Fight For Your Destiny Part 1

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she was born to do these girls come I got a scar I got one fashioned against as I shall be able to prosper and every panda shall rise against us in judgment well not will condemn us travel far and wide to different parts of the world Romans 8:31 says what then shall we say of this things if God is for us who can be against us in season you see Natasha Oracle of God she was born in my heart the first one is the book that is on screen every problem has an expiry date I want you to give somebody a high five and tell them every problem has an expiry date come on give somebody a high five tell your neighbor my condition is not my conclusion every problem has an expiry I'm here to announce to somebody every problem has an expiry date you a problem may be lasting but it's not everlasting it has an expiry date your condition is not your conclusion and this book is a book that will speak to your heart and I've done a a revised copy of this book and up this book is going to bless you look at your neighbor tell them neighbor neighbor this book will bless you this book will bless Alleluia and you know on the first chapter of this book I preached one message that is a message that God laid in my heart that I've been preaching in various nations around the world on faith in the midst of the fire because in the journey of life you will go through fire and I always tell people when God allows you to go through fire the fire is not to destroy you it is to display the power of God and in this book I have written of a various does that will be a great blessing to you hallelujah chapter 2 is lasting but not everlasting chapter 3 is your condition is not your conclusion chapter 4 is shake it off chapter 5 is coming out of debt chapter 6 is what is above you is below god this is a very powerful and prophetic book and in the first chapter of this book I have described who Jesus is in every book of the Bible and I would want even the mirror commander family to know who Jesus is by hot hallelujah because when you read Daniel chapter 3 and verse 25 when Shadrach Meshach and Abednego are in the fire the kingdom cut necessary through three men into the fire but I see four men and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God you know when you are going through the fire people always think you are alone and this is one of the messages from the book every problem has an expiry date that people have been asking and I said I will put that message in this book every problem has an expiry date because when you are going through crisis when you are going through the fire people always think you are alone what they don't know is that there is a footman in the fire some of you because of what you are going through it looks like you are in crisis but I came to announce you are not in crisis you are in Christ you are not in crisis you are in Christ and the kingdom Katniss's say we must remain into the fire but I see four men and the form of the father is like the Son of God this month the footman is a pope who appeared in your fire and the footman is Jesus and I want to tell you who he is from the Bible in Genesis is the seat of the woman crushing the Serpent's head in Exodus is the sacrificial possible um in Leviticus is the high priest in numbers is the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night in Deuteronomy is the profit to come up in Joshua is the captain of our salvation in judges is the judge and the lawgiver in Ruth his the Kingsmen Redeemer in first and second Samuel he is the trusted prophet in first and second Kings is the ruler of our nation in first and second Chronicles he's the reigning king of in Ezra is the faithful scribe in Maya is the rebuilt up of the broken down walls of human life in Esther is my mother time he is my intercessor in job is the everliving Redeemer in sums is my Shepard in prophecies my wisdom in the class this is the unsearchable riches and it's songs of Solomon he's my lover and my pride chroma in Isaiah is the Prince of Peace in Jeremiah is the righteous branch in lamentation is the weeping prophet in Ezekiel is the glory of God in captivity in Daniel he's the fourth mana in life's fiery furnace in Hosea is the faithful husband in Joe will his the Baptizer with the Holy Ghost inna Amos is the plumb line of our faithfulness in Oh Bettina is the mighty deliverer in Jonah is the god of missionary service' and Micah he is justice in the womb is the adventure of God's elect in Habakkuk is the watchman in Safin ayah is the savior in Haggai his the restorer of God's heritage in Malachi is the Sun of righteousness with healing in his wings in what new is the Messiah in mark is the serpent miracle worker in Luke is the son of mana in John he's the son of God in acts is the holy ghost with fire in Romans is the Sanctifier or his first and second Corinthians he is the justifier in defeating collisions of his the redeemer from the classes of the law in efficiencies the foundations in Philippians is the supplier in Colossians is the fullness of the Godhead in 1st and 2nd Thessalonians he is the soon coming King of in 1st and 2nd Timothy he is our instructor in titus is the faithful pasta in Philemon he's the friend that sticketh closer than a brother in Hebrews or he is the high priest after the order of Melchisedec in James is the power of faith in first and second Peter is our glorious hope in 1st John he is loved in 2nd John he is truth in that John is the Prospero ensured his the Lord coming down with ten thousands of his Saints in Revelation he is the king of kings of a lot of lots of the Alpha his name is Jesus she's assisting the lily of the valley of support he is our fortress or she's the Bishop of our soldier he is the [Music] tonight I pray in this miracle Monday shoots me chase I see you in your pain or just said Jesus see you in your fire I receive we have the second book which is before you say I do that is falling in love without falling into trouble the reason why I want you to get this book is when you marry the right money or the right woman you marry a prayer partner but when you marry the wrong man or the wrong woman hey you Maria prey upon tell your neighbor don't marry a prayer point I pray a prayer partner let me see the people that are here that are single hallelujah lift up your hands okay those that are married lift up your hands when you marry the right man or the right woman you marry a prayer partner and that is my prayer for those that are married may your spouse become your prayer partner and not your prayer point somebody say Amen may you a marriage be a fulfillment and not a frustration may your marriage be an enjoyment and not an end you are and amen somebody say Amen amen so this is a book that is dedicated also we are we are giving it on offer this month and on this book for those that have read it we have six types of men you should not marry six types of women you should not marry I'll give you two examples because today is the first day that we are releasing at these two books on offer hallelujah tell your neighbor six types of men you should not marry six types of men should not marry number one the Solomon man tell your neighbor the Solomon man now the reason why the Solomon man is there the Solomon man is polygamous in nature he's a womanizer he's a heartbreaker the Solomon man does not understand boundaries he will flirt with you your sister your cousin your neighbor your grandmother's tell your neighbor you need a man that understands boundaries please if you are here and you're a single woman run away from the Solomon man till you never run away from the Solomon man away from this solo boat man Alleluia they are player somebody say Amen I don't have time because I still have a message but listen number two I'm just giving you very fast but you need to get the book we have there and believe a man tell your neighbor the unbeliever man they are posted Paul has admonished us not to be equally yoked with unbelievers so if you are a born-again Christian woman you have nothing or a born-again Christian man to do with an unbeliever do not be equally yoked with unbelievers even almost 3:3 says PO cannot work together unless they are agreed some of you are giving me that look and you are like here but Oracle this man is mister TDH tall dark and handsome he is not born again he is not right for you yes some of you are saying but Oracle this man is my BMW my black man with wisdom [Applause] [Music] your neighbour Eve is not born again he's not born again he is not right for you he's not grateful scratch him of the list scratching of the list somebody say Amen amen somebody say Amen amen stay tuned Oracle words you I have been preaching on the presence of God but as we were crossing over from the month of January to the month of February the Lord reminded me of the prophetic visitation I had on the prayer Mountain and he told me this is a month of warfare it is our month to fight for our destiny somebody say I'm fighting for my destiny I'm fighting for my the Bible says in Matthew chapter 11 and verse 12 Matthew chapter 11 and verse 12 and from the days of John the Baptist Matthew chapter 11 and verse 12 it is on screen and from the days of John the Baptist until now the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent shall take it by force I want you to put your name there and from the days of John the Baptist until now that pace of the Oracle until now the days of Meeropol monday the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent shall take it by force hey I'm here to tell me recommend a family that you have a destiny you have a future you have a calling you have an assignment but that temper will do everything he can do to ensure that you don't reach your destiny and that is why you need to fight for your destiny we are in a generation that likes to get everything on a silver platter but I'm here to remind you from the days of John the Baptist until now hey the kingdom of God suffered violent and the violent shall take it by force I came to give a clarion call that it's time to fight for our destiny it's time to fight for our calling it's time to fight for our purposes it's time to fight for our assignment it's time to fight for our nation it's time to fight for our city it's time to fight for our careers it's time to fight for our children it's time to fight for our business a patch to people tell them fight hurt ah you are going to get into your destiny but you require your destiny requires a fighter touch your neighbor tell them fight fight anything worth having is worth fighting for tell your neighbor anything that is what having is worth fighting for is worth listen to me your marriage is water fight you our children our the fight your call is what the fight you are annoyed thing is water fight your destiny is what the fight you our assignment in this generation is what a fighter I don't know if I have people that are ready to fight I don't know if I have people that are saying I'm ready to fight for my business I'm ready to fight for my finances er I'm ready to fight for my family I'm ready to fight for my husband if you are ready give to people I have favored and tell them fight we have a generation that doesn't want to fight we have a generation that wants to receive everything on a silver platter but this is a different clarion call the Bible says in Exodus chapter 15 and verse 3 Exodus chapter 15 and verse 3 the Bible says the Lord is a man of war touch your neighbor tell them the Lord is a man of war the Lord the Lord is his name listen to me if they are know was to fight the Lord would not have been described as a man of war if the Lord is a man of war then as his children we ought to be men and women of war as well we have to fight touch three people tell them fight hurt in order to get into your destiny there are things you must fight there are things you may Hong Kong somebody shout amen and now as we get into this battle I want to give you your weapons of war tell your neighbor they are weapons of war they are weapons of war tell your neighbor we are fighting by revelation we are fighting by revelation hey tell you never fight by revelation fight by revelation the first weapon is in first John chapter 5 and verse 4 first John chapter 5 and verse 4 these are the weapons of war for what temper is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that overcomes the world our faith tell your neighbor weapon number 1 number 1 their weapon of violent faith the weapon of violent faith God cannot move without faith and it is impossible to please God without faith and I'm praying in the name of Jesus in this month that you will activate the weapon of fire you length faith hey somebody said the weapon of violent faith the weapon of violent faith somebody say Amen and now my prayer for you as me recommend a family and even those that are watching us from around the world is that we shall not just operate because there are dimensions of faith we shall not just operate on the water faith level we shall graduate to the gift of faith and the spirit of faith i decree and declare receive the spirit of faith receive the gift of faith in the name of Jesus I decree and declare anything that was impossible to achieve in 2019 in 2020 by faith receive it in the name of Jesus we touch two people tell them by faith how will you take your possession how will you take your prosperity how will you take your favor well well how will you take your next level by right somebody said by fair hey the weapon Oh buy your land fake weapon number two the weapon of violent prayer hey let's hop Genesis 32 26 Genesis 32 26 Genesis 32 26 and he said let me go for the day bricks but he said I will not let you go unless you bless me Jacob prayed a violent prayer and pill Jacob a person became a nation Israel hey in an instance a man was changed from a man to a nation because of violent Preah I came to tell somebody I know you've been praying but it's time to engage the gear Oh fine you're led prayer the Bible says in James chapter 5 and verse 16 be the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much in this month I release a spirit of Prayer I release the spirit of intercession anything you prayed for her I declare heaven her settled in the name of George I said have been her settled in the name of Jesus you know when you pray you are praying goes to goddess worship but it goes to the pepper as warfare give to people a high-five and tell them pray again ray again I said I speak as an Oracle yes or it is settled in the name of Jesus lift up your hand whatever you have prayed for in this miracle Monday whether you have prayed for marital settlement whether you have prayed for open toast business capital family deliverance whatever you have prayed for i declare your case is settled I said your case is set on I said your case is set all shout I receive I receive that pad weapon Shantay Carlos Scott second son wells chapter 24 bus 24 to verse 25 then the king said to aronia no but I will surely buy it from you for a price no will I offer punt offerings to the Lord my god that which cost me nothing so David but the threshing floor and the oxen for 50 shekels of silver let's continue and David built an altar to the Lord and orphaned and offered burnt offerings and peace offerings so the Lord he did the prayers for the land and the plague was withdrawn from Israel this is the weapon of sacrifice Daniel a but the weapon of sacrifice some of us have been born again for 15 years and 10 years but we have never offered God as sacrificed I admire David he said I will never give the Lord anything that does not cost me because sacrifice is what moves you and touches you sacrifice is the voice of the altar every altar is empowered by a sacrifice and it is when David Koepp as sacrifice that God hid that the prayers for the land and the plague was withdrawn from Israel tell your neighbor number three they were of sacrifice look at what sums 50 bus 5 say sums 50 bus 5 god damn my sense together sums 50 bus 5 god damn my saints together those who have made a covenant with me by sacrifice you can never enter into continent with God without a sacrifice touch your neighbor tell them sacrifice one beard uh be who usually offering is what you give cheerfully but sacrifice is something of great value something that touches you an altar is a place of sacrifice that your neighbor tell them an altar is a place of sacrifice tell your neighbor every altar everyone is empowered by a sacrifice sacrifice is the voice of the altar please talk to your neighbor tell them sacrifice is the voice of the altar sacrifice is the voice of the oil and listen to me miracle Monday as sacrifice is not just about money it is what it represents when you are giving God a sacrifice don't just see in it finances in it see as sacrifice it is what it represents somebody say Amen look at your neighbor ask your neighbor neighbor have you ever given God a sacrifice ask your neighbor have you given God a sacrifice this year a forgiving God a sacrifice sacrifice is what pains you and patches you it is something that will cost you something it is not something that you give laughing somebody say Amen that is why when you read the Sam's 1:26 and verse 5 the Bible says those that saw in tears they shall reap in joy look at your neighbor tell them it is not something that you give laughing it's not something that you give love because sacrifice is going the extra-mile sacrifice is going the extra effort it is choosing to honor God in a big way and many people have never engaged on this principle of sacrifice sacrifice you don't approach it casually look at your neighbor tell them you don't approach it surely you don't approach it conscious sacrifice provoke sport when people offer this sacrifice they'll not hit them to the prayers of the land and the plague was removed Alleluia when you give a sacrifice it is always altar buses altar some of you they are all times that have been fighting your family altars of poverty altars of witchcraft some of your family members will he end up our gondola key energy rocket or kuffara and they covenanted and open that door for your family so some of you don't know why things are not working things are not moving because there was a sacrifice that was given and some of you in this season of warfare you need to engage the gear of sacrifice where you say enough is enough in my family it is all purposes altar where are you giving a sacrifice and you raise an altar for God on behalf of your children on behalf of your family on behalf of your destiny and you declare what stopped others will not stop me what stopped my others in my family will not stop me I am demolishing this altars by keeping a sacrifice somebody says sacrifice sacrifice stand up on your feet in Jesus name o Mikado's kheh some of us have been Christians for many years but we have never given a sacrifice and it is my prayer that every demonic alter their sacrifice you will give God in this season it will be broken in the name of Jesus everybody lift up your hands so today I have given you three but in this series I'll teach you 10 weapons of fighting for your destiny somebody say Amen somebody say I will fight for my destiny fight for my best touch two people tell them fight for your destiny fight for your destiny tell your neighbor fight for your destiny fight for your destiny I declare the altar will speak on your behalf lift up your hands this altar will speak on behalf of your family your business your career your promotion there is no demonic altar that sacrifice cannot break Oh syllabic are a schema God Oska repo conozco mahadesh Karabakh Alice key Z Kadesh Carrabba Carlos Camejo - cos oh Jesus we give you praise lord I thank you for every man and woman that is under the sound of my voice i decree and declare in the name of Jesus shall Abba handi I want you to declare every altar that has been speaking against your family your destiny let it be broken begin to pray for 30 seconds begin to pray begin to pray shall avocados Karabakh Alaska Costa mahadesh korabik a toast open your mouth and begin to break lava and the altar let it be broken and catch the weapon of fire and prayer and catch the weapon Oh for your land frame and catch the weapon of sacrifice open your mouth and begin to declare avocados - lo siento Carlos everybody stretch your hands to the altar pause I decree and declare in this year 2020 you will be fruitful I declare you will multiply in the name of Jesus every generational and ancestral castle will be terminated in the name of Jesus every demonic altar that is calling you back to your villages I break it in the name of Jesus somebody prayed that prayer point every demonic altar every cornichons that is calling me back to my village is calling me put too much fire Napoleon de ikita genie in I only for time genie some para Timoteo more to open your mouth I declare every demonic altar that is calling you back to your history oceans every demonic all Panther is calling you back to Hippocrates as an Oracle of God was yes as the priest of this old house I declare card fire much further I declare in this miracle Monday yes God is making away where there is no way I receive it I declare his making every crooked way straight oh yes I declare you are blessed and not cursed I declare you shall break forth into new realms of glory women in the name of Jesus Bukowski megadose car avocados leap pecados every form of crisis in your business I said it's over over every form of crisis in your career I said it's over in the name of Jesus over I said it's over it's awful I said it's over over I called for your help us iris that are supposed to help your destiny I command your help us to locate anyone that is here that is trusting God for a job yes I release high-paying jobs I receive by the power of the holy God I'll receive whatever covered your glory is for you not to be seen for you not to be celebrated I command it catch fire much further I pray for your family members that are going through stagnation I speak I release I speak a really sorry I speak I release I refuse why are you felt go back and see where you are ignored go back and be celebrated see I bring an end to the struggle in your life right there pointing of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus amen Shabba Carrasco mahadesh I declare your story will change in Jesus name prophetic mobile as I was praying for this woman the Lord is telling me quickly to pray for a woman I am seeing this woman and as she was testifying about her healing I am seeing this woman in the realm of the Spirit and it is like you have you have am seeing three children and all of them have medical conditions all of them are medical conditions when I look at your first one in the realm of the Spirit God is touching them right now I am seeing a brain problem when I look at your second one I'm seeing an eye problem when I look at your fat bone I am seeing a sinus problem the Lord is touching your children wherever they are with you are there and if you are the one I need to pray for you as she was testifying I saw this woman and I saw the Lord touching your children I want you to come in the name of Jesus wherever you are and as wherever you are I want you to come I am seeing the power of God touching your children in the mighty name of Jesus the power of God Jezza please move this body I move this podium stand here in the name of Jesus chandi Carlos Scott I saw three children in the realm of the Spirit and I saw as she was testifying as she was testifying the Lord said I want you to pray for this family and even as I look at you it is like sickness hazard has afflicted the family but thus saith the Lord God of Israel affliction will not rise a second time even affliction will not rise a second divulges affliction will not rise a second time if I be another conscious can i prophesy first time the Lord will wipe away your tears oh shall ibaka dos karabakh adesh KO o Lopaka duska mama open your eyes and look at me because God is wiping away your tears the Lord is wiping out where you are tears the Lord is wiping away your tears I see you have cried you have cried and cried but does say yet the Lord God of his one he's wiping away your tears sickness will be rolled away stretch your hands towards this woman I saw a firstborn and what I saw in the room of the Spirit it is like a bring something what is this that I see you had the problem when I gave birth treatment and when he was 8 years we took him to narrow hospital and Kenyatta Hospital was the source is vain so I came they have been they had they they grew and they are attached to each other but the temple is a lie how many people know that with God all things are possible you know shall Ibaka dose the Lord will wipe away your tears yes mama the Lord will wipe away your tears then I saw like an eye problem I saw another child and I saw like an eye problem who is this child steal you a son yeah then I saw another child and is like a sinus problem also your child shall ABBA stretch your hands Oh Rebecca duska the Lord tells me he's not just healing your children even you he's healing you right now every high blood pressure it has living your public in the name of Jesus even leepu colas comig ago Scott I see an angel descending oh and this intro is cutting a bowl of oil and I'm asking the Lord what is this oil oh and then Lord says it is the oil of healing their oil of deliverance on this family you just stretch your hands I want you to speak a megadose con las cámaras Oaxaca desk Arabic a DOS Cala Boca dos yard a car a schema the Lord is restoring your life the Lord is healing your life and your family and every sickness that has resisted medication the blood of Jesus is against it o sunday Lopaka mega-desk arabic al Assad s comma God Arabic ADO's yonder car a schema God Oska I need water give me that what I need to prefer that water stretch your hands towards her the Lord is healing your children and the Lord is also going to heal you that's what the Lord is telling me the Lord is also going to heal you and the healing will be permanent as that woman testified here and said after she anointed herself and she left she woke up and the healing was permanent oh Jesus I am NOT the healer Jesus is the healer and the God that I serve I've seen him heal around the world and he will also do it for you and your children stretch your hands towards her Oh shall ibaka duska li picados quwata signifies life I bless this water as you drink this water from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet I declare be healed any sickness that has resisted medication I declare the blood of Jesus is against it from today no more high blood pressure where am i sink pressure pressure well it's you and Okaloosa stretch your hands syllabic are ask I keep on hearing it is well it is well it is well it is well it is well it is well oh Jesus and I'm asking the Lord what are you saying Lord and the Lord says Monica it is well I hear it is well it is well it is well it is Wow just miss Monica she's in tears Oh Shabak adios stretch your hands towards her holidays come can I have that song faithful God can I have that song faithful God everybody lift up your heads [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh you are a faithful God the Lord told me it shall be well the Lord will wipe away your tears oh shut the Carlos repo Code Oscar tell your neighbor he's afraid for God the God that we serve has not changed he is the same today yesterday and forever I asked you who is Monica that is your name cause the Lord kept on saying it shall be well I want you to mark the date of today because on this very altar you will bring a testimony amen can I have the oil for signs and wonders I [Music] want you to go and anoint them as a point of contact the Bible says in Isaiah 10:27 that it will come to pass on that day when the burden will be lifted from what I shoulder and the yolk will be destroyed because of the anointing go and succeed it is done in Jesus somebody puts her hands together for Laura - Jesus prophetic moments and I'm seeing your brother an alcoholic last week we had that testimony of a man that testified hear how God has delivered him from the spirit of alcoholism and God delivered that man last week that testified here those that were here so and he said how he was even slipping in the streets he had gone to nothing because of alcoholism and now how God had given him a high-paying job delivered him is that man still here that testified last week on Monday he gave a very powerful tear that is the man can be appreciate God in Jesus for him and he has been clean for one fully and now and the grace of God will continue to preserve you and sustain you but I'm seeing a woman and your brother God wants to save his life every plan every plot every scheme of the devil against your brother's life is canceled your brother's name is John and the Lord is telling me to pray for him your name as I look at you in the spirit everybody lift up your hands your brother is John but I'm hearing like anesthesia but your brother's name is Shawn I need to pray for your brother and I'm seeing the spirit and the cycle of alcoholism in the life of your brother come quickly let me speak a word in Jesus name I'm hearing a name like John do you have a brother by the name of John is he an alcoholic Oh shall ibaka disgust stretch your hands the Lord has a good plan for his life what is your name your name is Anastasia Oh Rob pecados stretch your hands towards the Lord is intervening where is your brother right now he's in the village when was the last time you communicated with your brother last week the devil will not destroy your brother your brother will not go to an early grave and I declare in the mighty name of Jesus any of our family members that are bound by alcoholic addictions yes let us a pigeon's be destroyed in the name of Jesus amen as he's in the village distance is not a barrier in the realm of the Spirit God is visiting him wherever he is and even in your own life that's say yet the Lord God of Israel as God is visiting your brother the Lord is visiting you you are not where you are supposed to be I am seeing Osia baka dawa stretch your hands towards this woman there is a calling of God upon your life and the Lord says this year you will fulfill your purpose the calling of God shall be manifested the Lord will connect you to your destiny help us those that God has assigned to add value and significance to you are calling into your life they will begin to manifest you will meet your helpers and know in thing that attracts help us it is falling on you right now somebody lift up your hand and pray this prayer point and knowing thing that attracts help us unknown Mina phenomena in the mighty name of Jesus as I anoint you I am seeing open doors open paws open paws up and paws no more delay go and walk into your open doors I declare over your brother John wherever he is we send the power of God we speak deliverance from this bondage of alcoholism we decree we declare the Lord has need of your brother the Lord has indeed of him and I declare his deliverance in the name of the Father the Son and of the Holy Spirit it is done in Jesus name Amen amen [Music] mama Oh Rocco I won't have the grace of God upon your life we just have a testimony from assumable from Uganda she says for the last four years four years she has been watching you on Facebook and she's just as fine of the giant masses that she traveled from Uganda to Nairobi just to attend the service today Wow my god that is wonderful way she Uganda when I preach there I land come on balloon see somebody say Moo come on balloon G mu come on balloon she said hey my god become a balloon she means god is good all the time may God bless you so you just trouble to purposely come and attend miracle Monday yes mom because I've been watching for 4 years but I traveled from barrera because I'm a mean young collie I came my mom was right because nowhere to sleep I have no sister but I was admiring you and I was eager to meet you I'm sleeping Lodge I'm paying 500 but I wanted to stay with at least 3 to 4 month but I don't know no let me pronounce a blessing stretch your hands towards her shall avocados Karabakh adesh Kalibak adieu sky shanty so you are right to dig you are right to be you are still here my goodness can you just stretch your hands towards her I want to pronounce a blessing upon her life so do you have transport to go back to Uganda I don't have mom because I was he that come to see you to stay at least for 3 months Jesus gpmg say something mama power [Applause] Amamiya tyranny economy's amita to be a semi tattoo Lydia mom rapper Costa I receive it oh my god okay please can you bring all my books first I want to bless up all my books can I have the oil the montauk uh-huh just once please let's have my son Bryan please quickly bring out the oil the Mun top and you know I am glad that you took that step afraid to come you know so Lee did not know who he was until he encountered the Prophet some well when he came to the prophets um well he came as a donkey chaser hallelujah and the man of God said to him stand here a while that I may announce to you the word of the Lord the Bible says he anointed him and declared this word today the Lord makes you a commander over his people and over his inheritance and also the servants say to him whatever you have been looking for it has been found I want to declare this prophetic word over your life you came by faith I decree and declare what you have been looking for what so everything that brought you all the way from Uganda and you desired the function and the grace of God that is upon my life I decree and declare in the name of Jesus may God grant your petition I declare also in the name of Jesus that God will raise you as a commander even in your family I also declare the Bible says and some will say to soul and after this you will go forward after you are coming to miracle Monday may you encounter progress and then the prophet some will say to soul and you will meet a group of prophets and you will be professing with them and you will be turned into another month I declare by you are coming you shall be turned into another one and the Bible says unusual Mithra men they will be carrying three loaves they will give you two after you leave this place made you and counter destiny help us those that have what you need those that have what you desire may you encounter destiny help us in the mighty name of Jesus so I'm going to bless you and I need at least how much is transport back to Uganda elf tattoo yeah turn so at least I need so that at least also she has pocket money and miracle Monday we are blessed can I have ten people to give me 1000 1000 we are miracle Monday tell your neighbor we a miracle Monday we are Mira come on let me have one thousand one thousand hallelujah raise my P by P let me give three thousand let me have at least others she needs to have this pocket money let us just bless her hallelujah - Emma - Marie Gemma come here C be taught to be barbecue prophetess gen tamariki Xin do even my daughter Nasima - Marika hallelujah this is a this is three Alleluia I want us to be a blessing this is three thousand that I've given from my p.m. my daughter our head of partners Janette god bless you amen my daughter Miriam god bless you may have an honor you Tombaugh regio makind god bless you my god oh the Lord bless you and keep you in Jesus name Amen doctor gonna god bless you evangelist in Jesus name also we have one more pass on my son ticks on count this be counting this there is another person coming and man 22 cos we I see Baraka pastor Nimrod the Lord bless you man of God please count it and let me know how much this is Apple is at Jericho my son counted fast this is not our area a man my god bless you may God increase your PDAs Ummah coffee we are miracle Monday we are give us how much is that 13,000 a man a man a man to Jesus this is your pocket money and your transport but I want to pray for you and I also want to bless you with my books Alleluia god bless you the mantle may the Lord wipe away your tears they are oil for signs and wonders gorgeous stretch your hands towards huh I bless you a life stand up stand up I bless you a life that grace iCarly as you go back to Kampala Uganda or wherever you are coming from in your Ganta car and walk under open heavens every hindrance everybody our every setback I declare it is destroyed in the name of Jesus go and succeed in Jesus name piggy is uma Cabra to Jesus [Music] there's a 19-4 miracle money mama amaze a testimony from Esther Hadassah aha she says I won't have the anointing in the house allow me to testify after watching our mirror our mama live broadcast on Thursday I connected I connected to a financial breakthrough depth conciliation and miracle money it seems like a dream when I was checking on my balance after buying air time and and money and I got shocked I expected a balance of 700 Kenyan shillings but my balance was sixteen thousand seven hundred and seventy five Kenyan shillings how many people are saying miracle money I connect how many people are saying money from expected and unexpected places somebody said I could my daughter Esther please come hallelujah she's in our pastoral a care unit here my god what a great blessing in the name of Jesus so when you check this was when we were live on Oracle one TV on Thursday so when you you expected 700 yeah but you got 16,000 yeah Shah debacle Oska can i prophesy to somebody here professor i decree and declare this february yes you will touch money in ways you have never imagined every financial hindrance in your life i remove it in the name of jesus yes let money know your name and address this verb writing if i be an oracle you will lose the address of property I speak financial breakthroughs way of finances a spot where your finances are tight I speak I release in the name of Jesus i prophesy to boss hands they will touch money hold your bank account will receive analyse your money will not have peace and I call forth finances in other major currencies of the world in the euros in dollars in runs in Swedish Krona holes in Chinese UN in theorems in catania in Indian rupee I receive the Grace and the anointing operating upon your life amen last week you anointed each and every one mama Oracle and every yoke of the enemy has been broken we have a testimony from Florence a watch she says I owner the grace upon you mama it's a wonderful thing to be in the house of God I came here last Monday in pain after a tooth extraction which was done on Wednesday I trusted that after the antibiotics plus an hour anesthetics for four days I'd be much better but the pain continued and left a pain throbbing in my tooth and I was radiating all the way to the neck I was now developing a fever I woke up that Monday and I decreed and declare that I am healed and I am NOT taking many medicines anymore so I continued gargling with iced water to cool the pain but still it didn't work when I came and I received the declaration from the Oracle on the prophecy of healing I believe that after anointing my feet I took the anointing which was on my feet I spoke to it and put it on the left side of my chin and I conferred healing then I went home and slept when I woke up I had no pain no fever no general pain body malice my god I was healed comment permanently and I jumped in praised him my god can we thank God for that permanent elections the way are you Florence we want to sell written thank God for your testimony in the name of Jesus and as Florence is coming anyone under the sound of my voice and even those that are watching that are sick in their body and this sickness in your body that has resisted medication I declare the blood of Jesus is against it I cancel every negative clinical report I take lay a permanent healing in the name of Jesus I cancel right now Jesus is the healer the deliverer the waymaker the Great Physician I speak complete and total healing I declare you are free from diabetes you are free from hypertension you are free from a trite ISM I command every tumor to dissolve of fibroids dissolving in the name of Jesus I declare every back pain up right now be healed from wherever you are in Jesus mighty name amen amen so after you left here the paint when you came the pain was so much yeah in fact I was contemplating whether to come for the miracles and a miracle Monday or not but then I was feeling feverish and I said can I go and sleep or not so I decided no I'm not going to the blankets to sleep this is the solution so you were contemplating I love the way she says she was thinking hey tell your neighbor contemplating cold hey in miracle Monday we are international aha so you decided to come yes I am in fact I left home at 4 p.m. and thank God I didn't find so much by 5:30 sharp all right ok so I came aha so I came and I had faith in my heart uh-huh because I had spoken to I told this pain in my cheek hmm she had the voice of the Lord shut up but Carlos going to make my life miserable ha ha because I'm a child of God uh-huh and I said I'm not taking any medicines now back to my knees were sitting then just smiling she thought I was joking ha ha when I woke up in the morning I told I have no pain my god I don't like a baby oh Jesus I pray for somebody here oh yes listen this woman spoke to her pain and then she anointed herself hallelujah she's popped to the pain Monday we won pointing the feet as she received the oil for signs and wonders she put that oil and she spoke to herself look at your neighbor tell them this month speak to yourself speak to you a situation spilled who you are a Mikado's I declare your healing is permanent and I'm also seeing open doors I'm hearing open doors any adversary again as your open doors that adversary is destroyed I'm also seeing restoration everything that the devil took from you the Lord is bringing it back in Jesus name [Music] allow me to share this one testimony from Rosa sweet here aha Rose jr. she testified she's saying aha my child developed fever last week on Sunday we have so many testimonies of healing today yes mama yay aha she said she says I took her to the hospital and no infection was found in her blood she was given drugs but the fever never went away so I took her to the hospital again and she was given some injection on Wednesday morning she woke up and she could not walk not even stepping down so I called my colleague who is our plane clinician to come to my house she she asked she asked me she asked me for the anointing oil I putted it on her lips together with the prayer mantle she prayed for her and she started to walk my god Shh and if that was not enough I also have been praying for up a Shanghai wish visa and after the Oracle prayed for our passports I got my visa today at 2 p.m. my god what is the name Rose Junior please come so that we can glorify God together with you for this powerful testimony can we thank God can we thank God hallelujah my god this can only be God so your child is the one that was sick she was sick actually when on Monday when I came to me recommendation was running high with fever my god bucum we also see you as we thank God for this testimony yay we done good for friends that encourage you you know they are friends that will take you to the club's to the pub's but it's good when you have people that push you to the things of God so on Monday when they came uh-huh I never got a Viking mm-hm but at night I was so sick I had chest pain and headache so on Tuesday I'm the one who was you're the one that could not even I could not even you could not even take a step I was having severe chest pain my god so on Tuesday when she was calling to ask how my child is I could not talk so she came she stayed with us and now on Wednesday my child she's three years eight months uh-huh and at night she could complain of some leg pain so on in the morning she could not walk and she had not fallen chien oh my god so I called her quickly called her because I was so weak about it so I called her she came and she examined the chart she told me they did they problem is and then she just asked me why they they oil for signs and wonders uh-huh so I gave it to her mmm and she even told me that there was even confusing carros amagad ish she anointed my child with that oil placed the blame on top and then she prayed she prayed for like 45 minutes and after that she took the child and the child could step down she my skull because if you have your oil for signs and wonders or your mantle let me speak a word on the basis of this testimony yes I decree and declare that all for signs and wonders I declare my signs and wonders follow you wherever your colors receive signs and wonders financial risk in your health in your destiny anywhere you go I declare signs and one touch I tickly over that prayer montage that declares God his wiping away your tears may God wipe away your tears shiver in the mighty name of Jesus and I love the fact that when our friend came she took the mantle she took the oil and prayed for 45 minutes some friends when they come they gossip for 45 minutes but this one come on doing in a more efficient Akutan otaku ambient workouts that you document thank you God Alleluia may God send you people that will develop you and not train you people that we like so - and not exhaust you ash she was trusting God for harsány and visa when did you get it today hey somebody said every Monday is a miracle Monday every Monday it's a miracle how many people are saying I connect for Shanghai in icon icon next for Canada I connect for Australian yeah I connect you will never be denied a visa OSHA's where others are rejected you will be accepted where a desert all affected you will be celebrated we are act as a Content you will be conscious we're at that are charged you will be justify receive receive your international dose I receive it want to pray for the Tigers and I want our kingdom was testes wherever you are please if you have an envelope and also those that are giving online and even those that are here that would like to give via m-pesa the number is on screen in Jesus name for those that are giving their tithes their partnership in this ministry we appreciate that Tigers of this ministry tithe is the foundation of prosperity tide is the connection to the protection of your finances when you release ten percent of your income God releases a blessing on the 90 percent the survival of the 90 percent is determined by the 10 percent that you keep it is your type that makes God a shareholder in whatever you do in business in Korea whether you are employed whether you are doing business you are tithe is what makes God a shareholder of whatever you are doing even when others are getting retrench 20 Nessa's are going down it is your tithe that makes God the senior partner of your business your tight opens the windows of heaven you are tight rebukes that Devorah devours are a task of finances and I appreciate all our tide as you need an envelope lift up your hands you are giving on your phone please the number is on screen the zero seven ten eighty four 21 21 you are a tied up that is the number to use you are a partner even Jesus in his earthly ministry if you read Luke chapter 8 verse 1 to verse 3 Jesus is our role model in life and ministry you will see three women Susan Joanna and Mary Magdalene that used their wealth to support the ministry of Jesus I am praying in my generation may God raise Joanna's of our generation may God raise Susan techni Mary Magdalene of our generation people that will use their wealth to support the ministry of Jesus we have people that sponsor politicians political parties we are people that sponsor entertainment musicians comedians we are people that give millions into sponsoring up sports athletics and all kinds of things but I'm praying in my generation which is not bad but I prayed that god will raise people that will invest in the gospel something that has eternal value hallelujah I am praying that God will raise millionaires and billionaires that will support the preaching of the gospel people that will pay one year citizen one year Katy and one year hallelujah to preach on all the media houses to go to the stadiums to go to the various counties to go and preach the gospel around the nations of the world because the gospel is free but the means of picking it is expensive so let me I'm to one be angel in a booth lacking in Omni acapella conchiglie Nagar Amma it is expensive to preach the gospel I can tell you that for a fact it is expensive to preach the gospel and the Lord told me when he sent me to this city I've given you an anointing not just to attract millionaires but to raise millionaires and I believe most millionaires are here you are the millionaire's that God is raising that will stand with the work of God you are the millionaires and the billionaires that God is raising touch your neighbor tell them I am the next millionaire the next my question is can God trust you to be a blessing when God lifts you up can he trust you to be a blessing because God is not just blessing you to lift your standard of living only he's also blessing you to lift your standard of giving can God trust you ask your neighbor can't God trust you trust please you need an envelope lift up your hands those that are giving online our partners my sons and daughters from around the world you tithe and you partner with the altar of this ministry you can be able to do it on wave on world rambutan simba pick on this number that is on screen + 2 5 4 7 10 84 21 21 or you can give on PayPal as well and God will bless you please up I would like us to have this song faithful God because surely he's afraid for God and if you are retired come you need that you are a partner in this ministry the Lord is leading you to a partner with us to sow into this ministry you have a sacrifice that God is leading you to give on the altar of this ministry I want you to come in Jesus name as we sing this song faithful God also you are you are there you have your first fruit as well I you didn't give your first fruit offerings and you are saying Orrico I have my first fruit of rain I also want you to come and join them in the name of Jesus I want you to come and join them in the name of Jesus that is who you are Jesus we love you Holy Ghost we have no let your supremacy Lord we acknowledge your headship you are hoping that happens you are caught in that heaven is your throne and the earth is your footstool Oh chellamma Carrasco monoski you a Jehovah Jireh the Lord our provider that is that is [Music] the mighty foe you someone gonna shine [Music] you
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 227,007
Rating: 4.8249454 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, kenyan sermon
Id: boHDdmR8NBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 48sec (4368 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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