The Revelation Of Constant Prayer

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okay good night folks good night to everyone and uh we're back again to do a hopefully a brief teaching on my topic below they're called the revelation of constant prayer and uh i hope you guys can hear me clearly i just want to ensure that you can hear me because i was having a little trouble with my mic levels a little while ago bethe bethlehem how are you monique joseph guida thomas camilla smith julia joseph ken holly howell who else we got here all right okay while everybody is coming on board we got 109. we're going to wait till you get to 107 and this is a teaching that i decided uh to do last minute because you know i'm going into my part two of the end of year fast tomorrow and uh a lot of people have been writing me asking me kevin do do i have to pray or how do i pray and i knew that would have been a challenge i knew it would have been a challenge and the few people that wrote me about it well quite a number of them actually i'm happy that they did because i should have squeezed in my last teaching but i i didn't remember i have so much the government i have so much to cover let me just see one more on here just give me one second okay here we go okay yeah we're on here yeah so people want to know you know kev while you're fasting okay let's say i do a two day fast or three day one day seven days 21 days 14 days i mean do i pray every day do i pray at 12 then three then four do i well we're gonna learn that tonight and uh it's a revelation in it and one that you're going to appreciate i promise you and it is totally different from tradition in fact it is strictly biblical as usual i'm about to give you a myriad of scriptures to prove how simple how simple and not complex it is especially during your fast because trust me even me even myself when i used to follow the standard way of fasting you know sometimes you're so weak you don't even know you don't got to strength to pray and not only that you find yourself just repeating the same thing over and over again so my job tonight is to show you this awesome revelation as it comes because as it relates to prayer and i promise you you've never heard this before put us in the scriptures it's in the scriptures and we're going to look at it from a scriptural perspective tonight we have 349 we need to get at 500 and then we're going to go from there so it's going to be awesome because a lot of you know you're going on your fast you need to know what to pray for all right and prayer isn't just giving god a laundry list of the things that you need no it's deeper than that you throw those things in there but it's beyond that and once i release this revelation or this understanding to you tonight this is not really going to make your your prayer life very easy to do but when you're fasting you wouldn't have to be reaching for straws or fumbling or you're so tired you're falling asleep and dribbling all over the place and and just repeating just repeating the same thing over and over be at 372. again we waiting to get to 500. today's teaching was an excellent teaching i thank you for all of the response that i got back from it it was an eye-opener for many a revelation for many and i i thank those that appreciate it and make it practical make it practical because you want to change stuff in your life so you got to do it different and not just different do it how the bible require us uh to do it shakira dean i see you i see you shigeta floreta macarthur uh we were supposed to talk yesterday i didn't hear from you okay nikia fox i see you kim martin i see you guys christopher thompson tanya bryce rakira ramsey okay we had 400 we got 100 more to go and then we will be going into this awesome teaching i hope you guys some of you have started your fast fastest yet you know people ask me when does the farts the fast begin when does it end well the end of year fast always begins on the 1st of december and ends at the 31st of december you could do it any time between those two dates whether you want to do a one day two day however the holy spirit leaves you to do your fast then you go ahead and you do that fast the only concern about this fast the only thing that's really important as to how we do it is that we don't want to go over into next year without completing that fast this year and the purpose of it like i said on my radio show last week saturday is to clear the spiritual clutter in our lives to realign us spiritually so that we can advance according to god's divine schedule for us many of us have been knocked out of alignment due to so many unexpected events that took place especially the loss of family members jobs and some people were just plummeted or plunged into poverty after all of the covert restrictions and there not being the employment like how it used to be so fasting takes care of all of that because again once we tweak those things in the spiritual realm which is basically what the fasting is all about then we are able to make things move freely for us uh from a physical from a physical perspective all right alicia wanna okay lina g okay violet james all right we had 494 494 got six more to go we'll be at 500 and we will get started with this teaching in the meantime you could turn your bible to luke 18 verse one all right this is going to be a very very interesting interesting teaching very very interesting very very interesting and it's something that i i love you know and i i truly believe in the principle to be at 549. okay great i believe in the principles of god you know i push that a lot in my teachings and my ministry and like i always say to you i don't hear nothing unless it's the scriptures that you're advising me from and we're following it according to the scripture all right whenever one decide to add to take away pollute dilute then you'd have lost my attention expeditiously with no return until you correct it all right so in luke 18 and again our topic is the revelation of constant prayer in luke 18 the scripture says in luke 18 verse 1 it says and he spoke a parable unto them to this end that man ought always to pray and not fade how is that possible though how is that possible how is that possible how is that possible how do we how do you constantly pray i can't do that at least not the way that we're reading it here how i mean but i cannot see you i can't see a person praying constantly but i'm saying the same thing basically over and over oh lord help okay lord hello lord guide baba mind lord oh turn it around from jesus after a while be like okay i don't say that about 600 times you know got to be more than just repeating the same thing over and over right but the scripture is requiring us to always be in prayer so to understand this we need to understand what exactly is prayer and most of us know it to be where we communicate with god whether we're petitioning him for something or whether you know we're just doing a regular prayer praising him or thanking him or whatever the case may be and i get that but after thanking him thanking him thanking him and praying for bob and pookie and uh rakeisha and all them i mean at some point you're gonna be like okay come on man nine o'clock again i gotta go at this all over again now i told you in my uh teaching on teach me how to pray and for those of you who haven't watched it i really suggest that you do if you uh have challenges with praying the right prayers or whatever how to pray and it was a shocker to many when i revealed to them that i do not pray every day i don't i do not get up every morning go on my knees and do all of that all of that other stuff i don't do any of that at least the way that people do it and i said to you that for me the way that i pray it is almost as if there's something that comes on me and when that comes on me i just begin to go into prayer no matter where i am i could be on the beach i could be wherever i could be on a drive somewhere going to an appointment whatever and i just get that urge to pray and sometimes certain people may come into my spirit certain names i may not know them i don't know the name and i just begin to pray and that prayer to me is far more effective and real than following a routine of oh hold on now it's three o'clock you have to pray again okay god gotta come back to you again thank you for the day lord and i thank you for keeping me guiding me my family all right forgive me for my sense all right right right give me sense and uh no so for me and i'm not saying this is for everybody for myself prayer for me is something where i it's not a program event for me i i okay they drew in the room close so when did you go to work right when i have those to myself i just walk through the roads and begin to bring i do it sometimes when she's here but i just get this i just feel more free and i'm sure those who don't can understand it isn't that you don't want your spouse whatever around it's just the sense of just doing it walking and just praying in the room and grabbing your kids photos and praying over that and praying for the leaders of your country and see that's not routine when i say you don't plan that that's something that and it has to be the holy spirit that comes up in you to really begin to you know pray for someone some place some organization you know one time one morning i got up dj already left for work and i just caught up with this strong sensation to pray for every one of my enemies and call them by name so i got up went to the bathroom brushed my teeth all that stuff and just came out in the living room excuse me i sat down now that's another thing too now i don't regularly close my eye when i pray i don't regularly kneel down when i pray you see i and there's no law for that i just try to break tradition here cause some of you feel and i'm not saying don't do it let me be clear if that's what makes you comfortable then you go with that i'm just telling you for me just how real you see i am on this video with you this is how i am every day i'm a realist and i'm always prepared to pray people ask me all the time pray for them that's not difficult for me i can just pray whatever it is and just flow so i don't need to be prime or pumped or or uh give an advanced notice so i could get stuff together no and as i pray this is how he knows the holy spirit then those scriptures then begin to come to mind now for the most part they wouldn't tell me what to pray for but just obviously whatever it is the scriptures the holy spirit will give you whatever it is to line up with whatever it is that they're dealing with that you may not even know about so i'll be home and i'll just go and i started praying for my enemies i was just calling them one by one and really began my prayer by just thanking god for them and i think you all really need to get the revelation of your enemy i'm telling you if you if you just see them as an enemy and not someone who god had a part of the plan of your life to elevate you where you would have never gone if that enemy was in there to buff you challenge you resist you dog you they were needed they were the resistance needed to to push you in a direction that you would have never gone and i know that from experience from hindsight so i went praying for them name my name i pray for their kids their homes their marriages and my greatest prayer was that the lord will um ensure that them neither their family will leave from time and to into eternity without knowing him as lord and savior and i thank god i thank god for them i thank god years ago someone told me to pray this kind of prayer listen it would have been a custom match right there but because i grabbed a hold of the revelation of my enemy and the necessity the world as it relates to my destiny now it makes sense all things work together for good now it makes sense uh give thanks in all things for this is the will of god concerning you so all the times when i was ignorant and praying against my enemies and sending prayers back to sender i was fighting the blessing in disguise that's what it was because had they not do the witchcraft and lie and sad stuff and whatever i would have no reason to go before god and fasting for 40. i would have never fasted for 40 days why if life was good for me what are you going to fast for if i could pay if i bag the record i paid all my bills and send my kids to college and don't have no worries in the world what reason do you believe you think let me ask you this question do you think queen elizabeth fast hey let me just throw that out there this one got all the money in the world people say for all her life she never had a worry but nothing that we would normally worry about you think she have a reason to go before god to fast no maybe she have i'm just saying i'm just asking the point i'm making here is when everything is served to you on a silver platter for the most part there is not a necessity for you in your mind to seek after god the way you want too so i i say this all the time and some people get offended i don't stand on the shoulders of no pastors that was i was under and i don't mean not in a disrespectful way what i mean is that my enemies inadvertently pushed me more towards god they didn't know this than any preacher ever did see the preacher can tell me kevin loves you come here kevin god loves you he he cares about you and you know and this too shall pass kevin you know jesus love you see your enemy say hey and all that yeah jesus may love you but i can tear your life apart i can shut you down right so you got to run to jesus now because nobody else can help you so i i thank god for them and i hope one day you get the revelation and see it the way that i do and i i'm telling you the quicker you find that revelation or get a hold of it and work to what in line with that you watch how quick your life is going to go forward so a lot of your lives are anchored right now because the enemy that god allow to come into your life to challenge you in a way that he is determined he know that you're gonna go in his direction because they are specifically assigned to your life that isn't just any enemy that's the enemy out of all the enemies against you that's the one that god determined will challenge you head-on because he know that you didn't fast before you didn't pray before but with this one here on the job lying on people undermining you got the favor of the boss they're turning against you you doing all the hard work and they're being rewarded for it yeah this one here gonna make you pray now tell me i lied this one this one here this one here is gonna make you pray so again i thank god it's not my desire that no enemy of mine uh go to hell or suffer no man i understand now i get it now i i got it from i get it you know i i pray for their best i pray that their children are blessed i pray that uh the curses on them will be broken and god will give them revelation and catapult them and they could see the the things that they did evil wise recognize it and use it as examples in in their preaching or whatever so so that's how you have to to to look at it so the bible says may not always pray and i'm just going to jump straight to the point here before we get into it i mean the deep meat of it praying doesn't necessarily mean going before god and giving a laundry list in fact what i'm about to show you tonight you're going to see more of this example of where god encourages uh to meditate on his word a prayer you ready for this a prayer right now a prayer right now could be justice greater is he that is in me than he is in the world that's it right there and i'm meditating on that that's a prayer right there a prayer could be for me i'm a deep thinker i i love nature i love the beach i love stuff like that and when i go out to the beach and so on when i go to do fishing or when i go to do flying my drone or whatever i'm in awe especially when i stand at the shoreline and i look to see how shallow that water is especially in the bomb as you see how clear and beautiful our turquoise water stuff is right so we have a lot of shallow water going out and when you get way way out then you have the deep drop ocean and when i when i look at that when i look at this big circle that we live on right and the bahamas is right on the side of the earth right check this out and then you have australian stuff underneath you have uh uh the attic cycle and all these other stuff whatever right and not one drip of water falls from the earth into space not one that shoreline right there that's really the crust of the earth that that shallow water is over the earth is spinning nothing is spinning out of control the homes aren't being flung all over the place this god that we serve up everything in order so when you see stuff like that or you you go into deep meditation and then the holy spirit now bring it brings the the scriptures or whatever to you you know the bible says i think it's in proverbs or psalms it says he commands the show online as to how far it could come up that's god's ordained orders that's causing it not to proceed any further so prayer i could just be looking at that and say father i just thank you for your awesome power i mean just look at this just look how this look how you have the earth suspended in space no strings nothing that we could see is holding it nothing nothing that we logically could see to say okay well i see how he did this okay so when you look at stuff like that it takes you on a different level of understanding how i pray rather than saying oh god i come before you lord oh god you know the rendu no so at some point you got to go beyond that but going beyond that will not require so many words is what i'm trying to tell you there's just a scripture that just could stand out to you and you meditate upon it there's a scripture i i got in my uh i got a scripture got a scripture voice every morning on my my iphone and i think it was psalms 37 verse 4 if i'm not mistaken i think so and it says if we delight ourselves in the lord he will give us the desires of our heart and and i was um preparing my article on dreams this morning when it came through on my on my iphone so when i look at it even though i'm doing my grammatical checks in this stuff that scripture that's just throw to me and i begin to pray father i thank you now listen how i prayed i thank you father god because of your truth and your truth is if i delight myself in you how do i delight myself in you by finding joy in just this your creation not looking for a car or money or house i don't wanna do that right now what i i enjoy the fact that you have that big ball of furnace in the sky called the sun that's nurturing the entire galaxy and it's suspended dealt no one's holding it up other than your power father i thank you for that that's awesome now this may sound crazy to a lot of y'all but that's prayer that's that's having a conversation that's like you sitting on you talking to your daughter baby listen i am so proud of you you discipline yourself you put in your four years of college now you got your degree you got your own family at this i am so grateful for you you're an obedient child that's how god wants you to talk to him but through his word father i thank you i thank you that in this darkness that we live in i'm not talking about wickedness you know i'm talking about if you remove all of the lights from the earth okay the only light we will have are the stars the moon and the sun and the earth is rotating in this ball of darkness and this god in his wisdom is causing through the laws of the solar system for the planets not to collide with one another i know this may sound farfetched to all but that's pray father i thank you i i thank you for this how could you not believe that there is not a god even after that little piece of stuff i just told you so going back to that scripture he says if you delight ourselves in god we find joy and that's what i do i find joy in this world and there are times again when i pray in my prayers just lord i thank you man i just thank you for saving my soul i thank you that at the age of 50 as of september pass so many of my classmates so many of my colleagues and friends never made it to 50. why did you allow me to see it and they didn't i thank you for that i thank you that i found my calling early i thank you that you gave after i prayed to you and asked you to remove the spirit of fear and shyness and speaking in public you snatched that away from me and now i can speak boldly with authority of your word i thank you that your holy spirit is consistently aiding me and feeding me those scriptures that i never studied that i never rehearsed refeeding me to him chapter and voice verbatim for me to give to your people i thank you for that so constant prayer you ready for this it's constantly meditating on the word of god simple as that in fact i can shut this teaching right now that's the end of it reader i mean i got a holy prescriptions here which i will give you but i could shut it down right there constant prayer is not giving god a laundry list when he said men are to always pray he is insane saying the same thing overall pray for the government pray for the world pray that corona will go pray yeah we did all of that but there comes a time when we elevate in our prayer life sometimes it's just one scripture one sentence that we meditate on and to meditate means to focus and to ponder to rehearse whether in silence or by chanting meaning repeating it over and over father i thank you your word declares and i think it's proverbs 10 and 24 the fear of the wicked shall come upon me i get that but then you say the desire of the righteous shall be delivered father cause me to cause that to assimilate into my being you promise me as a righteous person that the desire of myself the righteous shall be granted not might shall be grounded that's prayer right there so i'm walking into my car father i thank you that the prayer sorry the desire of the righteous shall be granted i bless you lord you're in the car driving father i thank you and i've been rehearsing asking you for a brand new car i've been rehearsing asking you for some real estate i've been rehearsing asking you for a new job but you know what god that's how i used to pray i already prayed you're not deaf you know that so what i'm going to do i'm going to speak your word now as it relates to that so i thank you father god because you said that that that you owned the cattle on a thousand and you said that you will give me houses i did not build father i thank you i believe this word that is prayer prayer is getting a scripture or scriptures based on the things you've been rehearsing in the air of god for so long and just meditating on that scripture that's how you consistently pray that is the revelation of consistent prayer that is how you always pray so again what am i doing again i'm leading you back to the script because everything with me is going to come full circle right back to the scriptures again so now you see where you have to delve into the scriptures to find the appropriate scriptures as it relates to what you've been praying about and just rehearse it over and over to god god i thank you god this until the spirit gives you a revelation of it yeah anyway let's go let's go may not always pray let's look at this next scripture let's look at psalms uh chapter one i like this one psalm chapter one uh and let's look at uh let's look at from one to two psalms chapter 1 we're going to read from verse 1 to verse 2. in fact we can read the whole thing no from one wonder verse 3. psalm chapter 1 verse 1 says blessed is the man or favored as the man that walketh not in the council of the ungodly okay nor stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the seat of the scornful listen with the scriptures saying this scripture the voice versus starting out to everyone the same for no particular person the same for no just the believer he said bless is the man so any man who's about to participate in any of the events that he's about to talk to talk about will automatically be blessed sinner or saint blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly you're not participating with people uh who are ungodly setting traps and plans and undermining people blessed is the man who sits not in the control of the ungodly nor stand in the way of sinners nor sit in the seat of the scornful or the seat of the crowd so the scripture is saying that if you follow any of those three you are blessed but i love verse two listen to verse two now but his delight the blessed one watch this now is in the law of the lord watch this and in his law which is the law of god this guy meditate on it now i didn't say he will pray day and night i want you to listen to the wording now he will meditate upon the word day and night now that does not mean he have the bible open day and night just reading it i i prefixed all of this in my earlier conversation he's taking a scripture that the holy spirit has given to him and he's pondering that where that has to do with god's creation whether it has to do with his marriage being in trouble and he's holding on to a particular scripture but he's meditating on that particular word he's it's literally praying you know whether he's doing it in silence where he's murmuring it whatever it is he says he's meditating upon the word or the law of god day and night now watch what it's going to produce it says in verse 2 but his delight is in the law of the lord and in this lord doth be meditating day and night and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that shall bring forth his food in the season so the word that he's meditating on consistently is going to bring forth a fruit this is key so i'm teaching you tonight this is what i'm teaching you especially those of you who are about to go on the fast or you're on the fast and you're making these i'm not saying do not pray those long prayers and all that stuff you could do all of that but i'm trying to show you where you need to upgrade now where you let's say you having a problem with your boys they're hanging out with the wrong crowd you've talked to them tell your tongue followed your head they're rebellious they're not listening to you and you know that the crowd they are with you know you know bad stuff about them they could get hurt some way somehow so we look for scriptures like um proverbs 11 21 what does it say it says doha and join in hand the wicked shall not go and punish right okay i get that but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered so we ponder excuse me you're the righteous and that scripture is saying that because of your righteousness not the children because of your righteousness righteous mummy righteous daddy righteous aunt righteous uncle whatever your seed is guaranteed deliverance even though they're in rebellion the bible says that the seed of the righteous shall be delivered so we ponder that but give no longer father i thank you for this promise because this promise guarantees me that you have to protect my kids because i'm righteous i didn't make myself righteous when i accepted your son jesus christ and because of what he did i was reconciled back to you you through jesus made me righteous and this benefit of being righteous entitles me now you have an entitlement that my children will be delivered so whatever book he is right now doing for drinking liquor partying with the girls balling right now you shouldn't be worried about you shouldn't be pining away you shouldn't be losing sleep you should be meditating but just praying on the word day and night how do i do it in my mind in my spirit if i want to do it verbally fine father i thank you right now lord that pookie will be the pookie is delivered pookie you'll leave it pokey okay rojes you can come around one day because i train you in the right way you don't fall now but the bible says that eventually you can come right back to your training spot so you see prayer doesn't require this long oh i pray oh hallelujah oh jesus oh god turn it around jesus lord turn that around lord oh jesus these children giving me heart attack lord you get all this negative garbage no no the seed of the righteous the bible says it's not a scripture uh psalms 112 verses 1 to 3. it says praise he the lord and blessed is the man that feared the lord and delighted greatly in what and what in prayers no delighted greatly it is what commandments and what's going to happen as a result of that and his seed his children again shall not might shall be mighty upon the earth it's a guarantee and the generation of the upright uh shall be blessed or whatever verse three say wealth and riches shall be in his house and his righteousness shall endure forever these are promises this is prayer this is prayer material so we grab a scripture we allow whether it's the holy spirit showing it to us whether it came up on us seemingly by accident we meditate on that we don't meditate on what could happen bad in the future in our corona whatever we catch you know we ain't got time for that we got time for the scriptures so the revelation of constant prayer could be as simple as one small verse that you meditate on you are at your office taking a break going to the the thing to get some water you're standing up there you're pondering father i thank you right now i thank you lord father you know i need favor with the bank tomorrow your word says in psalms 5 verse 12 father that you will bless the righteous and but favor with favor shall you encompass him like a sheep that's your word man i father god help me help me take the spirit of worry off of me and help me to meditate upon your word day and night you said lord this this isn't my saying this would you you said this you said that you will bless the righteous psalms 5 12 and with favor shall you surround or encompass him as a shield so therefore i should expect favor from the west the eastern north the south and all points in between father your word declares according to proverbs 3 verses 3 and 4 you said to me that i must not forsake mercy neither truth but bind it upon my neck and write it upon the table of my heart and in so doing shall i find favor and good understanding before god and man i thank you lord father if there's any doubt in me of this word because i'm allowing fear to overcome me father give me the strength to overcome the fear and totally commit to your word and you keep saying it i thank you a lot for that favor i thank you because i'm entitled to that favor that's what you this is how you pray you are praying believe it or not you are praying this is the revelation of constant prayer this is going to stop you from praying for the same thing over and over and making no sense drilling all over the place falling asleep rehearsing the same thing no you grab the word of god as it relates to your situation and you repeat that to god yeah that's what scripture is saying father i thank you father i've i've i've lost my home i've lost my marriage i've lost my job corona has taken everything from me but father i find solace and i am righteous before you i believe you and your promise says to me proverbs 11 31 it says that the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth the righteous shall be repaid for the losses that they have suffered father this is your promise see folks no i hope you all get this tonight you know this is how you pray to your god yes it sounds fancy when you're around other people and you listen to the prayer oh heavenly father the great god of pluto mars uranus and jupiter the one that once guided abraham or heavenly father dawaji over elohim shall die you got time for all i've been the bank pressuring you when the bank boarded up your place and changing your lock when they come in to take your car cause you you got time for luck no no no no no no no no no there is a time for that but this is the time right now okay so what we want we want to grab ahold of the promises of god now i will show you this book i want to promote this right now this book here called the bible promise book all right would you take a look at that the bible promise book i bought this for my wife in 2000 i remember when i got it for but i got it for a while back right and this book here you can go on amazon to get this this is an awesome book filled with different bible verses and what i like about it this is why i bought it for hall in the contents it have different topics for scripture such as if you're looking like anger belief charity children children's duties comfort contentment well whenever you look under it then we'll give you scriptures relative to that and i love it because with that you could meditate for those of you who don't know all of the scriptures in the bible like myself and others then you get the same book bible here it is you know the bible the bible promise book all right let me see who wrote this the bible promise book and this was written uh where is it now this was written and this is the king james version one what is he telling me wrote the book you know what i'm saying he's working anyway anyway you i'm going to show to you so you know what it looked like the bible promise book i've given a lot of these away but i bought this one particularly for my wife at oxford tonight because i thought i was gonna talk about it yeah and in that whatever you're dealing with anger stagnation whatever you go and this is going to help you because rather than google and searching for these scriptures tirelessly they're all there for you and so you take those scriptures and you meditate you meditate on the word of god you're praying just standing up in your doorway in your car sitting down in the bathroom taking the shower on the throne and you just begin to relish in the word of god i do it all the time so that's why i said in my teaching or teach me how to pray no i don't do the standard way of prayer every day there are times when i do do that there are times when i just go off in the prayer but for the most part it's it's just a scripture i'm just repeating back to god and and literally you know what it is really though not a day look at it i'm really convincing myself more and more about the scripture you know because prior to knowing this information i would spend more time worrying you all know what i'm talking about you spend more time lord i wonder if this i hope this loan comes through lord i hope this person will win this money oh god please i hope they pay because if i don't pay this i can't pay my rent i can't do it no no no no man you're working for the devil no no fire him and come on jesus i and you take the word of god and you repeat it no matter what your problem is and make it a lifestyle break out of the standard that you have to get up every morning and get on your knees and you by the time you you you go to do that you sleep you don't remember what you're saying you babbling the same thing overnight no just like how i'm talking to you now this is the kind of relationship god wants you to have with him yeah you walk on the house father god i come before you you're in the car driving lord i thank you man i thank you that i have my i could see i got i could taste i'm not incapacitated i have my limbs i can walk i don't need nobody to come do anything for me father i'm grateful for that man i'm really really grateful a lot of this any time in my life that i was ungrateful jesus please forgive me please lord and i'm sure there were times i was really grateful and and spiteful in me and lord forgive me because i could think of times now that even when i did my nonsense and you knew well in advance that i would go and do it again even though i repented you never spiked me you never you know tell me you're not gonna do anything for me anymore because so lord why do i treat other people that way the father forgive me forgive me right now this is how god wants you to talk to him father i have a critical spirit lord i i'm negative i'm always talking about people i always see the negative god i don't want to be this way please lord no matter what people are talking about somebody somehow i will find something negative god hear my heart do excavate that from me you know mommy was that poppy was like that i don't want to be that way god because at the end of the day i'm not happy with myself please cleanse me deliver me from that cause me to see the bright side of things in spite of how dark and grim they may appear this is how god wants you to talk to him the bible says to us he says do not be like the hypocrites the pharisees who go into the public with these repetitious prayer they know kevin looking right good heavenly father kevin kevin looking right he looking okay good great jehovah mighty god of creation glory to god i'm coming before you hallelujah kevin kevin taking notice of me great jehovah you see me now yeah great jehovah hallelujah no god doesn't want that from you no no no no god doesn't want that god god wants you to be because he already know you he knows you already all right that that pretends you put on to work that pretends you put on the church that pretends you put them in your church members come around god isn't paying any attention to you when you do that you sit right just like me with my father guess what i'm a sinner saved by grace i have evil thoughts evil desires but it's not my intent to live this way because i want to live pure before you i want to experience the benefits that that bible speaks of that i know were not just for moses or solomon or david i know i can be a participant of it if i follow your law help me to follow your law father help me not to be so caught up in the in the uh idolatry of worshipping men and women of god but to just see them as those who are supposed to be a gift to me and giving me your word i want to keep my focus on you lord that's how you pray and always always like i say get that that bible promise book and and find the scriptures that are relative to you and really begin to meditate on the word of god and that is the revelation of constant prayer okay i want to give you some more scriptures joshua 1 verse 8 excuse me joshua 1 verse 8 this is what it says it says this book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth but thou shalt meditate therein day and night he didn't say pray day and night he say meditate on the word day and night see i'm tying all of this back to luke chapter 18 verse 1 where it says that men are to always pray and not faint and i'm trying to show you what he's basically saying is that you've taken the word of god that you should be convinced it's going to do what you need not and really rehearsing that into your spirit rehearsing it to god not so much making your situation which you want solve our priority remember god already knows what your situation is now again go and watch my teaching on faith what god is seeking from you now he says kevin okay you need healing kevin you don't know that already i know you need healing kevin i know that so when you come to me saying oh god please heal me that's not the protocol kevin kevin what does my word say about healing i want you to give me that i want you to meditate or not okay that's how you want to run yes okay okay okay okay he has sent his word to heal me you got it now now start meditating father god help me to believe that you've sent your word help me to be convinced that it is your word that's going to heal me so what is god trying to get you to do he's trying to get you to shy away from focusing on what you want and focus on how your word how his word is gonna fix what you want i'm talking to somebody tonight i'm talking to somebody tonight i am talking to someone tonight you could start it right now you could start to go to you you sometimes you say oh lord i didn't pray last night you know what you mean you didn't give that long recitation but it don't have to be a long hesitation so far i've given you two scriptures where he's asking you to meditate on his word you'll hear this okay you don't believe me let's go to psalms 119 let me build this up some more psalms 100 19. okay and the first one we're going to look at is verse 23. psalms 119 verse 23 listen what it says it says princess also did sit and speak against me but my servant did meditate in my statues what is my statues my laws my commandments my principles my ordinance my precepts all synonymous with one another while they were planning their dirt against david while he was trying to set him up he says hey you all could do that i i can't stop you all from plotting against me i can't stop you from conjuring evil but what i can do and what i do have control over is meditate on the promises the statues the laws and the principles of god let's look at verse 48 same psalms 119 let's look at verse 48 what does it say my hands also when i lift up unto thy commandments which i have loved and i will meditate in thy statues oh listen to this god is asking you please people break the tradition of religion break the tradition of church break it break it by doing exactly what the word say to do the word god word is trying to get you to merit to focus that's what meditate mean to focus your mind on a particular thing get a scripture whatever it is that you're dealing with and focus repeat it get it assimilated into your spirit because oh that's another thing as you begin to rehearse that spirit sorry rehearse that word you're feeding your human spirit you're feeding your spirit you're convincing the spirit that this is what we need right here and what is that going to do that's going to take your focus off the banks that are going to put you in court to take this property from you that's taken the focus off that doctor report it's taking the focus off they're conspiring on the job to get me fired they're taking the focus off i know when firing comes up i'm going to get the first ping slip get off of that he says while my enemies were concocting evil i focus on your silence your statues your principles that's where my hope was at so this is where i consistently pray but not prayers and oh lord please don't let them come after me father god put this hedge around me i put a shield around me that they already there as a believer you have that already so what are you doing now you meditate father i thank you that no weapon that has been formed against me shall prosper i thank you that you've given me the ability not seems isaiah 54 and 17 the latter part part b where you've given me authority and you said that any tongue that has risen up against me in judgment i must condemn it father i condemn what they're concocting on that job against me i condemn every evil plot plan scheme and ploy against me because this is the power you've given me this is the authority you've given me the folks you are praying now look at that compared to jesus oh lord father oh god help me jesus i don't know these people gonna do that sound more like fair to me but in isaiah 54 17 b he's giving you authority over the same one who concocted against you he says no weapon for him against you shall prosper okay good and he says then every tongue that rise up against you he didn't say he was going to condemn it no he said you condemn it i've given you the authority to condemn it so while you're in that job and i used to i what i'm telling you right now is what i used to do when the odds were against me and it was only me no one can help me and i'm praying on my lunch break i go sit in my car father i thank you father i thank you lord that you're working this thing out for me i i can't see i can wake lord but lord take the worry take the anxiety take the fear from me because i know this is the enemy trying to crush me go back and there things get worse father i believe you father your word the closer you are to walk by faith and not by sight father increase my faith right now because i need it if there's ever time i need faith from you god is is now and what was his fate his word you got it now speak it father i thank you father god your bible says that even though a host will encamp around me in this shall i find confident now you see why you have to make yourself familiar with the scriptures because you're gonna need them in his time to truly pray which is the word of god i hope i open somebody tonight i really hope i open you tonight here and again those of you are fasting this is what you need to do remind god of his word so let's continue this now like i said in verse 48 of psalms 119 it says my hands also when i lift up unto thy commandments which i love which i have loved and i will meditate in thy statues look at verse 78 because all these are from psalms 119. excuse me verse 78 says let the proud be ashamed let the proud be ashamed for they dealt perversely with me without a cause but i will meditate in thy precepts boy listen this david dude something else you know david said boy i ain't got time for y'all you know what whatever run your lawn whatever fool you're all talking whatever witchcraft you're all into whatever you're all talking to the boss or trying to poison the mind of others against me but luckily i'm with y'all and i ain't even ponder or meditate on that what i will ponder on is the laws of god the rules the principles that's where i'm gonna find my hope that's what i'm gonna find my peace the bible says to us in isaiah 26 and three i believe it is i love this protocol to get a specific result he says i will keep you in perfect peace as long as your mind has stayed upon me so if you don't have peace that means your mind ain't on me so okay guy oh this is awesome promise okay god let me meditate on this father help me to meditate on you father help me to meditate on you help me to meditate on you your word says that you will keep me in perfect peace listen to that he didn't say he's gonna keep you just in peace you know see perfect peace suggests complete peace it gets no better than that it did not say i will keep you in perfect peace only when things are peaceful with the scriptures saying that no matter what chaotic situation you are in as long as your mind is consistently on the word of god because that's what you mean by if your mind has stayed upon him he's talking about his word then he you did your part now he got to do his part okay kevin i'm going to give you this piece like i promised in the book of philippians that passes all understanding the scripture says and i love this one uh psalms 119 verse 165. i pray it all the time he says great peace have they that love thy law commandments rules ordinance principles watch this and nothing shall offend them you so in love with the word of god that you ain't care what these clowns doing over here you don't care what they concocted you are fully aware you already had the dream god already showed you the vision what they dealing with but you ain't even focused they trying to figure out why am i not affecting kevin after all this nonsense that because kevin has got kevin got perfect peace because he's delighting in the laws of god so god now comes back like the scripture i told you before psalms 37 i believe it's verse 4. he says if you delight yourself in me and he told us how to delight ourselves in him when i read it to you in psalms 1 verse 2. okay for he delight in the law of the lord and meditate upon a day and night so psalms 37 4 says if you delight yourself in me which is his word i will grant you the desires of your heart so what does this tell me this tells me that that heaven is literally waiting we're out here but not the lord taking too long no you taking too long to do the rules you're taking too long to follow the laws the heaven will back you if you following the laws heaven don't have a choice in it the kingdom of god does not have a choice in in giving you your desire when you follow the rules again i gotta repeat this hearing this tonight you should detest people who ask you for money for god to do something for you because what they're saying to you is forget all of this forget the principles the laws the rules don't meditate on the word you don't gotta go through none of that you could take a shortcut by paying us right now put money in our bank account and some way god can give you the promises you want the only way you will believe that and succumb to that because you don't know the scriptures like i'm teaching them to you right now you don't know the word because when you know the word you tell me i could sit home repeat the word of god i don't have to shout out no money to nobody and god will do these things but that's what i'm reading here no wake up people how long are you gonna go into 2021 with the same church mindset the same traditional way of thinking that has guaranteed you 25 30 40 50 years of bondage 50 years of backwardness no progress you pay tithe you give seed all of these things they told you to do and nobody is telling you do this follow this focus on this meditate on this word i can't blame them no am i gonna blame you because you know it ain't working but you're still going there to do it because you are so engrafted to the tradition of i have to be in the house of god okay you've been there for years what has changed church does not change you the word of god does if church changed you the four walls then everybody who walked in there would be a different person it is the meditating on the word of god that changes us let's look at uh same times 148 and i love this one let's look at sorry psalms 119 let's look at 148 verse okay i love this one it says mine eyes prevent the night watches that i might meditate on thy word i i want you guys to really make the correlation here i started out with luke 18 verse 1 and it says that men are to always pray and not faint and i said to you boy that's going to be difficult because to just consistently pray every day you're basically repeating the same thing over and over when god already if he if he knows the end from the beginning then it stands to reason he must know my problem he's all-knowing there's nothing that he doesn't know so i don't think he's interested in us rehearsing our problems to him or giving him our grocery list what i do believe and i'm convinced of it based on the word is that now he what he's saying is now kevin bring my word attached to your sister i already know you need healing i already know you need money i already know you want to send your children to school whatever the college now what does my word say well psalms 115 14 i will increase you more and more you and your children that's the scripture meditate on it ponder it repeat it every day uh when i was going through my go through and i was still teaching that people didn't know though i was going through eternal hell nobody knew the extent of the hell i was going through all right and i used to get the little you know those little stickies little yellow little pot no stuff you write under there you stick it somewhere i would get them and i would put them on my bathroom wall and i would write scriptures on it and not that i was trying to memorize them but like whenever i made contact or wherever i had them i would repeat it just to remind me in my card i'd have it on my dashboard and i would just repeat it father i thank you for this word i thank you for this word i thank you like i said i love the beat so i'd ride it on the beach and sit down in my jeep i just screw my windows down and just listen to those waves and sometimes i just wouldn't say anything at all i wouldn't say just relax and then whenever the holy spirit decided to bring a scripture to me i will begin to repeat that scripture and that see that's the relationship between you and the holy spirit you're meditating meditating don't always mean you're saying something you know you could be right silently i told you before there are many places that i visit be it fast food restaurants whatever and there are times when i'm there where the holy spirit will literally perk me to pray for the people that pray for their salvation so i'm standing up right there father i pray for everyone in walmart right now everyone that has graced those thoughts saying that are in this building right here father let none of them let none of them leave this planet nor their children without knowing you lord do you know that sometimes or some of those people in there the only person they will ever have praying for them in life is when the holy spirit unction you to pray for them who don't know you and you don't know that but you all better get serious you know y'all better get serious with your salvation see you all see that's why i tell you you gotta break tradition see tradition will make you believe that you're for no more i go to church so that's cool i'm one with the rest of them no you can't think like that no someone prayed for you so why are you not paying it forward so this is this is this is what i'm saying to you you you have to you you have to look beyond tradition listen tradition never graduate go and watch my video you will never go past a certain point with just tradition with just following a policy a church rule that has been made to seem as if it's a divine law no you have to look at the scripture for exactly what it says god's word is a period of whatever rule they could bring up in church and that's why i say to you anyone any church any organization religious that is that's dismissing the word of god adding to it taking away from it then you need to take yourself over there because from what i'm looking at here is the word of god that's going to make the difference that's that's as simple as that now let's look at let me let me just give you more points on how powerful how powerful god word is so let's look at psalms 138 verse 2 psalms 138 psalms 138 verse 2. okay listen listen listen to this listen to david i will worship towards the holy temple and praise thy name for thy loving-kindness and for thy truth okay for thou has magnified thy word uh-huh above thy name yo yo yo yo i'll just read that yo listen to that last statement listen listen to what the scripture's saying the scripture says god god word is so important it is it is beyond anything else his name jehovah elohim jehovah el shaddai jehovah meccanesh uh mechadesh uh jehovah's sidca no what whatever he says i have placed my word above all of that i'm trying to show you the importance of reiterating the word of god not your problem he already knows your problem what does this word say about your problem meditate on that not worrying about the problem let's look at another one let's look at matthew 24 verse 35. matthew 24 35 right what does it say heaven and earth shall pass away one day this will be no more listen but my word shall never ever ever pass away now what you will hold on to yeah bmw gonna go your good uh blue collar job gonna go we can die one day but the god of all creation is saying to us whatever my word promised whatever this word promise will never pass away so how you can make woman bishop see what i tell you and i don't listen to these people who give you the right to alter the words of my god in your arrogance see boy look here listen see listen i tell you when you when you grab a hold of the understanding of the scripture you probably wouldn't go church no more because when you see the highway how could you change the laws of god to suit you and your crew when he is saying in this scripture he says heaven and earth shall be no more they shall be diminished they will be history but you could make women bishops and do you know there are those right now that i just said that are upset with me why they don't believe the word of god they don't read they don't unders no they understand but they are total rebellion against the word of god they think they mad with me but they mad with god if i broke the rules if i made the rules then you had every right to be upset with me but you are saying that your pastor is greater than christ greater than the one who made the rules boy you are people dangerous you're all dangerous malik how could you while making them bishops because the men aren't stepping up to the plate yeah what claws in the scripture give you the right to do that boy hey boy jesus christ who came who god sent to redeem us back to him never change the rules and he's the son of god will your pastor get off changing the rules see listen to me the word of god cannot work for you if you are altering it people that's what i'm saying to you this ain't a sexist thing this ain't a he or she thing this in or trying to keep woman that this is what the rule book said how could you say god i honor you i worship you i love you but i can change these couple rules here because i don't like how they fix in the bible those that love me will do my commandments not change them heaven anoint shall pass away but my word shall not pass away so if god say this how could you change it make me understand it i will never step for the no church where a woman is the bishop never never no you couldn't know ain't gonna happen if i dead and they dragging me in there somehow i can ask for the last piece of strength god let me crawl out of this casket and call it this demon fashion please because you are cha listen to me carefully i have nothing against women none of that all i am saying is when you change the rules don't expect the same results that the rules promise that's what i'm saying to you you don't have i don't care if you like me i don't care if you believe me i'm telling you with the word of god now your pastor your apostle may tell you that but this is what the word said he said he has placed his word above his name he is jehovah gyra he is jehovah elohim he is jehovah el shaddai he is the great i am and he said in all of those titles i've placed my word above it how could a male model alter the word of god that he has placed above his name make me understand that please somebody make me make me understand that i am i am i listen i'm going to play stupid like i don't know make me understand how you can change the rules you know what let's look at another description let me drill this home some more isaiah 55 you're going to read from verse 10 to verse 11. isaiah 55. and we're going to read from verse 10 to voice you listen some of them so hot right now but you all know they're probably cussing me left right friends enough you all packed with the devil how could you curse me show me in any king james bible you see co-author kevin ewing show to me show me in any niv any dick strix bible any bible show me where i had some kind of uh contribution to the scriptures none excuse me listen for those of you before i go to my next point who who've been on your job for years i've been on i i've worked to fedex for almost 33 years had i stayed aboard until uh november of last month i left them i retired in july had i stayed until november i would have spent 33 years at fedex right do you think they kept me on fedex because they're nice looking no do you think they kept me because they had nothing else to do no why did they keep you at fedex because i followed their rules i followed their rules i followed their principles and what was the result what what did i get in return i had constant employment do you think they would have kept me there if i came there and changed the policies that fedex worldwide adheres to come on you tell me now because you wouldn't do it to man mortal secular living but you won't change the word of god but you're all part of the devil whoever doing that did you all listen to me you're all voicing at the same satan all upon you and that's why for me i know you all hear me say man why are you always on this bishop thing because i always say to you i only use that as an example when you start peeling that can top back the worms are coming over there you you better be prepared for whatever else coming out of them you cannot change the word of god you cannot say to me kevin listen i know your stance on homosexuality but god loves us kevin i know that i love you i am saying to you sir mom lgbt whatever i have no hate for you in fact i am praying for you that you don't leave from time to eternity without knowing god what i am also saying is that i neither you can change the laws of god in spite or despite what you like that's not my law why do you change the narrative like i wrote it my job is to teach it my job is to preach it you cannot tell me that a place which is an exit is an entrance and that god must accept it and we should accept it too no man i i listen to you man isaiah 55 verse 10 and that's not just and i'm just part i'm not not hyping on just homosexuality and church every sin you cannot change the rules isaiah 55 verse 10 then we can go straight into verse 11. listen it's all about god's word isaiah 55 verse 10 says for as the rain coming down and the snow from heaven and return not feather or turn return back again but watered the earth instead and making it bring forth and but that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the ego listen to verse 11. so shall he's making a comparison now so shall my word be that god fought out of my mouth this is god speaking it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which i please and i shall prosper i'm sorry and it shall prosper in the thing where to i sent it so if god sent his word to your church and they have women bishops in them and breaking every other rule you think god can reward you you can say well i could bless you all anyway man no don't go to heaven man you'll break my laws so what kind of example would i beat first so following the rules no no boy he has placed his word above his name that's what i'm reading here psalms 30 sorry proverbs 30 verse 5. i like that one proverbs 30 verse 5 what it says every word of god is what pure when he said in timothy that men according to his divine order not kevin according to his divine order he said the bishop anyone that's not anyone any man that's vying for their bishop must be the uh the husband of one wife so he stayed what the qualifier is as into which gender that he wants running it but this all makes sense because he said in uh i think first uh corinthians 11 3 and 4 let it be known the head of every minus who christ then who the man the woman so this isn't a sexist thing you ain't gonna shift no narrative yeah this is what the word says this is what the scripture says so anyone who sit under this disorder is not honoring god not my opinion it's his divine order how could you go on a job as entry level but you you you won't you won't be the you won't be the president there you ain't venture no protocol nothing listen the whole idea of god doing these things is to set order to set structure and that's why i can understand these hypocrites you would say god is not the author of confusion you will say god is a god of order but yet you circumvent this rules and putting in your own rules oh boy you all need to take it easy you all need to take it easy you all need to take it easy jeremiah 1 verse 12. let's go there jeremiah 1 jeremiah chapter 1 and let's look at verse 12. listen what it says it says then said the lord unto me thou has well seen uh-huh for i will hasten my word to perform it god says i will put speed to my word now all of this i'm giving you tonight i'm giving you prayer points you know while you're meditating on the word of god in whatever area father we're facing some challenges right now i don't have food to feed my children or father the electricity is off but god i hold on to your word right now proverbs sorry psalms 115 14 where you promise lord that you will increase me more and more me and my children now father god i'm reminding you of your word in jeremiah 1 12 where you said now you will hasten your word to perform it father i'm coming in agreement with jeremiah 1 verse 12 and also psalms 115 verse 14 where you say you will increase me more and more now i'm coming in agreement that you now hasten that to happen for me quickly that could be your prayer right now that's your prairie death i talking to somebody tonight i'm trying to show you how to erase all of the non-essentials and get straight to the point and how you get straight to the point you get straight to the point with the word of god that's how you get there let's go to psalms 119 verse 105. i forgot that one psalms 119 105 the more you understand the scripture tradition listen you become irate when it comes to tradition thy word is a lamp onto my feet uh-huh and a light onto my path i like that you know i'm sure i like that that let's let's break it down the word of god here is is being said that to a human being the one who loved the word well before we get there what do you need a lamp for would you would you use a lamp on a sunny day no you won't when would you lose a lump well when you're in darkness so when we take it from that angle and we look at the scripture again he says thy word is a lamp unto my feet he's talking spiritually now so without the word of god which brings illumination to dispel the darkness so that i now see what's in what was once done he's saying here that without this word you are spiritually walking in darkness i want you to look at it again thy word is a lamp unto that he is not talking about his physical feet it's obvious because if i turn off all the lights in this place now and i get the word of god and put it on it but my feet you think you can see a bunch of blue lights coming around my feet no so he's talking about his spiritual feet and when he used the word of god spiritually he could see he knows the path that he's walking in the scripture is showing you the importance and the the essentialness of the word of god so when people change it you should have a problem with them talking nonsense the word is a lamp unto my feet watch this now and a light and a light to my pathway how will i know if this is the part god will have me on or want me to be well because your lump what lamb kevin where's the word of god where's the scriptures psalms 32 verse 8 i will instruct thee and teach thee and show you in the way in which you should go i will watch over you with my eyes verse nine do not be like the mewn who you have to put a bit and a bridle in their mouth and pull them in the direction they need to go no so he starts off by saying in verse 8 of psalms 32 he says i will instruct you i will teach you i will show you in the way in which you should go because he's your lump but how is he going to do it i see you jesus well just look to my word what is my word speaking to you again people who change the word of god you should have an issue with not me have an issue with them because they are directly going against the creator not the one who is preaching it you know what a lot of christians don't believe in god you know let me just get rid of me let me just take off all the makeup right now let me let me get totally real i get really i had enough of this garbage listen to this i am sitting on a chair right now when i came to this my setup here i didn't think twice about sitting in this chair i was confident that the chair was there i was confident that when i rest myself down that this chair was going to catch me i wasn't thinking twice about why what am i saying to you because i am totally convinced the chair was there totally see when you believe something when you are convinced by something you don't second-guess it you don't second-guess it at all when you wherever you're sitting right now you didn't on your way to that chair you didn't say oh no i hope this won't break oh lord i hope this thing hold me i'm not putting on too much weight now lord i hope that you always think none of that garbage why because you were totally convinced so when you tell god god i love you god i love you god oh christ i love you god you know much i love you lord you love me you you don't obey my commandments you you you you doing everything and you you training people to go against me so make me understand how you love me when my word is clear those that love me keep my commandments okay you know what let me take it back let me let me i can i can put you on the spot right now let me let me shut this baby down once and for all let me shut it down right now got enough of this any one of you are listening to me right now where women bishops are part of your congregation or your church subscribe to that right now when we go to the scripture and we read the scripture right in fact let me turn because i will read it before i give you this question right i can read this first all right okay i'm gonna first timothy chapter three and i'm only using this to show you you may say kevin why you always on this i'm saying to you he said not me if you love me you will keep my commandments you will keep my rules you will keep my standard my divine order that is your love that's how you're going to prove to him which is christ not kevin that you love him right i'm reading here in first timothy chapter three first timothy chapter three beginning at verse two a bishop then must be blameless okay he's given qualifiers now a bishop must be blameless okay i get that it's okay so far and given no gender nothing the husband of one wife would that mean that mean a woman could be bishop you're already smart think about it if he said a husband of one wife that mean a woman could be a bishop right because obviously i can't understand a bishop then must be blameless okay i get that but the next qualifier got me it says this bishop the one who's vying for the bishop office it says he must be the husband of one wife so if i love god like he said i will keep his commandments this was his commandment this is what he want i'm a pastor of a church and i somehow i let the devil use me and i said you know what we're living in a new age now and uh uh you know we we get to be open-minded you know to the scriptures and and that's back in paul day you know paul lim you know the head wasn't right so you know uh what we're going to do is uh i feel the spirit telling me to the spirit let me you say the spirit is telling you this let me get this straight now he will not he the bible says that he's placed his name his word above his name the bible says that heaven and earth shall possibly but not want to love his word shall pass the bible says that every word of god is pure and that he's the shield of those that put their trust in him the bible says that he will hasten his word to do whatever need to do quickly his word will not return to him void he said all of that all of that he said and you're telling me the spirit of the lord told you that you could now ordain women to be bishops even though i'm reading am i blind am i tell me something i'll turn it there are you reading something different from me in your bible according to first timothy chapter 3 verse 2 where it gives the qualifiers what am i saying to you i'm trying to get you to focus on the word of god not a personality i love many preachers but if i see them directly pushing an agenda to go against the word of god excuse me i will never step foot in their church again never because if i do it i'm a co-conspirator i approve it i support it no boy no no no no no no no no no no no no no no god didn't send me and put me through all of what i've been through to get to where i am to believe man over him and no human being could convince kevin ewing to blatantly go against the word of god and sit and appeal and feel comfortable that the lord is hearing my prayer every day god says if you regard iniquity in your heart i will not hear you what is iniquity iniquity is lawlessness iniquity is the abuse of sin iniquity is to do sin over and over and over you don't care no more you don't repent he says if you regard iniquity in your heart he will not hear you he says in isaiah 59 verses 1 and 2 and i'm paraphrasing it he says the lord hands are not sure that he cannot reach you his ears are not clogged that he cannot hear you but your iniquity has separated you from your god and your sin has caused him to turn his face from you and you telling me women could be bishops when this scripture telling me otherwise you're a devil no man you could never get me follow you that will never happen you're telling me kevin listen do not listen to god you need to be comfortable in your sin i'm your pastor and if i said it could be bishops that's it this is my church god's gonna come to me i think this is yeah you and the devil got part in here but he'll have cable part of this look at the word and let me tell you something else slowly but surely the world is just drifting and changing the laws of god and preacher after preacher is going to compromise with it they they they gonna have to let me tell you what i have to because a lot of them a lot of them i saw a very very very very popular program very popular had an interview with the huffington post i watched it several times and they gave shot a few questions on him and they asked him what do you think about uh gay marriage and so on you know what he said he said he's still evolving on that you're evolving what does the scripture say so you see what i say unto you it becomes dangerous because these people whom god has given favor give in favor with all mankind put them in place put an anointing on them because that i know he will attract people to god and all of a sudden they become so filled with themselves that oh my god i just hired you dictating to me man you know what ease off a little bit now listen y'all could relax the laws man you all we ain't got to be all a spiritual man you know what is really important is we love one another you know let's just love one another and you know let's do that man you know if you if you view whatever you want to do man you know you know don't make a big deal he has placed his word above his name heaven and earth shall listen with the scriptures saying this big ball that we live on the scripture saying this wouldn't exist no more the heavens that we could see will not exist no more that will literally pass away but the bible say the word of god will not you are listening to this if god is going to erase creation as we know it but he said his word will stand forever who may mortal have the audacity to alter the word of god and talking to somebody man i talking to somebody i talking to somebody see until you fall in love with the word of god until you reflect or do a introspect of your life and see how god pulled you out of the snares and the clutches when you pray it earnestly to him until you sit down with your ungrateful self and truly look at what god has done for you you will despise these characters i'm telling you you just like me you'll hate them when i say hey with righteous indignation on the spirit that's using them how could you change if heaven and earth will pass away but he said not one piece of his word shall fade away shall be altered shall be changed how could a man whom god has put in place to lead his people to god could change the laws of god make me understand that make me please make me understand that i try and honest to god i am trying my best to wrap my skull around it but there's nothing to wrap around it because i am reading here a bishop then must be blameless the husband of one wife that's what i read when i posted up one time but they like to eat me alive but guess what i did i read like a couple of weeks right i put a serious trick on them i waited a couple weeks and i i put the scripture up that's what i put i said a bishop then must be blameless the wife of one husband vigilant sober of good behavior given the hospitality up to teach and i posted on my wall i just posted them and boy they come back what are that wrong that wrong correct that that's supposed to be the husband of elected same hypocrites same hypocrites the same hypocrites you know i call them out in inbox them i said but you just defended this the day you said that we are all one in christ and there's no male and female and blah blah blah that's what you said to support your point right but now i switch the scripture and you have a problem with it but when you switch it i was supposed to agree what you say you see you see why you don't listen you see why you can go to hell fire if you let these people guide you there no that's why you stick with the scripture you see because they could change their mind you know what's so messed up about it they could preach it as a doctrine and one day get an epiphany and say well you know what they're saying right let me get saved and guess what you die believe it go straight to hell he catch himself repent to god and go to heaven oh no no no no nobody that's why i stick in with the word of god i'm sticking with the scriptures i don't care what theology school you've been to i don't care how you read it i don't care i am reading here the only gender that could be a bishop it may not be a big deal to you but it's a big deal to me because i believe in the scriptures and it says if the bishop if the qualifier states the husband of one wife can a wife have a wife can a wife be a husband no right so how could you twist that around how make me understand it make me see there i don't care what your title is buddy you can't put nothing on kevin god has given me the ability to understand huh my my educated me and put me to school so i could read i could comprehend and that's what i'm reading there and the day has already arrived because right there in america where most of you guys are watching me from you have men who are now open gay bishops and gay pastors and what you think they're using the same thing everybody else use we are all one in christ see this is the can of worms that you open we now the pedophiles are going to come next hey look here we are all one in christ too then the rapist is going to come hey god love us too and we want to have church and we want to walk around provided naked and do stuff and you cannot say nothing to us because if you can make the woman bishop you could change why we can't change it so you're opening up a can of worms so i'm saying to you the word of god this is what you want to stick by this is what god is going to honor god says i will honor those that honor me and those that despise me i will i will dismiss them all together you don't want to be in that crowd see you don't need to be in the in crowd you don't need to be in the big name of church you need to be in the church when it's teaching the word of god just like i teach it to you let's walk through the scriptures if the scripture don't say it then we shouldn't be saying it what does the scripture says what does god say about his word let's look at this last scripture let's go to hebrews 4 verse 12. hebrews chapter 4 hebrews 4 verse 12. i love this one here let's see what it says it says for the word of god seem one day changing for the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword now you talking about the word of god now how could the word of god be sharper than a two-handed sword again he's talking about spiritual things but watch what it does sharpen any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder or cutting in half of soul and spirit and of the joints and the marrow and as a discerner of the thoughts and intent of the heart now all of this all of what he just said there is what the word of god does again if the word of god does that do you think the word of god will still have the same effect if you alter it no let me prove it to you matthew 15 verse 5 to 6 jesus says listen because of your tradition because of what you believe and how you want twister to make your own rules and principles he said the word of god is no effect in here so now you realize your church who is going against the word of god now you see why every year you get in beg for money every year whatever year you win you're asking for that seed to go in the next year everything except the word of god there and you're still wondering father this is my i am now 48 years old i've been going to the church for 30 years the same six and seven the same rigmarole flawed why you ain't doing it for me i pray i fast let me tell you why he ain't doing it isaiah 58 verse 2. he says it isn't that my hands are too short that i cannot reach you it isn't that my ears are clogged and i cannot hear you but your iniquity your committed sin that has been upgraded to an iniquity has caused me to dismiss you altogether i ain't gonna stop you from going to church i ain't even strike you down because i'm giving you an opportunity to get it right but you showed me for the last 30 years that you've been to this church that you honor mere mortals that more than you want to meet and what does my word say about it well let's go see right now let's go to jeremiah what jeremiah say uh uh what happened to you let's go to jeremiah 17. let's look at verse 5. what he says thus said the lord cursed be the man that trusted and man and make it flesh his arm or his strength or his support or his confidence it says whose heart has departed from the lord your heart cannot be with the lord when you are blatantly dismissing the word of god only to put up your own rules so the bible says you are cursed listen to verse 6 now of jeremiah 17 for he whose does he the one who has put his trust in a man as opposed to putting it in god the one whose heart has departed from god god says for he shall be like the heat in the desert and shall not see when good come to him but shall inhabit the parched or the dry places in the wilderness in a salt land and no and not inhabited meaning that you will be in a desolate place your life will be dried up you will never prosper you are anchored to a place of failure why because you have committed in your heart i am not listening to the bible i am going to do what pastor kevin say i'm going to do what pastor so-and-so say and if they say a woman could be a bishop or any other thing that they go against the bible i support my pastor so god said okay that is no problem i know i gotta deal with you no more the law will run its course in your life so don't come here talking full oh lord jesus says listen nadia glory going into 2021 broke like the ten commandments once again jesus lord oh god turn it around jesus turn it around jesus turn it around jesus you mean turn it around hey zeus would spell like jesus that's what you mean because you can't be talking to the the creator whom you totally dismiss his word no you mean jesus that's what you mean yeah and spanish j-e-s-u-s is pronounced jesus that's who you meant you couldn't mean jesus christ of nazareth no you don't want to follow his rules you love the commandments of men that you've placed above the laws of god but yet you want the benefits of god you sick in your brain something wrong with you something seriously wrong with you no man i'm trying to get you guys to visualize what you are doing when you when you allow people to you've read the scriptures you see what the scripture says but you you you hand in hand behind them they demand that they be your covering they demand that if you're not under them that you're going to get in an accident or bad things are going to happen to you because god has put them in place to keep the wolves and the vultures from off of you what was keeping the wolves and vultures off you before you went to their church who the same god who died for you right so how did you allow them to convince you that you have to be under them to be right with god and then you're still wondering oh yes night oh lord god it's another year not gonna sow the seed right now forget my rules i've been telling you follow you don't wanna hear that but you let the same charlatan who put your life in bondage for 30 years to now stick some more years on you i'll come glory so uh 221 dollars bring your first fruit for january i want your whole paycheck not offer it now you better bring it on your coast bring me your whole paycheck and god is going to turn it around for you how long you been hearing that how long you've been here tell me something god have a problem with spinning around because look he can't get things turned around for you how long have you been people when are you gonna wake up i used to be one of them that's why i can tell you i freed myself from that a long time ago i ain't so no seed for no 2000 you know what seed i saw in the word of the living god you know why because his word shall not return unto him void he has placed his word above his name heaven and earth shall plaster me but not one piece of his word shall pass away that's how i sow my seed i saw my seed by doing the the what the seed tell me to do the bible say that though so uh the preacher man so with the word he saw the word of the living god that's what he sowed so that's what you should be hearing oh hallelujah god is coming soon ladies and gentlemen and normally we normally ask for money but we don't want no money i want each of y'all from december to grab a scripture and hold on to it and remind god of his promises going into 2021 do you think they can tell you that you think they can tell you that you'll never see that no way bring that money and bring all of it in fact we want all now you watch next year january you can hear every scripture on on first fruit every script we don't care if you broke busted disgusted cannot eat we don't care bring listen first fruit we want every dime from you every dime and don't think this happening to the time we need that tie too plus we need offering we need bus fund church fund we're putting another one we need all your money and if you come back to us and say pastor i do what you told me to do today working but then they sin in your life that's how we get you from on us but we keep your money people wake up wake up wake up okay i show you the scriptures i'm giving you the word of god like i tell you many people can be offended and i don't care if you are offended you you you hate god because there's nothing that i'm saying here tonight that is not supported by the scriptures if you love me you will keep my commandments very simple very simple if you love me you will keep my commandments i don't see anything difficult about that if you say you love him that is now if you say you don't love him and you're not keeping this commandments that make perfect sense to me why i can keep them before i i don't the precursor says i don't love you so it is inevitable that i don't keep your commandments but i think it's hypocritical to say i love but i'm not keeping your commandments when you said jesus said that the qualifier of your the evidence excuse me of your love towards me not by words because anybody could say it but by your action will be that you're keeping my not switching them not teaching people to go against my rules and create their own not you forging principles and rules and dismissing minds and putting yours your mind supposed to be no no it don't work that way it don't work that way it don't work that way so i'm saying to you right now if if if if 2020 sorry here 2020 2019 going all the way back it's been difficult for you and you struggling and you still trying to make ends meet but you're going to chuck i know you can tell me kevin i go to church kevin i read my bible kevin i pray kevin i fast kevin i do so and so so you tell me god is a liar so you're telling me you're doing everything that god requires you to do and god is going against his word by punishing you he's pun he's gonna whoop you for for loving him by doing his command now let's really really go through your life with a fine too first of all let's see what church you go to and let's see what they believe in them okay because i hear you with you you don't list off all of your accolades and all that so let's really go through it let's look at some of the the doctrine you got going on here cover it let's start with that all right this man is telling you this man is telling you that he is your covering now how is he covering you make me understand that how is he doing that because he's convinced you that if you're not in a church you're not covered you're not covered by what a roof he meant what do you know and then show me the scripture that says if you don't go to a church you're not covet because i thought when jesus christ shed his blood and you accepted him as lord and savior when you were reconciled to god you were covered by the blood of jesus christ so what other covering is greater than jesus christ make me understand that i make me understand it and show me the scripture while you're at it this preacher is telling you that if you leave his church you will be cursed who gave that preacher the authority to curse you unless you work for satan god says he who is a part of the fivefold ministry is a gift to you when does the gift curse you make me understand that i'm lost people wake up people wake up wake up wake up wake up you will never prosper you will never go forward if you commit to the rules in the ordinance of man i'm not telling you to disrespect your pastor because there are many good pastors out there there are many people just like me who believe in the word of god and they're sticking to that they're few but many of them believe it many of them must turn the the the kingdom of god on earth into some kind of competition event who could prophesy the most and give you all kind of crazy prophecies for next year but watch them watch most of them very few of them is getting in the word very few of them is beginning ending and beginning their sermons with the word of god and sticking to it they may if you're lucky they make all the scripture but you don't hear them go line up online precipitation precept and then pushing you back to the scriptures all right you got to get to the point where you just tired of hearing i hear god say oh my god i hear the enemies that you see today you're going to see them no more god says he's going to turn that thing around on your job god says what they meant for your body is going to turn for your good oh hallelujah yeah well how come you'll see me fornicating how come you ain't seen me masturbate not come you don't see me telling lies and doing the same dirt these ones that i told you trying to undermine me on the job how come you didn't see i did it to them and now it's coming back to me how come you couldn't see that prophetess and prophet huh how come god didn't show you that i'm reaping what i'm sewing get out here talking nonsense no no no no no no you're going into 21 2021 you need to renew your mind get out of those places get out of those places and ask god to deal with your heart repent of god father i was wrong i said father i'm going to hell right now but father god i come before you with a humble spirit and guess what a lot of the things that are going through i did this to other people i did this to other people and you said in your word you said that for god is not mock for whatever man so it that shall he reap the book of colossians 3 verse 25 it says that whatever wrong a man does that wrong shall be returned back to him the scripture this rules this laws so you can't go do people on the job and talk to them like dogs and treat them and keep things from them when you was in your power to help them now the the the the shoe also on the other foot now and now it's happening to you so you run into your non-discerning intercessors charlie do this to me on the job that's what they do to you child let's go before god the bible says we have a two or more come together yeah yeah yeah he said that for those who have cleared their slate and repent of god try that don't you try that so we need to focus on the word of god the word of god should be our life this is how we pray we speak the word of god he said remind me of my word it isn't that he forgot his word but it is his word that he honors he already know what your situation is he says good now what are you going to bring what are you going to bring scripturally to support what you want me to do for you i know you're sick i know you're broke i know pujit i'm in jail i know all of that good now what does my word say about it and don't tell me something you all can job to make my word i never told you if you put one step forward god will take two that was never the scripture i never have an it is not in god's word that clearliness is next to godliness please bring scripture not no noise rewrite this is what god wants from you not me this is what he god you if you if you were to do an analysis on those who receive miracles signs wonders favor promotion and so on as opposed to those who didn't both are christians i can tell you right now that the common denominator and those who got from god were those who follow the laws the principles and the rules of god those who didn't they could jesus said they worship me with their mouths but their heart is far from me how you know that jesus because i told them if they love me the proof will be they will follow my commandments they were not following my commandments very simple you don't need no no no no algebra here you don't need no rocket scientists here very very simple very simple so a lot of you right now are saying kevin i doing this and kevin i doing that well why aren't you reaping why aren't you advancing so don't come and say well oh god they said no no no god cannot lie he said let every man be a liar and let god be true so go and check you stop living a form of godliness you know things what you're doing you know and you feel that because the pastor didn't discern it you forget god see you know that god no you shocking up with a married man god no you got your side peace god no you're stealing money off the job god no you're dishonest but your story is i'm a single mother you know and i fast and i pray and i humble myself before god so you say but remember god says he doesn't look at the outside he looks at the heart of men and for some reason we forget that follow the word of god invest your time in the word of god the revelation of constant prayer is praying the simple word of god meditating on that word you have sickness in your body you have cancer whatever they have already given you the diagnosis what do you do now do you worry yourself quickly out of the world or do you actually take my advice tonight and go and search the bible whether it's by google or whereas by the same book i was telling you about uh bible promises and look under sickness and scriptures for it and now begin to meditate on the word of god speak the word of god begin by saying god remove remove the hate the bitterness the unforgiveness out of my heart lord father god my heart is full of pluck plaque meaning bitterness unforgiveness father you know what god i tell people all the time i forgive so and so but it ain't true lord because every time i see them past my corner i get this warm feeling to the bottom of my stomach and i think the voice thinks ever so i know i haven't forgiven them help me to forgive them lord father i know that for me to come before you and quote your scriptures and meditate on your word for you to even recognize me i have to forgive them because your word is very clear you said in your word while we stand praying we must forgive others so that you could forgive us the precursor for heaven is you forgiven mankind we will never get to heaven if we do not forgive others why because he says while stan while you are praying you must forgive others so that your heavenly father can forgive you there's no two ways about it you could go church all you want you could scream and shout swing on the chandelier somersault hurdle over the bench you could do all of that if you have not forgiven your sisters and brothers according to the scriptures god has not forgiven you and he will not forgive you if you are praying prayers back to sender and said lord burn them lord lord kill them lord lord do this lord god is not hearing your prayer because you're full of hate and don't tell me nonsense oh david prayed them and saw him so and so yeah david might have prayed that we ain't going through all of that but the word says to you he said to bless those here you go switching up the word again he said to you bless those that curse you so what did they do when they said when they sent the voodoo spell behind you they sent a curse right how did god tell you to react to that did he tell you santa claus back did he say i said reverse it and named where show me in the scripture where god jesus in the new testament to the new testament believer said now you must reverse that curse back to them show it to me because i will show you what he really said and he said to bless him oh kevin i don't make no sense i don't care what makes sense because i didn't write the rules go to your boss come monday when you go to job and go on the job and tell him i don't like the rules because it don't make sense and see how long you will be there talking fool up in here to try that mess no stop practicing stop rehearsing stop becoming a professional incent when i say that stop making excuses you don't know what they did me they work rich on me they killed my son my husband went crazy because of them yeah that is true and there's nothing i could do about that i'm sorry i sympathize with you but that does not exonerate you from the rules i'm not being insensitive i'm not doing any of that i'm saying to you follow the rules if you have to spend any time listen to me at any point through any of my teachings it'll always come by pointing you straight back to the rules i keep taking you right back to the bible scripture after scripture when i pray i give you the scriptures when i teach i give you the scriptures when i preach i'm giving you the scriptures why because i'm pointing you back to god this is what a five-fold minister is supposed to do we direct you to jesus christ we direct you to his word this is not our word we don't have the right to change it we don't have the right to alter it we cannot do what we want to do we point you back to god we point you back to jesus finances relationship sex sickness disease we point you to jesus we point you to god interpretation of dreams prophecy we're pointing you back to jesus we're pointing you to jesus christ not to us we did not die for your sins so we cannot cover you god never will accept our sacrifice to reconcile you back to him he sent jesus christ to do that so any human that says he have to cover you and there your covering is a devil because there is no any church that tells you that you must be a covenant partner with them let me give me let me get real i can wrap up right here any church that's telling you that they want you to sign contract to be a part of their ministry a covenant partner financially or membership it is sorcery if you did it go and destroy it right now the only covenant that you should ever be a part of is when you covenant with jesus christ by accepting him as the official sacrifice to reconcile you back to god if you are a believer of jesus christ what are you doing forging covenant with some other church to be a part of their membership what are you talking nonsense but a covenant partner i don't have to be no covenant partner with you if i choose to give it and i will do that i don't have the covenant with you you know what a covenant is you are exposing your spirit to the will of these people no matter how it's addressed and the only covenant you should be in is that with the lord jesus christ say no club they say no no no no no no whatever oh and you want to be a member of this church you have to sign this contra contract what are we doing we building apartments we doing a golf course what you talking about where can i look in this what what covenant again people when you don't read the scriptures do you do these things now guess what now what happens now now he say to you if you leave this church you are cursed now we have they have the right to do it because you made a contract with the people no no man there's a secret society can undergo god what do you need a contract for with me boy look here i tell you that's why i tell you boy god put them there to lead you all back to god look what everyone not every let me take that back most of them bringing them right back to come know y'all yeah i tell you about god but the truth is y'all come to me give me all your money give me everything i in charge your life you can't have no what if you won't have sex with your husband wife if you whatever bowel movement you better make sure i approve that and i don't care about you and pass you but send me a text what's up you better pray to god i ain't sleeping because i was sleeping but hold it until i get up that's that's that's that's demonic stuff jesus christ when you accept jesus christ there was a covenant between you and the kingdom of god that's the only legal covenant any other covenant you are a part of as it relates to a church telling you to be a part of their membership you have to covenant them even on even on the the the different christian networks where they would ask you to cover it with them financially why would you do that i don't think you all understand the power of a covenant when you do that you say okay i can cover it to give them ten dollars no no no it ain't just a ten dollars thing every month when you cover them with something this is a spiritual thing listen if that of those people decide to levy or curse against you i curse kevin they got a right to do it and it will take effect and god will honor the covenant because you went and signed off on the dotted line you agreed yes what you agreed to was to give ten dollars or twenty dollars every month for whatever no but because it's a covenant they have the right now to speak things into your life no no no no i had a a a counselling session with a person like that come to find out that uh the church that she was a part of it was the source of all of the stuff that was going through the the pasta was a free mason all right not only that he was a warlock but i was in shock the minute she left that place the minute she left that place and renounce like i told to do renounce go on a fast and break every evil covenant break every what they call it write on a fellowship garbage all of this foolishness break every covenant every vow you've made in that church first of all ask god to forgive you repent to jesus christ for making covenant outside of the covenant that he made with you when you accepted him ask god for your forgiveness that girl did that and months later when i saw her listen to me here she didn't have to tell me that just the glow on her face alone was enough evidence for me her life changed completely why because she was a part of a den of devils under the guise of jesus christ but your ignorance your lack of knowledge of these things put you in that position yeah they suspended and still good bit of your years but at least you came to the point where you understand the spiritual implication of what was happening and you were able to break it to the shed blood of jesus christ the only one who you should be making covenants with not no human beings try that foolishness should do that so anyway i finished so like i said the word of god is everything and you have to make it everything and never compromise with god word i don't care if it's me if it's your past i don't care who and you tell them pastor listen this is what the bible say what are you doing here and any pastor that's trying to intimidate you as if they're smarter than god then you need to get out of that place any pastor who don't have the humility to say i'm wrong because i'm reading it also and this is what the word of god says but they're defiant and trying to convince you to come along with them and you do it but it's equivalent to the covenant again you you you show through your action that you honor them more than you are jesus christ father i thank you for your word tonight i thank you for your people tonight and i pray father god that your word through me has penetrated their hearts their minds their souls desperate not to focus on me not to look at my presentation but to look at your word which i'm directing them to and it is my prayer lord that they would make your word priority over anything anything husband wife job whatever because at the end of the day as we would have read tonight heaven and earth shall not might shall pass away but there's no part of your word that shall pass none hence no one have the right to alter it no one has been authorized or deputized or or given the authority to tweak it when you yourself you're not doing any tweaking at all you've said in your word father god that you've placed your word above your name you said we must meditate on your word day and night and in doing so we shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that we will bring for our fruit in our seasons the seasons that you have assigned but all of this is coming as a result of what's meditating in your world you said our leaves shall not wither whatever we put our hand to shall succeed and whatever we do shall prosper but why is all of this happening according to your word because we're meditating on your word we're taking your word we're taking that scripture and we're rehearsing it over and over internally externally when fear when anxiety when panic attack when depression come we're not gonna sit there let it beat us spiritually we're gonna take our sword according to uh hebrews 4 and 12 it says the word of god is quick and sharper than any two-edged sword and what is it doing it is cutting asunder what specifically spirit from our soul removing the spirit of depression removing the spirit of anger removing the spirit of anxiety and panic attack removing the spirit of fear from what our soul the only thing that the scripture says can do that is the word of god but it's sharper than any two-word sword father help us to assimilate your word to the point lord that we make your word practical in spite of whoever says otherwise we are committing to the lord jesus christ we are committing to what your word is telling us not man's opinion not how they feel not what they think those days are finished the days are finished father god where we are seduced into believing that we have came to edifice that honor you when the truth is the focus is placed on the leader no longer lord father we repent right now we repent right now for every seed that we have sown that you never required we repent right now for every dime that we've put in any church that you've never asked for father we repent right now for coming in agreement with the false prophecies that has been spoken to us only to get our money only to use us father we repent for going against your laws lord when they beg us to sow and so and so and so we defied your laws how did we defy your laws you said that we must give as it is purpose in our heart no pressure not grudgingly no and we didn't do it we were extorted we were threatened with curses father we worry about them we ignored your law we repent we repent tonight lord we repent for putting our funds in places that you never existed you never ask and we repent lord open our spiritual eyes open our spiritual eyes father so now we will see them coming from a mile away and our commitment will be to you lord father the people that you've put in our way during those times who were less fortunate who you were seeing which is still small voice put your money right here put it right here to this the single mother help this father who's trying to be a good man this family but father we were so indoctrinated we were so caught up in tradition that we felt that the only place we could give our money to is the church but there's no scripture that says that when there's a myriad and a cadre of scriptures telling us give to the poor your word declares father god in proverbs 11 verse 24 and 25 it says he that giveth shall increase and he that holds on to more than what he needs shall surely come to poverty verse 25 says that the liberal or the free or the giving soul shall be made fat or wealthy and he that water it will one day be watered that's your law god your law declares father god in uh psalms 41 verses 1 to 3 and it says blessed is he that considered the poor for the lord will help him in his time of trouble the lord will preserve him and keep him alive and not turn him over to the will of his enemies the lord will help him in his time of sickness why because he helped the poor the scripture says they that give it to the poor shall never lack the scripture says the deed that give to the poor lent to god and god will pay them back father forgive me for every time every time in my desperation in our desperation financially that we were told that if you give now if you give this if you sow this fresh fruit last fruit diet fruit it was never you forgive us forgive us lord when we should have put that money where you originally told us to put it to reap a return because when we invest in the poor there are myriad of promises that you gave us father i pray that you will continually open up our spiritual understanding in our spiritual eyes and i pray right now father god that our commitment will be to you and your laws your rules your ordinance your precepts and that we see our leaders spiritual leaders our preachers our teachers our evangelists our bishops or whoever they are a gift to us and they should be teaching us your word not their opinions not twisting the scriptures not telling we must give to them there is no scripture that says that so we commit tonight lord to follow your laws to follow your rules because the return is far greater than following the rules of men again father we repent we repent because your word declares in first john 1 9 that if we confess our sins that you are faithful and just to forgive us of them and to cleanse us of all not some but all unrighteousness your word declares father god in our proverbs 28 and 13 it says that he that hideth his sin shall not prosper but he that confesses sin mercy shall god give this person father i want mercy from you tonight we repent lord we repent repent right now father god for that those poor folks we saw on the streets or the poor folks that live next door or the poor folks that sit in the same bench every week with us that we ignore only to give the monies that you've blessed us with to a place that you didn't tell us to give to be repent lord we repent right now father we will not be a part of no two twenty thousand twenty one dollars for next year we will not be a part of no two hundred and twenty one dollars next year we will not be a part of no twenty thousand twenty two sorry two thousand twenty one dollars or whatever foolishness being a part of that father directors direct us to the needy direct us to the poor to now finally put that money that resource or whatever will benefit us in the future based on your laws based on your scriptures father we putting you through the test by doing your word not what they tell us if it's contrary to god we are sticking to the word why because you said your word will not return unto your void but it must accompl how could your word accomplish when we are doing contrary to it it cannot happen it will not happen why because you honor your word why because you've placed your word above your name heaven and it shall pass away but not one tittle of your word shall pass this is your word so we commit tonight to believe you we believe your word and we're gonna make a conscious effort with the aid of the holy spirit to be guided by your word and our finances and in every area of our life where your word will become priority to our lives we have no fear for no leader no leader will intimidate us we don't care who you are if you are going against the scriptures we cannot be a part of that we cannot we cannot aid and abet you and defy in the laws of god we will not be part and parcel well i won't be we will follow the laws my sheep hear my voice and a stranger they will not listen to and i hear you as i see you as a stranger when you're going contrary to the laws of god father we pray we pray for wisdom your word declares in the book of proverbs it says that he that handles a matter wisely shall find the good thereof or will panel good for him in the end we pray for spiritual understanding in all things every area of our lives we pray father god that you would give us a strategy excuse me and plan financially for next year that we will do things totally different that your holy spirit is responsible for leading us into all truth will lead us to to budget and to be responsible forgive us father god for participating in in our leaders making us irresponsible financially and in in in encouraging us to to sow our mortgage payment that you have blessed us with to fulfill the commitment we made with the bank we allowed a leader to make us renege on that commitment that we made we allow a leader that when you would have blessed us with the rent money to pay the rent we allowed the leader to bewilder us to fool us to give it to him and watch god and if we really wanted to test you we should have followed your commandments blessed is he that give it to the poor for he shall never lack he that give it to the poor lent a god and god will pay this brother back the bible is very clear it says that he that water it or he that give to others will one day be wanted itself or one day others will give to him they are the rules the principles the scriptures that the almighty want us to follow not these hocus pocus pyramid schemes not these motivational speeches from the pulpit to take our monies we are ignorant we are foolish to follow that and not follow the law so father we repent tonight and now that we know better help us to do better and the only way we could do better if we stick and we cleave to your law the bible says that hezekiah cleaved to the word of god i pray the same prayer for every last one of us right now that our heart become one with the mind of god which is the word of god that our commitment and our conviction will not be because oh i wouldn't have passed the source but no a conviction we i know god is watching me i know if i steal this thing i know god is watching me and before i even thought about stealing it god saw my heart already so father forgive me for even the intent that i had father i do not want to be standing or come before you wanting with sin in my life any sin in my life anything in my life lord that even i have difficulty getting rid of help me lord like peter when he was originally walking on the water and he fell in the sea or whatever and the lord said that you must only believe and he he didn't know what else to do so he said lord help my unbelief so i'm asking you lord help us in the area that we are very we finding very difficult to perform in terms of doing your laws your commitments your ways your rules your principles help us not to be followers of men but followers of you we pray for those who must let us we pray for those who knowingly deceived us we pray for those who took advantage of our trust in them we ask you forgiveness for them we pray that you touch their heart and they that they themselves would repent for the atrocities that they have done to so many people under the guise of pastor teacher bishop prophet prophetess evangelist or whatever we pray that they will come to repentance we don't hate them we don't hate them because your word declares father god that is not your desire that any should perish but that all should come to repentance so it is not in our power that they shouldn't come to repentance because if you require it then we should require it also so we pray for their salvation we pray that they would repent that they will truly repent and do better so father we bless you father we honor you father we praise you father we glorify you and we ask these things in the matchless and in the mighty name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen and amen so that's it for me folks and i hope that this message had challenged you tonight to look at things differently going into next year tomorrow we're going to continue with part two of our teaching i'll be back on the in the studio in the radio station dove 103.7 fme and grand bahama and also be airing live on our youtube and all my facebook pages we are teaching um end-of-year fast 2020 and we're gonna really really get into it tomorrow i'm sure many of you have started you're fast already i've answered a lot of questions from you and uh one of the primary questions other than the one i said tonight but praying was how long should you do the fast well that's totally between you and the holy spirit and like i would have mentioned in my teaching last week it isn't a matter of how long you do the fast no it has everything to do with the protocols of the fast and the primary protocol is you you have to cleanse your heart and that's something that we're going to focus on tomorrow you cannot go on a fast filled with bitterness and unforgiveness and hate and pride god will not hear you trust me on that one all right i'm going to be talking about isaiah 58 tomorrow where the children of israel did exactly that they went on a vast oh yeah and went on the fast with strife and hate and bitterness and and breaking every rule in the book and they were upset that god did not pan out for them but he promised for the fast so we're going to discuss that tomorrow we're going to discuss uh i was telling you about with the uh the communion the importance of it i'm gonna elaborate on that some more because i was saying to you also that before you start the fast begin the fast with doing communion and in the fast we're doing communion and a lot of you asked me but i thought a pastor was supposed to administer that and then i said to you now show it to me in scripture but i can tell you what it's inscriptional jesus said as often as you do this do it unto me he didn't give no other rules other i mean it's in terms of who was to administer it you could sit right in your home i've done it many times did you have done it sit right in your home and you could do communion right there you get a whatever juice or cranberry or whatever and you can get a cracker or whatever and remember it's only symbolic of the blood and body of jesus the blood and blood and flesh of jesus christ and another reason why you really need to be clean before you go on the fast especially if you're going to do the communion is because one of the spiritual implication of that communion is if you take it unworthily it could be causing some problems for yourself in terms of sickness and even death okay so you better know what you're doing and going on that fast and asking god to clear your spiritual state slate you've got to deal with you first cleanse you for his ask god to to deal with you so whenever you go on the fast forward whether it's for a better job or straining your christian walk or that you and your family would be you know better with each other whatever it is you have to deal with you first you have to go into a state even if you take that first day of fasting and just dealing with you in terms of repentance because remember the rules uh psalm 66 and 18 if we regard iniquity in our heart god will not hear us that's clear so we don't need to go no further so we have to deal with us clean us up now let's go before god god i thank you because your word says that's what i love he says in first john 1 9 that if we confess our sense that he is faithful just to forgive us of our sins that's what we ask him for all right but then he threw in a bonus he says okay now you didn't ask for this but i can do this anyhow this is how much i need you to get clean up i'm going to cleanse you of all unrighteousness okay then there's a scripture that says he's going to now take those sins and then toss them into the sea of forgetfulness so this how adamant he is about making sure making sure that in order to meet his requirements for him to do what he want to do in your life or what you want him to do you have to clean yourself up you have you cannot go on a fast and say you ain't speaking to your family members or co-workers and so on and don't try to fool yourself because you can't fool god oh i forgive them i i just if i get what if god told you that but i forgive you but i forget when you cheat on your husband right so let's be real about it you have to clean you up and again we can we can elaborate on that tomorrow also because you you have to be well in order when you going into the fast i'm gonna also touch on tomorrow that i'm sure some of you are having it already but it's gonna be a major influx of dreams during this time of fasting because it's almost as if you're being uh a dashboard of your spiritual life nightmares and animals and dogs running after you and sexual dreams and dreaming about the dead or dreaming about your former places now you are seeing as a result of this fast the spiritual clutter this is what was stopping you from going forward these were the invisible agents symbolized through dogs and actions and so on these were the spirits taking on these different forms blocking your blessings hindering it holding it back so the fast they're going to the teacher now i can stop reading the fast is supposed to shut up to clear your spiritual slate to remove the spiritual clutter out of your life that's the whole purpose of it and that's why we i i do it every year december but from december first to december 31st do it before you go into an exam you need to go on a fast but you need to get it right okay so until tomorrow god bless you i look forward tomorrow uh by the grace of god that all of you will be here it's gonna be i'm gonna start at 12 noon that's bahamas time we're gonna be on for two hours so you can check that on google what time that will be in your country and of course i will be on youtube like i am now on all of my facebook pages so god bless you and you have a great night
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 82,108
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Keywords: revelation, prayer, prayer for healing, spiritual warfare, bible study, bible study live, kevin la ewing, spiritual insights, spiritual warfare prayer, christian youtuber, how to pray, let's pray, christian youtubers, bible study with me, prayers, basics of prayer, christian vlogger, spiritual warfare scriptures, spiritual insight, bible study lessons, how to pray to god, christian youtube channels, my favorite christian youtubers, the power of prayer, effective prayer, bible
Id: UomjX71_sDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 40sec (8500 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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