The Spiritual Implication Of The Principle Of Fasting

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okay beautiful all right good evening all right good evening everyone i hope you can hear and see me well and i'm just gonna put on my comment section here to make sure everybody's on board i'm just checking all of my levels before we really get right into it it is a pleasure to be with you once again right there there we go yes there's a pleasure it's a pleasure to be with you once again i have been off the scene for a while for very very very good reasons and uh and one of them was taking a break my wife insisted i i get some rest i'm always at it i go to bed too late i'm always up reading something or always dealing with some one uh problem and that is going to become a problem for her so she said she need to to get some rest i agree with that i agree with that and i took some time off but i just want to get directly and quickly into it tonight and tonight as you would see i'll be dealing with the spiritual implications of the principle of fasting the spiritual implications of the uh principles of fasting i want to tell you something that happened to me about two weeks plus ago i told you that i uh went on a fast and it was an um impromptu thing that i did it wasn't anything planned all right and i'm gonna tell you from start to finish exactly uh what happened well prior to me going on the fast about i'd say about a month prior to going on that uh three day diet dry fast which would have been three consecutive days no water no food i was having a series of dreams that were literally tormenting me and in these dreams that i was having i would always dream where i would see these cockroaches in my home or wherever i was i would see them and for some reason they would either be coming after me or when they see me in the dream they would run away from me and for some reason i don't i don't understand this piece i'm about to tell you but for some reason i would always run toward the cupboard or somewhere to get the spray the insect spray i would never see me getting the actual can of spray i would never see the can of spray in my hand but for some reason when i go there and i leave from the actual cupboard where the spray is located i would have this spray but to look in my hand you would not see a spray so i would go closer these sometimes would have been one cockroach or would be more than one and i would spray on them but every time i begin to spray on them and this is how all of the dreams would end i would never see the them die or what became of them i would always wake up out of the dream so this was going on for about a month now the week before i went on the fast and this is where it really got strange every time i would go to sleep i would be when i'm reading in a book i doze off i'm watching a program and i just doze right off into a sleep immediately again i would see these cockroach and this time in the the latter part of the dreams there would be multiple roaches as usual i would go to get the can which i don't see i would see my hand just like this pressing but no can is in my hand i would see the miss coming from my hand and i would see these roaches now i won't see them die in the dream but i would see their motion and everything begin to like you know like uh they wouldn't be as active as they were prior to me spraying them so the final dream that i had final dream and this was like uh three this is about a two a day before i went on the fast and this one i knew i understood what the dream the dream meant and this is when i knew what i had to do so one afternoon i was really really tired so i said man you know what i i have an appointment a phone appointment later let me uh just get a little rest before i take that call because i know it's going to be a a long call so i lied here right on the couch and went straight into a deep sleep and in the sleep in this dream sorry it's like i'm in my living room and i'm sitting down and i hear this noise as if they're roaches like in a bag or plastic and the thought of that is just scornful for me i hate roaches as usual i look for the cabinet to get the road spray i go to the cabinet i get the i guess the road spray because there's no road spray in my hand so when i look towards my washroom area i saw on this thick plastic bag these three huge roaches at least about an inch long each one never seen nothing like that before and they were trying to climb to the top of this uh plastic bike was a clear plastic like you could see through it so in my mind i'm like okay i got you all now you first of all you're blocking here but i can empty the scan on you all so while i'm doing exactly what you're seeing me doing right now but there is no can in my hand in this dream and i'm spraying and i'm spraying and i'm spraying but these particular roaches are resistant to this spray the spray is getting in there for however it is it is getting inside of the plastic they're still trying to climb now i'll tell you this their strength initially prior to the spraying was not as intense as after i would have sprayed them and i'm like this don't make sense why aren't these creatures dying and i woke up out of the dream and when i woke up out of the dream i didn't hear a voice internally or externally but immediately the scripture came to me this kind will only come out through prayer and fasting immediately this came into my spirit so right there i knew what i had to do i i had to go on a fast this wasn't something i needed to prepare for this was something that i needed to do okay so and that was the day before i started my fast so i started my fast the next day like i normally do at 12 midnight for three consecutive days so prior to going on the fast i uh i made a prayer asking god to give me the endurance to do this fast because like i said it was an impromptu thing i didn't do my regular like you know i hydrate my body uh eat fruits and all other stuff i did none of that this was like i say impromptu so i said lord i pray that you would give me the strength the endurance to to endure this fast and i wouldn't have no headaches and feeling all this other stuff so and i also prayed like i normally do lord excuse me point me to or bring someone in my path to bless during this time of fasting right so anyway after i made that prayer and this was like about 30 minutes before i actually began the fast after i did that i uh i'm gonna check my emails and for some reason this email stood out at me and it was someone uh asking for assistance so i i read it and i knew that this was the person got a sent to me so anyway i not only took care of the need but i exceeded what the original need was and immediately listen listen to this carefully immediately when i did that need i addressed that during this fast now this is less than an hour or two hours into the fast when i did that the exact dealings i did with that person i received another email that replaced what i destroyed with the person that asked for the need i see this this is crazy so i'm on the fast i'm on the fast and as usual i don't have any set times to pray when i fast i don't believe in all that protocol that's me i'm not telling you to do it i i move when the auction comes on me it's more easier for me than saying if i'm going to pray at 12 then at three i would be feeling for stuff i during my fast and whenever i pray it's like i'm functioning to do it so anyway i'm sitting in my couch that auction came so my scriptures now become and i i start off by not saying heavenly father of course i would go into the repentance but i started giving scriptures because the more i begin to repeat the scriptures then i get into my prayer you know and as god would bring things to my mind i would pray for people and people would have asked me to pray and even those whom emails i haven't read and said that are seeking assistance and wanting me to join a prayer with them i would i said lord i don't know who they may be but i'm sure there are people sending me requests to help them pray i include them in this prayer also so the second day into the f well actually the yeah the second day into the fast because i was having a series of dreams and this is what brought me to this teaching tonight i was having a series of dreams and like i told you when you're fasting you're literally you're not literally but you're you're in the spiritual realm and you're now seeing excerpts of the spiritual cluttering activities in your life and every dream that i was having during the fast i was able to recall these dreams now that don't happen for everybody because there are times when i've had i did fasting when i couldn't remember none of my dreams and again i said to you that whenever that happens that means you're having major serious uh spiritual warfare or spiritual entities fighting you and they're coming at the core of you and that is to erase whatever spiritual intelligence that's being revealed to you via the dream or the vision the enemy is trying to erase that so you don't have any form of spiritual intelligence to deal with these situations going on in your natural life so the second day into this fast i'm praying right and i fell asleep this is night time now this had to be like about i say two o'clock in the morning fell asleep and immediately i go into this dream and the dream is just like i'm speaking to you right now about it's vivid it is clear you i could always i could smell taste feel everything was so real and i'm in this auditorium that is structured like a dome all right and it was as if they were having some kind of graduation exercise that was my assumption i didn't see anybody in any exercise uh material or anything but that's how because i saw a lot of young people there and i saw like all the people like their parents and that's why i came to that assumption in that part of the dream so anyway i was looking i was by myself i was looking for a seat closer to the front and the way that the seating was designed just like in a dome it was semi-circle okay so when i got to the front i noticed they didn't have any more single seat so i came out of that row and i now begin to walk up the aisle to see if i could find any closer seating so when i came out of the aisle there was a gentleman from our local uh radio sorry television station here uh who i saw and he saw me saying he said he said oh my god mr you i can't believe i'm actually seeing you oh man i love your material i love how you're such a no-nonsense preacher and you're so to the point you're so raw and he just started and i was like thank you man i really appreciate that but the truth was i was truly trying to find a seat but anyway during the conversation i'm walking up the aisle he is facing me and walking backward so as he's walking i'm continuing to walk and i'm like thank you man i really appreciate it and he really was overdoing it but of course i was entertaining it so as he was walking backward and i'm walking towards him there was a entrance right here to my right i took that entrance and as i walk into that entrance i ended up in my natural bedroom my wife and i our bedroom but we're still in this dome shape thing so when i walked inside i saw deidre sitting on the bed okay the entire setup was very similar to our real bedroom so i turned around to close the door and as i'm about to close the door i realized the the outside was like a hallway so i realized i was still in the auditorium but i was like in a part of the authoritarian where they have like rooms but this room that we're in is our bedroom so it was kind of dark but i could see you could see some faint light coming from a distance so as i'm about to close the bedroom door i look again and i saw did you sitting on the bed as i'm about and the room was very much lit as i'm about to close the door i saw this long thing wiggling with great speed towards this door that i'm closing so because it's slightly dark i'm i'm like blinking trying to really make out what this thing was so when i looked carefully it was this huge black snake it's like a python type size snake and man this fellow wiggling wiggling i mean like trying to gear up as much power to close this door tutorial to get in this door before i close it now this part of the dream i cannot for say i cannot say for sure what actually happened but i believe that when he was about to come in i crushed his head in the door i'm not sure i'm not sure but i do know the door was closed right so when i looked at my rear to make sure the dream was okay she was still on the bed that this the part would really got me this the part that really got me when i looked and i saw her on the bed i saw coming from underneath that bed at least about five to six hundred snakes from underneath the bed and i'm talking from python broken every type snake you could imagine but i remember one snake standing out it was a python with a white base but this big like light yellow designs like s running all through it so at first i thought these snakes were coming after me right so i'm looking now because i'm thinking okay how do i save my wife and at the same time trying to get away from these snakes furthermore there's a one on the opposite side of this dog so as i'm looking the amount of snakes begin to multiply but they're coming from under the bed i don't i couldn't tell you what i'm about to tell you now i couldn't tell you i did this or this happened automatically the door open now i can't tell you i open the door i cannot recall that piece when i opened the door the snakes that i thought were coming after me they were running from me and they were literally running and i can see their mouths opening like they were so fearful and they're running through the dawn i mean i couldn't even see my feet where the snakes was just squirreling through my my my my ankles and so on so the the python that i told you i noticed from when he first came because he was like the chief of all of them when he was coming out i took the dawn i crushed his head and when i crushed his head he pulled his head back in and he looked at me and opened up his mouth wide and the look that he had was like man lucky i was leaving what you hit me for what you crushed me for i was trying to get out of here anyhow so when i looked again deidre is now immediately at my wrist she's right on my back but her feet is on the ground and again these snakes are just squirreling through our legs and all they want to do is get out of there because these guys were like terrified they were terrified so anyway i'm holding the door handle with my right hand and of course my entire body did you standing in the back of me were behind the door and they're rushing out on my left there is this box like about four feet tall and the top of the box because you know every box have like a four flap thing on top that was the box was open and for some reason like my hand was hanging in there not intentionally but how i was positioned right and i don't understand this part of the dream this was so when i said i don't understand it how this was happening from my hand my left hand that was that is was dripping water clear crystal clear water and when that first drop of water hit the bottom of that box i couldn't see what was in the inside because of ios position listen at least and this is the best estimate i could give at least about 5 000 snakes begin to when i tell you it was scornful that's how much snakes were now this aside from the hundreds of snakes that's still coming from underneath the bed and all of these snakes are fighting to get out of this room remember all of this is happening since i came in so all of a sudden water began to pour from my hand but like in a thick dripping rate and as the water begin to hit the heads of these snakes i would watch them like they would drop in shock and flutter all over the ground flood i watched one of them their head hit so hard on the ground from the water not me i didn't touch them they began but the more water that came from my hand because in the dream it was like all of these snakes were hidden under the bed a long time ago they were hidden in these these boxes and nobody knew so as the water began to drip from my hand i like i tell you those snakes was just all i could see them coming up and they're dropping down shaking and fluttering and doors so hard who still was alive and had any little bit of strength listen they were bucking into each other they were literally fluttering they were fighting to get out of them now here's the interesting part about it none of the stakes bit us none of them made any attempt to attack us none of them wrapped around us and tried to squeeze in they were so afraid that whatever initial fear i had i became super confident in the dream because of the that was in these uh that was in these snakes it was almost as if they saw something that i could not see that literally terrified them i've never seen nothing like this before in my life and listen oh snakes was i woke up out of the dream with these dudes trying to get out of that room and i was i've never in my life ever had a dream like that before never and it was it was i was very encouraged when i woke up even though i didn't get the full concept the basic concept i got it was good enough for me okay and and i and i knew what the lord was showing me initially before i went on the dream when i told you i woke up with the cockroach thing and the last dream i had this kind will only come out through prayer and fasting so clearly the lord is showing me oh boy you got some serious hidden enemies but not enemies in terms of people no these are spiritual entities lurking in the dark waiting to devour you and they ain't coming as one and two and three no no no because of what's on your life they they come in as a group as a as a swat team for you so fasting and this is why i'm doing this teaching because i want to encourage you during this time of lockdown during this time of year on furlong or whatever they call it of time from work you should be engaging in some type of fasting for two reasons primarily number one so that the lord will begin to reveal to you the spiritual stuff going on in your life the things that's causing you not to go forward the things that have you stuck the things that have you not able to be married the things that causing you not to have children the things that's causing you to be in a state of poverty all of those challenges that you're having in your physical life it is as a result of what is going on in your spiritual life so the fasting now is the uh what i call the the monitor the spiritual monitor to reveal to show to expose to you the spiritual components that's causing your life to be moving at such a snail's place or not moving at all or got you going in the same circle so what i saw on the dream these are now remember these snakes like i say they were there all along they were under the bed from the time i didn't see them they were in the box i didn't see them and it wasn't no one two or three snakes it wasn't no one type of snakes they was from the from bow constrictor to python every type every color snake was in that room but fasting fasting the spiritual implication what is happening when we fast what yeah we know some stuff going on yeah we know we're getting some spiritual information okay or a spiritual forecast to see what's happening in the spiritual realm which is now giving us the ability to set up our spiritual strategies against it yes that's all true but what was keeping them at bay why weren't they why didn't they come at me why remember i told you some of my recent teachings and i was saying to you the importance of living a a righteous life and for the traditionalists a righteous life to them mean uh don't smoke uh don't uh drink wine well basically those sins what people could see you doing and just don't do it in front of them that means your life righteous nonsense garbage foolishness a righteous life is a life of repentance a righteous life break this down is is a righteous life is not a sin less life it's impossible your bible makes it very clear there's not a righteous man in the book of ecclesiastes that is upon this earth and sins not everyone's sins from your pastor to your teacher to your mother uncle your whoever so a righteous life is a life that is saturated with repentance father i don't know what i did today i from what i know i don't recall none of the big ticket since but lord have i sinned in my heart if i if i had whatever father i repent of that right now i repent of my children just like job job made repentance for his kids and his family father i repent so a righteous life which is a a life of repentance keep the evil forces at bay because they looking for legal right to come in with their strategy that was in place a long time ago so what god was showing me see here kevin this here this is why i sent you on the fast okay and those cockroaches that i was showing you in the dream which you hear at at a particular point you were able to deal with them with your regular thing you were doing but now you needed to upgrade your spiritual warfare by engaging in a fast and the lord showed me clearly look look at what was coming look at what was in the dark looking waiting to shut waiting for you to mess up one day to shut you right down almighty god oh lord i'm feeling this tonight but i can help you all tonight tonight so we don't have time we don't have time to be running all with nonsense with nobody right now we don't have time for no bickering and we don't have time for apostolic and covering being a time for that you know what you got time for right now god what is going on in the spiritual realm give me an excerpt show me lord i need to know i need to know i i need an action plan but the only way i can put an action plan in places i need to know i don't need no past don't know nobody telling me foolishness but they need money from me or i need to go through some foolishness i need to see this spiritual okay components in the spiritual realm so i now know how to strategize when i come out of that dream when i come out of that vision which afforded me spiritual intelligence paul said i will not have you ignorant no god made it clear kevin no matter kevin they gonna run oh and that's another thing when i had that dream with the snakes when i woke up listen listen the scripture that came to me and listening nobody talked to me internally or externally two scriptures came to me the first one with the wrote the the roaches i said the uh uh this kind of would only come into apparent fasting the one with the snakes the one with the snakes remember i told you the initially i saw the black snake coming wiggling with so much speed towards the door to come inside then when i look behind me you know hundreds of snakes are coming out when i woke up out of that dream here's what came to my to my mind listen to the scripture uh deuteronomy 28 i can't remember specifically which verse but it says that if you if you well the first part of deuteronomy 28 verse 1 if you hearken and observe to do all my commandments okay i will set you on high and all of these blessings shall come upon you and as you go down he says and your enemy your enemies will come in one way and scatter from you seven different ways that's the scripture that came to me i say mighty god you you listen to this huh i tell you these fellas was we seen the bombers they were breaking off running over there we need to get from whoever this this this kevin dude we need to get from around this dude today what is it that they saw snakes represents witchcraft snake represents enemies snake represents deceit anything wicked and evil that's what snakes were what is it that they saw on kevin that they couldn't touch kevin's wife they couldn't touch kevin they couldn't touch nothing what is it that they saw in the realm of what what did they see behind him over him what was it because clearly was spiritual that they could not attack kevin what is it i'm saying to you all right you have to go on a fast people of god you have to you have to now getting into my teaching tonight let me tell you why you need to go on the fast i just shared my personal story with you let me tell you why you need to go to fast as i am speaking to you right now there are witchcraft workers warlocks there are people who even call themselves christians all right who are fasting right now but i don't ever want you to believe that fasting is only a principle for the body of christ you will be sadly mistaken if you believe that listen anyone on this live right now who was involved in sorcery at some point in their lives a deep sorcery that altar at some point told you you had to fast especially if you want greater power because the fasting to the implication of it is to take you to a higher level of evil as an evil father this and i'm going to prove that to you tonight all right but my point in tonight's teaching as it relates to the implication what is it what is it spiritually yeah we know we're getting some spiritual intelligence yeah we know our health shall come forth speedily yeah we know that but this there's one component i can prance on tonight that i hope will encourage you to if you're not fasting and i believe that's why i put up no notices for this teaching because whoever come into this right now you are not here by accident god has been confirming to you you need to go on a fast you need to start fasting you and this message here is confirming that to you tonight i don't care who you are god is speaking to you all right now i want us i want us to go to isaiah 58 all right pull up my own screen here and we're going to pull out some serious nuggets here tonight this deep revelation tonight man and you need to get this because listen to me carefully the days ahead are going to be rough but only those who the lord is their god their shield and their banner only those who will take the advice of taking it to another level spiritually by fasting they're the only people who are going to escape this unharmed and during this time of famine and uncertainty they're going to be the one in comfort and peace why because they're going to take their battle from the spiritual realm as you can see now everyone who's fearful and worried and all this other stuff you know why because they're fighting from the physical planes and they're jumping at everything everyone that's coming after them which they don't realize these are only the tentacles of a root and i'm teaching you how to chop the root down tonight so all of the branches tend to cause fruit and everything that came along with it all that will die all right isaiah 58 this is so awesome isaiah 15 i love this so much isaiah 58. of course you know i've taught on this many times before but i'm going to give you some powerful revelation tonight okay isaiah 15 i'm going to summarize or summarize from isaiah 58 verses 1 to verse 5. i'm going to give you a summary of that because really i want us to focus on verse 6 to verse 8. so isaiah 58 verses 1 to verse 5 there was a little uh grievance among the children of israel with the prophet isaiah in that they were they went on a fast but they were complaining that nothing happened as to what god had promised when you do go on a fast after they came off the fast so the prophet isaiah began to tell them that the fast that they were on where they were always bickering and fussing still have unforgiveness and pride and self not speaking to your sisters and brothers and mothers and all he said you did you did no alterations or preparations prior to going on this fast he said this was not the fast that god called you to be on verse 5 says this is what he says to them is it's such a fast that i have chosen is the facts that you all are telling me god says is this the fast that i've chosen for you because you would see a question mark there he's asking a question he say a day for a man to flick his soul another question mark is to bow down his head and bulrush and just and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him another question mark will thou call this a fast an acceptable day of the lord so basically the prophet was saying look here all of these formalities and and pumping pageantries and these cosmetics external stuff you're always doing to give the the appearance of the fast well when we go back here let me go back here uh to verse one let's go to verse one and this is what god is telling isaiah he says cry aloud spare not lift up thy voice like a trumpet and show my people their transgression and the house of jacob their sins now remember this was on the fast he said no get up you need to get up isaiah and go tell them what they're doing is wrong how could you be on a farce and still got odds against your brother how could you be complaining about your fellow brother or sister in christ and you've never sat with them and talked with them and air your differences so and you're talking about you're going to fast and you're talking about you praying for the people he said in verse 2 he says yet they seek me daily these are the ones who are on the fast but full of grievousness and hate yet they seek me daily and they like to know my ways as a nation that did righteousness so god is saying to isaiah they're pretending and acting as if there's some victim here in terms of their righteous and living right and we're seeking the lord they're following all of the cosmetics of worshiping god but inwardly these people's hearts are black and filthy okay with unforgiveness and hate and malice and revenge you should hear me now verse 2 says yet they seek me daily and they like to know my ways as a nation that did righteousness and forsook not the ordinance of god they acting like they didn't uh uh were in breach of my laws so god was like i confused how they figured they could do it how they want to do it and expect a god end result because they only followed the cosmetics away fast no no it didn't happen that way so isaiah told them listen god say to tell you all clowns stop talking nonsense okay get it together now let's go to verse six because it's get powerful here verse six of isaiah 15 isaiah says is not this the fast that i have chosen question mark and this fast because we in order to understand what we're going to teach tonight from this point forward we're going into the spiritual world isaiah is about to reveal or through revelation reveal the mystery of fasting to the children of israel he's showing them the implication okay the spiritual implication of the principle of fasting and because it's a principle oh lord i won't get here tonight i won't get here tonight because it's a principle a principle truly or all it means it is the foundational components for a system to work so would that mean kevin that mean the principle of fasting can work for good or you can work it to do evil why because fasting is taking you not only into the spiritual realm but take you to a higher level of evil if you're doing it for evil or higher level of the things of god so isaiah now watch the spiritual implication now he's saying when you go on a fast these are the things that you cannot see but it's taking place spiritually so verse 6 he says it's not the fast that i have chosen to lose the bonds of wickedness this have to be spiritual because no part in the scripture where it said that any one of the children of israel had bands around them of wickedness so the spiritual implication of what the fast would do once you're making the sacrifice to god the the balance that is causing you to what is a ban think about it you stand up straight right now with your arms to your side and i would have come in there and put big bands rope around you around you around you what happens yeah your arms are stuck to your side you cannot pull it up to each you cannot do nothing that you would normally do freely had you not been bound but this is not physically what he's talking about not physically what he's talking about he's saying the fast that you're going to go on you're coming to god and asking god to intervene or assist you with your spiritual helpers to break something off of your life that you cannot see in this case it was the bonds of wickedness that could have been through generational curses ancestral sins that could have been whatever he said break the bonds of wickedness this is what the genuine fast is going to do break the bonds of wickedness spiritual undo heavy burdens can you see a burden i'm listening can you see the burden of financial stress on your shoulders you cannot see it can you see the burden of of not being able to get married the frustration that you cannot see it so the bible here is revealing the spiritual order of your life that have you subject to these things and you're wondering why everybody around you are getting ahead and you can't get ahead what are they telling them why and the fast the spiritual implication of it if you do the right way according to what we want to read is going to break that so he says the fast is going to do four things break the bands of wickedness undo heavy burden listen to the next one now set the captives free but nobody in israel was incarcerated israel were living free there was no nation babylon syria whatever no one had them in captivity so what is the writer talking about it's spiritual yes you are physically free there are no chains on you there's no uh handcuff or anything on you but the worst imprisonment is the one you cannot see so they are bound but he said in the fast the implication of it will break the bonds of wickedness undo that heavy burden out of your life set the oppressed free and the last one he says and break every yoke over your life but these are all spiritual my god i love this yeah boy i love this listen to this now let's get a little deeper throw your school bigger because we're getting deep now listen carefully now in verse 6 of isaiah 58 the prophet isaiah has made it clear to the children of israel that the previous fast that you went was erroneous and the fast that you were supposed to go on are not uh you trying to uh give the appearance of how old you are during this fast and all that foolishness he said the true fast of god is to address these four situations so therefore now we need to know what is the true fast in terms of a godly fast to achieve verse six now watch this now verse seven now begins to give us uh physical protocols that will uh uh let us know what i want to use now that would activate that's the word it's going to give us a spiritual protocol to activate the spiritual components to achieve verse 6. so it's verse 6 he says these are the four things that the fasting the spiritual implication of what you're doing as it relates to a fast the implication of the principles now is going to be activated when you follow the instructions of verse 7 of isaiah 58. now what is these instructions first somebody says are you not supposed to deal your bread to the hungry this is why you're fasting now mm-hmm i might do when i fast but i told you i said lord now you lead me leave me to somebody whoever's in need whoever need whatever father guide me i and the reason why i want you to do it because i don't want to put my whatever resources anywhere i understand what you showed me in the dreams that brought me to this point so i want to be on point before in and after this fast as it relates to your requirements so i say lord lead me and like i told you right after that prayer man check my email boom the poisson was right there i knew this was god right there so i'm confident i say okay good that's part of it i'm covering right now and of course through the fast there were some other things that i did but that piece right there i know i needed to do so he says in verse 7 it is not a deal like bread to the hungry and the thou bring the poor listen now that thou bring the poor that are cast out of out of thy house that's a question mark when thou seekest the naked that thou would cover him and that thou hide not thyself from that so okay what is he saying basically in verse seven in relation to verse six okay he said if you wanna activate okay the laws are fasting in terms of the implication of it what's gonna happen he said now you you follow for seven to the t and what he's saying is you need to meet the needs of people while you are fasting listen you need to meet you know me boy listen that's why i tell you if there's ever a time to fast is now why everybody got a need now a lot of people are out of work if there's ever a time for you to fast if there's ever a time to activate these spiritual components to work in your interest it's now i tell you that i hope you all listen to me i hope you are listening to me i hope you listen to me you know people like say to me but cameron i do the turret watch praying the fort watching listen i don't care what watch you do if you ain't following these components right here you're talking nonsense because i is a law man if i you can't show me that in the scriptures and i know turret and ford watches are in the scriptures but we are specifically speaking of this fast right here to bring change in your life you should have turned forward watch up in you and i discontinue it what i'm saying to you don't add to something what are you there already go by the rules whatever the rules say so he says listen you need to feed the hungry you need to help the poor who is homeless you need to claw those who are naked don't hide from people don't say well i don't let me hide i want to i'm saying because every time you see me one couple of dollars you wanna fast brother tommy come here by accident god sent tom to cause you to participate in this law so that you will get the benefits from it and by accident somebody helping asking for help or you know the need of someone now that you want to fast no no no no no no god trying to help you he trying to get you to participate yeah man and let me tell you something here i i have learned that one of the greatest type of giving you could ever give is to someone because most people will give to someone that they know or whatever and i'm not saying you shouldn't yeah you should give to whoever god leads you but one of the greatest fulfillments in giving is when you give to a complete stranger someone who you see got a need a family whatever and the lord press it upon your heart to meet the needs of these people you don't even you don't need to know them and eve you know what we know is even greater let's say you know the history on them let's say that let's say you know the woman was no good and her children this and her husband that no if god said to give them i got my reasons study your business but these are the people that i've assigned you to to meet their need in this hour now you could jack your whole face up by saying well i know brola because i know she was never faithful to that man and they when they had money they never gave nobody not now that gets your business and that is aggravate me what are you getting into all of those details what i have nothing to do with you okay remember now remember your day can come true and end up going to send people you know but remember just how you so you can reap so there may be people who will come and bust one ten thousand dollars on you in the same way you carry on with tommy and i will get at the top because i know tom so right now you can take this money and buy it open it would that have to do with you that between him and god you your part was to get the money or the resources there right so that's the part you need to be because what you're trying to do here the implication i want to activate the spiritual components that will awaken my favor so verse 6 gives us the activation key to produce sorry verse seven give us the activation key to produce for six that's the part i will get to y'all ready for this after you to follow the protocol of verse 7 of isaiah 58 to activate the components of verse 6 listen to verse 8 and anger go no further than the first sentence he said now when you would have completed six and seven listen carefully then this verse eight now then shall thy light listen now break forth as the morning let's put a pen right there i'm going to read no more of the scripture because my entire teaching tonight is based on that same verse right there that same sentence in verse 8. i will go no further in isaiah 58. but to give you that little background here only to get to verse 8 the first sentence he is saying here this is this is powerful he is saying here that verse six the four things that will happen during the fast are the spiritual implications but there's more implications there are more implications but they're all hinging even though you're on the fast even though you're not eating even though you're not drinking that don't mean nothing that's good that's all a part of it but the real deal in that fast is verse seven are you meeting the needs of other people he said because when you do that something super spiritual is going to happen aside from verse six and we find it right here in verse eight now remember after verse seven verse eight give a result what is that result then shall thy light who's thy the one who's doing the fast that's you that's me then cell die light hold on now back up back up back up back up because i need to know this scripture and i need to understand it so in order for me to get the revelation then shall thy light listen carefully break forth as the it's a metaphor a metaphor what is a metaphor a metaphor is a phrase or a word that applies to a object or an or or an action but it's not to be taken literally for example let's say you say uh outside is raining cats and dogs no it's not literally raining cats and dogs but that's how hard it's raining okay so you're you're you're trying to paint a vivid picture in which you're trying to convey whoever the listeners are okay the scripture say listen now then shall thy light now hold on if it's saying your light is telling me that you had some type of light in or on you prior to the fasting and your light here means your revelation your light here means you're going to be enlightened more but from a spiritual perspective you're gonna see the revelation of the things physically as a result of what you did spiritually now i understand why this marriage wasn't working now i see why i was oppressed on the job now i see why i feel like god was in here see your light has now begun because it's going to become illuminated but listen what the metaphor said your light shall break forth how is it going to break forward listen listen carefully listen to the next piece as of the morning last year's assembly let's compare it let me let me let me paint this picture for you okay picture yourself picture yourself in your bedroom i'm trying to paint a picture i'll give you an example of what the scripture talking about because you need to get this as to where we're about to go picture yourself in your bedroom only you sitting in a chair it's nighttime no moon out i mean totally black outside your windows are closed so in your room is dark right and you have a watch remember those watch that they think they still make them that glow in the dark you see the little uh glowing thing on each number right and the only light you have in this dark room at night time is this little watch and you see how faint that light is right well let me show you what the scripture is saying now let's say you're that faint light the bible says after you would have followed the protocol of fasting yes you can get voice six you know but verse eight the first sentence is more powerful than everything here listen that little light you see there so for the next seven eight nine twelve hours of pure night this all you could see but watch how the earth illuminates out of darkness when the sun begin to rise in the morning all of the trees and the stuff you couldn't see let's say they're all let's say it was no moon and the entire electricity on the land was off no form of light period no generators don't have everything in pitch black darkness you can't see nothing all you got is this little watch with these small little faint glowing lights that's all you have and i can't do nothing because you can't even see you in front of your hand but just through the scripture as the sun begin to rise what does the sun do it push back the darkness it begins to enlighten or illuminate and you begin to see things that you couldn't see before my god you all need to listen to this you know the bible is likening this to what a fast is going to do to your understanding to your spiritual insight it's gonna literally restructure spiritually your way of seeing your way of hearing your way of understanding things you didn't have this before so he says then then shall your light spring forward so every one of us have a little light in us but the god says that when you go on this fast this fast is going to cause that light to voice fort like the morning this is where it's comparing it it's really simile it's where you comparing through things it's not it is not a morning type situation but the bible is referring to it or assembly is saying it's like the morning kevin why are you taking us this road you can see right now this is what a genuine fast is doing when we follow the rules of god and this is what god is going to do to you everyone that went on a genuine fast and did it god way whether he or she believes it or not or whether or not they recognize it your spiritual enlightenment has been raised to another level let's let's look at a scripture here let's look at i want us to go to let me use this here let's go to okay here we go let's go to psalms psalms 119 and verse 30. listen to what it says he says thy word is a lamp unto thy feet and a light unto thy pathway now this is interesting because this exact same scripture you will find in proverbs chapter 6 i can't remember the exact verse but this exact scripture now let's break the scripture down because we want to insert it into this first sentence here in isaiah 58 verse 8 which says then shall die light thy light the bible says here of course you're the light of speaking of the word of god that's going to be illuminated and give you more clarity and understanding right the bible is saying here that thy word is a lamp okay the water is a lamp unto thy feet and a light so the word is defined as a lamp and the word is also defined as a light now the only time you would need light for example you would never get a flashlight at 12 o'clock in the day to go outside to see what the scripture is telling us that from a spiritual perspective the word of god becomes a light for you to see in the spiritual darkness of your life the more of listen carefully the more of the word of god i'm putting in me the more i'm illuminating the light in me i take it on an even higher level when i take on fasting as a part of it i try and encourage somebody tonight i try and encourage you the necessity as to why you need to fast and you need to do it right you nee if you want to see any kind of progress in your life spiritually or physically you need to go on a fast this teaching tonight is a confirmation to you he said thy word what is going to illuminate what is going to turn up the burner of the light that god has in me he said thy word is a light or a lamp unto my feet so that means i need the word of god so i don't buck into nothing so i will see what's ahead of me if i turn off the light in here now i can buck into this mic i can buck into my walls why because i have no light he is saying the word of god which symbolizes light just like when we go back to the scripture now he say your light shall break forth meaning that the light of god was there you know but you wasn't harnessing it you wasn't feeling it you wasn't studying the word you wasn't fasting he said but when you start doing that this light is gonna break forth like the morning you are going to be able to hear see and understand spiritually like never before in your life lord i try to listen to me carefully listen to me carefully no amount of sowing seed could bring about this result right here i hope you hear me tonight you could tie till the cows come home you could give tell your pastor nowhere in the scriptures i am showing you now and will show you in the rest of this teaching that could bring about this no other way thy word is a lamp to thy feet the word of god is guiding me it is showing me the path that i need to be on watch this now and i say lamp until i feed on a light and a light the word of god is a light father how am i going to know the way forward get into my word kevin how i can know which door to knock on who to get favor from get into my word and if you want to make this world illuminating you well you better get into fasting now listen to the scripture it says you shall see what's this like this you all ready for this now i can't remember where this chapter versus and whoever y'all could google it and just put it in the in the line here in the feed let your light watches now shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven oh you all hear that oh yeah you want an example look at kevin look at kevin kevin let your light how kevin light is shining remember the light is the word of guardia and this is what's going to voice fortnite kevin sharing the revelations that god has given him he got it in no book trying to sell it to you he ain't trying to tell you said no seed for it kevin understand that the more of this he give out the more he's gonna get and how is it he's letting his light shine by doing everything possible for the people of god to get the understanding and the revelation to train and teach them what to do to bring about the spiritual uh conclusions they want in their lives as it relates to the god ordained way so the bible says when kevin let his light shine before men how is he going there bragging about it no i didn't know how you let it shine you shine it by walking in the will of god you shine it by moving in your gifts not not merchandising it let your light shine before men so they i see your good works kevin i like you but oh i give god glory for it if god here they say now kevin if god could do it for you i know he could do it for me that's true leadership right there you're looking for the glory you know what your glory is to see other people come on board and walking in their gifts the way that you're walking in yours and not only that you don't care if they go ahead of you because the reason for the swift is for him who endure to the end i hope you endure in fact my brother i pray that you endure to the very end that you would not falter that you would not fall back you would not backslide but that you will excel in the glory of god that he's already put upon your life to fulfill his will in your life that's how you have to see it let your light shine before men how am i going to make this shy we'll get into this fast right here and he says then shall thy light break forth as the morning mighty god no more darkness i can see clearly now i can see i know working witchcraft i know speaking behind my back i know but god is saying dolph i show you them but don't focus on them all them snakes i was showing you i was showing you them all up in your face acting like they're your friends acting like they for you but can't wait to get behind your back trying to figure out a way to tear you down but if you go under fast my friend you can watch them come in one way and scatter from underneath that bed seven different ways on that place my god but i was awesome dream yeah that was so encouraging mighty god somebody need to listen i talking to somebody tonight i talking to somebody tonight you ran you were in a butt with enemies you ran here listen to these people telling you oh are the enemies you see today you will see no more oh uh god got them that's true but there's a part you play and it isn't revenge and it isn't speaking evil of them it is following these rules right here because you won't break the bands of wickedness you want to do the on you want to do the the break the bands of brickiness wickedness duty on on on the burdens uh said they will press free and break the yoke you you won't deal with this from a spiritual perspective i know the enemies i see today i haven't seen them i didn't get that i've been hearing that for five million years i get that now what i need to do what is it that i have to do see that sound good oh the prophet say young man come here the lord say the enemies you say yeah yeah i've been hearing that bro now what i need to do what is my spiritual responsibility to engage in to produce what god has said in this world because faith without works is dead from what i last read and don't come tell me how to give no money for that thing would you just tell me what was in the bible for so long did you try that don't you don't you mess with me don't you mess with me so listen to this now listen to this listen to this psalms 119 verse 130 let's see what it says the entrance of thy word give it light lord i try to show you all how to make this light illuminating you you already have a light but it's dim it's very dim i'm trying to teach you through the word of god how to make it illuminate psalms 119 verse 130 the entrance of thy word give it light it give it understanding unto the simple let's go back here again isaiah 58 verse 8 after the follow the the genuine fast protocols then shall thy light break forth as the morning what is this light again revelation understanding spiritual clarity i see beyond the natural i know what's coming and i know how to strategize for it according to the laws principles rules and ordinances of god ain't no hocus pocus here no rhymes no riddles ain't no foolishness here we getting in the word we want the principles from the scriptures to make sense of this the entrance of thy word give it light it give it understanding unto the simple now i just gave you scriptures and a breakdown as it relates to when we engage in the principle of fasting and the spiritual implications that that that will produce from it now i want to go into the opposite side of it but before i do that i want to i'm going to define a word here and that word is principle and the word principle is defined as a fundamental truth okay or sorry a fundamental truth that serves as the foundation of a system of belief or behavior or sorry or for a chain of reasoning so what is this basically saying okay when you're dealing with a principle of something it is the core the basis the foundation of the root and how the system of whatever it is that it's working in operates all right when you look at a person's eyeball you have the iris you have the optical nerve and all of these other components they would be the principles because if you move any one of those components away or take it away from that person i then that i would not perform the way it was designed to do because one of the main components are fundamental part of it or principle of it is gone so the principle will always be the core factors on what the entire system is working on the principle of a car moving from point a to point b is the engine you take the engine or the car and go nowhere now i'm breaking this principle part of it because i'm going to now take you into how fasting as i'm speaking to you right now right now there are people who are into the occult who are seeking greater spiritual power and authority not from god but from the kingdom of darkness but the same principle applies as it relates to fasting so fasting not only engages us in the spiritual realm but fasting takes us to a higher level of demonic activity in terms of from the evil side now let me prove this remember matthew 17 and 21. but before we got to 21 i told you the story many times before a young a man son was possessed with devils the disciples spirit the disciples speaking tongues do all kind of stuff i guess whatever he did and nothing happened they took he took the boy to jesus and long story short jesus delivered the boy from the devils the disciples said how come we couldn't do this i mean we are your students jesus said this kind what's the word kind again this kind which also means this rank or level okay this breed i mean this is something totally different from its regular this is a much higher or greater power this kind this kind of what what is the subject here the demons that was in the boy the evil spirits the found spirits this kind will only come out listen listen listen carefully through prayer and fasting so let's forensically look at what jesus said jesus never said there are greater evil spirits he never directly said that but when we forensically look at his statement that is what he's saying because if he's saying that this kind what kind are you talking about what is in this boy and for you to use the word kind this is totally different and on a different plane than every or any other spirit you were casting on before so he mentions fasting here now because he's saying fasting is going to put you on a different level of spiritual power it's going to cause your light to break forth now you will be able to deal with this kind of spirit which will only respond in terms of retreating via not just prayer alone but you've got to incorporate fasting in this oh i really trying to take my time tonight man i'm really trying to take my time but i didn't work so i got to break out right now okay now i i warn you all right jesus is clever he said this kind in fact let's turn him out because he's only taking me serious tonight let's go let's go to matthew sorry yeah matthew uh 17 and let's look at 21. what does it say matthew 17. he says how be it this kind go not out it will never leave but or except by prayer and fasting this is powerful because as we begin to to to really grab into the bowels of this statement jesus is putting emphasis on the fasting component here and he's stating and declaring to us that fasting plays an important role as it relates to spiritual warfare and wherever fasting is you're dealing with a higher level of not only spiritual warfare but evil entities and if you are not a person so this is going to make sense now so for you out there who are going around in circles and you've prayed and passed the poor oil on you and then pimp slap you and then fling you all over the place and the devil ain't come out and you're still broke why so it's it's saying it's suggesting we need to upgrade our spiritual warfare how how we gonna do it by engaging in fasting jesus is saying there is a specific entity or spirits in the kingdom of darkness based on the power that they've been given the only way they can ever be challenged is if the one who is challenging them has incorporated in their christian discipline some type of fasting i hope you all listen to me you know i hope you're listening to me this kind will only come up through prayer and fasting kevin i hear you man i hear you i hear you i hear you and it makes sense but when you say this kind will only come a true prayer i can't see where the word discounted phrase this kind how you get that to mean a higher level of evil power how you know it in a lesser level well it was lesser level why you'd have to incorporate fasting with it why your regular prayer couldn't do it but you still seem confused so let me give you some more scripture to unclutter confusion so let's go to matthew 12. let's go to matthew 12 and let's look at verse 43 okay jesus said when the unclean spirit has gone out of a man so it tells us that spiritual entities which are beings that we cannot see have the ability to live in human beings and that shouldn't be a shocker because the real you is a spirit and you live in this shell called a physical fleshly body but according to the scripture there are other spiritual entities that could live in you you still should should not be shocked if you believe in a holy spirit that dwells in you you still should not be shocked because jesus christ the spirit of the living god dwells in you jesus the bible says that the spirit that raised christ from the dead also resides in you so none of what i'm saying to you should be a shocker so let's get past all of the glam of this evil spirits as well as spirits from the kingdom of god can reside in a human being so the scripture is telling us in matthew 12 verse 43 when an unclean spirit is gone out of a man when it's eradicated when a person has been delivered it says he walks through dry places seeking rest and this guy finds none okay then he said i will return to my house who is he the spirit spirit talks the spirit gets tired the spirit walks the spirit like he said looking for a place to reside he couldn't find it so the spirit is now reasoning it's an intelligent being it's not a just hocus-pocus thing it says let me go to my house which was the former human host it says and when he came back there he find it that it would be the physical being of the person that that spiritual evil entity once reside in he says he find it empty sorry he find an empty yes swept and garnished what does that mean there was nothing in this person okay that would have given that spirit the legal right to uh re-enter this person so when i said it was swept garnish and clean when the person was delivered of the spirit it was delivered let's say it was a spirit of lust and all of the lustful components that came along with it all of that that person was delivered from so when the spirit comes back now because remember according to the law in uh proverbs 26 and 3 2 or 3 it says now the curse causeless cannot come what that means is that when a spirit comes in this case an evil spirit the only way it could take up residence in a person is that there has to be something in there already we spoke about this uh my last teaching so if you are a person that was already battling with with lust he was already battling with lust and then anything arouse you and the more you entertain that spirit the more it's going to bring on other spirits so what happens now your has now uh upgraded to you now into same sex you never was that way before so the spirit of homosexuality or lesbian name come and board now you were just you were like having sex with with opposite sex you you like that but now you're so into it that this isn't bringing you pleasure no more you want to upgrade this now so you actually want to have what is it like to have sex with another woman what it's like to have sex with a man what it's like to have sex with an animal but this isn't you you know this is the spirit like jesus said that was eradicated this spirit is now pulling the strings to your life so according to the scripture here it says that when the spirit came in verse 44 and could not re-enter verse 45 says the same spirit then go and take with him seven other spirits listen listen carefully listen to prevents seven other words more wicked let's put a pin right there now because when you use the word more it speaks about something that goes beyond the normal so when we compare that to the original spirit he wasn't as weak kid as the origin the original spirit wasn't as wicked as these other seven that he's bringing the reinforcement so this now lends to the understanding of uh matthew 17 and 21. this kind what the khan is talking about these same like these same seven who are more wicked this kind will only come through prayer and fasting so i'm going to show you how important fasting is now it says then go with he which is the spirit and now he brings with him seven more seven other spirits more wicked than himself and they entered you didn't hear no resistance right you didn't hear there was a fight no they say then they entered now why is this let's go back to matthew 17 and 21 this kind will only come out through apparent fasting so if prayer and fasting will cause him to be eradicated well then the discipline of making prayer and fasting a lifestyle will keep them out if prayer and fasting if it took prayer and fasting to get them up which you think will keep them out you got to continue with praying now you don't have to do it every day you don't have to do it every week but it should be a part of your christian discipline but you do it once a month twice once every time however god leads you to do it you need to incorporate it because what the scripture is now pointing us to is that there are some devils in the spiritual there are some unclean spirits that are not the regular uh out in the name of jesus type of spirit you have to include fasting you have to all right now let's go to let's go to uh first kings let's go to first kings are 16. now i'm going to show you how wicked people use the principle of fasting and this is why boy i listen to me you i talking but this god talking to me to someone tonight you those that are oppressing you those that are getting over you the rejection and the blockages in your life is as a result of either a lack of fasting or not fasting at all and the people that are coming against you yeah they are wicked based on your physical view of them but what they're dealing with makes them far more wicked than you could ever imagine because these people okay they're the ones dealing with this kind of devils they are the one that went in fast to invoke okay these are the ones that are sending spirits to your home at night and you're having dreams where you see dogs coming at you biting you you're always running from these animals or you're having these dreams where you see dead people coming at you or or these nightmares let me that's the best way to put it constant nightmares you know why because the enemies that are coming against you that they're not coming physically at you anymore they're not coming and cussing you out and and ratting you out to the boss no no no no no they're tormenting you through sorcery but these in your regular just not your regular sorcery people these things the people who can come and throw oh i mean our graveyard dust on your window and they ain't coming out no no they're not coming out no they're not coming out right in their bedrooms right to their altars they are summonsing this they listen to me carefully they are not summonsing a spirit let me be clear for you okay they are summoning this kind now you say okay well why because they understand spiritually what you should have been practicing and acing they understand that this kind we're calling on we're calling on them and they're sending them particular believers you know why because they already know in the spiritual realm these believers don't fast they can't keep their play turnover so the the demonic order of spiritual warfare went to the level on a couple levels along the the average play christian still talking full but the enemies you don't see today you ain't seen no more garbage keep talking that full and watch what i can get you this level of evil people yeah they was always into magic you know there was always but listen they took it to another level they don't want fasting now they're doing what the christians should be doing but they're acting on the principle of fasting of course they cannot go to go and say god kill kevin no the spirits that they're seeking to perform for them well they will tell you we are required to do fasting in this particular ritual to send this particular spirit behind this person or this family or this group or this company or disorganization we don't want just bring a regular spirit of confusion with somebody on the job who is a good prayer warrior and an intercessor but not a faster they could run those spirits but the ones that they're calling on these people would fasten for 30 days until to to to evil altars to invoke a spirit that if you i don't care what you call yourself an intercessor if you are not incorporating fasting in your christian discipline you wasting your time buddy in fact you preparing to get whoop crazy i hope you're listening to me because i can show you right now i can show you and you know you know how you gonna know this the type of demons you're dealing with they come with a heavy and they are influential wherever those spirits are sent they influence upon that group that individual it is overwhelming that the person almost is like a zombie you know listen to me i can give you some goal lord i try to hold back because i really won't get into the story radio but let me tell you this right now okay i can tell you all i can give you all some hints right now who this spirit is on right now and you don't even realize it but i'm telling you how it got there it got there because the practitioners that are calling them up it's not a regular ritual they didn't go to an altar and burn candles and put alcohol bottles in and and blow fire no no no no that's that's child's play what they were required to do was while doing that and more they had to go on a demonic fast to invoke a spirit that challenges or that cannot be challenged by prayer alone and that's why a lot of the christians on the job today why every time we pray not because you're not fasting i hope you're listening to me so let me tell you how you know the spirit is in your midst whether it's a church whether it's on your job whether it's in your family or whether it's just in your life the two major components the first component the first component like i always tell you would be uh conflict confusion never feeling settled but the number one will actually strive up the the next two and this is the number this is a primary one the the person or the environment the person will always feel a or persons who feel a sense of of anxiety anxiety for no reason for you just fearful you never this way before let's say you have to give a presentation this is how you know that spirit right in that place you fumbling over your words you freeze up you focus all over the place you cannot focus the next sign to that is you have this sense of claustrophobia but more so from a mental like like you even imagine it you could be watching a movie and you see someone in the movie in a room like they can't get out there's no windows there even though that's not you this is how serious the spirit is on you you feel claustrophobic you it's almost as if you're feeling it for them i'm talking to somebody i talking to someone tonight the fear because listen fear becomes the mig all of what i just told you the basis of it is fair and this environment would covet oh this is prime this is prime meat for the enemy because the majority of christians are fearful now primarily because they're too lazy to fast y'all hear me right if you don't believe me if you don't know if you got this spirit on you most of you right now you can't go sleep if you're home alone unless the light on and even if you hear the light if you turn the light on your can't go sleep because a million thoughts racing through your mind and especially with pitch black and this is how you're going to know what evil presence is resident there that i tell you you're going to feel claustrophobic like you've got to turn this light on you feel like you can't breathe i talk on somebody i try to help you i try to help you you need to fast because the reason why you're experiencing these things is because the one who's working against you or the group they're fasting but they're fasting to evil deities the forces that they're calling up from those altars are not your regular spirits or listen to me tonight okay they what what these people have to go through to call these spirits listen to me no maybe how much they hate you they're risking their own lives because at any moment that spirit could consume them and the only reason why they're still living and doing this nonsense is because the spirit need to use them to recruit more people to the kingdom of the act that's all that's the only reason why they live in who actually are the practitioners to those altars so don't think they special claustrophobia fear anxiety depression these are the main components when we are identifying this kind of spirit means the ones who will only be resistant to not just pray alone but you have to incorporate fasting in there because the way that they got here of course when that human went through the rituals that was required and a part of that richard i'm going to repeat it again that evil practitioner had to have engaged in a fast and i can tell you this right now that fast was no note five six that fast probably wasn't even a ten day fast it was probably beyond that because i'm telling you there's a protocol that every spiritualist must follow to summons a specific spirit at that altar and every altar which has a different spirit have a different requirement to uh to to to render their services so there are people out there a lot of them in church right now a lot of them in children and a lot of them doing what they do because in the fast they concern god is taking too long to send provision and so on so they dabble into these things not knowing the major implications that comes along with it and we're going to all of that tonight but i'm telling you right now if you in your church setting okay a house of the lord and you feel claustrophobic you feel fearful for no reason the pastor called you to come make a prayer and you fearful and i'm talking with your average friend i talk about where it's uncontrollable where you bumping over your words and talking foolishness that spirit's sitting right in that place somebody said it or somebody right there doing it and when i say that spirit i'm talking about this kind okay good let's go to first kings let's go to first kings chapter 16. first kings chapter 16 i love in this tonight first kings chapter 16 and we're going to read from verse 29 to verse 31 first kings chapter 16 okay verse 29 let me check that off here verse 29 to verse 31 let's see what it says and in the thirty and eighth year of asa or assa king of julia began ahab the son of umri to reign over israel okay and ahab the son of omri reigned over israel in syria how long did he reign for 22 years okay we get that let's go to verse 30 of first kings 16 and ahab the son of omri listen carefully ahab the son of omri did evil in the sight of the lord above all that were before him this is interesting let's pause here for a minute let me explain this so it'll make more sense to you as we go forward i said to you on many occasions that whenever you see in the scriptures and you will also see these in the chronicles of the kings that'll be in the book of kings first and second kings you'll also see it used frequently in first and second chronicles whenever you see the phrase and this person did evil in the sight of the lord all that simply means is that they abandoned god and they now begin to serve idols preferably baal so they're serving a deity that is not the god of abraham in this case it says that uh ahab who reigned for 22 years not only did he uh did even on the side of god or abandoned god and when i say abandoned god i mean he now is encouraging the children of israel to serve idols and to abandon god also means that he will remove the things of god and now set up what they call groves and altars and so on to now invoke spirits from these different deities that will now pollute the land the bible is very very clear here and it says that not only that he did even on the side of the lord but up to that point there was no other king as wicked as he was during that period so it tells me these sacrifices and rituals that he was doing and invoking these spirits to come in him okay made him of a of a different mind as opposed to the mind that he originally had when he was on god he was packed and filled with devils remember now as a result of that israel isn't serving god they're not carrying out the passovers and all this stuff anymore whatever they're doing now they're doing it under bail now i just want you to get an idea as to where we going next so verse 36 and ahab the son of armory did even on the side of the lord above all that were before him verse 31 and it came to pass as if it had been a light thing for him to walk in the sins of jeroboam the son of nabat that he took to wife this is the next point he took to be his wife jezebel the daughter of f baal king excuse me of the zodiacs or the zydonian story of the zydonians and went listen what he did now and went and served baal and worship him now this is the king of israel god's people this is the king he not only turn and serve another god he then married jezebel who watches now who he was not supposed to marry because you remember the commandment that they were given or the ordinance that they would not to marry anyone outside of israel especially the king you are not supposed you you he said in deuteronomy chapter 7 he says forge no covenants with them make no marriages with them which is also covenants do not let your sons marry their daughters and don't let your their daughters marry your son's vice voice so he says have no covenant with them watch what he says now least they take you away from your god this is uh deuteronomy 7 verses 1 to 5. then he says what to do next he says now when you get there you take their altars their groves the high places and you burn it this was instructions ahab here is clearly revolting on rebellion against all of what god told them not to do in fact he did it jezebel okay she was the daughter of f bale which was a king okay he was a king but they all serve idols so much so that now uh ahab began to serve just like what god said was gonna happen do not marry them because they're gonna pull you away from your god which is exactly what happened and he now begin to uh follow her so now why am i bringing this before i get into what i getting into right now because what i'm about to go into i want to show you i want to make clear to you that what you about to hear in this story what you're about to hear in the story i i don't want you to think because we're talking about israel and we're talking about the elders and so on you're going to think on a godly level i'm telling you this i'm pre fixing this story to show you that the root and the core of israel at this point has nothing to do with god everything have to do with idol worship all right now with that said let me give you some more stuff here let's go to uh let's go to second kings because i want to give you a little bit more about this guy's wife jezebel second kings chapter nine let's go to second kings chapter nine and let's look at verse 22. all right what does it say here this is going to give us a little bit of insight about the same woman jezebel and what she was dealing with all right second kings 9 verses 22 and it came to pass when joram saw jehu that he said is it peace jehu asks a question and he answered who is he jehu what peace so long as the dumb listen to this now whoredom of thy mother whoredom of thy mother jezebel listen now and her witchcraft are so many so hardem represent a a a woman who sleeps with other people so it's telling us something about our character now this is the type of woman that this guy the king of the king of israel ahab married so clearly she wasn't only sleeping with him based on that terminology she got him right and hardem will also represent spiritually that she was getting israel to save other gods but watch this too what's this next and he says and how which listen not he didn't say i know witchcraft singular no look at that word because there's an s at the end of the word witchcraft and her witchcraft meaning that this was her way of life she summons other spirits which witchcraft is to send spirits or to subdue the spirit of an individual or a group or a place only to impose your will via that spirit to control them to do what they never used to do wanted to do or could have done before in terms of they end up marrying somebody who they would have never married in reality but they are they're blinded spiritually there's a spirit on them oppressing their will that's what witchcraft is spiritual pressing your will that was of course sent by someone okay and to impose or superimpose their will on your life so the scripture's saying that she was she was full of witchcrafts and she would do it this was her way of life now i said all of that to you i said all of that to you because i want us to now go to first kings chapter 21. all right let's go to first kings chapter 21 and this can make a lot of sense right now all right this could make plenty sense to you right now first king chapter 21 and we're going to read from verse 1 to verse 14 and we're going to put emphasis on verse 9 and verse 12. okay first kings chapter 21 verses 1 to verse 14. i hope you guys are enjoying this tonight because and i don't care if you ain't enjoying it because i am enjoying it but on a serious note first kings chapter 21 verses 1 to and we are going to put emphasis on verse 9 and verse 12. okay good okay first king chapter 21 beginning at verse 1. and it came to pass after these things that naboth the jezreelite had a vineyard okay which was in jezreel which was in jezreel hard by the palace of ahab king of samaria so what this mean is that uh this guy by the name of naboth he had a a vineyard next to ahab and his wicked wife jezebel's palace long story short nate bot made a preposition to purchase the property from naboth neighborhood said king i love you but i can't do it because this is part of a family inheritance and the truth is when i'm deceased and gone this will be passed on to the next generation i cannot sell it all right just giving you a summary and he and of course uh ahab didn't take too too well with that so anyway verse 2 says and ahab spoke unto neybot saying give me thy vineyard all right that i may have it for a garden or of herbs because it is near unto my house or it's close to my house so why don't you just give it to me and uh ahab continued by saying and i will give thee for it a better vineyard that it or if it seem good to thee i will give thee the worth of it in money meaning that if you don't accept another vineyard that i will replace it with if you were to give it to me then i will give you monies no matter how much is worth i will pay you for it verse three says a neighbor said to ahab neighborhood said to ahab the lord forbid it that i should give the inheritance of my father unto me i cannot do this verse 4 of first kings 21 says and ahab came into his house heavy and displeased because of the word which they bought the jezreelite had spoken to him for he had said i will not give thee the inheritance of my fathers and he laid him down upon the bed or ahab laid in the bed or lied in the bed and turned away his face and would not eat now let's do a pet here it's a petty dude okay the fellas say and the reasons are quite understandable i cannot sell it even if i wanted to because it belong to the family lineage i cannot do it perry king ahab all right like a little whiner he comes home the dude is so perturbed that not only was he his countenance clearly showed his disappointment but he came home and he basically talked sickly on the bed and turned his head and couldn't even eat all of this because the fella said he wouldn't sell him the property my lord i don't understand that now listen to this now verse 5 because this is where it gets really really interesting but jezebel his wife now before we go any further remember the prefix i gave you to this jezebel and aha people right jezebel and her father who was a king of the zodiacs whatever their name was they served bail we also discovered that she was into hortom and she was lit her life was a life of sorcery she worked witchcraft this was what she did all right she didn't claim to be no no wife who uh was into the things of god so the scriptures that i gave you earlier showed us it also showed us that ahab okay he did evil in the sight of the god meaning that he now took on the worshipping of other gods and dismissed the god of abraham all right but aside from that it says that he was by far the worst king to that point in history than any other king that was before him so therefore these two leaders these two leaders because clearly if ahab is a king then clearly jezebel had to have been a queen these two leaders of israel god's people now of course they would have had their altars and groves and everything set up and i want to make another thing clear you do during the tenure of ahab wherever during his the history that is spoken of about him and you hear the terminology such as priests and so on let me be clear here they are not talking about godly priests because at this point he had israel serving bail so these priests were the priests of the altars of baal i won't be clear here because it will be going next all right now watch this now we're talking about the principle of fasting first kings five first kings chapter 21 verse 5 but jezebel his wife came to him who was him ahab and said unto him why is thy spirit so sad that thou eatest no bread verse 6 of first kings 21 and he which is ahab said unto her which is jezebel because i spoke unto neighbor the jezreelite and said unto him give me thy vineyard for money or else if it please thee i will give thee another vineyard for it and he answered and said i will not give thee thy vineyard now listen to voice 7 listen to voice seven and jezebel's wife who is jezebel she is a witchcraft waka she is a magician she is a magic person who access evil spirits to manipulate to to to do wickedness but but she's doing it initially from the spiritual realm she ain't gonna come at you physically did it you're gonna didn't go after neighborhood and and do something physical to him she you're going to see when she put the spiritual components in place but how she did it is what we're going to get to verse 7 and jezebel's wife said unto him neighborhood dost thou now govern the kingdom of israel arise and eat bread and let thine heart be merry listen to this now let's listen to this controlling spirit remember who the king is he is the king but clearly he submitted to this witchcraft worker because that's what witchcraft was all about she had this man under spell he she said clearly listen i i will give thee the vineyard of neighbor how you can do this and you ain't no king how you can do this jezebel how well she can show you how and she is going to show you how right now listen to verse 8. so she wrote letters in ahab's name so she's deceiving the people now she's writing this letter that they're gonna think is coming from the king all right listen carefully so she wrote letters in ahab's name and sealed them with a seal okay that's what they would seal put the the letter in the envelope okay seal it put this rubbery thing and get the king signet ring and then put the imprint in that so this is an official letter from the king that listen to who she's sending it to okay so she wrote letters in ahab's name and sealed them with his seal and sent the letters unto the elders circle upward eldest what does this mean what is an elder back in the days of israel well the elders were the all the men of israel that they a part of their culture was making these all the men a part of the government of israel because they were the ones that were leaned on for wisdom for understanding they were more knowledgeable about how to deal with things so the official politicians the elders will be a part of them to give sound advice and sound counsel but remember what this woman is about she is into witchcraft all of these people see him as simon of samaria that we read and i think uh i think uh acts 8 9 16 somewhere around there where he had a spell over the entire city of of of of samaria this is exactly what we've seen right here so the scripture says here and send the letters unto the elders unto the nobles these would have been the the mighty the elite people okay which is the senate and the rich people whatever the nobles that were in his city dwelling with naboth and she wrote in the letters saying listen carefully proclaim a fast oh boy this can get juicy right now let me celebrate though because i can get chill bumps right now she listen what she said now remember this obey worker remember the santoria korean remember this sanguma because that's what she is and they serve and they had israel such as the elders such as the nobles they were all serving baal that's why i gave my prefix that's why i gave the foundation because i don't want when you see here proclaim a fast she's referring to god let's be clear now let's be clear here listen carefully i love this man so she wrote letters uh uh sorry in verse nine and she wrote in the letters meaning more than one saying proclaim a fast to who to see your spiritual mind should kick in right there now on based on what kevin showed us in those previous scriptures this woman was into witchcraft this woman was in the harem uh ahab served bill we read that the bible says that ahab uh did even on the side of the of the lord and after that point he was the most he was the wickedest king ever prior to those that were before him so who were they proclaiming a fast too so you see what i'm telling you you now see the principle see when you hear certain terminologies as it relates to christian them you automatically denote them to the things of god no man no no that's why we're always talking about principles and rules and ordinances we need to know that these terminologies and then we need to see if there are if they're principles because if they're a principle it could be work for good as well as it could work for evil so she's telling these people who are already serving bail go to we want a serious spirit to come here but we need corporate fasting hello oh lord you all yes we need corporate she didn't she gonna do the fast on her own but she know the kind of spirit that she need to call to seal this deal with his neighbor brother we call him the highest of the highest the spiritual laws still are in place the spiritual law of unity is still in place remember the scripture and i think uh genesis 11. this is genesis 11 or genesis 9 anyway whichever scripture whichever those chapters speak about the tower of babel and in verse six remember what god said when they were building the tower these were wicked men headed by nimrod trying to build a tower to reach god remember god said which why he had to change the language of the earth he said behold the people are one huh and whatever they imagine to do nothing shall be withheld from them that's a spiritual law so this woman you see what i tell you and that's why the bible says that the children of this world meaning those who have you refused to accept christ they are smarter than the children of light the children of light just say i got jesus and they're just comfortable with that oh you know weapon form against me shall prosper god got me oh god you got to do some stuff to make these things happen see the people into darkness listen they know the devil can't just come and do stuff from they know they have to enact invoke they know they have to activate certain protocols to summon specific spirits ah the angelic host won't help the believers of jesus christ but they're just comfortable and i feel like doing it i'm gonna see that god so let me take a shortcut here i see it doesn't want to take this now you're gonna do the rest what scripture can can keep they said over here who fasten to bring in their high level lords and devils wake up people wake up stop giving these people your money trying to bribe god stop stop that's ignorance the bible just there's no scripture that tells you that can happen none verse eight so she wrote letters to ahab's name and see them with the seal and send the letters unto the elders and to the nobles that were in the city dwelling with naboth verse nine and she wrote in the letters saying proclaim a fast and set neybot on high among the people oh let me explain this to you all right now i couldn't wait to get here listen to the scripture she is getting she she's activating spiritual laws she want to eliminate naboth completely mind you she know that she could actually go on a fast herself when someone's a spiritual she says no so what she did is she lied because basically what she also said what what neighbor did was that he blasphame the king and god okay now watch this she now want to get a corporate fast all of us are coming together to call on this deity so that tells me that the deity that she wanted to call on it would not respond to just her singular fasting it requires multiple people so what she did under the authority of the king powers she wrote a letter asking them to come we need to come together but making it look like they violated the gods or god now watch this now listen carefully to verse nine again and she wrote this letters and saying proclaim me fast and said neighbor on high among the people verse 10 and set two men sons of belial sons of the liberal wicked disgusting evil men so she's the the letter or not this is how you know it's not of god the the letter is a lie first of all that she's sending to the elders that's number one that's a lie she's telling him not to proclaim a fast which we know is not to the god of abraham or the god of baal secondly she is telling these elders that's how i know they all are wicked now get the two sons of lyle that will testify against neighbor meaning that what she concocted these two dudes weren't even there but bring them to say that they were there and to agree that yes he did blaspheme the king and yes he did blaspheme the gods so how could they be fasting towards god how i try to help somebody tonight listen listen carefully listen to this now verse 10 of first kings 21 she says and said to men sons of belial before him before who before they bought to bear witness against him or to lie on him so who who who were the witnesses against neymar me me and and so what happened he cursed the king and he cursed our god that's what he did oh no that's what i get and killed day to day so this is what wicked jezebel is doing she's sealing the fate of naboth through sorcery true manipulation true true but how is she doing it she's getting them to call on the gods call on this powerful spirit that will seal the fate of neighborhood my lord first and says and said to men sons of belial before him to bear witness against him saying thou didst blaspheme this is what they're supposed to say the outdoors blaspheme god and the king and they carry him out and stone him that he may die um verse 11 and the men of his city even the elders and the nobles who were the inhabitants of his city did as jezebel had sent unto them and as it was written in the letter which she had sent unto them listen to verse 12 they proclaim a fast and set neighbor on high among the people okay this is why this is what i want to tell you about verse 12. okay in verse 9 and verse 12 remember i told you to highlight those two verses because there's a powerful revelation here as it relates to demonic fasting and how precise this demonic force is in that when you engage in it in this demonic fast you've got to be specific the the level of spiritual wickedness you're summoning you have to be specific on what it is or who it is you want them to address in verse 9 listen carefully in verse 9 it says and she which is jezebel wrote in the letter saying proclaim a fast but don't just do the fast but put a specific name there it says proclaim a fast and set neybot on high among the people make sure he when you fast in you tell the gods to deal with this dude radio verse 12 she says they're following now what she said in verse nine they me for us and said neighbor on high among them now let me explain to you what this is what this mean okay remember i said to you in many of my teachings on sorcery and witchcraft that uh in order for spirits evil spirits or even the spirit of god to operate for us or intervene for us then we must come an agreement as a covenant that needs to be uh forged now the covenant when we follow the rules of god we are automatically in covenant with him to bring about his promises well the opposite is also true when we disobey the rules of god we are automatically in covenant with the devil so lesser spirits will challenge us when we're in violation of the laws of god now in witchcraft you would normally see where people or not see but require okay you come to the witch doctor obviously for for spiritual uh interference let's say for a person's life you wanna you wanna harm somebody so what they would say to you is bring a picture bring a photo do you have a photo of the person no okay are you able to retrieve anything personal from them like their clothing particularly their underwear or whatever and it has to be a clothing piece of clothing that was never washed meaning that i would say never wash but it has to be a piece of clothing that they would have recently worn and didn't wash it so their sweat or their dna is in that piece of clothing or you have to get a clipping of of their hair or or their fingernail or something like that now when they put it at that altar which is exactly what's happening here because remember she said now proclaim a fast and put neighborhood on high or put him on the alto so when you fasting to this god our gods meaning the baal they know specifically because in the kingdom of darkness unlike the kingdom of god the kingdom of darkness the spirits as well as satan are not omnipresent meaning only god is that way he could be anywhere anytime all the time so in the kingdom of darkness that they need something of that person to spiritually geographically locate them this is the identity for example let me give you an example of it have you ever had a dream where you dream someone took your passport or you had a dream where uh your wallet meant missing or you found your wallet in a dream but all of your uh license or id and stuff gone such a dream would be indicating that someone has something to identify you to use as a means to specifically spend spirits against you especially your passport if you see your passport and i know i kind of like straighten it but i'm just trying to give you a visual of what i'm trying to get to let's say you saw your passport in the dream but when you open the passport it's your passport your name but the picture is not your picture it's somebody's picture so what it's showing you is that they have your identity whatever it could be a password it'll be anything but the password in this case is just a symbol of whatever they have but they also represent you but to see somebody else pitching this that they're trying to to switch your identity they're trying to subdue your spirit and put another spirit on you so yes this you in physical look but you can behave like something or someone else i opened somebody here tonight i opened somebody here tonight because this is exactly what we're seeing with aha so at the altar we're going to bring this person's picture now depending on what you want done there is different rituals or ceremony that must be carried out by the altars practitioner in order for that spirit to have the legal right to now impose its evil will as you would want on this person's life i opened somebody tonight by helping somebody today that's why you keep dreaming about your passport you keep dreaming your poise or your by going missing somebody got your identity somebody got some personal paraphernalia that belong to you that they're using to work with trafficking you because the dream is only showing you spiritual intelligence excerpts of what you would never know physically it's now showing it to you in a dream now you could dismiss the dream all you want but it'll be to your disadvantage watch this now so they got the picture there they got a lock of your hair they got your finger clipping your clothing your underwear whatever so now they're going to perform certain rituals whether it's going to be a blood sacrifice you may seek certain trees at this altar you may see like i say alcohol beverages you might see cigars or cigarettes you might see locks padlocks lock into one another or chains or you might see or what they call a effigy also effigy also where they have like a clay uh made out in the image of the victim or uh a figurine made out in the image of the victim with black tread around it or you would see like a chain around the person with a lock and when i say the person the image or the clay image of the person who they are getting now that there is also representative of what we read in isaiah uh 58 and six when he says when you go on the genuine fast it's going to break the bands of wickedness that's what we're talking about right there the image that they had of you see because everything you see at that altar that represent you and what they're doing to the image or the identity of you is how the spirits are going to affect you in the spiritual realm so you feel like you frustrated you you're doing everything to get ahead but you can't because see spiritually you're anchored spirit see listen to me man i can that's why i become so angry when i see churches and pastors dismissing the spiritual realm they should never be pastors they are an indictment to the body of christ this is why because the basis of your spiritual your christian your christianity the core the fundamentals the principles of it is spiritual and unfortunately the people of darkness have a keen and accurate understanding of these rules so they know okay if we get excuse me this particular thing of kevin and put it at this water and what we're gonna do we're gonna put pins so you see this doll at the altar naked doll with these breasts but you see thousands of pins in the breast why is this a disalter same thing they do in the neighborhood so the spirits now of infirmity is going to locate that person and that person more than likely will die from breast cancer or breast abnormalities why because they're being manipulated spiritually kevin proved this to us but go to luke 13. luke 13 i use this all the time a woman jesus in the temple preaching a woman is bent over she's humped back she's bent over and she was this way according to the history of the scriptures for 18 years she was that way the bible says jesus now whose spiritual senses are enlightened and he says you miss you have a spirit listen what he says prefix a spirit of infirmity on you what is he basically saying there is nothing wrong with you physically but there is a there's a there is a a entity that you cannot see that you cannot even feel that have you contorted that way the scripture says jesus came down he didn't rebuke the woman listen he rebuked the spirit of infirmity the invisible entity that was on her and when he moved that immediately the bible says she stood up straight so don't tell me the spiritual world is real you could never convince me on that never never never never never you you you are a zombie you are a christian zombie if you dismiss the spiritual world because the premises of your belief is based on the invisible so if you call yourself a belief of jesus christ and say you don't believe in the spiritual world you're not case i say that right now yeah anyway so they said when you proclaim this fast when you call on the gods of baal when you call on the gods of moloch and ashtran or when you put make sure you call neighbor name reading the scripture verse 12 they proclaim a fast and set neighbor on high among the people everybody can pray for his downfall oh god you pray into for someone downfall couldn't be the god of abraham who know and the god of abraham wouldn't sanction something like this when the god or the all-knowing god know the premises of everything that is happening here is a lie people wake up open your spiritual eyes and see what the scriptures are saying to you this is the revelation that god is revealing to you deal with it from the spiritual realm and the group that the set of forces that's coming now what is coming listen not coming let me take that back what is here now they came here through demonic prayer and fasting they got the question when the christian was asleep when they should have been fasting they see no trouble i see no trouble they seem to trouble that time covett and all them are the spirits and many many more to come all being concocted to be released while the believers snoring only to wake up and say all the enemies you see today you will see no more glory be to god no weapon form again yeah yeah you joker go lay down go back to sleep you lost the enemy light years ahead of you why because you play in that same tired racket over and over there's a shift there's a shift in the atmosphere here breaking the spirit then you can get tired of this foolishness man when you get to the point you say god i can't take this garbage no more give me some real spiritual meat god show me something in your word that i could put the practice rig now to change my course at some point you gotta get tired and i am convinced you're not tired just like me when i got tired i left when i got tired i did something different they said insanity according to einstein is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result you've got to be crazy i had to make up my enough is enough i cannot live the rest of my life broke i cannot live the rest of my life and poverty i cannot live the rest of my life and fear i don't think nobody on this planet was more fearful than me i was fearful i was afraid i was depressed every negative thing you could think of was upon my life and no one could look with spiritual eyes and say oh boy you got a devil on you no what did i hear so see it that's why i hate it so much and again i saying so and see this wrong i'm saying to you when they ask you to sword in exchange for god to work for you it's the biggest lie from the pit of hell any church i ever walk in and they mentioned so a seed for miracle i will pick up and leave because it's a church of the devil god wants you to participate in this law because why why am i telling you this because as i speak to you right now they are all just probably raised against your church and the leadership and the church don't even know and that's why the church can't finish bill there was billing from 1969 and every time they'd add another brick some hurricane some disaster something happened why because they're ignorant to the spiritual world so they go really roundy they walk around the building or the lord say whatever the truth further yes foot whatever the soul your foot shall tread that i've given yeah he said that many other things people wake up people wake up here wake up wake up that's all i'm saying do you wake up come on of your spiritual slumber comedy spiritual slumber i have proven here to you tonight the principle of fasting only in the latter part of my teaching where it's used for a demonic uh experience where they are able to conjure up spirits for an entire nation to believe the lie of jezebel and convince them to murder an innocent man nobody was there for his defense excuse me where you reading there the church came up and said no no no the spirit of the lord just showed me that he is telling the truth no you know why because the entire nation was so low to the devil i talked to somebody didn't today i talking to somebody tonight i got a prophecy for someone right now i don't know who you are but listen to me right now you are going to court i don't know what the situation is it could be a a divorce and you're down to the the assets that now has to be divided it could be a lawsuit case i don't know i cannot tell you all i notice is a court matter but here's what i want to tell you according to the spirit of the lord the spirit of the lord tell you say you need to go on a fast because the one who was fighting against she was fasting but not to him they're fasting to the kingdom of darkness to win the case i speaking to someone tonight that's why everything so far even though you got the proof you got the evidence you got the the lawyer you everything is in your favor from a physical standpoint but when you first entered that court in the beginning of that case everything went haywire and the judge is against you like you did something personal to them they have a spirit on that courtroom you need to go on a fast i don't know who you are you need to go on a fast you need to go on a fast the bible says this kind will only come out through prayer and somebody need to hear me tonight whatever problem you are cycling rover and over listen to me here the forces that are against you are not your regular forces this is what the bible called this kind but how did they get here whoever caught whoever brought them here whoever invited them did a true fasting but not the god kind of ass they use the same principle but they use the principle to summons foul spirits somebody need to hear me tonight you don't have to believe me you don't have to believe me no you could move on with your life but i can tell you one thing it will never change you have to incorporate fasting in whatever it is that you're doing it got to become even when god will pull you out of this one because you will succeed once i'm telling you now you you will write me and tell me you will succeed once you follow the genuine fast i told you earlier you will but don't let it end there your life now will become a discipline of fasting because from this point forward the only forces that's going to come after you would be this kind it is also an indicator that the ones who are sending it to you the reason why they're being chosen by the kingdom of god to send it at you listen to me carefully is because there's an anointing on your life to win many souls in the kingdom of god many souls you are well gifted you are well you don't even know these things yet and this one they're coming up you think they're coming after you they're after you they're coming after what's in you but the attack is to make it appear as if they're coming after kevin they're coming off the wrong they're coming off the peter no no no no that is to distract you so the minute you become sad and depressed and oh i can't go no further i might as well just give up and end my life oh no no no baby no no no you talk that's you talking but the enemy putting that in your head because he's trying to shut down the gifts things and the talents that god has placed in you to to to to change a generation that's why you've been facing so much frustration so much anger so much because you say and the devil telling you where is your god now where's your god look at my people over here they're selling drugs having sex living their life they balling they ain't no financial problem but look at you saying you say of god what god sent me to tell you today if you were up this game and you were super cg enemy put fasting as a discipline in your christian walk if not you'll become a victim like you've been already heavenly father i thank you for your wisdom i thank you for your knowledge i thank you for your understanding i thank you for this people father i cover everyone under the sound of my voice especially those whom you have given that prophecy to with the precious blood of jesus christ and the whole arm of god father i'm initiating this prayer in repentance father myself i am not perfect and even these people that i'm praying for they are not perfect and i thank you for your claws that know that because we are not perfect we can make reconciliation with you even after we would have messed up through your law in first john 1 9 that says if we confess our sins that you are faithful and just to forgive us of them and to cleanse us of honor father every evil thought that we have harbored every evil thing in our heart every form of unforgiveness father even in the areas of the bible that we have difficulty believing even in the area of forgiveness that we have difficulty doing father just like peter said to jesus when he began to sink when he was previously walking on the water he said lord help my unbelief father i am asking you to help these people in the areas of their lives that they find it difficult to forgive difficult to put aside evil sexual thoughts difficult to focus on you difficult to engage in a fast difficult to live according to your law god just like how you assisted peter with his unbelief where you intervene i am asking you to intervene into the lives of these people to help them to overcome that sinful part of them to to to to release it from their lives release the bonds of wickedness undo the heavy burden god set them free and break every yoke father i joined my fate with all of those who would who would who would go on the genuine fast that you have ordained father i bind my faith with theirs i'm now enacting the law of unity and lord i'm binding my faith with theirs lord that after they will follow the exact protocol of fasting according to isaiah 58 verses 7 now father god let verse 8 come forth like never before father caused their light to break forth like the morning caused their spiritual senses to be enlightened father i pray that you would give them spiritual eyes so that they may see what they didn't see before give them spiritualists to hear in the realm of the spirit but only the things of you father they will know your voice and another voice they will not bow to father i pray for those even now who are bound by the ancestral curses of sorcery by the ancestral curses of freemasonry the ancestral crisis of of eastern stars and and and fraternities and so all of those things and and organizations that they would have made pledges to other gods i agree with them right now in prayer repenting repenting for paying homage and allegiance to other deities for your word is clear you say that we should serve and bow to no other god for you are a jealous god and if we choose to do it you say that you will visit our iniquities not only on our current children but all the way down to the third and fourth generation but those that love you you said that you will bless to a thousand generation so i pray right now that lord they would humbly come before you when i'm agreeing with them and repent and renounce every agreement every covenant every allegiance that they would have made subtly unknowingly or or whatever that they would have made with those deities in those altars father i come in agreement with them asking you to release them and divorce them from those evil deities in the name of jesus christ i thank you father god because your word makes it clear and it says that you o lord has become a curse for us therefore according galatians 3 you are the curse bearer so every curse that was upon their lives as a result of those commitments to those deities those sororities and fraternities and secret organizations and sorcery and witchcraft father we now transfer them to you the cursed mirror right now in the name of jesus the word says that you who knew no sin became sin for us father we thank you for that we thank you that we don't have to carry the lord anymore your word declares in in colossians 3 it says that you have blotted out or you have erased the handwriting of ordinance that was against us and you did it by nailing it to the cross so father we repent we repent right now and we pray that you would do spiritual surgery on our hearts to remove the years of the just excavate the years of hate and bitterness the years of unforgiveness the years of pride and self that we've harbored and fueled and fed through our selfishness through our pride through our inability to forgive you've said in your word father god that while praying we must forgive others so that you may forgive us it's conditional in order for you to forgive us you say we must father everyone that we have done wrong to lord father help those who find it difficult to pardon those people cause them to finally live their life by expunging whatever wrong no matter how vile it was from their lives as a as to what that person has done to them your word is clear father god it says that you very clear you will not forgive us if we have not forgiven our brother so i pray for those tonight lord who whose lives have been riddled with the spirit of infirmity whose lives have been riddled with the spirit of poverty the spirit of confusion the spirit of backwardness every spirit that is contrary to the living spirit of god every spirit that has been assigned to their lives to hinder to delay to to subdue the will of god for their lives father i pray that when they would have engaged in the genuine fast and they implement the principle of fasting as it relates to you i pray and ask you on their behalf that you bring an immediate change to their lives in the name of jesus christ that you would sever them from the evil altars and not just them but their seed father let it be a generational release in their lives i don't pray for the individual only but that there will be a generational release in the name of jesus i pray for that person even now as i'm looking as i'm saying right now your house is tormented with evil deities because they have your picture your identity at the altar and they're calling you by name that is why you're seeing what other people cannot see in that house that's why you are feeling presence evil presence that others don't feel that's why you are smelling things that others don't smell because they have singled you out at that altar and the intent is to drive you out of your mind but father god by the spiritual intelligence that you have just given me i pray right now by the spirit and the revelation of the living god the holy spirit the spirit of truth asking you father god for these persons that can relate to what i just said father i'm asking you to rain down spiritual fire and brimstone at that altar right now in the realm of the spirit and to sever every agreement between the practitioner and those evil uh deities i am asking you father god that those false spirits will lose the geographical location and identity of their victims even now in the name of jesus father release these people right now in the name of jesus release them father god even now in the name of jesus christ father god those who are represented at altars where the spirit of poverty the spirit of luck has been assigned to their lives the spirit of confusion father caused it to be dissolved by the blood of jesus christ even now in the name of jesus christ father now catapult them into their destiny sling shot them to where they should have been at this point and father give them a spiritual upgrade even now as we declare these words to you i thank you father god because you said that because of your son jesus christ it says that because of what he has done on that cross we can come boldly before we don't need no middleman we could come boldly before the throne of grace making our petitions known to you so father god as your servant i bring your people before you you know what they're dealing with you know what they're going through you know the struggle and the struggles in their lives aren't because of what is physically seen for they are just the tentacles of what is not seen so therefore father god i will revert to your word and you promise in your word that you will pluck or pull up out of their lives which you did not plant every form of spiritual wickedness that was not of you father pull it up even now according to your word father i pray all the ancestral and generational evil curses that has been levied automatically on them because of the wickedness of their ancestors father we implement your word right now according to leviticus 26 and 40 that says that we must now repent of the sins the iniquities and the transgressions of the ancestors as a part of the protocol of breaking the ancestral curse in the lives of these people so father i agree with them right now i agree with them right now in the repentance of whatever the ancestors would have done that would have caused this evil to be levied on them your word declares in the book of lamentations uh five and seven and it says that uh the ancestors have sinned or done evil but now they're dead but we the current generation are left to carry their burden father because of the blood of jesus christ we enforce the verdict that was made at that cross where you became a curse for us where you said you have empowered us and gave us uh power over all the works of the devil and therefore father god we resist we reject we renounce every evil covenant every evil order every evil dream that we would have had where that covenant was subtly forged we were announced we rejected in the name of jesus and we hold on and claim the lord our god the lord albania the god of abraham isaac and jacob as the only god that we will serve i pray lord everyone that's listening to me right now that has been hindered whose destiny has been delayed father put them in a sli a spiritual slingshot and pull them back as far as you desire and now aim it at their destiny and release them right now in the name of jesus father i believe by faith in the realm of the spirit you have launched them to where they should have been at this point in their lives i believe that the days and the years of pain the years of regret the years of whatever has hindered them whatever has spiritually anchored them i believe by fate they are released tonight in the name of jesus i believe by faith father god that the foul forces of evil that has been assigned to their workplace the foul forces of evil that has been a dark cloud over their home the foul forces of evil that has been a dark cloud over their lives father i pray that the power of jesus christ the spirit of the living god will annihilate indefinitely everything in their life that is not of you father cause whatever persons in their lives that are secret agents of the evil one god cause them to just pick up and leave right now in the name of jesus no reasons cause them to go their separate ways in the name of jesus now father god replace those empty spots with the people that you've ordained to be a part of their lives to guide them to their destiny according to your divine plan i pray right now father for a spirit of peace upon them according to your word in the book of philippians that passes all understanding that you can give lord there's some people listening to me you haven't had a peaceful rest in years father this night under the anointing that you've placed on my life i break that spirit indefinitely of insomnia lord let tonight be the evidence that you are working in their lives and give them perfect sweet sleep beginning tonight in the name of jesus i pray that their spirit will be at rest in the name of jesus your word is clear father god according to psalms 1 19 165 and it says that great peace have they that love thy law and nothing shall offend them father we bind and definitely the spirit of offense that spirit that easily agitate them father dissolve it even now in the name of jesus and replace it with a spirit of peace a spirit of compassion a spirit of tolerance in the name of jesus your word declares in isaiah 26 and 2 or 3 it says that that you will keep them this is your law imperfect or complete peace as long as their mind is stayed upon thee i pray now lord for a spirit of peace to be released to the heiress of your word tonight i pray lord that you would would that clear up the spiritual clutter in their lives i pray lord that as they enter the protocol of fasting that you will begin to not only reveal to them the spiritual things going on in the spiritual realm as it relates to their lives but god i pray right now for an immediate spirit of interpretation revelation and understanding that they will not make awake confuse but awake aided with the spirit of understanding the spirit of knowledge and the spirit of wisdom to interpret and to decipher everything that you've shown them in the realm of the spirit i pray that they would have a hunger and a passion for the things of you lord i pray father god that fear would not be their portion i am asking you lord that fear that has tormented them for years father let the spirit of truth consume annihilate and obliterate the spirit of fear in the name of jesus your word is clear and it says that perfect love perfect love castled all fair father the mere fact that they have been battling with the spirit of fear according to your word is clear evidence that they have a lack of love so i pray lord that you do a spiritual renovation and restoration and line them up divinely to your original plan for their lives i pray for their children and according to your word in proverbs 11 and 21 you said that that dohan joined and had although people came together and work evil against them and their children but you promise in that same scripture but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered your word father god for those who've been worried about not being employed or they don't even know if they're gonna still have employment they don't know if they're gonna have food and and lord you said in your word you told them according to matthew 6 that they should give absolutely no thought for tomorrow for sufficient is the evil but your word says if if if if if you clothe the lilies if you provide for the for the birds how much more will you provide for them instead you you said to them to to seek ye first your your kingdom and your righteousness or your way of doing things and and these things what they're worrying about shall be added unto them the food the resources the finances the job can will not and even if they have been let go from their job it is only to release them into a better job lord let your plan come together for their lives but cause them to eliminate themselves thinking they because they cannot figure out on their own it cannot work i pray that the law the law of divine direction will become their portion the law of divine direction clearly states according to proverbs 3 verse 5 trust in the lord with all thine heart one two lean not on your own understanding three in all our ways acknowledge god the god of abraham and the result is then he shall direct you apart that word is for someone tonight someone tonight you're worried you're worried you you're still waiting on whether they're gonna keep you on the job you're not you've been hearing rumors that they're gonna let some people go you're hearing rumors that they're gonna let the ones who have seen your positions go first but i'm here to tell you tonight that god is going to give you failure if you follow his law of divine direction the bible is clear according to proverbs 3 verse 3 he says forsake not mercy neither truth but bind it upon your neck and write it upon the table of your heart and in so doing shall you find favor and good understanding before god and man god is saying to someone tonight listen listen you need to put emphasis okay you need to put emphasis on mercy being merciful to others you need to put emphasis on truth those two spirits coming together will provide for you not just favor before god and man but he didn't say just understanding but he prefixed it by saying good understanding so that means there's bad understanding also father your word declares psalms 5 12 and it says very clearly and i'm speaking to the righteous tonight you will bless the righteous and with favor shall you encompass or surround them as a shield father i am speaking to the husbands tonight because there's a special favor for you the bible says in proverbs 18 and 22 he that finds a this is not the time to be angry with your wife this is not the time to dismiss your wife if you seek in favor he that finds a wife finds a good thing and the benefit of that he will obtain favor from the lord father i thank you right now father i bless you right now father i praise you right now father i glorify you right now father i pray for those who have been helping the poor those who have been assisting those who were who were less fortunate even when they were in good positions they were taking care of people even when they weren't father i'm about to give you back your word and you said in your word that the only time we owe you is when we give to the poor because your word declares he that give it to the poor lend to god and it is god that will pay you everyone under the sound of my voice who is facing any kind of financial difficulty any kind of shortage in your life and you've been assisting the poor until you give to no church and paying no time that ain't what the words say i tell you what the words say the promises of god to you two promises he gives you when you give to the poor that i could think of right now number one he said he will pay you back the next time he said he didn't give it a pour he that gives the poor shall never lack so you have a right to make a demand on the god of abraham father you said in your word that if i give to the poor it will never lock you said in your word that if i give to the poor you owe me now you say if i give to the poor you will pay me back not them and i have a need right now and i'm asking you to meet my need and just not meet my need but i need you to exceed my need according to ephesians 3 and 20. what does it says he says i will do exceedingly and abundantly and above all that you could ever ask or think according to the power or the word of god that is working in you so your prayer shouldn't be lord help me with the light bill no no no help me with my light bill and help me to be a blessing to help someone else with their like girl because i want to keep god economy moving as god blessed me and i take care of my bills that i have some left over to help other people so god will keep pouring into my life it's a law it's a principle it's a rule it's an ordinance the bible is clear and the bible says in proverbs 11 and 31 speaking to two different type of people it says that the righteous shall not might shall be recompense in the earth so those of you are righteous you have nothing to fear during the season right now of covet overt or whatever or whatever is to come you have nothing to worry about the righteous shall be recompensed the righteous shall be repaid then for the losses and the injuries that they have suffered throughout the course of their lives now the second part of that scripture speak to another group of people so much more than we can understand so for those who've been fasting and calling up evil spirits according to proverbs 11 31 b it says you will receive more than the evil you sent out to other people scripture hebrews 11 35 and it says cast not away your confidence or your belief in god for it is this confidence that shall work for you a great recompense of reward your continued fate and belief that god is going to make it happen for you will happen but you need to keep holding on to god the bible is very clear according to hebrews 11 verse 6 and it says that it is impossible to please god without his word or without faith and then i come to him his first believe that he is god and that what he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him that scripture the bible says in psalms 115 verse 14 it says that he will increase you more and more you and your children a scripture that's the word of god he said giving back his word his word cannot return unto him void but it must accomplish what it was sent out to do that scripture the bible says he's placed his word above his name the bible says that heaven and earth shall with a pass away but not one piece title of his word shall pass the scripture the scriptures are clear proverbs 30 verse 5 every word of god is pure and that he which is god is a shield unto those that put their trust in him that's the word of god god says to give me back my word remind me of my word not that i forgot my word but it is my word that myself and my angelic host respond to the voice of the lord is though the word of god is the voice of god according to psalms 103 verse 20 when we speak the word of god the the celestial spiritual beings of the kingdom of light will respond to the word of god so therefore father we come against fail fair this this this is the season that the enemy the platform in which the enemy is operating from is the platform of the soldiers of fail but according to 2nd timothy 1 and 7 the scripture says that god did not give us the spirit of fear instead what he did give us and these are spirits the spirit of love the spirit of power and soundness of mind so what is fear coming to do initially to disrupt those three things that god has given us primarily to disrupt our mind to make us feel like we can't take no more i might as well kill myself depression anxiety panic i'm worried because every day i don't know when the bottom is going to fall from underneath me you feel that way because you're believing in yourself but god says trust in the lord thy god with all thine heart and lean not on thy own understanding but not in some but in all of your ways he said just acknowledge me and when you follow those three-step protocol now i will direct you apart he was trying to do it on your own the bible says according to proverbs 19 and 21 that the there are many devices in a man's heart but only the counsel of god shall prevail therefore father let your counsel that you have established for my life and that alone prevail and override anything else in my life forget my plans forget my ideas but i don't care about that let that which you have ordained for me before the foundation of the world even now let it run its course and my life unhindered so that mean whatever you need to take out of my life to achieve that lord i i give you full permission to remove it the scripture says in ephesians 1 verses 3 and 4 blessed be the lord our god who has already passed since blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places we have it already verse 4 says who has chosen us in him when did he do this again before the foundation of the world father again based on your scripture whatever you have already ordained for me and this people before the foundation of the world father let it be released wherever it has been hindered whatever's been locked up whatever has been tied up whatever's been bound father i am coming in agreement with your word i am coming in agreement with you because i want to see physical manifestation of that which is in the spiritual realm so i agree and i speak and i decree and i'm giving you back your word for the release into my life and in the lives of these people everything that you have ordained for them before the foundation of this world that has been tied up and hindered now for those things that you had released but somehow has been held back by the enemy or has been buried in the enemy's camp i'm asking you lord to to revisit those opportunities to them again but this time we're going to enact the law of proverbs 6 30-31 which clearly says if the thief be found we not god must demand of the thief satan to return unto us at minimum sevenfold of what he had originally stolen from us this scripture satan be coming after you tonight we had enough of your nonsense and we command by the shed blood of jesus christ by the promises of the living god which is yay and amen we command you to return unto us sevenfold minimum of what you originally stole from us father on the heels of that law we're not bringing you in on this and according to joel 2 and 25 you said lord that you will restore unto us the years that the cankerworm the catapult of the locust and the palmer worm has eaten away father we're holding you to your word because you're a god that cannot lie in fact you said let every man be alive but let you oh god be true father we are speaking your word tonight because your word declares that the angels of the lord is going to respond to the word of the living god not our word so every partition that we are making to you we're sticking the word of god behind it so that will be quickly approved by you father we give you glory tonight father we give you honor tonight father every foul spirit what time is it 12 52 every spirit of witchcraft who whatever spirit is being called up in the forest the grave spirits the waters every demonic force that is being levied into the earth right now levied into our communities living into the job places levied into individual life the sorcery the witchcraft the tormenting spirits that are being released from the covens released from the evil altars father we pray that confusion will be the order of the day for those spirits we pray for confusion right now everyone under the sound of my voice and foul spirits have been sent at you and even at you now will we pray and agree right now that they will be confused and like david said father we pray now that their evil will fall to the ground and become utter foolishness in the name of jesus father we bless those that curse us according to your law and we pray for those that despitefully use us and say all man of things against us but your word also says according to uh genesis 12 uh and three and you made a promise to abraham and we are now inheritance of that promise because you said that those who accept your son jesus christ are also inheritors of the promises of abraham and you told abraham in genesis 12 3 he says abraham whoever bless you i god will bless them and whoever curse you abraham i god will curse them father you back this up by saying in the book of romans uh 12 i think it is you says that that vengeance belong to you not us and you will repeat it so we release every enemy known and unknown into yahweh lord we pray for their salvation we pray that they will change from their wicked ways and come to know you as lord and savior in spite of what they have done for us because it is your word that says it is not your desire that any should perish but that all should have eternal life this night lord we bless you we honor you we praise you we glorify you and we see this prayer according to your word that says whatsoever things we desire when we pray and i believe this that we shall have it in the mighty name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen and amen my lord 2 hours and 45 minutes that was too short but listen i thank you guys for staying on tonight and totally had almost 2200 people on and i just wanna i agree with you tonight whatever you're seeking god for during this time my my advice to you as a man of god is to make sure you are clean make sure you are clean that's number one not only make sure you are clean but make sure you have incorporated fasting into your daily into your christian diet all right it don't have to be every day enough to be every week you don't have to be every month but get a fast in there for two reasons as we would have noted in matthew 12 verses 44 it says that when that evil spirit came back that it was cast out of that man it says that he couldn't go back and it said why because there was no evil in the mind the bible make it clear the inside of the man the spirit of the man was swept clean and garnished that muck and felt and legal stuff that that spirit once had to be there it wasn't anymore but it don't end there because it says that this spirit went and gets seven more that are at a higher level than him and they were able to get him which clearly tells us that that person was investing even though they were living at a certain level to keep another kind of spirit up so two things you have to make sure you are clean you have to be always in a repetitive state always father i might have sinned but i might have done stuff and didn't even think it was a sin please claim it because you don't want any legal right for these forces of evil to have a right see god cannot deny them access because this is law the curse causes cannot come so if they are tormenting you if they harass you if witchcraft was actually working on you like i've said you in many of my teachings that mean there's something in your life it doesn't mean that you did something evil it could be you could be on a cursed ground or curse home you could have paraphernalia in your home that is witchcraft oriented that mom and i told you to keep this to keep away the spirits you could have performed rituals and don't even realize it like i say all the time when you you could be under a curse right now even as a christian and don't realize that you had nothing to do with it how kevin when they when you were born and they took the after birth and buried it it was a ritual but they were ignorant as to why they were doing it they were told it was to protect you when one of the relatives died from your family and as a baby you were told as an adult now you were told as a baby that over the casket they pass you from one relative to the other or they took you to a particular tree in the yard and they put a nail right over your head and put a nail in there why were they doing these things see that's what i'm telling you so you could be on the curses not because of what you did but what the ancestors did in their ignorance thinking that this is going to protect you and these are the components of what you initially put in place before your life even began that has anchored you and cause you not to fulfill that which god has already placed for your life before the foundation so these are the hindering components of your life and i plan to do more teaching on that so people have a better understanding that a lot of things that you're holding on to that that ring that great grammy that was passed down where did the drink come from what would he initiate it and why that every member insists that when an expert and get married as past them why what is the significance of because i can tell you one thing more than likely whatever was spoken over that ring wherever altered came from unknowing to the victims it has initiated you to that altar and just like the after birth and everything else that they told you will protect you the spiritual that altar is pulling the strings spiritually to your life and controlling everything from your life from the spiritual arena in your life that you don't even notice so a fast will now begin to open up your dark understanding why these things happening why am i fake why am i the only person in my family suffering and everybody else is doing good and the lord will show you why am i always dreaming about my mother and every time i have a dream about my mother we had my weird grammy's house not even mommy's house and mommy is always dressing black or mommy's always eating raw meat why am i always having dreams about mommy and only me and mommy out of the x amount of children that she have is always me and her when mommy sacrificed you you became the scapegoat to bring wealth or to whatever it is that she went to the authors for and that's why the dreams are always showing you and mommy but it is never in a positive situation anyway i don't want to run because i could do also another preaching tonight so anyway folks you have a good night it's now 1am thank you for being on and uh i will continue with my other teaching sessions of promise but this teaching i was led by the lord to come and share with you so god bless you god keep you continue to pray for me that god will give me more revelations to give you in jesus mighty name amen and amen
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 98,380
Rating: 4.9063544 out of 5
Id: xRdE8w7zGQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 52sec (10192 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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