TRUTH TALK on Deliverance, Supernatural Finances, and Dreams with Kevin LA Ewing

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you thank you to everyone coming on thank you to everyone who's coming on hey there thank you thank you thank you for sharing the broadcast appreciate it 500 of you in the room right now go ahead and keep sharing and let us know where you're coming from oxford north carolina arlington beaumont texas god bless you birmingham alabama god bless you um okay thank you if you're on youtube do me a favor and like the stream like the broadcast let people know so that it will let people know that we're on okay your channel all right thank you guys for coming on once again it's your friend dr alexis coming in from austin texas here with minister kevin ewan a good friend of ours and we're excited to have him back as you guys are coming on make sure to share the broadcast and as you share stay shared welcome from london uh welcome from east texas welcome from alabama welcome welcome thank you so much thank you so much yes thank you guys for coming on we're excited to have this conversation tonight hey pamela god bless you tennessee god bless you god bless you so we are uh sorry to be a couple of minutes late for technical difficulties but it's all good i'm excited to be here with my friend minister kevin you and thank you for joining the broadcast today uh minister yuan it's a pleasure as always to be with you dr alexis thank you i'm honored to know you and to know about your ministry it has definitely pushed me and uh i you know i'm uh i love to i came out of the academia um background and so i like to be like the challenge and to study and be like well where is that at it you know and so i think that that's good because our iron is sharpening iron and so i'm excited tonight to have you here to talk to us about a few things that i've been seeing you post about uh always stretching do you ever be scared to post some of the revelations the lord gives you that's biblical are you ever just like oh my goodness let me know if you guys are i don't know what happened to the stream let me know if you guys can still hear me god bless you hey yeah we definitely love his ministry i don't know what's going on right now but we're going to give him a couple of minutes to come back on okay there you go i don't know what happened i don't know either okay so my question was minister ewing the hot seat tonight okay okay the hot seat tonight and so we are going to do we're going to talk about a few things you guys are going to talk about some controversial things but that are biblical he's not going to say anything that's not in the bible and so iron sharpens iron as you guys are coming on keep sharing this is going to be a great uh um broadcast if you're interested in uh prophetic dreams if you're interested in um supernatural giving if you're interested in um spiritual parenting that is the thing that i want to get into tonight because we didn't even get into being able to get into it last time the way we wanted to so basically all across the board minister ewing uh we're gonna be talking about different things tonight so what's the first thing we talk about what birthday you ready for whatever i'm prepared for anything to be totally honest with you i'm prepared for it so there's a lot of people who are in churches are in controlling ministries i was one of them in a controlling ministry um 10 years ago and even um as early as 2012 i want to ask you what exactly is a controlling ministry well in order to answer that question dr nexus we must have a clear understanding of what jesus christ died for and primarily is to give us our liberty in christ and what that means is that when he died for us he he has freed us from the weight of the world which means that if we accept him as lord and savior we are under his rulership we are under his authority and according to many scriptures he is the head now with that said he has placed leaders in place to teach us which we refer to as the five-fold ministry according to ephesians 4 verses 11 and 12. and their job very very clear their job is to perfect us or to train or equip us for ministry so that we can now contribute our part to the body of christ primarily by bringing souls and spreading the gospel now for some reason i don't know how they got this twisted but most pastors believe that they have some kind of ownership of the bride of christ christ is the bridegroom we are his bride and like i've been saying on many platforms no man in his right mind leaves his bride under the authority of another man so what the five-fold ministries are about they're about training us and preparing us to meet the groom on that day so any pastor preacher apostle teacher prophetess evangelist that says to you that you have to uh you have to give an account to them or or their you're under their covering is out of garbage because to say that is to say that what jesus christ did on the cross was insufficient so a mere mortal now has how could a mayor model who sins just like you who has to repent just like you could be a covering now if he wants to say he can be my mentor okay i could i could live with that you could be my uh advisor i i could live with that i do not believe in a spiritual father i do not believe in a spiritual mother uncle cousin or third cousin i don't i don't believe in any of that i believe the scriptures are extremely clear jesus christ according to first corinthians 11 and 3 and it says let it be known that the head of every man is christ titus says but there is but one god and there is one mediator between god and man that is the christ nowhere are you going to see your pastor your apostle your teacher kevin dr alexis our jobs are to always direct people to who to christ because he is the head and any human that tries to put themselves in the place of christ by saying to us that there they are are covering pastoral or or church covering nonsense it's it's it's uh listen i'm gonna be blunt it is utter garbage in my opinion because nobody's between me and the the purpose of his death is so that we we meaning every believer can come boldly before the throne of grace to make our petitions to god almighty i don't have to go through you you don't have to come through me i don't have to go through no pope no apostle no one i could go directly to christ interesting so when paul um when paul talks about my son timothy when he talks about um his son one's a miss i wonder is that his name um he was what do you think about that was it was he um and then he says to my children um even um several uh corinthians and the the context in which i uh comprehend that is more of a a mentor to a mentee not so much that uh i'm your spiritual because okay the word says to us that we ought to call no one father this is scripture so if kevin is your father doctor letters then who or what is christ to you yeah yeah is he a stepfather i mean i don't know help me out so right so so to me i like to put things into perspective now those who believe or not get offended and that's totally on them because i make it extremely clear do not bring that here because i do not believe in that i believe let's keep things in in perspective i don't believe in the spirit nobody is my spirit my earthly father has passed on i have had pastors who have mentored me apostles and so on and anyone of con them can tell you you are not my spiritual father because you did not you were not a part of giving birth to me in the spirit because when you hear stuff like that you'll be getting kind of deeper into the to the witchcraft world and i most definitely won't be a part of that yeah you know which half can be can come heavy in the church and it's a lot of it's been a lot of mixing of what's holy and sacred with also what is what i call new age and i don't know what how it has happened like this i don't know if it's just because of worldly like i know television i don't even know but like the universe philosophies um just a lot of stuff um is starting to really seep into uh churches but some people for think well i don't do all that but control is still witchcraft right minister it is still in fact it the the i witchcraft in a nutshell is literally uh incarcerating the will of another person and imposing your will on them that it doesn't get simpler than that and that's what it is so for me in fact i'm doing a teaching uh i'm on a teaching right now called uh church mafia by this african pastor who was a part of the occult because he saw all of his counterparts excelling in ministry not knowing that they were dabbling well not dabbling they were full-fledged into sorcery and he said something that in my next teaching i'm going to be bringing it up again in that in the world of witchcraft and this is where this spiritual mother and father literally came from in the world of witchcraft once you're initiated under a rich doctor you are considered their spiritual son or their spiritual daughter he goes on to say in the book how a lesser spirit is now passed on to that person in which they are controlled by the so-called spiritual papa father or whatever it is that you call it so he gives this understanding that the source of this spiritual father they call it spiritual genealogy is completely witchcraft based it is to control the will of somebody else so therefore jesus christ died so that you could be free why would you entangle yourself according to romans 8 with some other form of slavery why can i just be kevin teach me the rules of god uh assist me and how to win souls and how to build my spirit man what is the deal with i must give an account to you there are some churches here that i'm very familiar of where the members of that church have to give their pastors and i tend no worry as to what they're going to do the following week month day whatever and i'm saying to myself right okay my wife deidre i don't request an itinerary from her okay who does fellow believe he is that he could request of myself or my wife to give him see would that have to do with christianity would that have to do with winning souls to the kingdom so to me it's all occultic yeah it's it and and and you know i don't know if you this is so weird today i actually just started studying on and i'm going to use this word very carefully because a lot of people use it out of order they call people witches and stuff when they when they are strong and all of that but i just started studying on um um jezebel's spirit and i use that very carefully people know because i've seen a lot of misuse but it was something so interesting in there it says that these individuals will control you via clairvoyance their voice like almost like they have intel they come to you and tell you some things prophetically but it's not coming from holy spirit it's coming from holy hell right right what right yes yes and again it lands not lens too but the call of it is sorcery the idea is to make someone submit to you that no matter what comes up in their life before they go to christ before they go to god before they go to that bible before they even pray uh pasta i know it's 4 30 in the morning but i i just wanted to know if i could use the bathroom i didn't want to do it without your covering i mean to me i to i just cannot i would never i would never attend a church like that because to me it is strictly from the pit of hell jesus christ and the liberty that he has died to give us he listen jesus at no point you could read in the bible where jesus was asking the disciples to give him an itinerary jesus want to know what they were they built was their last bowel movement for what what does that have to do with christ right do you think that there could be a history or today i was looking up a door that could have let in the certain type of spirit in my own life i as far as meeting similar type of people who have these same attributes and so i said because i got to go to the front to cut it off you know so it has stopped happening and i had a dream where there was remedial i was taking a remedial class and it was almost like god's like you gotta conquer this class so i read today that if you don't confront the spirit you're gonna still deal with it until you learn how to confront it you better believe that that's true no i know that's true that that is definitely true so what i believe in just to kind of uh piggyback from what you just said i believe just like my kids i believe each one of my children have their own personality they're not alike so therefore my handling of them would be different than i would deal with the other one because i i kind of conform to how they operate the idea is i want you to be free of course with boundaries of course there are rules but at the same time it is not to smother who you are as a person whom god has called you to be as it relates to your personality so therefore when we go to the house of god if there's any place we supposed to express our love our gratitude for our god that should be the place as opposed to this guy who was so controlling and jezebelic i am more concerned about wow i hope i'm i'm worshiping right because i don't want uh pastor to put me on the back forget what god sees every day forget his view of you forget he has the real view of your heart so that control and nonsense is misplacing whom you are to be truly putting your trust in whom you really need to be uh considering in terms of who's writing down your sins whose lamb book of life your name is going to be written and who is going to put it there your pastor can't do that the apostle cannot do that and again it's not disrespect to them but they need to know their role for for lack of a better phrase your role is to teach me about jesus teach me how to love how to be compassionate how to overcome hate bitterness fornication how to live a pure life not to dedicate my life to you that's not what no that is occultic that that there is voodoo in my opinion yeah yeah and then it's kind of like i've i've i've seen so many women who dedicated their life to their church and there's so many single women in the church because their their pastor is there it's so weird almost like concubines you're at your concubine and i'm like this is weird right no and the thing about it because i face it a lot because you know with me i always have like i mean controversial topics i go where nobody else goes so the ones that would come at me would be the minions and they never dr lexus every time they come to challenge what i'm quoting from the scripture not my opinion yeah they they they never come to defend the scripture they come to defend what pastor preach yeah so they would come and they would throw this well well for example when i was dealing with the tiding thing oh well i believe in tithing and and pastor said listen i don't care what your pastor say what i'm saying to you is i quoted a scripture yeah this is what this i have no part and no opinions and whatever opinion i have it is strictly based on the scriptures but to show you how indoctrinated it is and how witchcraft discovering garbage is is that it's like they they allow these people to remove their brains and replace it with some whatever and whatever their leader tells them is gospel the first time i had an encounter with this i understood fully i couldn't before i understood the jim jones tragedy it made perfect sense how a person could have more confidence in a human being than the one who created that human being and to me that's to me i i think the devil scratches his head and wonders i'm trying to figure out how could this be because i just don't understand that yeah you know i've always been a free thinker which you do have to keep that in grounds with bit fiber or you can get off right um for me i've you know always challenge things so i do want to go to a topic that's very controversial right now um but for 10 years ago i started operating in this 10 years ago never publicly because of course i didn't even realize what i was doing but god began to give me a revelation so we're going to go get into tithing and um i i i want to just i just want to tell you guys precursor before y'all start going off on my page we are talking about if you are going attending a church he's not saying that you stop talk giving to that church that local assembly we are going to talk about timing and supernatural giving so before you come gang gang on my paper i just want to let it be known so let me just say this ten years ago the lord began to speak to me about giving to people he began to speak to me about giving even beyond the tithe i didn't even i just stopped even knowing what i was giving i was over giving that is how i've been operating for 10 years and i'm gonna tell you something i continue to be blessed now when i met you my life and i mean i'm not trying to like pump you but this is the truth with giving something shifted because i had never seen somebody good like that so i want you to help us with this whole thing with tithing again he is not saying go through your church here we go okay now that you gave your disclaimer let me give mine let me just reiterate that and i just concluded a five-part teaching or tithing a week and a half ago uh and in no way i'm advising and no part of those series to stop uh tidying and the reason why i did it this was the main reason why because i didn't want that to become the narrative of my teaching because i know once people here don't give time they were going to dismiss everything else that you have to say but let the record be said i am in no way saying to you you should not tithe but this is what i am saying no preacher no apostle no whomever religious leader have the right to demand tithing from anyone now let me explain going all the way back to when tithing was first introduced into the scriptures which was in uh genesis 14 when abraham melt melchizedek after the war and gave a tent of his uh spoils to him it was not a law it was not a rule this is what he did he saw someone based on scriptures who was basically the christ that he gave attend to the second time it was introduced was in genesis 28 when jacob after having this uh realistic dream he uh said to god that if you if you take care of me if you feed me if you provide for me i will give you a tent or a tide of everything that i have the third time that i was introduced which was the only time that tithing was introduced as a law and this is where my teaching became i mean controversial because until something is a law and if anyone that follows me they know what i deal with if it's not a rule a principle or a law then i can't hear what you're saying to me because you're giving me opinion god made an agreement with the children of israel this economic system was just for the 12 tribes he said now when you go into the promised land here is what i'm going to do uh the 11 tribes except for one which is levi the 11 tribes would get a portion of that land or an inheritance of his call but he said levi you will not have an inheritance you in exchange for the inheritance listen what he says now i'm going to command by law that your 11 brethren which would be 11 other tribes must give you a tent of whatever their agriculture produce livestock was listen carefully this was a law specifically in terms of the want to legally collect the tide was for the levite now it gets even deeper the levite priest was the one that officially collected that even when the 11 tribes brought in the tide the levites themselves could not touch it until the levitical priests come and he would take from that the heave offering or the best that they have the tent that was holy unto god watch this now once they would have gotten that remember the rule it was commanded by law no other group of people on this planet no one else the only people by law that was supposed to collect a tied by law was the levitical priesthood to become a priest dr lexus you even though it only could come from the tribe of levi they had to specifically come through the lineage of aaron so that being the case my question was very simple when did god change the law that was in numbers chapter 18 that gave the official right for the levitical priest to collect tide and the only people that could have paid them to tide was the 11th brethren not the syrians not the egyptians no other nation just this 11 group of people right here right when did god change the rules to say because the temple isn't around anymore because the priesthood isn't around anymore the levitical priesthood that is i have now made an amendment that the tide is supposed to go to your pastor or the tide is supposed to go to your church watch this come over in the new testament hebrews chapter 7 verse 5. the law is reiterated where it says that the levitical priests the the levites the levitical priesthood to the levites were commanded by law to take of the tide and it was very specific from who from the syrians know from the egyptians no from the americans no from their brethren which would have been the 11 siblings or the other 11 tribes so my question is simply this that's the rules of the bible that's not my opinion why is it that a pastor would stand on a pulpit every sunday and not just demand time but further perpetrate this lie to say that malachi 3 is speaking to you and me if we don't pay time because in my teaching i went all the way to malachi 1 and i worked my way in a summary all the way to malachi 3. when malachi the prophet a messenger of god god sent him to the levitical priesthood exclusively he sent to them to warn them listen he said for you have robbed me how have we robbed you robbed me you've robbed god and tithes an offering which means now they were collecting it but they weren't doing what they were supposed to do with it because to rob someone means to take something that does not belong to you you have no permission from the party that owns it so the tide when we went into the the reason for it the levitical order was supposed to live from it then you supposed to help the widows the orphans the strangest meaning people who were not even a part of israel who didn't even serve your god but god says even these people are to be included in helping them again can anybody show me any scripture where the rules were amended secondly this was my serious problem if the pastors are going to go by the the levitical order in terms of the other new levitical priests and that they're entitled to the tide then how come conveniently all of the levitical laws that brought about the tide you dismiss and the only thing you could extract from that entire protocol is just to receive the time with no law to back you so why are you telling people if you don't pay the tithe you're a curse why are you telling people not only are you cursed you're cursed with a curse then you're telling them that if they do pay the tithe the windows of heaven will be open god will pour the blessing and rebuke the devour and most people on this line if they want to be honest with me who pay their tithe are still waiting for this overflow it's not going to happen you know why because when he was speaking malachi was speaking to the levitical priesthood and not to you so i agree with all of that but i want to say well how do we even though i understand this now how do you step into the overflow beautiful of what god has said in his word right right here's how we get into the overflow the apostle paul in the book of second corinthians chapter 9 verse 10 he now in the new covenant gives us the new the economy for today's saints that economy and tithing was for the levitical order only in fact think about this because before i even get into the new testament the only reason why the tide came about by law was because the levitical priesthood had no inheritance under and the exchange for not getting any property in canaan was that their brethren will tie to them another question how could your pastor or whoever your leaders demand a tide because if he's demanding a titan going by that law then your pastor should own no property according to the law because the only reason why the levitical priesthood was getting tides was because they had no inheritance which means that they got no property in the promised land so how could a pastor be collecting tide plus owning jets and planes and properties in the south of france how isn't that double dipping yeah right so to me if you if you're gonna be real then follow the entirety of the law but don't grab the parts that is conveniently beneficial to you and then you use malachi 3 to threaten and by extortion because that's what it is you're getting me to get up off this money through threats no no no that's not so anyway coming back to the new testament the apostle paul uh through the unction of the holy spirit now begins to lay out the new economical order where everybody will benefit and he starts off by saying i think in verse six of second corinthians nine he says he that sowed sparingly shall reap sparingly and he that sword uh uh bountifully shall you know you know the order there so what paul is saying listen in this new system what you receive in life will be determined on how you give yeah then in verse 7 of 2nd corinthians 9 he says let every man give according to listen carefully not according to what the pastor demand not according to this guy screaming that he won a thousand dollar seat he said let every man give according to what is placed in his heart now why is this see because the scripture says to us in the book of proverbs it says that the heart of the of a man is in the hand of the lord and the lord turn that heart wherever he choose to just like with pharaoh after god would have already told uh moses to go and tell pharaoh let my people go he says now hold on before you make another step i can tell you right now i'm going to harden the heart of pharaoh so don't be shocked when this happened i'm the one doing this so in that scripture in 2nd corinthians 9 7 the scripture is saying god is going to be the one to say you know what dr alexis was praying for 30 000 for a business i'm gonna put in kevin's heart to bless her over that 50 000 years on this account to bless her with it but but kevin isn't going to be at a loss because i already told kevin the measurement that because he gave bountifully he better get ready to receive bountifully that's good so he isn't losing by giving alexis 30. so my my argument was i am not telling you not to tithe i am not telling what i'm saying to you do not be limited to ten percent if you follow that system you are sowing sparingly you are sowing grudgingly because they're telling you to do it so therefore that's why you've been getting a trickle effect back that's why you've been just getting little crumbs back but in the new rule he's saying you you don't have to subject yourself to a law that never belonged to you you give then when we drop to verse 10 of 2nd corinthians 9. made a very very powerful opening statement and it says that he which is god ministers what our minister means to serve seed to a specific group and guess who that group was the sowers so people like yourself people like me and many others listening right now if you are a person that is always giving that is always looking out for the needs of others my friend ladies and gentlemen get ready for the biggest transformation of your finances ever because you are participating in a principle and let me be clear here that's whether you are a christian or not that have nothing to do with your salvation status that is a biblical law rule principle ordinance so if a person say oh well i'm not because they like to tell me this i'm not i i did the tithe and i've been blessed i never said you weren't going to be blessed i never said do not pay the tithe and whatever narratives you're coming up with i didn't say it my my outline is very clear here if you continue to go by the ten percent that is being illegally demanded from you by people who are not levitical priests and you are not hebrew people if you continue to participate in that then the promise that were made to the levitical priests and malachi 3 verse 10 about the windows of heaven being open and the devourer being held back by god well i'll leave that up to you yeah so it's it's a crazy it's not a crazy way it's a way of it's a way of shifting you kind of helped give this language to what i already was doing but um i i love how you said god will put it in your heart to give god put it in your heart gave you a prophetic dream about me so obviously and and i didn't even know nothing about it but we had but it was prophetic it was prophetic and for those of you who don't know we talked about this last time i kind of want to remind you to show you prophetic giving and how it is done this man of god had a dream to bless me and my husband but the day prior two days prior i had sold a seed to somebody of five hundred dollars he said well we wanted to give you um i think twenty five hundred dollars a couple of days prior but you went to sleep had a dream and and when your wife came no we're going to give you five thousand dollars i'm on the phone holding the phone like what no preacher no famous prince nobody and i've been around them all has ever done that nobody who's supposed to be you know these big people but then god used this man who has a abundance in ministry uh influence to to bless my house and so i knew it had to be the lord himself that is a principle so then we came back and started giving to the poor or to people who god put in our hearts god began to give me dreams about where to give to the point one time he told me to give to a guy and i didn't even do it because i was i was like oh i'm gonna do it this man shows up in london england when i'm in london england i said i know it's you god so so the lord is the one who can orchestrate all that right you better believe it because it says economy listen he he the bible say he hears the prayers of the righteous but he also shine on the just and the unjust so everyone that has a need and this is so awesome because we're not serving a god that is limited in knowledge he knows the need of everybody so he knows who has wealth where and whatever and he knows who's hard to perk to do it and let me let me make this clear to the listening audience one of not one of the best and the greatest financial opportunities that you could ever be a part of in your lifetime is to sow into the life of someone that is less fortunate than you yes no no money scheme no pyramid scheme no forex no nothing could ever because okay but no no other opportunity because this as one of my uh followers posted on my uh wall or last week sometime and she said our father said to her the only time god owes us anything is when we give to the poor because the scripture says he that giveth to the poor lend it to god and it is god that will repay that person so this is what i'm saying every time it is never by accident that you have a need and you crying out to god and somebody calls you on the phone you get an email somebody have a need god is trying to get you not to participate in timing but to pis to participate in uh meeting the needs of someone else why again there is absolutely no scripture yeah zero that you would find that says if you tithe god is gonna bless you god is gonna heal you god is gonna open up the windows for you and i'm talking about the new testament believer none of that now he did tell that to the levitical priests in malachi 3 and 10 but he never said that to us now there are people that said to me but kevin i don't understand what you're saying so you're telling me if you're saying that then we shouldn't follow none of the rules that was going on with the children of israel no no no no you're still missing my point the tithing was instituted by law between two groups of people the levitical priesthood and the children of israel in fact the bible called it a salt covenant a perpetual covenant which there's a story in our numbers chapter 25 when the men of israel was going over to moab leaving their wives and committing adultery with the more bite women and one of the guys came over with his side piece flack for better phrase coming over and phineas who was the grandson of aaron phineha's daughter daddy father's name was eliezer the bible say he became zealous for god he was so angry that he ran into their tent with a javelin and stabbed the guy through his back fellow israelite and it went through the stomach of the moabite woman and he killed them and listen what god said he says because you are zealous for me he says i am going to make a covenant with you a covenant of peace listen carefully now and an everlasting priesthood so when did this priesthood end and the pastors took over to now become recipients of the tithe i'll take it a step further in jeremiah chapter 33 from verse 20 to verse 22 god said to jeremiah if you are able to stop my covenant that causes night to turn to day and day to turn then tonight then you are able to break the everlasting covenant that i've created with david and the levitical priesthood again where did the pastors get the authority to demand tide from you when the levitical order was an everlasting order inclusive of the time explain that to me yeah so i'm wondering because people are going to ask well how does the church survive you knew the time to survive and so you have to get the people to give because less than 10 of people give currently help me with that i'll be more than happy to help you with that again this is where the tide now becomes uh in my opinion the church's leverage to lay that guilt on you but the whole idea of second corinthians uh chapter nine is faith see you must teach the people not threaten them you must teach the people not lie to them show them how it is is much better to help their neighbor to assist others because again when you participate in this law you get more you are able to give your church more you're able to give your pastor more you are able to help other people and the whole idea of this principle is that everybody will be included in this commonwealth in terms of the economy of god just like back in the day with the levitical priests or in the tide the widows just the the fatherless everyone profit as a result of that system that system is done away but we're not a vertical priest we come to the system now so now we're in a better position my wife and i just uh wrote a check yesterday for a a ministry of course i would have disclosed the amount we don't go to that ministry i'm sorry to disclose the amount earlier no no no that's fine no that's fine that's fine but what i'm saying to you is we don't go to the ministry we're not a member there we know of them we were led to bless them just like we are led to bless other people my point is who is doing who is leading our heart god so a pastor shouldn't be wondering oh my lord i told him that they don't have to pay title you have no faith sir and that's hypocritical because if you're preaching fate every time you preach then and but you're afraid to allow your members to engage in second corinthians 9 7 where god through his holy spirit spoke to the apostle paul and says let every man give according to his heart why are you demanding a tie that you are not entitled to why are you telling them if they don't give it their curse they will never be blessed the way god intended them to be blessed under such pretenses let the people give now your job mr pastor is to teach them just like how kevin is doing teach them how to give show them that giving isn't just reserved for a building or a pastor but that same single mother that fatherless person in that same pew you sit every week that the holy spirit been nudging at your heart and saying you know what i want you to give the 10 to the family here you know why because there's a blessing up the road that he got for you for following that and you will be in a position to pay off the church mortgage if you follow the rules of god yes so it is a it is a transformation in your mind you guys that's just and when you teach the word for those of you who are pastors you have a physical building when you are teaching the word you will see the abundance when you pray the word you will see the abundance in your life but because god is married to his word as i always say just like he's married to the backslider he's married to his word it is a covenant and so um for people who are um trying to you know they don't want their pastor to give i mean transition and give like this give above the tithe how do they transition to that without having hiccups well first of all in order to transition dr lexus we have to uh take off the blindness and let's look at reality and this is the reality based on what the process is saying according to malachi 3 verse 10 that those who pay the tithe will receive of the promise that was made solely only into the levitical order that the windows of heaven will be poured open for them and the lord will pour them out of blessing that they wouldn't even be roomy enough for them to receive aside from them excuse me god is going to stop the devour okay anyone listening to me on this line of one hand five people in the church that you go that you believe is committed to the tithing system including yourself because when we hear overflow that means you have more than enough not only am i able to take care of my household but i'm able to meet the needs of other people and feel no weight how many people in your edifice and that live like that secondly you're paying the tide can you honestly say right now you're living in the overflow i can tell you one thing i haven't paid the tide since 2012 and i'm living in overflow so i have a problem right and i want to say the same thing for my life there's been overflow like never before and i operate as giving when god i don't even i just give when god says give and i'm telling you there has been and that's beyond the time okay okay okay right see because the reason for that is because god is a god of his word his word was for the levitical priesthood in malachi 3 not to you because if it was for you and you paying the tide you should be limiting the overflow they shouldn't be repossessing your homes in your car and student loans the the government coming after you isn't that rebuking the devour he should be doing well why isn't he doing it if you were paying the tithe why because that law was not for you now how do we transition first of all we need to be honest preachers let me be careful here i'm not talking to saints preachers because if you're a preacher you've had some kind of religious education and if you have doctors and stuff behind your name no disrespect but you should know the rules the regulations of the law and you know good and well malachi 3 does not apply to the modern not the modern day but the new testament believers so we need to start being honest with the people and tell them listen it is totally nonsense that you are going to be cursed if you don't pay the time it is foolishness it has nothing to do with you that's number one whether you pay the tithe or not what you're going to be assess on us according to second corinthians 9. now as saints you want more you're praying to god to put your children to college you're asking god to whatever the case may be financially so therefore according to his system you have to invest more and then tell the people it don't your your investment isn't solely to me the pastor or this church in fact as your pastor i will encourage you to invest in the lives of those who was right who right in your neighborhood who's right there on your job because according to the scripture which we're going to abide by when you do that god is going to bless you with more and now you're you're in a better position to help us here in the church who of course got to pay salaries and so on and so forth so god is telling us today well well he never told us to to sign on to the tide but he want us to abide by his new rules now i want you to quickly go with me to proverbs chapter sorry the same uh second corinthians chapter nine and look at verse ten second corinthians chapter nine and verse ten and i want to just read verse ten this was after he already laid out the measurements in terms of if you give little you receive little if you give a lot you receive a lot god love the cheerful giver verse 10 says now he he here would be god that ministers or serve listen carefully now seed to the soul now this is powerful because god is saying here the giver and this is key the giver god will always ensure that the giver has something to give let them marinate just for a little bit those who are stingy those who are mean those who are always holding back well that scripture doesn't apply to you it says that god will minister seed to the sower who who who is the subject that he's going to give the seed to the sower or the giver the one who was always giving he's going to ensure that this person is going to always give now why this enhances the economic system of second corinthians 9. how kevin because the idea is that god wants you to take on the attitude and this is the only way you could do this you have to have this attitude that every increase that comes to you does not belong to you you i can't do it you in fact when you get whatever monies you're saying lord what do you want me to do who do you want me to bless because you understand that if i give ten thousand of this twenty thousand i'm not at a loss but i've participated in a law that because i gave bountifully more is going to come so to keep the cycle going like what you're doing dr lexis like what i'm doing to keep it going we got to keep on giving the more you give the more you will get the more you give the more you will get and that's how the economic system of god operates so he says here in in a second corinthians 9 he ministers seed to the sower now this is powerful because when we run over here now to proverbs let's go to proverbs chapter 13 verse 22. proverbs 13 verse 22 and listen what it says it says a good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children now listen to part b listen and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just now this is interesting because when we hear that word just people automatically believe that okay because just means the upright or the righteous or the one that is saved so they think that it's all on sundry once you are saved or just person but the bible is going to become more specific as to who just is he speaking to so let's quickly go into proverbs 28 and verse 8. proverbs 28 and verse 8. listen what it says he that by usury and unjust gain increases the substance so the guys are there who's crooking people and robbing them and so on the bible say they will increase in their substance that's a rule however it says this person who's doing this it says he shall gather it for him that gives money to his pastor you didn't read that he will gather it for him who gives money to the church no i didn't read that either the bible say the person out there who is doing unjust stuff to gain their funds the transfer of that wealth that they have how it's going to happen god is going to give it to the one who pities the poor why because again we go back to second corinthians 9 verse 10. who does he minister see to again the sower so what i'm saying to you you if if you truly want to see financial changes if you truly want to see breakthrough in your life financially sorry if you don't want to see financial changes if you stay want to be living on the precipice of a breakthrough will continue to pay time if you want to see financial changes if you want to see your finances skyrocket if you want to be debt free like myself then you participate in these laws yeah it don't get clearer than that let me show you one more scripture one more scripture let's go to ecclesiastes chapter two ecclesiastes chapter two because you know i'm the scripture guy i love to back up what i say let's look at verse 26. okay listen to what it says ecclesiastes 2 verse 26 says for god give it to a man that is good in his sight this is how he primes this guy he gives him wisdom and knowledge and joy okay but to the sinner he give a travail or burden causes this guy to work hard yeah work hard and save your money and do this and do that now watch what he says here but to the sinner he give a travail why to gather and to heap it up that he which is the sinner may give it to him that is good before the lord who is the one that's good before the lord the one who is a giver the one who sees the needs of other people as priority the one who is always helping the poor and having pity and meeting the needs of other people god is going to ensure that this person will never ever lock the bible says he that give it to the poor shall never lock he that give it to the poor lend it to god and and the bible said god will be the one that will pay this person which scripture could you show me on tithing that if i were to tithe i would get any of those promises i just called off to you on the scriptures one scripture i'm going to be filled i give you a couple deal and i got a million more but give me one that says other than the lie that was told you about malachi 3 because that was never for us one scripture that says if you pay the tithe god is gonna god is gonna bless you with wealth there's gonna be a wealth transfer god is going to heal you god is gonna give you the one scripture i'm reading because i know they're in there right and then and then this pushes you to study your words you guys and really just revelation from god yourself once again um we're going to transition from this topic but it he has a uh uh um series on facebook i mean on youtube and facebook that you can find where he is exhaustively going through this and helping you out with it um it and it's a revelation and pray about it that's what i always tell people pray about it and read about it and then after that we you know we can talk about it but until but you can't just you know just sit here and just say no god said no no you know without actually studying to show yourself approve okay now we're going to transition to a topic that i love to talk about because i'm a big dreamer and i want to talk about dreams but i want to talk about this movie i saw which i don't think you even got a chance it's called sylvia on netflix and in the the movie this man has a relationship with a woman in his literal dream since his childhood and it's so crazy but it's not i want you to help us with this whole idea of spiritual uh spouses in your sleep they can impact your marriage or your being single right very very interesting first of all let's start off this way and the parents who are listening to me right now should really take note as to what i'm about to say next because a lot of you have children who have this so-called imaginary friends and a lot of you think that's cute or a lot of you think well you know that kind of occupies their time valley in the rome or whatever not knowing that these children are actually for the most part interacting with spirits and this is how the majority of spirit spouses and spirits husbands or any form of evil forces enters into a child life outside of hardcore sorcery remember the whole idea of a spirit is to never establish casual relationships with human beings it would be of no profit to them what they seek a covenant so if you could get a child the whole idea is to get that child to trust them to the point uh just like a controlling church that you would get that child to do anything that that child probably wouldn't do under normal circumstances and this is why when they do these atrocities the child say well the devil made me do it or my imaginary friend the truth is it was an evil spirit that they were communicating but they didn't know that so spirit spouses and and so on and so forth these are all evil spirits looking to establish covenants and a lot of women listening to me right now who are not married but who want to be married who want to have a relationship so much so that the spirit actually uses that avenue to to to incarcerate the whole idea of marriage for them now you may say well kev how does that happen it's very simple the spirit now shows up in the dream tall dark and some guy or whatever it is that this person has been communicating in terms of what they want in the spouse or a husband or whatever so the spirit comes to them in the dream and they see themselves walking down an aisle and they may not see the face of the guy they may see the height of the guy they may see the size of the guy so they left from that dream got married in the dream and everything thinking oh god showed me they probably even go give a testimony the lord showed me the dream last night my husband i didn't see his face but i know that marriage is coming soon now they have zero idea that they literally covenant with an evil spirit of a spirit husband and that spirit is going to fight off every prospect that will ever come that way what is the evidence of this kevin well i'm sure this is gonna gonna bring revelation to many people your life has been a life where you're attractive you're educated or whatever the case may be and guys are attracted to you they even date you they bought you nice stuff but all of your relationship have the same pattern the guys up and leave you for absolutely no reason at all not just leave you goes on and establish a relationship with somebody else and in weeks married a person when they were dating you for at least 700 years how was it that every relationship that you involve yourself in ends this way well it's that same spirit husband that you married in the dream it's the same spirit husband you've been having intercourse within the dream and it's that spirit that is pushing away every prospect in your life yeah wow so what do we do now we now have to break the covenant that was established in the dream how do we do it you go before god and you now begin to repent and renounce and this cannot be achieved outside of fasting remember this spirit is in your average spirit and jesus gave us some specific instructions primarily showing us that not all spirits are alike he said it in matthew uh matthew 17 21 when he said to his disciples who were incapable of casting on a death and dumb spirit of a young man jesus said listen this kind or this level or this rank of spirits can never come out except by prayer and fasting so fasting have to be the order of the day and for those of you who've never seen any of my fasting videos please watch them because it's going to show you the proper way to fast and what that's going to do is help you break the spiritual covenant that's going to release you spiritually and the the the person that you're supposed to connect with whatever there will be no more barriers no more stumbling blocks no more partitions to prevent those things from happening that's supposed to occur naturally yeah yeah so it is a it is a reality though now i will say i had dreams about my husband before i met him but i also am i am a seer but i will say this i also have seen the other side so it's a balance of both but at the same time you want to know what you're dealing with i would recommend anyone before they get married and during their marriage too fast and even together because you're dealing with the enemy hates marriage right oh it's almost like the the the enemy would try to come against the the the the successfulness of marriage right because through like these wicked dreams sometimes people are still having sexual dreams feeling something touching them in the bed all types of things and they're like well what about what can i do i fast and i pray nothing is working oh you say that to that minister you went like you're like nothing is working and i'm still single i'm still dealing with this thing i've done all that yeah the the reason why the enemy hate marriages is because again when we go back to the biblical laws i think it's ecclesiastes chapter nine verses four the sixth something i believe is something around here which says that two are better than one you see unity in the spiritual realm is a very very powerful thing and when you have a couple that come together especially who knows their purpose and their living their purpose as a union there's literally no force that can reckon with them i mean outside of the force of god so the enemy doesn't want it especially if they're living towards kingdom living so his job is to break up anything that will remotely resemble advancement in the things of god that's why jesus came in uh matthew 12 25 he says listen any kingdom or any house that is divided against itself not might but shall fall it shall crumble it shall disintegrate so the enemy understand this rule and remember whenever he comes at us he's coming from a law perspective how do i shut down kevin and deidre well let me get them to disagree if we go back to the book of genesis i think genesis chapter 11 or 9 which everyone talked about the tower of babel when god was watching them build this tower and he says let us go down to see what these guys are doing and i think in verse 6 he says listen to the spiritual law of unity he says behold the people are one and whatever they imagine to do nothing shall be withheld from them so you know what god had to do to stop these people from going beyond their imagination he literally had to change their language because at that point all of them spoke one language under it so he had to hate this group of figures speaks in spanish this can speak some dutch why because if they cannot communicate and understand each other they cannot as a people on one accord achieve the goal that they settled to do so this is why for him you need to shut down those marriages it's good it's good it's a that's wow it's amazing if you if you would tell a couple that that wants to get married or or even you know me and my husband been married four years i think coming up you say fasting is a spiritual bomb mm-hmm well you need a circle you fast together are you and do you and your wife ask together or how how deidre and i normally when we do it together it will be at the end of the year when we do the end of year fast then we do a few fast story that we do together okay before i got married before i got married i was a fast addict and i think i told the story before what i did i did a 40-day fast with absolutely no food water and just juice just to keep the taste in my mouth and during that time in my life i i was going through depression i had super duper depression i had i was broke like the ten commandments my i couldn't get promoted on my job everything in my life was at a still i had lost my property i had an apartment complex i lost i i everything at 40 years old at 40 years old i had to move back with my mother that's how bad things got for me i had absolutely zero so i was still a christian guess what paying tithe committed committed tied pale i did everything that i thought was right in order to advance what i didn't know and this is when i came into the revelation what i didn't know i knew nothing about covenants i knew nothing about ancestral and generational curses when i say i didn't know i heard of it before but because i've never heard it taught in any arena i never saw the significance and importance of it when i began to delve in that area in terms of study i now begin to see where the ancestral curses were so heavily laid laid on me and i began to see the pattern in my family that the men in my family will only get so far in life and lose everything and have to start all over again wow so when i saw that i be i i started off on a 21 day fast our church was on a 21 day fast and during the fast i was praying to the lord asking him if i could go to do the 40 go straight into 40 days i didn't hear anything until the last day of the 21 day i was in my shower taking about getting ready to go to sunday school and i heard i mean heavy in my spirit if you want something different you have to do something different so i knew this was his answer to me in terms to continue anyway i went through when the church ended i continue i continued all the way to the 40th day now i'll tell you this things didn't change immediately yeah but they did change gradually and to one point it literally shut off this was in 2011 march the ending part of march going into april that's when i did the 40 day that same year i was promoted on my job and a position that required degrees and experience and all of this stuff i was promoted there i when i tell you my my salary doubled i the job that i was getting i was uh was supposed to be an account executive just for my island but by the time i got the position that expanded to the turks and caicos to tortola when i tell you my life was like somebody just put me in a slingshot and slung me forward and that's why i'm a major supporter of fasting everything my wisdom my knowledge my understanding my teaching level doors of opportunities begin to open for me in fact the following year i end up leaving my church of that september and i went out into ministry on my own and like i said i was invited to to the caribbean to europe to america this this the same guy same guy he used to be here on facebook just in the assignments here and there i didn't even get around to the video part of it yet people begin to be attracted to the teaching your gift will make room for you and it's like every barrier every chain every shackle that was on my life when i tell you it wasn't just broken dr lexis it was obliterated hallelujah the depression that i suffered literally i used to contemplate suicide this is how bad it was every sunday i basically anticipated this spirit that will come on me like a coat and i would sit in my room in the darkness in total tears nobody did anything wrong to me nobody said nothing to me and this was all before the fasting i was rejected on every level on my job uh everywhere i go someone had a problem with me i did nothing to them so all of these spirits ancestrally i was dealing with but didn't know the church never taught me this the church dismissed witchcraft the church dismissed generational curses none of this so i realized that this is what god is calling you to do young man now that they're not you know they're not doing it you see what has freed you now you go and you teach the people this it's amazing because when i first saw your video um i saw that you um you was like a million views on it and i remember i was just googling certain things that i was interested in and a blog popped up very simple blog like a just blue but i mean it was just easy to read you could just see boom boom boom questions i had but i brought there's a video you have talking about spirit spouses with a million views that fast don't know what it did but it it literally promoted you beyond peers and people who have been talking about this for years god promoted you so there's something that whole isaiah 58 this will is the fast that i've chosen to break the chains of wickedness and bondage this is this is what i'm telling you to do because you didn't promote yourself i don't even know why did you come out like i mean coming out into the ministry i don't even know i just saw you pop up one day i know you've been doing this for years but what i'm saying is the lord himself he he was the one who did it because i was writing i began writing articles in 2008 i i wrote a lot of i was writing for the daily newspaper here that was another miracle they called me one day they were observing my material online and they asked me if they could print it i said sure so they started to carry it locally then the international paper called the tribune they started to print it also i started i uh created this blog uh blogspot i just decided to post my uh articles there a lot of grammatical errors and so on and then the software came out with grammatical corrections i started using that but again i i never dreamt of any of this i just did it because i found pleasure in it but those articles most of them were birthed through all of the pain that i was going through but at the same time because i stayed in the scriptures i mean that was my life that's what kept me in check i was able to take my experience coupled with the laws of god and marry them together and i begin to see now that hey if you follow this protocol you will get this result i was in hearing this in the church what i was hearing and this is now you begin to see why i detest it what i was hearing was forget the rules they wouldn't say that but they are saying it when they say to you sow the seed and i hear god is gonna bring that husband back sow the seed and i hear god is gonna turn it around but when i read the scriptures he is giving me specific instructions for a specific end result so why is this joker telling me that if i sow a seed i could circumvent the laws the rules the principles of god and get god to bend and to to shift and and and do this for me no no no so that's when my ministry began to take root that hey look your teaching is going to be based on the laws the rules the ordinance god is a god of order the the spiritual and the physical realm and all the invisible and visible beings operate under one constitution and what is that the holy scriptures so much so that in psalms 94 20 which clearly states that the throne of iniquity all right structure their mischief by laws not opinions not how they feel so that's another thing that upset me i was tired of hearing opinions from the pulpit i was tired of hearing uh i hear god is saying double for your trouble i don't know who i'm speaking to right now but god is saying that if you bring a thousand dollars there's something special about if i'm like all of these scriptural rules yeah for the promises of god and you're telling me you have this antidote that god who is clearly broke if i could bring him a thousand bucks so he could pay his bills he will talk me up no no no no buddy interesting this happened to me there was a guy who told me this was years ago 20 2008 he's like if you sow five if everybody sells 500 they will be able to go get a vehicle so of course i didn't want to spend the 500 and i was like well i don't know he's like you'll be able to get a car this day but i went and i sold part of that and i was like well i'm gonna go get the car this day but god had already told me what day to go get a car but i went against my better judgment and did what the man told me to do i'm telling you i could not get approved for anything i couldn't approve for the used car so i was like what's going on but when i went the day the lord told me to go to the brand new car lot yep i got approved because there were specific things that he wanted me to do he had already spoke to me so that seed did not release anything but that man's greed and i said honestly i just have been so against that somebody telling you so a thousand dollars i have not opened my mouth to ever say that so a thousand dollars and this is what's going to happen i believe you can partner with a word i believe you can partner and say listen i love the ministry i want to partner but when you're telling people this is going to break the back of poverty off your life one time this guy told me he's a prophet i'm watching dangerous unless i'm i'm watching um uh uh criminal minds right now and the lord told me if you sow a seed it will break the back of poverty off your life right now you're telling me you're watching criminal minds and god just spoke to you for me to su bruh i'm like you're broke right people are just using this as like buzz words and then people run to the altar so that's why for my ministry and i thank god for what he's blessed me with and that is to point his people back to him back to his rules anyone that follows me anyone it was one thing they could walk away from my teachings is that kevin litters us with the scriptures and there's one sole reason for that the sole reason for that is at the end of the day i don't want your confidence to be in me i am not your spiritual father i am not your god i am not your king i am just a conduit using his gift to point you to where you should have been from day one so whether kevin disappoints you in the future whether you hear something bad or whether you disagree with him in the future your only concern should be i got the word of the living god now what kevin do with his life and how he live his life that on him god sent him in my life at this time to get this specific information from him because the scriptures are clear proverbs 11 9b through knowledge shall the just be delivered so if god sent him here for this piece of knowledge on dreams finances whatever buddy i take that and i go now what kevin do that on him yeah yeah so so god it's all in the word basically right minister is in the word you gotta show yourself a proof i wanna ask you another controversial topic dr stella emmanuel um are you familiar right now with online uh she came out with something saying that this is the cure to um covet 19. um she was she's a nigerian doctor but she's also a deliberate pastor she's a deliverance minister and teaches similar to you now they're saying this woman is crazy because they're like nah she's talking about deliverance and demons and and all this and and and on cnn she said listen i'll cast the demon out of you but the thing is she's a scholar i feel that this woman i'm like she's a woman of god i i we talk about demonology and we're you know like what do you think about do you i know covet is spiritual and she's saying that but do you think that there could also be a literal cure that but people are just kind or things a preventive measure but people are just kind of hiding it for greed put you on the hot seat but yeah no no that's fine uh like with many things in life uh just like with the internet before the internet became public usage the internet existed it existed in the intelligence branch of the americas russia whatever so there are many things i believe that they're still keeping away from us and once something better comes up they will introduce us to something new while they have something else hidden so yes i i believe that uh there is some validity to that but i will say this though i i don't know that lady by name but when you described her i remember saying online but i never listened to her because i saw a lot of controversy coming her way but i just never had a chance to listen but i'll tell you this anything that has to do with god the world is going to reject it let's just be clear with that so even if she had the cure two things are gonna happen they're gonna either dismiss her or they're gonna find a way to merch and die so a group is going to try and where they cut the soul rights to it and they become multi trillionaires so at the end of the day this is the way that i see it like i say about dreams if you have a dream and you don't understand it just like this situation you pray god if this is a view then let it be open up my eyes cause me to see what what what i don't see give me a spirit of discernment so that i could resonate with this is if this is of you but when the world is discounting something i'm talking to believers now i'm talking to believers when the world is discounting something let that be a red flag to you that's good wow let that be a red flag that's amazing do you i don't know i know you're you're behind from the bahamas but i i don't know your guys's political how you guys do politics but i feel that you should be balanced in your perspective and own and serve god first and then say well this party i'm going with this party because of this or you know but not just say i'm all for this party or i'm off of that party without going to god first about you know your allegiance what do you think about that what i think about that especially of of recent uh in this generation politics in my opinion is more bordering occult in terms of people's commitment wow they're more i mean i'm telling you if you even listen to their their speech and so on about their political parties and i'm talking even christians when you listen to the way that they talk about their party and opposing the other party you hear no trace of god in that nothing at all uh i know of certain cases where political leaders would have gone to which doctors to create a spell to influence people to vote for them now watch this that's nothing new because in the book of acts 8 i think it is it spoke about this guy by the name of simon of sumeria and it says that he bewitched the entire city wow listen to this now he bewitched the entire city and the bible said how we do it through sorcery that they were calling this man who never done any miracles there's no record of the scriptures of what he did but they called him a great man of god but the scripture is showing why and how they did it the people had a spell there was a an invisible force over them spiritual wise that was coercing them to think or to believe in a certain thing about this man and the bible says they called him a great man of god oh my goodness i had a dream before about this pr um prophet not gonna say his name but anyway he used to be very famous more famous than he is now and i had a dream that he had a cloak on and it was i kept hearing about mesmerizing people mesmerizing and it was almost like in some i've seen like mirrors and stuff i didn't get that dream five years ago but now i can understand that dream that maybe something was going or not maybe something was going on right right so that's why when you look at these political leaders now a lot of these guys and this is nothing new will do anything to win even if it takes going to sorcerers to literally cause that to happen out now here here is where the problem comes in and this is why i love the scriptures this is nothing new dr lexus yeah when we go back to the old testament and you look at the specific period of the kings and every time you read a particular chapter about a king it will say and this king did evil in the sight of the lord what does that mean that means that that king would have abandoned the god of abraham and now begin to serve baal astra molech so if other gods so he now have the people not serving just the children of israel now not serving the god of abraham but serving these idol gods god look through of the entire scriptures the the main reason why god got down on israel and how their enemies destroyed them was always when they decide to abandon god and serve other gods i'll give you a perfect example solomon solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines or side pieces as you americans would call it right so watch this watch this there was no scripture there was no scripture you could show me where god called them out where god read the writer to him on that it was only when he served other gods when he served other gods god turned on him like nobody business now is that to say god approved of what he was doing no but i'm saying to you idol worship sorcery all throughout the lineage of israel this was the only time that god turned his back on them this was the only time that god had their enemies come and oppress them and they became captive to the babylonians the uh syrians or whoever the case may be so sorcery in today's culture is nothing new it's absolutely so you should never be shocked if you un if you hear a political leader or a religious leader was involved in this stuff to sustain and maintain power and that is why another reason why i detest the covering thing because it sets the format the groundwork the infrastructure for sorcery to be introduced into that place i've been seeing something very weird where people are calling their spiritual fathers papa and also they are turning changing their last names to their names and um it's just very i know what it is but it is i'm talking about weird so one woman comes to me and says my pastor this is sound weird but that he was having astral projection or something fly sex with somebody in the house while she was cleaning the house and they both woke up and come out like frazzled hair and they and everybody submits to to this leader and so i'm like what in the world i'm looking at her like what right but this can be true right minister ewing listen i've had a case like this this is the regular stuff there was a lady that i met in 2014. i never met in person i was a guest on a prayer line one morning she eventually contacted me to do if i could come on opera line anyway she told me about this story her friend had invited her to this particular church in fact she's right out of america her friend had invited her to this particular church so she reluctantly went anyway while she's there the pastor is preaching and he calls up so she goes up thinking that this guy is going to prophesy to her so he points at her this is her words to me he points at her and says i want you so on her head because he's the pastor she figure he's saying the lord wants you so he says see look at her like this no no no no i want you what i will have you the church is clapping because everybody thinking this guy is the spirit of the lord speaking to the sky that night she went home this guy astral project and from that night forward was having intercourse with us spiritually until it became a reality where she couldn't resist the sky and they end up getting together physically destroyed her entire life come to find out this guy was a big warlock pastor big congregation he even told us some of the things that he did on the people and how he have them all it is he was releasing done he told her you will never leave me so that's why i say to people all the time right they in their minds they converted that kevin is coming against the pastors i am trying paul said it i will not have you ignorant i am giving you the knowledge that you will be able to see from a mile away this here could never be of god this here is strictly from the devil you're not going on all this papa oh this teacher kevin no no you know what you're going to say that's teacher kevin but kevin got his faults too kevin's subject to to sin too thank you that's how you should look at it people i think that people are underneath there because they could prophesy and tell you i'm going to tell you minister kevin what's in your pocket right now there's 25 cents or whatever right and your passcode says this is this and honestly it seems amazing i mean it's like oh my gosh how did he know this but they're pulling from some type of source don't tell me my social security number and say that that is the way that god get my attention right no and the thing about it right if if again the only people who would succumb to this utter foolery are those who have no relationship with the scriptures let's look at it for a second let's look at the the minor and the major prophets at no point can we locate any scripture that when god sent them into capernaum into a syria or wherever that they had to convince the people that they were of god uh excuse me come here uh your boss come here three five two six seven or four that's your phone number right it's 1708 for that's your license right your social security two to six hold on hold on hold on nine oh seven that's it right think about it what does that god don't have to prove himself to us take it or leave it i'm giving you my word you take it or leave it i don't have to convince you i know there was a a prophet one time who every time he gives a prophecy he would always quote unquote confirm that god is speaking to him and that's what he would say he said to prove to that god is speaking to me uh you you have a pain right here or or your leg or so i'm sitting there and i'm saying to myself if god is proving himself why does it have to be a pain but guess what i didn't know and i learned all of this late and i thank god i thank god every day that i was introduced to people like that what i didn't know dr lexus was when you agree to that that spirit of infirmity which is seeking the agreement through this false prophet yeah waiting for you oh yes i have the pain right here you are so right papa you're so right prophet now most of them would lie and say the pain is there because they don't want to embarrass the prophet and the prophet knows this the false prophet so here it is he's trying to seek your agreement to release the spirit of infirmity but not only release it at the same time you're being initiated to the altar that this prophet serves wow wow i know this man well there's this man who okay there's a i'm just gonna be anyway so they get heavy heavy into the glory realm and say okay we're going to pull on someone's silver cord i'm supposed to meet this preacher god told me i'm going to meet this preacher so i want you all to pray we pull on his silver cord we pull on his silver court to god will introduce me to him that to me is straight witchcraft listen that is stephen let's listen to me when i again when we bring you when you when you understand spiritual laws and this is something that i live by when you understand spiritual laws you could see straight through these guys remember these guys are not operating randomly they're seeking your spiritual approval satan himself cannot jump on you and do what he want to do there has to be a covenant in place or to get you to accept this agreement so that he can facilitate his evil so a lot of people don't realize this a lot of these ministries as you go to or you're watching these guys online who claim to be believers of christ and asking you to partnership with them listen that word partnership or covenant with me financially listen those words very carefully because it means that you're coming in agreement with them with your finances you don't know the history of them you don't know what they're dealing with you don't know if they're into sorcery or adultery you don't know none of that but remember if you partner with them and your money becomes the sacrifice meaning that this is to seal the deal in terms of the covenant between us then you're now open spiritually that whatever they speak over your life whatever cloth they send to you vials of oil and water mixed with their evil concoction just like simon of samaria you become a victim of these people so this is why whenever you hear the word covenant and so on like for example if you go to a church and they said uh we need you to sign off on this covenant why i've already made my covenant with jesus christ when i accepted him there's no other covenants that i should be making the only thing i should be doing now being a member of your church okay fine i get that you know maybe one day you don't see me to church so you got some information to contact me i get that but when you use the word covenant why do you speak in spanish to me because that there's a red flag for me to take off running run [Applause] this is very another controversial i don't want to ask you but anyway go ahead clean the video oh god i don't want to ask but anyway a video cast went viral uh in the bill um bill johnson um circle where a woman um said that god told her have you seen this video she he said if you get like dressed like the lord of the rings and you become the man uh the wizard who actually was able to um bind up something do not pass that you would they would stop with uh racism so she's dressed in her clothing as a as a as a wizard as i don't watch this so ward off whatever his name is she's dressed like him and then she says do not pass do not pass do not pass and then she has her staff and they all come together boom boom boom and they say it's broken and people are saying how are you casting out the demon of racism with something a wizard did now some people say that this was written as a christian arctic type of christ i don't i don't really know i don't get into the lord of the rings but i just want to know they're asking somebody just text me ask him so what is your position on that minister ewing can you do yeah i i am happy to explain the spiritual side of what you're saying physically i had a conversation with a with a family today and we were talking something basically along this line and she was sharing with me how she remember when she was younger one of her relatives died and it's a practice that they do in the caribbean also that then the relative die over the casket they would take the the young child of the family and pass it from person to person over the casket which is equivalent to what this lady is doing now what are they really doing well they're initiating you whoever participates or whoever supports what that lady is doing and i mean all of the red flags are there lord of the rings the whole lot of during things based on sorcery witchcraft all this out of foolishness they're initiating you in the case where they was taking this child and passing it over here is what that mean number one the one who was dead who they're doing it over well clearly based on what they're doing this person here was a participant in sorcery now what they want to do is they want the ancestral spirits to be transferred from the deceased to the child so nobody knows there's nobody know that this child is as far as they're concerned this is the tradition that we do of this family but whoever participates in this tradition the spirit now is being transferred and this is the ritual that has to happen in order for this to happen another thing that is done when a mother has a child this is noted for the caribbean and europe some parts of america where the mother would get the after birth and she's advised to bury this after birth on her property and if it's a boy or girl it will go under a specific tree whether it's a banana tree or whatever tree now one would say they advised that in doing this this is to protect the child from evil spirits and misfortune and so on which are all lies the idea is you are initiating this child you are literally diverting the god intended destiny of this child to a demonic destiny you are following a ritual a demonic ceremony that will ensure that the spirits from that altar whom your covenant with as a result of the ceremony now begins to control the life of that child so let's go back with that principle in mind to the lady that you just uh brought up just now and the lord of the rings or whatever let's focus on the ritual let's focus on what seemed to be so crazy would seem to be so hocus pocus to us but the truth is it's a ritual that she's performing right there and a ritual basically means that there's a certain protocol that you follow demonically that will invite based on the ritual a specific set of spirits and whomever is there or participating in that will now become victims of it this is why the scripture says to us in numbers 19 31 and it says that we should have no affiliations with those uh who have familiar spirits riches and so on then it tells us why least they corrupt us or defile us and that simply means that any for affiliations with them tarot card reading oogie boards witchcraft santori and so on it's literally going to change your destiny now leviticus 1931 is not an opinion leviticus 19 and 31 is saying that if you leave from this right now and you go down to the psychic reader then you become a victim of that rule where that person who's practicing sorcery to read you they through those spirits of the altar that they serve will now corrupt your destiny so spiritually you're not the same person when you leave there as you came in those spirits are now attached to your life what is the evidence of this this person is now going to be tormented by these spirits they will wake up with scratches on them they will hear voices calling them in the night they will have sleep paralysis where they feel as if something is holding them down they become forgetful confused depressed uh sickly in their body why because when you opened yourself spiritually for the spirit of depression the spirit of infirmity and all of these other things you didn't notice and that's why i think it's a major indictment against churches to preach prosperity to give motivational speeches but never ever talking on these spiritual lines yeah because how can you if you have not received deliverance in this area how can you keep the increase when it comes right i think that there has to be that that that peace and israel my brother just had a deliverance in san antonio a man who cut his chest to to give his uh flesh to to to santa muerte or whatever whoever it is i don't know but anyway and he really was serious and wasn't playing i was like what in the world is going on around here but dr alexis this is nothing new if you turn to the book of ezekiel chapter 8 ezekiel narrated the story of how the lord took him into the spirit and began to show him the sorcery that the priests and elders were doing in the temple they had a secret room where they practiced witchcraft they were also women at the temple who were performing this ritual as if it was something to god that they would get at the temple and they would begin to be moon or whale or moon for uh tammuz now tammuz was i believe it was an egyptian god i'm not sure i could be corrected here anyway it was a it was a it was an idol or a god that when you follow the practice or the ritual of crying and moaning for chamos the ritual was to bring the spirit of tammuz from the grave now to the average person that was passing there they figured man these people are just so religious man they so into their god which god what are they calling up so this is why the believer have to stop playing church stop uh just focusing on sowing seed and and spin around and give your neighbor high five we need to know spiritually because that's what the bible is all about we need to know the laws the rules the principles the ordinance why so that we could better navigate with the aid of the spirit of truth to to call out what is of god and what is not and how to warn people of pending problems but we cannot do that if someone is telling you to hear from god you got to sow a seed right it's just it's not it's not biblical no and so we have to get back to the word and uh and you know study to show ourselves to prove yeah so i wanted to um first of all thank you for coming back on with me i know that we can go for hours talking about this stuff oh which my last question was about angel numbers because i saw a girl make a post yesterday and say angel numbers are absolutely demonic which i know that they are demonic but have you got the eight numbers where people say you go google and it might say what does one five five mean and then the angel numbers pop up and then it's like they're saying it's from the angels but no no it's the new new topic for you to teach on well well indirectly indirectly i did i i thought about i did a whole series on angels and one of the uh biblical points that i stressed in there was that no human being has the right to demand uh the service or command that an angel go and do whatever the scriptures are not set up that way the bible says to us in uh psalms 91 verses 11 and 12 it says for he which is god has given his angels charged over us to keep us and not some but all of our ways that of we as much as dash our foot against the sword these angels are gatherers up in their arms psalms 34 and 7 says that the angel of the lord singular encamp round about those that fear him and deliver them we shoot back to hebrews chapter 1 verses 13 to 14 listen carefully he says to which of the angels did he say sit at my right hand while i make your enemies your footstool none of them instead listen carefully he said are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister the words minister means to serve sent forth to serve those who are heirs to salvation as you and i believers and those who will be believers now how do we get the angels to work for us can we say lord i call on the angel michael to go and uh beat up dr lexus no you cannot do that you cannot send an angel you do not have that right here is how it works in psalms 103 verse 20 it says oh how excellent are the angels in their strength who hearken unto the command and the voice of his word whose voice the the lord's voice meaning the word of god is the voice of god now this is powerful every time you decree the word of god the angels aren't responding to you they're responding to the word of god what does that mean so when you say no weapon form against me shall prosper you have just gotten the attentions of the angels who has been assigned to you now they must respond and act to the word of god but dr lexus herself cannot say listen angel go and punch up kevin a little bit no so many believers who don't understand the scriptural insight they believe that their angels automatically fight for them no you must employ them with the word of god and deploy them with the word of god so when you when you when you get that scripture your scriptures that you quote that's why i encourage you to pray the scriptures you that is their marching orders hallelujah they could never refute the word of god because the scriptures psalms 103 verse 20 makes it clear it says that they hearken under the unto the command and the voice of his word every time you put the the scriptures in your prayers every time you recite the scriptures you are deploying the angelic host whom he has given charge over you to keep you in all your ways unfortunately because we are not taught these things we have angels who are aimlessly sitting down wondering dr alexis when are you going to quote a scripture kevin just one scripture you got me i want to do something for you but i cannot do it if you're not quoting to all i'm getting from you kevin or how tough things are covert 19 doing this and that no point are you saying greater is he that is in me than he is in the world if god before me who can be against me i am the righteousness of god in christ jesus the bible says in proverbs 11 31 it says that he will recompense the righteous and why you're not saying these things you know why because they telling you to replace it with seed that's it wow i felt and you know what's so amazing whenever people quote the word whenever i hear the word just be preached i started getting like a fire in my belly like if i could activate something in me um well that's just how i i respond right but that is how what the word is working the word is working it will stare stir stir you up somebody asked to ask you a last question um i don't know where it's at um oh do you have to be in a state of repentance before you command angels to work on your behalf or does repentance only have to be to god now that's a very very interesting one because i would say no here is why the bible says that in a pro sorry hebrews 1 verses 13 to 14 and it says how the angels minister to those who are heirs to salvation the word heir means to inherit so that mean let's say that person who just asks that question they're not a believer as yet but it's according to god him knowing then from the beginning they will be a believer so that means they are an heir they will be an inheritor so that means there are certain things and i've happened to me i was not a christian and there's certain things i said now lord if you get me out of this then he knew i was lying to him if you get me out of this okay your boy gets straightened up and he did get me out of it and i did not straighten up and i believe that happened because he know i was a future heir or inheritor of salvation thank you lord somebody said what about metaphysics is metaphysics wrong metaphysics and esoterics and so on all of this have to do with sorcery and and uh egyptian witchcraft and all that i would not recommend anybody to get involved in those things yeah burning sage either right no burning stage is totally strictly sorcery there's no scripture what what would the sage do what you don't know if you go back to the origin of these things this is all ceremonial stuff that you do to invite spirits let me let me let me let me kind of bring this all together with this one thing in order for spirits especially evil spirits to participate in this natural realm there has to be like i said some form of ceremony covenant primarily the ceremony is to establish their covenant now what they would do is set up a table a desk or a rock or a forest and to see whatever and they would have like a a small table or even the big table and they would have only certain items they'll have like an alcohol beverage they will have like rum cigars certain foods uh what's the thing now uh florida water i don't know if some people are familiar with that now you might say kevin why are these things on this table and what are they doing because the practitioner of that particular altar the spirits behind that altar depending on what they want and which spirit they're calling these are the things that they require so therefore these things are there like us you'll see the guy they start beating the drums or whatever they're doing and he would put the alcohol in his mouth the rum but he wouldn't drink it he would spit it out or spew it out right then he would take a cigar do a long draw and then he would blow it out what you look for now is you look at who's being represented on this altar so you see pictures of people married couples whether it's in a bottle or you'd see pictures where you'd see black strings tied around it or you'll see dolls or clay what they call effigy altars where they have the uh the fixtures of people with their name engraved on it and they will have pins in it so no matter where these people are in the world if these people are not covered by the blood of jesus if these people are not committed to the things of christ then when that practitioner blow that cigarette smell over that altar i don't care where they are in this world they're gonna smell that when that practitioner pushed that pin into that whatever they're gonna feel that why is this because the spirits from that altar is mimicking all these things in that person's life who does not have any kind of protection around them so when a person gets sage and say they are blessing their home or they are following some ritual where they're mopping their floor with turpentine or you do take some red cloth and put it on your door to protect you from devils they have no idea of the origin of these things that came from an occultic background that they are now participating in and inviting the very thing that they were told to put there to keep it out wow one time we um we went my friend went to a restaurant and we had eaten there previously but it was good food anyway he went behind the curtain and there was a man this is a louisiana restaurant but it was in austin there's a man who was had like they had the dolls in the window but he was back there doing things witchcraft to keep business coming in i was so mad that i had eaten there like what why would this man be doing this you know of course me just being like what that people do things like that but that's a reality so now i'm like because that just happened a year ago you got to pray where you going to eat you better know everything because people be doing weird stuff that's why we advise to always bless our food this is the reason why right here you don't know what's in that food you don't know who's cooking you don't know none of that so when we bless it we would have canceled spiritually whatever evil entities that were supposed to disrupt our health our mindset our emotions whatever the case may be it will never work on us somebody said what about using oil to anoint your home is there nothing wrong with that there's nothing wrong with getting oil and guess what you could prove it all yourself and anointed it's symbolic all right but when you get stuff like uh this thing they call spiritual turpentine it's normally recommended to to mop your floor with it and the reason is to to keep spirits away or they would have you uh depending on what you wanted let's say you're having a tax in your home spiritually they will the practitioner will tell you go to the cemetery at a certain hour of the night see that's why sorcery could never work for me because you would never get me do something like that i don't have the nerve to do something like that but they will tell you go to the cemetery right and once you get to the cemetery gate they will give you a name to call and if you hear some voice speak to you that means the spirits accept you so you would go to a certain grave all right and depending on what that spirit like and most of you could relate to what i'm saying if you go to your cemetery to visit a deceased loved one or to clean up their graves you will see on some of the graves alcoholic beverages plates spoons uh rum bottles anytime you see that somebody came there based on what the practitioner told them to give this to the spirit that you want to work for you if the spirit agrees you leave it there and you take some of that dust what they call graveyard cemetery dust from the head of that grave and this is what you would use to mix your potion your spell whatever the case may be let me tell you what these people don't know and this is how deceptive witchcraft is the very covenant sorry the very spell that you're concocting against somebody life what the practitioner isn't telling you you're a part of this also whatever is going to happen to that person you're projecting the curses at it's going to happen to you in the long run wow so this is why i tell people there are no loyalty with demons there's no loyalty with the powers of darkness the idea is to recruit as much swords to hell as they possibly could yes and there are people preachers this is big in the in a prophetic move they go lay on graves and they of people who died who were um like you know big fathers and mothers of the faith back in the day and they lay on the grave and they say they're soaking the spirit that is straight crazy well to you it's quite crazy but is is more real than real could be here here is what's happening there and again i was in a counseling session explaining this again today okay you hear the term ancestral spirits and when you hear that term you think okay these are spirits from the ancestors like uh mama or pop or someone no ancestral spirits are spirits that the ancestors called up yeah so what does that mean those spirits let's say they called up the spirits in the 1800s the 1700s even the 1600s whenever and they made an agreement they made a pact or a covenant that hey look here we want to be wealthy and they said okay what are you going to give us in return so they would say okay we will sacrifice the third generation we'll surrender them to you that no female in the third generation from us will ever be married and if they ever do get married the married will be short-lived and if they get married it will be late in life so you think of a family right now that you know that's similarly happening too right now where the females educated attractive they have everything that a man would want they're humble all of this other stuff but no man will stay with them no man would marry them and if they do marry they marry going into their 50s and the marriage lasts maybe 30 minutes right why why is this happening well let's go back a covenant was made that you have no knowledge of that you who fall in the third generation that curse is now levied on you and you don't even know now let me give you some spiritual background to support what i'm telling you i i mentioned this before in the book of uh joshua chapter nine well before we even got there in joshua chapter one and even coming towards the ending part of deuteronomy moses warned the children of israel repeatedly you are never to marry the canaanites have no covenants with them blah blah blah right and far god told them to kill the canaanites so when we get to joshua chapter 9 it says that the gibeonites who were the descendants of the amorites all of them from canaan they heard of the children of israel and what they did is they disguised themselves as journey men who had nothing to do with canaan but was looking for a place to stay so when they bucked into joshua and his crew they said uh uh you know we were traveling all this time we are thirsty we're hungry but listen the first words that came out of their mouth forged a covenant with us the bible says that joshua and his crew did not consult god and they made a covenant with the gibeonites three days later they discovered that the kingdom the given is light in him that they were of canaan and joshua wanted to kill him and the elder says no no no we swore to our god that we will protect them now why is this significant remember they made a covenant dr alexis 300 plus years later this is now in the time of king david they're following the rules the passover the ceremonial laws the moral every rule that god gave them they were adhering to but they had a drought and david could not understand it why is it that we are having a drought when a drought is a curse but we're doing everything god said so the bible says david inquired of the lord i think it's first the second time 21 david inquired of the lord and the lord said to him the reason why you're experiencing this drought is because saul the previous king violated the covenant with the gibeonites when he killed some of them so check this out 300 plus years later david has no knowledge of no covenant david knows nothing about no covenant but whether he knew or not we see that the covenant is still active this covenant is still pulling the strings to the future generation but nobody knows this now what was so interesting god didn't say okay i'm gonna just destroy it no god says guess what you mr david will have to go to the gibeonites leaders and make a deal with them an atonement so he went there and he told him he was sorry what could he do he said i need seven men from the house of saul well david didn't hesitate he brought them and i think the king cut off their heads and when he cut the last fella head off the rain poured from the sky like nobody business so the point in my story from a biblical perspective is showing you the power of a covenant that you don't know why is it that everybody in your cancer your family have cancer why is it that the men never succeed but the women succeed and even though they succeed they don't get married why are the men in your family dying under the age of 50 why are we seeing this evil pattern well who made a covenant right um somebody just said i'm an ex-delta and my family has free mess message and they said that they broke it off the youth org has a deity i want to say this in college i was supposed to pledge delta sigma thing the matter of fact i wrote many letters to get to be a part of the organization three times every time i i'm like how did i not get a part of this organization i wanted to say that i know people gonna get mad because this is big in a black community but as soon as i was about to play a book shows up a girl shows up with a book talking about i would put a yoke of bondage on my life i wasn't even living for the lord back then i wasn't living for the lord god knew i would be here today my been pledged and he said they said say sigma is the only light i see he said well hold up jesus the only light i see right right jesus don't rely right i have so many people who follow me who follow delta sigma theta they i mean or or any of the nine divine nine or any other organizations can you speak to this i am not trying to offend people but i want to let them know there are gods connected to this stuff and it is witchcraft right i'm sorry but i'm not yeah when you're dealing with fraternities and sigmas and all this other stuff and freemason and eastern stars and so on listen whatever they're telling you it's not the entire truth because the bottom line is the mere [ __ ] the mere [ __ ] this is the greatest red flag the mere fact that you have to uh sign an agreement or come and covenant with them the next question should be what is it that i'm coming in covenant with because they won't tell you this but there is a deity that they serve and that deity is another god now now that we have known that what are the rules what does the bible say well the bible says excuse me and uh it's uh where is it now i think it's deuteronomy he said deuteronomy do you know 20 verses one to five and god is basically telling israel that they are not only supposed to serve no other god but that he is a jealous god but watch this if they choose to serve another god he says listen the penalty now i will visit the iniquities of what you're doing by pledging by making an agreement by coming in covenant with this other deity he says i will visit the iniquities of what you're doing on your current generation and all the way down to the fourth generation so what does that mean when you make that particular covenant now you don't know what this deity about you don't know if it's a deity that because the deity is just the principality the other lesser spirits of infirmity depression uh joblessness all of these other things that you're signing on but they don't tell you this they tell you know these are your sisters and brothers if you ever get in the jam legally or you need a promotion once you show you whatever then they will help you well that's just to get you when they keep you in but the reality is that there's spiritual forces that's pulling the strings behind us and many of those people that has pledged uh dr alexis they if they want to be honest they will tell you there were some strange occurrences in their lives where they would have heard footsteps walking in their home where they would have heard at late hours of the night they would hear cracks in the ceiling or doors opening and closing or they would wake up through the night and nobody else is up but they would hear a voice call their name they would uh have against sleep paralysis depression is the order of the day why because when you made that covenant the spirits at that altar are responsible just like police officers in the natural realm to enforce the laws that was made at that covenant and most of them you don't even know about so if some of the rules of that covenant when you pledge was that you never get married or you never accumulate more than a thousand dollars on your account those monitoring spirits their job is to ensure that you never ever achieve those set uh barriers in the spiritual realm so your life will be one big circle you may get a good promotion you may be advanced but it'll be short-lived why because they have that spirit on you that you will get so far you drop back you start all over again so you'll be in your 50s 60s 70s with that one cycle of starting all over again why because you made a couple but this is the bad part i'm gonna end with this radio the scripture says that the curse that god is gonna levy on you as a result of doing this will extend as far as the fourth generation so kevin now have kids and if i bought it for that stuff the bible says my kids my children grandchildren great great grandchildren who don't exist their curse before they even arrive here so even when i'm dead and gone and not on the scene remember the covenant just like with josh when they give me nights 300 years later the covenant the covenant is still running its course why because the power of the covenant is the ignorance of those who don't know about the covenant right somebody is asking a question and and i know i know what you're saying is right because the lord told me himself i had a dream that i was in a church and the akas turned into straight they had witch hats on i said well what is this this is crazy and the lord gonna show me even egyptian gods and and black he told me it was gonna be some kind of black power god like people just serving that he was showing me what the church was about to go through but anyway a sister says well i pledged and i pledged delta no time during my initiation none of these things are acting my life has been good and so it's not a foreign god now i know that delta sigma theta they uh their god is minerva based on the you know in their pla several people are saying this so sister who's saying this latisse her stuff is up she's saying but i'm straight i'm good nothing's happened to me so i don't receive that what would you say to that well listen two things happening here either god is a liar or the spirit's behind that altar is a liar and this is the bottom line the the the information that i bring from a spiritual perspective and i always say this it is not my opinion it is not how i feel first of all what why are you pledging what are you pledging for why do people pledge because when you break it down from that level just like a marriage when i got married to my wife or anybody gets married you're coming in a covenant why and what are the consequences if you want to get a divorce or whatever the case may be or you cheat are there no consequences so what are you making a covenant to so when you when you sit back and you think about these things i'm no one is here to judge anyone you know all i'm doing is laying out the facts to you and just like uh moses told the children of israel in deuteronomy 30 verse 19 he says this day i lay before you death and life blessings and curses choose life so i'm not forcing you to say hey don't do this do that just like how i had to make a decision in any everybody else to abandon whatever bad rule that we were on and realize that it wasn't going to get us nowhere in life and even though you may not see those repercussions now the law is still the law you may pass on but your future generation will pay the price for the commitments that you made today that you thought was nothing but they're suffering for it just like in the case of joshua david 300 plus years later they're suffering all kind of adverse effects not from what they're doing but something that happened 300 years ago this is what i'm going to say because um i don't want you to get a little i know she's going back and forth on here but i want to say this pray yourself and ask the lord to reveal it yourself and sometimes you're not ready to hear that you know sometimes you're just kind of like so we're not judging you but we're just saying what it is there really is a goddess of minerva and you know that because you're if you're a delta you gotta know there's a goddess minerva associated with the organization all my life i'm gonna give it to delta all my life i'm gonna give i'm gonna give all my praise all my heart goes to delta that is the song they sing how do i know i was gonna pledge three times and each time the lord shut it down he said and this is before i was in the ministry like this i guess he was like uh you can't be no delta and be worshipping me so i want to tell my friends who i know love me i may have lost some followers today but i want to come out of the dark and just come into the light and just say what i think on this it's absolutely an error and you really need to pray because you've opened yourself up to a god that is not the one and true and only living god and it is what it is just like that right just like that amen okay so if people want to find you i know um 14 1500 people on right now live who are saying okay how can i get in contact with him yeah right in contact with this like fbi so just right help us anybody right what i'd say well i i have my app my android and uh iphone app uh kevin l ewing ministries you can actually download it you can catch all of my youtube uh teachings facebook uh plus i do my regular video uh show every saturday you can catch me live also on that and of course i have you know youtube i have all my videos on there i strongly suggest you uh take a look at them and below every video on youtube i have all of my contact information and whatever it is that you would need to to reach out to me yes so you can find him he has i'm talking about maybe a whole i don't know so much people you'll be stuck for the next two to five years or you'll be free but you'll be listening on replay thank you minister ewing would you like to give your word a prayer before you get offered this yes i'd like to pray heavenly father i thank you thank you for this opportunity where we were able dr lexis and myself were to able to gather your people together to give them your words not our word not our opinion not how we feel not our emotions i thank you father god because according to your word you have orchestrated this before the foundation of the world you were the one that has put this in place and nobody is on this live right now or that will even see it in the future is viewing this by accident it is something that you're trying to communicate to them it is some solution that you're trying to resolve their situation or even bring them to your kingdom for a better life as opposed to the life that they're living right now father i pray for those that do not know you as lord and savior that just like how you turn the heart of a king that you would turn their hearts towards you that the holy spirit who is responsible for not only leading us into all truth but to remind us of what you have said and to convict us of sin led the same spirit convict them that hey look time is running out things are going on they do not they're not guaranteed tomorrow and they ought to make their peace with you for a better life with you now and even be on this physical time father i cover them with the precious blood of jesus christ i now release upon them according to isaiah 11 and 2 the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge the spirit of understanding counsel and might i further release upon them ephesians 1 verse 17 the spirit of revelation lord give them the spirit of disarmament so that they'll be able to to not look at your word with anger or disdain or whatever but to have a calm spirit a subtle spirit and to receive of your holy spirit so that they will now be better positioned to make better choices in life father i release upon them a spirit of peace that passes all understanding i release upon them isaiah 26 and 3 that says that you will keep them in perfect peace as long as their minds stayed upon thee and finally father god we see this prayer according to your word that whatsoever things we desire when we pray we must believe that we have received it and we shall have it in the matchless and in the mighty name of our lord and savior jesus christ amen and amen wow well god bless you guys and we'll see you again bye now
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 46,751
Rating: 4.9141245 out of 5
Id: b9VRhuvisM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 41sec (8021 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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