4 PRINCIPLES OF ENLARGEMENT (Miracle Monday Service)

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as you are lifting your hands above your head Rebecca dose car Ibaka dooshka there is such an anointing in this place and tonight is a night of encounter tonight is a night of glory tonight is a night of visitation father as we are lifting up our hands above our head we declare you are the counselor you are the Prince of Peace we declare you were the Rock of Ages in miracle Monday we declare you are the king of glory you are the mighty God you are the king of kings and the Lord of lords you are the lot of horse you are the lily of the valley you are the healer you are the deliverer you had the provider you are the pota you had the cornerstone we declare it Monday you are the Savior you are the righteous judge you merciful God you are God you are faithful God you are the hope of glory you want the Lion of Judah you are the man of war I want you for a second lift up your police and tell him who he is [Music] avocados I declare from this miracle Monte you see today yes you will right now in the name of Jesus receive a common favor receive your brethren sleep god bless I want you to walk to three people tell them you are blessed because you came you are blessed and touch this yet that sound went down please don't take it down just take it back to how it was hallelujah please walk to three people tell them you are blessed because you came you are blessed because come on creat somebody with a smile creep somebody excitedly with a smile and tell them you are blessed because you came up come on walk to three people tell them tonight is your night come on look at your neighbor tell them tonight is your light tonight this one night somebody said tonight is my night tonight is my night you may be seated in the presence of God in the name of Jesus hallelujah tell your neighbor welcome to miracle Monday where are we are prophetic we are apostolic we are me recommending we are miracle somebody say Amen amen I want to honor God for each one of you that is here tonight this is our first Monday after our anniversary that was so powerful and was graced by my covenant sister prophetess Rebecca at the right all the way from the United Kingdom how many people are here for the anniversary wave your hand in the name of Jesus Alleluia we honor God for your life with thank God for your life and we have officially moved to the exhibition hall and as it seems already it's too small already the Holies is packed to capacity and we thank God for the anointing of enlargement look at your neighbor say neighbor Nathan and lodgement enlargement this is just the highlights that are going on screen for our anniversary and we give God the glory for what he's doing in Nairobi the city of divine assignment with thank God for sending us here with thank God even for you that is here today you a miracle Monday somebody say Amen and it's such a great joy so from now henceforth please take not we have officially moved from sherry heaven and now we are at exhibition hall together for Jesus hallelujah and also we want to thank God because of where God is taking us this is just the beginning and this reminds me of June when I was in New York when I was preaching for-profit ed citronella those of you that have watched the prophecy on YouTube he pulled me in the month of November I see you're shifting go and watch that prophetic word hallelujah prophet exits Reno Lee is a God's General in the United States of America in New York he gave me that prophetic word and I'm so humbled to see this prophetic word coming to pass and he said a needman where God is taking you it will not be for settlement it is not rare but there is a pick up place that God has assigned for the ministry and we are praying that stress that God has ordained for this ministry in this city that space will manifest in the name of Jesus where we quail you can come any day worship God and that we give God praise because we know it is coming tell your neighbor it is coming it is coming as miracle Monday isn't lodging God is also enlarging your life in the name of Jesus see the Lord and lodging and that is the message I actually have tonight that is the prophetic word that God gave me there was a prophetic interruption in the realm of the Spirit I was planning to continue with this message of destiny supporters but the Lord spoke to me and he said I want you like the sons of Issachar to design the times and the seasons you are living in and I began to ask God what are you saying because I don't want to do things as convenient I want to do things as commanded and the Lord says this is a season of enlargement so tonight I am going to be preaching teaching and prophesied on the four the four principles of enlargement but before then lift up your hands above your head hallelujah with Vanguard here day's air somebody say Amen even the way we were sweating and share a holy Christ kept us tell your neighbor Christ kept us Christian Yakama be any name a to name our to lift up your hands above your head avocados I want you to begin to speak in the Holy Ghost and Arabic Atos Karabakh Edition whose leaked chorus , - Karabakh ago Scott before even I begin to minister the Lord is telling me to pray for somebody just lift up your hands and speak in the Holy Ghost can I have the anointing oil tea oh thank you Spirit of God Abba Abba hunting ghosts are avocados Carrabba handles Thank You Spirit of God you are here and in the realm of the Spirit I'm seeing you a total pink I agonized with by Oh Paula I am seeing your daughter in the realm of the spirit but God has an assignment over this channel the Lord is telling me to pray for you because of your daughter I am seeing your daughter was diagnosed with Bipolar and the Lord is telling me to cancel every negative clinical report every plan every scheme of the depo can miss the life of your daughter shall be canceled I want you to come in the name of Jesus I want you to come to the altar somebody lift up your hands and begin to speak in the Holy Ghost Arabic Arabic Rasha I'm see your daughter being diagonalized with Bipolar the Lord is telling me to anoint you the Lord is telling me to pray for you and I'm asking the Lord who is this and I'm seeing a woman you are the mother of this child I need to pray for you and I'm hearing a name in the realm of the Spirit like your name is rose I need to prep for you wherever you are just just come to the altar everybody lift up your hands Shanda Carrasco mahadesh caribou hunting Carrasco mahadesh car avocados car the Lord is wiping away your tears I declare in the remaining two months of this year you our story will change in the name of Jesus even I say you a story will change in the name of Jesus even in the remaining two months of this year November and December shall not will intervene on your behalf in the name of shadows I'm also seeing another woman in the realm of the Spirit I am seeing you also crying over your son Atos I am seeing the money in the life of your son everybody lift up your hands hey I need you to be in the spirit I need you to be in the spirit I need you to be in the spirit can i prophesy prophesy I am seeing this woman Shonda Carrasco mahadesh karabakh Acosta come what is your name my name is moon your name is rose was your child I organized with bio Pola I took her to the hospital as I was I was thinking of the same I have not good in the results come shall avacados the stretch your hands towards this child bring the oil here just bring the oil here sandal Ibaka Doster how old is your child my first spoon how old is she she's five years she's five years what symptoms have you seen a mist Hallet okay sometimes she gets extremely like of I joined sometimes the moods can change immediately and she becomes so sad yes I'm sure she sometimes she keeps to herself uh-huh and she is only five years my god can you stretch your hands towards this child that God that we serve is the healer oh yes amen he's the miracle workers shunned Arabic Arabic Anisha I see this I saw this child in the realm of the Spirit and God is saying the destiny of this challenge the destiny of this child will not be aborted the God that healed me and remembered me when I was nine is going to remember this child stretch your hair is everybody's father as I annoying this challenges and everyone that is here under the sound of my voice and even those that are watching us like that are seeking their booty I release the healing power of God let the healing power of God begin talks Lord let the healing power of God begin to flow from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet put his sickness and disease somebody say out of my body out of my body I speak as God's Oracle and I declare oh yes just fire I declare as I lay my hands on your child make sure Hoffa Rafa the Lord our healer actually Charlotte I said she will sub God this girl will sub God she will sub God ha destiny will not be aborted she will live publications in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Spirit avocado sky put some oil on your hand I want you to go and anoint the feet of this challenge go and anoint the feet of this child somebody lift up your hands I am seeing in the open today from today my life is changing my life is changed my story is changing my story is changing as you are lifting your hands as a sign of surrender I am seeing a woman in the realm of the Spirit and it is like you are crying because of your son and I'm seeing this woman and you and your son's name is maka your son's name is Marc us son's name is Marc the Lord is telling me to pray for you avocados I am seeing a demonic attack in the life of your son and the Lord is telling me he is changing your life I want you to come to the altar pecados Karabakh adesh can i prophesy marcado's car what is the name of your son your son is muck this is your son yes because as I look at him in the realm of aspheric and even as I saw you in the spirit you are weeping concerning your son I declare to every mother and every father under the sound of my voice just God will make you I - mother and father to your children even somebody said I declare I declare it's just book the podium for some time look the podium I'm getting ready to preach but just book the podium hallelujah we are not spared we are not really just be a spiritual I was planning to preach but stretch your hands towards them as I was looking into the realm of the Spirit shall avocados Karabakh adesh Karabakh a discuss the Lord has a plan for your life mark there is a plan of God for your life and I'm hearing Jeremiah Jeremiah 29:11 for I have good plans for you to give you a future and a hope and a good unexpected end because I can see that Deborah wanted to support touch the life of this young man shall avocado sky I see you crying why are you crying concerning your son he has what demons of drinking exchanging cars uh-huh and since he finished school it now it's four years he has no career because you are mocked for greatness this young man is mocked for greatness and the devil will not destroy your life you will be a great man I want you to watch him because today mark today the Lord is going to change you but I want you to do the possible so that God can do the impossible you know when a prophetic word is given concerning you are like there is your match to play tell your neighbor do the possible to the post God will do the impossible important giving pose there is a great destiny that is what the devil is fighting the number is not after your present the devil is up by your future and when I look at you from the rims of the spirit I see God wants to use you and lays hope for your future and I want you to know you are not complete until you are completely in Christ today the first thing I want you to make is a decision if you can receive this Jesus to be your friend can give you a future because I children in the name of Jesus sources do you want to receive Jesus as you're not in Savior somebody pray for your children mention your children do you want to receive Jesus do you want to receive Jesus yes I do you want to receive him today I want you can you give the Lord a clap offering so much even before I give you any other prophetic word this is the first and the greatest of all miracles the miracle of salvation I want you can we can we help him repeat this prayer give him the microphone say Lord Jesus Lord Jesus I am a sinner I am a sinner I receive you today I receive you today to be my Lord and Savior to be my Lord and say write my name write my name in the book of life in the book of from today from today I am born again in Jesus name in Jesus name Amen I want to pray for you come here to Ted the Lord is delivering you mama I want you to muck in there I want you to the cause of your life this young lost in this young mob AHA Olivos Oct ricotta labo yonder Libas zachetti cito Lobo Shikata Mara bozo - Lobos Shaka handlebars equity report Olivia's a handlebar Mogador abortion area Bosque llama handle a BOSU Coto repartee haria Bosque honh honh dilemma ZT rebus a llama haka Davos t Zika handlebar repose Shikata mandala bozo tunable repose Sarah Barbosa Halima Lara bizarre Tata market olavo so to me Korea Bazar Abbas Italy bomb madoski handle opposed to Sigma gondola bozo Tata Mariela bozo - liebe Mia Rimouski syllabus Ramos Ramos sakata zico low posture Abbasi key hand a propos de la basura bow shock Ichabod hot palabos ocotilla boss stretch your hands towards him I want you to mock this young man because I am seeing the hand of God upon his life the devil wanted to destroy him through alcoholism and addictions but God has the rest on this mark I want you to know you will be a living testimony are you listening to me you will be a living testimony and together with your mother I need you to see me I need to give you divine and prophetic direction just come here I pray for you and your mom hold your hands together stretch your hands towards them you are with your brother let him come waster brother come in the name of Jesus shall avocados cottage Jesus dosa can we pray for this family as God is restoring this family the Lord is also restoring everybody that is under the sound of my voice amen may God intervene on your behalf the Lord is telling me to tell you it shall be well with you it shall be well with you who is Mary you are Mary can i prophesy your first son the Lord is remembering you and is intervening on your behalf I want you I speak peace in your heart PCD of my peace in your spirit when I look at your brother shall Abba you are not where you are supposed to be in life you are not where you are supposed to be in life but today the exact divine upliftment that is coming shall ibaka dosa li pecados karabakh a dosa somebody prayed this prayer say Lord no move me from where I am move me from where I am to where I belong to where I belong as I'm looking at you I'm seeing the nation of Germany what is the connection between you and Germany in Germany you live in Germany's my son lives here sigh or a call of God Carlos come I gotta stretch your hands all of you stand here let me pray for this family the Lord is remembering this family ton this way this way shunda karosta stretch your hands to because I'm not going anywhere music are you singing music buzz oh I see you're ready Zico Zico Canosa do week summer quarter is able to bless you yes that you can new songs and even use that now so impulsive Azusa the Gospels use a fully concealed a sexual [Music] your life will change but I want you also need a small party of moon geun of Ostia Kwanzaa you know when you give God his place you cannot miss your place tell your neighbor give God his place give goddess please give God his place yippeee goddess please so wave yours alone sa maja jazzy - Anika manager how jazzy Palika studio which is if you like another gospel the gospel is a required continent in Hawaii so come out and his kids are comin up be ministero upon a key Nehemiah hizo una ajussi action mom wanna quit na more what I knew I was i disiike watch Ilya Catania Messiah Omaima Mia coming up coming up eeny meeny miny Nene Nene 84 that is almost 34 years but do you make Okemah Yomi a coyote Nancy acapella comma Holly s 1 op we AG muy be neurotic we know Kat occasionally even stretch your hands towards this family but you must keep goodies place then you'll never give God but Yamuna fussier Kwanzaa TM movement of Asiya Kwanzaa hmm stretch your hands can I have the oil avocados further I prayed for this family Lord Jesus I pray for a new chapter in this family man tion de carrasco hos are you ready to receive Jesus to be your Lord and Savior why are you come Pacquiao yes well but no you know salvation is by choice so yeah Moomba tenderly accompany an Akuma xugong zi hallelujah today Yanni walk opera to Lhasa Miculek India's guanaco Penda nice when I touch you more you walk up namu a Katya Rico but Alicia my shaco you know the Bible says seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added but they are added of the salvation somebody say Amen Alicia tarnish in journalism Alleluia thank you for making an instant decision to get saved and to live for God the Lord will sustain you let's pray for them we pray a gospel we preach a gospel of conviction not a gospel of condemnation so I want you to know God loves you just go and out of a carry and o fakir mangu and I touch ammonia Wakana and I tie jumper Tiana fasciae Kwanzaa because Nenana in me a coyote from the 80s to the 90s to the 2000s but oh how a party I assume a taco but Nenana yonder poverty poverty poverty is it moon can you because your brother has been singing tell me about his singing he since he began singing aha it's meaning after school after high school aha and since today has only one letter one City has recorded aha I put his full instruments haha and when he got a priest to pray aha maybe they they pay them uh-huh or they go home without money oh he does is it like a lie sometimes yeah it's a life but uh-huh but he gets nothing he gets nothing from that my god God loves you please I want you to think about it father I bless this family I opened your doors in Germany go and possess your possession you will excel the same way God lifted Joseph in a foreign land esta in a foreign land she became queen just became prime minister in a foreign land that's him where Rebecca Tosca Michnik and Abednego are promoted in a foreign land so shall it be upon your life and I bless your son in Jesus name please I need to see you in your Sunday some counsel and wisdom I need to give him go and succeed give the Lord a clap of regular Egyptian I don't know everyone a pop and a sauna now nobody nobody can have it a moussaka can I have the five books innuendos Islam may promote Yokohama b-billy I see mama - ha ha oh go Jae Hee so Vita can I have aha there's a man that also wants to give his life to Jesus and being notified by Skeletor there you've not given your life to Jesus coming Wow god bless your God also if you are there and you would like to give you electric Jesus come hallelujah I know this man and I've been preaching to him he's one of the men that he has almost three hotels and I've been telling him God loves you in my mahir County my mahi and Karen hallelujah this man have been reaching to him today's your first day America Monday and today he has made this decision to give his life to Christ or to Jesus if you're there also and you want to give your life to Christ join them in the name of Jesus join them in the name of Jesus God bless you you have made a great decision to give your life to Jesus if you are there joining them join them you'd like to give your life to Jesus Lord glory glory somebody [Applause] giving us a show yeah [Applause] please I want you to come to the old house you want to give your life to Jesus in the name of Jesus so you can use me we say I keep myself so you give so you so use monoi I gave myself away I can't myself so you you can use forgive myself I want you to stretch your head towards these people are giving their life to Jesus I want you to know this is the greatest decision you have men ever made in your life this is the greatest of all miracles that can happen in your life somebody said not Jesus Lord Jesus I am a sinner I'm a sinner I receive you today I receive my Lord and Savior women Lord and say write my name write my name like in the book of life today I am born again [Music] Jesus Richie can I hop how many other one two three four five six seven eight nine ten can I have ten books of touching up and through prayer so that this book will also help you in your walk with the Lord in your prayer life I want to give you this comments and I want you to know to take a special take let there you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior can I have 10 books everybody be seated everybody be seated and my friend Simon congratulations as a businessman this is the greatest of all miracles and the greatest blessing you can receive is receiving Jesus as your Lord and Savior thank you Jesus congratulations welcome to the family of Christ's congratulations Alleluia make sure you leave your name at the products desk congratulations this is that once I give you the book sit down congratulations this is the greatest of all miracles congratulations can we appreciate God for this wonderful users god bless you congratulations now you will go higher and further congratulations this is the greatest of all decisions are lilulu you can this microphone can you check the battery [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I want you to pray this prayer somebody say I declare I declare all my family members all my family but not given their life to Christ and I'm not given their life to Christ I will not ship them somebody said Lord step them not somebody's there Lord Lord why are you upset the one where you have served one you are able to save order you are able to serve all not to mention the names of your members that are not born again please change this microphone righto scarib a honda stretch your hands towards him what is your name Henry and auntie Henry can you just stretch your hands I see you a star but I see the yoke of stagnation I see the yoke of stagnation that is why when you came I asked you how is the acting going how is the acting have you acted anywhere they have gone nowhere hmm stretch your hands towards him you can be gifted yet stranded but that is not your portion in the name of Jesus Jesus I say name of Jesus as I'm praying for this month the Lord is telling me to pray for another man he supposed to be so far but I'm seeing the yoke of stagnation on him I am hearing like Felix your name is Felix your name is Felix I need to pray for you can I have the oil avocado stop Henry I want you to know things don't work because we are walking just stand up Henry just stand it things are not working because we are walking things are working because God is working that is why I say leper without favor is struggle but the favor of God is coming upon you the favor of God I see you have slackened but God says that strap is over today you have met the greatest decision of your life recipients kisses as your Lord and Savior I declare it shall be well with you and everything that concerns you even in your company you will be a deliverer you will be hardly Deema I bless your life in Jesus name go and succeed stand on your feet understand on your feet stretch your hands to watch this one I want to quickly share the word but I'm just feeling let me pray for some people quickly I had Felix in the realm of the Spirit do you know somebody like one boy Nueve can i prophesy professor oh not told me to tell you rocket hasta animus I'm praying for this month I'm seeing another man that is also under the same yoke of stagnation you are not where you are supposed to be I'm hearing Daniel Daniel come to the altar it is like Daniel I'm hearing Daniel and it is like Oh Rebecca dose Kariba Kadosh Lee Mikado scar Ibaka deskah I want you to come he doesn't matter how many you are as long as your name is Daniel I need to annoy you Daniel Daniel I'm hearing Daniel if you're here you are Daniel it is your time in the mighty name of Jesus and also as I'm praying for them I am seeing another lady in the realm of the Spirit Carlos Camejo Desha I'm hearing like Marian I'm hearing like Mary Ann Mary Ann Mary Ann I'm hearing like Mary Ann I also need to pray for you I'm trying to rush because I need us to get here we said our new year's resolution is a finishing buy Lettuce 9:00 p.m. so I'm rushing against time but I need to do what God has told me to do Rob Machado's refocus karabakh adesh from my heart like Marian Marian then I had another name like Gina you know your name I could hear Mary and then I could hear [Music] in the morning there is a favor of God that is coming upon you every spirit of rejection right now via catch fire my hands on every man and woman under the sound of my voice and even those that are watching us like we rejected you shall be accepted a man you shall be justified receiver stretch your hands Yakima goddess McCosker avocados - holy ghosts stand up on your feet the Lord is fighting your battles you have gone through so much but the Lord tells me to tell you you are history does not determine your destiny where you are going is better than where you are coming from that is what the Lord is saying and the Lord says you a lot of days will be greater you a lot of days will be greater you a lot of days will be greater I want you to hold your womb even the fruit of your womb shall be blessed do you have a child how many his name is bright stretch your hands because this child is so young but I'm seeing that a demonic attack but the Lord is intervening I am sing like the number seven the number seven how old is your son can i prophesy prophesy and actually as I see seven it's not a complete sermon it's like seven and a half how old is your son he turns seven in August [Music] [Music] I'm such speed in Jesus name it is done oh and prosper stretch your hands towards them as I anoint you fennecs it is a she shall be well with you it shall be well with you I am seeing the bondage of debt being broken standing on this stand here you are lift up your hand [Music] remain do it I declare so shall it be upon your life with solicit [Music] to me and persona 1 PLC to acquire it Amazo but you are coming up the blessing of God upon your life maggot Oska I am seeing it is like even when you get money it doesn't stay but to tether Lord is blessing the work of your hands what temp I just have touched it increased and multiplied mayor you touched from today increase and multiply I open your doors I release the miracle of supernatural debt cancellation I declare go and prosper it is done in Jesus name so buddy man hands together for Jesus stretch your hands as I pray as I let my hands as I touch this ones and from wherever you are may you also receive the touch of God technician please just power the monitors a little bit you know the destiny of a preacher is in their voice Shanda Baca Roscoe mahadesh Lord as I anoint them that long-awaited miracle I prayed that he shall be released that which you have been waiting for and praying for I speak a supernatural release in the name of the Father in the name of the son in the name of the Holy Ghost pop and sex I decree and declare going prosper the Lord is opening a new chapter in your life the Lord is wiping away your tears I bless your life from today I bless everything that is connected to you rapa at Oscar Abba Hyundai they are new to us that God is opening for you I'm seeing new doors you will enter those doors somebody say I declare I declare I will enter my open door we'll come on come on lift your hand and declare you're not from the days of John the Baptist until now take it by force Oh Rebecca dosa I declare the Lord will wipe away your tears go and succeed and prosper and where you are going is better than where you are coming from La pocket Oscar I'm seeing a season of new things as season of new things come and succeed in Jesus name it is done it is done it is done it is done going prosper in Jesus name give the long-suffering in the name of Jesus bring the podium can we have a few testimonies as I go into the sharing of God's Word look at your neighbor said neighbor many more today is your day today is your day tell your neighbor today is your day hey it's your day go and succeed in Jesus name and please continue talking to your brother and encourage him to love God and to serve God and to give his life to Christ amen god bless you may God bless this family may God remember you mnemonic append asana I talked about ago by JD gospel is Omaima Miaka de la fin de NOC anomalies image appears in the cupola cata fruit is the gospel Nadia Bardo jazzy - galaki neo cuckoo bird liquor party a moon with my shaco me milena Colombia otaku party yay he's Wombles over cookie to knock you in the flesh sassy Laputa cos Otunga cue and Aniyah crystal Zita four-tire change my god give her some testimonies we need to go to the white because of prophetic myung-whun of the grace that you carry we have a testimony from faith Wanjiku and she's justifying on receiving a miracle job she says i started attending miracle monday on 21st of the tenth month and i did not have a job I thank God for the following week on the 28th I received a job immediately after attending miracle mine my god what is the name faith faith faith where are you Alleluia way a straight hallelujah with thank God for that miracle job look at your neighbor say neighbor you are the next testifier and if you are here or you are online and you're trusting God for a job on the basis of this testimony we open your doors in the name of Jesus with acne and we declare receive a high pH honestly say I paint jars this - chimes if you're here and you have your CV I want you to hold it if you're here you have your certificates hold them if you are here and you have your business proposal hold it I want to speak about as we hear this testimony praise God amen actually on 21st was my first time to come to Mira commentaries in October yes october huh previously I used to watch on YouTube but but then I decided to come mmm I didn't have a job for like two months mhm and my life was tough mm-hmm and you told us to lift up our phones and you made a prayer for us so I you said we if you have the documents minor head this off to copy so I just opened the photo with the soft copy and I believed and on the following week actually I got two interviews and they came like this MD may God give somebody here for your trouble I see [Music] so I had to choose which one to go cuz I put in make it so go for the - mm tell you never choose I see you choosing in the name of Jesus I receive you know you only choose when you have an option when you don't have an option you cannot choose may God give you an option this week in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I see so I chose one and that's where I went and after like two days they called me they told me to go at for that day mm-hmm and then before we finalize they told me on Monday which was now on another in the next Monday 28th my god so you came all or a buck a toaster yeah they told me I report on job 128 which was also on Monday so Oh a buck a toaster that is one week later I prophesied for somebody besides icon sending next week officer next week Monday oh yes I declare you will be promote ex-ira see me you will be I will see [Music] they don't come my god I bless your life this can only be good so you have already started their job man this can only be God I bless your life go and succeed favor and divine protection over this job your miracle is permanent it is done in Jesus name lift up your documents any documents you have your CV you have your C be lifted up you have your certificate business proposals I decree and declare over every document that is lifted up I stretch my hands on it as a point of contact father your wife says in second chronicles 2020 believe in the lord thy god and i shall be as published and believe in his prophets and so they and so you shall prosper father as your people have believed I decree and declare their open doors open doors for employment open doors for international appointments open doors for promotions no more stagnation in the name of Jesus I declare your documents will find favor every office your documents will be represented straightforward speaker I speak approval over your contract over your business proposals I decree and declare Rebecca Tosca favor every check you need sign it will be signed this week she's saying shout it is done it is done mama Oracle apart from miracle jobs people are also receiving miracle contracts we have a testimony from Massimo Kulu and she says on 31st October Thursday I went for one-on-one with the Oracle and she prayed for me to get contract and on Friday I got a contract my God where are you must see hallelujah Oh bucket Doster somebody said I am the next I am the name look at your neighbor say neighbor neighbor receive a contract that will give you financial freedom that will give you financial concept you came to the office last week on Thursday after you prayed for me on Friday one of my clients we were to sign the contract on July mm-hmm but he told me didn't have the finances only not the contract so he told me once he gets a finances he will call me so when I came for one on one Friday he called me so from July August September oh hey four months the house when he called me he told me we I go we sign the contract mmm and apart from Sonny the contract he released the financing my god this is powerful then you'll never get ready for contracts come I anoint your hands I declare all your contracts will be fruitful and successful go and prosper go and succeed it is done in Jesus name Amen mmm or not the grace of God upon your life amen we have a testimony from Keegan bill he says I've been having this problem this September but sorry I've been having this problem this semester but mama last week my mother banked my whole fees and she said she just got paid a long-term depth I bless the Lord oh so the mother is the one that got paid a long-term debt yes and so the mother was able to pay her entire school fees yes what is the name chicken bill please come in the name of Jesus my god let's appreciate God for that testimony hallelujah bring the microphone so what are you studying I'm studying a Bachelor in median communication such multimedia uh-huh so when I came I came a miracle Monday during July last time there were no fees no saw stuff so and now I wanted to join much to me that because my mother had told me fast you're not joining University this year uh-huh so I say that she just go so I have two testimonies the first one when I went to multimedia before admission you must pay the whole fees but when I came that Monday I went to use day and you say that protocols will be imagined I got an admission without paying a single cent to somebody because we are talking about laws and regulations but somebody for you to receive I shop just for you to receive a promotion why you to be uplifted I will say my God look at your it means this is how it is supposed to be but God intervenes and it is overturned avocados so you joined without paying anything so after that we we have been having problems with my mother know what was happening because a joke or two key Chicana so after this whole time of coming praying all that stuff she called me and she said everything man maybe a puffy of justice and their lip what Danny Boyle Alec wanna die to come to society Kwame I may I say so a Calliope wonder you can naina same Okinawa to Anna died what water you know a die to know anima money yes we can [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] they will look for you with your my with your money or you say will sign a check they will deposit the money in your account should say will put the money in your bank account yes do I mess up [Music] money booms economy booms and even the relationship with your mother shall be mended hallelujah it is the will of God for us to have good relationships stretch your hands the Lord will lift you and also there is a calling of God upon your life may the hand of God be upon you may God give you academic excellence wisdom knowledge and understanding in Jesus name it is done piggy I assume a coffee or a coal we still have testimonies taking place right now live in the congregation huh we have a testimony from a lady called Monica her sister was here last week declare that people receive good news he took that word and momma Oracle she went and she prayed for the sister right now the sister is here she said she's just come from an interview that she was looking for for a long time my god can we appreciate God for that testimony so the sister gotta an interview yes mama man I pray for somebody here because of time as that lady has received an interview and even that interview may it yield results in the name of Jesus i prophesy to somebody here what you have been looking for a long time in the name of Jesus somebody lift up your hands and tell God Lord speak to me not speak to me Lord speak to me Lord just lift up your hands Lord as we go into the hearing of your word lord I decrease technician I'm still struggling with the monitors Alleluia shala Bakker ask lava Honda Rebecca dose Karabakh adesh oh Jesus Oh Rhonda liebe Carrasco mahadesh car avocados sweet Sunday Reba kados cuz somebody tell the Lord speak to me begin to open your mouth Sandara bahang leave pakoras [Music] avocados avocados avocados market Thank You Holy Ghost in Jesus name give us Isaiah chapter 54 verse 2 to verse 4 Isaiah chapter 54 verse 2 very quickly because of time Isaiah chapter 54 then repair Genesis chapter 20 Genesis chapter 22 and Lodge your house can we have the King James Version can we have the New King James Version please let me read it from here from my Bible here Isaiah 54 - please give us the new King James Version and latch the place of your tent and let them stretch out and let them stretch out the cuttings of your dwellings do not spare lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes for you shall expand to the right and to the left and your descendants will inherit the nation's and you will make the desolate cities inhabited do not fear for you will not be ashamed Naida will you be disgraced for you will not be put to shame for you will forget the shame of your youth and will not remember the reproach of your widowhood anymore Genesis chapter 22 can we read from verse 1 now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham and say to him Abraham and he said Here I am then he said take now your son your only son Isaac whom you love and go to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you so Abraham rose early in the morning saddled his donkey and took two of his young men with him and Isaac his son and his lit the wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place which God had told him then on the third day Abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place afar off Abraham said to his young men stay here with the donkey the lad and I will go yonder and worship and we will come back to you so Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son and he took the fire in his hands and a knife and the two of them went together by seven but Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said My father and he said Here I am my son and he said look the fire the wood but where is the love for the burnt offering and a problem said my son God will provide for himself the love for a burnt offering so the two of them went together then let's go to verse 11 but the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven and said Abraham Abraham so he said Here I am and he said do not lay your hand on the lot or do anything to him for now I know that you see a God since you have not withheld your son your only son from me then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked and there behind him was a ram caught in the thicket by its horns so Abraham went and took the RAM and offered it for a bunt offering instead of his son and abraham called and called the name of the place the Lord will provide as it is this day the mountain of the Lord it shall be provided say Amen briefly for some few minutes I want to look at the four principles of enlargement because the Lord kept on telling me that this is a time of enlargement enlargement means to expand to grow to boost it means receiving a greater capacity and I'm hearing the Lord said not just a miracle Monday but even in every area of your life God is giving you a greater capacity I am singing lodgement coming into somebody's life I'm enlargement in your career in your business alleluiah in your influence I'm singing like mentor what you have been doing I'm singing largeman and God is getting ready to move somebody from where you are to where you belong in the name of Jesus most times when we think of Abraham we think of Abraham and the seven promises that God gave him which are good but today I want us to learn the four principles of enlargement I love the promises of Abraham and we are the seeds of Abraham so these promises are ours the Lord said Abraham I will make I will make you a great nation and it is my prayer for every man and woman under the sound of my voice and even those that are watching us on Oracle 1 TV those that are watching us on empty and Kenya on YouTube on a periscope on Facebook may God make you a great nation in the name of jesus the lord also say to Abraham I will bless you now what blessing comes from the Hebrew word but which means empower to succeed hallelujah so when God says you are blessed in other words he is saying you are empowered to succeed and number three God said to Abraham I will make you a name great it is my prayer for every man and woman under the sound of my voice may God give you the blessing of a great name may you and never be mentioned among the Crypt may you a memory write the history of your family that if your family is not for property if your family is not for failure may you whenever you write the history of your family may you an MP associated with wisdom may you an MP associated cretinous makings up in the name of Jesus and toadette in this miracle Monday I amongst your name with favor I am NOT your name with reverence turn em with favor in the name of Jesus and number for God say to Abraham I will make you a blessing in other words Abraham you are blessed to be a blessing that is why God is blessing us we must also learn how to keep hallelujah King is living and that is why God gave us two hands to receive with one hand and to release with the other heart tell your neighbor receive and also release receive we like to receive and receive and receive and that is why some of us are like the Dead Sea we only receive but we do not release you must have an input and an output Alleluia and number five God said to Abraham I will bless them that bless you that means Abraham it is God that blesses but God blesses through people hallelujah look at your neighbor tell them he's got that blesses it's God but God blesses people through people but God blesses that means what you are looking for is in somebody else a study what you are praying for is in somebody else I study and I pray for you need this miracle Monty may God bring you into contact with those that have your miracle may God connect you to people that what you are looking for and number six God said to Abraham I will ask them that curse you hallelujah turn your neighbor I cannot because I cannot because I cannot I cannot because the Lord has promised to pass them in other words it is God that is fighting our pathos when the enemy attacks it is God that reacts I will ask them to assume look at your neighbour tell the when the devil attacks oh god Ria's my god and number seven God says to Abraham through you all the families of the earth shall be blessed now watch this after this great series of promises God takes him through a test because that is how our God walks Alleluia before testimony I told you you must go through a test before the glory you go through a story before why after you go through a trial my god that is how our God works before appointment you go through disappointment and now God in Genesis 22 from verse 1 God takes Abraham through a series of tests that have named the principles of divine enlargement God says to Abraham by this time a promise receive the son of the promise Isaac please do not forget God when you get what you prayed for because we are living in a generation that celebrate' in the clubs what they got in the church and what they got in the house of God look at your neighbor tell them do not forget and ins do not forget the Lord your God what you got by what you got by the Lord you maintain it by the Lord watch this now so now by this time I promise receive the son of the promise Isaac and God speaks to him and God says Tecno your son you are only son Isaac whom you love and go and sacrifice him in the mountain of Moriah the first principle of enlargement is submission turn to your neighbor tell them submission submission submission means putting God's desire up putting God's desire above your desires it means to surrender it means to yield I love a problem because you passed the test of submission he did not begin to add you with God and he was like do you know how great that for Isaac for 25 years do you know this is the son of the promise do you know how I have waited and prayed for I love because he passed the test of submission he was ready to surrender he did not ask God why he did not begin to do it God he did not begin to ask God why are you saying this what is going to happen now if I sacrifice my only son Isaac he was a man that what was under subjection submission to God look at your neighbour tell them submit sub me look at your neighbour tell them submit to the will of God submit to the will of God and I love the will of God even in uncertain times even in challenging times the will of God will never catch you where the grass will not protect you look at somebody tell them that we love God the will of God will never text you will never take where the grass will not protect you where the grass and sometimes it's not always easy to a bet that we love God when you cannot rest god I want you to trust him are you listening to me even when you cannot trust him because I'm sure a prom was like but God are you serious but even when he could not trust him he was able to trust him and submit and surrender he was able to yield he was able to put God's desires above his desires so whatever God is laying in your heart I shall Lynch each one of you in your walk with the Lord you must pass the test of submission look at somebody tell them submit submit tell your neighbor submit submit this is the first principle of enlargement submit submit and I've told you it's not always going to be convenient sometimes like for Abraham it is going to be inconvenient it is not going to be easy but submit number two God says to Abraham pay know your son you are Isaac whom you love go and sacrifice him in the mountain of Moriah God did not tell him specifically this is the mountain of Moriah and this is the place God was also so Abraham there with his three sons end up together with Isaac the fire the wood the donkey and you know he was there looking around for three days let me read this verse before I give you the second key Oh Rebecca those Karabakh Kadosh look at your neighbor tell them submit submit verse four of Genesis 22 then on the third day on the word day I saw the place afar off you have two cents tell your neighbor be sensitive be sensitive the second of divine enlargement is sensitivity you need to be sensitive to sense the place look at your neighbor tell them sense sense you know God does not keep on details that is even why as prophets we prophesy in part for we know in part because God doesn't give details sometimes he just expects you to follow and go Alleluia when you reach there on the Sun pay he saw the place afar off I decree and declare to somebody yes you will be sensitive in the spirit I received the Lord will tell you a steps and you ask God for your life you know where to go and where not to go you will know what to associate and would not to associate yes when you're not sensitive you will date you are John is your chewed us and you will think your Judas is your child tell your neighbor sense sense when you are not sensitive you will think you are called for this and not for but and your neighbor say sans hallelujah you have to sense in your relationships even your association says even what God is calling you and God is leading you to do in the house of the Lord otherwise you will be misplaced hallelujah you will be in the choir when you're supposed to be the intercessory tell your neighbor sensors look at your neighbor and then you will be telling people who sees Achilles a salty sea kilesa Mannino because you did not sense in the direction of your career even in the direction of business you are not going to do every business you need to sense then you never sense you are not going to be you're not going to marry any woman not every good choice is God's choice you have to sense don't you never not every good choice is God's choice not every good choice is coach not every good idea is God's idea you need to give to people - tell them since avocados number three watch this I'm about to close mmm verse 5 I want to get the flat key from verse 5 and Ibraham say to the young months here with the donkey the Lord and I will go yonder and worship and we will come back to you he saw the place remember when is that the journey he was with his young men and the donkeys but when he saw the place he told them stay here with the donkeys while I and Isaac go yonder to worship it is the test of separation look at somebody tell them separation separation give to people a high-five tell them I have listen to me just because you have his name down let them go let them go and for some of you that the Lord is saying as you are getting into the next level there are people that can't go with you look at some somebody's a neighbor neighbor you're getting into the next level huh get it to the next level some people are not going with you some people are okay let them go let them go you are destiny in life is not attached to anybody that left so who ever left your life let them go the Bible says they went out from us because they were not for us they would have continued with us out of your life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] may God put a line of demarkation for you between you and anybody that is not meant for your future yes because the people in your life have an effect on your life the west's or investors they exhaust you sit down I'm closing now turn your neighbor before elevation before elevation there has to be separation there has to be separate body cannot go with you look at your neighbor tell them they started with you they start a great deal but they cannot finish with him why they cannot finish with you until you're nearby it's all right it's all right let them go let them go as they live your life oh my god I'm hearing this for somebody your life into your life number five and number four sit down and number four the last one the fourth test was the test of sacrifice tell your neighbor sacrifice sacrifice destiny will cost you I'm telling you destiny will cost you anything that is of value is costly was tested on sacrifice the Lord said pick no your son your only son Isaac whom you love and go and offer him in the mountain of Moriah it was not easy but he was ready he was like you know what do I have that God did not give me there is nothing that Abraham could not give God he passed the test of sacrifice ask your neighbor what can you what is it that you can't give God whatever you can give God becomes an item in your life and Abraham passed this test Abraham was a giver and a promise a giver if you read from Genesis 14 20 you will see when he met with Melchisedec he gave a height of all he kept a kind of all number one Abraham was a tie that he was a giver and even when God he was a tied up and I bless every Taita in this place because you are the seed of Abraham and if you want to walk in the blessings of Abraham you must also watch and the principles of Abraham you know time is the connection to the protection of your finances it is your light that rebukes the Devorah it is your pipe that causes you to work and the open heavens it is your tithe my god that makes God a shareholder of whatever you do and you can imagine a promise a try the Genesis 14 2000 bruh ham was ready to sacrifice Isaac he passed the test of sacrifice ask your neighbor neighbor neighbor can God trust you can God trust you ask your neighbor can God trust you God trust you I can't go trust you can God trust you watch this now verse 13 then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked and there behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by its horns so Abraham went and took the RAM and offered it for a bunt offering instead of his son when he passed the test of sacrifice he had tied Isaac and laid him on the altar because every now and then God will always ask you for a sacrifice sacrifice is something that moves you and touches you some of us have been saved for 10 years 15 years but we have never truly keeping God a sacrifice Sam's 50 verse 5 says gather my people together those that have made the covenant with me by sacrifice fire does not follow an empty altars it is sacrifice that is the voice of the altar and when he had laid his son the angel of the Lord spoke and told him there is a ram that is caught in the thicket my god God provided a substitute for Isaac I want to finish with this prophetic declaration forever you are missing in your life watch this then then the RAM was caught in a thicket that means Abraham did not have to go and run after the RAM it was already tied up may your blessing be tied up in the shop will be held up your promotion will be held up your blessing will be held down whatever God has ordained for you it will be held up it will be tied up and did you get there stand up on your feet in the name of Jesus yeah look at your neighbor's a neighbor enlargement a large man come on touch your neighbor tell them enlargement lunch me prophesied to your neighbor's a neighbor neighbor I see enlargement I see enlargement if the name of the name of Jesus somebody say enlargement Lux man somebody say enlargement and large man now watch this verse 17 uh-huh then okay let me read verse 15 then the Angels called to Abraham a second time out of heaven and said by my sweat by myself I have Swan says the Lord okay it's here and say by myself I have Swan says the Lord because you have done this thing and have not withheld your only son but 17 uh-huh in blessing I will bless you and in multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore and your descendants shall possess the gates of their enemies may this be your blessing in the name of Jesus I said I declare in what you claim the Lord will multiply you to the ten generation I receive I declare we will possess the gates of our enemies everybody be seated let me preface for the titles before I pray a prophetic prayer can we have the tide as worship Him you are here you are at Ida you're watching me our father of faith Abraham was at Ida I would like you also to emulate the example of Abraham our Father of faith he was at either any time you give you a tight it is in obedience to God's Word our kingdom was Tess's have some envelopes for tithers and partners you are at Ida you are a partner tithe is 10% of your income 10% of your income is holy and it belongs to the Lord I want you to lift up your hands and the kingdom hostesses will come with an envelope right where you are you are there you are at Ida you are there you are at either lift up your hands our kingdom hostesses will come with an envelope right where you are for tithe and even in Jesus earthly ministry Jesus had partners Luke chapter 8 from verse 1 to verse 3 you will see Susan Joanna and Mary Magdalene three women that use their well to support the ministry of Jesus if you'd like to give on empresa the number is on screen that 0 7 10 8421 2107 1084 21 21 for those that are watching us live you can give on a wave on one remit you're watching us on from the different continents of the world the United Kingdom America Australia Germany all over Europe you're watching us from Switzerland you're watching us from Qatar from Dubai from Oman god bless you you're watching us in other countries in Africa you can use our ministry and pace online and just send your tithe your partnership please get ready in Jesus name please if you're there you are at Ida I want you to come quickly can we have a worship song as they come in Jesus name I want to pray for their titles I want to release the blessing of Abraham and also if you are a partner so also if you are giving with your phone come with your phone as a point of contact I just want to touch you with oil and just declare the blessing and when you come don't leave your things I think it's better you come with your things hallelujah unless you have a good neighbor you know a church is like a hospital it has all kinds of people so don't be so trusting hallelujah so if you are coming not unless you have a very good neighbor tell your neighbor I know you are a good neighbor otherwise carry your things a church is not a place of perfect people Alleluia it is like a hospital some are responding to treatment some are not so you have to be careful even when you come to the church somebody say Amen so please come stretch your hands to watch them as they're coming [Music] to you everything I can to You Lord I surrender they're all to you [Music] everything I give all to you [Music] we father I bless every Tyler as i anoint their hands may you bless the walk of their heads I declare your business is blessed you are sharpies bless their works of your hands are placed we are filled and succeed where others get nothing go and get something I bless you in the realms of millions you are a kingdom millionaire you are a kingdom billionaire I decree and declare new tous multiple streams of income as I anoint your hands as you give Andrew this envelope through the phone and even those that are watching us that are giving live I bless you [Music] holding nothing I surrender I saw [Music] [Applause] everything [Music] [Music] [Music] holding me Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] Thank You Holy Ghost you are there you have won you are a kingdom financier you give towards the payment of this auditorium no we in a big auditorium and you have your kingdom finance you're saying I want to give this 1000 and even if you have more you are saying I want to soar to watch them when you come quickly and even those that are watching us like if you are keeping on m-pesa please the number is on screen come to the altar even as we sing that song in Jesus name let me keep this 1000 as a kingdom investment to watch that when you come and you are saying I'll also want to keep with a kingdom finances to pay the venue the gospel is free but the makes of taking it is expensive this venue is not for free we are paying for this venue and as you are standing with the work of God Godwin's that God will raise people that will pay one month one Monday tell your neighbor you are the one that God is blessing hallelujah stretch your legs towards them Lord I bless him give you aware you have 1,000 that you are saying Oh Rocko I will give it towards that when you come Lord I bless your people as they are giving towards the venue I declare your pockets will never go dry may God built you houses may God give you commercial properties may you become a house on a land Lord may you have tenants may God bless you in the city and in the country as I anoint your heads go and prosper come and succeed in Jesus [Music] your mommy I can you me Oh Oh [Music] all of me I give I can't [Music] everybody's standing on your feet in Jesus name please this microphone I don't know if it's the setup that was Daniel 8 Rebecca dosa can I have the other microphone everybody lift up your hands Lord I want to thank you even for those that are giving online those that are giving one way even one limit as they are giving on the altar of this ministry Lord increase them not multiply them as you did for Abraham not do it for us in the name of Jesus even those that are he a lot to it for us I want everybody to hold their phone I want to pray for good news today was supposed to be an anointing service as I announced but we don't do things as convenient we do things as commanded so next Monday is the anointing service today the Lord just told me teach and then I was not even planning to go into the prophetic but God took me there somebody say Amen and even now I am just hearing a cry in the realm of the Spirit over somebody and it is like you are crying concerning your child that is missing I need to pray for you you have a child that is missing or a brother that is missing let me just pray that prayer for you in the name of Jesus you have somebody that is missing let me pray for you mama who is missing for you you a son for how long from dad's day when was the last time you saw him dusty from home come who is missing from when [Music] five years so you don't know where he went or where he is previous and for you who is missing who is missing your son from when I've years ago what happened he was taken from my house in a new event five years ago how old was he seven months seven months that devil is a liar I saw a restoration in the realm of the Spirit I am hearing restoration so your son it is from caste but he has not communicated to anybody in the family No lift up your hands towards them yes please who is missing for how long 10 years no communication no nothing stretch your hands I want you to mark these people because on this altar of miracle Monday they will come with a testimonial stretch your hands are avocados raise a maggot Oscar avocado ski lodge and Okara schema gatosk arabic adios [Music] [Music] I declare rocket Oska positive and a good report come back with a testimony it is done it is done it is done in Jesus name I release peace peace in your heart peace in your mind peace in your spirit in the name of Jesus stretch your hands korabik adesh just of God intervene right now is pick Enchantix assistance assistance big five affectionate in the name of Jesus shall avocados Carrabba honey in Jesus name Amen it is not tell any but it is done it is done now as we are standing up where is Exodus our media director you know we have moved to a bigger place and so we have engaged up a video mixer and so it is becoming not difficult for them to transmit we need more things coming my son [Music] because my this is our media director and right now the media team has expanded and also we are using a video mixer because people you see when they alta was pushed this way because now we need more we need more facilities tell your neighbor new levers with new demands and currently there are things that we need to buy it in the media team there are so many things and he was just explaining them to me we don't know about the time but we need almost a hundred thousand to buy these things in the media team hallelujah and he's here this this offering I wanted specifically for the media you are there you can pledge towards our media because next week Monday since this is where we are going to be permanently tell your neighbor miracle Monday has moved please can I have the pastoral team preparing somewhere to write you are there you can pledge towards the media and you can be able to redeem please in the course of this week so that this finances are going straight our media director together with the assistant and the others they are going to ensure everything is bought how many people say that our rocco on TV has been a blessing hallelujah only youtube on facebook on periscope it has been a blessing our medium ministry has touched people around the world even those that are watching we just need like a thousand dollars to complete and what we have done is more our equipment is over 3 million 30 thousand dollars so what we are remaining with this so little tell your neighbor neighbor what we have done what we of them is more than what we require but it's just new things to accommodate the new place hallelujah we also need a longer run a carpet for this place and you are the people that God is blessing so if you are there and you can be able to pledge towards this media equipments that need to be bought this week we need like a hundred thousand you can give 10 20 30 50 or you can say let me handle it I just want you to come and write your name just in one minute as we get that song before I pray for your phone I'm trusting God for good news this week come you can be able to register your name come come in Jesus name come for the sake of our media you are saying we want because media is what we are using to reach millions of people whatever you can be able to fledge come in Jesus name if I can get just 10 people that can give 10,000 come in Jesus name come just 10 people that can be able to give 10,000 towards our media ministry so that it is a faster or even 5,000 we get 20 this Maryam can be have a song please if you're there don't wait for God to talk to you and say na na shush shush if you know God has bless you eh irani don't wait for God to speak with an echo please come and just write your name and also we are going to text you with the number to use after this service and God will bless you others can come on this side of our a minister Shahi loo come and just register your name and also let me shake your hand in Jesus name can we have a chorus please Lucy come on work with Asha and even if you are watching us online you saw today we delayed we went live almost because their equipment we have is overpowered by the cameras we are using on the video mixer we went live after the worship team had already finished Alleluia so please for those are also watching you can be a blessing you can send your $100 your $200 to be unless it makes you I shake your hand [Music] it's not started writing my heaven on you god bless you god bless you please you can come [Music] me [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] avocados actually goes in the name of Jesus so you can redeem you a pledge this week we will send you the number to use our partners registration line so that because that is for media plus two five four seven zero zero zero zero eight eight nine nine eleven those that are there whatever you can be able to give towards our media they need a hundred thousand but remember we have already used over three million on our media equipments so it's just something to help this new capacity tell your neighbor neighbor and look at your neighbor's a neighbor support the work of God so you can be a poor even those that are watching us live you can use one remit waived today the broadcast was delayed our machines cannot contain the capacity of our new video mixer hallelujah please and that video mixer we just came with it from the US when we came the other day so it cannot contain the capacity so there are other things we need to buy to ensure that we are able to stream live well please whatever God leads you write your name in Jesus name hold your phone I will be in the office to meet the partners on Thursday but tomorrow there 15 people even as I was preparing this message that God told me I want you to pray for them and these people the Lord told me he's giving them the test of sacrifice the Lord has been speaking to you to give a sacrifice into the walk of God and you are feeling you among the 15 people tomorrow I will be seeing those 15 people the Lord has been speaking to you and the Lord has been telling you to give as sacrifice Alleluia when any time God wants to give you a harvest he will always ask you for a sacrifice and when giving sacrifice you don't approach it casually hallelujah and the Lord has been laying it in your heart and you feel this was your word that God is telling you to keep an eye sock to the work of God I would like you if you among the 15 people I'll see you tomorrow as we sing this chorus hold your phone's not speaking up by your phone I want you to start speaking over your phone come and write your name thus that I will see tomorrow there are 15 people and among us the 15 some of them you have been happy there is money you have been waiting for for a long time and it is a great amount of money but it has been time some of you it has been a project you have been doing but that project are and you cannot understand how that project it has the reached a certain stage that you cannot be able to complete and now the Lord is telling you to give a sacrifice some of your avocados you feel it that God is calling into a new level of curry a new level of business the Lord is asking to give him a sacrifice even as the 15 people and you feel you are the one that God is speaking to release and you are sacrifice on this on the altar of this ministry also register your name with many such a hill you hear just come or pastor Lucas here come and register you and him can we have that chorus as we pray for the phones can I also have my phone avocados I want you to declare good news you are there there is some big resources you have been expecting but it has been delayed the Lord tells me you will end this year with the testimony you come I want you to come and write your number so that my PA will call you for an approval I believe I believe I believe I believe I believe we say you up Oh Miroku Oh I believe I believe [Music] [Music] you [Music] Thank You Holy Ghost even those that are watching us online you say Oracle of God I feel I am part of the 15 the Lord is calling me at this season and a big time to give a sacrifice something that moves me because a sacrifice is something that touches you and moves you and you are saying I want to keep this as an investment into the walk of God you can also be able to do it and you can also write a message and we will be able to get back to you and tomorrow I will see those funds then on partners I will be able to meet you on Thursday everybody lift up your phone this coming Monday is going to be an anointing service somebody say anointing service if you are here you've not given your life to Christ as I sign off for those that are online and you would like to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior I want you to know you are not complete until you're completely in Christ somebody say Lord Jesus I am a sinner I receive you today to be my Lord and Savior write my name in the book of life in Jesus name it was him we Accord you father every device every phone every iPad every laptop that is lifted up I speak the blessing of God I declare good news from the north from the east from the west and from the south I released the blessing of God that maketh rich and Adam no sorrow I decree and declare from today Arabic I pose as you let me recommend a you will receive calls of good news I decree and declare you will receive SMS whatsapp emails of good news every negative report I can't sell it by fire where are you applied for that job they will call you for a job they will call you for promotion I declare your doors are open in Jesus name somebody said good news three times as you hold your phone any passport any driver's license any document that you have any picture of your loved one lifted up in Jesus name Oh sha la vaca dos karabakh adesh any document that you have any document that you have any document that you have any document lift it up lift it up lift it up I'm hearing good news this week I'm hearing good news I'm seeing enlightenment god is moving you from where you are the Lord says don't be comfortable where you are tell your neighbor don't be comfortable where you are father every passport that is lifted up the grace I have carried around the nations of the world I hit upon your people you will never be denied a visa in the realm of the Spirit I stamp your passport with American visa the Lord is telling me Monday I need to touch all the passports if you have a passport please I want you to come covering your passport on Monday the grace I have courage to travel around the nations of the world even when we didn't know anybody abroad but God pookas their favor was our was our was our passport my god I decree and declare picados and Percy you will never apply for a visa you will never be denied I stamp your passport with American visa Canadian visa Australian visa UK visa xiannian visa South African visa Nigerian visa whichever nation you desire to go ice pump it right now you will never be denied say I denied to be denied I connect your driver's license to your car let you a come manifest receive your personal means of transport they can you have nobody has driven in your family may you be the first I said may you be the first recipients to build your house in the city and in the village recent Cristo online in the city and in the village in the name of Jesus I cover you with the blood of Jesus may the angels of God and companies around you in the name of Jesus I want to pray one more prayer but remember these four things number one tell your neighbor submission number two tell your neighbor sensitivity touch you and look at your neighbor well tell them sense tell your neighbor you've got to sense tell your neighbor this week sense number three tell your neighbor separation and separation is painful but tell your neighbor get ready tell your neighbors listen tell your neighbor number four sacrifice hallelujah when God takes you through this test hallelujah I want you to know it is because he has prepared something greater and something bigger and even those that are coming to see me tomorrow you feel God is calling you into a season of sacrifice I want you to know there's power in obedience your miracle is always connected to your obedience if you're willing and obedient the Bible says you shall eat the good of the land somebody say Amen allow me to say this before I prayed this final prayer over your life to those that are in Harare Zimbabwe I am coming this coming week on the 22nd of November I will be joining my covenant sister prophetess memory Martin be real in the morning on the 22nd we are going to be having the billionaire in your breakfast meeting that is themed from the book of my covenant sister prophet Asma timbira then in the evening we are going to be at the national sports stadium in Harare the gates of the stadium will be opened from 5:00 a.m. we are expecting you there is no admission field and the theme of the meeting is not after the cross before it's too late some not after the cross this was the last meeting you can see on screen now the hall has become bigger we need more smut projectors Alleluia that was the meeting that was there last year this is a mega stadium that can accommodate over 40,000 people and I say to our saying to prophet his memory if this is happening in Zimbabwe it can happen in Nairobi Kenya and I was like I was such tragedy in my spirit I say that which is the biggest stadium cuz there only we are coming tell you never Castle honey we are coming new stadium we are coming we must reach our generation with the gospel and I just say this is just a warm-up so this is the national sports stadium in Harare Zimbabwe also Evi Namibia let's meet from the 29th to the 1st of December I am joining son of senior Prophet Jeremiah Amato prophet martini and Lama G give the Lord a hand clapping Jesus name lift up your hands I want to bless you your hands will hunter great things this week I am seeing your hands handling great things this week your hands will handle breakthroughs your hands will handle oh my god I'm seeing breakthroughs great things are coming on to boss hands I see those hands are slipping this week my god as you come for the anointing service on Monday you are coming with a big testimony you are coming with a miracle you are coming with a breakthrough this week I declare God's Oracle menu open heavens this week [Applause] avocados as our prom was blessed according to Genesis 32 in gold silver and livestock may you be blessed in all things nothing lacking nothing missing may you have bills be paid may you at best be consoled I pray may your pills be paid I said may your bills be paid some of you are stressed because you don't even know how to get how to pay your bills but I hear the Lord say as Abraham was blessed in all things your bills will be paid your debts will be canceled I bless you all you will arrive home well you will not embark on a journey of no return I bless everything that concerns you somebody lift up your hands and begin to say thank you Jesus rabbika tous Karabakh adesh Carrabba and a lipoma Kadesh begin to say thank you Jesus Thank You Holly knows pecados ha [Music]
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 60,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, kenyan sermon
Id: 5Vz1qrAcwAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 32sec (7052 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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