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the voice of Destiny the fire is not to destroy an oracle raised by God it is a setup foreign hope and Tranquility to mankind every lifetime opportunity a voice of Destiny a prophetic voice to this generation with a high frequency of God's power and anointing [Music] thank you Jesus I want you to lift up your hands as a sign of surrender thank you worshiped him as you are lifting your hands above your heads I want you to declare whatever is happening in your life it is working for you the Bible says everything works together for good to them that love the Lord to those that are called according to his purpose I want you to begin to declare it's working for me technician please Le paragadoska zipers from around the world those that are joining us in different parts of the world I want you to connect to collect begin to declare it's working for me I established Divine parameters Boulders and boundaries around you and your loved ones I create a hedge of protection around you I declare that no enemy will come near your tent Le paragadoska I superimpose this prophetic word above the will of your enemies somebody open your mouth and begin to declare it's working for me it's working for me Li paragadoes viewers from around the world you are joining us from America South America Australia Canada the Middle East wherever you are I want you to type and declare it's working for me come on [Music] I want you to sing it with Revelation that whatever you are going through it's working for you because he is God in The Valleys he is God in the mountains he is God in season and out of season I want you to declare it's working for me [Music] I don't have to worry because he's working for me come on declare it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] looking for me [Applause] [Music] I don't have to worry cause it's working for me yeah [Music] [Music] yeah okay [Music] he was from around the world it's working for you [Music] National yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] lift up your hands yeah Jesus lift up your hands Heavenly Father we are gathered in your presence at ECC the arena of Miracles the home of signs and wonders and thousands of people are joining us from around the world in North America in South America in Australia in Canada in Asia in the Middle East I pray that the same power that is on the altar of ECC let it touch you wherever you are and to those that are here father Le paragadoska we declare in the name of Jesus yes speak of your counsel let your word comfort with power and with Clarity let your people be blessed let your people be empowered father let me be your mouthpiece the Bible says the word is like a hammer the word is like a fire the world is like a sword the world is like a weaponer father use your word to crush the forces of evil the description father in this service we have come at your feet to worship you father we honor you we have come at your feet to obtain Direction and inquire of you for our lives our families our Ministries uh let the prophetic mantle rest upon every person let our ears be anointed to hear your word I bring myself as your Oracle under the submission and subjection of the Holy Ghost the paragadoska let the ocean to function be upon me in Jesus mighty name shout amen amen you may be seated in the presence of God viewers from around the world wherever you are joining us from share the broadcast wherever you are connect to collect today is the first day of possessing the land service and today I'm dealing with the battles of the soil somebody here something is about to happen Hallelujah learning foreign I can't hear you let every devil in hell know that it is your time Hallelujah you know the Bible says time and chance happeneth to them all I'm so excited to be back at Isis in Nairobi the arena of Miracles Hallelujah and for you to be seated in this service is a demonstration of the love you have for God because you'd have been in the comfort of your house taking to Masala hot chocolate cafe latte but you decided to be in the presence of God the Bible says I was glad when they say done to me let us go into the house of the Lord thank you for investing in what is eternal I assure you this is the service you will never forget in The Chronicles of your life so it is a blessing to see each one of you that is here may heaven honor you and thank you for your availability God does not look for Ability but for availability may heaven honor you may heaven honor you for going the extra smile to be in the presence of God I I am going to be doing a series this entire weekend on possessing the land post the land up but the introduction message faster is going to be a message of battles of the soil we are going to deal with the ground faster and I said God gave me a prophetic assignment to put something in your hand that I will be doing by the end of this service so this is more of a foundational service I'm laying the foundation so we are not going to belong and viewers from around the world Sons and Daughters of this ministry partners of this ministry wherever you are PhD online members I want you to share and connect to this broadcast because we are about to speak to the soil and the ground the ground will not swallow you the ground will not swallow your family this is a prophetic service I want you to open up your open up your spirit so this is a Warfare service before we can possess the land we must deal with the parts of the Lander Hallelujah so I'm taking you somewhere allow me to appreciate God for others stewards in this ministry may heaven honor you to the glory of God and if you're here and you wish to serve together with us the door is open Teamwork Makes the Dream work together we are stronger together we can do more so look at your neighbor ask them is God using you or is the devil misusing you because it's either God is here in the last days hallelujah I know we are called and anointed differently but we are all called to be for the use of the master so allow God to use you in whichever department at least be in one Department serve God in media serve God as a protocol serve God in intercessory serve God in Hospitality you can serve God in the worship team in the band whichever area somebody lift up your hands father in the service move by your spirit move by your power let people be delivered let families be delivered yes from around the world as you are connecting to this service something is happening in the realm of the spirit I want you to be expectant in Jesus name shout amen amen so God is God the Lord spoke to me and he said it's time to possess the land somebody say I will possess my Promised Land I will possess my promise but before we can possess the land we need to deal with the battles of the soil uh let's go to Genesis chapter 20 chapter 2 and verse 7 Genesis chapter 2 and verse 7 then I will read Genesis chapter 3 and verse 19 then we shall go to Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 20. uh so please media team Genesis chapter 2 and verse 7 and the Lord God informed man of the Dust of the ground and breathed into his nostales and the bread of the bread of life and the Man became a living being and the Lord formed man of the Dust of the ground and breathed into his nostals the bread of life and the Man became a living being let's see Genesis chapter 3 and verse 19. so we came from the ground look at your neighbor tell them we came from the ground we came from the ground Genesis chapter 3 and verse 19. in the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground so you came from the ground and when your assignment on Earth is over where do you return listen in the sweat in the sweat of in the sweat of your face you shall eat bread will you return to the ground for out of the ground you are taken for the dust you are and to trust you shall return let's see Ecclesiastes tell your name about the battles of the soil or the battles of the ground yeah I'm about to make a prophetic decree here the ground will not swallow you yes you will not go back to the ground until you are a hundred years yes Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 20. Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 20 and finally Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 7. all go to one place all are from the Dust and all return to the Dust all go to one place and all are from the dust and all return to the Dust let's see chapter 12 and verse 7. then Dust will return to the Earth as it was and the spirit turned to God who gave it father we bless the reading of your word in Jesus mighty name amen the Lord spoke to me so prophetically yesterday I was speaking to the international Partners on zoom and I was telling them the Lord has said it's time to possess the land but the Lord said before you can possess the land you must speak to the you must speak to the land or rather the ground or the dust or the sand whichever would be of good reference to you but I'll be using any of these references or the soil human beings were made from the dust according to Genesis chapter 2 and verse 7 and according to the three scriptures I have read also in Genesis chapter 3 19 Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 20 Ecclesiastes chapter 12 and verse 7. is also the final aboard or the appointment of every human body after your assignment on this world the first prayer point that God told me to pray for everybody because this is a Warfare service and even for those that are watching us is that the ground will not swallow you before you are time I say the ground will not swallow you before your time amen somebody lift up your hand said the ground will not swallow me before my time the ground will not swallow me before my time look at Psalms 102 and verse 24 Psalms 102 and verse 24 and I want us to read it together can we have it on screen because I want to make this prayer point and then I'm going to proceed I'm going to talk some deep things about the ground about the soil aha somebody say I say it I see oh my God oh my God do not take me away do not take me away in the midst of my days in the midst of my somebody say I shall not return to the ground I shall not return in the midst of my days in the midst of my watch this this was a prayer of David he said your ears are throughout our Generations the first prayer point we are going to pray is that you will not return to the ground before it is your time the first prayer point is my father my car hey I will not go to an early Graves yes I want you to begin to pray for yourself and for your family somebody said my father my maker my father my mother I stand with Psalms 118 17. I stand with Psalms 118. I shall not die I shall not die but live and declare and declare the works of the Lord the words of them mode and declare Psalms 118 17. he was from around the world I declare Psalms 1 18 17 that you shall not passion but live and declare the works of the Lord the ground will not swallow you the crowd will not swallow your family the ground will not swallow your children open your mouth and declare that cloud will not bury me my loved ones will not know what it means I will not worry my children I will be my parents every Spirit of death we decree and we declare we declare Psalms 91 verse 17 Peter that with long life the Lord will satisfy us somebody say I declare I declare I declare I didn't come on somebody said it with power I declare I declare my loved ones will not bury me my loved ones will [Music] [Music] is our heritage in the name of Jesus Christ [Music] your hands to the altar I declare Psalms 91 16 yes Psalms 91 16 says with long life I will satisfy you and show you my salvation I speak over every family that is represented here yes may the Covenant of long life be our heritage I receive it you shall not tie yes but live and declare the works of the Lord amen in the land of the living are receiving any voice from the ground here is calling you back to the ground Michael I silence it in this service any satanic voice from the grave yes that is calling our names yes or the names of our family members I stand in my prophetic office I silence every voice I silence every voice I silence every voice I lens every voice I speak as an oracle the number of our days will be fulfilled as you are stretching your hands to the altar I revoke every agreement every Covenant of untimely death somebody declare I will not die before my time somebody declare I will not bury anybody before this year is over viewers from around the world I want you to connect to this prayer somebody say I declare between now and 31st of December I will not party anyone in my family and I will bring them under the covering of the blood I bring them under the cover in the name of Jesus the name of Jesus every demonic death that is assigned as my date of death be canceled by the blood of Jesus to be canceled by the blood of Jesus somebody say any power any power that wants to cut short my life [Music] I want you to mention the ears you want to live on the earth somebody say I will celebrate my 90th birthday what you confess you possess I want you to begin to type those that are watching on YouTube begin to celebrate their ears you want to celebrate on the earth pick it to speak to the other at 99 I will not retire I will retire at 80. I will be moving across continents preaching the gospel come on declare Rita Rafael leave a ragadoska somebody said my father my father my father my father my maker by your power I will live long I will live long I will fulfill my destination in the name of Jesus I refuse untimely death in the name of Jesus fired into our families [Music] in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus body say every Power of the Grave that is picking death over my family be silenced in the name of Jesus Christ be silenced in the name of Jesus be silenced in the name of Jesus [Music] I prophesy every woman that is here that is married you will not be a certain Widow every man that is here that is married yes you will not bury your wife you will not be a widower I declare we shall never be orphans I speak long life I want you to look at the ground somebody said I declare background will not swallow my family sit down ask your neighbor what birthday do you want to celebrate what birthday do you want to celebrate yeah I don't know about you but I'm saying a 99 and even then we shall not retire we shall refire so much Hallelujah so the first thing that you must say because we came from the ground and to the ground we shall return after our assignment is over so the first battle we must fight is the battle to declare the ground will not swallow us the ground will not bury our Glory I want you to lift your hand as you are seated I want to make some prophetic decrees I say this shall be some link the foundation before we can possess the ground I must deal with the ground I must deal with the soil I must deal with the sand rap aragados k [Music] zip demonic power any demonic power that is using the ground that is using the dusts to control my life [Music] and anywhere you want to build the house begin to mention that soil he was from around the world begin to declare the soil of America it will work in my favor the soil of UK the soil of South Africa the soil of Namibia the soil of Botswana the soil of Zimbabwe the soil of Uganda the soil of Germany in Norway Dubai Qatar begin to declare the soil of Nairobi it will work on my favor begin to declare the soil of Nairobi it will work in my favor it will work in the favor of my business in the favor of my family it will work in the favor of this ministry let the soil of Nairobi begin to watch in my favor yeah foreign [Music] wherever you are watching me from or wherever you are I declare it will begin to work in your favor I declare total victory over the battles of the land the battles of the soil every Wicked power that is using the ground to control your life to control your family Let It Be nullified in the name of Jesus name every Power Chandra bragadoska pray this prayer somebody say every satanic power every satanic power that has cast the ground let us cursed the ground against my upliftment against my establishments in the name of Jesus every satanic power that has used the ground to cast my destiny somebody now I want you to speak to the Earth say you are you are you are you are release my blessings please come on say you are you are why do I want you to speak to the Earth let me give you this Revelation open your eyes as we are still praying Psalms 24 and verse 1. can I have Psalms 24 in verse 1. the Earth is the Lord's and all its fullness the world and those who dwell therein check on screen there are is the Lord and all its fullness the world and those who dwell there somebody said they are the ground the ground must release my blessing must release my blood look at Psalms 115 and verse 16. the heaven Psalms 115 16 the heaven even the heavens are the Lords but they are he has given to the children of men the Art Is Ours somebody say Amen lift up your hands Psalms chapter 2 and verse 8 says of the Nations Psalms chapter 2 and verse 8. we of the Nations and I will give you the Nations as your inheritance I and the ends of the art for your possession hey of the Nations and I will give you Nations for your inheritance and the ends of the Earth for your possession lift up your hands every blessing that the art has for you it must release in the name of Jesus somebody say you are you are release my blessings release my blessings release my blessings yeah you soil of Kenya you soil of America he was from around the world mentioned where you're watching us from begin to declare release my blessings release my blessings you are Prosper the work of my hands you are destroy the satanic Network against me somebody declare the soil of Kenya and wherever you stay the soil of Kenya it will not cooperate with witches it will not cooperate with sauceras against my life the soil of Kenya will not cooperate with enchanters and divine us that are signed against our life I want you to hold your legs somebody say my legs shall not step on demonic charms shall not step on demonic charm come on declare over your legs and my legs My legs will not step on demonicles somebody say whoever tight my feet in the name of Jesus begin to speak to your feet viewers from around the world I decree and declare your feet are loose you will walk in high places will lead you to your blessing every ground you shall walk on you shall possess that Crown begin to declare every ground I walk in I will possess the crowd declare I will possess the ground I will possess the ground I will possess the ground [Music] look at me I declare from today your feet will work in places of greatness I said your feet will direct you to your breakthrough you will not step on it comes in the name of Jesus and if you had stepped because you have stepped ECC I declare the powers of those terms are nullified by fire anywhere anywhere that God intended for you to go oh yes I stand in my office as a property I declare your feet will go there the Bible says ask me for the Nations hey and I will give you Nations as you are inherited Psalms 2 8 I speak to your feet I want you to take three steps forward your feet will direct you to your breakthrough I receive can I prophesy before this month is over you will walk into your destiny you will walk into your miracle I receive you will walk into your job I receive you will enter your open doors somebody said I am walking into my destiny I am walking I am walking into my breakthrough I am walking to my prophesy from today your feet will direct you to breakthrough your feet will direct you to your blessings everywhere you go from this service Michael you will find unmerited favor he was from around the world came to pray for your feet whether you are at home whether you are in your fish somebody begin to speak to your feet I hear the Lord say beginning now your feet will have speed I receive I speak speed I speak I declare your steps will be ordered of the Lord may God alter your steps and your stops I said may God alter your steps and your store [Music] [Applause] may your feet be set upon a rock may your ways be established Iris may you walk in Dominion Harrison I hear the Lord say your enemies your enemies viewers from around the world connect to collect your enemies will bow at your feet yes your adversary will not rejoice over you receive in the name of Jesus [Music] in the name of Jesus receive in the name of Jesus I want you to mention the blesses you want to walk in the Nations you want to enter begin to declare over this feat this feet we learned that JF Kennedy International Airport in New York Amsterdam Paris France begin to speak to your feet these feet are going to Nations the earth and its fullness Belongs to the Lord today boundaries are broken mention mentioned foreign [Music] [Music] look at your neighbor tell them we are possessing the land but fast fast things fast tell your neighbor fast things fast now the importance of praying for the ground why are we taking time in this service before we possess the land to pray for the ground or to pray for the Sun or to pray for the soil it is because when you want to break generational curses it is very critical to pray for the ground somebody say Amen when you want to destroy evil spells when you want to break spirits of delay and lack of progress it is critical for you to pray for the ground when you want to own land in different places it is important for you and that is why I said and there are people that are here and others that are watching that have cases to do with land if you hear you have any case to do with land lift your hands you have any case whether it's to do with inheritance or land you bought and somebody is trying to take from you lift your hands any case to do with land it shall be one in your favor amen I'm going to put a prophetic title did uh in your hands can I have them where are those title Deeds I'm going to put this prophetically in your hand can I have each one of you that is here Hallelujah I want the Pastoral team to distribute them can you handle them over Pastor Amos Pastor Jacob and Senior mom I would like them to give each and every person somebody said possessing the land because I don't want you to forget this service so I said I'm going to put this in your hands because after this you are going to be a land owner hey you are going to own homes and I'm praying that prayer for you somebody say Amen look at your neighbor tell them neighbor neighbor you will own homes you will own homes in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus so viewers from around the world distance is not a barrier I will also be sending this to you via our ministry what's up and you will also be able to sign it and I will give prophetic instruction this is prophetic if you've not yet received the Pastoral team is moving around I want you to lift up your hands because any demon that is using the ground to fight against you today we declare it is going to be destroyed every chain that is living your life from the ground toward pain bricks any power that is hiding your glory in the ground today it must release it by fire hey the Earth will swallow our tormentors and our sacred enemies in the name of Jesus I am going to speak to the ground Le paragadoska zepe as the Pastoral team are Distributing also they are those that are living in foreign countries I want to say a prayer for them let me see if you are here and you have anybody that is living in a foreign land also lift up your hands as sister a brother uh a sister a brother other a father a daughter a son if you have anybody living in a foreign land stretch your hands to the altar this is dedicated to your International viewers from around the world I want you to stand in the gap for them as I make these prayer points then I'm going to give Divine Direction concerning these uh title deed that I've given you it's Prof nobody say it's prophetic it's Prophet somebody say it's prophetic it's prophetic hey ask your neighbor by the way where do you want to own a home where do you want to because that's the next place that I will be that I will be that I will be you will not just be a visitor in runda because lavington hey assistant don't limit God and don't put God in a cage are you listening to me so fast strings to the altar as we speak for the international viewers from around the world ensure everybody has it I want everybody I want everybody and international viewers from around the world I will be giving prophetic direction today uh immediately in the next 10 minutes I will be after I pray make this prayer then I make the prayer of nation lift up your hands this is a prayer for people that are living in foreign Nations Esther became Queen in a foreign land Shadrach Meshach and Abednego are promoted in a foreign land Daniel outlived an outlasted Kings in a foreign land my goodness Joseph became minister in a foreign land I declare by the help of the holy spirit in that foreign land you shall prosper wherever you are watching me from in different parts of the world you shall prosper in that foreign land I declare as you dwell in that land Le paragados calegraska may God bless you you will eat the goodness of the land I want you to declare as I dwell in this land I will eat the goodness of the land in the name of Jesus Lee paragadoska I declare the Lord will restore your lost glory in your family Le paragadoska Glory shall be restored I declare you are Exempted from Terror any Terror that befalls that Lander I declare you are Exempted no man shall Prevail over you in the Atlanta whether you are not America South America Europe Asia Australia Canada Allah over the continent of Africa I have no shall Prevail against you in that land in the name Jesus I want you to mention if it's your brother as I'm praying this prayer if you have anybody connected to you in a foreign land your sister your cousin whoever is connected may God elevate your status and position in that country I declare may God elevate your status and position in that country somebody said my father might make her my father my name elevate my position and status in this country somebody's influence is about to expand ours let the grace of God be sufficient for you in that foreign I declare every Godly dream that God has given you shall come through and shall come to pass in that country just as God made Joseph a prime minister in a Strange Land yes God is Raising leaders in foreign Nations I am seeing the anointing of leadership I am saying the Manpower of leadership in that foreign land you will be a leader I see a mega breakthrough in that land that all the people of the earth will know that the Lord is God I take all evil Pharaoh shall oppress you in that land somebody lift up your hand said no evil Pharaoh no evil shall oppress me in this land in the name of Jesus I you will prosper in that land I declare good thing concerning your life in that land shall be established made the land yield increase for you let the mercy of God Prevail over every form of judgment against you in that land somebody say let Mercy let Mercy speak let Mercy Prevail in that land I declare you will possess houses Fields Land and many possessions let that country be your land that is Flowing with milk and honey in the name of Jesus may the Lord establish you in that land not establish you say Lord establish them may God establish you in that land and make you a distributor of wealth Le paragados in the name of Jesus may God connect you to Destiny helpers in that land that will cause whatever you do to prosper Jesus name shall we stand on our feet now I want to make a prayer for home ownership as you are holding this in your hand ask your neighbor do you have a pen to sign do you have a pen to sign hey worshiped him are you ready Hallelujah I want you to sign prophetically and your neighbor can also assess you don't have one Hallelujah I want you to sign it prophetically put your names there this is to certify that this you are doing it in the you are doing it prophetically because I'm about to tell you what is coming this it says possessing the land title did Hallelujah so I want you to just put your name here she to also put the debts here and also put your prophetic signature here it is your prophetic signature somebody said this is an Act of Faith tell your neighbor this is prophetic this is Prophet I want to give you I want to give you 10 seconds to sign worshiped him aha as we are signing uh-huh viewers from around the world don't worry I'm about to give you prophetic instruction we will send it to you on WhatsApp but I'm giving prophetic instruction I want you to sign after you finish signing stand with it [Music] everything you put your hands open doors [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] of America [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] once you finish signing stand on your feet [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] have you signed ask your neighbor have you signed prophetically have you put your name there is hallelujah so tell your neighbor yay I am seeing your name being mentioned positively in the right places lift it up God wants you to own your own home and viewers from around the world I want you to connect to this prayer God wants you to own your home and God spoke to me and he said he will give you a home supernaturally and miraculously next year by this time many of us will be in our own homes they release our home over your life that will exceed your expectations second chronicles 20 20 says believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established believe in His prophets and so you shall prosper so bills You Must Believe in the Lord your God so you can be established and you must believe in his Prophet so that you can prosper as you are lifting your hands and as viewers from around the world are watching distance is not a barrier I release a home that will exceed your expectation the god of Ephesians 3 that is able to do exceedingly abundantly and above God will give you a home that you are proud of God will make a way where there seems to be no way somebody is about to receive keys to a new house I declare to every tenant under the sound of my voice or ever is watching I declare receive the grace of home ownership I receive receive the grace of home ownership I receive in the name of Jesus that house you are renting now will be your last house to rent I receive I said that house your rent will be your last house to rent amen you will move from that house to your own house I receive begin to mention that place you want to have a home receive keys to your new house somebody said Lord Lord I received the keys to my new house may you experience Jehovah Jireh amen the court our provider oh I am seeing finances coming I receive I release finances for lunch I release finances to buy houses finances to build houses [Music] [Applause] foreign in the realm of the spirit the home is already yours I want you to visualize yourself I want you in the realm of the Spirit come out of the natural begin to visualize yourself cooking in your dream home sleeping in your dream home that house is yours and you will not struggle with the taxes that will come with the home your home will be a place of Joy a place of Peace a place of inner satisfaction I release Grace to build houses in a unique way I received somebody say father father I acknowledge I have known the Builder of this house you know the Bible says if the Lord does not build the house the build is built in vain somebody say my father my makeup my father my name thank you for the land you are the Builder of this house let your glory shine upon my house somebody say I received a natural Supply to build homes to own offices to own us to own lands farm houses I want you to mention a prayer you wanted a home in the city in the village I want you to begin to mention you will build houses also for our children I'm hearing the Lord say viewers from around the world I'm hearing the Lord said we will not only build our houses but also we will build houses for our children a good man lives an inheritance to trans children receive Grace to build houses also for your children I bind the prosperity of poverty see every Spirit of death every Spirit of luck somebody said my father my maker my Factor my maker natural Supply release foreign [Music] amen I want you prophetically to hold a prophetic seat in your hand I want you to say next year by this time that seed is called next year by this I give you instructions viewers from around the world I want you to saw a prophetic seat that we are naming next year by this time that's why I need you to Mark the date and have that title did as a remembrance it's a prophetic one next next by this time Ian Oracle of which you are if I be a woman of God of which you are you will be helping your own lunch I receive you will be in your own house I want you to lift a prophetic seed to those that are here in the auditorium if you have been tangibly you can hold it if it's on your mobile device on PayPal the details are on the screen you can give an m-pesa you can say I'm sowing this seed I for my house for my children and for my children's children your grandchildren will never be homeless your great-grandchildren will never beg for bread if your seed is on your card on your bank cards our kingdom Hostess leader is here come with your card and she will facilitate with the PDQ machines I want you to speak about that seed and remember if what you have cannot meet your need it is not your Harvest it is your seed viewers from around the world I gave a prophetic instruction yesterday's via zoo I say tomorrow I am calling the partners and I say God give me an instruction to the partners to sow a seed of a hundred dollars or a seed of 300 the level of your blessing determines the level of your giving but remember a sacrifice must inconvenience you if you keep not inconvenience you it is not a sacrifice Pepe said I will not give God anything that does not cost me what do you have that God did not give you you are there you are saying Oracle I am part of those people and also International viewers you are going before I call you via video call tomorrow to pray for you send you this prophetic title deed I want you to get the soil of that ground you're in in America in Kuwait in Dubai in Qatar in Egypt in South Africa in Botswana get the soil get the soil of the land put it in a bowl put it somewhere I will be speaking over the ground on your behalf I will be commandings to shift Every Nation I go before I go to minister I speak to the ground my team knows I anoint the ground and I say this ground it must respond to the prophetic voice I'm going to speak about that ground but I want you to show your seed now on the altar of this ministry you can sow that seed on pal you can sow that seed on m-pesa on waiver whichever web is one-on-one video calls with the international viewers do you have that seed with you to those that are here media director for those that are watching us live give them Direction I want you to touch the ground what you will say next time some of you are already living in your own houses but I see your real estate portfolio increasing some of you are already owners of two or three properties but I'm seeing your real estate portfolio increasing exponentially my goodness thank you Jesus I want you to touch the altar then I'm going to give you prophetic instruction for Sunday knowing the ground Hallelujah there's soil and I'll tell you how to do it prophetically so we'll begin with this side as we sing that song Amen but media director first our M Pastor number for giving and partnership is zero seven ten eighty four twenty one twenty one alternately I pay bill the business number is triple two one one eight the account number is in power hash you're following this prophetic instruction you can comment on this live broadcast comment PayPal comment wave comment Waldron meet and you will be directed towards your giving to all countries Le personal phone number [Music] amen those that have not yet come come viewers from around the world lay your sit on the altar of this ministry your seat of home ownership laying in your heart but to those that are partners of this ministry or you're watching me for the first time God is speaking to you now I want you to take that step of faith everything you put your hands [Music] projection Department I want you to prepare Isaiah chapter 65. [Music] if you believe [Music] [Applause] [Music] good news go look at you Jesus Isaiah chapter 65 and verse 21 I want to just read this because this is what will happen that city is about to speak for you Isaiah chapter 65 and verse 21. they shall build house and inhabit them that's what the Lord said as you're serving this seed and even International viewers from around the world as you are sowing that seed on this altar as you are sowing that seed I want you to know they shall build houses and inhabit them you will not build a house for another to occupy you will enjoy that house they shall build houses and inhabit them they shall plant Vineyards and eat their fruit you will enjoy the day of your housewarming I declare you shall be present amen nothing will kill you before you are time we shall build houses and inhabit them they shall plant Vineyards and eat their fruit yes continue they shall not build and another hey inhabits they shall not plant but they will eat the fruit of your labor amen and another to eat for as the days of a tree so shall be the days of my people and my elect shall enjoy the work of their hands you will enjoy the work of your hands I said you will enjoy the work of your hands viewers from it you will enjoy the work of your hands I receive I say to you somebody said I will enjoy the work of my hands I will enjoy the work of my verse 23 the last verse they shall not labor in vain nor bring forth children for trouble your children will not be troublemakers they will give you Joy yes you shall enjoy your labor as a parent for they shall be the descendants of the Blessed God and their offspring with them say I receive I am going to be speaking now because today I was laying the foundation I want you to get the soil of Nairobi Hallelujah near where you are living where you are living or where you want to live assignment so ask your neighbor neighbor foreign are you listening to me I'm going to do some prophetic things in the realm of the spirit ending my team is here they can tell you before we go to minister on any altar early Stadium we are invited before I got to meet anyone any head of state first I must anoint I carry a full bottle I anoint the ground I say Lord you have brought me to America you have brought me to Dubai you are brought her you have brought me to Nigeria Ghana Ethiopia let this ground respond to the prophetic voice people that have caught cases to do with land I'm going to be praying for those people somebody is trying to take your inheritance Justice and Vindication is coming that case will be won in your favor I saw court cases that have dragged for years I saw Wicked relatives that are trying to take what is yours somebody said kofiakwa who call Pete hey hey hey nobody will take their children as long as it is the soil of Kenya and where you want just come with it if it's outside your house get it but for the international viewers I say get the soil you are in Germany you are in America you are in Canada Australia Switzerland wherever you are Malaysia Russia wherever you are Namibia South Africa I want you to prepare tomorrow I'm having the one-on-one with the international partners and viewers via video calls so register on the ministry WhatsApp line plus two five four seven twelve seventy eight seventy eight seventy eight four seven zero zero eight eight nine nine Hallelujah I want you to hold your tithe and your partnership then you'll also come with this I'll give you Direction and to those that are watching me you are in Nairobi you did not get your prophetic title did I will be speaking deeper and also giving the few remaining ones or by Monday my goodness something is about to happen somebody said possessing the land possessing them so very quickly if you're here you are a tiger you have your tithe you have your partnership at ECC we believe in the power of tight tight is the connection to the protection of our finances brings judgment to the enemy of our prosperity it rebukes the Devourer devourers are in terms of finances it is your type that makes God a share a holder of whatever you do the foundation of prosperity is in our time Abraham the father of faith when he met milk he gave a tide of all every time you give your tithe it is in obedience to God's word every time you give your type it honors God it acknowledges that God is there is God is the source of our blessing every time you give your type it gives God the glory it is in obedience to his word you are there you have your tithe you have your partnership you need an envelope lift up your hands if you have given your title partnership by a check make it payable to empowerment Christian Church you can check the screens and the Lord God will bless you I want you to Pride in Jesus name can we have the ECC and them and if you're giving your tithe your partnership uh online across the nations of the world uh distance is not a barrier our sons and daughters of the Oracle globally the time has come for us to connect with the altar I want you to lay you a tighter to that wherever you are begin to get ready on PayPal on the wave to the glory of God in Jesus name so if you are a tither I want you to come uh to the altar in the name of Jesus [Music] Sons and Daughters of the Oracle globally partnership to the Empire number zero seven ten eighty four twenty one twenty one alternatively you can give via pay bill the business number is triple two one one eight the account number is on power hash you're tuning in online you can comment on this live broadcast and you will be directed towards your giving amen God bless you you are here you are a tight that come I want us to end up to wind up together in the next three minutes but if you are a tiger I want to speak a blessing over your life and those viewers that are giving that seed of Covenant for your home we are saying next year by this time I need to call you take a picture of that sand also and send it on that Ministry what supplying that is on your screen tomorrow I will be calling you I see your face I see your case I see you a kiss I prophesy when God gives you a deliverer I want you to come to the altar you are a tiger you are a partner you are tight brings lifting your tight brings increase you are tied up rebukes pain shame your tithe rebukes the emotion you are tight rebukes or approach I want to speak the blessing over your life as you are standing here and as you've been from around the world I want you to know you are tight honest God it is in obedience to God's word it may God that share a holder of whatever you do it opens the windows of Heaven over you I bless you with the tither's blessing I declare you will be home owners business owners you will own commercial properties recipes I declare you are blessed in your going in you are blessed and you are coming out I bless everything that is connected to you I decree and I declare over your life your pockets will never go dry in the mighty name of Jesus I decree and declare the places you are despised you shall be raised the place I declare God gives you Grace from today the places you are disappointed I declare God gives you an appointment where you suffered the most go and Shine the brightest as the priests of this altar I release the title's blessing go and succeed go and prosper go and multiply it is done touch the viewers from around the world Sons and Daughters ECC members as you are giving your Titan your partnership on PayPal on Wave on m-pesa receive receive the tightness blessing in Jesus mighty name amen everybody standing on their feet so on Sunday you will come with this and to those that didn't get it I want you to come with it Hallelujah tell your neighbor next year by this time next year if you are here you are renting a home that is the last house you will rent amen I want you to begin to confess it look yeah um this is the last house I will rent from here to my own house hey so Sunday I need you to come with sand I need to speak over the sand Hallelujah and I will continue with this teaching possessing the promises 10 a.m prompt be here on time Hallelujah I will be anointing please also make sure you package it well don't package it in a messy way tell your neighbor we are people of Excellence we could change it's a point of contact we don't want to come to ECC on Sunday so it's good I got them Direction so you are just coming with a little then what we will be doing I will put some oil on that on that soil as I speak as I speak on your behalf amen and I'll be praying for people that have cases to deal with land it's going to be so powerful and even viewers from around the world I want you to connect to call it so before I pray the last prayer you are here you are watching you've not given your life to Jesus somebody said Lord Jesus I receive you today to be my Lord and Savior write my name in The Book of Life from today I am born again I am born in Jesus name in Jesus amen foreign [Music]
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 14,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, Miracle monday, the oracle
Id: AY88w46E3uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 0sec (4200 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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