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she was born to do this one fashioned against us that shall be able to prosper and every tongue that shall rise against us in judgment the lord will condemn just travel far and wide to different parts of the world propagating the gospel of jesus christ romans 8 31 says what then shall we say of these things if god is for us who can be against us she's mandated by god to changing lives impacting generations and winning souls i think korean declare i stand as a generational evangelist ordained by god as an oracle ghost as the devil comes in like a flood the spirit of the lord shall lift up a standard in the name of jesus natasha oracle of god she was born to do this [Music] father saturate this place with your glory have your way lord in the next few minutes i decrease that you may increase i disappear that you may appear thank you for those that are here and those that are connecting around the nations of the world distance is not a barrier in the realm of the spirit for the move by your spirit move by your power let paragodoska lord jesus speak to us change our lives by the power in your world le parragados lord we give you praise in jesus name we pray shout amen amen let's appreciate the worshipped him hallelujah you may greet your neighbor and appreciate them and just tell them you are blessed because you came to those that are here to the sons and daughters globally to the partners that are watching us globally and everybody that is connected to this broadcast you are not watching by chance by accident or by coincidence it is by divine appointment and i want you to know this is a word that will change your life and the lord said to me i want you to minister on defeating monitoring spirits because in our generation if there is a weapon that the devil is using to monitor us it is monitoring spiritual and some of you you are under demonic civilians the devil is monitoring your progressive the devil is monitoring uh you are you your business the devil is monitoring your family the devil is monitoring your marriage the devil is monitoring the progress of your finances and some of you just when you are about to be promoted it is like things always fail at the edge of breakthrough because you are under under monitoring spirits and i want to expand this topic and in today's service i'm going to begin by laying a foundation up but as you are seated i want you to lift up your hands up i want you to lift up your hands in the name of jesus i want you to pray against every monitoring spirit and those that are watching us from around the world you are connecting from north america south america australia canada somebody begin to declare every monitoring spirit catch fire begin to declare les pardos right now i stand on this altar as god's oracle to those that are here in ecc auditorium and to those that are watching us from around the world i release judgment on monitoring spirits i release judgment somebody said i release judgment on monitoring spirits in the name of jesus somebody say after me anyone any person assigned as an agent to monitor me [Music] to monitor my ministry to monitor my prosperity i shut them down i shut them down in the name of jesus in the name of jesus as you're lifting your hands i stretch my hands wherever you are i declare from now when they look for you they will not find you i said when they look for you they will not find you anyone positioned to monitor you [Music] i strike them with blindness in the name of jesus any satanic eye that is monitoring your destiny for evil that is monitoring your progress for evil i sculpted them in the name of jesus any wicked power that is monitoring you in order to destroy your destiny i command you right now catch fire in the name of jesus somebody said any wicked power that is monitoring me to destroy my destiny by the fire of the holy ghost by the fire of the holy ghost in the name of jesus i stretch my hands to those that are here to those that are watching from around the world every power that is monitoring your life for evil i command you to die in the name of jesus i command our spiritual arrows that are intended to be released against you against your life against your family against your marriage i declare back to the sender back to the center somebody said three times back to the sender back to the sender back to the sender back to the sender in the name of jesus every demonic lawyer and judge that is giving judgment against your life that is giving judgment against your family against your ministry against your calling in the spirit realm every demonic lawyer every demonic judge i command them scattered by fire scattered by fire scattered by fire scattered by fire scattered by fire scattered by fire scattered by fire scattered by fire somebody begin to release judgment on monitoring spirits begin to speak judgment i speak judgment on monitoring spirits against my destiny afghanistan against my family i speak judgment i speak judgment i speak judgment i speak judgmental see padra gateshead in jesus name amen hallelujah amen now follow me because i'm taking you somewhere i want you to know that uh when i'm talking about this spirit it is a spirit that is uh a spirit that is at work even in our times and in our dispensation and when i talk about monitoring spirit i know some of you are saying but oracle you know for me i mind my own business i don't interfere with anyone business so why would anybody be monitoring me you know there are people i need you to understand that the devil has positioned to interfere with your life and some of you it is people that you know and others you don't know so ask your neighbor who is monitoring you who is monitoring who is watching you who is watching you by the end of this conference we will be able to answer that and destroy every monitoring spirit anyone that is monitoring you for evil i scattered them by fire i scattered them by fire i scattered them by fire in the mighty name of jesus so the devil tries to interfere with the destinies of many through a system or a mechanism that is known as monitoring spirit and this monitoring spirits will be monitoring your life monitoring your marriage monitoring your career monitoring your business they are observing every move in your life observing every move in your life and they're monitoring you and they're not monitoring you to help you but they are monitoring you to destroy you my god they are not monitoring you so that they can be able to stand up for you but they are monitoring you to stand up against you they are not monitoring you for good but they are monitoring you for evil somebody is watching you and observing you for evil but we decree and we declare judgment on evil monitors in the name of jesus yes lord you know monitoring spirits sit down for one minute shall a bakadoska look at your neighbor tell them they are monitoring you they are monitoring [Music] not for good not for good but for they are evil what for them who is monitoring you who is watching you ask your neighbor who is watching you who has been planted in your life to monitor you i stand as an oracle anyone that therefore has planted in your life to monitor you for evil they will fall into their own traps i said anyone that the devil has planted to monitor your life to monitor your business to monitor your life your progress your marriage i command them to scatter by fire scattered by fire lift up your hand and declare after me anyone that devil has planted to monitor my life forever i scattered [Music] my family my children my progress i scattered in the name of jesus now listen monitoring spirits will be monitoring you not to help you but to destroy you not to stand up for you but to stand against you they will be monitoring you for good but for evil to humiliate you somebody sit down say the devil is a liar so they monitor you to disgrace you they monitor you to humiliate you they monitor you to frustrate you magadosh raska magadeshka monitoring spirits they want you to stay in the wilderness who is that person that does not want to see your career progress who is that person that does not want you to see you that does not want to see you fulfilling destiny who is that person that does not want to see your marriage work hallelujah uh who is that person that has record of your strength and weakness because that devil will always strategically plant people in your life we are uprooting anyone that the devil has assigned amen even in easy church anyone that the devil has planted in this ministry whether they are a pastor whether they are a steward anyone that that devil has planted in this ministry to monitor us forever [Applause] [Music] somebody said [Music] some of you are here but someone is watching you from your village some of you are watching me you are in america you are in australia you are in canada you are in the uk you travel there and you are living there but somebody is still monitoring your life through witchcraft we are going to destroy all the monitoring spirits anyone that is using witchcraft to monitor your life i want you to pray this prayer point anyone that is using witchcraft anyone that is using witchcraft to monitor my life fire fire let me have on screen proverbs chapter 6 verse 12 to verse 15 [Music] a worthless person a wicked man walks with a perverse mouth he winks with his heart with his eyes he shuffles his feet he points with his fingers perversity is in his hearts he devises evil continually he saws discord therefore his calamity shall be suddenly he shall be broken without remedy i declare certain destruction i said certain destruction offer all the monitoring spirits and anyone that satan has appointed as an agent against our life and our destiny against our dreams shall stand concerning your life when god says yes [Applause] i want us to read verse 15 together sit down probably let's read verse 15 together therefore calamity his calamity shall come suddenly hey suddenly he shall be broken without remedy i decree and declare every agent of satan that he has appointed for evil in your life i declare suddenly touch three people tell them suddenly yeah tell them suddenly [Music] if you look at scripture you will see that there are certain people that were monitored because the devil uses people just as god uses people and that is why i said to you the other day when god wants to bless you he sends a person and when the devil wants to destroy you he also sends a person so they are monitoring agents that we know and others that we don't know but we are going to deal with all of them tell your neighbor we are going to defeat we are going to shatter monitoring spirits monitoring spirit and i'm going to give you two examples and then we i'm going to give you the signs how do you know if you are under demonic civilians because some of you you don't know some of you are under demonic civilians and you need to identify this so that you can be able to confront it and conquer some of you should have been so far in life some of you where you are today is not where you are supposed to be but because of monitoring spirits my god because of these monitoring spirits you find you you your life was stagnated you are going from setback to setback because of monitoring spirits and some of them they are used by the devil human agents used by the devil tell your neighbor some monitoring spirits are people some monitoring spirits are you listening to me yes like for instance how did king nebuchadnezzar know that shadrach meshach and abednego that they did not bow to the golden image which he had set up how did he know you can imagine because he was a king and the king wasn't following them and the king has so much responsibility and duties hallelujah can you imagine a king of a whole nation a whole empire and in those days babylon was a superpower that tells you somebody somewhere was monitoring shadrach meshach and abednego observing them and monitoring them as somebody was surveying them to see if they would comply with the decree that was issued by the kingdom cagneza and when they saw that they did not comply to bow to the golden image which the king had set up because of their conviction because they purposed in their heart they were not going to compromise their principles or convictions so they when they saw they did not comply they reported the matter to the king they were under demonic civilians somebody said every form of demonic civilians every form of demonic service cutter by fire scattered by fire anyone monitoring me for evil monitoring cut [Music] [Applause] the same thing happened to daniel it wasn't the king who saw daniel opening the windows to pray three times hey my god it is the governors that came together and conspired against him they were monitoring him they reported him to the king he was arrested and thrown in the lion's den where the enemies want you to end up is at the lion's den le paraga oscar you need to understand anytime that people are people the devil is using people as monitoring agents it is to scheme to plot and to give signs they monitor they plant confusion and discord my god i speak as an oracle right now any demonic conspiracy against you from monitoring agents i command you to scatter by fire may god turn that conspiracy to your lifting you will survive the lion's den the lord will shut the mouth of the lion somebody shout i will survive i let me give you another example sit down look at judas's career can you put for me matthew chapter 6 and verse 16 matthew chapter 26 and verse 16. judas was watching and waiting for an occasion he was monitoring jesus my god he was watching and waiting for the occasion let's have matthew chapter 26 and verse 16. the bible says from that time he sought opportunity to betray him he was there but he was monitoring jesus and looking for the opportunity to betray him he was still with jesus he was still serving him he was still working with him actually he was the treasurer of the ministry but he was there monitoring hey he didn't betray jesus by talking he betrayed jesus by a kiss by signs what i will go back to in the book of proverbs i will show you something there so there are some people in your life you think they love you but they are there on assignment in this conference may god expose anyone that is pretending to be a friend but they are seeking you are down for it may god scatter them by fire anyone that is faking your life that has been planted by the devil that is pretending to love you to support you to work with you but they are taking a bit for you but they are setting a trap for you i declare they will fall into their own trap i say they will fall into their own trap may god expose every judas monitoring spirit sit down they will always position someone that is close to you they will always target somebody that is close to you so there are people that are working with you they are working with you but they are not for you they are not your friends if there is anyone in your life that the devil has planted as a monitoring spirit i will help you to identify them and i will help you to deal with them in the spirit can we deal with them in the spirit somebody said judgment on monitoring spirits sit down so what are the signs to know that you are being monitored or you are under satanic civilians how do you know i want to give you signs how do you know that you are under monitoring spirits number one [Music] when you are harboring suicidal thoughts many people that are harboring suicidal thoughts it is because they are under monitoring spirits suicidal harboring suicidal thoughts and i arrest that spirit in the name of jesus i declare the best part of your life is not behind you it is ahead of you i cancel them in the name of jesus how do you know that you are under demonic civilians or you are being monitored when you are in one spot for many years and some of you despite your exposure and connection you are under the same spot here in ear out nothing is moving nothing is working hallelujah this is another sign to know you are being monitored ask your neighbor who is monitoring you who is watching you who is watching another sign you are always spending your finances on sickness that when jinsoon have your partner person your mother tiso and obviously the congress okay just when you get a breakthrough that is when problems arise and especially sickness but i speak as an oracle your resources will not be wasted on medical bills i said your resources will not be wasted on medical bills chadre bragados another sign is when god asks you to do something but you always hear a voice that is saying no to you that voice is the devil's voice you are under monitoring spirits some of you would have been far god gave you some certain instructions because instruction eliminates destruction and the instruction you decide to obey determines the future you create instruction brings construction lack of instruction brings destruction and there are some of you here god has spoken to you so many things but every time god gives you clarity to do something there is another voice that tells you no that is the devil's voice samashaya tanya shindui another sign of a person that is under demonic civilians when you cannot even explain what is wrong with your life there are some of you you are saying oracle i feel things are not okay but you cannot even be able to explain what is wrong with your life that is another sign you are under monitoring spirit when you cannot explain what is wrong with your life ask your neighbor who is monitoring you another sign when they promise to help you but on that day they fail it's not their fault somebody is monitoring you have you ever seen somebody has told you i am going to do this and this and it's like it's almost done but then suddenly sharabaka dos caligras you are under monitoring spirits you will find such monitoring spirits they they will even they will even attack your helpers in the dream and project you negatively i decree and declare you will not be projected negatively before you help us in the mighty name of jesus may god plant you in the heart of your helpers another sign you are under monitoring spirits [Music] is when monitoring spirits will cause you to marry the wrong man or the wrong woman tell your neighbor the devil is a liar you know when you marry the right man or the right woman you are complete but when you marry the wrong man or the wrong woman you are finished tell your neighbor please don't be finished be complete be complete when you marry the right man or the right woman you marry a prayer partner but when you marry the wrong man or the wrong woman you marry a prayer point tell your neighbour don't marry a prayer point but when you under monitoring spirit you will end up marrying the wrong person somebody said i will not marry my enemy i will not marry my enemy i will not marry the wrong person lord open my eyes open my eyes you know even salt looks like sugar so when you are under monitoring spirits there is confusion of fire how do you know you are under demonic civilians when you are begging for survival and even some of you are a firstborn but you find you know you are begging for survival somebody say i refuse to beg i refuse somebody say my children will never beg for bread my children my grandchildren will never be homeless my grandchildren will never be published another sign is when people that are under demonic civilians you always feel like somebody is following you even sometimes when you're in the house and there is nobody you will always feel like there is a there is presence of somebody in your house and you might even be alone but you feel the presence of somebody you feel like somebody is following you and even sometimes in your dream it is projected because i said it is also projected spiritually as well you feel like there is the presence of a stranger when you are always feeling a stranger in your presence even though you cannot see them uh sometimes that is another sign of of satanic civilians my god le paraga dos god you know when when people when people begin to call you a witch that is another sign of satanic surveillance ask your neighbor who is monitoring you ask your neighbor who is monitoring you who is monitoring you who's monitoring you when you see you know i was praying for somebody while i was in the u.s and i called this woman by a prophetic word i think she was from the connecticut and this woman has been having a satanic bird following her for 15 years 15 years anytime she will leave her house she will see that particular kind of a bird following her anytime she is anywhere she will see this particular bird actually she was delivered in the meeting but you can imagine for 15 years she was under satanic civilians using an animal following her so some people will see a specific particular bird or creature following them i decree and declare any creature any creature the devil is using to monitor you i command it cut fire this is your end in the name of jesus and you know that woman would uh you know as she spoke to me as i was giving at the prophetic word she said sometimes even the creature would come into the house and steal some things things would be you know she would be losing things mysteriously so this is this is real tell your neighbor this is real [Music] so sometimes another sign which is also connected to this you have a feeling that there is an invisible and clean power you know around you you always have that kind of feeling you cannot be able to explain it but you have a feeling that there is always an invisible power that is around you la barragados also another sign is when you are always feeling discouraged you are always feeling discouraged you are always facing rejection everything you do there is a lot of there is a lot of discouragement there is a lot of disappointment in your life there is a lot of missed opportunities diverted opportunities that is another sign because you know when you are under monitoring spirits you are always going backward you can go to university but you will always walk it below your credentials somebody said the devil is a liar somebody said the error must be corrected when you are under monitoring spirits you will find people celebrate your weakness ignorance and foolishness somebody said the devil is a liar you will find that people you know they are able to celebrate your weakness ignorance and foolishness somebody say i reject i reject in the name of jesus somebody say i will not operate in ignorance and foolishness and for those that are in marriage and they are monitoring spirits that are monitoring you you find that your in-laws are always against you and your marriage your in-laws are always no matter how good you try to be your in-laws are always against you and your marriage that is another sign of monitoring spirits in the name of jesus i want to see first and foremost from the signs i've given if you've seen any of the signs lift up your hands right now in the name of jesus [Music] i pronounce judgment on all monitoring spirits can i have psalms 35 on screen psalms 35 verse 1 to verse 6 i release judgment on all monitoring spirits any person assigned as an agent to monitor you i shut them down i shut them down i shut them down say plead my course o lord lead my cause with those who strive with me fight against those who fight against me [Music] said take hold of shield and buckler take hold of shield and backwards and stand up for my help and stand up for my help also throw out the spear stop those who pursue me say to my soul i am your salvation god has sent me today to stop your pursuers i came to pursue your pursuers i came to destroy you and destroy us can we have us three verse four let's continue aha somebody say after me let those be put to shame and brought to [Music] anyone that is plotting against you i speak confusion and darkness in the end where they have got that i scattered them in seven directions anyone that is conspiring against your life let them be like shop somebody said let them be like chefs somebody say angels of god i'm monitoring my life that i'm monitoring my family my ministry my calling my finances my destiny angels of god oh let there be dark and slippery and let the angel of the lord pursue them and let the angels of the lord i want you to lift up your hands and let there be dark and slippery away somebody said i stand with your word lord i stand in your word in psalms 35 and verse 6. let there be pack and slippery anyone that is plotting against you skipping against you i declare let there be back and slippery let the angel of the lord from this old time pursue them in the name of jesus somebody begin to pray that prayer point [Applause] i'm hearing the lord say you will fulfill your destiny those that are here and those that are watching me from around the world you will fulfill your destiny will be fulfilled the number of your days will be fulfilled the plan and the agenda of god concerning your life will prosper any monitoring spirit i speak the judgment of god all earth open up and swallow them up in the name of jesus every monitoring spirit every monitoring agent fall into your own trap in the name of jesus somebody declared after me say i declare my destiny will be fulfilled my destiny will be my vision will become a manifestation lift up your hands my god i am seeing somebody your ministry should have been so far but because of monitoring spirits i am seeing a lot of rejection setbacks but the lord is opening a new chapter your voice will be hard not only in this nation but globally i'm hearing a name like morris i need to pray for you your name will be heard globally come to the altar shall abacados no just stand up just stand up i want to pray for you let paraga does stretch your hands towards him the lord told me you should have been far in ministry but monitoring spirits have brought limitations you know monitoring spirits they bring satanic restrictions satanic limitation but the lord tells me this is a new day god is opening a new chapter god is opening a new chapter in your life and in your ministry the lord say tell him i'm hearing like maurice then i'm hearing like oh thiambo i'm hearing like morris what are your names your name is maurice sothiambo can i prophesy can i prophesy you are a global voice but monitoring spirits have have you know it is like you've been going in cycles the calling of god is so sure on your life but as i pray for you today any monitoring spirit any monitoring agent from your village that that devil has planted to monitor you yes and enter your breakthrough i shatter it in the name of jesus the lord tells me to tell you three things god is opening new dust for you ministerial doors i am seeing international connection the grace i have carried around the nations of the world i release it upon your life i declare you will not be an echo you will be a voice in this generation you will be a voice i am seeing books that will come out of you the lord says you will be a wellspring of wisdom as i anoint you i see ministries established i see you serving the purpose of god i see millions coming to the knowledge of our lord jesus christ the lord says you will you will operate under the apostolic office i am seeing the apostolic unction coming upon your can i have the oil stretch your hands towards you and anyone here as i anoint him with this oil of no more delay and divine acceleration i declare you are going to catch up on wasted time amen any diverted opportunity any diverted blessing whatever you lost i'm hearing the lord say it is coming back i receive it it is coming back i receive where do you serve in ministry [Music] oh you guys town because i'm seeing the calling of god what are you doing in the ministry [Music] stretch your hands towards him because i saw the lord said he's a man of god he says he's a pastor he says he suffers [Music] i'm going to pray for you i'm seeing the hand of god blessing you and i'm seeing like twins what is this i'm saying i'm seeing like twins twins you have twins can i prophesy i was going to pray for him then i was singing like twins i was singing like twins in the spirit then lord speak your servant is here chandra bragados somebody lift up your hands [Music] will never be the same come on [Applause] [Music] jesus jesus god is going to bless you and your children i'm seeing like uh i'm hearing as i as i saw the twins i don't know why i'm hearing like like david then i'm hearing like marianne like david like marianne like david like marianne what is their name my children what are their names and they are twins are they twins are they twins [Music] man of god if i be an oracle with you the lord is going to change your story yes sir any adversary against your open door that adversary is destroyed your ministry will grow your ministry will be established god is sending you help us god is sending you help us here god is sending you help us i'm saying help us from the north yes help us from the south help us from the east help us from the west [Music] my mother is the prophetic professor i am trying i was trying to pray for him in the family and i was seeing the children but i'm still trying to locate the wife located but i am not locating what is this where is your wife i am not locating she died she died prophesy stretch your hands towards my eyes are open because i was seeing the children and i was trying to pray for this family and in the realm of the spirit i was trying to access and locate the wife by prophetic maneuvering but i could not see her the lord is going to give you another chance the lord will say to you your latter days will be greater as i anoint you the grace i have carried fire you will touch nations yes you will go to nations us chandra bragadoska every generational cast in your lineage i terminate it in the name of jesus and anyone here that is in ministry where your ministry has been monitored by demonic civilians i speak blindness i strike i strike every evil monitor with blindness yes they will not be able to see you they will not be able to locate you they will not be somebody lift up your hands begin to declare my life will never be the same i am for sure [Music] i want you to take note of this man because god will lift him god will settle him again how many know that we serve a god of a second chance yes you know the bible says he's a he's a husband to the widows but even to the widowed he is still god the lord will preserve you i hide you under the canopy of god's grace i pray that god will give you a woman that will be a mother to your four children [Music] it is done this marks the turning point of your life today in the realm of the spirit i see god opening a new chapter god is opening a new chapter you will be a global voice you will function in the apostolic i activate the giftings of god over your life i activate them in the realm of the spirit i start them in the realm of the spirit call and succeed it is done somebody lift up your hands just lift up your hands wherever you are just begin to declare my life is changing my life will never be the same they will not monitor you again and even those that are watching connect to collect i'm seeing a woman here i need to pray for you the lord is telling me even you you should have been father but because of monitoring spirits the lord is changing your story today i bring you under the canopy of god's grace they will not monitor you again for evil actually the lord says you will be the redeemer of your family you will be the deliverer of your family i'm hearing a name like yvonne i'm hearing like yvonne and then i'm hearing like another name like it's like yvonne then i'm hearing like kerubo i'm hearing yvonne i need to pray for you if you're here come come in jesus please i want to pray for you i want to pray for you quickly [Music] and i'm also seeing building projects i'm also seeing building projects some of you started a building project it should have been completed listen i'm seeing some of you you started a project but because of monitoring spirits the project stagnated i pray for anyone here and anyone watching that as a building project i declare it will be completed i'm also seeing somebody that is planning to start a building project i'm hearing like one gallery you're planning to start like a building project you are here come i want to pray over that building project i need to pray for you les parragados you're starting a building project i need to pray for you le gras kamagadeshka and anyone here somebody say any project i lay my hands on where is that oil over of normal delay and divine acceleration why are you doing the building project in tommy stretch your hands let me let me pray for you where can i [Music] every building project you will start and complete our god is not a god of abandoned project he is the alpha and omega what is your name mary you also have a building project yeah where are you building in the village amen you will build houses in the city and in the village you will own commercial properties those that are here even if you are attendant today you will be a landlord and a homeowner receive the grace to build touch your neighbor tell them receive a grace to build if the earth and its fullness belongs to the lord you will build go and succeed i bless you go and build and complete it is done the lord has remembered you and the lord is wiping away your tears this is the beginning of a new season weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning go and succeed it is done and for the next five sundays i need to be anointing you there is something that god is about to do in your life what is your name yvonne you are such a young girl but the lord is going to lift you i'm seeing you traveling to nairobi i'm seeing you traveling on a bus to nairobi um what did you come to do in nairobi because i'm seeing you in a bus coming from mombasa i'm seeing you coming from mumbasa in a bus to nairobi [Music] to work are you working you have not yet gotten a job because i'm seeing you in a bus stretch your hands my chandra bragados and you are young but you are the one that god has assigned as the david in your family you are the one that god has assigned to be a deliverer in your family stretch your hands towards her you know god chooses the weak things of this world to confound the wise oh chandra braga you can't understand and comprehend the ways of god that is how a stammerer like moses becomes a deliverer an often girl like esther becomes a queen a shepherd boy like david becomes a king how do you explain a common liberal like gideon becoming a mighty man of allah an ordinary woman like deborah becoming a judge and a prophetess in israel how do you explain an unknown virgin girl becoming the mother of our lord and savior jesus christ like mary it is the doing of the lord he does not call the prepared he prepares those that he has called and god can choose a first born a second one a third born of fifth ball he can choose anybody and i hear the lord say you that is here you that is watching you will be the deliverer of your family you will break the barriers you will rewrite the history of your family i shut the monitoring spirits here i break i destroy it oh yes chandra braga come close this is a very young girl but god is going to open your doors and any monitoring spirit that has monitored you from the day you were born somebody pray this prayer point any monitoring spirit that has pursued my life from the any monitoring spirit because some of you they are monitoring spirits that have monitored you from the day you were born some of you these monitoring spirits have not started now they started even while you were being born i'm seeing the 28th of october 1999. what is this what is this debt to you i'm seeing like the 28th of october you are born on 28th of october can i prophesy prophecy [Music] the lord is opening your doors and even here in nairobi i declare you are young but god is going to open your doors god will send you help us help us that will be genuine they will take care of you and they will not use you you are mocked for greatness i want you to know look at me you are carrying the star of your family right now i'm seeing your mother i am seeing your mother can i locate your mother i said can i locate her mother hate her your mother will live a good life because of you hey your mother will have rest because of you right now i'm seeing your mother like as a single woman is that true i'm seeing her as a single woman but your mother will have rest because of you as i'm speaking right now i'm seeing your mother in a place in mombasa i am finding myself in a place called miritini like miritini where is your mother can i prophesy god will remember you and god is not only remembering you he's also remembering your siblings god is remembering your siblings right now all of you are struggling nobody can help the other although your sister at least i see for her god has blessed her with that with the with a life partner i can see your sister but i also see her struggling i'm hearing like gloria gloria what is the name of your sister do you have a sister and what is her name gloria ah can i prophesy prophet stretch your hands i stretch my hands towards this young girl may you ask shine amen your star will shine you are mocked for greatness i can't so every plan of the devil any plot or scheme of the devil i declare through you your mother will be established through you your mother will be settled through you your mother will live a good life i declare you will live a life of purpose and a life of destiny and anyone that god has orchestrated in your destiny path i declare you will not miss them any monitoring spirit that has monitored you and your family i cancel it i bless your entire family i hide them under the wings of the almighty and i declare it shall be well go and succeed i want you to hold the seed in your hand and if you don't have it physically you can also give it hold your phone you can give it on m-pesa you can give it on a pay bill i want you to give a seat on the altar i want you to say lord let this alter speak on my behalf on any monitoring spirit we are defeating it is a seed of proclamation and declaring we are defeating we are shattering monitoring spirits it is a seed also you can give your seed for those that are here on pdq machines as well so you can give your seed on pdq those that have their cards you can also give it physically if you have whatever god is laying in your heart in jesus name to those that are watching us live from around the world sons and daughters partners of this ministry or you're watching me live on facebook on youtube on oracle1 tv i want you to hold a seed in your hand it is a seed of proclamation we are entering into covenant with god psalms chapter 50 and verse 5 my people together those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice of saying we are defeating monitoring spirits so wherever you are right now you are anywhere in the world you can give on paypal on wave you can give on world remit you can also give uh on the various on on ecc as well ecc account is right there pay bill and you can give on paypal on way i want you to prepare yourself and i've seen there are people that are watching me right now live from around the world they are those signs that i had stipulated as i was ministering this world and i feel it you need to give a seed of 80 dollars a seed of new beginnings a seed of eighty dollars i see forty of you eighty dollars a seed of eighty dollars the number eight depicts new beginnings i want you to lay that seed on the altar everybody you have that seed hold it in your hand hold that seat in your hand if it's on your phone hold your phone if it's on your card that you will come to give using your card you will touch the altar i want you to begin to declare le bragadoska i speak judgment in the name of jesus number you can send your seat to is 0 7 10 84 21 21 alternatively you can give by a pay bill the business number is triple two one one eight the account number is empower hash you're tuning in online friends of this ministry partners of this ministry you can comment on this live broadcast comment paypal comment wave comment world remit and you will be directed to words you're giving to all our francophone countries [Music] catholic [Music] father even those people that are giving from around the world and those that have laid their seed on the altar i declare judgment right now on monitoring spirits even the 30 people you have shown me that are giving that seed of 80 dollars any person assigned as an agent to monitor you to monitor your progress to monitor you from the village to monitor you anywhere i decree and declare they will look for you they will not find you may your sacrifice speak for you on the altar of this ministry every satanic eye that is monitoring your destiny and progress i speak total blindness somebody said thought of blindness total on every satanic eye in the name of jesus every gathering of the council of the wicked against your destiny scatter unto desolation any wicked power that is monitoring you in order to destroy your destiny i scatter it by fire you are there you have your tight you have your partnership uh the kingdom hostess are standing up with some envelopes in their hands you have your tight you have your partnership lift up your hands you have your tight you have your partnership you need an envelope and we believe in the power of tightening you can either give on that envelope you can also give on um on on pay bill on m-pesa you can also give as well you can make your checks payable to empowerment christian church tithe is the connection to the protection of your finances it is your type that brings judgment to the enemy of your prosperity it is your tithe that opens the windows of heaven we believe in the principle and in the power of tithing and all the sons and daughters and especially the steward of this ministry we pay our tithes and the members of ecc and also if you're here you're watching you are a son or daughter of this ministry it is our time for us to lay our tides and offerings on the altar of this ministry if you're here and you're a partner you need an envelope also lift up your hand it is good to have the agenda of god in your finances i always tell people have kingdom concern have a heart for the lost the kingdom of god is not founded on money but it needs money to expand the gospel is free but the means of taking it is expensive i'm telling you the gospel is free but the means of taking it is expensive and just like any other place there are expenses towards maintaining the runnings and the operations of the ministry the church the missions so we need resources to serve god and that is why i have a heavy burden to pray that god will raise millionaires and billionaires in our generation that will support the work of god god has given me a monday to build him a house this is ecc cbd branch but we are building a mega church in this nation hallelujah and i know that god is raising me and you as millionaires and billionaires because we shall buy the land and build in record time somebody say amen so ecc a mega church is coming to the glory of god say amen to the glory of god so you are there you are a titan you are a partner i want you to come in the name of jesus you are a tiger you are a partner come to the altar in jesus name you are giving your tithe on pdq uh the kingdom hostesses are here you are giving your tithe on them pesa check on screen to those that are watching us live sons and daughters in america in the uk in germany in italy in jamaica in indonesia in south africa in tanzania sons and daughters in uganda wherever you are online members globally this is your time to connect to the altar of ecc you can connect by the offering basket of paypal because distance is not a barrier you can connect on wave you can connect on world remote and by laying your you are tight in your partnership you are connecting to the altar of this ministry father i thank you for every tither and partner i decree and declare every evil mirror that has been monitoring your finances i command it or scatter by fire every evil mirror that is monitoring your business your career your ministry your children i scatter it by fire i declare me may god divinely direct your future my god to your place of blessing your place of abundance may god divinely direct your feet even away from evil appointments we shall not go to evil appointments may god direct our feet away in the mighty name of jesus every diviner on evil assignment against your life i speak madness and paralysis in the mighty name of jesus christ opportunity about us i declare they will not locate you in the mighty name of jesus as the priest of this altar i decree and declare the spring of your wealth will never go dry go and prosper go and succeed go and exhale in jesus name amen and amen salvation prayer because that is the greatest of all miracles if you are here and you pray this prayer for the very first time to receive jesus see one of our three pastors and the lord will bless you also if you're watching us and we are going to help them pray say lord jesus lord jesus i am a sinner i am a sinner i receive you today i receive you today to be my lord and savior my lord write my name write my name in the book of life from today i am born again in jesus name [Music] eccentric you
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 149,863
Rating: 4.8112092 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, Miracle monday, the oracle
Id: l16KsRXWBsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 28sec (3928 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 12 2021
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