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[Music] if there were no buttons to be fought then our Lord and our God would not have been described as a man of war father I thank you for the miracle Monday service i decree and declare this is the service of transformation and open heavens in the name of Jesus I declare tonight in Jesus name Rebecca those caribou hunting gods and nibbling Chris is us in the name of Jesus I decree and declare in the name of Jesus as you are living this miracle Monday you will have experienced and received unlimited breakthroughs in the name of Jesus I declare divine favor is you as in the name of Jesus financial overflow is you as in the name of Jesus I hear the Lord said total restoration is us in the name of Jesus open doors are us in the name of Jesus abundant peace is us in the name of Jesus and stoppable fruitfulness is us in the name of Jesus I decrease that you increase Lord I disappear that you may up here Lord as we were again estaban problem speak to us one more time speak to us in the language that we shall understand Oh Rebecca - Cara bhajan D lee soohyuk adesh car Ibaka dose ha let this be a word of direction further let this be a word of confirmation let this be a word of revelation we leave our buttons at the feet of Jesus Christ father speak to your people in the language they will understand those that are here in this auditorium and the thousands of people that are watching us live i decree and declare a new beginning in the my name of Jesus father lets you what bring him back let your word affect our lives and destiny let your word live somebody to the next level father let me speak up as your Oracle let me speak up your counsel in Jesus mighty name Amen I want to read their anchor scriptures as I bring this message to a close Alleluia Matthew chapter 11 and verse 12 and from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent shall take it by force from the days of John the Baptist until now the days of miracle monday until now the days of the Oracle until now the days of Lucy Natasha can you put your name there look at your neighbor for me tell them and from the days of John the Baptist until now the days of Lucy Natasha please if your name is not Lucy Natasha call your own name tell your neighbor from the days of John the Baptist until now the days of Lucy Natasha the days of miracle Monday the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent shall take it by force Exodus 15:3 my god these are our anchor scriptures in series that I've been teaching since we began the Lord is a man of war the Lord is his name the Lord is a man of war you know if God is a man of war that means they are but their battles to be fought if there were no buttons to be forced then our Lord and our God would not have been described as a man of war and if we are his sons and daughters and our God is a man of war then also we ought to be men and women of war somebody say a man ok let's go now to the last anchor scripture which is officience chapter 6 and verse 12 Alleluia for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places my god so I want you to understand this year it is going to be a great year God has already spoken to us with clarity from our cross over service that this will be the year of open doors the year of enlargement that the problems of 2018 will not follow us into 2019 but I want you to know the body of Christ that it is not going to come on a silver platter it is not going to walk in the park hallelujah it is going to take a fight hallelujah the journey of Destiny requires a fighter and the Lord told me go and prepare the miracle Monday family and even the thousands that watches live go and give them the weapons of warfare because this year we are going to fight for our destiny we are going to fight for our families we are going to fight for our children we are going to fight for our careers we are going to fight for our businesses keep three people a high five and tell them fight this year you've got to be ready to fight you know the devil does not understand the language of diplomacy that never understands the language of violence and so as I began this series I began by giving you some weapons of war of which I had already mentioned so this ones I will just pass over them very quickly as I go to the other ones the first weapon of war was the weapon of violent faith tell your neighbor the weapon of violent faith and we saw from first John chapter 5 and verse 4 that the Bible says for whatever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith God cannot move without faith look - neighbor say neighbor is there anything that is impossible with God look at your neighbor's a neighbor number one the weapon of violent faith I will not look into that because I already talked about it the second weapon is the weapon of divine direction we said this year is the year of divine direction we need the weapon of divine direction and we learnt from the life of David in France Samwell chapter 40 verse 8 that David inquired of the Lord saying shall I pursue this truth shall I overtake them and he answered him pursue for you shall surely overtake them and without fail recover all David asked of the Lord he inquired of the Lord and we say the second force for us to overcome and to fight again a stubborn problem we need the weapon of divine direction and as you're lifting your hands up I pray for anyone that is confused here anyone that is trusting God for direction when the voice of God come to you with simplicity and with clarity even bring your direction somebody said I bring a Guinness confusion arrived my name of Jesus a wreck and out of my steps and order my love this ear throughout the name of Jesus is the name of it as well lifting your hand I bind a prescribed it of confusion amen but anyone that is confused concerning their career concerning the America choices concerning their businesses on sending wire co-invest concerning their relationship anyone that is confused in any area of their life works and that is true see you for direction yes phantom a your voice come with clarity I read that the voice of God will come to you a renewed direction in the name of Jesus amen went in I did make God back to you making fundamental mistakes in your decision making in the name of Jesus shout amen amen tell your neighbor no confusion this year no confusion this year there are people here and there are confused you are confused about which business to start you're confused about who to marry you have three proposals so you don't know if it is john james or pita sandwich detonation hopefully so you will not make fundamental mistakes some of you have confused on where to invest or who to accept somebody say Amen or even the relationships that you have you need to find direction if you don't have to find direction you will make you will think you had shown is your to test and your Judas is uho some are no confusion this year so you need the force of to find the weapon of divine direction hallelujah that fat one we looked at very quickly this one's I'm just mentioning them just to refresh your mind is the weapon of violent prayer the weapon of violent prayer and we saw one of the one of the examples of violent prayer was the prayer of Jacob according to Genesis 32 26 and he said let me go for the day breaks but he said I will not let you go unless you bless me my god and we discovered last week on Monday that prayer is warfare come and give your neighbor a high-five and tell them prayer is warfare when you pray your prayer goes to God as worship but it goes to the devil as warfare prayer is warfare my god look at your neighbor tell them prayer is warfare and this is one instant of violent prayer the prayer of Jacob he prayed a violent prayer and Jacob a person became a nation in an instance Jacob was changed from a man to become a nation there's power in prayer and even James chapter 15 verse 16 B says the effectual prayers of a righteous man availeth much and 2019 is your ear to pray more I read that God will search you in the spirit of prayer amen I prayed that God will ignite your prayer life with fire I read that in 2019 every dryness in your prayer life let it be destroyed in the name of Jesus amen this year receive the grace to pray more I receive Christ to seek the face of God I see bring on in fasting and your neighbor the weapon of prayer the weapon of prayer a prayerful life is a powerful life unless life is a powerless life your prayer life it's an indication of your spiritual life tell your neighbor your prayer life your prayer life is an indication of your spirit life is an indication of your spirit and listen to me in 2019 if you fail to pray you plan to fail and if you are not praying you are playing with destiny please help me communicate to your neighbor say neighbor neighbor if you're not praying if you're not spraying you are playing with destiny you are playing with destiny and when you fail to pray and when you fail to pray you're not planning to fail you are planning to fail make God soak you in the spirit of pray amen Freya is fellowship with God prayer is convenient with God prayer is a place of Revelation I always look at disciples of Jesus and this inspires me to pray more they lived with Jesus for three years they saw Jesus walk on water they saw Jesus raise the dead they saw Jesus cleanse leprosy with a touch they saw Jesus opened blind Diaz and deaf ears after they had seen all these things they did not say Jesus teaches how to walk on water it says how to multiply food but they observed and they discovered the lifestyle of Jesus was the lifestyle rheya so after looking cleanly at the life of Jesus as they said Jesus teach us how to pray because they noon everything is found in prayer that is why the Bible says seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added think I will be at that their house will be other job the promotion will be advertised it's all begins at prayer tell your neighbor pray pray pray pray pray pray look at your neighbor tell them you can preach and parish you can preach and parish but you cannot pray and parish but you cannot pray and parish then the folk one very quickly as I go over this one is the weapon of prophetic intervention the weapon of prophetic intervention you cannot go into war empty-handed you need the weapons of war and as you saw our weapons are not kind of my god this is the weapon of prophetic ETA intervention there are some situations you go through that you require the intervention of a prophetic grace and this is one of the powerful weapons when you look at 2nd chronicles 2020 the Bible says believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established and believe in his prophets and so you shall and so you shall prosper so be living is in two ways you must believe in the Lord your God so that you can be established and you must be living as prophet saw that you can prosper that means your prosperity is in the mouth of a prophet that is why the Bible says by a prophet Israel was delivered by a prophet Israel was preserved any time God sends a prophet God sends a prophet to prophet you God sends a prophet to accelerate your destiny I don't know who God has sent me here for in miracle Monday but I declare this is your here hi Rick and break form in the name of hi-c I declare 2019 will be your best year I received I receive I receive my god when a prophet appears trouble disappears then the fifth one we saw that weapon of sacrifice tell your name but the weapon of sacrifice the weapon of sacrifice from some 50 plus 5 the Bible says gotta my sins together to me those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice Alleluia you know you cannot enter into covenants with God without a sacrifice we suffer god of sacrifice somebody says sacrifice and I always admire the life of David and from 2nd Samuel which I will not read chapter 24 verse 24 and verse 25 the Bible says and David said I will not keep the Lord anything that does not cost me David understood the power of sacrifice and when you look at a second sample chapter 24 and verse 25 it is up that David gave a sacrifice the Bible says and David built an altar there to the Lord and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings so the Lord heeded the prayers of the land and the plague was withdrawn from his wrath you know you can imagine the sacrifice provoked God that he hinted to the prayers of the land the plague was withdrawn from Israel just after David kept a sacrifice to the Lord look at your neighbor tell them sacrifice sacrifice I figured it was sacrifice sacrifice and listen to me then Auto Tech is a place of sacrifice every altar is empowered by a sacrifice and altar is where a divinity meets humanity an altar has no power until sacrifice is late there look at your neighbor tell them sacrifice sacrifice is the voice of the volta is the voice of the sacrifice is not just about money it is what it represents anytime you keep sacrifice don't see money you need to see you are testing in it hallelujah so we looked at that I am praying for you but this year you will learn the power of sacrifice the sixth one now because today I'm I'm completing this message because next Monday is the anointing me recommended service I will be giving you the prophetic instruction the sixth one now is the weapon of positive mentality tell your neighbor your mentality determines your reality your mentality determines your real look at them well tell them your mentality your mentality determines your reality determines your reality if you look at proverbs 23 verse 7 the Bible says as a man thinketh in his heart so is he that tells you your mentality our minds your reality you know you cannot be different from what you think Alleluia look at somebody tell them this year change your mentality change your mentality come on to people tell them change your mentality change your mentality and Romans chapter 12 and verse 2 has given us a very clear instruction Romans chapter 12 and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God so this year be transformed I want you to know you how what God says you are you can do what God says you can do it man doesn't matter the family you came from the background you came from he doesn't matter you are history your destiny is greater than your history you are going is better than where you are coming look at your neighbor tell them I know you have my history I know you have my his-- tell them keep it keep it I have my destiny I have my death and my destiny is greater than my history and my destiny is greater than my history shadow Scarab kanishka change your mentality don't have the mentality of the tribe you came from the mentality of the family you came from I want you to have God's mentality by the renewing of your mind you are what God says you it doesn't matter anybody says about you I always say and I'll say it again when God speaks every other speaker becomes a noise maker because God has the final word for you alight tell your neighbor when God speaks when God speaks every other speaker every other speaker becomes a noise maker becomes annoys me don't worry about anybody else that has talked because as they talk behind your back God will bless you before their face tell you a neighbor has they talk behind your back as they talk behind your back God will bless you before their face God will bless you be funny see people talking don't be worried when you at the top you become the topic when you are the head you become the headliner and it is God that holds the final word for your life so don't worry people are talking let that talk us talk turn to your neighbor tell them let the talkers talk let the talkers talk then the seventh one is the weapon of positive declaration the weapon of positive declaration proverbs 18:21 the power of life and death is in the tongue and they tell that love it shall eat the fruit thereof Alleluia don't just talk this year and I've said this repeatedly and I cannot emphasize this enough but what you confess is what you possess you are once at the creators of your world I want you to know there is power in what you say you know the words that you speak they shape your life they shape your destiny they shape your children except you are calling they shape your career and your business their power of life and death is in the tongue as you begin to think about yourself as you begin to speak to your destiny I want you to know you are the first prophet of your own destiny begin to speak positively so as you have a positive mentality now let it also be reflected in your declaration somebody say Amen even when you're broke upset this and I'll tell you again never say I'm broke say I am temporarily inconvenience salami eternia Colombian temporarily inconvenience pleases me rock Amanda let's be talking big when people ask you how are you just tell them I'm blessed I'm favored how is life I'm living my best life hallelujah salami achieve Anya Prabhu is how are you how are you what are they saying how are you tell them on blessed and free but unrealistic I'm anointed I am for me I have told you this I out of all the countries I have gone the people that have challenged me is Nigerians those people you can never know their profession they poppy everybody talks big among his people from the continent of Africa these people do exploits but they also have discovered the power of confession even if you meet an ordinary Nigeria nobody talks small then your neighbor they all talk big big big big big big big big if you mean the house why'd you say what do you do they'll tell you I am a domestic engineer if you meet the Hopa and you said what do you do they will tell you I am a general supplier you meet our receptionist you're like what do you do they will tell you I am a front desk controller active point II boy what do you do I am a refreshment director they don't talk small even get money will not tell you get money I'll just shorten it and say GM so you will be thinking this might be the general manager can ever talk big talk big this year topic change your mentality and change you a language are you listening to me Oh big say about you what God says about you I'm a billionaire I'm a millionaire because it's not about where you are it is about where God is taking you and where God is taking you is bigger than where we are and where we are coming from so the power of positivity collaboration somebody say amen amen and look at what Luke chapter 21 verse 15 says look after 21 verse 15 hmm for I will give you a mouth and a wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist may God give you our wisdom a man which all your adversaries will not be able to resist or contracting I receive I declare wherever you go as you speak yes receive the oil of divine except I receive even your adversary's will not be able to resist when you talk amen and they will not be able to contradict in the name of Jesus amen somebody shout I receive I receive I know so you can read later mark chapter 11 and verse 23 where the Bible says whoever says to this mountain be removed and be cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believes that those things he says will be done and he will have whatever he says now the eighth weapon before I close I'm going to give you two more I'm going to give you eight nine and ten then we get into prayer this one's I will give you very fast then a weapon is the weapon of favor somebody said the weapon of favor can we have to turn them in 53:23 you cannot fulfill your destiny without favor everything that God is about and the things I'm speaking about in this altar they are not going to come by your salary they are not going come by your salary they are going to come by favor I receive got your name as a neighbor you cannot fulfill your destiny without favor you cannot fulfill your destiny without favor so he's also a weapon somebody say it's a weapon it's a weapon watch this now Deuteronomy Deuteronomy 33 23 and of Naphtali he said or Naphtali satisfied with favor and full of the blessing of the Lord processed the west and the south my god you need the weapon of favor favor is God's goodness God's unmerited goodness God's undeserved goodness God qualifying you where you are disqualified same buddies happen standing by you in the journey of destiny FIFA is divine help get been helping you favor is divine acceptance favor is the undeniable hand of God in a man or a woman's life my god I pray for you in 2019 Rebecca Tosh you don't need this paper that gives you attract ability and acceptability it is famous that gives you I repeat attract ability and access and acceptability it gives you except France it gives you a tractability when you have them but you have liver tell your neighbor when you have fat but you have liver when you have favor you have flavor and I prophesy to you this week yes every great man or woman flies on the wings of divine favor every great accomplishment in life is traceable to the flow of divine favor wherever you've got this week I declare favor iris thank God qualify you why are you are disqualified by respectively a favor over your life I receive as you go mean favors you go re psychically aware others are rejected you shall be accept iris doesn't Allah written you shall be celebrate iris declare where others happy contempt you shall be commended I receive what is a famous favor even in the Bible times everybody that had great impact they were flowing of divine favor Moses as Tamara became a deliberate because of favor Esther enough uncle became a queen because of favor Debora an ordinary woman became a judge and a prophet as in Israel because of favor Joshua an assistant became a conqueror because of favor David a shepherd boy became a king because of favor Joseph a prisoner became a prime minister because of favor Mary the mother of Jesus and unknown fortune Carla became the mother of our Savior Jesus Christ because of favor i prophesy in the name of chief officer for business I receive a / for employment I receive a promotion I receive for money I receive for divine health I receive lots of money I receive but for the next level I receive favor to possess your purse iris thank my to build you how I receive don't receive me but to cut donation I receive for ministry I receive I receive I receive that your neighbor sit down tell the favor favor it with the weapon of paper to fulfil your destiny somebody say favor leper without favor is struggle then the ninth one and I'll say this very quickly is the weapon of Revelation somebody say revelation revelation somebody say revelation revelation Hosea 4:6 says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge my god Hosea 4:6 says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because you have rejected knowledge I also will reject you from being priests for me because you have forgotten the law of your God and I will also forget your children my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because they have rejected knowledge then also Isaiah chapter 5 verse 13 confirms that it says therefore my people have gone into captivity because they have no knowledge they are honorable men have famished and they are multitude dried up with Christ Alleluia you need revelation of the word revelation of who you are to God hallelujah who you are in God tell your neighbor revelation revelation and that is why you have to keep on hearing the word because you know faith and also revelation comes by the word the reason why God brought you to me recommended is to hear the word faith comes by the hearing and by the hearing of the word of God revelation also comes by the word tell your neighbor revelation revelation revelation revelation revelation until you know you have possession you cannot possess it so you need revelation this year work in Revelation in the name of Jesus the last one as we get ready to stand the tenth one is the weapon of times and season the weapon of time and seasons for you to be able to confront and overcome stubborn problems you need to understand times and seasons look at your neighbor tell them times and seasons times and seasons nucleus is chapter three and verse one and also bus 11 can I have a clear system two three and verse one for everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven understand the times and the season and a brain like the sons of Issachar we shall be able to design the times and the seasons we are living in and we shall know what to put in the season and I just had the Holy Ghost Whisperer to me that this is your season to pro Cyrus this is your season to set oh I receive your system to arrive is your season to sub piracy this is your season to go to - I receive time and chance happeneth to them all and I just came to declare to somebody this is your time he was 11 verse 11 okay clear system 2 3 4 he has made everything beautiful in its time oh my god also he has put eternity in their hearts except that no one can find out the work that God does from the beginning to the end everybody is standing up on your feet I declare the Lord is making everything beautiful in his time iris this is your time I receive lift your hand and declare this is my time this is my time open your mouth and declare this is my time this is my chance somebody lift up your hands and begin to declare those things that you will be living God for begin to declare this is my time this is my time oh pretty important begin to declare this Mohandas Yamazaki telepathically behind em Ishita as you stretch your hands to the older I pray that every stubborn problem every stubborn issue every stubborn challenge every second difficulty that you have been buckling with for a long time but then not bring it to an end in the name of Jesus oh shall Ibaka dose every stubborn problem somebody say after me say I declare Cristobal problem every stubborn problem bridge Saban challenge every stubborn chair every second difficult every stubborn difficulty that I have been fighting that I have been fight for a long time for a long time then bring it to an end in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus every stubborn problem every stubborn problem has been taking my peace that has been taking my peaceful inching my life challenging my life I come against you now I come against you now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus and it demonic power any demonic power I hide my stubborn problem behind my stubborn fire power any demonic power high stubborn problems in my family behind stuff on problems in my family that's fire God's fire every stubborn enemy every stop on my life in my life my family in my family in my career in my business a name of Jesus as you're lifting your hands in I declare I declare from tonight from tonight c'mon limitation no more limitation for delays no more delays no more heat races no more hindrances contend with them contend with them contending a chemist's me that are contending against me fight them that fight that chemistry right them that fighter Guinness in the name of Jesus the name of Jesus I declare I declare this is my planning point this is my tanning primer , I am an overcomer I am victorious I am Victoria I am more than a conquerer I am more than a conquerer name of Jesus and the name of Jesus as we were praying I just felt the not telling me to raise a quraían for seven who are you a great mountain before zerubabbel you shall become a plane and he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of grace Kress to eat the Lord is saying is leveling your mountain I don't know what your motive is but I want to give you 10 min 10 seconds begin to mention your mountain before the Lord shall avocado scars ask you a problem who are you before the blood of Jesus every floor every problem you are nothing sha la vaca Tosca Lizarraga desta in the name of Jesus from their own kind of miracle money I can't count the stones of evil here in the name of Jesus I see that not bringing somebody to the land of paper and brick I received Jesus name shouting man amen I honor the Grace and the anointing operating upon your life mama Oracle alman mama last week before we left the service you prayed over phones and you said we will receive good news this week and mama the manifestation of that word as a radio card Oh Jonathan Kenneth says the Oracle prophesied over phones last Monday and on Saturday I received a message that a Music Academy was looking for talents I went for the audition and passed and if that wasn't enough I received a scholarship from them and I was starting on 11th March my god yeah it's a Music Academy yeah it's a Music Academy looking for okay they're looking for talent and they were a gift that they can that but can be profitable yes I saw you got a scholarship to join this Academy yes yes when are you joining the a candle event March 11th much your son is now in firm one yes he's now in firm one uh-huh after the results he passed and he was invited to a school which you were not happy about so I came with you with a resource leap mm-hmm on others the evening yeah I remember - one-on-one yes and we prayed about it the next morning I visited one of the national schools that we had selected aha and I was given a buck and see the same day can you give God the glory can I pray that God should create a vacancy for some horrible infant Oberstar here and they are trusting God for promotions and jobs yes I hear God is creating a sea for a child soon then now you are saying that the father to your child yes he walks in Qatar and he had refused to pay the school fees he said he has no money I came to see you in the office and we prayed about it I left the next morning he called me in fact I was surprised because was not even picking my calls not replying to messages what's up nothing Dicky's in a bluetick keaney hakuna responds hakuna responds a much Italian don't follow Lisa wali Obama kokiku particular response I'm about to prophesy here aha so after Priya's not the following morning the following morning at 10 a.m. aha I saw his phone call I couldn't believe my call and he told me that he has sent money isn't the entire school fees and he told me that he's going to clear the I could not sleep in as such of the six and I think I was you I am we're so blessed in you will not press you I help us of destiny will not sleep I see they will know for you to bless you they will know why you talk about what your iris see I will look for you to bless you [Music]
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 280,073
Rating: 4.736536 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, kenyan sermon
Id: iVZ3YwDmVus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 27sec (2367 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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