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is number one that you will prosper number two that you will be in health and number three that your soul will also prosper like John chapter one and verse two then I will be reading 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 and verse 9 and lastly Deuteronomy chapter 15 and verse 4 and we shall proceed that John chapter 1 and verse 2 beloved I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health just as your soul prospers my god beloved I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health just as your soul prospers 2nd Corinthians chapter 8 and verse 9 for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sake he became poor for though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that you through his poverty might become rich Deuteronomy chapter 15 and verse 4 except when there may be no poor among you for the Lord will greatly bless you in the land which the Lord which the Lord your God is giving you to possess as an inheritance proverbs 10:22 the blessing of God make it one reach and uttered no sorrow father we bless the reading of your word in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit shout amen for the next few minutes I want to look at breaking the spirit of poverty the reason why God laid this one heavily in my heart is because it is the will of God that you prosper and I want to begin before I go into them into the eighth prophetic reasons why you should not be poor eight people the core reasons why you should not be poor I first and foremost look at the three dimensions of prosperity where we have read in the book of that John chapter one in verse two the Bible begins by telling us that beloved I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health just as your soul prospers from this scripture we understand because most of us when it when we talk about prosperity most often we think about one dimension of prosperity and that is financial prosperity but today I want you to know God wants you to prosper in all levels and in all dimensions and the pray I am praying for every man and woman under the sound of my voice and to the thousands that are watching us on this live broadcast is number one that you will prosper number two that you will be in health and number three that your soul will also prosper so the three dimensions of prosperity is number one that you may prosper financial prosperity number two that you may be in health that is held prosperity and number three even as your soul prospers that is soul prosperity I am declaring to every man and woman under the sound of my voice may you receive these three dimensions in the name of Jesus shout I receive by the end of this service I see somebody here is about to lose their address of poverty in the name of Jesus I don't know who I came from but I know God has sent me for somebody it is not the will of God for you to live in poverty it is the will of God for you to prosper and I am releasing financial prosperity in the mighty name of Jesus I declare money will know your name and address and free financial hindrance every financial setback I declare ear is dismantled in the name of Jesus I command finances to look at you from that not from the east from the west and from the south in the mighty name of Jesus I want to submit to you you are not born again to suffer a Cana your neighbor hi favor tell them you and not wanna take to suffer Akina ah I will not burn again to suffer listen to me Redemption is not retouch da da hallelujah I came to declare in the mighty name of Jesus financial prosperity is your passion in the name of Jesus Oh Rizzo Kadesh some of you are looking at me and you're saying but Reverend Natasha all things are passing Alleluia please even if they are passing let them pass through our hands tell your neighbor neighbor tell your neighbor neighbor neighbor let them pass through our hands let them pass through our hands even even cars are passing and houses are passing please let them pass through these hands then one neighbor let them pass through these hands let them pass through these hands rocket oh Sh so financial prosperity is the will of God for your life that is why the Bible says in proverbs 10:22 the blessing of God you to make it rich and it acted no sorrow even when you look at our father of faith Abraham in Genesis 13 puh the Bible says and Abraham was rich in livestock in silver and in cold oh this is the blessing of God and I am praying for every man and woman in this miracle maintain their own path of property in your life their altars of property in your family I declare catch fire catch fire Oh so condition you know some of us if we take stock of our life and we look from our ancestors our ancestors were poor our mothers were poor our grandmother's our grandfather is for your mother is poor your Fanta is poor I know you're poor every generation of property from this miracle maintained we commanded clutch fire I prefer psycho somebody you will be nice the history of your family you will be right there history of your family you will not repeat history in your family you are a history maker you wanna break our hallelujah hallelujah lift your hand and say every spirit of poverty every spirits of prove every stronghold of poverty every song in my life my family in my famine much fire that's fire that's why I wanna say I declare I declare I will manifest prosperity I will manifest prosperity here the Lord said to somebody what others could not accomplish in your family the Lord is giving you back rest to accomplish what others could not obtain in your family maybe in your family no but it drives a car you will be the first now put it in your car in your family has ever built a house I declare you will be the bus you will rewrite the history of your family shout I receive I received our rocket oh Sh hey I see you prosper it beyond every limit that tempo has put in your family financial prosperity so even if you said these things are passing please tell your neighbor please please let them pass through and let them pass through our hands I prefer you men that good things of life pass through your hands amen the Bible says if you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land make good cars pass through your hands make good houses pass through your hands a mayor good life pass through your hands because as long as you've not gone to heaven and you are living in this world you need financial prosperity because property will make people undermine you and undermine your God is not dignity in poverty and you know poverty is not a respecter of persons Bhupati you will humiliate you poo party will demote you poverty rugged ashly so condition somebody say every spirit of property every spirit of prove I'm not you a candidate I am NOT your candidate I am NOT your candidate I am NOT your candidate why I am so passionate about breaking the spirit of property is because even property it also hit as evangelism you know the kingdom of God is not founded on money but it needs money to expand imagine if we had resources who would be buying slots on every media house to ensure and the gospel is preached but because of lack of money even evangelism is hindered that's why I'm praying in my dispensation and in my days may God rest Kingdom millionaires make entrees financial Shyam's shout I receive I'll receive tell your neighbor I am the next millionaire then next millionaire some of you are saying it slowly because currently you are temporarily inconvenience you know it will not come under we don't say we are broke we understand the power of confession and we know what we confess is what we possess so even when we are broke we don't say we are broke we say we are temporarily inconvenience so even though now you may feel like you're temporarily inconvenience look at your neighbor tell them I am the next millionaire or billionaire according to your faith tell them I am the next millionaire come on say it with power I am the next millionaire I am the next millionaire lift your hand I decree and declare every spirit of property in your life I command it Olivia Pope party right now pack and go I declare you will break out from the spirit of poverty and preach a no property let us hide your life and your destiny I command it'll break I declare offer you a life of value a destiny every spirit of property the spirit of luck clutch fire every class of poverty over your life I break it by fire I break it by fire and predict elaboration of poverty in your life and in your destiny catch fire caught fire somebody said I lose myself I lose myself poverty right now from prefer to write in our name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Rizzo kadosh financial prosperity so as long as you've not gone to heaven understand this you need the first level of prosperity which is financial prosperity you know many people and I will read the scripture this is one of the most misinterpreted and misrepresented scriptures in Bible look at your neighbor say neighbor I am NOT born again to suffer again I am NOT born again to suffer wrong alley every Sulaiman be AG Raleigh G Ronnie I am not born again to suffer again I'm not born again to suffer again first no let's read first Timothy first Timothy chapter 6 and verse 10 first Timothy chapter 6 and verse 10 can we have it on screen reso Kadesh and the Bible says for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil not money by itself money by itself is not evil and I've said this before money takes the character of the person turn to your neighbor tell them money is not evil by itself money is not evil by itself it takes the character of the person it takes the character of the progenies for the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness please themselves through with many sorrows my god so from this scripture I want you to know that money is not evil money takes the character of the person and money is simply the purchasing power that is why financial prosperity is connected to the purchasing power money gives you options Alleluia and I am praying for everybody that is under the sound of my voice receive the purchasing power I say met the spring of your wealth never got tried may God prosper you in the field of your liver and those that are not happy either a business of employment I open your toes because God is a God of principles and he plays no one there's nothing for God to bless I pray for you may God prosper you in the field of your labor I declare you will be how standing in the place of your labor shout I receive so this is the first dimension but you just don't need financial prosperity alone you need number two health prosperity that is why money by itself is not enough there are many things that money can buy but there are other things that money cannot buy hallelujah look at your neighbor say neighbor money is good money is good but it's not enough by itself but is not enough by a that is why prosperity is not just about money money is one dimension and money will begin you will begin to touch money in ways you have never imagined I seek on keeping people here multi-million dollar ideas you will begin to see opportunities where others cannot see them the Bible says of you fighting like calm which means to business till I come tell your neighbor do business till he comes to business tell me but to business till he comes so business till he comes hallelujah so that is one because they are things that money cannot buy hallelujah some people are challenges and they said that please give you Eva if money cannot bring a penis and if money is not everything then you simply do not know where to go shopping about those that means you from people try to save money by itself is enough money is good but it's not enough by itself here is good because the money that you have determines where you leave the money you have determines the schools you send your children the money you have determines even the mode of transport you use the money you have even when you are sick determines where you seek medical attention I have seen people die of simple malaria because they did not have money to go and seek for proper medical attention and you know their issues got complicated it is property that leads to malnutrition it is true but I want you to know money by itself is not enough money can buy you a bed but it cannot give you sleep money can also buy you food but it cannot give you appetite money can't buy you a Bible but it cannot buy you salvation are you listening to me so there are things that money cannot buy and that is why you need the three dimensions of prosperity and that is what I am praying for each one of you number two I pray that you will be in health I am praying for everybody here may you walk in divine health may you be protected from sicknesses that cut short life in the mighty name of Jesus and if there may be any sick among you and sickness and disease in your body I command it to fight from the roots in the name of Jesus I declare be healed of your affliction every spirit of sickness and disease in this sickness in your body that has rejected medication I speak as a miracle I declare the blood of Jesus is against it now I declare be healed in the name of Jesus I declare be healed in the name of Jesus I declare be healed in the name of Jesus prophesied to your neighbor tell them be healed be healed every hill be healed from your head to the sole of your feet in the mighty name of Jesus may help prosperity be your portion and the question of your loved ones I decree and declare Rose akatosh resaw hand abortion decades-- your family is covered under the canopy of God's grace when you clear divine protection divine protection may your health prosper and number three we talk about the soul prosperity this is spiritual prosperity tell your neighbor spiritual prosperity spiritual prosperity you know Jesus Christ in his earthly ministry he did not have a bank account hallelujah but this man also because he was spiritually rich and he had spiritual prosperity even when he needed money he could just keep a decree he could tell Peter go to the sea and cut and cast the hook the fish the fast fish that you catch open its mouth take money from the mouth of the fish and go and pay tax even when Jesus did not have an earthly account an ugly bank account any time he needed money because of spiritual power because of spiritual authority because of what the grace that he carried he was able to command resources out of nowhere I prefer you Rizzo Kadesh may you make God Rizzo Kadesh this year give you a spiritual upliftment receive prosperity of the soul in the mighty name of Jesus Rizzo condition that we are others have locked you will experience abundance and I pray for you today Risa kadosh if a fish could carry money tell your neighbor if a fish could carry money carry money your bank account will carry money your bank account will carry your business will carry money your business will carry tyranny akava Suleiman be a cumbersome monkey in a way like a pepper paste a monkey in a way the pepper paste waka hold it up a purpose waka who need a pepper paste what signal is what Gina Russell Kadesh are you listening to me now I want to look at the biblical reasons why you need to refuse to be poor somebody say I refuse to be poor I refuse to be poor number one we read proverbs chapter 19 and verse 4 proverbs chapter 19 and verse 4 proverbs chapter 19 and verse 4 and the Bible says wealth makes many friends but the power is separated from his friend number 1 a poor man is deserted by his friends you thought nobody wants to be a friend to a person that is a liability look at your neighbor say neighbor neighbor nobody wants to be a friend to somebody that is a liability nobody wants to be a friend to a person whether I appeal that every time when you see that person they always borrowing you borrow it you borrowing you you know property lowers your dignity hallelujah when you are broke even people don't return your calls because when they see you a phone call they know there is something you want hey say Michelle Tania shipping for neuilly-sur-seine tannish in Belize I'm telling you and if people have not been returning your call please you are not the first just understand it is scriptural whenever it is scriptural that is why we must break the spirit of poverty hallelujah so if you see people are keeping off from you don't take it personal it happens to many tell you never don't take it personal take it personal you the truth the Bible is clear that a poor man wealth makes many friends but the poor is separated from his friend that means wealth has many friends but a but a poor man is deserted by his friends somebody lift your hand say I reject the spirit or too much I reject the spirit of differences like your minute says I reject the spirit of poverty we have seen many people being deserted by their friends by their spouses I am telling you the truth I decree and declare to everyone under the sound of my voice let the bondage of property be broken in the name of Jesus even if you are a young man and you want to marry women will belittle you and look down on you they will ignore you somebody say Amen and if you're already married and you are a man and you have no money you will equally have your good share of problems in the house somebody say I will check the spirit of you but I'll reject the spirit of papa women always joke on social media and they say between six pack and six cuts you know they always ask you what will you go for somebody say poverty get out of my life out of my life jacket o son la Toya condition number two the second reason why you need to refuse to be poor proverbs chapter 19 and verse 7 proverbs chapter 19 and verse 7 and the Bible says all the practice of the poor had him all the practice of the poo I had him and this is not Natasha say Alleluia this is proverbs 19 7 all the practice of the piety how much more to his friends go far from him he may pursue them with words yet they abandoned him hey poverty is an error I declare that Ellimist be corrected I say that Edna must be corrected tell me but that error must be corrected that error must be corrected so number two a poem on is deserted by his family the first one is he is this a dead by his friends Alleluia oh you are friends nobody wants to associate with you or to relate with you because you are a liability everybody is not everybody is not looking for a liability we all looking for somebody that can be a value addition so number two a poor man is deserted by his family you are shunned by your family you are shunned by your relatives the Bible says all the brothers of a poor man hit him it is sad to be hated by your own relatives tell your neighbor it is sad they even stopped involving you in family meetings and they never even asked for your opinion in any matter you know it is money that keeps you our poise in family kaduri's tell your neighbor money gives you a voice money gives you a voice you know when you have no money they believe you have nothing to offer tell your neighbor that there is a liar that ever is Allah so the family imposes things on you because you are voiceless you are forced to dance to their tune when there is a function they don't involve you because they know there is not tangible contribution you are the last one to be told tell your neighbor they era must be corrected their era must be corrected look at your neighbor tell them they era must be corrected they era must be corrected Alcala so Kadosh a la sua telling you and even when you're poor the Bible says that you are you are deserted by your family members I also remember when you're proven you cannot even keep your children proper education hallelujah you are children of sin children of poor people miss great opportunities not because they did not have academic excellence waste of knowledge to pursue father but because they are parents while limited in their resources somebody saying is not my push it's not my poster somebody say is not my potion it's not my portion number three why you need to refuse to be poor and Clea steez chapter 9 verse 14 to pass 16 so number one remember he's deserted by his friends tell your neighbor deserted by the friends so Kannamma best Wommack watch OC Johnny a little yellow animus Achilles luckily leo una poor Tessa and one your Masekela yay Ricardo Rosso cottage boo but his bite it can make a handsome man look ugly it can make a beautiful girl look ugly somebody said that era must be corrected that era must be corrected and is a boonie nanana combien waka who may God prosper you financial amen Shaka dose every assist of the night was 14 to pass sixteen there was a little city with few men in it and a great king came against it resist it and build snares around it aha now there was found in it a poor white my and he by his wisdom they live at the city yes no one remember that same poor man can you continue then I say wisdom is better than strain nevertheless their poor minds wisdom is despised and he's once and not happy number three a poor man's wisdom is despised nobody comes to you for advice when you're poor nobody listens to you when you're poor nobody remembers you when you are poor lift your hand and press the spirit of purity the voice of a poor man is ignored it is muscled they are pinion do not count tell your neighbor their opinion do not count their opinion do not count I'm telling you Shaka those people always keep their ears to the rich not to the poor a poor man is always doubted and he's what tips you know he's always suspected tell your neighbor a poor man is always suspected and his motives are touted if you are poor you will always be suspect and your mud peeps will be pumping rocket push this month he kept canceled that delivered an entire city but nobody remembered him there poor man's wisdom is despised people don't regard wisdom and knowledge that is not supported by financial prosperity are you listening to me tell your neighbor neighbor neighbor people don't regard wisdom people don't regard wisdom or knowledge or knowledge that is not supported with money that is not supported with money so much Italia she don't follow Lisa Shay Italia syndrome through Lisa I prefer you let money know you and Damon address number four is somebody getting helped I want you to hit property with a passion tell your neighbor property is not my potion poverty is not my potion I want you to head to party with the potion because of this message I want to reveal to you the Pope party is not the will of God for your life or for any believer somebody say Amen Rezo Kadesh allah so yah Hyundai by Shaka days Lee's o kadosh proverbs chapter 13 and verse 22 proverbs chapter 13 and verse 22 proverbs chapter 15 and verse 22 a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children but the world of the sinner is stored up for the righteous number 4 a poor man cannot leave an inheritance for his children's children hallelujah when you are poor you have nothing to live for your children that your neighbor when you're poor when you're poor you're never when you're poor when you're poor you cannot leave anything for your children listen to me the plan of God and the purpose of God is not just for you to work and the world ends with you the plan and the purpose of God the Bible says a good man leaves an inheritance to his children and his children's children the plan of God is not for you to have that job and it ends with you at the end of the day the plan of God is that when you are 99 years like billy club and you are trying to rest has come that you will be living companies businesses properties houses apartments lunch that is our portion in the name of Jesus somebody say I declare I declare my children will be glad I was their mother or their father my children will be glad I was there my grandchildren my great-grandchildren will be choice they will rejoice I was their grandmother or their grandfather it was their grandmother I declare you will not live liabilities you will live assets and savings in the mighty name of Jesus you will live companies you will live shares you will live land may you receive this blessing in the name of Jesus I said may you receive this blessing in the name of Jesus what hit that your parents I declare under this anointing it will not hinder you from prospering in the name of Jesus from today our temper you lay your hands on it will multiply I see you living and inheritance to your children's children shout I receive a greasy sand on your feet please okay stretch your hands to the altar I see you walking out of poverty I see you walking out I see you walking out I see you walking out of poverty Riso Kadesh Lika Rizzo kadesha lasagna hande VOSA laka daschle isaiah honda bosch allah somebody for one minute begin to pray for yourself and your family you are the deliverer of your unbelief you are the Redeemer of your families open your mouth and in yonder bush a lakatos tonight poverty will leave you alone tonight you will break out from the spirit of poverty tonight every chain of but in that title is breaking I declare over your life and over your destiny you are free from the spirit of poverty in the name of Jesus you are free from the spirit of luck f.cuz of property over your life I break it by every alter pray this prayer point every altar of property in my life catch fire in the name of Jesus as you are stretching your hands to the altar I declare loser Kadesh from today I declare you are going to walk in riches you will walk in health and your soul will prosper in the name of Jesus I declare well it is you're pushin favor is your function in the name of Jesus yonder by Sharla doubles every conspiracy again missed your breakthrough every conspiracy again missed your business again this to absorb again is your health I command it catch fire in the name of Jesus Roger de Baca DOS listo kadesha llama handle a devil saya I declare Salah messiah as from this hour and this time I declare let the promises of God begin to manifest in your life speedily in the name of Jesus I declare there shall be no poor among us from today prosperity will pursue you you will own your own business I'm hearing the letter to somebody you will own your own businesses you will own your own businesses I am hearing the somebody here you will have multiple streams of income I can hear multiple streams of income yeah I declare there will proceed as there shall be an emergence of machining OHS under the sound of my voice raka douche lizard ever handle edible saya new pests will begin to open i declare over your life this arose a Kadesh they are you shall walk in divine health with your family and anyone that is sick under the sound of my voice I Spit purple recovering in the name of Jesus I declare you will not struggle this year from today my passion in life is changed from a beggar from beggar to a Linda from a borrower to a giver do i giver stretch your hands to the altar Rizzo Kadesh Lisa La Honda ba shall I do whether I release the three dimensions of prosperity I pray for your financial breakthroughs in the name of Jesus like I do well God may a financial breakthrough happen for every man and woman under the sound of my voice I open your financial doors let money begin to know your name in the name of Jesus I profess I opening a financial doors I see major financial doors I pray for everyone who wants capital to start a business let that puppy to be released in the name of Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 1,195,332
Rating: 4.7158403 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, kenyan sermon, BREAKING THE SPIRIT OF POVERTY, rev lucy natasha, breaking the spirit of poverty and debt, breaking the spirit of poverty and lack, poverty prayers, deliverance from poverty curse, deliverance from poverty, prayer for deliverance from poverty, spirit of poverty curse, spirit of poverty and lack, prayer against the spirit of poverty, spirit of poverty
Id: ll4kwPlDqGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 4sec (2044 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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