time to pray no matter how you do it you have to deal with you before you come to God about that job situation that promotion your health your finances or whatever it is imperative that you do a a a heart check check your heart to make sure that is cleared up because one of the scriptures says and and I scored this all the time proverbs the Proverbs psalm 66 and 18 and it says if we regard iniquity in our heart have we retained that in our heart it says God will not hear us so as you can see this is not my opinion yeah I know you feel a certain way yeah I know you're being taken advantage of but if you're not dealing with yaja see it doesn't matter which you're approaching the throne of grace for have you met the the protocols prior to coming there and the scripture I just gave you in psalm 66 and 18 is one of them another one is Isaiah 59 verses 1 to 2 and it says that I'm gonna power for he said it says God is not deaf that he cannot hear us neither is his arms short that he cannot reach us but it goes on to say in Part B it says but but your iniquity has separated you from or divided you or put a space between you and your God and your sin has caused him to literally turn his face from you so let's see if you meet the criteria but a criterium an approaching god to hear you let me see let's take it off now i got it in for my brother he did something to me at least 14 million years ago and i refuse to let that go i'm jealous of my coworker so these are since these are since that you're retaining and he says of this simmons in your heart he he would so he's telling you can make sure you check these things off before you come to me okay because first of all i knew the trouble with you and now i knew you were gonna have this before the day you were born so that part of it is straight as far as I'm concerned I'm gonna deal with that but I need you to follow the protocol to get the God kind of results that you're seeking alright now if you want hillman results then go to the witch doctor okay so so he says in isaiah 59 verse 1 and 2 he says he says it's not clogged they're not jammed I can he can hear quite well from heaven his hands are not short he's not a [ __ ] he can reach he could send the angels to reach you but he says to you what's causing him not to pay any attention to you and that is your sin that is your iniquity alright you will not prosper in your prayer if you have sin in your life then when I say sin active sin proverbs 28 and 13 says that he that hides his sin shall not prosper so your ability to prosper in that which you're asking God to assist you in prospering in that cannot happen because you failed with that checkpoint me also so your your and people do this all the time you know they they actively fornicating they actively committing adultery there are compulsive liars but yet they go before the throne because they don't know these these rules here and they go dear crying out to God with the you know crackling voice and god mmm snoring up themselves as if your emotions it's gonna say to God let me god is gonna say let me circumvent my rules because you you snoring up a lot you know a lot here and there's a lot of Tears here so I guess I could bend the rule for you that's not so our approach is predicated on where are we meeting we're meeting the qualifiers for God to actually entertain us so that mean not because you just come and bend down and get on your knees that he's gonna automatically be attentive to you or you're gonna draw an audience with him what's going to do that is if you're following the rules that will cause him to give air to what you're saying right so let's go into now some of the rules for Parral all right and the first one that we need to deal with which is what I just just talked about and I want us to turn there and that is Matthew sorry mark 11 mark 11 and 25 mark 11 and 25 or listen here to what this is all right I'm not gonna rush today I really really want you to get this because I really want you two to get an understanding so when you leave from here you present gonna be very simple you don't have to have no long prayers you don't have to be screaming enough to get loud you don't have to go into shot at a time and risotto Toshi TTT you don't have to do none of that all you have to do is follow the rules follow the basic simple rules and you have an audience with God and he has to make himself available to you because you would have followed the protocols and the requirements that he acts all right so mark 11 and 25 Jesus speaking he says and when you stand praying whenever you pray listen the initial things you must do he said when you stand praying forgive no no God I come to you for a chi the sky need bad night the kitchen right well I got my Kobalt is them succinate in every time I asked them if they could give me a lift home or whatever okay did it work what cars would me asking you for car got to do with me forgiving somebody starting your business this is his rules his rules aren't up for debate so he says I'm when you stand praying forgive now why what if I don't forgive them but I still want the car from you well let's see what else it says the rule says and when you stand praying forgive if you have aught against anyone that's your father also who's your father again God the one who you're coming to the mcdu the the prayer requests to that your father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses hmm that's interesting see this is interesting because there's a word in this particular scripture that changes everything and that word is if yeah he says if you have aught against anyone not only you could you could fool me you could say well Kevin well I don't hate them I just the mere fact that you could explain this to me you hate them the mere fact that you just cannot you have to bring this up like to say well I don't I don't know if God meaning no no no you know just what God made and this is the reason why you're trying to justify your anger your bitterness your resentment your hate are you trying to put some kind of pretty sugarcoat it or whatever but haters hate unforgiveness unforgiveness we don't need to do a class to figure this out you know exactly talking book alright so he says and when you stand praying forgive that's that's that's the first thing he says if you have ought if you have any issue for anybody and and not meaning that something went down no if the issues manufactured unforgiveness I want to be clear that don't mean if you and your coworker a little raw yesterday know what he's saying is if that Rao yesterday built resentment and hate towards you this is okay let forgive them because your forgiveness will become the requirement for me forgiving you hence I will not forgive you if you don't forgive them remember now you're coming to God for whatever this you want you come do you want your children college fees paid you want to send them to college you want a better job you want a husband or wife okay really like your laundry lists or your grocery lists re from here and I kingdom come but let's follow the rules though because now many of you gonna see why others prayers are being answered and not yours so says for say if you have aught against any that your father also which is in heaven may forgive you so God God will not forgive you if you have not forgive others that's that's pretty much clear to me now let's look at another scripture look six and twenty eight Luke section twenty this one is interesting remember we're still dealing with prayer you know Luke six and twenty eight right listen what it says here he says here now after we forgive those people who have ordinate he says here now bless them that curse you reading this right let me say goes upside down it I must bless those who praise me okay bless those that curse you and pray for them pray for them that despitefully use you that's interesting that's interesting yes why it's interesting cuz he's saying before you come to me what would you want deal with you this is the key I heard you and church screaming and rattling off in tongues I heard you up on the pulpit when they called you to pray for the congregation the pastor you are good with those lengthy beautiful Perez but I hope you did all of the protocols prior to those prayers because if you didn't you were praying to the congregation and not to God Almighty he said now that you forgive not not that and so much what he saying is this okay you you said you forgive them right now prove it let me see let me hear you pray for them now let me hear you bless them because that will become the empirical evidence that your statement in that you forgave them this will not become the evidence and if you're unable to say Lord bless Johnny who robbed me on my job bless Monica who undermine me and cost me got demoted if you're not capable of doing that then you did not forgive them you did not forgive them so I'm here story so why were here and I'm a human being but God so let's be really a now cuz remember now will be yes I know we we're praying to God but we have to look deeper than us we have to deal with us because God made a requirement initially he said forgive these people if you have or against them anything was going on forgive them so that I may forgive you now to prove to me you did that to prove to me to prove to yourself really because I know better not you do it to prove to you that you did that now let me hear your bless them in this prayer let me see you let me let me see what the real deal is let me hear you pray for them let me hear you say bless their children advance them Lord caused them to get promoted father I pray for their soul SLV seekers God says you must meet these requirements before you come to me but you want this husband before you come to me to bring you a perfect meet before you come to me but you want to supervise the position and all this stuff you want do your part and I can surely I scored do mine so he says same verse to me bless those that curse you and pray for them which despitefully use you a correlating scripture would be Matthew 5 and 44 which says basically the same thing now let's look at and these are all rules I'm giving you the rules to prayer let's look at Matthew 6 and verse 5 Matthew 6 and this is an interesting when I love this one Matthew 6 and verse 5 and that's what it says this is a rule so far giving you rules I'm giving you rules to Poirot when by starting off my first point was what is the purpose of your prayer the purpose of your prayer is you're inviting a spiritual being which is God because in this case it's God because you know people pray today at different altars people are pretty Satan and Buddha and Moloch and all of these vicars and so on so in all cases in all cases the general rule when it's on the sorcery side order other believers of Jesus Christ side we are now inviting God or we inviting a spirit to intervene into our fears we're seeking help because we've exhausted all of our resources and now we're asking deities to assist us so here in verse 5 of Matthew 6 it says and when thou pray us whenever you pray this is what he says thou shalt not be as the hypocrites who's a hypocrite but who says something into the next thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the street they gotta be seen that day may be seen of men verily I say unto you they have their reward for six but when you pray now these are Jesus's words so therefore these are his protocols that he left and when we approach the throne of grace he say don't be like them O'Dell okay they people true when I came and watch me Oh Chantal o or po po po po po po Dean start doing a bunch of foolishness he's it'll be like them no don't misinterpret him say I'm not saying you can't spray in tongues I'm not saying as people love to change the narrative so I have to be glib what he's saying here is prayer is an intimate thing he's about to explain that in verse six of Matthew 6 verse success but thou when thou praise enter into thy closet and when thou has shut the door pray to thy father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly I love the scripture I love that I have lived that I'm seeing that scripture manifested my life on it on a daily basis what are you saying here is listen you coming to me what have you coming to me with it's a personal matter it's a private matter hence it ought to be dealt with as such but that'll mean you shouldn't pray publicly for people that don't mean none of that we saw with you now they say when you come you say pray pray and pray in secret now I'll tell you something about me people will look at me and say oh I know Kevin this pray everyday I don't I'd be a lie if I told you that I don't I don't in fact some mornings I get about on parade I don't hear hear hear is how I I pray I could be and when I say I get up in the morning know pray doesn't mean I don't have a conversation with God I just don't get on my knee and do on the personal and other stuff that you know most people do I would probably when I'm in the shower I talk with god I'm in my car but they're the most frequent things that I do I could be I like the beach I like to go on the beach said Mike I like to hear the ocean waves I love stuff like that I love to read I love to watch nice movies every now and again there could be a time I could be deep into a movie and I would have this function to play I would pause the movie and go into prayer and I'm talking intense immense prayer come we don't know where so for me prayer is like when the Holy Spirit descend upon me and for the most part I have the present for me it's like someone will come to my mind someone who asked me to pray for him it's like the Holy Spirit come to it right now come signature on their behalf right now and I will just go into it I there times and I was deep into reading a book I mean really into it and there's a passage of that book that I came upon and it brought some memory of something in my mind in fact I'll give you an example I was reading a book one time and I think the book was about a testimony or somebody and they were talking about how God delivered them actually the things that they were going through in life that they thought God was in hearing them and when God delivered them how happy they were and it reminded me of a situation and I kind of brought tears to my because I could relate to the story and I put that book down and just went into prayer but the prayer was solely about thanking God like at that moment I began to think about where I was not that it hasn't happened before but and where he has brought me right now like like no human did that no education did that for me no millionaire like everything that happened happened supernaturally so at that moment you just go god I just thank you money and again that's nothing with me when I pray it's almost as if I'm talking to d3 or talking and someone I'm very familiar and again I'm not saying that you shouldn't come oh holy grace Odawa I have a relationship with my god way I sometimes they say man like a you you you just carry it all back because that's the kind of relationship that I have so what I'll go on to Prentiss and I just thank you I thank you I thank you for I remember the days that I thought I would have never sent my son to college I remember the days I used to be worried and if I could make ends meet I remember days when I wondered if how am I gonna drive this car from home dropped my kids to school go to work and come back and not cut off in the road because I have no money I love that problem now and I just went into prayer so that's what I'm saying that there are moments there moments where you just you don't have to follow the routine of okay this morning let me go pray oh it's night let me go pray there are moments where I just I could be driving in my car go into somewhere whatever and I just begin to think about the goodness of God what he has done for me and so on I just begin the very father I thank you there are times I think I said this to you before there are times and I'm only telling you this to show you that for yours those of you who have a routine sometimes it's good to break up the routine there are times when I would go to a store hardware store clothing store but did you know I were away and we're in line reading and there are some people in there and I would just begin to pray father I pray that everyone in this department store none of them none of them will leave this earth unless they would have accepted you as Lord and Savior I cover this cash here she may not know me she may have no idea she don't have any item purring for right now I prefer if she have children I pray for children if she if she's my read and I pray that you'd bless that Union I pray that they will become a beacon of light to the future generation spreading your gospel say you've got to do these things because someone prayed for you and you may never know you may never meet that person you may never ever none of that so the idea here is to to kind of step back from the routine you don't have to be in a formal setting or it don't have to be prayer time to pre you could pray anytime anytime you could pray so that's how I do it I mean for example I got up this morning yes when I get up in the morning thank you Lord for making me up thank you for family yes but did I get on my knees and pray tree for hours no I didn't know now sometimes show the day I'll probably go into a nice prayer yeah probably after I finish up or John seebik and for me that don't make me better than you to make you better than me all right that's just where I am at with God and I'm sure you probably you know have your own thing going so this is not to to cast no kind of shade or nothing on you so we said in here pray in secret prayer in secret you know and it says that listen the reward of this this protocol and he says would God a seeing you do in secret he said excuse me he will reward you openly so in so much would expect a reward yeah and that's why I love rules everything is governed by rules see rules places in you something to look forward to this is the expectation in other words it's God saying this is how you measure me Kevin remember the promise I gave you now if you did it right expect this reward and I've seen that happen right okay so let's go to Matthew 6 again see Matthew let's look at verse 7 it's gonna give us some more I point it's on track and I love this one cuz we all did this I used to master this in my earlier Christian walk right and verse 7 of Matthew 6 it says but when we pray but when you pray use not vain repetitions as the heathen do for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking that's why I love about it sometimes you know people would say boy Kevin man I wish I could've really you know wish to pray like me have a developer relationship but you see when you have a relationship with someone you don't have to force a conversation you never realize that if you want to go I remember when I work out my job and I had to I had to travel because I had to travel quite a bit as a call executive and a part of my job was going to different customers in that particular country and you know you meet them for the first time so you gotta you gotta keep the ball bouncing in there with the conversation because you don't know them now if I met my leg of my best friend Clifford Clifford kme right now we talked for hours literally I mean you got to make up nothing we just talk and talk and talk and talk that is as a result of relationship so what I'm saying to you is don't mind the sister brother next to you who have these lengthy prayers and that's not to say that they're not genuine for us what I'm saying to you you develop a relationship with your god you know how I feel right now I I just don't feel like great and I've had guys like this I am broken I am hurt I am disappointed and I don't know what to say to you I don't know what to say to you the only I can say right now Lord is that you just give me give me a piece give me that piece that passes on I'm just give me something to just take this repetitive torps see that's having a relationship how many of you how many of you how many of you who had relationships in the past and the die left you or the lady left view and then with somebody you got more money than you not better knew at a higher class in life than you you broken you broke you were totally broken you your heart and everything just break down on you now you don't go before what would a broken heart like that and say Oh Heavenly Father the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob chuhwa elohim el shaddai jouvert mecca - it could know I come before you you've got time for that you you you you are torn you are broken so I'm telling you that because J sana you would go to your friend or your mother whoever your close partners or whatever I just thought you would express yourself to them that's how God want you to express yourself to him remove all of the whatever move the clutter gonna god I feel bad right now and I really need you to to fix me yeah I need to be fixed right now fix me so I could I could do what I need to be doing on a regular basis all right so we saying you don't don't be like these tools don't be but these long-pressing the same thing over over Oh Lord bless Kevin Lord Jesus hallelujah bless him Lord or God or Lord bless him not editor ah Jesus she says turn it around from not turn around turn it around Jesus oh I feel it in a spirit turn it turn it turn it King keeps kicking back limb but just wait there turn it Lord Jesus turn admire Jesus Oh hallelujah or Kevin God is gonna bless you I hear God say God say he sent terror out for you oh he's gonna turn around oh so they just spend the last 45 minutes prayed for you say turn it around you don't have no relationship with your God if you had a relationship with your god those words will just flow from you you it cuz it's a hard thing now things will just flow father God meet Kevin at his need right now bless him your blessing father god but give him a new mind fill him with your spirit of wisdom and knowledge and understanding cause him to be elevated advanced him in life bring him the way he should have been at this point in his life Lord bless his children breslin's wife bless his ministry Lord father caused him to walk with dignity and decorum give him a spirit of humility see when you have a relationship with God you flow you flow when you don't have a relationship with God you're loud and you're repetitive and right after that every two words the Holy Spirit I've met people that everything they said Holy Spirit holy spreading that chance to talk to me because he always talking about trial the Holy Spirit 10 minutes last night I told you today that you've never really seen him many angry so he says here in verse 7 but when you pray use not vain repetitions as the heathen do for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking they think that they should be heard God no they're empty vessels just down there barking his pain absolutely no attention to them Luke chapter 18 verse 1 no mames finish Luke 18 verse 1 it says men are to always pray men are to always pray we are always and what that mean is exactly what I told you just now always pray don't mean that you just pray in the morning and pray at night before you go to bed okay you you should get in the habit in the habit in fact there's the scripture I cannot remember it where we are commanded by Jesus Christ himself he say pray for the laborious to come and get the harvest so we should be praying and father I pray that more laborers will come on board more ministers more true men and women of God - to win the source for your kingdom that's what we should be praying because if we were to analytically go through most people press most of their prayers are about them and their families very if I've had to put a percentage on it I'd say about 0.1% is towards anybody else unless it's about trying to get that poison to turn to give them favor in something but I think what I kind of I passed that stage where to me praying for strangers I pray for strangers just as frequent as I pray for my family members and myself that wasn't always the case that wasn't always the case that was something that I literally had to condition myself in doing so yeah when a guy overtake you and cut you off in the road and rather than pop in those choice words father I bless him I pray for his salvation I pray for salvation I pray that you remove the spirit of anger and impatience Lord see because when you understand the power of prayer do you know many people in on this planet walking they don't know God and that's bad but what's even worse than that no one is praying for them to know God or even to be protected somebody and I think about the young people especially young men being gunned down and so on you know if someone was praying for them some grandparents some mother someone someone who would probably that prop that person who probably died yesterday or day before someone who you know died and you could say I was just in the food store they were right in front of me last week cashing their stuff my lord I never knew that's a day they would have been burying them yeah did you take the opportunity to pray for them during that time did you say Lord I don't know this man in front of me I don't notice I'm not even know these children I don't know what generational crisis on their life they probably even know but a lot of it's their break it down an image Jesus I don't know them a lot but I interceding for them right now whatever they are going through right now God take it from them whatever has been levied on their lives that's what relates the ancestral sense and they know nothing but I do I do we quit me with this knowledge father under the authority of Jesus Christ by the blood of Jesus scrub them of these negative things that will affect them in the future now here it is they have no idea no idea that your prayer they never they don't know you they don't know you prayed for them but what should have happened to them in the future truth ancestral crisis level on their life did not happen anymore why because when the unction of the Holy Spirit moved on you to pray even though it might have seemed silly I don't know them you don't need to know that this one scripture that says you need to know people you pray for them right and you begin to pray for them right there and then let me tell you something you weekly if the believers would be more proactive with their prayers they we would see more positive results in the world but unfortunately something has to happen like a covert 19 or whatever 10 we want to go to pray and warfare warfare was happening to me before this in the spiritual realm would we seen as the result of that so that's why we need to be prayer now father whatever else is on the horizon such as covered 19 becoming against it even now in the name of Jesus see this is how we have to pray so our prayers our prayers should not just be centered around us okay we it is mandatory that we pray father's it's mandatory in fact the scripture was scriptures that now 122 verse 6 I think it is and the scripture said that we if we want a blessing we must pray for Israel yeah can you imagine that can you imagine pray you for me like me I'm from the Bombers you're from in the trinidad-tobago and you're praying you praying for your mummy and daddy everybody pray on your job you pray for your code word you see pray for strangers oh by the way Lord I pray for Israel the scripture tells you to do it Psalms 120 Psalms 122 verse 6 we read it and I if I'm not mistaken I think it says that she would be blessed if you were to do that so there are a lot of things in the scriptures that we are not familiar with where we are commanded to do but they've been not aware of it so Luke 18 in verse 1 says very clearly that we are to always pray all right now I want us to look at mark 11 mark 11 I believe is verse 24 very powerful so right now I'm giving you the rules and once I'm finished with these rules then we're gonna go into how to contextualize your pearl not known avoid me but that's already mark 11 verse 24 says therefore I say unto you Jesus speaking again he's given you a rule he's giving you a principle therefore I said to you what thing soever whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe that you have received them and you shall have them powerful boy oh yeah that's powerful I remember when I 2011 when the position on my job at opened and I knew I was gonna get it it was asking for a lot of stuff I did now but I wasn't into them because I knew what I was praying for and I remember the scripture quite well I said no I said what I need this I need the money I need a change I need I need this after I would have pray all my scriptures in the body of my pray end and I say your word declares that whatsoever things we desire when we pray and I this is exactly right and I said I believe this day I said this job this promotion is my promotion I don't care nobody's gonna get us this is my time and I say your words say whatsoever things we desire when we pray we must believe that we have received and we shall have it I believe I have it I believe that you cannot lie you can't so I got it but I got it as a result and you know something let me tell you something this is so powerful because when I go back in my life I remember when I was in grade seven I'll never forget this I had just started high school junior high and I lived with my my aunt in another part of the island anyway there was this this December of that same year we were at this local hardware store and every year they raffle this like 14-foot stocking with candies and toys and so on in it right so my aunt when she would have purchased her stuff cause it was her I lived with it was myself husband and our two children so they would give you these little tickets and you would write your name on it so she had three so she would one for me one for a daughter one for a son and man I wanted this basket but I wouldn't slogs talking anyway I remember we got back home because I came from a praying bag when I told you my grandmama grandmother was a prayer and man I went home when I price it Lord Jesus let me win this thing please Lord please please and I believe I was going to get it now at that point in my life I never knew nothing about speaking it into existence such a description that says cause those things have been on Estonia death and life is in the power of the tongue but I realized I'm gonna give you another example there things I spoke and believed and I used to say it I used to say to my cousin's I am going to win that that is going to be mine of course they laughed at my head no good right anyway I remember January the first week in January we just come home and the neighbor because we didn't have a phone the neighbor had a phone was related to us she said she saw she says Kevin GP millwork said give them a call Jimmy millwork I in grade seven right what are you calling me for the only make economy for us their main one that's talking there's no other business meeting their mouth so of course I must fall down running over by harm to use the phone they call the number and a left there and believe it or not when I call that they said this is mister you and I say yes ma'am this is me she said you are the winner of the stalking yes I'm not shocked at all I didn't tell her that but I was totally convinced I was gonna get it in grade 12 actually in grade 11 because I taught I stayed with my aunt and another part of dial and then on the weekend I would come uptown to spend time with my mother so what my dad used to bring us up there was a car [Music] dealership car sales ship dealership whatever and every time I passed it he had these are little Fiat spiders nice cars with a convertible and every time I pass I never told my cousin's to Sony when I used to point and I said when I leave school the first car that I'm going to own I'm gonna want a Fiat spider I used to sit all the time I used to sit all the time I don't recall praying free rides to say it all the time well guess what my first vehicle was when I came on I school a Fiat spider and I could I could I could go back on many examples of this but again back then what I'm pointing out to you is that I never correlated it but anything spiritual I never did I just figured I believe it and I spoke it and it happened but when I look back on my life there's so many instances not just a my life my kid's life my family life they believe it billon just what God saying that's nice says whatever you praying for whatever you desire don't just pray vain stuff tronador do you think and I may answer it if you follow the protocol if you've done what you're supposed to do have you forgiven others and the proof of you forgiving others you're praying for them even though they're using you you're blessing them even though they're cursing you he says if you follow the protocol then whatever you desire when you pray believe it and you shall have it now the challenging part about that is that he don't give us a date I want a car you can at least give me a date but nevertheless that is that as a done deal it belong to you alright so these are the rules what we these are basic rules and I pray that you would go over them go over these rules because we're about to get into now is the body of our prayer what do we see you know yes you want to be pregnant and you having difficulty as a married woman to get pregnant for your husband yes you have a problem with the sickness or you is diagnosed yes you haven't financial difficulties okay how do we body this how do we put this into context what are the contents of our prayer when we predict or do we just arbitrarily pray do we say Lord oh god I want a car in the name of Jesus and just go do we no no I want to show you some stuff here I give it a set of scriptures here because what I'm about to show you it I want you to write these scriptures down also because you're going to see how you should contextualize your prayer if you praying for promotion of your praying for wisdom then the key components in your prep the body of your prayer you're ready for this you ready for this must be saturated with the Word of God you see me do it all the time now let me point to you the scriptures why I'm saying this okay okay let's go to Psalms 138 verse two Psalms 1 38 and verse 2 why is it important to put God's Word in the body of my prayer I know the rules I've met the rules number 1 I know that the mere fact that I'm praying is that I'm inviting spiritual help because I have failed or or utilized all of my resources that cannot help me so I need spiritual up ok I got that down I know I'm coming to God I got that secondly I need to know the rules I must not have repetitious prayer I must forgive other people I must pray and bless those that curse me I must not go loudly and pray no I pray for a card start speaking in tongues out in public do nonsense no I must do it secretly this is an intimate moment between me and my god so and he says what I do intimately with him the proof of what I have to prove that he heard me he's gonna reward me openly so I followed those rules alright now we want to put everything into context now so in Psalms 120 130 verse 2 it says here I will worship towards the holy temple and praise thy name for their loving-kindness and for thy truth for thou does the part I wanted to get to for thou has magnified thy word above all thy name to magnify means to make something bigger than what it is to embellish to to make it large in the knife so God is saying here because this he's saying how important his word is now he says I've made my word greater bigger than my name and and the scripture said I'm gonna give you are all gonna be relative to what I'm saying right now because I'm trying to show you if he regard his word are so important then you should do it should be important to you too and you're gonna see not only a prayers gonna be answered in a more timely manner but this is where the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man comes in it not because he's righteous is what he's saying as a righteous man and what he's saying is the Word of God you see me do it all the time when I am praying I am just saturating and there many of you who have had one-on-ones with and I prayed for you at the end of our conversation and listen I would just littered that prayer with the Word of God why because this is the key component in pearl after following all of the protocols to pearl so he says I've magnified my word above my name let's look at Matthew 24 the stuff of Matthew 24 Matthew 24 and verse 35 listen what it says he says this is Jesus speaking he says heaven and earth shall pass away there will be no more but but but my word shall not pass away I mean after all of the smoke and dust and buildings and everything and get crushed up beat up and you don't kick that aside his word still can be here so this is another scripture that is showing us the importance of the Word of God so if there is that important I would stand to reason I mean I don't have to be a genius here that would be wise on my end to incorporated in my prayer and I'm gonna show how to do that after we do this let's go to Isaiah 55 verse 11 Isaiah 55 and we're gonna look at verse 11 I like this he says well actually start from verse 10 I start from first 10 Isaiah 55 we're gonna read from verse 10 to verse 11 he says for me for us to rain coming down as rain coming down and the snow from heaven and return it not there again but it what is the earth and make it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sower and bread to eat oh okay we got that the listener verse 11 he's now giving a comparison so shall my word be that God fought out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void or it will not and what do you thing is I cannot speak something Kevin and it comes back on accomplished this is powerful because what he's saying here if you incorporate my word in your prayer your word Kevin may come back on accomplished but I telling you now you see what you reading right if you follow the protocols and you're incorporating my word he said yeah everything else in that prayer may not be fulfilled but whatever my word says must be fulfilled so I kind of jump ahead of myself so this is why as I was about to say to you later you have to when you pray especially on things that are so pertinent to you find the relative scriptures to go along with what you're praying for and I kind of jump in here myself but I can I clean up in a little bit so he says in verse 11 so shall my word be that good for out of my mouth it shall return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which I am pleased and it shall prosper it shall be successful in the thing where unto it was sent it got to that times I remember man years ago yes ago man I was going through hell man I couldn't even turn straight I said Lord just give me give me that peace right now right now not that peace I need peace in my mind right now that peace that passes all understanding you said in your word Lord in Isaiah 26 and 3 you said if if my my you said you'll keep me in perfect peace complete it don't get better than this but the catches I must consistently keep my mind on you Lord helped me to keep my mind on you right now it's difficult because there's so much going on there's so much people calling me to Peter so I owe them this or or some problem on the job or some family member but God right now I feel like I'm being stretched and I don't know what to do so so saturate my spirit with your peace but I know in order to do that I need to keep my mind on you so God helped me help me and think about the things that you've done for me give me the scriptures that I need to keep steadfast so that now the result of that you will now descend upon me the peace that I need at this very moment and according to his word if you did it that way then it have to happen because his word cannot return on the avoid I love this oh I love this here yeah it ain't nothing like when you live this stuff see it's different see their preachers then their preachers what I mean by that is their doors who live what they're telling you and they they excited about it they are passionate because they've seen it happen for them and they're they're anxious in and so eager to see other people participate in the same rules because they know if they follow those rules is gonna happen for them and [ __ ] they're sitting back waiting to hear your testimony cuz they did they know it half tablet alright so let's go to proverbs 30 verse 5 proverbs chapter 30 and let's look at verse 5 what does it say it says every word of God is pure now ain't it awesome that's awesome me because if I'm pray and for the most part of you praying those prayers were you hurt well father greed now if I don't know to do right now okay you don't know to do it what previous word because unlike your word that is full of regret and pain his word is pure so it says every word of God is pure and that he is a shield to those that put their trust in him but it was in his word so the scripture saying to me listen the minute you commit to my word in your prayer I'm putting this extra layer of defense around you I already helped you if you put on Oh Lamb of God you got that I already sent me an in the angelic hosts to keep get give c'mon overview you already got the blood of Jesus covering you job 1 in 10 you got the hedge of protection he says now if you commit my word which is pure he says every word of God is pure and he is a shield now this is another layer of protection he is a shield unto those that put their trust in him or his word same thing interchangeable because he is his word according to John 1 verses 1 to 2 so God is showing you here it is all about my word that's why I got Kevin always teaching you all my word that's why I have Kevin all this litter in your bird scriptures either when he teaching it when he prayin it when he constantly he's always giving you the word not to impress you because Kevin came to the realization that everything hinges on the Word of God okay taking it you are on your speech I don't care how brilliant you are with your education and care educated you are I don't care much degrees I don't care what you call yourself if you if you are not using the Word of God and you got this intellectual press and I think I hear you but I can assure you he'll be quicker to hear you if you are pouring his word here so let's look at let's look at i sorry sums 119 verse 89 I like this one Psalms 119 verse 89 this is a very beautiful scripture and listen to what it says here it says for ever O Lord thy word but I will just circle of would favor this in a one-time thing forever O Lord thy word is settled in heaven just said I don't know if you guys are like me right I am a very visual person if you talking to me or if I'm reading something and I guess that helps me to understand it better I mean it's it's almost like when you're talking it's like you're painting to me in my mind you're drawing stuff because I see images when you speak so when I hear the word of God I hear his word is for ever settle in heaven you know what I see there I see a court case and the verdict has been read and this is the final part of the case meaning that had already been true appeals court and every other Court it's not about the Supreme Court Micah's go no further this is the end of it boom that's what I hear when I hear forever certainly never so God isn't trying to change his word for nobody but what he's saying to you know to give you confidence it's it's not listen here now do you see my word you see what it read right so if I say you can get this here's what I'm also telling you this haven't already ruled on this this is a done deal once you readin it from my work F this this is a done deal there is not the only thing you should be doing from this point forward is thanking me for my word praising me for my word or consistently coming in agreement with my word but you shouldn't be saying nothing contrary to what you asking for if you using my word to support it so the scripture says that this is what is forever settled is what is forever settled in heaven this is this listen there's nothing to be discuss here this is a done deal the final one is isaiah 43 and verse 26 my love this one I love this one because it it now brings together every scripture I just gave you he says in Isaiah 43 verse 26 he says to bring him in remembrance of his word or remind him of his word now does this mean that God absent minded he got Alzheimer's dementia no no no no he's trying to tell you exactly was telling you when alone he's more he's more eager to respond to his word as opposed to your grocery list of stuff you're asking him for Kevin I hear you you you want to better this you wanna bet Kevin I hear but but but but what are you standing on what what is my word say Boetticher give me at least one scripture can give me one scripture that my words say and I can help you idiom father went from a kids know and I I don't like how things going by them okay can't give me something proverbs 11 and 21 what does it say keV Doha and join in hand the wicked shall not go and punish but the seed of the righteous shall good okay good the seed right so Kevin are you do are you too righteous yes sir I am and you have kids right yes sir so they're your seed right uh-huh so what was my promise again I said no matter what going on my dojo and announced to do evil to them or whatever foolishness because of you Kevin because of you you being the righteous your children is guaranteed the reference but I need you to tell me that I need you to remind me of that that's why I said it in Isaiah 43 26 I ain't forget Kevin I showed you Kevin had to come before me if you want put the results not arresting in doing this and that's why they can always be complete and look like the sinner man always get better things and those who say when God yeah maybe cuz the cinema following some rules you waiting for hurt even though he safe so courts just remind me of my word and I intentionally left that scripture last because I wanted to give you all the other things it does where it says so we say now when you get before me and proud remind me of my what does mine I know you're hurt I know you're going through a tough time I know that doc treating you right on the job okay now what does my word say they don't you ban on the job right what is my words okay cause y'all would say in Proverbs are exactly that's what it says that it says that the very fear of the wicked shall come upon them but the desire of the righteous shall be granted Oh what so you Kevin you hear crying but this job business is what they do on the job and you see on these promises I got in this book the time you caught me talking fool to me but what they do in you Andy and I got all of these promise you could remind me of I will I will get my angels to wait for you but I didn't tell you the only they can respond to is the word my word so you need to give me my word not that I forget I didn't forget my when I wrote it I know what I talking about I need you to Emperor and to deploy your spiritual angelic hosts and the only way that's gonna happen Kevin is when you put the Word of God to them that's their marching orders so when you say to them the desire of the righteous shall be granted now that they know your desire and not as you back it with the word now they have date they don't come back and say well brother can you really sure you won't say that no no no no mr. Angel I wish yet director of that was your marching orders so you see these protocols now once we following and again once we know these basic principles you do it after a while you don't have to worry they become automatic for you they become automatically so when you go before God Father God and again any of you that I have prayed for one-on-one you know I always do this I start off by saying father I repent of any sin in my life any sin in Mary oh if I'm praying for life because you'll worry declares every regard iniquity in my heart you not hear us your word says that if we hide our sin will not cross however your word also says and first John 1 and 1 what a 9 sorry it says that if we confess our sins that you are faithful and just to forgive us of those sins and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness Oh father God right now whatever breaching of your rules your laws your principles that myself or even Mary in her family has done I am asking the Lord to forgive us of that right now I thank you Lord because you've said in your word also that when you forgive us you said that you take our sins and toss it into the sea of forgetfulness but that I am confident that you're not holding that sin against me now I'm not what that said then you go to your pearl but you got to claim your voice don't ever think because you are parcel or whatever you call yourself you above the rules nobody's above the rules we all sin we all do things that we don't supposed to do or say things mean supposed to say sometimes we send it or even realize it so to me for me to be clear because I know the protocols I need to be clear what I do is I begin to repair for me and whomever I'm praying for so I start off all of my prayers in repentance father whatever I've said if I if I if I did something that I'm not aware of i ignorant Lee did it I repent because I want nothing between you and I in terms of as a partition so we have to address we have to address us right now now let me show you how to pray using everything that we've said I remember I said when you're coming before to pray the purpose of your prayer isn't necessarily what you're coming in a very for the purpose of why you're instituting prayer this point in your life is because again you've exhausted all human resources so you need a spiritual being being God in our case to not intervene for you he's saying in his word I will do that in fact I want to do that but there are some protocols or some rules and laws and principles that you need to follow and the first one you must forgive the second one to prove that you have forgiven now you must pray for those whom you claim to forgive and now you must bless those who've been cursing you so bless those of Christ you pray for those who despitefully use you and say all manner of things because if you cannot do that well go go go wash the dishes go to work and do some knocks don't come before me because if you cannot follow this protocol I will not hear you and I gave you the scriptures earlier so you have to address that do not go there babbling the same thing over and over these long extended prayers - bottom line is stop trying to impress people he says that when you pray do it privately you could be raking your car you could be standing you could be in the bathroom you could be on the throne in the shower whatever and you just whisper a prayer read it but always always deal with your heart condition asking God to forgive you whatever excuse me sins would have done whatever the case may be whatever if you've harmed someone actually not if you want me to go and fix this or if I need to go and do it even though I didn't do anything I just don't I want to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit I do not want anything to hinder my prayers I don't need that so whatever I need to do to correct us to fix this then Lord let your Holy Spirit lead me naturally spirit guide me and even if I have to to apologize to someone away take the pride for me God I can be real but you I can't do it if you don't move this bright because if you don't want to spread angular now so I need you to assist me so again you you're asking what to come in there's parts of you as a believer that you're still working on read Pride or lion or whatever that don't make you not a question that means you have flaws that again you need spiritual intent or intervention hence why you're praying so you have to repent now let me tell you another reason why you need to repent before we be clear when a person okay prior to you repenting because in order to repent I mean you would have violated a rule a law principle I mean you do that that is the green light for Satan to invade your life but when you repent you bring an end to that order or whatever that the verdict was when you sin and say okay let's go now he lied or he fornicated whatever he didn't repent yet your let's get after him now but the minute you say Father forgive me I repent I sincerely ask your forgiveness right now the minute you do that the order have to stop to whatever is that they were trying to about to do or were doing so it is mandatory that repentance becomes priority as the initiator of your practices which you begin with you have to do it and again don't ask God to forgive you hello if he a forgiven the people who do you wrong he say while standing what he said what he said no he said why standing you must what forgive why so that your heavenly father could do who I didn't you not forgive you so that mean he and I forgive you let's be clear he will not have you've been walking around but here in your heart for years and you've been also praying for years and in those years you were saying God forgive me for lying forgiven [ __ ] he never forgave you according to that scripture he never threw it in the sea of forgetfulness according to that scripture because it's a catch he says while praying this is what you do first this is the blow of choice mentioned this is the first protocol you must forgive then he says so that I could forgive you so what do we do now that we follow all of that we want to pray like I said for peace you're praying for peace all right so you go to for those of you are not biblically inclined you may not know the Bible like myself and others but then there's a tool called Google so whatever you're going through they said is it emotional hurt is it whatever Google it Google hurt / Bible or scripture or I put King James Version k JV and click search and Google to bring you up some scriptures so what you do now is you go and you look at those scriptures to see it was relative to what you deal with and if it is you write it down and you read it on piece of paper and that's another thing you don't have to pray with your eyes closed there's no rule that says that you have to do it so you write it down and after you the follow the protocol and you pray and father God your word declares I am going through some tough times and I am depressed lord I feel hurt and your word declares in Isaiah 60 verse 3 I think it is it says that you give me I think the garment of praise to eradicate the spirit of heaviness which means depression so you find those scriptures and again what he say and Isaiah where was that again Isaiah 43 verse 26 he said now to bring me in remembrance of my word Kevin I know what you here for Kevin you don't think I already knew what was gonna happen to you I knew this Kevin for you not to know that their new challenge in my sovereignty so you start not from you you should already known God no God I know and it should be a friend of God I know I know why I know you know why I'm even coming here before I even utter what I have to say I know so I can I can do it the right way yes I'm heard or yes I need peace or whatever the case may be so god I'm giving you back your word and now you begin to pray the word father your word is clear and you say what the word is then you say Lord you said let every man be a liar but let you O God be true your word says father God you're working on return unto you void so these are the things you say they say God and I believe it this is what you say that's what I believe I've done what you say I've forgiven Sonny I've forgiven Mary and pookie all of them so God if there's any residue of unforgiveness anger whatever was in my heart that will stop you from addressing my request then let your Holy Spirit convict me because I need to address them yeah remember I told you all history couple times I told you loud when I first got saved well that's about six months in when the Lord told me all those women who you lie to all those who you run game but now you go back and you apologize apologize I said yeah but I don't but of course back then man listen had a hunger for God but I I wanted to get it right I live a life with nonsense up until 1996 my god safe I was 26 years old I I gave my life to the Lord man and I need later I want on me us like we're I know but that but yeah I will tell them that cuz to tell him that I mean to basically tell him I I didn't lie to you okay so I prayed I said Lord you know you gotta give me the grace to do this and he did he did he did boy and I went at him and I tell him but he had some voice with me one in particular I always tell you but alright boy she let me have it you don't get you up like any blanket the blanket you cuz I come off when I I'm safe now and you know I just want to do the right thing and live for the Lord I figured out kind of ease it cuz they'll have some kind if they got a respect for me they'd have some respect for the God in me but this one was an avenue yeah I respect God when you can get a piece of custom you can get it now so when she she let me have it yeah I was deserving of it I I did wrong I did wrong and and I when I did it though and those who I couldn't locate on my land I called it number sniper call him you know and most of it went okay but this one particular one point she put on me she let me have it boy you you you you but you say if you know god you'd get your yes ma'am okay mom thank you Jesus but we good friends today we are excellent friends today and I thank God for those experiences because now I could tell you my experiences that even though it's difficult once I did it there was a load off of me not only not things begin to move in my life some stuff it was stuck for years and it's amazing how that's why I say repentance is key and if God tell you go and fix it with someone put that pride down because that same thing as blocking or given the devil the the order and the right to keep you I get to a certain place but the minute you address that I promise you Sean's my name is Kevin Ellen Ewing you're gonna see some things moving in your life you can see some things going forward in your life so this is why prayer and being attentive to what God saying to you during prayer it's gonna be key now because these are gonna be your instructions for the way forward that's gonna be instructions so we have to saturate our prayers with the Word of God you have to you have to become acquainted with the scriptures there's certain scriptures that when you read the Bible you will just stand out write them down you know there's certain scriptures you might hear I don't even say by accident but as you'll hear where someone preaching whatever whatever it is write that scripture that verse and that chapter down and and write it alone I said write it down literally write it out on a piece of paper okay and I promise you some way along the line up the road this this can be important but pray it it was something that dealing with you at a time to pray put that in your prayer it's almost like it's almost like making a good meal the description says putting the ingredients you put non listless are onion and bell peppers and time that's what the Scriptures are and you put and go on and add an a you mix that up and you'll arrested their letter just do what's supposed to do put it in a baked or fried whatever the case may be turn it to something delicious and that's just how person I'm telling you I'm telling you I'm telling you from experience I have lived this I know this I've seen this happened in many areas of my life even to the state you know my my wife she will tell you the biggest believe of God is myself when we discussed something and we gonna purify I tell him we get up this is a done deal we can see this happened you know we gonna see this manifest you when you talk about this again D you can be saying Kevin you did say this AJ I know I say because I have confidence not me you know the Word of God which I'm putting this on I exposed to a lady yesterday she called me there was a situation with a son and you know she talks she talks she talk I shared some advice when I said you know what I mean let's pray for him right now that's pretty fitting right now we begin to pray they begin to pray for him and I'm using the same scripture don't hon John and non-duplicate shall not go unpunished but the seed of the righteous shall be live I say mom you you are the righteousness of God and a part of the benefits that comes along with that God says I am your children I don't they could be alcoholics they could be on the wrong part in life it doesn't matter according to the word of God they are guaranteed deliverance but you gotta remind him of his word I think it just what about it the admin just remind him of his word so then I use this other scripture while we were praying I said father what I joined my faith with sister so-and-so a nice tan on Matthew 18 verse 19 where your word says that we have a two or more was touching anything honest I shall ask of your father it shall be done father God be touching me and so and so we're touching our son right now and we are coming in a right now Lord and you would break this hex to spell this strong wall of a man according to your word father God you're not only hearing us but you were gonna answer us so when you pray the word you pray in but not your confidence but the confidence of the stud the invisible God that you have now invited into your affairs to do what you could not do under normal circumstances I loved it I said I don't y'all right now you look great right now I'd love to prove it because again when you when you develop a relationship with your God when you and and and developing that relationship is really acquitting yourself with the Word of God then you don't have to feel for words you don't have to to be like Oh father god I ain't no I actually for this car but not next oh yeah let it be blue Jesus yeah not blue the white stripe around it all got a new you Lord and let the muffler let it be to butter both mufflers leather interior leather interior cheese just later in oh hallelujah net interior net interior a little trim a little cool you know Jesus that's a petroleum goal up in there no no no no see again when you have a relationship with God I wonder I want you to leave a destiny when you have a relationship with God as it relates to your prayer you're going to pray more of your word but more of his word sorry then what you actually came there to him for I promise you this because and you know what the same dude this is this is empirical evidence that your confidence is more in his word than it is in the thing that you're requesting from it yo in fact your word is gonna is what its gonna give you the confidence his word is gonna give you the confidence that this here is what I need to go forward well see sorry we're having trouble playing this video look like my video my video I guess going oh so I don't know if you guys can see me can you guys see me and eme CLIs but I could see here it's the devil so everything going blank oh ok guys I don't know if you still can hear me let me know you can hear me if someone said yes ok oh you can send me to work cuz my stuff won't let me continue then because everything nothing about blank I guess even so I'll just pretend as if I can see me in any event so yeah so that is how we pray and that is how I advise you to wear I'm finished I'm actually done so I'm just gonna produce before I leave Heavenly Father I thank you I thank you for the opportunity to once again teacher people I thank you for allowing them to tune in father I repent of any sin any nicotine any transgression in my life or even their life anything that will cause you to not hear us to not pay attention to not give us an audience with you father whatever injunctions are in our life as a result of being in breach of your rules your laws your principles we truly ask your forgiveness Lord we confess our sins you said if we confess our sin first John 1:9 that you are faithful and just to forgive us of our sins into to cleanse us of all unrighteousness but that said by faith Lord we believe I believe that that not only have you forgiven us of our sins transgressions and iniquity as a result of our confessing them but you have made this awesome promise in your word that you will now toss them into the sea of forgetfulness and I believe that I believe right now at this moment we have prayed that we are right now sinless I don't know what's gonna happen couple of minutes from the I don't know it's gonna happen couple of hours from now or later on in the day I don't know what violation we may do but right now according to that law we are send and with that said father god I know outfit this people but the whole arm of God the helmet of salvation their breastplate of righteousness their Sheila fate their sword which is the Living Word of God their belt of truth and their shoes shod with the preparation of the Peace of the Gospel according to job 1 and 10 I pray the hedge of protection around them I pray your word in Psalms 91 11 and 12 that says for you have given your angels charge over them to keep them in all their ways that of day as much as - their foot against a stone is these same angels I would gather them up in their arms this is your word you said to remind you of your word well your word says in Psalms 150 and verse 14 it says you will increase us more and more us and our children this is your word your word says in proverbs three and three it says that we must not forsake mercy neither truth but bind it upon our necks and write it upon the tables of our hearts and in so doing shall we find favor and good understanding before God and man I pray for every husband or there everyone who was married everyone especially the husband's the Word of God is clear and it says and proverbs 18 and 22 it says he that finds a wife finds a good thing but I love the promise and shall obtain favor from the Lord father got every husband listen to me right now cause the favor that is that they are entitled to as a result of their partner cause that favor to come to them right now wherever is needed in their life right now when it's on the job when it's with a contract whether it's wood whatever it is right now because of you said he that finds a wife finds a good thing and shall obtain favor from the Lord that favor be their portion father your word is clear sums 5 verse 12 and it says that you this is your promise you say that you will bless the righteous and with favor shall you encompass him us with a shield you word declares and Psalms 34 and 19 it says that many are the afflictions of the righteous but you O Lord shall deliver us out of them all I believe your word Lord I believe your word I believe that many are the afflictions of the righteous when you promise you shall deliver us out of them all father we stand upon your word according to Matthew 18 verse 19 and it says wherever two or more of us touching anything and I come an agreement with those listening to me right now two or more of us touching anything and I come in agreement whatever they are petitioning you for that we ask of your father it shall be granted unto us your word declares Lord that Dohan join in hand the wicked shall not go unpunished but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered that's your word your word says Lord that the very fear of the wicked shall come upon them but the desire of the righteous that's us shall be granted so father God the desires that we as the righteous have been petitioning you for we bring that word to you right now and you promise us that as righteous as us being righteous people this is what we are entitled to you said we are entitled to our desires being met of course as long as it line up with you your word declares and proverbs 11 verse 31 and it says that it says that prophecy 11 verse 31 it says that you Lord shall recompense the righteous or the righteous shall be reimbursed or repaid for the losses that they have suffered so much more the wicked understand this your word Lord and you said to remind you of it because you've placed your word above your name you said that heaven and earth shall pass away but not one tittle of your word shall pass you said that that every word of God is pure and that you are a shilling to us that put our trust in you this is your word you said that your word cannot return until you void or unaccomplished but it must accomplish what it was sent out to do father I believe your word we believe in word we stand not on what we personally came to ask you for but what we personally came to ask you for me incorporating it into your word because we know that you're gonna honor your word your word is clear father God Hebrews chapter 10 verse 35 or 38 and you said that we must not care so we our confidence in you I believe in you for it is our belief in you that will work for us a great recompense of reward father you saying now that you are going to give us yes recompense means to repay us for losses and injury but you use the prefix great so you're saying now that you're going to exceed in terms of returning to us what we've lost but we've been suffering over the years your word is clear according to Joel 2 and 25 and it says that you you gonna this is your promise you will restore you said to remind you so we're doing that you said that you will restore unto us yes some of them listening to me right now who've been divorced who they're part they're their things has happened terribly in their lives but you knew that they would have you knew that we would have suffered losses and you you you you took this clause right in your word because you knew and you said you said in your word that you will restore to us the years that the the cankerworm the caterpillar the tank over and the locusts all of these spirits has that has eaten away our spiritual blessings that would have manufactured the losses because you knew that would have happened you put that law in place the know of restoration father your word declares where is it now in Ephesians 3 and 20 and you said in your word Lord that you are always in a position to do exceedingly and abundantly and above all that we could ever ask or think according to the power or the Word of God that operates it as I love it you said in your word that eyes have not seen ears have not heard nor has it entered into the hearts of men the things that you have prepared for those that love you I love that I thank you God just visualizing to my limited human capacity of the glory that you've prepared for us I thank you for that right now Lord your word declares and in first or second Thessalonians 5 and 18 it says that we must give thanks in all things the good the bad and the indifferent for this is the will of God at this moment at that moment concerning us in Christ Jesus your word declares in Romans 8 and 28 and it says and we know we being the believers those who are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and we know that all things will work for good for those that love you and for those who are called according to your purpose your word declares you know ephesians 1 verses 3 and 4 and it says that blessed be the Lord our God who was blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places you did that already verse 4 says for you have chosen us in you before the foundation of the world father everyone listening to me whom you have jointly fitted in your body before the foundation of the world but somehow they were rerouted for whatever reason father refit them in the name of Jesus reposition them realign them to where they should have been at this point in their lives I now pray for peace over them I pray according to your word in Philippians that peace that passes all understanding they need that right now especially they also are stressed out over the the virus and the financial losses and the loss of jobs and and not being able to pay the mortgage or the rent Father give them that peace that you promised God that only you can give that transcends all understanding you said in your word Psalms 119 verse 165 and you said that great peace have they that love thy law I love this and absolutely nothing shall offend them father caused them to develop a passion like you've given me for the scriptures for your word as they begin to consume and digest and to assimilate your truth which is your word cause your word to eradicate those things I should have left them a long time ago Lord physically and spiritually cause them to spiritually regurgitate whatever's in them that is not of you whatever is becoming that petition between you and them remove it now in the name of Jesus and replace it with your original intent for their lives in the name of Jesus Christ father I thank you for your word I thank you for your word Lord your word declares in the Book of Psalms chapter one you say father God if they meditate upon your word day and night you said that they would be like a tree planted by the river of water that would bring forth their fruit in their season their leaves shall never wither and whatsoever they put their hands to not mate but must prosper you've said to yourself in Joshua in Joshua 1:8 which goes fast today that this book of the Lord of all the scriptures the Word of God the word that cannot return under him void it says that they must meditate upon a day and night and it's so doing shall we become prosperous and they will have good success everyone Under the Sun of my voice home and whatever you have called him to be lord reenergized him reinvigorate them Lord remove the spirit of depression removed the spirit of anxiety and panic attack remove that spirit of laziness and procrastination that spirit of being lackadaisical not doing what they should have been doing father every one of the sound of my voice who have been subject to the evil doctrines of covering in church politics in all of this nonsense father removed the scales from their eyes and let them see a truth for what it really is caused them to enjoy the Liberty in Christ which Christ have died for description says in Colossians two it says that Christ or his crucifixion has brought out the handwriting and the ordinances that were once against us the Bible says in Galatians 3 that he became a curse for us and he who knew no sin became sin for us for the simple reason so he can reconcile us back to God and now we are now the righteousness of God through and in Christ Jesus everyone under the son of my voice that do not know you was lord and savior right now the spirit of truth that has convicted us in the past who are now believers today let them make that decision that it's time to come on board it's time to to come on board and begin to do that which they were called to do so that when they stand before you Lord you could say to them thou good and faithful servant enter thou into u.s. so father what we see in this parade now according to your word that says whatsoever things we desire when we pray we must believe that we have receive it and we shall have it in the matchless and in the mighty name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen and amen guys that's me I am done I hope that this this teaching was a blessing to you I did my best to break it down as simple as possible that it's very very simple for you to do remember number one because there are three points that we dealt well and quickly go over the first one is that the purpose of prayer is that you're asking God or these the Spirit of God to intervene into your affairs in which you have exhausted all human help and resources secondly you have to follow the the rules of prayer and we went through them you know don't pray out loud and show it off and telling everybody what you're doing we're treating yourself and all of that stuff you got to stop all that then it's the context and the contents of the prayer which I just told you yes whatever you have you come into God for yes you could make a line of that but now you go if you have a Bible if you have a Bible Software I'm sure they have a search pattern in there but you could actually put certain words like love and hate and righteousness or whatever is that you dealing with you put it in there and find as much scriptures on it but don't just put the scriptures you study the Scriptures read it let it absorb into your your spirit mind so that now when you pray it whether you're reading it or you can quote it by heart like I do you now begin to give God back his word now when you would have done that you followed the protocol you've done your part you must forgive people you have you M'Lynn for no one that's key 99.9% of what I said prayers as the result of unforgiveness I promise you that I've done many sessions with people on this and it always boils down tonight so I'm speaking from experience okay so that's it for me guys you guys have a blessed day I'm gonna ask you to share the video with others who would really need to hear this and may the peace of the Lord be with you amen and amen
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 138,981
Rating: 4.8789473 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, praying, powerful prayer, prayers, how to pray, how to pray to god, the power of prayer, teach me how to pray, basics of prayer, how to talk to god, spiritual warfare, encouraging, praying scripture back to god, praying scripture, kevin l a ewing, god's language, pray, effective prayer, how to pray effectively, power of prayer, warfare prayers, correct way to pray, christian motivation, bible study, how to pray when you dont know what to say, scripture, praying scriptures
Id: qmvUqfREOtE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 45sec (6105 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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