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the voice of destiny a fire is not to destroy an oracle raised by god jesus set up for unleash natasha we are about to go where we have never gone before i am moving into mark he's the seventh miracle worker in luke he's the son of man an oracle raced by god to impact generations bringing hope and tranquility to mankind every lifetime opportunity that you lost i stand in my office as godzilla i declare you will recover lucy natasha a voice of destiny a perfected voice to this generation with a high frequency of god's power and anointing spirit of god lift up your hands those that are here those that are joining us from around the world i want you to tell him thank you that he kept you he kept us when we couldn't keep ourselves open your mouth and begin to tell him thanks [Music] [Music] lord you kept us you are the prince of peace you are the king of glory you are the mighty god you are the healer lord you kept us you are our deliverer our provider our creator our voter our cornerstone somebody open your mouth and declare he kept he [Applause] [Music] your grace your grace was i sufficient lost my mind but you got me i almost gave up but you got me thank you for keeping us we declare jesus you are our refuge you are our fortress you are our butler you are our banner you are the strong tower thank you for keeping us you are the unchanging changer you are the pillar of our lives you are the glory and the lifter of our head lord thank you for keeping us when we couldn't keep ourselves you are the miracle worker you are the merciful god yes sir you are the god that answers prayer i want you one more time to declare it those that are joining us from around the world in america in south america in australia in canada in the middle east in asia [Applause] [Music] thank [Music] take lordship and kingship in this place i decree that you may increase lord i disappear that you may appear give me the unction to function in jesus mighty name shout amen just lift up your hands i pray for everybody in the east dc arena yes lord touch them by your power lord confirm your word with miracle signs and wonders in this service of possessing the land those that are here those that are watching us from around the world i receive it every prophetic word that will be spoken in this altar may god confirm it with miracle signs and wonders thank you spirit of god as you are lifting your hands as you are seated there is such a heavy anointing in this service this is a service of possessing the land and i'm also seeing in the realm of the spirit god is raising men and women that will be like joseph that will be the deliverers of their family god is raising men and women that will be like esther the deliverers of their family i am seeing god raising men and women like david [Music] i release that anointing upon your life you will be a record breaker you will be a history maker you will be a territory taker what your uncles and aunties did not achieve yes you will achieve in the name of jesus where your father and mother did not go you will go in the name of jesus i release that anointing upon your life i am seeing god raising you as a joseph as a david as an esther that what others did not attain my goodness you will be the first to attain it this is a service of record breakers i am telling you you are going to possess the land watch your grandfathers and your grandmothers after this service [Music] lift your hand and let the device [Applause] [Music] from your heart [Music] jesus sit down look at your neighbor tell them your life will never be the same again it's your life the lord told me to announce this is not just a service of uh over over possessing the land it is a service of record breakers amen because what god is about to do in your life it has never happened before in your family what god is about to do chandra braggadocio you are the one that is going to break the altars of poverty in your family every generational cast in your lineage yes through you it is coming to an end in the name of jesus the lord told me in this service it is a service of part and breakers you are going to break the pattern in your family you are going to break the cycles in your face in the name of jesus cycles of failure yes cycles of defeat yes cycles of rejection [Music] i am seeing you rewriting the history of your family prophesy i want you to declare i will rewrite the history of my family i will positively i will rewrite i will rewrite the history of my family the history of positively positively that even your family nobody has ever graduated you will be the first to graduate i receive even your family there has never been a millionaire oh yes you will be the first millionaire i received even your family there has never been anybody that is a pastor an apostle you will be the first i received if nobody in your family has built the house in the city and in the village michael i professor you will be the if there is no one in your family yes that has extended to us to our position of influence i prophesy i stand in my office as an oracle [Music] you are the history maker i received the record breakers lift up your hands i want to pray for somebody before i bring this word i'm hearing a name in the realm of the spirit chandra bragadoska prophesied in this service your story must change i receive may god turn you a more carry to victory i receive may god turn your insults to results i will receive may god turn your devastation to every restoration yes may god turn it into triumph in the name of jesus every breakthrough god turn it into a breakfast in the name of jesus i declare you will break through on every side in the realm of the spirit i am hearing a name like alan your name is alan i need to speak over your life you are a person that god has ordained as a deliverer in your family everybody lift up your hands and begin to speak in the holy ghost your name is like alan i want to pray for you i'm hearing a name like alan prophesy i need to pray for you alan i need to pray for you and also when you come i would like you to just lower your mass so that i can be able to talk to you what is your name your alan who stretch your hands towards him stand here i want you to know you are the person that god has ordained as a star in your family le para gados god uses the weak things of this world to confront the wise i see the hand of god on your life are you born again stretch your hands towards him chandra bragadoska as i lay my hands on you today marks the turning point of your life and i am seeing your whole i am saying i am singing the realm of the spirit you will rewrite the history of the geshoi family who is gishu he your grandfather hey can i go deeper you will rewrite the history of your family from today i declare the beginning of a new season bring the anointing i want to anoint his hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] i declare wherever you are connecting to this live service from the anointing of a record breaker the anointing of a history maker the anointing of a world changer the anointing of online crosser is coming upon your life right now somebody in the auditorium lift your hand and say i receive i receive i am seeing another record breaker that god is raising in the realm of the spirit lift up your hands and begin to speak in the holy ghost i'm hearing a name like mary your name is like mary then i'm saying you are coming from nakuru you are coming from nakuru you are coming from nakuru there is an altar that is fighting you that i need to break but i'm seeing you at the record breaker i need to pray for you i need to pray for you yes [Music] wait where are you coming from nakuru because in the realm of the spirit and your name is mary in the realm of the spirit i am seeing you at the person that god has obtained as a deliverer in your family but i'm seeing an altar and i'm locating this altar in a place like gerald how are you connected to jerome that is your constituency i pray for somebody here yes any altar from your village oh yes that is fighting your life after all you are testing in the name of jesus in this service i break it in the name of jesus my father sit down i am seeing this altar in jorah the lord is telling me to tell you leprechaud oscar si payagadeshka lagrasque prophesied you are the person that god has obtained as a record breaker as a barrier breaker in your family in the name of jesus stand here i want to pray for you in the realm of the spirit i'm seeing you like in a classroom i'm seeing you like in a class what you are a teacher can i prophesy prophecy but there is an open door the lord tells me today there is a shift where you are is not where you are supposed to be today you will know i am an oracle yes you are i open your post every adversary against you are open to you let that adversary be destroyed somebody said my father my maker my father my maker viewers from around the world repeat this prayer saying my father my maker my father my maker every adversary every unfortunately my goodness my open doors i tennis my opinion somebody said i prophesy i prophesy i will enter my open toes [Music] somebody say i enter now prophetically i am seeing people entering those of them [Music] god where you are working right now that is not what god has ordained for you and i'm seeing like october november december i'm seeing these three months they are going to mark the turning point of your life [Music] what is this i'm seeing as the number six in the family you have six siblings ah your eyes are open prophesied god deeper my prophet as god is delivering you as god is uh establishing you it is not just for you but for everybody that is connected to you because i saw the number six and you say you have six siblings i pray for everybody here yes you will not be the only record-breaker in your family i pray for your sisters and brothers they are those of employment yes they are those of deliverance they are those [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] i see the hand of god over your life you are the deliverer your parents will live a good life because of you your parents will enter rest because of you yeah somebody say i connect i connect prophesy to somebody tell them i see you building a home for your parents i see you i want you to do your hands like this in the realm of the spirit every blessing that the devil had taken from your family through you it is going to be restored amen today i want you to mark today because today marks the turning point of your life zepayagadeshka any blessing as i'm looking at your hands any blessings that god that the devil took from you god is restoring and i'm praying from your date of birth any problem that started le progrados from the womb any generation occurs in your lineage i am breaking it i am saying 10th october i am saying 10th october 10th october yay then i'm seeing like 1997. what your birthday 10th 1997. yeah prophet your eyes are open and in the realm of the spirit yes i am going back into 10th of october 1997. it was on a friday hey can i go deeper you are prophetic professor jesus every chandra braggados everything that the devil took yes that was assigned for your life and for your destiny today as god's oracle i declare your star will shine your name your star will shine amen every blessing that is connected to you from the day of birth i retrieve it from the hands of the adversary yes i retrieve it from the hands of the adversary say payagadoshka bring your hands to your hands like this as i as i anoint you i use you as a point of contact even for your siblings i'm using you as a point of contact for your siblings chandra bragadoska said i also see the calling of god upon your life fire every witchcraft altar that has been contending with your life and destiny enjoy i break it break i see marital settlement is coming every good and perfect gift comes from the lord including the gift of a good spouse that god ordained man i am seeing you meeting isaiah 34 16 says not one will miss their mate for the mouth of the lord has commanded and the spirit of the lord has gathered them together i declare so shall it be cow lee parragadowska sipa yagadeshka [Music] thank you holy ghost it [Music] i see the blessing of god flooding his life go your story will change give me the mantle i need to place the mantle on her can i have the mantle lift your hands and declare i will win [Music] may god wipe away your tears you will serve god's purpose for this generation go and exhale go and succeed it is done in jesus name amen it is done somebody you spirit of god there is such a heavy anointing i have just asked him if he wants to receive jesus as his lord and savior and he tells me today he wants to give his power to jesus i always say when an old person gives their life to jesus a soul is one but when a young person gives their life to jesus both a soul and a lifetime is won and you know ezra is one of the leading dancers and influencers in this country and for such a young man to also give his life to jesus he will be able to influence his generation hallelujah and it's a blessing to see him in church and he has said today i want to give my life to jesus piggy yes my question jesus you know you are not complete until you are completely in christ if you are not in christ you are in crisis i want you to stretch your hands towards him give him the microphone hold the microphone say lord jesus lord jesus i receive you today i receive you today to be my lord and savior write my name write my name in the book of life the book of life from today i received jesus i received jesus as my lord and savior as my lord and savior in jesus name amen come closer here father today we receive ezra into the kingdom of god we thank you for his life use him to influence and to impact his generation may he grow in the full knowledge of our lord jesus christ i bless him from this altar i declare from today the beginning of a new season in jesus name amen and you know even as i'm praying for ezra i'm also saying god will use you to sing gospel music god is going to give you gospel songs go spell songs i am seeing you are start shining in the gospel industry i am seeing you ministering you are there you want to recommit your life to christ or give your life to jesus as we are singing this worship song i want to give you a minute to come to the altar and even those that are watching us from around the world you want to give your life to jesus you are not complete until you are completely in christ yes [Applause] [Music] before your glory you know when one soul comes to the knowledge of our lord jesus christ there is jubilation there is rejoicing in heaven now imagine one two three four five six seven eight [Music] [Applause] [Music] we shall populate heaven we shall populate our anti-population stretch your hands towards them i want you to know this is the greatest of all decisions that you have made and you are welcome to the family of christ you are welcome to ecc and from today i want you to know you have a spiritual mother in me to pray for you to speak into your life and you are mocked for greatness stretch your hands towards them everybody let's help them pray this prayer say lord jesus lord jesus i am a sinner i am a sinner i receive you today i receive it to be my lord and savior write [Music] amen amen i bless your lives [Music] god bless you everybody sit down so god bless you let me shake all of your hands i'm seeing you in the gospel industry god bless you let me touch you come on [Music] the lord is changing your story the lord is changing your story from this altar i am seeing a lot of demonic oppression i am singing the realm of the spirit like satanic oppression satanic oppression what is your name [Music] every witchcraft altar in the name of stretch your hands towards that has been contending with your life and destination yes i break it in the name of jesus i set you free from the altar of ecc go and walk in liberation and in your destiny in jesus name amen this is not an ordinary service we are not religious yes we are spiritual we are prophetic we are apostolic addiction i receive as you are connected to this broadcast begin to receive whatever you are believing god for somebody say i will possess the land lift up your hand wherever you are [Music] the lord is telling me to pray for somebody like mildred your name is mildred i need to pray for you your name is mildred i need to pray for you mildred you are also a person that god is raising i'm hearing in the realm of the spirit i'm locating so many names i'm here i'm feeling such a heavy prophetic oil stretch your hands to the altar mildred i'm hearing like mildred god has ordained you as a deliverer as a redeemer as a territory taker from your family what are your names um stretch your hands here today i'm dealing with every altar that is fighting against your life and your destiny yes sir come and stand here i am saying there is a demonic altar somebody said old tava says altar altar versus altar as i stand on the altar of ecc yes i fight every altar that is fighting you amen i contend with what is contending against you i destroyed the destroyer in your life i declare affliction will not rise a second time name if i be an oracle if i be a woman of god affliction will not rise a second time never angelia i'm seeing restoration restoration in the area of marriage i'm seeing restoration restoration moongwan of fussy appealing the god of a second chance i am seeing restoration and i'm hearing restoration and stretch your hands towards her and god is telling me he will give you a man that will love you and honor you and a man that will love you together with blessing who is blessing your daughter can i go deeper prophesy say paraga so the first word i'm hearing is restoration number two all the witchcraft altars that have been fighting you and contending against you are breaking i am seeing one altar i am in like machacos viewers from around the world any altar that is fighting against your life or destiny yes in this service we break it by fire we break it by fire right we break it by fire i am seeing this altar and i'm hearing a place where munoz is like juan munoz juan muno one muno do you know a place that is called juan munoz like juan muno that's my own place pardon [Music] oh can i have the oil today marks the turning point you know god reveals to redeem stretch your hands everybody lay prague [Music] it is done in jesus name amen somebody say with god all things are possible i want you to hold that title deed in your hand hold it in your hand [Music] hold it in your hand um ask your neighbor have you signed prophetically there is a place i wrote prophetic signature can i have one copy can i have one copy here on the altar in jesus name viewers from around the world i will be sending you this prophetically it is a point of contact the lord told me we are possessing the land today and tomorrow miracle monday i'm talking about friday i was dealing with warfare the bottles of the soil and i said the soil the ground will not bury us hey it will not bury our children our families their ground their soil my god it will work in our favor somebody say amen so i want you to hold prophetically god wants you to be a homeowner i want you to begin to mention the places you want to own land the earth and the fullness belongs to the lord as i shared with you hallelujah i want you to hold it prophetically even before i share this word i want to make some prophetic decrees the bible says in psalms 24 1 the earth is the lord and all its fullness the world and those who dwell they are in i want you to declare i will own homes in nairobi my god in the village in the different cities of the world in johannesburg my goodness in london in different hey you can't put god in a cage psalms 115 verse 16 the heaven even the heavens are the lord but the earth he has given to the children of men god told me next year by this time anyone that is a covenant son or daughter in this ministry the house you are renting will be your last house to rent in the name of jesus i am seeing the grace of owning lands buildings in this city we will buy buildings mark my word and mark this debt tell your neighbor we are taking over we are taking over hey yes sir to the international viewers from around the world psalms chapter 2 and verse 8 says ask me for the nations and i will give you the nations as your inheritance i want you to leave that title deed begin to declare the places you want to own a home shandar rabba kadoska god wants you to own your own home god will give you your own home supernaturally and miraculously if you are already a homeowner you will build a home in the city in the village you will build homes for your parents you will build homes for your children you will build commercial properties i see people that will build flats people that will build apartments shandar rebecca dusk i release a home that will exceed your expectation somebody said i received the keys to my new home [Music] to in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i hear the lord say between now and next year by this time yes the home is yours i say their home is yours somebody i want you to declare their house i am renting now their house i am writing is my final destination destination it's my final destination as i move out as i move on i am going to my own house i am going to now if you're already living in your own house speaking to declare commercial properties you will be a landlord yes jesus i pray for you i received as you're holding that that title did yes i received i declare the lord is the builder of that house if the lord does not build a house the bill does build in vain let the glory of god shine upon your house i prophesy supernatural supply yes to build homes to own we will build houses for our children i want you to declare we will build houses for our children we will build houses for our children somebody say my father my maker oh buildings centers counseling centers business centers business centers by his grace why he is great we will build ecc headquarters we will build somebody declare receive the grace to build i receive the grace to bear i receive the christ to build i receive the grace i receive the christophel i receive the grace to [Music] i received the price to build i want us to sow a seed for our land sowing a seed for our land somebody say i am sowing a seed for my land i am sowing a seed for my life when god wants to give you a harvest he will always ask you for a seed your seed of today is your fruit of tomorrow if what you have cannot meet your need it is not your harvest it is your seed hallelujah and i feel it in the spirit we had uh we had uh somebody testify here that god blessed them with land how many people were there it was a gift i am seeing land coming some it will come as a gift some it will god will give you resources to buy amen and also the lord said any court case to do with land today as god's oracle yes i am walking in the there are things we are going to do in the spirit ocean that court case is coming to under the name of jesus amen can i see if you have any court case to do with land any court case to do with land armor any to do with land somebody is trying to take land that is yours it is either in court or not in court the judgment will be in your favor amen hallelujah i stand as an oracle yes i declare justice will prevail amen so i want us to hold a prophetic seed in our hands to the viewers from around the world international viewers from around the world partners of this ministry sons and daughters of this ministry we are sowing a seed for land i don't know which land you're watching me from some of you are watching me from america you're watching me from europe in the uk in italy in france in germany you're watching me in a uh in in the middle east dubai qatar kuwait bahrain saudi arabia you're watching me from the east african community all over africa namibia botswana south africa prophetic instruction to the international viewers and i've been praying with them and i will pray with them today i said you can sow that seed i gave a prophetic instruction to 50 of you so that seed of 300 or a hundred dollars and especially out of this 50 30 of you are trusting god in regard to documents in that land the lord says the policies and the laws of the land will begin to work in your favor 30 of you it has to do with documents you can sow that seed over dollars three hundred dollars for the laws and the policies of the land to begin to work for you i said you will take the sand of that land you will take a picture you will send it to me then uh via our ministry what's up line that are on the screen and i will be calling you and praying for you and giving you traction prophetically i will be calling you one-on-one on video call we appreciate our international partners from around the world and i see your face i see your case i see your case i prophesy already we have over yesterday my peer was telling me we have over 11 800 testimonies from international viewers just in this year alone and these are the ones that have sent on the phone not just on facebook or youtube those ones are millions but the people that have personally shared their testimonies of citizens citizenship permanent resident ownership doors of employment marital settlement is over 11 000 by the grace of god their children being delivered from drug addictions my god it is a over 11 000 you are the next testifier so distance is not a barrier and that is why we take time to pray for others daughters globally you are here you have that seed i want you to hold it in your hands if it's on your mobile device i want you to check our screens for the ministry and peso line and the uh and the pay bill number if you're giving via pdq machines our head of kingdom hostess and the assistant are standing on the right and on the left and you're able to facilitate with pdq machines you are following this prophetic direction the m number you can send your seat to is 0 7 ten eighty four two twenty one alternatively you can give via pay bill the business number is triple two one one eight the account number is empower hash you're tuning in online friends of this ministry partners of this ministry you can comment on this live broadcast comment paypal comment comment worldremit and you will be directed to words you're giving to all the francophone countries le person que suiv de pe francophone vous pouvez voce mans prophetique de sant dolars a numero zero set on zero wheat cattle uh [Music] amen father i bless every sin sore those that are in the ecc arena of miracles and even those that are sowing on people on wave on world remittance on table that are connecting to this altar from acts of the world i declare may god win for you the battles of the soil i decree and declare wherever you are you will possess the land amen hallelujah deuteronomy chapter 1 verse 5 to verse 8 deuteronomy chapter 1 on this side of the jordan in the land of moab moses began to explain this law saying the lord our god spoke to us in horeb saying dwelt long enough at this mountain turn and take your journey and go to the mountains of the amorites and to all the neighboring places in the plain in the mountains and in the lowlands in the south and on the sea coast to the land of the canaanites and to lebanon as far as the great river river euphrates see i have set the land before you tell your neighbor there is a land before you somebody said there is a land before me there is a land before attacking when you're familiar with there is a land before watch verse 8 see i set the land before you go in and possess the land go in and possess the land which the lord swole to your father to abraham isaac jacob to give them and their descents and descendants after them say amen so listen to me just for five minutes and then we pray quickly because i'm only laying the foundation in this service because somebody here is about to possess the land and somebody that is watching us live from around the world you are to possess the land somebody say i will possess the land i will possess the land so moses began to explain to israel and he began to tell them that time of stagnation is over we have dwelt long enough in this mountain you know spoke to me and he said to me there are people that are here and others are watching you have been in one place for a long time but the lord told me to announce you will not stagnate anymore amen i don't know who i'm speaking to i don't know who i came for but i know god has sent me here for somebody and even somebody that is like from around the world you know they had dwelled there in a long time meaning they were under the yoke of stagnation some of you are supposed to have broken to new grounds but you are bound by the spirit of stagnation what is the meaning of stagnation stagnation means doing something in an ear out without improvement or progress there are people here your life is the same as it was last year last year but one and even now you are seeing the continuation of the same thing stagnation is doing the same thing the same way the same place and getting same results stagnation you know the spirit of is so bad because when you are under the spirit of stagnation you are overtaken by people that started after you when you are under the yoke of stagnation because i saw many people the reason why they have not been able to possess the land is because of the spirit of stagnation you find that now you have even been overtaken by your jew stagnation is to stay in one spot when others are advancing how many people here are saying oracle i've been feeling like i'm in one sport while others are advancing the lord told me to tell you you have dwelt long enough in this mountain i don't know which mountain is and viewers from around the world that you have found yourself in but the lord is saying you have dwelt long enough in this mountain watch this now it was supposed to be an 11 days journey but it took them 40 years the children of israel who the same mountain for 40 years a journey that would have taken them 11 days took them 40 years ah i hear the lord say in the name of jesus it is our time to awake and arise because our destiny is not yet here it is time for us in jesus we have been here long enough you've been in that situation long enough you've been struggling long enough you've been in that level long enough i want somebody to say enough is enough enough enough angelia i don't want your challenges the challenges that you are going through for you to be so comfortable in them because that is what happened to the children of israel don't be comfortable being jobless don't be comfortable in that house don't people in that level there is a level that god wants to take you and the spirit of god told me in this service to come and to announce to somebody because some of you have stayed in the same level 5 years 10 years it is not in the will of god for you to remain in the same level not meant to be stand still life was meant to be progressive you know staying in one spot while others are advancing is not the will of god for your life and i stand on this altar as god's oracle the first spirit i am going to deal with in this service is the spirit of stagnation every spirit of stagnation yes that has made you take so many years for what others are accomplishing within a shorter period my god i can't saw that spirit of stagnation in the name of jesus amen somebody prayed this prayer point my father my maker my father might make break up stagnation break the yoke of stagnation in the name of jesus in the name of jesus but he said i will possess the land i will possess i will break to new grounds i will break to new grass as you are stretching your hands to the altar i prophetically speak over your life yes you are about to go one has been before i receive you you are about to do what nobody has done before i received god is about to fulfill through you yeah nobody has expected it even nobody has experienced for 30 seconds begin to break the spirit of stagnation foreign [Applause] my possession open your mouth declare i will possess the land let bragadoska you will not stay unemployed another month you will build that house that dream will come to pass before the year is over you will rise to the call of god that is opposed you will be too motivated to be intimidated somebody say i will possess my opportunities so i'm going to give you signs how do you know if you have stayed long enough in this mountain then i'm going to pray so how do you know because there are things we must deal with first things first you must be able to discover to recover it is what you identify that you are able to confront and conquer anything that you've not identified you cannot confront and conquer so the first thing i saw why is it that many people have not been able to possess the land stagnation you have dwelt long enough in this mountain somebody say enough is enough enough is enough so what are the signs to know if you are under the bondage of stagnation number one you always miss the timing of good things either by omission or commission you are here you find yourself you are always missing the timing of good things whether it's by omission or commission that is a sign you are under age of stagnation another sign is in the midst of many people in the midst of many people you are always the person that goes through victimization in the midst of many people you are always the one that is singled out for victimization for rebuke for reprimand for query for some for for for and not just cost so that is another sign of somebody that is uh that is under the yoke of stagnation another sign is people somehow find it difficult to help you and they would rather give their help to someone that is less deserving that is a sign of somebody under the yoke of stuff you know you make great efforts you know you you you are always making great efforts but uh there is a little result you find it is true you are a hard worker but there is always uh there is there is always a little result another sign you always have last minute disappointments last minute distance hallelujah you always have last minute disappointments that is another sign of somebody that is under the yoke of a stagnation hallelujah another sign you repeatedly lose opportunities you repeatedly lose opportunities whether it is business educational financial opponent you always repeatedly lose opportunities that will lead to your rising there is somebody that is under the yoke of stagnation hallelujah you find when you are under the yoke of stagnation there is no progress there is no movement there is no increase there is a satanic hold down and today i want to put it i hear the lord say enough is enough somebody said enough is enough he stand on your feet enough he may touch your image i want you to be tired of that level be tired of that situation hallelujah lift up your hands towards the altar chandra bragadoska zepayagadeshka lagraska lipa all your buried glory will begin to shine again thank you spirit of every curse every covenant that is holding you on the same spot of failure the same spot of frustration the same spot of backwardness puberty sickness death break in the name of jesus i speak confusion in the camp of our enemies that are working against our destiny somebody said i separate myself i separate myself from anyone or anything from anyone already that the devil is using that the devil is used to make me go round in circles you make me go round i separate i separate my i disconnect myself in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] i pray for anything that wants to destroy your life yes anything that wants to destroy your family your finances your health your purpose i cancel it by fire i issue a divine arrest over demonic conspiracies against your life amen in the mighty name of jesus from today divine timing strategic relationships yes open doors favor in high places yes i declare the goodness of god to continually manifest in your life i respect in jesus name sit down i want you to prepare your soil after the tithes and the partnership prayer will be the last prophetic instruction to the glory of god i want to pray and let me see if you came with uh your soil as your point of contact i'm going to speak over it hallelujah so you are here before i pray over that soil and speak over it it's important to speak to the soil and to speak to the ground and i'm about to do that shortly viewers from around the world i say that we'll be sending you this prophetic title deal this is a prophetic weekend of possessing the land possessing the land my goodness somebody how to possess the land and even in that nation the policies and the laws of the land will begin to work for you that land will favor you le prague so i said for the international viewers you will take a picture later and send it on our ministry what's up line and we will be able to put it on our prayer all the glory of god but before we conclude with that i would like to pray for every tiger and partner you are here you are a tiger tight is the connection to the protection of your finances you are tight is what makes god a shareholder of whatever you do your tithe is in obedience to god's word a tithe brings judgment to the enemy of your prosperity you are here at ecc auditorium you need an envelope lift up your hands and our kingdom hostesses will come right where you are if you're giving your tithe via your mobile device their pay bill number the m person number they are on your screens all over them if you're giving via check uh make it payable to empowerment christian church it is on the screens viewers from around the world giving time is blessing time i want you to know distance is not a barrier frame of the spirit sons and daughters all my spiritual sons and daughters globally i said all my genuine sons and daughters we lay our tights on the altar of this ministry where you are fed spiritually is where you pay your tithe hallelujah and my sons and daughters ecc members me recommend the phd family the time has come to lay our tithes and our partnership on the altar of this ministry as god trusts you with the level that he has put you he will also move you from glory to glory i am seeing god raising millionaires and billionaires kingdom millionaires i am seeing god raising millionaires you are the next millionaire you are the next billionaire so i want viewers from around the world begin to prepare your tithe and your partnership you have your tithe you have been keeping your tithe the spirit of god uh is now laid on the altar on paypal on wave uh on whichever platform our oracle one tv media director will give us can we have the ecc under sons and daughters of the oracle globally you can send your type and partnership to the mpesa number zero seven ten eighty-four twenty-one twenty-one alternatively you can give via pay bill that is triple two one one eight the account number is empower hash you're tuning in online from the various countries of the world you can comment on this live broadcast comment paypal comment wave comment worldremit our media team is on standby and they will direct you giving father i thank you for the tithers and the partners standing on the altar of ecc in the arena of miracles and even the tithers and the partners the sons and daughters globally that are laying their tides and their offerings on the altar of this ministry i stand in my office as god's prophet and as god's oracle i bless you with the blessings of abraham your sacrifice find favor with god i bless you with the blessing of noah you shall be delivered from calamities i bless you with the blessings of abraham your seed will be great in the land i bless you with the blessing of sarah you shall bear fruit in your old age i blessings of isaac that when you sow in the day of famine you will receive a hundredfold i bless you with the blessings of the lord jesus christ the blessing of peace joy the blessing of righteousness in the name of jesus i bless you with the blessing of jacob the lord will change for the wealth of the wicked i bless you with the blessing of joseph you will sit on the throne i bless you with the blessing of moses the lord will feed you in the wilderness and lead you through the sea i bless you with the blessing of elijah the lord will answer you by fire and vindicate your course i blessing of daniel may god shut the mouth of every lion that rises against you i bless you with the blessing of mary the mother of jesus you shall be blessed and highly favored i declare you will be business owners home owners kingdom millionaires and kingdom billionaires king answers your pockets will never go dry the spring of your wealth will never go dry whatever you touch with your hands it will increase and multiply i release high-paying jobs i release business capital i release open doors go and succeed go and prosper the tightest blessing in jesus mighty name amen god bless you go and prosper go and succeed go and prosper viewers from around the world may heaven honor you as you are laying your tithe your partnership remember to all the partners that are giving that seed of those partners that are sowing because of the land you're saying i'm part of the 50 and i want to have one-on-one with the oracle i am calling them on video call uh by the grace of god check the details on the screen for you to register via what's up uh to the glory of god check the details on the screen the plus two five four seven twelve seventy eight seventy eight seventy plus 254700 8899 in jesus name amen everybody standing on your feet hold that soil you're holding so the lord spoke to me if you have that soil let me see how many have nuang up hallelujah those that don't have i want you the soil of nairobi must speak for you everybody stand on your feet i'm going to give us direction if you have it hold it in your hands somebody say i will possess the land you know when i was coming when god spoke to me in 2017 i had been in the u.s for four months say this before and god spoke to me towards the end of the conference tour i was doing a conference in different states within the us and after traveling extensively uh for four months on the fourth towards the end of the fourth month i was on a flight from san francisco uh to boston with my pa it was one of the longest flights we took in the u.s it was over eight hours and i remember the lord took me in an encounter during that flight i went into an encounter and that is when god spoke to me vividly and clearly about nairobi being the city of divine assignment and i remember we flew back into nairobi 13 in the month of uh june going to july and the lord spoke to me and said i want you to establish miracle monday and you know instead of listening to the voice of god i went to consult people and i said god is telling me about nairobi and you know what what can you be a nairobi inaudible and you know i was a bit discouraged so it took me because i started listening to the voice of men you know whoever you give attention gives you direction look at somebody tell them whoever you give attention gives you direction whoever you give attention gives you direction so and that's why i always every other speaker becomes a noisemaker because there are many other voices so i started to listen to many other voices so july i didn't take a step august september and it was in october when miracle monday was established in the city and god said to me yes hallelujah that statement had stuck because threatening me nairobi is that fear of starting that fear of stepping out of the boat it broke into pieces i want you today to have this understanding even as we speak over the soil nairobi and in this city we will own businesses in this city we will establish companies and in this city we shall build mega churches in this city uh look at your neighbor tell them this is our city of divine assignment this is our city of divine viewers from around the world whichever city you are watching us from go and possess the land amen to mumble i'm giving you this prophetic title deed it is prophetic of possessing the land it is something that is happening in the realm of the spirit viewers from around the world begin to speak over that land i said you will get a scoop of soil and you will put it in a bowl you will take a picture you will send it as a point of that among the 50 people i am calling you today and tomorrow lipa ragadosa [Music] [Applause] thank you holy ghost thank you jesus every battle of the sand every battle of the soil somebody say i declare thought of victory in the name of jesus every wicked power every wicked power that is using their sun that is used that is using the ground that is using the ground that is using the soil that is using the soil to control my life to control my life nullified the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] the work of my hands prosper the work of my hand in the name of jesus somebody said i declare i declare the earth and the ground and the sand of nairobi the earth and the ground and the sand of nairobi it will not cooperate with witches against my life it will not cooperate with witches it will not compare us it will not cooperate for my family yes my life is somebody said i prophesy i prophesied the laws and the policies of the land the laws and the policies of the lord will begin to work in my favor we will begin to work in my faith i want you to hold us so you are title deed as i'm praying indeed it marks a point of contact to every other title deed as i'm praying here on the altar for 30 seconds as i'm laying hands on it unto the glory of god somebody begin to pray for your title deeds [Music] i declare go and possess the land i speak over that soil i declare you will build houses you will own lands yes to the tenth generation yeah even you see your children will never be homeless you will never be hopeless you will build houses for your parents amen you will build houses for orphans and widows i received you will build churches yes in the name of jesus amen i release the anointing of acquisition yes i declare somebody's real estate in the name of jesus i declare as you are leaving this service you will possess the land yes as time as your spiritual mother go and walk in your testimony i speak this blessing over your life that healing will follow you deliverance will follow you you will prevail over adversity i received you will be a world changer yes you will not accept the state rise above the regular names you will be a solution bringer iran you will be an enforcer of change yeah you will be a deliverer you will be an answer to people's questions you will be a helper to the helpless name you will be a sustainer to the helpless name a cover to the naked employee you will be a giver and not just a receiver you will be a solution to people's challenges you will be a blessing to the people you meet i speak into your life you will touch lives you will bring hope you will be a world changer you will work in dominion sicknesses challenges will bow situations will bow okay you will operate on uncommon grace hey the grace i have carried around the nations of the world yes receive an importation i receive viewers from around the world from today begin to operate on uncommon grace i speak good news from the north yes from the south and from the east yes anywhere you expecting good news it will not fail yay i declare good news from expected and unexpected places iris so shall it be father to everyone here and to those that are watching you are seeking you from the crown of your head to the soul of your feet be healed i cancel every negative clinical report every sickness that has defied medical diagnosis i cancel it in the name of jesus i declare jesus is the healer jesus is the great physician i stretch my hands wherever you are be healed in the name of jesus amen if you have anyone that is connected to you that is sick in their body i send a word of healing wherever they are in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit shout amen [Music] you
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 5,672
Rating: 4.9703703 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, Miracle monday, the oracle
Id: vPtvsZ7_LUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 28sec (4408 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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