3 Hours of Trout Catch n' Cooks | Ace Videos Compilation

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh check this out guys oh my goodness we have this whole place to ourselves what is going on guys we're out in the mountains deep in the mountains if i may say so long drive to get here but this spot is worth it because hey if you can find a hot springs where nobody else is at that's cool that's really cool the closer you get to the city the more you know people there are the more people that will take up the hot springs and to me when you want a little relaxation of hot springs if you're sharing a spot like this with 20 other people that kind of takes the fun out of it that's just my opinion so we have this whole place to ourselves here in fact we could go down to this pool right here let's feel this one that one's nice too but the temperature of this one is perfect we have the source up there in fact let's go look at the source oh man is this not amazing here's the source it just flows out of the side of the mountain is that so crazy it's just kind of kind of random just have this spot where water just gurgles out of the earth constantly oh that's pretty that's uh the source is very very hot but by the time it trickles down and flows in those pools it's cool to where it's per a perfect temperature [Applause] i mean i expected it to be hot but this is so like the hottest a hot tub can get like one that you buy is about 104 degrees i think it's max and i think that this is about 100 506 i'd say oh guys this is so perfect um it's crazy because like uh in montana and places like that the hot springs that flow out of the ground there are actually a lot of times too hot and people actually die every year from they'll see like this big beautiful pool they'll jump in it and they'll die they'll scald themselves to death especially if they like jump in a deep one but around here the the water that flows out of the ground is like 110 115 degrees or so and by the time it you know slides down the hill goes over a waterfall it's perfect hot tub temperature all right my friends we're gonna do something here that you guys some of my subscribers said i should do we have eggs here last time i visited the hot springs people said you should see if you can boil eggs inside the hot springs and so what we're going to do is i don't think this pool has a chance but by the source we have a chance let's see if we can do it all right so there's the pool here's the source we're gonna take our egg and we're just gonna lay it right there you know what this is a deeper pool so i'm gonna kind of dig it out there we go so we can completely submerge the egg keeping behind a rock there all right let's see if that turns it into a hard-boiled egg it's cold outside the hot tub look at this look somebody literally came out they put in all the work of pouring concrete kind of a poor job on that side but still kudos to whoever came out and did this they have steps up here they have they put rocks and concrete and look there's a step down like that and then into the hot springs [Music] all right let's go check on our egg all right all right let's see here let's test it out all right the moment of truth did we hard boil the egg oh nope it's uh it's very warm and slightly now i don't think it changed at all really it just it's the same oh that's crazy there's the yolk just the yolk right there oh there you go all right well that didn't work i think you need a lot hotter water that was a dumb idea whose idea was that anyway oh getting out of the water getting out of the water get all cold again oh it feels good in here it's probably about air temperature's like 50 52 so it's not too bad but it's uh it's kind of chilly so the next plan of attack is uh we're gonna do some fishing but i wanted to enjoy these hot springs this morning while it was cool and rainy it's supposed to clear up later so i wanted to hang out here for a little bit but we got a river right down there that we are gonna trout fish in all wild and uh rainbow and brown trout we're actually in an area where we have a chance of catching a bull trout kind of a rare trout so and we have uh brook trout as well so bull brook rainbow and brown that's a lot of trout this looks good check this spot out guys a little bend in the river bends in the rivers are always usually good spots for trout oh yeah oh yeah let's get our fishing i just rod one fishing rod keeping it nice and simple six pound test line shimano reel shimano rod little spinner somebody's here making rock formations oh man is this great or what all right folks so the lure i'm using up close here it's a little meps meps number two aguila it's one of the oldest lures ever made a little maps right there my dad said that back in the day first cast of the day by the way he said when he was younger the meps was the uh bread and butter lure of most fishermen switch and lures here the tried and true silver blue fox doesn't make sense silver blue fox but it's a silver blue fox spinner silver spinner fly to the other side yes yes get down there with the biggens guys i got one first cast first cast with a silver spinner i wanted i thought this i'll get a heavier since we're fishing deeper water i want a heavier uh spinner on to get down there oh yes oh first like within five five seconds we got a rainbow we got a rainbow folks got light lines i gotta be a little bit careful here oh come on come on come on come on yes we did it oh and that is a good eating size too oh look at that beautiful mountain trout that is what i'm talking about guys on that first cast like five seconds in with a silver spinner look at that guys probably about 15 16 inches nice little rainbow this is gonna cook up wonderfully all right so i knocked the trout out with the rock we're gonna cut this guy's gills guys i'm telling you mountain trout tastes amazing lead them out all right let's see if we get one on the second cast guys it swirls so deep over there and then there's this big rock where the the current hits up against it i thought there has to be there have to be big trout hanging out around there all the way to the other side got another rainbow oh shoot oh man that was close he was about the same size and another it looked like a rainbow to be honest when that got close i thought it was a coconie it looked like a coconie i can't maybe that's just wishful thinking i don't know anyway they're biting this folks check this out guys kind of similar spot you have a big um stone wall and the current's pretty fast around here let's try this check this out [Music] whoa somebody left a whole bunch of hooks and split shots and swivels a whole box of them score all right first cast at this spot oh there was a bite there was a bite 100 percent got one oh thumped it what do we got something small here little rainbow looks like still he that guy that guy pulverized that spinner full-on wild trout man the wild trout are so gorgeous wow i catch a lot of stocked ones when you get near the city you catch a lot of stalkers all right beautiful little fish not gonna keep him just let him go there he goes sweet well we got a trout and like five or six dollars worth of sinkers and hooks out of the deal let's move on to another spot so guys walking along here fishing and i see this cave here what is this what is this hello is this some it's like a mine shaft oh yeah like it echoes could you guys hear that here well what i'll drop a rock like echoes back there hello creepy huh all right this is gonna be last cast the day here see those rocks on the other side we're gonna fish those and then i'm eating something i wonder what's in there it's like a mine shaft it might be like a mine shaft or something that is cool well my friends i am hungry and that is not the only cave there is on this mountainside let's go and start cooking up we have a little bit of a hike i'm really excited to show you guys this spot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is this not amazing i just found this place a little while ago and i thought i'm coming back here the cave is not too spooky as far as caves go um it does up here to end but we all know the story of bilbo baggins so i'm going to keep my eye out but from what i can see there's water coming out of there and uh she's pretty solid the floor seems pretty solid so uh i think we are safe in this cave all right so now that our fire is going reasonably well it's time to prepare the trout folks we are using bacon bacon wrapped trout i've done this once before and it was one we're doing it again fire roasted bacon wrapped trout so i'm gonna cook the fish in this metal grate right here um but before we do that we have to prepare it first thing i'm doing is score the fish very well so that way the bacon flavors can get down in the meat we'll do both sides i'm going to take the trout we're going to season it really well with my first cast seasoning of course and make sure that gets down in there put some inside kind of rub it into the trout there next we'll take some strips of hickory smoked bacon and we'll wrap the trout you know we're going to do first we're actually going to lay the trout in the grate there so it's all done by the time we get done wrapping this bad boy and there we go folks i'll leaking wrapped trout just close this thing up that is what i'm talking about now over our fire which has burned down a little bit we're just gonna let this guy roast i thought it was appropriate since i was out here to grab a mountain dew so i can handle i've actually reversed the situation there that's better now i can uh adjust it as needed my friends i think it's safe to say fire roasted bacon wrapped trout is done don't stick there we go and on this side of the trout we will add some chips so we got fish and chips fish chips and a mountain dew a nice way to end the day let's say a prayer real quick all right wow what a blessed day all right let me show you guys this up close here so so what i do here i grab off a piece of bacon there we go and a piece of trout just like that folks i'm telling you right now you guys go out and get your own ketchup cooks wrap your fish in bacon it's a game changer for fish i don't think there's any better way to cook a trout i think i've perfected it wrap it in bacon roast it over the fire [Music] so i felt inspired by this little thing here ashley and tyler something i think it's 4 23 15 i believe unless that's is that 05 it looks maybe like it's o5 back in 2005 that's crazy so what i'm gonna do let's see right over here i'm gonna say oh my uh stuff is crumbling there here's a bigger piece i'm gonna say ace videos was here these videos was here it's not very neat and then what is the date 6 17 of 2020. there we go ace videos is here 6 17 of 2020. if any of my subscribers come and visit this spot put your name right there i want to see it when i come back well my friends this has been one of the coolest places i have ever been to unreal unreal this is so amazing guys don't forget to keep getting out there trying new things and leveling up in real life this is what happens when you get out there just just keep trying stuff you never know what you can discover thank you guys for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's see here we got a little path down this way oh look at mushrooms what are those i do not know what those are i'll have to get my brought my mushroom book with me um oh wait okay wait which way do i go let's try this one oh my goodness look more what are these wow they are everywhere oh this is so cool oh check it out look more mushrooms a waterfall a crystal clear creek wow what is going on guys oh i am in the appalachian mountains and i've just discovered a brand new creek here so i was out driving the other day by the way quick tip a lot of people ask me how do you find all these cool spots i spend hours driving around i find creeks on a map on literally a paper map and i'm like let's try it and so i'll go and i'll drive to creek x and i'll start hiking along it and a lot of times it's a bust but a lot of times i score and i certainly scored here at least i think i did but i'm in the mountains and i'm excited that there might be some wild mountain trout up here um let's see here i'm trying to what i'd like to do is fish the waterfall i've learned in my time here in the appalachian mountains that when you're going for trout if you can fish yep here we go if you can fish in the waterfall those are the best spots oh man this is this is cool i have to be careful not to slip on any of these rocks here but check this out this creek goes for miles at least on the map and i don't see any reason at all why it wouldn't be loaded with wild mountain trout but i guess i'll have to see all right let's get my backpack out here i'm going to show you guys something i brought a bunch of stuff with me because i wasn't sure what to expect so it was like well might as well pack everything so i've got something here i uh brought this fly box full of little flies there don't know if we'll get to all this stuff today but i've got uh certainly some flies in there this is actually i think my dad had a friend just like give this to him and we're not fly fishermen in our family uh so we've never really used any of these but i thought i'm gonna bring this this time then i have a whole bunch of little dry creek trout tubes just a little micro extra soft one and a half inch tubes here and all these different colors some yellow ones there so might try some of those and then i have here some salmon eggs and then of course i also have some night crawlers and we'll probably and i know i'll start off with night crawlers here the thing i'm most excited about are these little tubes but i'm going to put those away just for the moment and we're going to use night crawlers just to like get an idea i guess of what's in here or if there's anything in here because it's not good to come to a brand new spot and be using brand new like experimental baits so let's drop a worm down first first cast of the day by the way i got one i got one guys oh my gosh oh shoot it was a rainbow son of a gun that was like second cast oh flipped it behind that rock i haven't done that yet let's see if there's anything back there got one got one behind the rock behind the rock what do we got a little rainbow first fish of the trip not a big gun but we don't expect to catch a ton of big ones here guys this is probably gonna be pretty much the average size now the question is do i keep one this small and i'm going no this is probably about a five incher beautiful little fish but let's wait for something just a little bit bigger that's what's always whoa hold up got a crawfish right here is he alive yeah he's alive barely something must be wrong with him huh all right we'll set the trout there i just caught my first crawdad of the day it's like something is he's barely moving huh interesting you know what i might do folks i think i'm going to use this guy for bait yeah i'm going to take the meat out of the shell sweet first crawfish of the day all right let's get this trout off the hook now that was cool it's funny how like everything's relative like if you're fishing a big trout lake there's no way you keep one that small but now that i'm fishing a tiny creek you know what i changed my mind i hooked him in the eye let's keep this one let's keep him anyway when you're fishing at a big trout lake of course you never keep one that big but when you're micro stream fishing this is a pretty normal to keep one this size all right folks just like that a little trout and a little crawfish in the bag all right ladies and gentlemen so crawfish some of the best bait out there it's like this one this one is sick or something so i'm gonna kill him real quick then we're just gonna twist the tail off all right just like so take the back fin off and leaves us with that little tiny chunk there we go and it's not much at all but it's the smell of it that that trout loves so much it's a little tiny piece of meat and this gives off a terrific smell in fact what you can even do is when you get a big crawdad you can take the um meat out of the claws but this guy is not going to have enough claw meat for the effort i'm afraid yeah i'm just going to leave that let's see if i'm getting on that little chunk of crawfish crawfish going down got him got him on the crawdad on the crawfish yes another rainbow trout sweet excellent excellent and this is definitely a keeper size about a seven incher rainbow trout there gobbled up that little teeny tiny piece of crawfish they it's just irresistible to them all right where's the bag right there we go my friends to trout and i haven't even explored all the rest of this creek i was going to work my way up all right folks now it is time to begin a little bit of experimentation one of the reasons why i wanted to come out here was to try all of these different tubes here i wanted to try some different colors of these micro tubes you see i have six different colors here i already know this one works for trout because i've coughed this is called happy meal i've cut trout on this one before actually in old videos like three years ago this one haven't caught anything on it and then this is the natural series it's called more natural color these four here this is changeable craw which of course i love this color for bass fishing i've never really used these micro tubes for trout so i'm going to experiment around with some of these because we got to decide which one of these is going to go in the ace videos trout 2 box that we're working on this color and this color definitely are going in it and um we'll just see which ones make it make the cut kind of a thing so i'm going to try this color here first it's called hair's ear hair like a like a rabbit hair's ear let's try it all right micro tube in a color i've never used before going out are you kidding me i had one guys i have one already second cast with it all right my friends got a couple of trout here let's move on but before we move on let's see here now up here looks pretty good okay i was gonna go check the mushrooms you know let's check the mushrooms first and then i'll resume fishing check these out let's see here um they look kind of like a dirty mushroom yeah i don't huh they just look dirty all right i got a good mushroom bad mushroom book here it's not comprehensive but it uh it has a lot of them the common ones yep guys i don't i don't see this guy actually one way or the other if it's good or bad um yeah they look cool but i'm only eating what i absolutely know and can identify well my friends that first spot was pretty sweet and i'm just gonna pick my way up this river here and just look for more deep holes to fish or good looking little runs and also keeping an eye out for uh some crawdad spots look at that huge rock that's like a nine foot tall just giant piece of granite i guess i don't know broke off yeah okay there there's a log right here check it out guys yeah yeah that little that little corner right there that should be good yeah i'm gonna work my way around here and i'm gonna throw it in from this angle that way i'm kind of hidden from view oh got him got him in there oh shoot shoo shoo there he is there he is wait he's right in here he got him almost he's under a rock he's under this rock hiding you know all right i'm gonna do something real quick let me kind of dam it up here where's my bag all right gotta run over here i gotta grab the red bag use it as kind of a net so i'm gonna put the red bag right here i'm gonna damn it up on this side and then i'm gonna try to chase him out of there hopefully he'll swim right in i gotta lift this rock up oh he did swim in i was like wait what all right so i caught him in the bag he he was so fast i didn't even see it i think he probably swam in with all these leaves and stuff that's why i didn't see him there he is check it out guys little rainbow trout that is so beautiful it's interesting how the the mountain ones are darker than rainbow trout you catch like in a lake so interesting it's like they're sun tan all right i'm gonna let this guy go [Music] caught him on that little hare's ear tube that is super cool three bites on that so far whoa ladies and gentlemen because i was just walking check out this huge crawfish right there fast around here got him yes a big one guys for these small creeks that is a monster crawfish right there fantastic sweet it wasn't even under a rock i left some of the uh leaves and stuff in there so that i hoped it would it would kind of calm the crawdads down so all right two trout and a big eating crawfish just kind of foraging these streams guys i see the tips of the claws of a crawfish sticking out here [Music] guys i see a trout right there that might have been a brook trout kind of spooked him i don't think he's going to bite this but i did see a trowel got him got him yes on the tube i saw him swimming around it's a rainbow i thought it was a brookie oh caught in the tree there oh that is cool that is so i sight fish for him i didn't realize he had all of a sudden i saw him like doing a little figure eight and i thought wait he must have the bait in his mouth if he's doing a figure eight like that on that tube folks the hare's ear is getting it done i think we'll add that to the ace videos trout box this is so cool there he goes all right you know what i'm going to do i'm going to switch colors and see about some of these other tubes here look at that it's called mocha stone let's give it a go got him he came up to the surface guys i took the split shot off and this trout came up to the surface and grabbed the tube the tube floats when there's no weight on it and i was like i wonder if like almost like a dry fly oh that is a beautiful trout wow look at the pink colors on that one that that like looks a little bit different wow that is so cool 100 percent wild trout in these creeks folks all right i actually want to keep one more but this trout is so beautiful i'm gonna let him go folks that was super unique because that was the first time i've ever used a soft plastic as like a dry fly the tube floats on the surface if i don't add a split shot and i thought you know i think trout would still go for this so i took the split shot off and just kind of twitched it on the surface and then the trout got it like that all right so i'm kind of behind hiding behind the big rock let's flip it in there got him got him same thing again folks the dry tube another rainbow what a fun fun deal about the same size you know what should i keep this one yeah yep let's have three what a day folks i've only actually been out here a couple of hours and all of this stuff here what a beautiful trout this is that perfect medium size um where you see that little tube right there where i'm not harvesting like a big one out of here a 12 13 incher which would be big for this little creek it's right in the middle about seven inches or so so i'm gonna keep this one all right fish this spot out good scored a nice trout [Music] on to the next one check out this pool here i actually just scared a fish all the way in the corner there so this time i'm going to crawfish hunt i'm going to take the trout out and i'm going to actually fillet the trout real quick not filet them i'm just going to gut them they're too tiny to fillet and take them out here and throw the guts around in the water and that should draw the crawdads out and i can just kind of pick them up i do not want to waste a bite of the delicate and delicious meat on these so i'm just gonna take the guts out and the gills all in one fell swoop there we go look at this pool here this looks good too um let's see here i'm just going to throw it it doesn't almost look i see a trout swimming around almost doesn't matter where you throw it as long as it's in the vicinity oh you see him there's the trout goes it's like the crawdads just come out from wherever they're at because they smell it and they start searching around all right so all three trout are cleaned and this was something crazy folks look at this trout's eye the crawdad must have eaten it out while he was in the bag crawdads love to eat out the eyes of fish and the gills so yeah i kind of grew some there but sweet a nice little catch of the day this beautiful creek so [Music] look at that big one man this creek has big crawfish too [Music] it's crazy to me how dark it's getting out here it's only like five o'clock but in the shadow of the mountain it's feeling really dark we can see sunshine at the top of the trees and it's like getting really chilly out right now that's cool let's cook you know what i do folks it's like a table i was walking by and i was like this seems like a big table i'm gonna cook on this i was looking for a log or like somewhere cool to sit but it's like flat or flat ish right here and uh i can even fish one more spot in the creek if i want to but this is where i'm cooking sweet new bottle a new bottle mist get a little clear creek water got here some salt whoa whoa whoa oh forgot that it had that okay well um we got some salty water there well i'm just gonna actually cook the crawdads for just a minute or two and then throw them in with the stir-fry i've got some pre-chopped vegetables and i planned on cooking the vegetables the trout and the crawdad all together oh that water's boiling nicely look at these two they're monstrous look they think they're going to climb out already oh nope he's like that ain't that ain't it there we go ladies and gentlemen seriously this is it's been a while these are the biggest crawdads of every cotton appalachian mountains and you know what these seem like idaho crawdads like the species these seem like in my home home state of idaho that seems like the same species there we go i did not catch a small crawfish today all right three oh absolutely wild rainbow trout from the mountains and our crawfish here looking good that should be enough just to just four or five minutes on them they'll finish cooking i'm gonna add a little sesame oil in with the butter and then the vegetables put a little soy sauce in there slip the trout right in just cooking it on a low heat i'm going to add a little garlic and herb seasoning i'm hungry okay first off i have to say that these are some of the most crawfish i've ever caught and i'm interested to see how they taste it's just a thick fat crawfish all right it peels very easily the shell is soft which is different if you guys have followed my channel closely i've been catching some of these appalachian crawfish and some of them the shell is super hard and it's no fun to try to eat them let me have to say the crowds aren't very full it's kind of a small piece of meat for it but let's see how it tastes that's a really good crawdad the meat is different it's super soft right so watch this so the shell breaks really easily and there we go grab the bad stuff out there it's the most tender crawdad i've ever eaten it's delicious let's give this wild trout a taste that's an amazing trout i eat a lot of stock trout and there is a huge huge difference this has been such a cool day go out there and find your own adventures i mean watch this video i hope it inspires you find creeks and rivers around your place i do it all the time i just got to get out there and try it so what is going on guys welcome to another adventure we're back in idaho i'm out here with my dad we're going to do some bass fishing maybe some sturgeon fishing later but bass fishing research for sure we kind of have all day so to see how the bass fishing is if we really slay them and we're like you know what we're kind of done with this we might do some sturgeon fishing later but we are bass fishing bass kayak fishing actually today this is my dad's hobie pro angler kayak and uh yeah you like this thing and then i got the outback for you kayak enthusiast we'll go over that in a second but we're on the snake river beautiful day out here um it's early spring so the bass fishing sometimes can be really good as far as get your biggest ones the year so we'll see we'll see let's get out there let's do it all right guys this is my crash for today uh real quick real real fast rundown if you're new to the kayak world it's hobi kayak it has the pedal drive we got storage in there we got storage all our tackle stuff boom right in there got a couple of fishing rods with us all the camera gear of course and pliers and different things and a real nice seat so we just got a launcher growing up in iowa i can remember as a kid in history class reading about the snake river and thinking oh my goodness would it be so cool to see that place one day and now i live you know live real close to it so anyway this is pretty special pretty good time and uh we've caught some bass back here in these backwaters before so i'm gonna give that a try today let's see what we can do today here this kind of weather this kind of uh of water temperature most of the bite is a reaction bite you pull in front of their face ticks them off and they jump out at it a bass is a lot like a cat you know you drag a ball or a mouse or something fake across the front of a cat and you just can't help but jump out after it and and bass are a lot like that fish on [Applause] hey i snagged him i could feel him biting oh he got off there you go small mouth nice at least they're following it all right so we threw that hard bait for a while now we're gonna go after a little i'm gonna do a little tube a little double dip tube dry creek outfitter tube and dry creek outfitter custom trophy baits bass scent let's try this out here give it a little make that bass want to hang on a little longer so i can get a good hook set in make sure he wants it just kind of dancing that tube across the bottom there we go fish on nice oh that feels good see what we got here ah good little smallie he picked that up didn't he there we go ah nothing like it snake river smallie there we go not a biggie but a beauty so we'll let him go and go after the next one all right guys this is my first lure i'm starting out with a little uh strike yeah strike king it's not labeled but i'm pretty sure it's a strike king just based on the look of it a little shallow running chartreuse crankbait because the water is quite quite muddy we got a little spot up here check out this spot so right up there oh it's not flowing normally there's a creek flowing in right up here let me back up it's pulling out this guy because it has reverse well guys check out the school of carp there are a ton of cars right here you guys see that holy mackerel oh my snag came out look at all those fish whoa that is crazy oh i see some bass with him i see some bass no joke there was some largemouth i spooked him but there's some bass hanging out there with him alright guys so we have a situation here at this spot i i saw like four or five nice large mouth hanging out right there but i spooked them they were in like six inches of water but i spooked them and i spoke kind of all the fish so they're all kind of swirling around so we're gonna leave this spot or let it settle and let the fish come back and all kind of settle down and then we're going to probably walk up on the bank here and we're just going to sneak up on them real subtly and probably throw in like some weightless tubes and see if we can sight fish form but we got to be patient got to wait about 10 or 15 minutes for them to come back we'll go down we'll fish we'll fish down here with our other stuff and we'll come back to this clear water spot and we'll do some epic sight fishing right here one thing about the snake river in the area that i'm in uh 40 degree water comes out of the rock pretty much year round so i'm sure you can hear the water but what happens is that water the trout farms catch a lot of it but they don't catch all of it and so you hear that that's that's spring water or aquifer water coming out of the canyon walls trickling down and it just comes into the snake river here that's why you hardly ever see the snake river around here you just never see it iced over because there's always fresh 40 degree water coming in and in the summertime it keeps it cool and in the wintertime it tends to keep it kind of warm so uh relatively speaking between the speed of the water and the and the 40 degree water added all the time you just don't get a lot of ice on this part of the snake river that might have been a little something there yep there we go i felt him pick it up come on oh that's a good one that's a good largemouth i got him that's not the one we saw earlier he's a good nice oh come to papa whew that's pretty that is a pretty fish look at that got to get a picture of this one send it to the boys let's see come here bubba there we go look at that that's gotta go too all right nice oh yeah nice that was fun all right my friends here we are we're going to sneak up on this spot ready to get off on shore here we got to be real cagey let's go get some bass let's get them [Music] these bass are so [Music] oh drag's a little loose yes sight fishing for large mouth baby right yes yes guys get these weeds out of the way not a giant but a fun fish song swim right over look at that look at that that is my first largemouth of the year a sight fish for it [Music] nice little keeper there probably a pound and a half i think this is going to be the first ever largemouth catch and cook on my channel alright guys so i just came up with a crazy plan there are so many fish here and the water's so clear we're gonna put an underwater camera we're gonna clamp it on and then we're gonna leave and let's see what swims up in here do [Music] [Music] all right guys we've got this tail water coming out of the trout farm up there let's see just for fun if there's anything hanging out down there i'll show you what i've got on there in just a second there we go oh it was on it just took took it oh it's a nice trout nice nice that's a pretty trout imagine that catching a trout underneath the trout farm oh he took it in deep too i think we're gonna eat this one let's get him up here to let you see him there we go he'll eat got him again here we go i don't know what it is but it's a good probably a carp oh no that's a bass no no that's cat oh my gosh if that's a bass that's a big one holy no that's a big trout oh my gosh can you believe this oh my goodness oh my heavens that's a that's the biggest trout i've ever caught if i can catch him oh my gosh oh my word look at this oh yeah come on hog oh gosh geez i don't have a net oh my gosh this is a good fish come on stay on got to get over the shallows see if i can get them out over here i think this will get it okay now reel em up reel em up oh my gosh look at this trout you guys look at this trout look at this trout oh my gosh look it's a rainbow i can't believe how big this thing is he's still fighting me come on oh gosh i don't want to go okay i'm gonna have to tighten it down just a little bit okay come on turn your head come up here oh my word look at the size of this pig oh my gosh okay okay come on no no no no no no no okay all right i'll let you run a little more just get tired out and oh i can't even lift him in the boat i'm gonna have to go through his gills there we go oh my word look at that yeah baby man yes yes indeed okay check that pig out oh my goodness talk about some fillets yes all right all right my friends here is the situation i got my underwater camera up there and i don't know if this will work but we're gonna fish right in front of it and let's see if we can get some bass with the underwater camera down there so so foreign well guys here's my verdict the bass are too spooked and with a gopro as i've learned over the years you put a gopro down there with them they're on high alert they're like something's not right or they see that device they're like i don't know what that is but they're they're just their senses are all up and they're kind of suspicious of everything else when you put a camera down there with them so anyway we'll have to uh we'll have to try that another time maybe when they're more aggressive but let's keep fishing hey you caught two i caught two holy mackerel that's a monster that is the biggest trout i've ever had that's together that's your personal best yes holy crap but i need your stringer man this thing is okay okay i will i will get the stringer oh my goodness can i let him go oh you let him go i've got it what is that like a five pound trout you know what i think with if you want to keep fishing i'm getting really hungry and i'm gonna take him back and i'm gonna start cooking i got the bass and the trout guys oh my god a nice large out and a massive trout i had to kill him because he's got my bait oh he swallowed i'm sorry i should have told you guys i mean are we gonna have a feast or what this is crazy crazy cool day of fishing let's head back let's cook these up my brother micah sturgeon fishing over there i'll put a link to his video i think he's caught i know he's caught quite a few fish actually and uh so check out his videos i'll put that link that in the description he's sturgeon fishing and trout fishing all right here we are hello bro how goes it high sight fish for my first bass in a clear spot over there no kidding yep caught one that probably caught a massive trout like a five pound trowel i have it on the street how have you been doing good dude i got uh i got like a uh i think it's tickling six foot sturgeon um those shades though i know dude if you guys want any shades go to my video you'll find a link to them in the description you know i've actually had quite a few people ask me bro where'd you get those shades are you gonna start a new trend you know what maybe i will maybe i will oh i'm am i getting a bite oh oh really like 25 yards out just jumped all the only thing that didn't come out was the tail it was epic that is so cool knives out oh look at this guys i mean are you kidding me i don't think i've cleaned a regular trout this big before actually let's see how much this trout weighs 6.04 that's after bleed out too wow six pound trout yo let's see what's in his stomach oh it has pink meat too doesn't feel like there's much in the stomach oh wait wait we got some stuff here we got some stuff that's interesting okay so we have a ton of little snails and green algae so this trout's been eating green algae and a whole bunch of little snails there that's crazy all right guys get ready for it get ready whoa check out that gorgeous pink meat right there because it didn't it didn't bleed out all the way i thought it bled out but kind of uh but all right my friends now that our salmon well i mean trout is done that's what it looks like salmon now that's done let's play a little a large mouth y'all this bass has like nothing in its guts really yeah nothing you need something no that's why i was hungry it was the only hungry one in the all group there we go nice basketball way you got two totally different types of meat there we will start with a bass since that's kind of a novelty cut it into some nice chunks and then we have here guys we're gonna deep fry these fish we're also gonna deep fry some pickles this is some regular louisiana kitchen fish fry but to me it doesn't uh it doesn't cut mustard cut mustard whatever that phrase is so we have some black pepper here that we are going to put in and then we have here some salt that we will put in because the seasoning definitely isn't salty and then something really fun i have here arizona dreaming salt free pensies spices i got some mail from some subscribers the garner family they want to thank me for the content and they wanted me to send me a taste of arizona where they used to live they just now moved to washington and so we're basically making deep fried southwest fish today and we're going to be real generous stings my eyes the the dust from it wow this is some this is packs a punch here it's very light it's gonna be spicy we got some southwest spice going on literally the wind swirled some in my eyes there i'm gonna mix that all around i gotta go dunk my head in the lake real quick did not dunk my head in the leg that was a joke but don't get southwest in your eyes folks we put these fillets in there shake we'll add them to all the oil that's hot good old frying sand right there beautiful we'll put the lid on and then i brought with me today some pickles my friends i didn't want to bring the whole jar out here but uh wanted to fry some pickles we will add some of this mix here and shake as well so we got pickles and fish and we'll fry them all together i'm going to make my dad a nice little plate here oh nice i'm uh fresh off my last cook-off win okay get out of here and uh [Music] um but yeah if you guys want to chat the cookoff video mike and i just did all right guys time to remove the fried baths oh looking good and then i'm gonna add while we wait and while i bring this to my dad we're gonna add some of these fried pickles y'all you pickle morsels now i will add a piece of fish as well scoot over there chumps put that on let's let my dad take a taste test you know what my dad has walked has walked over their way so i'm actually going to take the first plate of fish and when he gets back then we'll uh then i'll feed him say a quick prayer [Music] what a blessed day what a blessed blessed day i hear my pickles you know the pickles are only going to take a few they're going to take like a minute i think all right fried bass you know i'm gonna dip it in this fry sauce right away [Music] hot hot but it's good let's check out this fried pickle situation don't want to overcook these little suckers here flip our fish [Music] perhaps you are just in time for fried pickles and fried fish so let's do the pickles first here and that's bass just to let you know it's not the trout we'll try the trout in a second what do you think of the fried pickles lovely lovely oh good lovely i have not tried them yet okay what do you think of the bass this is good that's good not great i think i myself personally wasn't like whoa no no i mean the coating is good the fish is okay um and i'm hungry so i'm really grateful for it i want to try frying up that trout next but uh not a bad plate not at all so we have here the trout fillette now before we add it we should add some more of this make sure to keep away from the eyes and we add our trout and here is the trout going in and we'll uh give them a little friend here a little bass fillet [Music] you can tell the color difference in the two fish wow that is what i'm talking about right there folks so beautiful oh yeah the trout's starting to fall apart that's a sign it's done look at that folks look at that and before we sample this we've got a whole plate of pickles here not a plate a little bag a ton oh yeah stir those around good reminds me of working a chick-fil-a in the bag cooking up chicken nuggets you gotta stir them so they don't stick together pops if you would try the trout and tell us how it compares all right oh look at that that is so hot i might have to wait just a second yeah if you want oh man let's wait to save that to cool yeah yeah all right go for it here we go texture is fantastic flavor is good you know it needs a little more salt needs a little bit more salt you know maybe i didn't salt my stuff good enough it was just rare for me well and it could be that i'm so used to the ocean stuff here lately and everything [Music] i think i need a little more you need more salt on it but it is rare day guys that i undersalt things it's good it's good making me crave it trout that looks like salmon it really does have a salmon flavor to it looks like salmon kind of tastes like salmon the textures definitely like salmon i mean it's a good wow that is one of the best photos i've eaten wow good job we are sitting there ooh and on over the uh fish guys oh we forgot about the pickles yeah they're fine we weren't too long oh man man oh man oh man southern fried goodness bro you want to try some bro fried pickles surely surely [Music] i would pick the ones on the bottom that are not sizzling man dude let's see how you did you know i'm the fried chicken you you are the fried pickle king that's for sure your whole family likes fried chicken with your daughter yeah i got seasoning yeah what is that it's like a southwest like a southwest pickle basically that gum that's fried fish feast going on here if you guys want to dip them in a little of that sauce there sauce is the boss that is a good sauce yeah that southwest seasoning is legit if anybody wants to send me any seasoning you're gonna send it to ace's p.o box and just mark it micah for anyone out there shameless man well guys we fished a little more and my dad caught two other ones but i caught i didn't catch any other ones but it was still a great time out here what a good time good day recipe make sure to check out micah's video in the description below thank you guys for watching we'll see you in the next one incredible wow what is going on guys welcome to another trout fishing adventure in the mountains at this creek um i've been here this is the second time and i discovered the first time i came here first time to discover this there are crawfish in here and tons of rainbow trout so i've decided to return and uh just gonna fish and forge around let's see what happens so check it out i've got all of these mini trout tubes with me and by the time you guys are watching this the ace videos trout tube tackle box should be out i'll put a link to it in the description started out like 10 bags of these and i narrowed it down to my five or six of my favorites here and so i got those and i got worms though as backup too just in case i don't know maybe the fishing's really really tough or something but these tubes should do well the first color i'm starting off with is called crawfish just a nice plain kind of a dark mocha colored little mini tube there an inch and a half so let's try that also have these other colors here we're going to try to get some crazy ones like happy meal i love happy meal caught a lot of trout on that one and this is scud missile anyway i'll show all them in a second let's cast in this little uh this little creek right here this little hole right up here i just have this little mini fishing rod today this is actually an ice fishing reel and i put some four pound test on it i do not like ice fishing um i've been only been twice before and so i thought you know what i bought this reel the reel is solid i'm gonna use it as a tiny like creek fishing rod here and this rod's only five foot long it breaks down and uh so yeah this is my setup for the day oh wait you know i was about to take first cast i almost forgot something really important here got here some dry creek outfitters trophy bass gel scent i know it says bass gel set but it's great for trout too i'm gonna put a little bit of that on the tube when you go to order my ace videos tackle box this will actually be linked right beside it so all right let's go let's go starting to rain again it's kind of been a rainy drizzly day all right first cast of the day folks so i'm just going to follow this thing up and just kind of fish all these little waterfalls all right guys i want to fish that waterfall so my plan is to sneak up though and drop my line in at just the right spot got him got him guys got it oh yes look at that that's what i'm talking about first fish of the day and that is a keeper for sure that's a nice size for this creek oh yes yes yes oh he swallowed it too or it's in his gill actually so we're definitely keeping this one and guys on that uh hare's ear was the color that that trout wanted nice gonna bonk him real quick look at that folks that is what i'm talking about and to catch like a probably a nine or probably 10 incher in a creek like this that's a good eating size sweet all right ladies and gentlemen using the same tube because you know that once you catch one fish on it it gives it a nice fishy flavor that other fish will like so got him yes right in that waterfall very very cool i didn't i think i had this one on for a while and i didn't even know it because he swallowed it they're slacking my line and i was like why is there slack oh man folks they are loving this tube right now let's bomb cam real quick how beautiful are these wild mountain trout here caught them on hare's ear what a dynamite color i've got a lot of trout snacks in here and a snack for me i'm hungry already i'll be excited when i get to cook up some trout and i'm gonna try to catch some crawfish right guys so i caught a couple out of this little run here but i look up above and there's a nice pool right there i'm gonna walk around see if i can get to that oh missed him missed him dang it he had it he was swimming upstream with it got him yes i buy that waterfall another rainbow and another like decent one too there are a lot of like really tiny like four inch trout in here i can see them but maybe it's using the tube or something might be because i'm using a tube that i'm getting a little bit bigger ones sweet all right my friendship there we go you know guys i'm gonna let's i'm gonna let this one go i'll let this one go here um i think he went down the waterfall oh well all right got him oh did you see that jump oh that is cool look at this guy look at him jumping oh man that is another keeper right there i've got my three fish that i want folks to keep so i like to keep ones that are in the mid-range and this one's about 11 inches or so and so if i was to catch like a 14 or 15 incher which would be huge for this creek i wouldn't keep it because it's kind of like a trophy one and then of course you don't want to eat really small ones but catching nice medium sized ones like this is perfect because they're one guy described it i think it was uncut angling he said think of a pyramid where you have only a few giant fish at the top a bunch of medium fish in the middle and tons of little fish that you don't want to keep anyway so that's the idea some people asked me about that why i keep medium-sized ones and let the biggest fish of the day go and that's why especially at these creeks here where you know they don't exactly resupply that easily i don't think but i don't know maybe in these mountains they don't get disturbed very much onward and upward my friends i every pool looks good but i have to kind of be choosy check out this little run here folks this should have a fish in it oh yeah oh yeah yeah right here i like it i like it oops not a good kid all right here we go got him oh a little micro trout oh that is cool though right in that spot oh there he goes there he goes right in that spot though i wonder if i'm going to get any other kind of trout like a brown trout or a brook trout up here so far all i've got is rainbows in this creek which i'm not complaining at all i just find that interesting because i know there are a lot of other species around here check it out a little little salamander that's cool careful bro your trout bait that size trout will eat you up there you go look at i'm trying he's trying to burrow down in like this moss oh he is burrowing down oh that's cool that's really cool further up and further in wow at every turn they're just more beautiful waterfalls and pools i see trout swim around in there you know i'm gonna pause though on the trout fishing and um catch some crawfish way i'm gonna catch these crawfish is take these trout and i'm gonna gut them when i cook i cook them whole and so all i need is the guts out cut them straight up the middle like so oh dang this is a female shoot oh well that happens there we go now let's put this under water [Music] okay we're gonna [Music] i'm sorry i think [Music] and [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] me [Music] [Music] no now [Music] i'm not gone for five minutes and already like everything is gone oh wait i see him over here he's dragging it he's almost to his lair i gotta get it before he goes in he's almost to his lair [Music] haha that is crazy i can't believe i found my spatula it stayed here stayed in the water since last week when i was here didn't wash away and this crawdad again refuses refuses to drop the guts all right set my spatula there that is super cool and oh wow okay first i thought one got it guys check it out check it out got a big one here big one whoa whoa i thought this was a good size check that monster out because he came up he smelled the trout see because my trout are in this bag and he must have oh my goodness oh this is so cool all right stick them in there that is crazy biggest one of the day for sure must have come out of that deep pool right there this is this is so much fun this is what i love to do this is my favorite saturday right here a bunch of trout and crawfish in there oh wow it's kind of a little cave area back here you know could we find a cave that would be really nice because it's getting a little drizzly out here oh i see the river came through here this spring that's why all the stuff laid down oh oh my goodness folks i have a cave look at this this is cool i can it's not exactly a cave actually that's an exaggeration but i can sit under this and be out of the rain i can like cook under here nice everything's covered in moss so it's pretty sweet look at this all these big rocks and stuff i like it i like it a lot i'm completely out of the rain here let's cook folks i found that cave in the nick of time because the rain just started to really come down i'm glad i brought my rain stuff too where i would have been hurting i'm gonna hang the fish and crawfish right there so they don't get any dirt on them folks this is why you gotta get out you just gotta start exploring because you never know what you're gonna find or do at the start of the day i had no idea that i would be cooking up under this little rock here in the rain wasn't even raining when i first got out here so how cool little backpackers set up here i have all this stuff for making coffee and i almost never do i need to do that especially on these cold days the pot and check it out i brought everything for a miniature crawfish boil a couple of ears of corn there some young potatoes or no not young potatoes new potatoes new potatoes right there a little miniature one so they cook up fast well the first thing i have to do is get water to boil let's go back down to the creek that should be good all righty here we go corn is one of my favorite vegetables this corn is so sweet you need it raw and i think it's called honeysuckle honey cream something hot water is ballin first thing i'm gonna do is add this is a mixture of salt pepper and add plenty of that to it there we go and then i've got here slap your mama seasoning got this from a trip texas texas trip i think and um i'm gonna just add a whole bunch of that to the water there make this water louisiana style where they just they just put it in tons of seasoning and of course it gets in your throat then some zatarans shrimp and crab boil make it a little spicy just like so and while that's heating back up i'm actually going to add the miniature with the new potatoes in there first since those need the longest to cook what else i forgot here folks i almost forgot it i got ramen noodles i'm gonna throw some noodles in the crawfish boil crunchy ramen noodles are good too i'm eating everything before i even cook it all right potatoes have been cooking for a little while probably about 10 minutes or so all right so they poke moderately well still not cooked all the way here's my almost eaten corn here throw him in there and him now here's the question i had another one i don't know if i don't have enough room hmm you know what if it overflows it is going to overflow dang it maybe i just eat this raw that might be what i do all right crawfish going in hot actually they're going in cold they'll soon be hot i got some nice crawfish today i cannot believe how big they are in this creek and in fact here's the pierced resistance look he's taking a trout with him he loves the trout what the heck dude like come on there you go force them down in the hot water there he'll let go stir it all around there let me see how my tater look oh yeah look i just split apart oh that is so perfect excellent and i am getting a little better at these crawfish boils every single time everything is coming out even all right it is now finally time for the trout we're gonna put these in and then let them cook for just like a minute or two the very last thing will be the ramen noodles i'm running out of room it's a huge crawfish boil maybe i should have split it up into two parts nah just tamp it down everything's good boom i don't think there's any room for the ramen noodles okay i break these raw noodles sideways kind of break them up a bit i can barely fit some in here one more chunk come on because these will collapse if i can fit them in there without overflowing this there we go it'll all cook down somehow all right my friends it's been several minutes looking good looking extra good look at papa crawfish here good knit that is a monstro right there let's see here i know the ram noodles are done the trout done come on trout please tell me you're done oh yeah yep coming away perfect you know what i'm gonna do i'm just gonna eat it right out of the pot here now i'm just gonna eat this big this whole big uh crawfish boil straight out of here let's say a prayer what a blessed day out here at first i'm trying some ramen noodles folks that doesn't work since ramen noodles absorb whatever they're in they absorb a lot of it and they absorb a ton of the seasoning and they're just over seasoned i should have just eaten them raw the potato looks good though that's a little better draining it off papa crawfish is delicious and despite like look how big those claws are but they're so like slender they're not the big fat claws these crawfish from this river are so tasty i know that from previous experience when you catch them out of a clear stream you don't even need to purge them or nothing they are good just like that and boiled trout is seriously really good wow that was tasty i don't realize how hungry i was until i started cooking maybe eating all that raw corn it'd be interesting to see how good it is when i'm not hungry guys what a fun trip by the time this video is done the new ace videos trout tube box should be we should have a bunch of them packed and ready to ship to you guys check out the link in the description and uh yeah as you guys can see they're super effective for trout i hope you guys can catch a lot of fish on them check them out below but thank you guys so much for hanging out hope you enjoyed and i'll see you in the next adventure what is going on guys i hope you guys are having a great day how about we go do some fishing check this out there's this beautiful river here this river is full of trout the water is clear crawdad should be out it's a warm day today but not too hot which usually means the fishing is going to be fire and i'm super excited for today because i have something a little bit unusual so i was reading through my comments and i get a lot of great comments from you guys by the way and a subscriber was telling me hey you should try using crawdads for trout and i thought that is a great idea i've never done that before catch crawdads and use them as trout bait so that's what i'm going to do today we're going to go around and you can see the water is very clear a lot of good rocks we're just going to start flipping over some rocks here and find some crawdads and then i'm going to cut the crawdads up and use them as trout bait all right so we just have a very simple rig on here just a split shot rig i have just a regular um bait hook and a teeny tiny little split shot on there now we just need some bait look at this spot right here nice rock should be a crawdad under here let's try this rock [Applause] yep there's one all right so i've already killed him and we'll just uh that's just nerves i already crushed him i'm just gonna pinch off the tail i think i'm just gonna i think i'm gonna just take all the shell off i think that would be best yeah and just use like soft meat like that by the way the crawdad moving for you guys who are new to the outdoors all creatures move even after they're dead in fact i've had catfish that you cut their head off gut them throw them in the cooler and like 30 minutes later they're still kicking in the cooler but they have no head no guts so that's normal so don't be alarmed that this that this part is still moving okay so there's a soft piece of meat let's put that on a hook slides on it seems tough the the crawdad meat does but not too tough seems like nice and soft like a trout would like to eat look at that little morsel that has to get a trout guys i gotta tell you i have a really really good feeling about this all right first cast ever with crawdad for trout i have used live like a whole live crawdad for bass before but never never this method for trout i got one i'm not kidding you what was that i don't i'll have to count later but how many seconds what did i have to wait oh it's a rainbow looks like look at that guys this first cast ever and it's a wild trout too so if you guys are new to fishing whenever you have like uh rivers and lake stuff like this they'll have wild trout in them but the wild trout population isn't a lot there are a lot of smaller or the wild trout it just isn't a lot so what fish and game does is they stock them with stock trout just to keep the populations healthy and this is a full on look how beautiful that is wild trout the only bad thing is he really swallowed that that is so cool the very very first cast so i usually don't keep wild trout just to you know just because they're not as common as like the stock ones but this guy he has swallowed the hook so well there's no way that's that's coming out so i'm actually going to keep and eat this one and so yeah cool so this next one will kill them like the last one and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to actually take a piece of claw meat this time let's see if the claws have enough meat in them guys look at this right there that looks fantastic to me it's going to go on the hook perfectly i think look at that that looks beautiful trout let's try that [Music] huh i think i just saw a flash i did see a flash right down there got it oh guys this is a good one this good one but this is a good fish this is a good fish oh look at this look at this trout [Applause] look how beautiful this fish is i saw a flash in the water and i just i just cast it right toward it oh this is a nice trout look at that another wild one look how beautiful that fish is oh my gosh oh and he swallowed this he swallowed it too huh let's see if we get the hook out i cannot believe look how gorgeous that fish is that is cool i just saw a little flash casted right toward it that must have been him i'm going to take the time here to find a few crawdads because i'm going to cook up some crawdads with my trout later oh here's a nice one oh that's a really good one that's gonna have some claw meat on it right there we'll save this one for eating ourselves well excellent spot here guys couple trout some nice craws um now though uh we're just gonna keep let's keep moving down the river and let's find another spot like this let's check out under this bridge here i've never been under here before let's see uh see what's cooking huh yeah there's a little pool right here i wonder if there's some crawdads in this calm calm little pool are big enough rocks to flip over there will be yeah yeah let's look for some crawdads here [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] guys i was just walking back with this crawdad there's a nice sized one right here got him you know when you're flipping over rocks who knows how many i miss there's doubles this is uh oh this is a dozen now i've got a dozen crawdads let's find a few more so we can have some for bait as well and if we have room in the pot i have a small pot that i'm going to cook these in if we have room we'll throw the extra ones in well this was a good little spot let's uh i'm glad i stopped here let's go keep moving and let's try to find a fishing spot now this is kind of cool you know i might uh when i'm i'm through fishing and catching crawdads i might just kind of sit under here like a hobo and cook up my uh cook up my meal now this is a cool looking fishing spot as well you know what we're gonna cast a line oh man yeah this looks really good this looks really good let's get baited up here on the hook just like that all right oh man this looks like dynamite right here i'm getting a bite come on take it got him oh it's a tiny one oh it's a tiny tiny one that uh oh this is a wild one too look at those colors look at those colors that's i've never caught three wild ones in one day there we go there he goes that is cool three for three on the wild trout well i thought that spot would be money but it wasn't i think it's too obvious of a good fishing spot so it probably gets pounded um so anyway check this out though got my own little private beach here beach with a view and i am starving so i'm gonna get my ketchup cooked stuff out and let's cook up a little dinner guys this is this is crazy as i was coming down here i had to leave my crawdads for a minute to get something out of the vehicle and it's good thing i was just gone a minute because a mink was trying to carry off my trout and my um crawdads hopefully he didn't cause any damage i can oh look there he is there he is right there hey hey you oh he's mad oh he's mad he wants it all right now look you little rodent i know you want it but i can't i'll share something with you later all right i'm gonna i have to i have to prepare this trout anyway hey hey hey he's mad he's like hissing and all right just one second dude just one second hey hey no no no i don't want to all right you come get your trout you can have the head you have the head okay there we go hey the head is yours there you go there you go that's funny got this nice big flat rock here so act as our table set up our catch and cook stuff all right while i was setting up look who's back hey hey boy he is bold as brass you hey okay so i have here there's the trout here are the guts that i saved for him we will set it there oh there he comes through the water he smells it hey you yeah there's some guts there there you go pour in the water we're gonna boil up the crawdads first look at this look at this little guy he is he's trying to get hey hey no no no you don't he's trying to carry off my bag of christmas look look look i can't even i can't even cook anything he keeps coming back i'm trying to keep my crawdads alive until the last second dude look at him he is it's like i really really want one i really do make a coat out of him it's so cool how they swim don't you hiss at me i just fed you i'm gonna have to keep these up by me so we got some water boiling or starting to boil the nice flame going on under there and so while that's going on i have for the lineup for cooking the crawdads in the water i'm going to put some of this zataran shrimp and crab oil which is very spicy very high concentrate you only need a little bit of it i'm going to put some lemon and then this is actually roasted garlic and herb seasoning which my brother got for me for my birthday which normally you put it directly on meat but i'm going to add a little bit to the water just just for extra flavor and then of course we got some salt and so now i just need the water to boil since the water is close to a rolling boil we will add our salt always add plenty of that i have done it before where i don't add enough salt to my um crustaceans and it the like the flavor of them leeches out we'll add some of our crawdad boil i like mine spicy so that was actually even though that wasn't it was actually a really good amount and then some of this good grief it's boiling like crazy now i can add my crawfish i'm gonna turn it down a notch then we add some moon gosh keeps trying to boil over have to keep blowing on it then we shall add our crawdads they're hanging on to each other oh look at that baby dude right there big old claws big meaty claws you know what i'm talking about every time i do a video where i drop live crustaceans in the in the boiling water there are always a couple of people in the comments section were like like oh my gosh that is so cruel dropping my crawdads in boiling water or crabs or whatever and it's not it's just it's not a tiny crustacean in a big thing boiling water it kills it instantly as soon as it hits that water i'm telling you it it at the very least just passes out and then dies it doesn't sit there and go oh my gosh i'm dying i'm done you know that's boiling water if you imagine like imagine a big swimming pool and a giant swimming pool that's just rolling boiling water and you do a cannonball off into the rolling that rolling boiling water you would die instantly you might even die just from you might even pass out just from the heat of the steam before you even hit the water so it isn't humane to drop crustaceans in boiling water and it's funny because some people are like oh you need to put them in uh you need to put them on ice before you drop them in boiling water okay so slowly freeze them to death in the cooler before you drop them in the boiling water that doesn't make any sense i'll just drop them straight in the boiling water you can tell the crawdads are done when you see how there's some white there like the the the tail is splitting away from the carapace and that means that these crawdads they're all about done nice nice we're gonna drain our crawls here look at that it's this i got this whole little set up here uh from walmart voila bright red craw heads that looks so good and then while the crawdads cool off i'm going to cook up my little trout here and drop oh should have cut the tail off oh well oh wow salt the little burger and i'm very excited look garlic roasted garlic and herb seasoning i actually brought it out here for the trout i thought i'd add it to the crawfish too looks good looks appetizing and squeeze some lemon right over it oh fantastic [Music] oh it is done it is totally done check it all about presentation say a quick prayer for this blessed day all right trout with skin wild trout too oh man that is too good first time using roasted garlic and herb my brother my brother gave that to me thanks bro let's try crawdad for this big fella break off the tail peel the tail i haven't seen my mink friend here he should be coming around now that the food is ready look look at that not as good as a lobster or crab but the best thing you'll ever find in fresh water like that that's a big claw not all the crawdads have claws big enough to eat so it's kind of fun when you catch one that's a big enough claw oh man and the claw meat's always softer just like crabs the clammy is always uh more tender than the tail meat look at that just a tiny bit of spice but not too much thank you guys for hanging out today hope you enjoyed it as much as i did and i'll see you guys in the next one what is going on my friends welcome back to the appalachian mountains i'm very excited i just struck the mother lode of trout so i've actually parked and fished at this place before but last time i was here there were hardly any trout but there were tons of crawdads this time i come and check it out i'll put my polarized sunglasses over the lens can you guys see that we have struck the mother lode of trout ladies and gentlemen uh i don't know what is going on here but it is spring and the last time i was here it is fall very very early spring here in march you can see things are just kind of starting to turn green we've got some some new growth here i saw some daffodils popping up in various places along the road on my drive up here so i mean there there's a couple of really big trout but a bunch of trout in here this this is going to be really cool so i am there's one thing i have to say i'm trying not to get too excited because a lot of times in these situations in these small creeks and stuff like that especially where there's this like main thoroughfare coming through here you have a lot of people stop at a spot like this two fish for the trout so sometimes they can be very pressured so i'm cautiously optimistic but i am excited because i have my uh asa videos trout to box link in the description just five amazing micro tubes for trout i'm gonna start off with let's see probably this no i'm gonna start off with crawfish it's the most natural color in there it's just a nice little mocha colored it's called crawfish and you know i'm not gonna i was gonna put a little jig head well yeah you know i'm gonna put a little jig head with it and i'm actually gonna rig this with the internal weight method just sliding the jig head in the back of the tube and it gives it a nice falling action that's why you rig this way and it covers that gray jig head trout in crystal clear creaks like this are very sensitive to color doesn't that look oh man just a little micro tube i'm excited that's all rigged up like should be and then folks i'm going to show you guys something kind of crazy i have here bacon one of the reasons why i have bacon is because trout can't resist it a lot of you guys may not have heard of that but trout love bacon and so what i have this this is a backup bait it's also can be used as a scent so i'm going to take this bait and rub the bacon on it and uh hopefully it gives it a good little scent there for those trout and then you also have bacon to eat later it's the best vegetable out there so there we go let's get fishing all right guys so as i was rigging up here a couple of subscribers are here uh they were just fishing down the way did you guys catch anything nice you what can i see them sweet now is it normal for this many trout to be around here this time of year oh yeah they just stalked it oh they just oh sweet sweet excellent well this is uh johnathan yo you're daniel you're jonathan anyway thank you guys for watching my channel so sweet it's always fun running into subscribers out here and uh oh man oh there's a giant trout i mean a huge one i gotta be careful standing in the middle of the road here i don't oh wow oh wow we've got some nice ones down there folks i did not see that one oh i got a bite right away all right guys after uh many casts i uh can't get any of them to bite they bit it when it initially dropped in front of them so what i'm gonna have to do is i'm to get tricky with it i'm gonna come around over here i'm trying to sneak around basically [Music] got him got one i got one oh it's a good one too it's a good one yes yes yes first fish of the day on the micro tube oh it is a stocked one that's all right though that's still cool very nice for eating perfect little size i don't think there's a size limit around here anyway but he got that little crawfish colored tube excellent got a little lunch folks and just stick him in this little dive bag here and come down let's see here i come down i'm just gonna leave them in the cool water right there i'm gonna eat them soon so another snag damn i got somebody else's fishing line oh look at that look at that guys i got a tiny little jerk bait i cut somebody else's little tiny rapala jerk right there that's like a five or six dollar find sweet all right i got a free lure all right guys i have a new idea here i see a lot of trout hitting the surface so i'm gonna try something i'm gonna try switching colors to this hair's ear and we're going to go completely weightless i think that just a little weightless tube like this should get them if just skim it across the surface like a little bug all right i'm going to do the exact same kind of routine there just sneak around got him got him yes yes oh shoot that was a good one too guys fishing it across the surface shoot i just fished it across the surface kind of like a dry fly all right so the trout seem pretty wise now i'm not getting any more bites so i'm going to test something out here i've been wanting to see if they're if how early in the spring crawdads come out or if they ever go away because where i grew up in idaho they disappear for the winter time they they go really deep or they bury themselves in the sand and mud and you simply can't catch them in the spring i don't know if that's the same case down south here so let's try something all right so not only do trout like bacon not only do i like bacon but crawfish love bacon as well so to see if there are any crawfish you put a strip of succulent bacon on there we go just like that and uh let's see is there any crawfish down there so bacon usually causes quite a stir on the bottom of any river or stream and before long i had these minnows around i think these are blunt nose minnows but a lot of minnows look similar so i'm not sure i think they're blunt nose and then the first crawfish of the season came around they do come out in early spring he had a hard time finding it there i don't know why he wandered off but they were down there i'm not sure that they hibernate here in the appalachian mountains and i could see him come up to the bacon there he started to haul it away and i hauled him up there's one little crawfish on it just one this would be the first crawfish of the year if i can get him got him yes first crawfish of 2022 phantom little teeny tiny guy almost like major bait size there cool little buddy you know what i do for uh for good fortune i'm gonna actually throw this one back first one of the year we'll throw him back in the water watch the giant trout eat him so when i cast back down there you can actually see a crawfish in the back there just chilling and i wonder if that was the one that i just thrown in there um i'm not really sure but eventually the bacon calls out one from under this big rock here it's kind of interesting because he didn't go straight for it in fact he starts trying to climb the rock for some reason i'm not sure why he's not very coordinated kind of falls off there and then he wanders off and he wanders off for a while i'm not sure what that was about but he comes back and he sees a minnow eating on his bacon and he punches him out of the way these minnows need to watch out i actually have seen a minnow pinched in half by a craw they are prey uh they seem pretty comfortable around him but if a crawfish wants a minnow he can snatch him and he's got the power to divide him up and feast not really sure what the crawfish is doing because his rock is over there but he's dragging the piece of bacon around it's kind of a fight between him and the minnows they keep getting their chunks but he wants the whole thing he's kind of struggling with it it's kind of like when you have a really heavy hello fresh box you kind of have to drag the whole thing in the house this is sort of like a hellofresh box to crawdad but i could see my bacon disappear behind the rock got him yes second crawdad of the year this one's a keeper definitely a little eater there i want to show y'all something real quick with this um so observe his color we're going to get inside my tube tackle box this is the tube we were using earlier check out how similar he is in color to the tube look he grabbed onto the piece of bacon there um hey a little monster all right so you can see the colored similarities that's why this crawfish color caught that trout earlier and uh look at him i set him on he's trying to grab my other piece of bacon you know what you deserve it you know you you just munch on that have a good last it's kind of like the last meal before you're oh that's kind of gruesome all right now you get in there you enjoy that and that'll be your last meal whoa whoa look at this you guys caught all that in the time that i've been yeah that's a huge question that's a big one my dad got that one there wow i got a couple boys i got this one here that is that is gorgeous wow you guys have a feast yes what were you guys using i use a blue fox lure a blue fox oh okay i use said thomas double spinner right there okay cool double okay nice very nice wow yeah that's fantastic you got anything yet yeah i got one a trout and a couple crawfish so i have a crawfish lying down there now so awesome oh thank you see you guys appreciate it all right my friends after jonathan and daniel showing me that huge stringer of fish the trout might want something kind of fast moving so this little jerk bait that i found i'm going to try that that'd be so cool to catch something on a jerkbait that i catch on my fishing line all right got that rigged up let's go around here i'm going to try to get sneaky with it again all right here we go here we go got him got him i got one on the jerkbait oh look at that oh he's barely hooked he's barely hooked i gotta be careful gotta be careful gotta be careful yes i got him on the jerkbait that i found that oh either this is a stalker from last year or it's a wild one it has like pink fins huh but on that little jerkbait there folks that i found or i caught on my tube look at the crawfish he's just sitting there chowing down on the bacon the sun's come out look how beautiful it is look how clear the water is ah i love being out here got him got him guys i thought let's try something different let's try casting upstream and bringing it down and that got a trout on that little jerkbait again that is that is oh man this is fun this is fun whoa this is crazy look at that never seen this before he has a line that got broken off in his mouth and i caught the line maybe i didn't even catch the trout well no i i did see him in pursuit though i don't know huh or maybe i just maybe i just caught the line that he was snagged on there we go three you know i think i'm gonna keep three trout for the day you know i need do need a few more crawdads though but i think that does it for me i think we got a nice little lunch here on this gorgeous little creek all right the trout are secured now i just got to cast in i want to catch a few more crawfish so this time i cast it into the deeper part of the creek kind of the deeper vein right in the middle where a lot of the trout were hanging out and uh you could tell they were interested in it they like the smell of it but it's a little too big for these ones and i wanted to see if any crawfish dared venture out from under the rocks to grab it with all these trout swimming around i don't think that crawfish are that scared of trout even these big brutes here check out these ones these two trout mostly hung out under the bridge kind of out of sight but these are the big ones but you see here the crawfish has it and he's drifting down river that the piece of bacon got pulled down river and a trout goes down and kind of is hanging out in the area but he's just not interested in the crawfish and in all the years i've been trout fishing i have never cut open a trout and found a big crawfish inside maybe little tiny like one inch or one and a half inch crawfish but never a big one and that is kind of interesting they just come out they're not scared of the trout at all even these big ones you see there's a nice variety there big ones medium ones and little small ones along the rocks and then then my camera fell over in the current all right my friends don't know what happened down there but while i'm waiting i've got all the cook's stuff set up here we go it is just a gorgeous day out here in the mountains what a fun time got my cook stuff set up here we've got bacon i've got biscuits ladies and gentlemen i have a special dessert i'm gonna make today gotta cook the crawfish and trout and then after that we make something i've been really looking forward to you know what though maybe i should just make dessert first because honestly that's one of the things i'm really looking forward to yep i'm gonna do that so i have here some biscuit mix peel it off break the dumb thing there we go that's part's kind of cool we're gonna make mini donuts ladies and gentlemen yes there we go ugly little donuts bring these over here we're just gonna that hot enough yes it is it is i scoot over four mini donuts it doesn't take them long at all to cook just float them around in their little oil hot tub there now this is where the magic happens so i take the little donuts out and i have here powdered sugar and i'm going to drop them straight in the powdered sugar and four and we're gonna seal this up oh didn't think that one through they're burning through the plastic bag they're too hot i should have let them cool it's my first time doing this okay don't laugh i'm trying new things here i will drop those little fellows in all right what i'm gonna do is i'll take this and coat them like that didn't think that one through and then i will put the lid on give a little shake oh my goodness look at that all right let's give these a go even though i'm starting with dessert first i better say a quick prayer since this is the start of the meal i've got people driving by wondering what the heck i'm doing got powdered sugar everywhere this is really good folks oh man oh man i'm gonna get all of these i just made mini donuts guys are you kidding me mini donuts [Laughter] wow this was a good choice to eat dessert first made a total mess here oh that was good all right after a sumptuous dessert first meal it's time to fillet the trout are you kidding me all the crawdads are gone the crawfish are gone folks i can't believe it let's see here you know they're pretty quick they're quicker than you think they probably probably gone there you go i thought the bag was sealed up maybe i forgot to put the snap the lock on it i was eating dessert first and they made their getaway so this just occurred to me those crawfish basically came ate their fill of bacon and then got away scot-free then we get some to come out if i throw the trout guts see now what they're gonna do is they're gonna eat their fill of trout little monsters i'm going to score each of these trout a bunch of times as well i'll show you guys what i do i'm doing something kind of cool here look at that a bunch of uh bunch of cuts in them and that's because i'm gonna wrap these in bacon check it out guys three trout thoroughly scored let's break out the bacon take our little morsels i have butter here i planned on boiling the crawfish and butter but uh that plan's out the window now anywho we still have the trout so i will take the bacon and wrap them up what am i doing i think i've never done this before i like stock trout and they're pretty good but when you've had wild ones there's really no comparison stock trout are decent but they do need a little help so that's why my first cast seasoning link in the description below it's the best seasoning in the whole world just a light dusting for each side and then i'll wrap it in bacon and raw bacon you can kind of stretch out and wrap it more than you think it looks like we'll take two pieces for each trout that is just fine with me that ought to make a little stock trout absolutely scrumptious there we go three little morsels we'll take the first one and lay them in there you don't need a butter or oil because the bacon makes its own grease it won't stick to the pan just like little pigs in a blanket bacon wrap trout nothing like it [Music] oh oh my that's what i'm talking about that is exactly oh and it smells divine see that bacon just permeates the trout gives it a lovely flavor it's not something you'll find at the ritz but it's a great outdoor meal that's lights out for stock trout it's a 10 out of 10. easy oh five second rule you gotta stop trotting your lego stream a little bacon will make them 10 out of 10. [Music] perfect that's what i'm talking about well my friends a delicious lunch slash supper it's like four o'clock ended up taking me i kept fishing even though the crawdads got away it was still amazing and that just means i have to come back here and try for some more i've already caught a ton of crawfish from this bridge if you guys want to check out that episode it was really really fun starting to really like this spot and there's a ton of it to explore still so i have to come back out here in the meantime thank you guys so much for hanging out i'll see you in the next one [Music] what is going on my friends welcome back to the southern series i've been driving around the appalachian mountains and the other day i discovered a brand new fishing spot this little creek up here this is why you just drive around and you just keep your eyes open and you look because every once in a while you'll discover a spot like this a beautiful little creek going through the forest and this is public land this is actually a um i don't know if it's a state or a national forest it's some sort of public forest and i was just driving along the road the other day and i was like you know what i need to fish this creek it looks like a perfect spot for some trout and crawfish yeah oh yeah this looks nice look it's springtime folks stuff is uh getting green out here what is that speaking of which almost looks like some sort of herb anyway it's getting green it is early spring time and i'm just going to go and explore this gorgeous creek here this is something that anybody can do folks i mean this creek goes back and forth under the road and uh anybody could just stop and you can try out some fishing before or after work maybe plan on uh cooking your dinner for the evening bring a few things with you and that way if you catch something cook it up got some waders on so that the icy cold creek doesn't freeze my legs off i think what i'm going to do is get rigged up before i start yeah i'm going to get a tube from the ace videos tube tackle box link to this in the description and i'm going to start out with my one of my favorite hairs ear it's called these in there oh there we go all right let's go i love this just exploring new spots i'm gonna fish right under that log up there oh the wind caught dang it the wind caught it oh i see a trout i see a truck he's looking at it god oh he got off he got off guys the trout came right over as soon as it hit the water he appeared and grabbed it all right change up of plans here i've decided to switch to this tiny little brown trout looking jerkbait it's great for a reaction bite sometimes too you can get bigger trout on these little suckers i see a trout right there i don't know if you guys can see him he's like right there if you get a bite on one lure and they won't bite it a second time switch lures and sometimes that's all you need to do to get them to bite he attacked it got him got him i just pumped come over one came over and attacked it no no gotcha oh kill little monster got him yes one came over and attacked it and he just he missed it or something i don't know what happened and so the second one came over and ate it yes first fish of the day boy this guy is is wiggly hey whoa this is a desperate little trout look at that guys nice eating size there um for a creek that's a good size for creek this small they generally don't get to be giants in here boy this guy is feisty i'm gonna look at him sweet all right couldn't get any more down there so i'm gonna come up here fish this pool up here just zigzagging back and forth across the stream just follow it up for a ways check it out you got little flowers and stuff coming up i'm so glad it is spring this spot looks extra good all right what i'm going to do is try to flip it right under the tree or kind of under the tree under the rock there give it a few flicks oh there's a big one down there oh there's a couple couple of them a couple of nice ones a couple of nice ones down there came out you know folks i see several trout down there but they they're kind of just looking at it so i'm going to switch back to the tube that's the cool thing about sight fishing you can see how they're reacting and switch up based on the fish specific fish let's see if they'll take a tube make it look like something that fell off a tree or something like that got him got him on the tube oh it's a good one two it's another solid one like a 12 incher great for a creek oh let's check it out we got some green onion right here too look at that oh excellent trout and food in the wild this folks doesn't get any better than this ate that little tube there on a jig head and i've got some little like green onions people who live in the appalachian mountains call these something us i can't remember but there you go great great eating trout right there all right about this green onion here you know i'm not going to pick it just just yet so it's fresh i'm going to keep fishing but i'll uh definitely get some of that to eat with a meal oh this is fun this is a good time right here try to throw it basically at the rock make it look like something fell off the rock into the water a little bug or something you know what i'm going to do i'm going to switch colors from my tube tackle box by the way guys if you want to support my channel and you will have a tackle box that you can use all year to catch tons of trout check out the ace videos tube tackle box five of my favorite colors comes with a bunch of jig heads and uh yeah that's just amazing and we made it look how they're kind of packed in there we made it that way on purpose so that close the lid and i don't have pockets except on my waders in this case i just stick it in the side of my waders right there i've got just a nice little convenient package we we talked a lot about what kind of box we're gonna put it in and most boxes when you go to the store and you buy like variety packs notice that like half or more is just empty space you're paying for that plastic tackle box and they fill it up halfway maybe maybe this is packed all the way and it's uh smaller so may not look like much but this packs a punch all right time to move on i'll come back for the green onion like i said there's a nickname that people around here have for it can't remember what it is at the moment look at all this dead wood here wow it must have been some major major flooding look at it snake city glad i have my thick waders on it's funny this log smells really good i love that smell like how it's like it's old on the outside but new and fresh on the inside and it smells amazing i wonder what kind it is huh look there's a trout he came out of nowhere got him got him right there oh shoot shoot there you go oh there's two of them there are two of them oh shoot he bit it again he just attacked it but did not hook up got him no no no missed him again why and i keep missing these fish oh you know one of my problems is this rod is like too light for this jerk bait as far as getting a good hook set of course i can hook it good into the uh into the wood let me get down here i'm gonna have to crawl forward so i don't spook the trout and get it out it i can absolutely sink it into a piece of wood but i'm having a hard time sinking it into a trout i do need a little bit like stiffer rod for this type of fishing got him there we go got it oh yes oh yes yes boom another excellent trout there we go you know all three of them have been solid solid creek trout too um i mean normally when you come to these creeks you catch a lot of like four and six and eight inchers but the three i've got have been really good i wonder if they've had a chance to um fatten up for over the winter and get bigger maybe fewer people have been fishing for them when it's since it's been winter and so they've had a chance to get bigger i don't know i find it interesting how they're not hanging out in the deep pools like this but in the shallow spots i don't know maybe is it spawning out that trap spawn in the fall but since i'm an appalachian maybe it's different i don't know be way way way quiet i'm hunting rabbits so i feel like hunting trout hunting rabid trout uh oh snagged in the tree you know maybe i better be done caught my losses here oh in the tree on the other side come on oh in the next tree and i gotta you know what i'm gonna be done for now i got three trout had to work for him but i got three i'm gonna try to get some crawfish now [Music] do [Music] [Music] i wanted to come back down stream here because around this deep pool looked like the best crawfishing spot to me get my knife out the easiest way i have found to catch crawdads and creeks likes that like this is to simply fillet your catch and uh stick it on the bottom and they'll come find it i like all these big rocks right here so many spots for crawfish to come um let's see i think i'm gonna stick it right here well there's one for the books look at that little guy that is one of the smallest crawfish i've ever caught and he's red too ladies and gentlemen i've always wanted a crawfish aquarium and there's no better start than a little guy like that i'm going to consider it because i have lots to do i don't know if i need another hobby but that would be cool to have a baby crawfish as a pet and watch it grow then eat them just kidding [Applause] well my friends besides that little tiny crawfish i have not seen any more i wonder if in this creek it's like too early in the season or something for him you know we did just get done having a string of like 50 degree days so and today it's warmer but it was it was it's been cold so maybe they're burrowed down in the sand and mud still i don't know what the well the head of the fish is gone must be under there whoa whoa well i finally oh no oh there he is this guy's got big mitts don't want to mess with him got him this is a big crawfish well it took a while i was wrapping up and uh but we got one well cool one crawfish i'll take it perfect cool i almost forgot i came back for it my little clump of green um whatever that's not cabbage onion green onion here i'm sure that the forest floor it's gonna have this all over in a week or two now that the weather's gotten warmer oh look check it out right here i found even more i thought there has to be more if this stuff's growing sure enough look at it all over wow there we go i think that's a wrap as far as hunting gathering goes let's get to cooking all right folks so i had considered cooking on the back of my truck but there's a park down the way and i'd like a picnic table i like the use of a picnic table check out this spot this is nice nice little park here a solid stone and concrete picnic table just what i need for my slightly elaborate yeah slightly elaborate recipe today so check out the spread here folks i am dual wielding today i've got the propane and the butane burner going because i'm cooking fish and chips and i want them to both come out kind of at the same time instead of eating one and then eating the other i hear a potato for the chips the trout already got the flour and i'm going to use zach fowler's smoked chipotle hot sauce show you how i'm going to use that in a minute got some slap your mama's seasoning here that i've had in my truck for a while and it's getting low and i need to use it up don't actually slap your mama by the way especially a southern mother because they slap back got my first cast seasoning and salt and pepper and then something brand new here a potato slicer or a actually just any kind of vegetable slicer but this is going to make i think perfect potato chips for me today for our fish and chips and then i've got here i've still got the little crawfish in the uh bottle here i think i think i'm gonna have this guy as a pet i'm gonna put i'm gonna put a little more thought on it and then i've got here in the uh in the campers coffee mug the big crawdad he's not too happy about being put in a mug but he has a sealable top so he cannot get away i've been losing some crawfish lately all right so this thing has like three different settings and i'm putting on one because that's the thinnest slice and anyway take the potato and just start oh wow so they give you this device that uh grabs onto it and you guys can kind of see there like let's see here [Applause] see how that works very slick and i have here a whole bowl of chips love trying new things have a new jar of crisco oh look at that just like the first scoop of peanut butter you know you don't want to ruin the top there but you have to if you're gonna enjoy it i wonder how many people have eaten crisco thinking it was like ice cream or whipped cream or something this is really cool it's the first time i've ever done two burners at once i think i think it is [Music] what a cool product i i think it melts so fast it hardens up so fast who invented this really and then while that's heating up ladies and gentlemen i have zach fowler's sauce here he's actually the one that i invented my seasoning but he produces the seasoning when you order from me you actually order it from him and he ships it out from maine where he lives and uh that's how that works it's a great collaboration he has a big online store i'll actually link it in the description if you guys want to check it out he and i are gonna probably collaborate here soon we've been meaning to for a long time but anyway i'm just gonna pour his hot sauce out here and this is uh i don't think i've ever done this for trout before so this is gonna be hopefully good but take the hot sauce and then you take a nice little trout and you plop them in there and that's gonna be the coating before we drop them in the breading there we go stick that on like this give it a little shake and the trout is done voila how's the shortening doing look it's almost all melted down there oops well this is real folks i actually forgot to add seasonings to the flour which isn't too big of a deal because we did just put hot sauce on it but at least want to put a little slap yamama and salt in there there we go there now let's give that another mix we'll do better on the next trout but the oil is uh definitely looking like it's probably hot enough here and it starts to smoke just gonna give the trout a little shake and oh yeah oh yeah in fact i'm going to turn that down to smidge here we go probably should have cut the tail off of him that is one error there they shrink a little bit though but i should have cut his tail off i think this is just about done bam sweet first trout you know this isn't quite working out how i thought because i thought that this oil would heat up fast but uh it refuses to heat up so oh wait you know what i need you'd think i hadn't done this before i need do you need to turn this upside down that does make it uh more efficient i guess that guy's bubbling a little bit but we got one trout done let's get the other one here i think we might be finally done here yeah good good good you keep i have this turned up to the highest heat setting now we're cooking now we're cooking excellent chips and fish fish and chips fishing crisps whatever you call them the last few potato chips cooking what a cool deal how fun salt and pepper these suckers oh boy fish and chips macaroni salad is good it's from the store i didn't make myself we do have cheer one i'm gonna love cheer one definitely a southern thing all right wow that trout's really good i love the kick between the um slap your mama and then zach fowler's uh chipotle i mean i got a nice nice spicy flavor in there and the chips hear that crunch i almost forgot got the crawfish here bacon but i just have one to be honest i kind of forgot about him cause i was real focused on cooking the trout and the fish and chips and i think i'm gonna let him go i think i'm gonna keep the little one i might raise try to raise a lobster or a lobster whoa bro try to raise a baby crawdad look at hey you no you don't no you know look at the size hey hey no you know look at this size difference there hey they both want to run off the table they're both trying no i don't want that big one to pinch that little one but that is cool i think i'm gonna let this guy go and i'm gonna keep this one folks i'm i'm happy with the the trout and the chips that i have all right you you get a bigger container you go in the coffee mug and you're gonna go out to the river all right my friend here you go let the crawfish go free there's one other thing i forgot about the green onion since i was deep frying today i kind of can't think of how i would have incorporated this into a into a recipe unless you just deep fry this i don't know deep fried vegetables i'm not sure let's try a little raw it doesn't taste like much it's very aromatic what i'll have to do is come out here and like this would be really good sauteing so i have to have a recipe where i'm going to saute something and i'll use some of this i'm going to take this home and use it so guys i'd like to point something out here this is something that anybody can do think about how many bridges you drive over in a day and there might be crawfish and trout under them you could stop off after work and catch a few cook them up a little park like this it's a really fun thing to do and it's good it's a good thing to do i think it's important people know how to um catch and prepare and cook their own food i just think that's a good life skill to have overall so anyway super fun thing i enjoy it a lot hope you guys enjoyed i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Ace Videos 2
Views: 297,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ace videos compilation, compilation, catch and cook, catch clean cook, trout, trout fishing, trout fishing videos, trout catch and cook, ace videos trout, ace, ace videos fishing, ace videos crawfish, craws, crawfish, trout and crawfish, cookout, trout cookout, trout fishing compilation, creek, river, fishing, fish, river trout, rainbow trout, crayfish, bait, lure, stocked trout, wild trout, wilderness, mountains, mountain trout fishing
Id: ommbxrQSyhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 30sec (10830 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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