Tiny Stream Fishing & Foraging for Trout, Crawfish & Mushrooms!

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oh check this out guys this beautiful mountain stream what is going on guys welcome back to another episode of the southern series out here today with a subscriber aaron very excited to fish with aaron today because he's going to show us a rare type of fishing i didn't even know it existed until i met him so here's the story over a year ago i was just out exploring this river and i just have to run into aaron and his friends and he's like you want to go fishing and i was like sure so went fishing with me and his friends for about an hour but it was getting really late they just fished for a little while longer we didn't catch anything but he's like we should meet again and i'll show you some epic trout fishing so we're in the mountains right now and he's gonna well he did he does some crazy cool stuff we're gonna get up to the uh we have a little hike ahead of us we're gonna get to the fishing spot and then i'll show you it appears that he doesn't have a fishing rod and reel with him yet but he has something on him this is crazy just just follow along i'll show you guys right excellent all right guys so i've never been to this spot before and uh very excited we are we're pretty deep in the mountains and it started to rain right as we got here how long of a hike do we have about maybe a mile mile and a half max okay about a mile hike up this trail to some really cool trout fishing wait what is that all right guys i did failed to mention that we're doing mushroom hunting too today and check that out so aaron mushroom hunts and we're hoping to get some today but um he's he's not an expert and of course you guys know i'm i'm just starting my mushroom hunting adventures he only eats a few species that he absolutely knows would you say that's accurate 100 know these two that we're going for okay so yeah because you have to be very careful mushroom you can you can die right right in the forest even from eating the wrong mushroom but we're gonna keep our eye out for what are the two we're going for uh chanterelles and black trumpets sweet sweet tron thrills black drums if you're a mushroom hunter you know what those are if you don't know what those are you'll see in a minute guys this is just amazing it started to rain right when we got here we got this like bridge that we're going over and uh believe it or not in these little creeks and streams the trout are in there oh man dude i love this kind of stuff it's awesome man this is my home what do we get oh yeah that was our puff balls oh sweet could you grab those two for my sake and throw them in there i have to eat puff balls now that is one mushroom guys i am familiar with i'm still a total newbie but uh that's what i'm familiar with and check this one out that one looks like something like and you can kind of see through it like that something poisonous usually the white mushrooms i try to steer clear right guys so believe it or not that little puddle right there that little pool aaron said he thought he saw some all right so explain to the folks this type of fishing you do this is tenkara it's the traditional japanese style of fly fishing there's no real it's just a fixed line on the end of the rod telescopic if i can get it to come out here you got your lily in here just a simple little knot there tire line to the end telescope it out you're good to go so aaron told me he had a long fishing rod check this out guys how long is that 13 foot six inches 15 foot long and that way he can drop it because it's perfect for these creeks and stuff like that because he can stay far away from the trout right and you can drop it right in front of there super spooky so i'll just kind of dip it down i'm not going to fish at this length because of all the brush overhead okay but i can just kind of bring some sections down i have a shorter line and down to that so this is a costa kebari there are several types of kabari but uh this one will have like a reverse hackle what does that mean um see the little feathers here they're actually pointing the opposite direction most traditional western wet flies the hack will be facing the opposite way oh yeah yeah but this way it'll kind of splay out in the water and it can it can imitate a lot of things okay cool so he can there's that pool right there he doesn't have to get right over top of the pool he can uh this is this is insane fishing to me this is so cool oh look at what the dude i didn't know that's oh dude you had it right oh shoot he got caught in the tree but he he told me about a slingshot cast okay sorry i need to be quiet he did a slingshot cast missed a big let's see if we can get he get the bite again [Music] guys that was instant like it hit the water and that trout was on i saw his line jump okay dang all right guys well you gotta bite you got to bite a couple of times but if uh that's that's about all you're gonna get with the trout that is cool though dude i had no idea like he was explaining it to me this type of fish and i'm like cool i guess we'll see how this turned out that is that is super cool check out those red mushrooms that looks like something poisonous for sure right guys we got tons we have miles of stream to fish we're just looking for more little holes and pockets like that oh yeah yeah 100 guys big puffballs now that's interesting because this one feels like hard yeah i know there are a couple different types of puff balls you know we'll throw those in the mushroom bag and uh and that is witch's butter which is butter those are edible but they taste like water oh i don't know if we'll eat these or not but we are in mushroom country so we're gonna throw those there i think there's stuff all over i don't know what that is anything we don't know guys we are not eating but if there's some mushroom hunters walking watching this you'd help us comment below for sure if you if you recognize something that we don't a little red toad right there again not big old he's a little tight it's kind of cool huh you know yeah i might do that okay guys all right so he has this uh i'll show you up close because i know i'll show you up close aaron's set up i know a lot of people are gonna be like he's just using a cane pole he's actually not using just a king hole so first of all he's using flies as you saw but then he has a four pound leader and specialty line i notice that line refuses to get tangled no matter how much you like like when you whip it sometimes the line gets in a big mess but it falls right out sometimes you'll get some wind knots if you're fishing like really open stuff but for the most part i don't really have that issue i don't know what this is because it almost feels like it's fabric or something like that it's really crazy feeling but it just it does not get tangled it refuses to get tangled and then this telescopic um rod here he can easily just you know up to 13 feet or you can have three feet he can poke it down deep into places and jig um you know dig a little fly and catch something like that it's just it's actually way more advanced than just like a little cane bowl or something like that it's a it's japanese they have like japanese master fishermen who do this right yes um they'll like i said they kind of just skip the whole match the hatch scenario they'll they'll use one fly for 30 40 years they might change every once in a while but most of these masters in japan will tie one fly and that's crazy um they still catch fish all the time all right guys i'm just doing a little bit of night crawler on a hook so oh see that there's a trout there's a trout right there dude i just spooked it spooked one that's actually a rainbow oh it's a rainbow and there are no size limit on these no size limit on the rainbows okay so guys this sounds crazy but what do you think should we eat this like you said you catch pretty small fish up here yeah i would i would take all the rainbows possible out of here okay why is that um they just kind of out compete the native brook trout they're faster stronger they get bigger okay guys we're we're fishing for kind of a rare would you say that it's a rare trout or or at least it's been it's technically a subspecies a subspecies of trout okay some species of brook trout which i don't know if you say it's rare or not but um they're only found around this area and uh so that's why we're keeping a little rainbow like this but there you go my friends first catch of the day all right just kind of rinse them off in the cool water and there we go folks and yes guys we are eating a trout this small that's this type of little river little creek fishing like this is what people do eat trout like that you just eat them whole just throw them in the frying pan like this with some butter and of course we're also trying to gather some mushrooms so the goal is to get a trout and mushroom feast going on in the forest what is it that right there is a chanterelle all right one tiny guy but well we're on the right path you know usually grows so if we kind of kick over some leaves we might find some more around here okay [Applause] right in that little waterfall right there folks you got it oh that's a rainbow oh dang it that was so cool guys right now waterfall i saw your line just ah dang it oh no thank you that would have been so devastating my friends devastating oh man aaron had a nice one there this is so cool it's i don't know honestly folks i don't know how the trout get up the stream to be honest but they just travel up oh look at this pool right here this is a big pool yeah yeah guys here's a leopard frog oh he's fast oh leopard frogs are lightning quick okay okay let's see oh he slipped right through my fingers where'd he go he gone i think he went over the edge shoot man they are fast they aren't like the old bullfrog ah that would have been cool all right so aaron's out for a little redemption at this spot aren't dude how you cast that holy mackerel because there are trees and snags and somehow he flicks it right oh i jinxed you i totally just jinxed you otherwise how you cast that is insane i can tell you spent hours doing this was that one wait is that a chanterelle wait did i just find my first chanterelle it came out of the soil um what do you well here's a mushroom here what do you think looks a little flat it is all right guys i just found my first mushroom sweet nice nice my first mushroom it's a small one you know you get a lot bigger than this but hey it's something is that is that okay i thought that might be guys we have another one that's a big one that is a big all right all right so maybe up this little like path here i gotta figure out how to get up here the growing lines yeah they're kind of like hills and stuff oh it's so soft look at that guys this is cool all right it's it's this one's really like this one might be a little past this a little old gelatinous right there uh shoot okay just passed man darn okay keep looking by the way if you guys are wondering aaron and i are both packing heat because there are a lot of animals out here so he's got a pistol i've got a pistol i always get asked that people like you go in the mountains and not oh found another one right here it's like i always look at that i found another one dude oh and there's another one right there now this one is looking a little like it's been eaten or something too i don't know if that should be okay that should be okay you know we can always try like there's another little one right here this one is i don't know this one's nice and firm we can always pick those parts off okay they still got that maybe we throw them all in there at the end of the day we decide like what we want it's actually a false oh that's a false oh guys i'm trying to throw a toxic one in there the difference in color oh okay and also they have actual gills even though they've been destroyed by something oh okay yeah i see that i see that now it's like big gills on them okay look at that yeah oh that's a nice one okay guys you can just tell how perfectly formed it is see more up there yeah we got a lot of i'll just keep a handful here oh this is so cool guys you got one there erin's got a nice that one's perfect condition that's a good one nice and firm cool dude i'm adding mine into yours guys look at that we're getting little handfuls of mushrooms too forest food oh big one right here bro oh two of them oh three of them all uh-huh there you go oh yeah yeah oh we got him sneaking not sneaking mushrooms don't sneak hiding hiding under there yeah that's looking like a good one oh dude another one there everyone or is that something's been nibbling on that one look at the animal or something a bug maybe a bug's been nibbling on it what is it yellow jacket a yellow jacket oh damn dude oh shoot yep oh oh they're not staying there yeah oh dude there's a nest of them oh let's get out of here guys we got yellow nested yellow jackets we're gone oh man we're out we're gone that was fun while it lasted do the whole yellow jacket nest in the ground you okay you're not allergic are you no okay i'm gonna do a little native american trick oh yeah get the pain away okay so it's got stung right there uh-huh okay native americans used to wet tobacco i'm a smoker obviously so i'll just take a little bit of tobacco out of my cigarette it's like wet okay just kind of spit on it oh man tobacco draw out the venom yeah it'll kind of pull the venom out interesting wow didn't know that tree okay man i've been getting stung and bit for the past couple weeks like crazy well there there's a lot of crazy stuff out here guys we both as i was saying i think i stopped but they're saying they both carry guns too because we're we're in the mountains for sure and there are a lot of things out here so we've got we're double barreling it though oh that's beautiful check it oh that's a big deep now this could have multiple fish in it guys yeah i'll grab it all right guys we're gonna get this out of the way so he can so he can work that is so cool oh got him got him he's got him guys nice nice nice lookout nice yeah go and i saw another one in there i don't know if you saw the one take off dude that's a nice one that is a nice road trial nice job man this is so cool guys like micro stream fishing so how big do these have to be to keep seven inches and i think he's gonna make it right for sure oh that's beautiful dude oh nice southern appalachian brookie cool little tape measure all right guys gotta see if he's big enough he has to be over seven inches oh yeah he's oh yeah he's like eight and a half mm-hmm almost nine inches all right keeper second keeper of the day ladies and gentlemen all right guys he's going for the upward pool now we can't we couldn't get connect in this pool we tried a whole bunch of casts couldn't connect anything so you got him oh dude that was sweet you're stuck in the tree dude how you cast that thing is insane like when you you got it right in the waterfall and that trout just go that was another good one too for you know for the stream that was another eight or nine incher okay like wow i could tell you spend hours doing this because the casting it's like bow and arrow this this is super cool i've never seen anything like this so aaron's water got warm so he's refilling it in the ice cold creek here and then he attaches that life straw to the top which filters it all so we literally just got creek water and that way on these long hikes he doesn't have to carry around like two gallons of water with him and we can just just drink straight out of the creek that's crazy dude nothing better than that man uh ice cold stream water it's safe to drink all right let's hit the road oh here's oh is this one the one you're talking about with with an actual waterfall i think here we go yeah this is the all right he told me this is like his favorite one here oh yeah yeah up there the big one that's a big big pool all right oh yeah folks we are definitely gonna be looking for some crawdads in just a minute but first we're going to focus on a few more trout seeing a bunch of crawls right through here yeah they're the rocks are the perfect chunk size for crawfish but we're going to fish first and then we'll get to that oh yeah look at this gorgeous pool right here my friends i haven't been holding it at that section there okay because it's a short line if you have it fully extended that fish will just fly off of there okay so so just barbless hook so okay so always maintain tension and you just grab it like this oh dude that's so light i can't i didn't know how light this rod was that's nuts here we go guys that was weak weak all right here we go folks a little bit more and then just nice oh that's cool perfect i always say it's safe to say there's not a fish in there could you show me on the tongue of that guys he said there's teeth on the tongue of the fish you see this their little teeth can you see that right on the tongue there guys that is crazy little almost clear teeth these southern appalachians are really pretty year round but when they get in the fall spawning they are really pretty oh look at that oh dude is that a b that's a yellow jacket guys he ate a bee a little bee right down in its gut there guys wow that's what we need we need to use a yellow and black pattern because we're talking on the drive over here about how good the panther martin yellow and black spinner is and uh that's a little clue why interesting so he just threw the guts in the string here and we're gonna throw the guts to try to like bait some crawfish up and then we're gonna go right down there in the pool oh under those rocks we're gonna see if we can pull up any crawdads all right let's look for some crawdads here [Music] so [Music] got like a little cave spot right here oh another chanter oh several little like cluster of them oh i see another one right here looking around yes yep okay there you go nice what is this it looks like it looks like coral that's actually horrible coral fungus okay i was like it looks like coral is this uh do you know anything about this i don't know much about them huh you know i have a mushroom let's throw that in there i have a mushroom hunting book in the in my truck when we get back to the truck i'll look it up because that is too cool [Applause] dude nice guys just right along the path throws in there beautiful little brook trout oh that is gorgeous nice dude that is hilarious he was like yeah probably not a keeper there but now we're just gonna throw in like we're just headed up this path folks and he's like let's just drop a line in since i'm releasing him i'm gonna keep him in the net and get my hands wet okay they have really delicate flesh there's also more chanterelle right here in the past oh yeah it's all around here look at that guys there's treasure everywhere yes good mountain treasure we gathered a couple more these are we're getting into some ones guys that like the ones you'll want you know beautiful that's a small fish but super fun to fish for it there she goes aaron is now fishing right underneath that giant boulder he says a lot of times like to hide right in those spots the old bow and arrow cast just he's gonna get far back up under there cool all right guys this spot has to have one it's got got him dude i saw him come over and take it whoa flying fish folks that was hilarious all right nice dude sweet my first brook trout this guy's gonna be probably too small to keep here oh look at that beautiful fish my friends oh that is so cool i was using like i don't know 16th of a worm or something there oh look at that beautiful fish that is so cool man thank you for getting me on this guys are small fish but they're gorgeous and this is just this is the ultimate adventure fishing there he goes yep he goes right into the rock there guys that's cool man all right guys so we let the spot rest and now aaron's gonna try it we went back we left our stuff way down there tried to keep it as light as possible i better be quiet but um anyway he's going to flip it right there see if there's another one in that pool dude that was cool that was really cool just watch that is cool man hey guys it was still on the surface when you saw it yeah he actually made a little splash nice wow the fins are so cool and what a beautiful fish all right ladies and gentlemen it is back down river now where it hit some of those big pools and stuff that we saw multiple fish in earlier kind of let them settle we'll go back down and see if we pull out some more as well as keep an eye out for more chanterelles i mean they're they're probably this force probably filled with them what is that one guys can anybody identify that for for us a bunch of them this is it i okay so aaron said last time he came here he found a ton of black trumpet mushrooms and he said this is he was trying to figure out the spot and he just remembered the spot look at this guys beautiful oh yeah and another one oh dude look at that look there's a hive of bees right there you see that oh that's creepy that's creepy i don't know if i'm gonna climb up this hill now yeah maybe we maybe we saved that for another day we've had a good day so far yeah and it's getting close to supper time guys we were gonna climb this hill but if there are all kinds of yellow jacket nests like all it takes is to step on one of those and like like we're having a bad day fortunately the ones earlier i think because it was raining like didn't really follow us but that could change so we're kind of packing up here guys to head back to the truck and uh aaron has this cool little wooden spool here and you just reuse that same line over and over again that's so crazy guys the line feels like like it's fabric it's some sort of braid like multiple braids together and it does not tangle it every he always do is give it a little shake and it's like all this all the tangles fall right out if it wasn't so visible i would string up all my bait casters with it never have a bad tangle again but you'd have to put a little uh four pound leader on there oh that's crazy man you just can slip that right back and backpack guys like this is you say hikers and stuff use these a lot of ultralight backpackers like brew hikers on the appalachian trail pacific press trail a lot of bike packers as they call them and they can just um oh yeah that's all you need you're ready to fish just with that little set super light it doesn't take up a lot of room in your backpack and you need a couple all you need is a couple of flies so you didn't even need to worry about carrying around bait that's super filming i don't know what these are called but i think they used to be used as like a medicine whoa that's a crazy oh more of a big like shelf mushrooms or something fungus fungi what is it dude are you kidding me that's probably the smallest trout i've ever caught dude whoa i don't guys i think we'd have a record a record tiny trap what's that one inch one and a half inches i've got to get a picture of it yeah you need a picture like that's 100 percent you caught your pb today yeah man personal best we never caught a trout that small i've caught some really tiny ones but that way takes the cake i'm glad i got that on camera guys aaron i got his personal best smallest what would you call it personal worst or personal worst oh yeah you know maybe all right my friends back at the truck all the windows are still there so that's good and uh we're gonna have something guys for the first time in channel history a subscriber's gonna cook for me and so aaron has this special recipe will you just see you'll just see but it's in keeping with today's japanese fishing theme of course got some wonton soup base wonton soup base all right chili oil some soy sauce of course can't go wrong with soy sauce we have an asian theme coming here folks we even have chopsticks oh man this is cool got some rice noodles we've got some nori seaweed on top cool they have a lot of trails to go on that's for sure oh yeah let's see got my uh pan slash mini walk i didn't even wash it it does it is deep it's like yeah like a little mini one yeah there's gonna use that for the tea okay got some little cups and here's the cool part so wait you got oh well like this is the legit like little asian tea actually to be truthful with you man i got this in a whiskey set a whiskey salad okay i i take them out here and you wait for my teeth you know when like when you have the asian restaurant so you order tea they have those yeah those little tiny like cups that's what it reminds me of it's perfect for the occasion check this out you'll like this what get out of town so guys aaron's actually used to doing catching cooks um darth maul style he does he said he and his brothers have been doing them right out here at this very river uh for a long time before got a couple of bowls for our soup nice nice all right guys catch of the day so we have a couple of small trout there and remember we're fishing really small rick streams so we didn't expect to like just catch a bunch of whales out here but so we are actually very happy with that we had to like the third fish we tried so hard like a third rainbow or something like that but just didn't come together but we have all of our mushrooms here oh we got a crawdad look at it he's already they're both on the loose what's up buddy you've been snacking on mushrooms oh there he goes both of them went under the frying pan oh oh look he goes up oh oh there they go they're making their they're escaping a little crowded little oh yeah see i see you these guys are tricky they know what's up they know what's up oh he almost got you know what put these guys in this big pocket i can't escape all right excellent we have something unfortunate here the puffballs i think are old aaron's going to cut one open oh it's black guys it should be white it should look like a marshmallow and all these guys are also black inside they look a little darker than the ones i ate guys if you remember have an old video were actually eight puffball mushrooms and they were they look like mushroom uh marshmallows inside and these are black dang they're old oh well try you next time maybe they can spread some spores right here at camp yeah yeah just yo aaron did say that um it says one thing that's good about walking around the mesh bag of mushrooms is it spreads the spores all along the trails and stuff like that and that's probably why we found so many um right along the trail there we go all right on the first thing here got a little water boiling for for tea you said mm-hmm we got some organic oolong tea and then ladies and gentlemen i have my uh little mushroom book here and uh we're gonna see what these little things are all right guys according to this book here that um just talk about a type called bears tooth and it mentions coral mushrooms but it says a lot of the coral mushrooms or some of them can be poisonous um corals should be avoided until one learns which are edible and which are poisonous and okay well i was hoping you'd kind of tell me but this is not a comprehensive book this is just like the most popular so apparently you don't have the coral ones in here there you go we'll throw these out since we're not sure which ones these are but maybe we'll i'd hate to think that later on some mushroom hunters can be like oh those were great ones but oh well get that tea steeping put two bags in there make it nice and strong that's aaron's philosophy on the japanese teeth okay so you just added some um more water what do you do with that water is that the soup this we're gonna cook the noodles with and then once the noodles are done we're gonna take them out and i'm gonna put them back in cold water so that way they don't overcook and then uh i'm gonna fill that back up make the soup base cook the eggs and the crawdads and then we'll fry the fish up while everything's warming up so you drained the noodles and now you're mixing with cold water huh that'll just keep them from overcooking oh okay and then once we uh get the soup base and everything made we'll just dump the soup right on top of the noodles in the bowl okay and it's ready to go all right guys so i have some of my first cast seasoning link in the description um and aaron this is for you thank you so much for being my guide today yeah man thanks for having me and uh i brought you some stickers i appreciate that actually justin from the big kibari made this one for our little group on instagram the fixed line freaks okay follow that hashtag if you want to all right big kabari that's my buddy justin nice actually the fly i was fishing with today is from nick at norcal tenkara okay and all right guys and uh speaking of instagram i'll put a link to aaron's instagram in the description and your group your if you guys want to learn more about this cool fishing i'll put a link to that in the description to cara we all do tenkara um welcome there's a couple of us that aren't really doing tankara yet but uh they're still in the group and they're definitely gonna try it uh they do all types of fishing though but just fixed line okay okay but it's big in japan it's a because i think that most people watch this you've never seen this before i know i've never seen this type of fishing um where it's like high tech so it's kind of like a flower odd mixed with a cane bowl yeah yeah exactly exactly so anyway if you guys are interested in that kind of fishing i'll put a link to it in the description and uh you can learn more about it okay i think we can take this stuff off so you put the eggs in there and the crawfish and that's his soup base this is our soup base so what i'll do i can go ahead and dump this hot soup base on our noodles that weren't fully cooked and then while we're cooking the mushrooms and the fish those noodles should be nice and done by the time we get all that all right that is so cool man guys i can't believe we're eating japanese food on a catch and cook like all kinds of new stuff today so when did you get into japanese cooking um like is it a new hobby are you like oh i've done this for a long time i've really always just kind of enjoyed cooking in general okay um i don't know asian cooking just intrigues me because i'm really into the whole asian style of everything to be honest you can tell wow you're opening it up already huh oh yeah we're gonna use the all right guys i didn't know i'm letting aaron make all the decisions but he's gonna use some of my first cash seasoning season up these fishy boys all right a little butter in the pan all right mushrooms all right mushrooms going in guys in the butter sea of butter there that catching our own mushrooms i don't know if i'll let you smell these to me they kind of have like a slight citrusy smell yeah they do huh that's not still kind of earthy but they do have a slight citrus kind of smell to them that is so interesting and they look like it too that bright orange color like they'd have that yeah like they smell exactly how they look guys basically all right let's using these bad boys up head and all head no guys when they're that small and they have some bones in them a lot of times if you cook them but you actually cook the like the bones just disintegrate and so it's you know not the spine or whatever not the main bones but all the pin bones are disintegrate you don't even notice them just chow right through they become just like the meat ah soy sauce great value it's not kikkoman or anything but it'll do we can probably throw the big boy on first okay this will take a little bit longer fish going in a nice low heat and he's cooking it in that buttery sauce there baste him a little bit so he cooks a little more evenly he's cooking it just real slowly folks just nice and nice and easy low heat and we're adding go ahead and take our little rainbow rainbow there into it man dude that smells so amazing we're actually gonna put a little bit more butter and soy sauce in there because we don't want it to burn you add butter like i had butter of course nobody can uh can outdo fisherman's flies oh no no he's the king yeah i do that's perfect [Music] all right the fish is officially go fish get it officially done we've got dude that is like perfectly cooked look at that mmm i'm excited my mouth is watering then we set this soup and oh yeah that's a good idea the uh the butter on there drizzle it right over top this is so weird guys i'm used to knowing what's going on and i have no idea i don't even know what kind of dish we're after here so this is all brand new and cut the hard-boiled egg and true japanese style yeah i can tell you've done this a time or two i'm i could not catch any more crawdads guys it was hard the water was so low hard to find them but we at least got to a little color there nice color now we got a seaweed aaron was telling me earlier guys he's a big fan of outdoor chef life who if you guys are not curious you don't know who that is he he like really knows how to cook um he's an actual chef unlike me i just make basic stuff and aaron loves watching him oh man this is legit right here in the mushrooms nice feel like i should pay you for this you know getting this kind of a meal like restaurant style meal no yeah i wouldn't but just like it looks restaurant worthy like you pay a lot at some asian restaurant for that and a little is that is that some sort of hot sauce chili oil chili oil huh a little color pop okay now can i just see that people be curious in it okay so we got chili oil and here is the final presentation folks we got tea we have trout and we got japanese soup appreciate this man this is cool let's go dude all right i think we should try the tea first cheers cheers that's good i already knew i'd like this because when i go to um asian restaurants i already actually kept asian tea so love me some tea so i think we should start with the mushrooms well now with the soup like this you just mix it all together no i usually kind of i like to have it nice and neat but i like to get a little bit of everything okay it's hard to say anything but [Music] i almost want to just eat all the mushrooms first yes really guys the chanterelles they're just amazing they're buttery but they're not an overpowering mushroom flavor i actually don't like some mushrooms i think button mushrooms are the ones that are well they're so earthy tasting these the flavor of them is subtle yeah i'm not a fan of all the store-bought mushrooms like portobellos and like you said the buttons just don't like them but wild mushrooms this soup is so good so do you take the seaweed and just like dip it in and just eat the seaweed i just kind of eat it with the noodles or okay sometimes it will get soggy really fast because it absorbs water but um sometimes i'll just take a sheet and just kind of like crumble it over just have a bunch of little flakes in there but dude seaweed it's good for presentation's sake little sheets okay the seaweed tastes really really good i did not think i was almost like i thought that was kind of there for just garnish i love the seaweed man i wish we had more of those chanterelles now me too dude i could eat like three pounds of those in one second i think so so the mushrooms 10 out of 10 guys 10 out of 10 for the mushrooms so now let's try our trout we cut i don't think i've ever eaten a brook trout before so i'll just take them just like this okay just grab them just bite in it's like a cobble corn cob cob of corn right here folks the trout here we go first time tasting brook trout oh that's good i want you to be able to enjoy that one dude the trout is 10 out of 10 too not kenya folks this was an amazing meal oh you got to try the cheek meat the cheek meat oh yeah okay that is you know what the absolute best all right so aaron's going to show me he said there our big cheek there's a bunch of cheek meat on a brook trout oh yeah there it is it's a little medallion right there sure enough tell me that doesn't taste like scallops dude that's cool little tiny trout cheek no joke this is i really can't say it's the best trout i've ever had because i've had so many trout but it's definitely the top three best trout i've ever had this this one sitting on the plate right here that little cheap meat that's so good 10 out of 10. appreciate you well guys i hope you enjoyed hanging out with us today aaron appreciate everything that was a blast guys check out his instagram group if you want to get into this kind of fishing i forgot what the name of it is again fix line freaks the fixed line freaks check them out thank you guys for hanging out we'll see in the next one [Music]
Channel: Ace Videos 2
Views: 2,528,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ace videos 2, catch and cook, foraging, forrest foraging, ace videos tenkara, ace videos trout, Brooke trout, rainbow trout, trout, trout fishing, trout fishing in the mountains, Appalachian moutains, crawfish, trout and crawfish, crawdad, mushrooms, chanterelle, chanterelle mushrooms
Id: uz6O_cpHfY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 25sec (2785 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 18 2021
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