Dreaming of Bad Weather

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okay I think we're alive good evening everyone my YouTube and Facebook fans I have a surprise teaching for you tonight so I'm just gonna wait for everybody to come on board because I know it's a shocker to everybody I did not notify anybody that I was doing this so let me just make sure I'm on my other social media sites okay okay yep okay everybody's coming on board it's a little bit a few seconds for everyone to come on board good Freddy Israel my my good friend how you doing man they see ya Freddy is on Olivia Sweeting Jones okay Shammi Williams there bro Morris Estelle Miller okay great everybody's coming on I'm gonna give them a few milliseconds before we get into this teaching I know all of you are anxious for this teaching on tithing and I haven't forgot that I haven't but here's what happened here's what happened this is good excuse all right I've had overwhelming emails would be people telling me about these dreams concerning tidal waves crashing on their country islands tsunamis earthquakes and so on and so forth so it's literally impossible for me to individually respond to all of them so what I decided to do is to do an impromptu teaching on dreams concerning bad weather and by doing that I would be able to address hopefully most of the questions or bring some form of clarity to the dreams that a majority of you overwhelming we have been sending to me concerning dreams of bad weather so this is the reason why I decided to just get this out of the way before we get into the tight teaching because everybody wants sue to know more and more about the time but before I even get into design something very very funny happened today I was very very busy today but I would uh I went on a Facebook to actually to check something and I came across this DiSpirito and they were it was so funny because they were getting that's part of the service they were getting they were preparing to go into collecting tithe and offering and guess what scripture equal it to the congregation he quoted Malachi 3 so I'm sitting them and I mean I forgot what I came on Facebook for because I'm listening to this dude right so he's telling them if they tied if they tied off of their gross income all kind of nonsense and tithing off of their businesses and that is when they really gonna experience the blessing and I said to myself I'm a man I was really and I used to really buy into that foolishness and what bothered me is like I'm like this man know what he's saying is a lie he knows that what he is reading have nothing to do with these people in this congregation but this is what happens when you don't know better or if you know better you choose not to do better you become subject and and voluntarily be led by those who continually deceive you alright but of course that teaching on tithing which I will begin tomorrow evening hopefully between 7:30 and 8:00 o'clock we're gonna do our first part in tiding which is gonna be very informative invite a friend you have a friend who kind of beatrix in between on tithing matter not they should do it whether there have been ingrained so much that in the sense that they feel their finances are not coming together because they're not paying the type however they are they're giving in many other ways but this guilt trip that has been pounded engineer understanding of any number of years has convinced him that the under curse and it's all nonsense it's all rubbish is all foolishness this is and we gonna clear all of that up tomorrow all right we're gonna clear when I say clear this up tomorrow but the first of what I'm jumping out of the blocks with clear understanding on this canal all right and I'm gonna use other stories so you tell me all right if God says fornication is a sin right and which is a general when he said it for everybody but that goes for everybody so there's certain rules in the Bible that had nothing to do with us zero period nothing so therefore I just want to clear it up and I want to make it clear and again this is a nobody trying to disparage or crocheted or or make some preacher look bad he or she will continue to look bad if they continue with that highway robbery as it relates to demanding tide from their congregants when they do not officially hold the bloodline lineage or a part of sorry the bloodline lineage of Levi and like I said all of this became a revelation to me when I read to two scriptures one was in Ezra and the other one was in Nehemiah and when I read those two scriptures there was one word in both of them that opened up my eyes to the true reality of tyranny and the word was covenant that's what I saw I read it God made a covenant with the Levitical order the tribe of Levi and that the Levites would be the only tribe that would produce priests and God said to dis tribe and the only way you can be a part of the tribe of Levi you cannot ordain yourself to be there you have to come through the bloodline and he made it a priestly Levitical excuse me covenant with them that that blew me cuz I've never read that I've never heard that so when we hear covenant okay if God meant God when the Gibeonites and Joshua made a carbon covenant with the Gibeonites okay that that covenant surrendered the entirety of Israel to the will of the Gibeonites in that of they were to harm them or they weren't breach of that covenant then they would be in problems now people outside of Israel such as the the zodia the Syrians and so on they think they're not a part of that okay if Joshua was killed one of the Syrians the Covenant wasn't breached so therefore when it come to tithing if God made a covenant this is key this is what changes the game you've never heard this before we're gonna see the word covered in a covenant was made God made a covenant Levi you are the only one of the 12 tribes of Israel that will not inherit land when you go into the Promised Land you will not get a piece of it period you like they call it inheritance you will get no inheritance let's be clear Levi instead I'm making a covenant that the other 11 tribes of Israel must tied to you the tithing to you leave I will be your inheritance okay if it's a covenant a couple of things here and I'm not teaching about type by just giving you a little peace over coming tomorrow a couple of things we got here number one first things first whoever's collecting the tie today according if you're gonna follow the rules let's be clear now you can't dip and dabble in and switch up the rules when you feel like or when it's benefit to you or then when I can't you you will slip out and say well you were priests today you get a priest and you're not a Levite you're not a Levite this is not being funny a covenant was made not with the Ewing family not with the Barnaby's not with the Williams not with the wild goose family see who made a covenant with the Levitical tried to leave the tribe of Levi he said in the coven in his clown you were to own no property no property but all of your 11 tribes would take care of your iPod seed or that you they tied to you a ten portion of their increase so that's the first problem we have you're not a part of the liver color Levitical order number two there was no Covenant made with you passed the Taylor when you passed the Ewing when you Pastor Jones there was no covenant unless you're part of the Levi I tried okay and even if you're a part of that who who which one of the other Levites ordained you priests under the guide of God so I'm just amazed that this meant for so long and nobody really picked us up and say something my radio because now you're telling people in one mode you we don't submit to the the law which is the Torah or the five books of Moses Jesus Christ came along and most of that stuff has done away with not all of it because they're different types of law they're the moral laws there are ceremonial laws and the moral laws are still in place today thou shalt not steal thou shalt not commit adultery stuff like that ceremonial laws would be where they had to do the atonement of the sin offering where the Levitical priests again we'll get to our kin to those two baby goats one he would sacrifice and the other one is where Aaron on a priest would put his hand on the head of this goat baby goat and literally transfer the sin of the entire Israel up under scope and the goat would be laid out into the wilderness if you collect in my tide you fake Levite why aren't you doing this then why are you in your cup of God up in your church pulpit huh why you a sacrifice one and why you mean telling the people okay now you all tell me your sins overcome a Gary your sins that's naturally put it on his coat and and you Tom Jones from the Jones family now you go in the wilderness and take what okay you so hot with this tide why you in doing that so I hope you are ready for me tomorrow because I come in I beat me and Omar I beat me for my sofa past the idea past the Callaghan died from you he in problem let me say this last thing before I get into because the stage is gonna be very brief that's why I'm doing this I'd probably be on less than an hour I promise you there's much to cover anyway I had some people you know write me some stuff and they say well Kevin I I understand you but you know how the past is supposed to get pain out of you know the church gotta be you gotta give your tithe no no that's what you were told you nobody never give you a scripture they gave you a scripture that they Gaslight with you they manipulate it but Paul made it clear when the way Paul set it up you the church in the past and and everybody can get more if they follow the system of I think is first so second Corinthians nine okay from 8th to 10th or from 6 to 10 somewhere on there and he gave the standard nice ok for you now under the New Covenant and you know that New Covenant the New Testament began on the day of Pentecost alright and you say ok now you would be one more give more you want less give less but don't give because someone pressuring you to give like the tide that's what we say no don't give scratching ly don't give sparingly secret the way you give according to your heart was also going to determine how you're gonna receive so there's a demand on you every Sunday or every Bible study that you must give the time if you don't give the time you can get be curse and you've given it because you feed my old man but I won't because starting out that God he said he loves a cheerful Giver read the text so they're telling you step on and faith that is stepping order thing leaving that person to let God speak to their heart and let them better not even obey God to give whatever God is telling them to give but those of you that are paying tide it is not a legal act for you you will never because if you do not pay the tie you will be cursed in fact you will even go to hell fire if you do not help your fellow man your fellow sister and brother who's in need the poor the needy the downtrodden the single mother people who you know need help when you have the resources to do that according to Matthew 25 those people that do not help such people are called goats and then Jesus define why they were called goats and how did he define why they were called goats he said when I was hungry you did not feed me when I was naked you did not clothe me when I was in prison you did not visit me bla bla bla so they say well not how come I mean when did this happen he said when you did not do this do it for the least of these now isn't that amazing I can almost assure you that every last one of them paid a dime nice I'm not interesting eh he no way and they said now for you you when I was hungry okay you did not clothe me when I was when I was something you did not feed me when I was naked you not clothe me and he nothing nothing in there saying when you didn't pay the tide no no why didn't he mention that No so Jesus and God's economy after Christ's death as clearly elaborated in the book of Corinthians by Paul is that God is going to speak to your heart and he's going to tell you this is what you give to your church this is what you give to your pasta this is how you use your money to feed the hungry but so in God is saying I'm telling you to do this and I hope you would do it because you're operating in faith you truly believe that I exist you truly believe that I own the cattle on a Thousand Hill you truly believe that the sovereign God belong to mine you're not just saying that because that's what the Bible say and the evidence of your belief is that you never well you knew from day one that whatever you have does not belong to you but it belongs to the Living God and the same God that initially got it to you when you begin to disperse it you believe that that same God it's gonna bring you more in return and you're not gonna limit it to a 10% mighty God my god I could just take off for this right now but I can go homeless back with tomorrow okay so I can leave that right there for right now and I want us to get into this teacher tonight okay now as you would have seen my topic is dreams of storms and bad weather and like I said to you and I was getting a lot of lot of emails on this and a lot of people having dreams about tsunamis and tidal waves and king tide and spring tide and all of these other things and a lot of it especially here in the Bahamas I'm more to be honest with you most of those dreams are coming here from people in the Bahamas to me and because of the storms you know this hurricane season all away until November now so everybody's kind of edgy after Hurricane Dorian and even after hurricane Dorian and to be honest with you I've had dreams I've had dreams that cynic about a month but three months after Dorian whoever's on the eastern part of our island and it was dark I mean I could see but it was it was not sunny and there was a prophet friend of mines I saw him in a distance and I was going towards him and as I'm running towards him I could hear my you know like when you were in tennis and you begin to walk in wet ground and it makes that mushy sound and it was strange to me because I didn't hear it previously so I looked down I saw water and as I'm running more the water is coming up more about my ankle and it's but it's slowly rising so I see my prophet frenum say man what's going on here because where we were there were no houses or anything nearby to run to one no high place now one would have such a dream and they would be like oh the Lord showed me right now we got another hurricane come in oh my god we kind of get right and someone will and this is the practice that I hate radio someone would take that Neil go before the church and say they got a word from the Lord right it would have convinced themselves then say pastor I mean I wanna I really want to give this this vision or dream God showed me they would get up there and said you know I had a dream I don't normally dream this and repeat exactly what I just said but I would tell you this right now the majority of Dreams that you have a symbolic now that's not to dismiss that a dream that its contents is revealing bad weather it does not mean that it should not be taken literally so let me help you people who straight dream us and straight dreamers literally means those people exactly the way that they saw this thing in the dream whatever is is exactly the way it's gonna pan out now for myself majority wise I am a symbolic dreamer I have had a few dreams that were literal and I will tell you this also those dreams that I had that were literal were very very important dreams with important information so with a no coded messages so those of you who are straight dreamers just how you saw it in a dream is exactly how it is how it reveals itself then I would be more than happy to agree with you that if you had a dream about a storm hitting the Bahamas or whatever I I am gonna agree with you more than likely that's gonna happen because you're a stranger in MO now for most of us who are symbolic dreamers we have to look at it in a different manner okay let's use the Book of Jonah for this first interpretation and remember when Jonah was commissioned by God to go to Nineveh and preach the gospel to the Ninevites to warn them of pending judgment if they don't get they are together Jonah felt like a lucky I'm not these healings over here to tell them nothing if you won't kill him kill him because I don't care by them they fought the Israelites film whatever whatever anyway you know the story he jump on a boat too good in opposite direction the way he was supposed to be going and the Bible speaks about this tempest the weather began to change in the word tempest speaks of a violent windy storm so much so that the men on the boat became very fearful afraid scared confused what to do so symbolically let's use this now in that particular story and let's use the symbols from that what were the initial things that the storm caused as it relates to the humans on that boat or ship fare maybe talking about dreams with storms now we talk about dreams are bad weather now in particular we're talking about hurricanes we're talking about tsunamis and so on so the first thing that bats table on the sea would shown in those guys fair became the order of the day now because this is being revealing dream like I told you the dream represents the spiritual world that's the reality you're looking at it that what would you see here physically it's just a product of where it came from so when we fall asleep and our physical bodies are addressed a spirit and soul the realistic of us that is now engaging in the spiritual realm and we're now seeing things that are pending for this physical world in particular it'll show things concerning your your life the lives of others city's churches corporations whatever so in this particular example that I'm using here which was a real life example of course with Jonah I'm just showing you how to interpret symbols to not just take it as this is a literal dream but what are the spiritual implications to this natural world so like I said initially they became fearful but well prior to that the Board of course started to move up and down from the high waves the storm and what Buddha said me confusion okay things that were once in place begins to move about taking things out of order we talking about dreams pertaining to storms night I want you to follow me here so fear came about and with that fear they're trying to find a solution they're wondering if they're gonna die they're wondering uh you know I haven't how am I gonna get a message to my family to until I wish I could tell them this so confusion now brings what frustration because now they go down to the to the whatever the boat where Julie was sleeping and actually what his problem was Jonah said to them listen this is happening because of me and I don't normally recommend this but if I were y'all I would toss me off of this boat okay so initially we see fear unless the Cap'n redo this dream is spiritual that's what a dream is and it's giving us a preview or an excerpt of the spiritual world for think spending here so the first thing we see here is the reaction or action of fear but now go into more detail and what does that mr. Ewing its revealing the spirit of fear so this dream of this great storm is showing you where spirit initially is going to come a spirit of film and the storm itself represent other evil forces that's about to disrupt your life or wherever you sort a dream it's about to turn your life upside down things about once an order all the ducks that were once line up what does the storm gonna do is gonna shake it out of place move it all about now these are the symbols conveying that from the spiritual realm but if you don't know no better you dismiss it you ignore it because remember now there you uie couple a cadre of tools according to the scriptural rules death and life resides in the power of the tongue and denied love which shall eat the fruit thereof man surely good by the fruit of his lips if you decree a thing it shall be established call those things have been on a study up these are not just scriptures these are spiritual laws given to given from God by his servants to us to now engage in sharing down what we saw spiritually so that it does not manifest physically in our lives or manifest in this world why is this mr. Ewing well if you go back over my following over my previous teachings one of the general principles that I showed you according to scriptures of course is that because well when God created the earth and he completed everything in Genesis 1 he surrendered the keys which will also mean the authority of this rulership of it not to spirits at all which is what you're saying in the dream through those symbols in fact he gave that authority to us which are spirits but housed in this physical body which makes us legal here on this planet spirits does not have that authority therefore spirits wear this from the kingdom of light or the kingdom of darkness excuse me much must forged covenants with humans in order to facilitate whatever their purposes are the kingdom of that is more than 99.9% of the time seeking or achieving that covenant is gonna come under shared deception so for those who are ignorant to dreams rules principles and so on then they would just misinterpret oh I see a hurricane comin for the Bahamas I see a tsunami and I see plenty water in in Nassau or Freeport and and I'm not saying that that cannot be so please follow what I'm saying here I'm talking about those most of us who dream from a symbolic effective okay so they misinterpret so they they telling everybody Tori for the Bahamas prey for the Bahamas because I see storms I see I see I see the the Caribbean and like a flood just came well you did see that I don't dispel that at all but could it also mean that this great tidal wave that you saw crash over Barbados crash over the Bahamas Trinidad Tobago st. Thomas st. Vincent st. John whatever could it be an influx of evil foul spirits preparing to invade this land to bring total chaos such as upheaval and governments schools could it be those dreams you were having in the past where you saw this dark cloud came over your particular country only to learn a couple of months later this Corona thing came out but you never associated those two because all you was a fixed thorn was that this mean us physical or literal storm is coming listen to me I hope you all get in this again let me be clear careful yourself to be clear because I tell you guys some lies and deceivers out there who love to misinterpret what I'm saying I'm not saying that a few hard they dream about storms that it cannot be literal that is not what I'm saying to you I am saying to you that for the most part because most of us our dreams are symbolic because of that then we have to address it from that initially unless you are straight dreamer and when I say straight dreamer I mean I'm talking about more than 90% of your dreams are just how you dreamt in is exactly how it turns out so we're talking here particularly both symbolic dreams so here it is going back in there now going back you you had a like I said a dream where you saw this big cloud coming over your country dark cloud we saw not a rain and thunder and lightning and you woke up and you'd be like what that mean for the most part you'll take it literally now when we when we break the dream down let me break the dream now and we look at it from a spiritual perspective and I want to take you into some scriptures right now which really gonna open up your mind more than this for the most part and will in the Bible dreams are address in two forms one way it's literal such as what I'm telling you here now about Jonah but then you will see every time but not every time but most of the times when God is warning people or hobbies or nation how he's gonna punish them he would use symbols storm tempest floods but he's not speaking literally these are just symbols and when you think about how an earthquake operates in any place and he says I'm gonna I'm gonna unleash earthquakes now he's insane he's gonna send a physical earthquake there so basically what he's saying the spirits that he's gonna allow to come to that place to to do what they do best and to destroy it's gonna be like an IED quick upon you I feel his teaching spur on me right now I was gonna say something is in it that wouldn't be right at all you know what I can see it no it doesn't know most of those corners preaches when I tell you could buy into this anointing right now I love this good teaching glory to God goodbye in a non sense garbage garbage so anyway let me let me get serious so less in the car let's look at that of Scripture yep let's look at miss my notes yes my notes here okay I know right on here okay let's look at Joe 21 verses 17 to 18 so I want to give some scriptures you know I can tell you not if I don't have a myriad of scriptures to give you okay the bottom of a myriad of scriptures to give you job 21 470 and verse 18 and I want you to really listen to this okay listen to this very carefully job 21 verses 17 to 18 it says how often is the candle of the wicked put out and how often committed their destruction upon them listen carefully now God before we go any further is God a physical being a spirit he's a spirit right right it says God distributes sorrow in his anger so before I go to verse 18 I want to be clay and now according to that scripture the scripture starts off by telling us basically that the wicked don't ever get away with their wickedness and it says here it says oftentimes their candle of the wickedest put out and oftentimes their destruction the destruction come upon them but they say who's doing it no the invisible God is doing this he is the one distributing it now with that said you're not going to see God show up physically in the wicked person like say I'm God I got a big weapon I'm gonna whip you because you do no good no you're gonna see some events that the Bible described as it relates to the punishment of the wicked and we can now determine that it is God behind that based on his rules based on his laws based on his principles so now let's look at verse 18 of Job 21 he says now how he's going to punished him and how it's gonna be he says they are a stubble who is this day the wicked what a stubble well stubble is you won't like when you cut your grass and little blade that stone stick up there or when you cut a tree branch and a little little piece would stick off that stubble so he's saying they eyes using like a simile here the wicked are as stubble before the wind so a little stubble I mean the winners really blowing hard and the stubble is trying his best hold its position and this is what God is saying so you see here he's using symbols and similes and metaphors but you're gonna see he's using and unlike a storm and a tempest and these are the things he's using because he wants you to get a visual in your mind what is really gonna happen to them they are like stubble before the wind and a shaft shaft sorry that the storm carried away now what is chaff chaff is like you ever had a corn that you peel the husk offer it drop it to the ground a shaft or let's say you're you're a carpenter and you're soaring a piece of wood whereas in the electric saw or a manual saw and all of that like dust that's called chaff and the scripture says that remember he's talking about the wicked and he says he in verse 18 they are a stubble before the wind and as chaff that the storm carried away so all I'm trying to explain to you here right now is simply this that yes you've been having dreams about storms and and we're gonna get into hurricanes and the rest of it yes you've seen where a great flood came to wherever country you live in and you've seen all of this stuff but for the most part it's just revealing spirits it's showing that some way somehow God has given these evil powers to Authority more than likely because the land is sitting against him they refuse to repent wickedness in high places whatever the case may be remember these forces cannot come arbitrarily or randomly and just destroy and this is why I love spiritual laws they have to follow a protocol see when you under when you have an understanding of spiritual laws which is the Word of God the entire Word of God when you understand and you will no no voodoo could jump on you know if somebody puts something to your door wickedness or bury something in your yard when you understand spiritual laws primarily that I have to have some evil in my life for this thing to take charge or run its course or to facilitate its evil one of the greatest scriptures of this that I love is in numbers numbers 22 23 but baracan blossomy Barak Bingham forgive me mr. Bracken Balaam Balaam and they lack sorry Balaam and Bella and this is so powerful because you know that Balak the king of the Moabites had sin or summons Balaam to come and place a spell on the children of Israel he came long story short and three separate times he tried to curse them and in each time he did it he set up seven altars to invoke spirits so at the end of it at a total he had a total of twenty-one altars and my knew the spirits did come he was able to summons them there nothing could have stopped that from happening the problem that he had was he could not carry out the second leg of the mission and that was to dispatch those spirits down in the valley where Israel was after he failed to cursed him and unstarted blessing them they lumps they lack say to him the king he says tell me something that I brought you here to place these brothers why you blessing them worldwide so he so so Balaam Balaam Satan brother listen to me carefully I told you before you know he said I cannot curse who God has blessed but that wasn't the reason why I couldn't consume listen he says next he said I cannot cursed him because the Lord has found no iniquity in them the witchcraft voodoo the traps they're sending for you if you're living right and living right don't mean that you are sinless nonsense living right mean that you do sin but you repent of the sin you don't let it sit there you don't let it you don't become a reprobate you don't let it be development the iniquity of you you're not asking for forgiveness you're saying Lord forgive me and you must do it with a pure heart when you do that you nullify you cease the evil verdict that was projected to you the curse the hex the smell so over there in the coven's and in the witchcraft camps they're baffled why is it we cannot get Kevin why is it every we've sent monetary spirits we've had people do this me do that and whatever what why can't we shut him down and trust me they're doing it they're trying their best but you see just like the principle in the life of the children of Israel they they would they need his grounds and according to the book of I think problems 26 and 2 it says the curse causeless or without a cause cannot come upon you so this is where you begin to appreciate spiritual laws spiritual rules spiritual principles and just like a lawyer when you know the law and you go before a judge with your client you know what you stand in on because you know what the law yeah that's the judge and the judge ultimate ruling must be based on the law that the evidence and the law that supports that evidence that's why I tell you over and over I know sometimes you see me get really passionate about it because I am because I've sat under too many ministries were telling you something else this is why rhymes spin around and give your knee behind five and tied cannot stop a curse cannot stop poverty cannot stop pending danger would stop pending giant danger from its origin it's the spiritual rules that you're implementing against the spiritual forces that's coming against you now you're gonna understand why I tell you covering it's a bunch of dog not doodoo a person covering cannot stop crisis from coming to you a person who's of passing it cannot happen honestly when you get the full concept of spiritual laws you are gonna wonder how did I listen to this mess hold all these years I left myself exposed to the enemy because I put my trust in this clown over here telling me nonsense when Kevin is telling us if you don't know the law if you are not implementing the law you are a target for the enemy the scripture tell you so I telling you now my job is to just exactly what God tell us the five four minutes year to do my job is to perfect you to aid you to give you the equipment's and the tools for ministry my job isn't for you to I don't expect you to watch me for the rest of your life I expect for you I'll care not enough for Kevin I come across another YouTube fellow who know more than Kevin I go there I go into another Church you have no commitment to me this your leg of the journey radio you know I don't want you stay here to pay no tire or stay here and give me no money once you don't get would God send you here for and when he say okay it's time the dumb Cavanaugh I need you to go to this place over you cuz he got some more training because we I'm about to launch you Kevin don't have everything that's how a true man of God a woman of God speak they don't act like if you're not in this ministry you can just get away and died Devils the obeah witchcraft Santeria workers their control is narcissistic Psychopaths anyway let me stick on the topic because I just just get tired at M mind so many people in bondage because of these wicked Devils so as we would have seen here so as we would have seen here god it is super wisdom I so listen one day you know what I pray right now my Prairie now my prayer honest I'm not lying to you I want to make this interjection right here my prayer right now is that you become super happy for the Bible like I do like you become nothing else matter to you except the Holy Word of God like when you read something it just refreshes your soul when you understand the laws and the rules of God when you would have seen the power of God come through in your life went so much operas and that's why I love it so much there are days when I had when I tell you evil upon Eve I knew none of what I'm telling you right now is on my own remember I was in church and all about other stuff and no one in church could help me because all of them were ignorant super ignorant to what I'm telling you right now and that's I don't want you to fall on that and that's why I'm I don't I'm giving it as freely got up sent me no money for this take this apply it to your life and watch and see your life change why is it changing mr. Ewing because the spiritual laws that you're implementing is readjusting your spiritual life and realigning it to the original destiny that God intended for you before the foundation of the world and that's where many you many of you are right now you're on a destiny but not the destiny that God intended you to be unfortunately you're in places are supposed to fix it but their depth deferred of inclining or bending you away from the original destiny okay excuse me so back in the description I'll back you to the scripture miss guess what are you two up 21 as you would see God is saying how he will deal with the wicked and he's using a simile or metaphor and using storms nowhere though as to how he said the wicked eros stumble I start wind just coming against him dealing little stumble trying to only position but buddy you can our own this alone because that wind is gonna pull you all over there then it goes on to say is and he says and as chaff that the storm ok carried away so God is saying that day is coming my brother when I I'm gonna be the one to authorize the spirits of whatever to come after you now why is he going to do this because he says vengeance belong to him not you I'm not anointed to sorry I'm not given a portfolio of getting vengeance on my buddy and he says and how does this gonna come at you it's gonna be like a storm it's gonna be like a win meaning that there's nothing you could hold on to to maintain your wicked evil position so I want you to look at your dreams different now don't just look at them as oh I dreamt about a tsunami hitting Miami oh my god Oh y'all get safe now you should get saved no let's run away from that where a storm coming or not okay cuz no man no the time or the hour when Christ show up and you ready so you need to be ready but before you jump to take that dream literally please take my advice tonight and look at it from a symbolic perspective okay let's look at some more scripture here cuz I got many scriptures here let's look at job 27th June 27th I'm gonna read from verse 19 to verse 21 job 27 jul 27 and they're gonna read from verse 19 to verse 21 God is always speaking to us in our dreams all right and I remember somebody told me recently not a face to face conversation and they said that their leaders told them that dreams are not for today I say okay as usual I say well but back where could we find the scripture where they are not for today because the Old Testaments are saturated with dreams the New Testament speaks about dream I me right early in the book of Matthew when the three wise men below eyes not anniversary of um the wise men was visited by God in a dream to not go to Pharaoh to reveal the location of the Christ simultaneously Joseph the husband of Mary he was visited in a dream by an angel to tell him to take the child Christ and go into Egypt that's New Testament so what would have happened if they didn't none of them heed what was the warning that was given to them so that's why I tell you man with you when you put your fate in man you you you go stay behind a board yeah puts your faith in God and that is putting your faith and God word okay so don't listen to these people listen to what the Bible say if God ain't tell you dreams the entity then whoever telling you is a liar okay if I tell you it I am Alive I tell you dreams are not not for today I am a stinking liar okay so job 27 beginning at verse 19 and listen of it says it says the rich man shall lie down but he shall not be gathered he opened his eyes and he is not basically he's gonna die one day first twenty terrorists take hold on him as waters now listen to rats again terrors take hold on him as waters don't you let sink a little bit you see one of the reasons I believe the Bible have a lot of things are of description like an assembly or a metaphoric way mainly to give a visual a mental visual or more detailed visual of what the Scriptures actually said imagine being in a in a tank and that tank is about 20 feet high you had to climb a ladder on the outside to get on the inside there's a ladder that comes all the way down to the bottom but guess what happens when you got down to the bottom the ladder broke apart so there's no way for you to get up so water is now coming in somehow from the bottom to some hose some whatever industrial hose and you're watching the water rise and you're afraid you're afraid because you're gonna do thinking you're gonna drown so let's look a description now with that an example again so verse 20 says terror take hold on him as waters as the water's coming he sees no escape he becomes terrified I'm gonna die confusion what do I do what's gonna happen to me watch what it says next terror takes hold won't take hold on him as waters a tempest seal it his sealing him away in the night what is a tempest a tempest is a violent windy storm I'm showing you how to interpret dreams as it relates to bad weather storms and so on and again we're gonna talk also about earthquakes and other stuff the scripture is clearly saying to us the effects of a natural storm and now using it as to how these things would happen in someone's life based on the symbols in the dream so the Bible is showing you that when punishment is levied to the wicked God is using the symbols of a storm as to how the disasters going to come how they're gonna meet their end and if they survive it the the turmoil and tragedy it's gonna take place okay let me just finish read it because I want to explain something else to you it says thick terrorists take hold on him as waters a tempest seal it him or a windy violent start sealing him away in the night you don't even know they just scary him the east wind carry him away and he and he departed and as a storm heard him out of his place that is such a powerful passage of Scripture because basically let's remove the storm so this would description saying this rich man okay clearly probably didn't help nobody in life didn't do nothing when you see his terrorists come okay he's being stripped of his wealth he's losing on his stock his wife divorced him that is what a storm does it knocks everything that you're accustomed to out of place okay he says as the terrace out of the water began to rise he see all of the his expenditures increasing his revenue decreasing he's not able to live the life that he's accustomed to everything is failing on the back end he said Jesus the Lord is saying just like a storm will come and grab you and pull you out of place when we had the hurricane Dorian last year and on the eastern end of the island that I live on Grand Bahama which was devastated the most I've heard some stories where the I think they call it the spring or King tide wave and they had like between 25 and 30 feet of sea wall water coming in and when I came on the land and when it receded literally pulled the cars and people out into the ocean that were there in fact I was just up there a few months ago I took my drone out now and I flew it over the ocean and I say focus the camera down and the water you literally literally could see the cars in the ocean now you wouldn't see it standing up from the shoreline but once you get that jewel in the air and you begin to look at that place I mean how that ocean came in like a hand covered with muscle it had to be like a boat 15 to 20 feet over the homes itself and when it would seed and pull everything into the ocean imagine that not only that this is happening pitch-black night man look at the thought of that the thought of that should make you give your life a lot right now honestly should make you stop everything that we're talking about right now and just give your your life to the Lord so what I'm saying to you in these examples here how the Lord is using a stone as to how he's going to deal with those who disobey and how he's gonna punish them but even though he's using the storm the storm literally represents specific spirits that's going to come that's gonna come and take from you pull things on a place you know you gotta find it everybody said he says like the wicked is like a stubble a gangster when they tried oh hold on to because this win is gonna but you you don't have no endurance to stand against this win here he talked about The Tempest that's gonna company tempest like I said is defined as a violent windy storm so in reality everything is coming at you this person over here suing you some bill you didn't pay here so everything is coming at you so what I'm saying to you for most of you that are having these dreams with storms more than likely it has nothing to do with a literal storm but it has everything to do with the characters in that dream yourself other people countries Islands states churches schools whatever where did you see the storm would actually happen who was being affected that's how you gonna interpret it alright now I want us to look at uh I want us to look at earthquakes okay now unlike a storm will actually unlike an earthquake a storm don't necessarily have to do permanent damage or bring a finality or make something final we can have a storm and no one could be hurt at all or even died you can even reconstruct from it but when you have an earthquake because I want you to visualize this also I'm trying to do here when you have an earthquake then you can have some serious problems you know because we re looking at some permanent damage to the extent that the permanent damage that occurred you now have to build your life around that see unlike a storm you could put the electrical poles back you could resurface the road again you can get the insurance money and build a home you could do those things because that's on the surface of the earth but when we haven't dreams about earthquakes the first thing we need to do is literally visualize the sequence of events because again because it's a dream it's just symbols revealing the evil spiritual order that's about to will be unleash upon another person a group of Island or whatever so with an earthquake for the most part it's suddenly you have no no warning that it's coming you feel the ground shaking or whatever right and when it does come more than likely you're not prepared so if you had a dream about an earthquake again before you go when some pulpit talking nonsense but the Lord showed you a jury but not saying care of it okay very rare will be literal but before you go up then said you see how it quit coming to so-and-so look at based on what I'm teaching you tonight revisit that dream based on these principles hearing tonight as we're getting fit from the scriptures all right the Bible said in number 16 I believe it is right Moses was confronted by Cora Abram and I forgive her the other fellow was anyway basically these were members of the tribe of Reuben and I think Levi if I'm not mistaking them I can be corrected by no definitely Reuben and they said to Moses now look here we tired of you God don't only speak to you he could speak to anyone else here who do you think you are and the Bible said I got sorry the Bible says that God spoke to Moses and says listen tomorrow I want you to go to Ronnie and meet them but I can show them who I really have to be talking to Rania okay so when Moses got there when Moses God their God said to Moses he said okay Moses you move all of those so for you move them to the side get them out of the way and leave these clowns over here alright these men and their wives and the children they can't leave them and the scripture says that and I guess we could call it a very quick the ground opened up and swallowed every last one of those men and the families that they represented and it closed back up earthquake so what am I saying you symbolically when we compare an earthquake to a regular storm marine and so on or a hurricane an earthquake is more symbolic of permanent damage such as many deaths such as homes foundation being displayed Prada can't even build anymore so the symbol that we're looking at from an earthquake is that this is revealing in this dream that what is coming is coming to bring permanent damage it's coming to just knock things totally out of course and that's why I'm saying to you many of you have had the dreams of storms and so on prior to coronavirus you were dreaming about coronavirus because when the Karuna came and has now made permanent changes this is now the new norm you can barely go to seven or Tomas without the government charging you were a verb or fining you you you the way you get food now the way you interact with people see the dreams that you were getting you unlock that a real storm is coming and and I know hurricane so I'm gonna prophesy to the people and tell them no no no no no no no no you talking nonsense we're looking at the behavioral patterns of the symbols in the dream because these are the spirits behind what's coming I hope I'm making sense they on and making sense to you so so the point I'm making is very very simple we look at the dream and we look at the symbols we look at the behavioral patterns and we break it down the for the most part the more we lean on an alert on it as being a literal dream the more confused we're gonna become but like always tell you in any event whether you understand a dream or not your simple prayer should be father I had a dream this morning and I don't understand it or I know I had a dream but I don't remember it if this dream is from you Lord then I come an agreement whatever you would you want to do if this room is not of you I reject it I renounce it and if there were any covenants evil covenants forged in the dream where I was given food to eat where I had sex where I was associating with some deceased person whatever constitutes covenant in that dream i renounced that covenant I reject it in the name of Jesus I disassociate me or even my family members that I saw connecting with those things were forging evil covenant father God divorce us from that evil covenant with that foul wicked spirit in the name of Jesus Christ that's the best that's the best way that's the best way to go about it okay so with that saying let's look at another scripture let's look at let's look at Sam's 55 sons 55 so I'm gonna go into some more stuff here but I want to give you some more biblical principles here sounds 55 from verse 7 to verse 8 Sam's 55 4 7 and verse 8 and it says here it says lo then what I wonder far off and remain in the wilderness again this is David speaking and I don't want to take it from the top because I got a lot of other scriptures to give you and I it's just going to take up so much time let me give you this brief understanding because there's another symbol in here that I think you ought to know also and the symbol here is wilderness and some especially the Book of Jeremiah Isaiah you'll see also desert place and while from a literal sense we know desert or or there's a place of something dry and arid you wouldn't find much vegetation or life their wilderness speaks of a place that is vile and no form of booze - what I want to use organized things as we know it to be a now in our domains having a house it's very stove and fridge and stuff no so in this text here where we see low then what I wonder if our fan remain in the wilderness what are you saying is that when I wonder off I'm moving from my place of comfort I'm moving there I'm used to a television air conditioned or or computer on a new siddhis and you're pushing me into a place where none of this exists which would be symbolic of the wilderness you're sending me where wild beasts are you sending me so the wild beasts would be those people who have no no order to their lives there they have no fear for God okay so again when we look at the dream and we everything should be taken over because we need to interpret if you want to detail understanding of the message of this dream then it is imperative for the most part that you try as best as you could to to to facilitate an understanding or meaning for every color the place you were a poison you notice that one side of this shoulder were taller the next all of that all of that a details that once you get everything the message become crystal clear crystal clear okay so back EA says no then what I wonder far off and remain in the wilderness Cielo for say I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest not a reality is this is not literal he's not talking about a true windy storm he's not a real windy storm or the word temper see again speaks of a violent windy storm he said what he saying is these are the troubles these are the spirits of depression and and disorder and and you name it so now when you get these the understanding based on what I'm telling you right now it is gonna make perfect sense to you it's going to make perfect sense I am a friend of mines a friend of mines I had a dream about our country I think this is las iam high-standard elected last year or year before alright but I believe it's Lazio and her country in fact I visited there in 2017 and I was still working at that time Tortola yeah Jacqueline Richardson a good friend of mines her husband will Richardson there from Tortola anyway I had a dream about a tunnel and in this dream it was like I was going to co-sign that Tortola was one of the territories that I covered when I worked at FedEx as an account executive and I was going to Tortola to you know meet with customers and do sales and so on and while we were flying over this is the dream I saw to auto loan but Tortola were miles under the ocean but I could see it clearly from the air just like if you were to fly over the Bahamas we have very crystal clear waters that you could let me really see a good ways depths in the ocean as you approach more to show and I saw Tortola the the island of Tortola plunge I mean I could see the entire layout of the island deep in the ocean and the dream troubled me and I emailed and I told her what I dreamt and I and initially I couldn't get the sense of it but I would tell you this though initially my initial thoughts this is why I'm doing this teaching tonight my initial thoughts were they wouldn't have an earthquake helen is gonna probably sink or somewhere or something and it was just recently that really the interpretation really really really hit me really hit me here's what I got from that she's probably watching tonight yes what I got from that remember I'm flying over because I'm coming there to do some work but why we're flying of course we cannot land because the pilot and everybody realized a Tortola doesn't exist anymore I mean it does exist but it's under under deep deep water okay now under the water when you dream about waters mostly seawater whether you dream you saw yourself walking on the water you saw yourself flying over the water meaning you weren't in no aircraft for nothing your human body flying over it or you saw yourself where you were under the water and you're able to function as if you were up on the land or you see one time I had a dream where I saw a little city underwater literally and this kind of lenss what I'm about to to say right now now what is this showing us well the dream is very clear for those who would a lot of holy spirit to speak with them to see that Island underwater it speaks to the understanding that the island is not only saturated by sorcery in witchcraft but specifically the branch of witchcraft which is the marine kingdom or water spirits so you know that also means that means the church is affected the government has affected every there is some agent of darkness in every aspect of that country particularly a gov so the Bible speaks of giving people over to a reprobate mind or to their own is that that I mean lusts and desires so to see that would indicate that God would have sent warning to them over and over and repeatedly and over and over so the dream doesn't mean that they're gonna be physically plunge under the water it means that they're gonna be overcome by witchcraft on the island let that settle in a little bit okay so when you see an island or a country or a poison hoo-boy poison under water you're talking about either they're being overcome by by by sorcery and again even if you see that happening you've gotta save yourself now key what's going on in their life that's giving this sorcery the right to run its course all right so again when I saw that I said man this this don't look good at all but I got to my initial thoughts were my initial thoughts were you know it quick or something bad is gonna happen because I was really you know and I me make this clear to you know even with interpretation because there many times people call me with a dream and they say well Kevin I said in but I know I don't have an interpretation for this dream and they look at me like well but you're an interpreter well just like Daniel and just like Joseph it is God that interprets it is God that give me that understanding to give to you and I guess he he just doesn't want to release it now I don't know there are times when I wanna fire dreams like this one here and probably months later a year later I get the understanding of it so I'm not someone who could push a couple of quarters in and I just start spewing out interpretation just hence I do so much teaching on it so that you will be able to connect the dots you will not rely on someone and an allowed interpretation gift that you have through these teachings to cause these things to become clear to you and that's why many of you have spoken to you know I don't want you to depend on me and I'm very clever that I mean that and not that I'm being overwhelmed and I am being overwhelmed but the point is our job is to make you fishers of men my job isn't to horde you to me I hate this and this is something I detest I cannot say this enough I don't need nobody up on my case every two seconds because that is not why I'm teaching you I'm teaching you I will I my job is to ignite the gifts in you my job is for you to become better than me my job is that I train you so you can go there and do you would you call to invest your gifts and talents and ignite the gifts inspire others mentor others me one cannot do it so the more of you come on board the more of you take these messages and notes and teachings and and make them practical hey better for me you and those who are waiting on you for the revelations and the understanding that's good and the gifts that God has placed in you again it's another reason why I hate comforting because cover and shut all of that down you could only go if they tell you go I can never stop beating on this cover so much I hate it so anyway him hew me when we look at the symbols you got to get a perfect understanding of it now that you've not limited to a literal dream let me give another example of it I'd like to use this example because I think the best understanding of dreams in terms of symbols is when you compared with a parable a parable st is the personification of a dream in my opinion and in Matthew 13 Jesus spoke of this parable about this soul who saw its seed on different grounds some he sold by the wayside some he sold on shallow Brown sunny sowed where thorns and bristles and so on were and the last set of seeds study zone was on good ground and the disciple said well master what is what is all about explain this to us and he said to them the interpretation was just so awesome because he's using something that is relative to them such as farming that's what they knew and that's why most of you your dreams would be relative to your environment if when I worked at FedEx I had a lot of dreams I put them ok when I was going into ministry or before I even though I would be doing what I'm doing I had a gazillion dreams about ministering all over the world so your dreams are gonna be relative to your environment your culture but mainly you're calling what you were called to do and if you don't get it to redeem you're gonna get actual relationships most people get their training true relationships bad relationships that is you feel like nothing working out for you but the truth is you're there lessons being instituted into every relationship that you go through and at the end of the day when you look back and would you would have labeled as hurt and pain a disappointment Oh sweetie these were all life lessons that you're going to need as you begin to set others free through what you went through coupled with the scriptures that you must become acquainted with so back to the parable he talked about the different grounds and then he began to explain it this way became powerful he said the sower that I spoke about that represented the preacher the seed I hope the preachers are listening right now jesus said the seed that he spoke about represented not money but the word of the Living God and he said the different grounds that the seeds or the Word of God was soon or planted in represented the various hearts of men then even a little bit further Jesus the first set of seed that was sown Shana planted by the wayside where the files came and began to devour it he said well this represents the evil one Satan and he's coming after those who when they get the word they caught it with great well just sorry just before they got the word and to really digest it the enemy came and take it away then they were those seeds that were planted on shallow ground not much dirt or earth and they exploded quickly these would be those who got saving and Oh hallelujah and and begin to fall into the pattern of the theatrics but never really educating himself on the Word of God so he said they will grow grow grow very very tall very very quickly and then collapse and leave defeat he said Nana what with those seeds I were planted amongst the thorns and bushy areas and they began to grow and these would be those who have great joy about the Word of God but the thorns and bush that represent the cares of life began to choke listed the trainer came up these would be those who yes they did not say for true Bria their confidence is still in the things of the world they sent up the cares of everyday life and all of that stress choked the world over them and they were done then he said they were those last set of seeds that was sown on good ground but this the part that got me even though was sown on good ground he say some of the good ground produced thirty and sixty and a hundredfold and I was confused with that I would say welcome and this good ground shouldn't it automatically produce 104 no yeah it should but it did know about when you understand principles see furnace it isn't no I say all the time see you you too you need to work the word in order for the word to work for you so he said even though we are putting the Word of God and God grown it is still up to the individual who was given to on how they gonna cause that seed to grow automotive ply so he could meet good ground for true and only feel that his church is the true Church of God and every other Church isn't as good as this church and each forces members to stay radio and only listen to him like I've been telling you earlier so if you only listen to Kelvin and this season that that may be good for you but after you don't done with Kevin God say okay you don't get what you need to get from Kevin that's your toy default now if you go up here you can get 64 if you go to this next good ground which is your final stop before you launch in the ministry boom you can get in the 404 but any preacher trying too hard you to themselves and that you must come to them and nothing will happen to you unless you connect it to them the only thing they are missing a two horns coming out of their head to identify them as the devil in a fork tail because that is not do we listen to me your training is like college I told you this before you may come to Kevin to get an associate's degree you may go to Pastor Timbuktu to get your matchless you may go to pass some Timbuktu Babur to get your master's but you will never ever call to just stay in one place because after you get it now you need to go and bring sheep in you got a shoe gonna show all of this training the northern invests in you now come you got to produce now they say for you to put on a bunch of psychos looking close and calling yourself Wallace these crazy titles know you need to go and they will do the work because on the day of judgment you are going to be critiqued and judged based on how you perform based on the investment that God Almighty put in you decide I cannot say it enough I cannot stress it enough if you are in a church that believes in covering you need to get out you need to leave you will never fulfill your will you will never know what your calling is you will never know what your gifts are because they are indoctrinating in you on a 24/7 basis you to come through them and if God didn't speak to them you cannot go there and preach the gospel and tell a day so and tell they anoint you and tell they release you jesus said I have ordained you already I told you to go out into the world and preach my gospel there and I put in there that your pastor have toured a kneadable preach my God's one well but we're not talking about that tonight I think I don't need a date all right let's get back to this awesome teaching my soul of this so as you would have seen with the parable the parable portrayed symbols that every one of them that Jesus was speaking to were familiar with they were all farmers who weren't farmers were fishermen so he would either use the parable of a fish on a problem of farming or whatever why because this is what their culture was about so therefore he knew once he said so our seed ground thorns whatever he gained new so once he was able to interpret the symbols of it the spiritual they spoke to a greater spiritual reality to them exactly what I'm doing with you right now so the tsunami like I say speaks about instant sudden permanent damage most likely deaths will be part of that okay hurricanes tsunamis again especially what tsunami you could get permanent damage for that also we can have thousands of lives being lost but this is what I want you to see looking at it physically mean literally from a spiritual perspective you saw you you had a dream and in this dream you saw this this this wave coming not just all probably 70 foot wave of pure sea water coming to and you saw you saw a man actually crush on your coastline your Island or whatever and you woke up with a dream what does this mean sudden destruction sudden destruction without warning and the height of that thing speaks of the magnitude of how much people and things are going to be destroyed with out any form of warning however the dream is revealing to you but spending in the spiritual world for this physical world and that's dream 101 it's giving you a peek you seem to see what's coming yet you better deal with this you better if you you better do something gonna put don't necessarily mean more than likely don't mean anything and I'm gonna do it a storm it can be a financial disaster could mean your country dollar values about to plummet it could mean that it's gonna be a shift in government it's gonna be a coup against the government whatever it is just that what everyone is going to be affected by it so now you look at the dream carefully where where did this tidal wave crash did it cover the entire land did it cover portion of the land a fraction of it because all of this play an important part as to how the devastation is gonna play itself out in reality I'm telling you many of you many of you dreamt about Karuna before Corona even was established it came in the form of a storm of a weather pattern but you thought this was a literal storm that was coming and in the dream you saw them in the window storm came in a tsunami it broke up everything and switched around everything and and people just started performing differently isn't that what Corona that Corona brought a new way of life for us and like I said suddenly no time to even think about it you had to put things in gear in a different way so what I'm saying to you here is very simple tonight and especially a lot of you have been writing me telling me that you've been having a lot of dreams with storms and so on revisit it again based on what I'm telling you right now revisit it based on what I'm telling you and I'm telling you you're gonna get in the true interpretation of it let's look at where is it Psalms 83 verse 15 Psalms 83 verse 51 you know how on a 24 minutes in well I mean y'all may stop and I can stop cuz I promise you I'm gonna stop let me steer me these comments yes I could stop now gonna make it let me know if you want me to stop you can pick it up another time okay please it is not right okay okay all right so I mean listen nobody say stop here Oh miss coral Colby like this here please it is not right the church divided cannot stand miss called me telling me that I was preaching an erroneous message about tithing and that you guys should pay tithes to your church even though the Bible that's not tell you that okay car I guess you will explain to them I guess you will continue to defy the Bible and tell them how they should go against God's laws so I'll leave that for tomorrow anyway please don't stop truly horse okay no truly I'm not gonna stop okay so Psalms 83 verse 15 and what does it say so prosecute them with die Tempest what is a tempest mean again it's a violent windy storm so prosecute them with a tempest and make them afraid with thy storm again all symbolic he is not talking about a literal storm he is going to punish people is talking about spiritual things but is using natural things to bring the understanding when the punishment come is gonna be like a storm it's gonna be like a tempest it's gonna be violent it's gonna be quick it's gonna be something you didn't know what's gonna happen you weren't prepared for again all of this system make you revisit the dreams you have and let's look at Isaiah 29 I said that I did at 29 verse 6 I see a 29 verse 6 and what does it say Oh Isaiah 29 verse 6 says thou shall be visited of the Lord of Hosts with Thunder and with earthquakes and great noise with storm and tempest and the flame of devouring fire Wow speaking of fire here that's an interesting dream symbol also Kevin what does it mean when we dream about fire Kevin I saw my house on fire or I saw my church on fire how did someone send me a dream that I had a person send me that so let's look at some symbols as it relates to to fire alright fire could have several meanings but it would all be based on the context of the dream itself so before we come with one set of meaning we must look at the entire dream let's use the dream about the church a person saw a church on fire it could mean several things of course if you're straight dreamer then more than likely it's speaking about a literal fire that'll be very rare that that will happen in terms of that dream but I thought to say that it's not possible for the most part be symbolic when people have dreams over there like a church being on fire fire represents purification so the dream could be revealing and again we have to look at the entire all of the contents of the dream and then put it into context so could be caught saying I'm gonna do some cleansing in this church when I was going on here it's not of me so I'm getting ready though to burn out the evil O'Neill fire could also means depending on what's on fire it's a symbol of a major loss for example sorry if I'm right a major loss for example let's say you saw your car on fire all right but again remember what I'm saying do you know you just can't use a me you just can't stick any interpretation you must look at the end all of the contents of the dream to use any one of these interpretation for it so let's say you saw your car on fire a cars are very valuable I know or even if you saw your house on fire something very valuable something that is very difficult to replace financially so the dream could be showing you you about from the spiritual perspective to suffer major losses all right another interpretation could be unless use the same fire on the house or the car again particularly the house well the house in most cases represent the life of a person the bigger the house or the apartment building is a now speaking of a family so if you seen that on fire what does fire do to something like a home or whatever well it destroys everything so the dream is now revealing not only destruction but mass confusion why Kevin because think about it now if your house is on fire some very important stuff is in there like your documents like your passport your your your land papers or whatever it is so now you've got this big confusion of trying to restore everything again which times gonna bring what frustration but what did I say to these things are these things are the spirits symbolically that has been revealed via a dream that's pending to you so yes you saw our fire yes you saw it on your house but let's look a little bit deeper let's get more forensically involved here and let's now rip it apart and look at what it's destroying and these are the Spurs coming spurts of confusion spirit of losses spirit of frustration this is what you look at Kevin why you keep saying we mustered up because now when you counteract these dreams you now become specific and what you're shutting now father God thank you for what you reveal to ministry now father God by the power invested in me and the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead that now resides in me and your word says greater is He that is in me and he that is in the world you were also said to read decree a thing it shall be established based on the dreams now every spread of frustration every spirit of confusion every spirit of destruction and losses I have seen in the realm of the Spirit I come against you with the blood of Jesus Christ I nala fire your plants I divorce myself from any type of agreement with what have been revealed what has been revealed to me there would be no covenants for that to be facilitated in my life that is how you pray why because the dream has just given you the components but spending for your life and now you must challenge those components shut it down altogether I say folks for syndromes I'm not interpreting any dreams tonight I'm teaching tonight if we can get the interpretation I got some lessons or dreams coming up and an FAQ I'm gonna be doing an open mic where you can call in and we're gonna do a lot of interpretation but I'm not gonna do it tonight and the reason I'm not going to do the night it's gonna take up too much time because I have a lot of scriptures here and I want to get all of these also done you can go over them in your spare time and further facilitate your understanding on how to interpret the dream so I'm not being ruined I'm not I didn't plan to interpret dreams and and the only way I will interpret anyone if it's remotely related to what we're talking about and I see an opportunity to explain further but I'm trying to avoid them as much as possible all right so again the dreams are revealing symbolically the spirits the spirits that are coming individually or as a team two common onslaught or miss poisoned that's why God refer to the punishment as a storm as a tempest as the water with terror rises as a world when I say an earthquake why is he using these symbols because he's saying this is how these forces gonna come at this individual this group this organization and if they're not spiritually inclined then they will become victim to these things all right look at some more Scripture yo all right let's look at Isaiah 28 Isaiah 28 28 and of this I say 28 I'm gonna read from verse 1 to verse 3 I say it 28 oh I like this one here Minister care what if I dream of volcano eruption in my area and started spreading whoa whoa whoa boy y'all who listen wherever you live man or the Musa I don't know that's a male or female name forgive me but forget that wherever you are you and a group you all need to fast and come against the spiritual disorder that is pending for your area you're not a volcano is an eruption but where's that eruption coming from though coming from deep within the earth all right and bringing up all our hot lava what does it do it changed the entire texture and course of that land and as that hot lava began to move it or the ash and stuff spew over that wherever that's going is going to affect drastically the people for an area but remember that's just the word it does naturally but the symbol of it as it relates to a dream again evil spirits being spewed from the earth specifically a sorry to a specific area foul spirits heat represents passion anger rage so those forces were coming there they're coming to in in possessor oppressed people we will see changes in attitude people are easily angered easily frustrated filled with fear because remember what meant when the eruption come now the people are observing this they become fearful they think they gonna die but again these are just the symbols of the the spirits are gonna come based on that symbol so that dream like I say you need to go before God I would strongly advise and you have a prayer group or whatever and really begin to pray against these spirits now if you are a straight dreamer if you do have evil clinic eruptions in the area then address it from that perspective but if you are not a stranger in MO this dream is entirely symbolic representing far wicked spirits being emitted from the bowels of Hell to disrupt this particular area that is being spewed on I strongly strongly V mentally advise you to fast the Bible says to us in matthew 17 and 21 jesus said to his disciples as a result of them not being able to cast a deaf and dumb spirit of a young man they were incapable of doing it even though they were Jesus just disciples and Jesus told him why they couldn't do it he said this kind this level of wickedness this level of evil power will only be removed through prayer and fasting which is exactly what this dream is saying right now you see the disciples never fasted while Jesus existed on earth and Jesus said why he said listen they don't have to there right is here which is him while the bride is here the bridegroom is here sorry you dated half to fast but he says when I leave no they must make this a part of their discipline fasting to empower themselves spiritually against the higher level of demonic forces so for you to have this dream where there was a volcanic eruption in the area and it started to spread it means that the evil that is coming isn't just reserved for the place and where the bitter volcano is but wherever not go everyone spiritually now remember it's not even though it's using the symbol it's just like the parable about the seed and so on it had nothing to do with sell it to me planning no seed and I've done to do it no farmer and I've everything to do it and interpretation speaking on a spiritual order which is exactly would that dream us about all right so I hope I helped you in that area so I say at 28 and we gotta read from verse 1 to verse 3 it says woe the word means sorrow grief woe to the crown of pride to the drunkards of Ephraim whose glorious beauty is a fading flower which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine behold the Lord had a mighty and strong one which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm as a flood of mighty waters overflowing shall cast down to the earth with Han the crown of pride the drunkards of Ephraim shall be trodden under feet so basically go out telling them well in advance the pride and the drunkenness of Ephraim he's going to deal with them but he is addressing their punishment from a symbolic perspective and what it is symbols that he's using well I see it here he says in verse two behold the Lord had could the Lord have a mighty and a strong one this is he's gonna send up mightiness strong one against him he's talking about a spirit he's gonna allow a spirit to be released on them and now he's about to describe the fury of this spirit that's gonna come upon them to shut down this pride and drunkenness and whatever then he used to stop and then somebody says notice about to sin it says behold the Lord had a mighty she's been strong one which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm as a flood of mighty waters meaning that the hell does about a break loose on this group of people a hail of storm relentless pounding of wind and breeze and debris and there is nothing you could do to stop it why because it's all God orchestrated but remember what we're teaching tonight I'm trying to get you to not just lean on it being literal the dreams about the storms you're getting okay don't just see it that way and I'm not discounting that altogether but I'm telling you but the majority of Dreams are deals with storms earthquakes tsunamis sea waves or whatever has to do with a punishment or a God is levying a punishment on a people a group of Island or some form of even if he isn't punishing them that the enemy he's concocting his forces to come against you but what you're seeing in the dream is almost like a parable it's in the form of symbols so when we break it down like I've shown you so far and you begin to see okay this mean frustration this mean anger this may enrage this mean passion let me write them down now because when me and Mike go to pray and fast we coming against these specific spirits that's how you deal with it see remember now we in spiritual warfare to say that this is what general Christianity is about this is about spiritual warfare this isn't about house and car and non and ties and South you you should have been beyond that where you are listen a seasoned true believer of God one who I mean really is in the Word of God on a consistent basis right listen money and material things don't mean nothing to them yes they would like to have it yes they want to live good but these people minds are set on spiritual things these people the media who these people are let me try they behave they're deep thinkers and what I mean by that it's like no matter how much they're enjoying life for that moment they know this isn't forever because the law the Bible speaks about seasons the Bible speaks about the law of temporary what is the law of temporary Ecclesiastes 3 verses 1 to 6 it's a time for everything so if there's a time for everything it means it's temporary there's a time for this mic to exist here it's not forever this is gonna fade away or become obsolete and they may be doing something bear out so the law of temporary is revealing to us that nothing is fair so a person who is into the things of God what I mean by that the spiritual realm cuz that's when you go no a genuine believer who the spiritual realm fascinates them because we're all going there immediately you better get acquainted with it now cuz when you get there you know second-guess up and there you need to make it and you didn't a no purgatory around er you gotta deal with it so the spiritual realm is where a true believer one who was totally dedicated to the cause of the things of God their mind their hair is locked there whatever is coming at them they're looking under spirits behind it what spirit is sponsoring this what spirit is fueling this okay now those who are not fully committed to God would be like the poison I just posted just now Oh preach to true you talking about the tide that is not the truth surface loss about these things so carry on smartly but you you know there has to be more there has to be more than just jumping around in church there has to be more than giving your neighbor high five there has to be more than I don't play that item curse there has to be okay and you know I know is more Kevin because true God Moses parted the Red Sea by God Joshua was able to make the Sun stand still true God Elijah was able to cause a metal acts that sunk at the bottom of a lake to float huh so the power of God Elijah was able to tell naman to go dip into the Jordan River and he would be he loved his leprosy why am I not saying that now well you're not saying it now because people like the person who was just on they want to get that tide from you if you don't pay the tire case so you know come on you're talking focus you would get shut down alright so what I'm saying to you if you watch me I am a lover of the word and I'm telling you I love to read I love to study I spend most of my time doing it if I'm not console and whatever else because I want to know more just like you you receive me you want you don't want a regular life and when I say that I'm not talking about material things see when you get to where I am when I say that that does not mean I'm better than you what I mean by that the love of the word is above everything else no you are not intimidated by any religious leader anymore you are not intimidated by your parents you're not even intimidated by your boss because you have concretely submitted in the understanding God is the ultimate judge God is the one watching me 24/7 I don't fear what man could do to me he or she is limited I fear that I have unforgiveness in my heart for my wife she doesn't notice but God knows I fear that I'm not speaking to my brother because there's something he did I haven't told him yet and that's why I've been avoiding whatever but God knows so a true believer is more concern about what God knows than his pastor who feel Dennis pastor who in his in the pastor's heart you must get an approval from him or once you're right with him then you're okay so those who have to seek an approval of every area of their life from their leaders it is pure witchcraft controlling spirits which graphic in to ultimately hinder delay the destiny and to suspend the will of someone and now impose your will on them while the pastor could be a free moral agent to do he or she want to do under them that don't work for you you're under my control you do what I tell you to do and if you don't meet the requirements to displace you cannot be a part of the body of Christ in this church that I own no no people wake up here wake up don't listen to these people and I mean I hope she come back on again because I can post our comments again talk and food you don't come to this forum and inject your venom here they ain't tell you why is he no I better turn off you don't cut me without garbage Kevin don't believe and not and Kevin those who follow Kevin Kevin will not take you to the road to hell but no cover in garbage Jesus Christ is your ultimate covering where is Kevin Lee Judas Kevin lead you to him no in fact Kevin tell you don't come around him go to Jesus that's why I keep giving you the scriptures about Jesus the scriptures in the book Kevin it's oh Jesus Christ so that lady who came here talking on a garbage and dull gear or a hammam and go get see if and delivered and set free cuz she and bondage and I pity those that are underneath you because all y'all need to get say when I pray for you already not a lot of deliver your so folks you have to understand the dream symbolically I'm not lending to the notion that it must be literal because if it's not then you're gonna have a misinterpretation particularly if you're one of those who seek Fame and you want a motor pulpit or get on the radio and make these comments that oh god gave me a message for the people who starve is coming a storm is coming make no mistake about that but not the one you're talking about alright the one that's coming is a it's an onslaught of foul spirits and the behavior that how they would perform in their lives of those who will fall victim to them you'll be like a tempest will be like asphalt will be like an earthquake will be like a tsunami will be like a hundred for the wave of the ocean crashing into your country crashing into your land your island whatever that's how it's gonna be like and that's the reason why I'm breaking this down for you so that you will have a good understanding here right now let's look at let's look at I think it's named Nahum chapter one I know Allah do not know even our name was in the Bible NH um Neum okay I have an electronic Bible so I could show off your cuz but if I had a actual page Bible I would spend at least four days trying to find you okay so don't feel bad right so feel bad so Nahum chapter 1 verse 3 says here we'll read a few it says the Lord is slow to anger and greed and power and will not at all acquit the wicked it says the Lord have his way in the whirlwind and in the storm and the clouds and the dust of his feet again it's if you read it based on it being symbolic it is giving you this imagery of how you wicked man you ain't coming to me and the world gonna trouble that's going to come your way I want you to notice the Lord that's doing that okay but the storms that's gonna come your way for the oppression that you've done to other people gonna say just like how a storm will come in and bring total disorder to a once organized place to pull up things permanently that'll be impossible to put back to destroy stuff that would be impossible to financially replace to make you move from being the richest to a purple in a matter of seconds that storm would do it and that's what the connotation is here as it relates to having these dreams about storms okay so I hope some more here but I'm not gonna go into all of them but what I want to do right now is simply this and then I'm done with this radio I'm sure you get the understanding here's what I want to leave here with okay there are many of them will close with this there are many many of you if not all of you go on has invested a gift in you you have a gift you do and I'm telling you the troubles the trials the invoice situation that you're going through trust me why let me feel like the world is against you that is the chisel of God chiseling you into holy is called you to be you will never I want to be clear you will never become who you're supposed to be if you have someone to help you along the way for every time you get in trouble troubles are conditioning and producing from you whom you was supposed to be if you were given everything you asked for from God you will never become you supposed to be because if he's gonna give you everything then why should I make the effort to do whatever new so trouble that's why the Bible has made it very clear to us as to how we should look at trouble first he says in Romans 8 and 28 he says and we know the believers that all things are working in harmony or together for the good of those that love God and walk all according to his purpose so God is saying if you're a believer of Jesus Christ okay and you're following my laws and my rules then nothing that's going on in your life is by accident from tragedies to good times - in between times everything this is what he says he doesn't say that everything was good no he said all things good bad and indifferent will come together that's all being thrown in a pot but he says at the end of this and will produce good for you you didn't understand that divorce you got married for life and you didn't care what happened yous gonna stay with this person but guess what the person who want to stay with you you didn't want the voice and don't matter they want a divorce so what you gonna do now I don't believe in divorce because my judgment okay fine you could go to honor that you can't stop the man from what a woman from believing you're right they don't want to be with you no more so now you say hello how could this work for my good I can't see it right you can't see it but continue living and the day is gonna come when you would have processed that hurt process that pain and now you look at it with a new sets of Lent new set of lens and when you look in hindsight you know what you're gonna say I thank God for a divorce if that divorce did not happen I would not be my aunt today I would not be Who I am today I would not be here giving advice to somebody who was in the exact same position I once that I thought was so hopeless and I had no one to lean on I don't know what to do so that's what it means by all things I'm working to get a figured Thessalonians for it so second Thessalonians 5:18 5 verse 18 what does it say it says that we must give thanks in all things this was where the believer get massive radio because the believer has been conditioned by their leaders that all things only main things that are good nonsense foolishness all things means good and bad you gotta suffer tragedies in your life your mother who you love so much it's gonna die one day your husband your children you but God says listen everything that happens to you my child and I know it's gonna be difficult but give me praise for it because I promise you in Jude and Jeremiah 29:11 my thoughts for you are good and not evil to give you an expected or an acceptable or a good in so while we may not know all of what God is doing he's saying trust me believe me now why am i single as I'm coming to this one point radio them I said all of you have gifts stop sitting on your gift and talents where you know they are not even worse stop allowing some egotistical leader to sit on your talents God has called you for whatever reason ask him God what is it that you want me to do go on a fast Lord I need to know my purpose I'm 25 I'm 20 and 40 50 25 28 39 caught him 60 years old that I've never heard these things this man preaching on this place all my life of going to church father please I cannot leave from time and hair into eternity and not accomplish and I all of what you asked me to do please they saw the revelation reveal to me because I need to get started I need to I want to be like here but I want to I want to go and really do what I am called to do nobody ordained Kevin nobody or day me I didn't went before church bishops nobody poured no oil on me I didn't none of that when I read my scriptures there was no requirement for that he says go into the world and preach my gospel am I not doing it now so you're gonna stop listening to me now because I told you I was not anointed we're going ahead you work what I would say to me is they have done a good job of corrupting the Word of God to you Jesus says go into the world I have called you to not into the church after you didn't get your church training carry a behind into the world and win souls is time to work because the day is going to come that I'm going to judge you okay you cannot say I did not give you the tools I've placed Kevin in your way I've placed this one in your way but you've allowed men and their egos to pull you away from me now you're standing before me and there's no turning back now and looking at your report you have done absolutely nothing even though according to you you were safe for twenty thirty forty years what is the evidence to prove that because the whole purpose of converting is yes to get right with God but who did you bring on board when you did get right with God and let me see if your pastors are gonna jump in and defend you now yes see so I'm saying to you and I hope I'm an encouragement to you and I like to be candid and open about my life again let me be clear to you nobody ordained me I could never say to you right now when before five bishops and four apostles and they pour oil on me and come for me with a sword on each side of me no I had enough time for that neither did Paul in Galatians 1 Paul made it say he ain't no man or day in him but he was ordained by the Lord Jesus Christ see again when you get so caught up in the calls of church policies you lose the message of why you became safe you did not became safe to meet the rules and regulations of men and that's not to say to be disrespectful to them they have their rules and their role is to Shepherd you primarily to Christ to teach you the rules that's what I'm doing right now I'm shepherding you right now how am i doing that everything I talk when I talk about the Word of God and I want you to pack in your life after what I do what does Kevin always do always giving us the work that's true you know he whenever he prays always quoting the scriptures that's true whenever he's talking about or teaching or preaching he's always using scriptures this man will never use less than 10 scriptures when he's speaking up to people and everything he reference he's referable descriptions and even when he uses poison in life he showed me the Lord used that then he bring the scripture here to us again that's what I want you to do see when you do that you you poke arrogance in the eye you poke pride and I meaning that the same about me I'm really carrying on the mandate that I was called to do this isn't about me trying to be ordained by following their rules and living up to their sign let's know Chris already ordained me before he left he says go into the world what part of that surely didn't go into the world cavernous into the world and he is exercising his gift of wisdom his gift of knowledge his gift of understanding dream interpretation Kevin is doing all of that is Kevin merchandising his gift no why Kevin you could make so much money doing you John you know why because I gotta stand before the God who gave me this and I cannot say to God God I did not go to New Jersey where they invited me because Darwin or areum wasn't right God I told him I charge ten thousand honorarium and they only had nine you know I wasn't cutting them no slack the devil was in them really so how much did I charge you again when I gave you the gift of interpretation just I just wanna be clear how much did I charge you how much did I charge you when I healed you how much did I charge you when I gave you the promotion on your job I'm speaking to somebody tonight man I'm speaking to somebody I'm trying to help you you will find no other ministry like this radio when I mean by that I'm trying to get you to unlearn some stuff some stuff that I was once a part of meaning that i sat there mind you I didn't agree with him whole lot of it and I listened to it and I know how want to become indoctrinated in that stuff and especially if you don't read the scriptures for yourself and the chief apostle time six is telling you it you figured this gut to be from God but something saying to you in the back of your mind just like it did me but Cameron of discord then how come it isn't turning out like God said it's supposed to turn out what do you mean look Kevin you paid the tide right and he was faithful eh yeah I did that if I didn't do that I created a lot Malcolm the windows of heaven haven't opened up for you why I didn't go out poured a blessing for you how come Kevin but guess what Kevin guess what I guess look over there you see Anthony over there he save right no you see got a good job he living right Sarris he got a good job you seeing a no financial problems but let me show you something about Anthony that you don't know he's a giver he say if I guess what he gives bountifully now come Kevin now let's go back to my word now did I say only the Christian is not give bountifully shall receive bountifully no so you didn't say that did I say only the Christian will give sparingly shall reap no so you didn't say that so that rules for anybody would give right yes so you did okay well let me take you to another Scripture let's look at let's look at Psalms 41 verses one two three how does Steiff Kevin let me see Kidd Lord it said it says blessed is he that considered the poor okay he he would be generic of anyone I didn't say blessed is the Christian I didn't say blessed is the Hebrew I didn't say blessed it is the Levite right I didn't say that right so I I was failure and not anyone who participated in this now what does this say they're gonna get Kevin when you say blessed is he that considered a poor said that you will help him in their time of trouble you will preserve them you'll keep them alive you will not turn them over the double of his enemies okay stop right now that's like Anthony again Anthony sell drugs now he's gonna be punished one day for that but you ever wonder how come he never went to prison you ever wondered why he never really got it no big trouble yes of God I did wonder that especially me paying all this title via well let's go back to my word again what did I promise anyone that will consider the pond which Anthony is very demon about knowing you say that you'll preserve him you said you'll keep him alive and oh ok I see it now you say that you will not turn him over to the will office enemies even though he isn't safe I talking to somebody tonight there's a lot of things you have to unlearn when it comes to church all right again I always end with this this is no attack against the church this is no attack against no pastor and those who take it personal they are the ones that I'm speaking to all right they refused to abandon traditions and the rules and regulations of men their Pharisee is just like the one Jesus encoded in Matthew 15 whose sword more appropriate to wash your hands as opposed to being the actual commandments of God God has got a judge he has judged them when I will continue to judge others but I'm saying to you tonight though I'm talking to you you're living from day to day you're skating on thin ice believing and feel some kind of safety that because you've been saved for 20 years 15 years 10 years that you're good the truth is you're not good because if you cannot show what you have accomplished during that time meaning that how many souls were saved did you heal anyone um you've had dreams about your hands being on fire in your dreams we've been touching people and they were me at all do you think that was God revealing shoe that showed the gift of healing okay if he did did you did you win on their pursue it did you faster say God give me clarity no you didn't you know why because you put the responsibility on your pasta and that if he don't tell you to do it then you guess you don't have to do the Phaedo ordain your feet Oh release you if you don't but yet you read them right in the Bible I'm showing it to you right in the scriptures and you said no Cameron yeah I see it I did see where God says Jesus says go into the world but pastors say that's a matter of opinion and pasta say he's the Shepherd just like Jesus was to Shepherd okay so what I mean well just like how the disciples had the fun of the shape of Jesus I gotta follow the Shepherd my path though but I just told you jesus said that you must go into the world and preach the gospel I heard you but that's the problem with people like Yann you don't like to follow protocol well folks I'm done I just wanted to lay that nugget I just felt it in my spirit that somebody needed to hear it tonight and you want to do stuff but you're knocked down spiritually by spiritual rules that have sorry Church policies that have nothing to do with God it is my career it is my prayer that God released you from that spiritual cage that you found yourself in under tradition okay I my prayer right now even for the pastor's listen to me that you would really reread what the Word of God says and see that you have the people in Castle read it if you're telling them they have to come through you if you're telling them they have to be any recovery if you're telling them that if they don't pay a tithe deal because none of these things you could find a scripture for you are making up your own rules here's what the Bible says anyone that adds or take away from the Word of God I believe it says your name will be taken out of the Lamb's Book of Life the scripture says in galatians chapter 1 verses 6 to 8 it says anyone there comes a teacher preaches another gospel let that person who let that past or whatever they call himself let that person be a curse this is the Word of God and it's not the opinion of myself and that's it folks I am done tonight may the peace of God be with you I pray that you guys have a marvelous week tomorrow we are going to begin the teaching on the tides great this is gonna be like a to three-part series for sorry three four-part series it's gonna be dynamic to tell a friend I'm gonna be back here like a boat between 8:00 and 8:30 I'm gonna be prom illumination have everything in order before I even have to start so there won't be no issues okay god bless you God be with you have a beautiful weekend amen and a man
Channel: Minister Kevin L A Ewing
Views: 33,067
Rating: 4.9049358 out of 5
Keywords: dreams, weather, bad dreams, interpretation, interpretation of dreams, interpret, meaning of dreams, dreams video, storms whirlwind blast, tempest, stormy weather, stormy, hurricane, dream interpretation, facts about dreams, tropical storm, dreaming, dream meaning, dream, dream facts, weather forecast, spiritual warfare, spiritual world, spiritual awakening, dream analysis, dreams meaning, tsunami, earthquake, earthquake dream meaning, bible, bible study, symbols and meanings, storm
Id: QfaoEb_OZPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 42sec (7722 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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