I AM THAT WOMAN CONFERENCE LONDON🇬🇧 with Oracle & Prophetess Rebecca Wright

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[Music] Natacha into my destiny in his a solid monitor or a race by God to impact generations bringing hope and tranquility to mankind loosen etosha a voice of destiny a prophetic voice to this generation with frequency of course power and anointing praise the Lord you all know that dr. lucy natasha is a very renowned speaker pastor international pastor Amen hallelujah the Oracle of God is a passionate and well seasoned pasta and preacher hallelujah an international conference speaker a revivalist spreading the move of God across nations somebody say hallelujah best-selling author in Christian matters and leadership and missionary hallelujah to the nations a world stability and an ambassador media savvy gospel Minister somebody say praise the Lord she's a philanthropist and she's the founder of the Natasha hands of compassion host of the miracle somebody said the miracle Monday how many of you know the miracle Monday praise the Lord hallelujah service and president of all the uncompassionate illusi Natasha ladies and gentlemen I want you to rise on your feet let us give a warm welcome to dr. Lucy Natasha all the way from Kenya Nairobi hallelujah come on you can do better than that yes you can do better than that she need she's that woman come on you can do better than that somebody give them a big freezer because of the anointing because of the oil upon the woman of God in a amen Thank You woman over thank you so much for coming to the United Kingdom thank you for accepting our invitation we love you in the name of the Lord hallelujah lift your hands above your hand in the name of Jesus I want you for 30 seconds open up your mouth and tell the Lord to speak to your heart tell him to speak to your spirit in the next few minutes Rama Kadosh Karabakh I'd ask somebody open your mouth in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus and avocados is limited by the power Mikado's feather we had tonight to declare you are wonderful you wanna climb submitting to declare you are the king of glory you are the mighty God you are the king of kings we declare you are not a liver we declare you as a provider you are the creator you surrender everybody lift up your hands as a sign of surrender father we declare you are the merciful God we declare you are the defender you are the Redeemer you are the comforter you are the instructor you are the hope of glory you are the Lion of Judah Thunder tonight we cut the to declare you are the man of war you are the restorer you are the father to the fatherless you are a husband to the widows we declare you are the way you are the truth you are the life further we give you praise and glory you want a compassionate God you are the commander-in-chief of the heavenly hosts we worship You chief over we pass the iron that woman to declare you are our refuge you are our fortress you are our partner you are our honor you are the strong power you were the unchanging changer you are the feel of our lives you are the glory and the lifter of our head father we worship you we bless you all he goes further tonight as we hear your word I decrease that UMaine increase lord I disappear that you may appear give me the option to function I want you to lift up your hands as a sign of surrender for 10 seconds I want you to open your mouth and tell the Lord brother speak from me spectrometers kryptonite mikanos Nicholas Kulish Jesus we give you brace come on somebody tell them not to speak to your heart tell them not to speak to your spirit Shaz oh my god - thank you ollie ghosts Thank You Holy Ghost Thank You Holy Ghost Thunder speak to us let's your work come forth in power let you come up with clarity let me be your mummies let me be your Oracle in the name of Jesus Thank You Holly ghosts let's pray a prayer of agreement father in the name of Jesus the king of kings and the Lord of lords we pray in the name of Jesus tonight - something new - something beautiful - something magnificent do something incredible do something indescribable that the world may know you did it and take the glory for the half your way in this place let your work bring impact let your word affect our lives let your word leave somebody took the next level let your word cause a change in the name of Jesus such you read distress with your glory mahadesh Arabic at Oscar Leeser yoga - - we ask you to do something sprint something supernatural in the name of Jesus glorify your name of God Lissa architecture avocados lay huntable soya Kadesh Jesus mighty name shout amen I want you to greet to people and tell them you are blessed because you came as you take your seats in the presence of God anytime you are in the presence of God you are not wasting time you are investing time and I want to honor God for each one of you for creating time to be a part of this great vision you know a blessing can be received but a blessing can also be missed but I am God like the sons of Issachar you have been able to design the times and the seasons we are living in you would have been anywhere tonight but you chose to be in the presence of God give somebody a high five and tell them I am that a woman I am that a woman I am that a woman I am that a woman yeah so I celebrate all the wonderful women that are seated here tonight and duck you know I've seen in the UK you pray and you slay you are looking wonderful tell your neighbor we pray and slay come on keep two people I five and tell them I pray and I slay my god you look amazing you look like a billion dollars and we give God the glory for your life in the name of Jesus somebody say Amen secondly I want to honor God for the visionary of this Great Commission and this great organization and this great vision that God has bestowed upon his vessel every vision has a visionary and we want to honor God and give honor to this woman of God the Bible says it is good to give honor to whom honor is due I've come to discover it is the anointing your honor and respect that changes your life and anointing your despise can never spice up your life and it's good to honor the anointing look at your neighbor tell them honor they anointing and I honor this great woman of God she's a young woman but a woman that God has anointed and appointed in our generation she is an ester of our times hallelujah a woman of substance a woman of excellence a woman that is a pacesetter and a trailblazer can you appreciate God with me for prophetess Rebecca Wright the visionary and the president of I am Burt woman woman of God will love you thank you for hearing God's voice and responding to God's call that is why we are here tonight you are a woman of God you are an ester of our times you are born for a time such as this and we celebrate you we honor God for you and we pray that God will continue to strengthen you God will continue to empower you as you serve God's purpose for this generation ladies and gentlemen one more time can we appreciate the visionary and the president of I am battle woman one more time appreciat hub in the name of Jesus if you don't celebrate others you will never be celebrated life is in seasons hallelujah and you know the women that God is raising in our generation and what we meant that compete with each other but we meant that complement each other tell your neighbor I'm not in competition with you tell your neighbor I compliment you I am not competing with you so one more time can we honor this great woman of her Hey so we love you you are beautiful inside out hallelujah may God take you higher in father as you reach our generation and make the vision of I am that woman got into all the continents of the world will love you to the glory of God somebody say Amen you may be seated in the presence of God if you are here and you are a woman I want you to first and foremost know you are that woman can you just make that declaration I am that woman you know what you confess is what you possess so I want you to speak with power and revelation say I am that woman come on let the devils hear it and let the heavens witness I am that a woman if you are here and you're a woman I want you to know you are a warrior somebody said I am a warrior somebody said I am an organizer I am a manager I am an administrator I am a negotiator one more time lift up your hand and say I am a warrior I am an organizer I am a manager I am an administrator I am a negotiator I always tell people never under estimate the power that God has invested in a woman the Bible says it is the seat of the woman that will crush the head of the serpent and I believe those women are here today yeah and it doesn't matter how people see you I know some of you that are seated here people may see you and see a woman with a past but when God sees you he sees a woman with purpose people may look at you and see a woman with God a woman with us people may look at you and see a woman that has failed hallelujah but when God looks at you he sees a woman with potential and in this few minutes I just want to bring it to your attention you are that woman somebody said I am that woman and from the women that are sitting here and even those that are watching us live from around the world I want you to know we are in that time when God is raising women and in our generation I believe God is going to raise the poorest women that will serve God with power women that will split the world without fear I believe those tempura's are rising in the United Kingdom women of power and strength hakuna was a judge and a prophetess in Israel in our generation and in the UK I see God rising as us man that will intercede for God's people before the throne of grace I see God raising women like the shunammite woman women that will trust God in adversity I see God raising women like the woman with the issue of blood women that will touch Jesus I see God raising women like Joanna women Dara will be yet humble tell your neighbor will be a couple tell your neighbor I am a joiner of my generation wealthy Otunga I see it my generation God is raising the proverbs 31 woman women that are luxurious women are I see in my generation God is raising women like Mary the mother of Jesus women that will say let it be unto me according to your word yeah I believe in my generation God is raising women women like joanna susan and mary matalin women that will use their wealth to support the ministry of jesus i see in my generation God is raising up against women of whist Alma you are the apical that God is raising in the name of Jesus I see God raising women like Dorcas or apena women that will do good and help the poor you are the forecast that God is raising in our generation yeah look at three people and tell them I am that woman be seated in the presence of God tell them I am that a woman Alleluia so as you are seated in this place I want you to know you are the woman that God is talking to and you are the woman that God is raising you are the woman that God is speaking to whether you are called in ministry whether you are in the business world in the corporate world when the God has called you in which hemisphere of builders I want you to know you at that woman as you are living this place tonight you will live empowered you will live transformed you will live with a new anointing and a new crest to become all that God has a painter to be after this fourth edition of I am that woman's conference I see in the realm of the Spirit people will look for you where they left you but they will not find you can i prophesy people will look for you after this conference they will look for you where they loved you but they will not find you there God is moving you from where you are to where you belong in the name of Jesus somebody said I am moving a way I am the way I belong in the name of Jesus surely my god sit down for one minute hallelujah I came with some four books that I will quickly announce in under three minutes and you can get them after this service I have four books by the grace of God the first one is every problem has an expiry date somebody say every problem has an expiry date give your neighbor a high five and tell them your condition is not your conclusion yeah talk to your neighbors and neighbor the neighbor my condition is not my conclusion tell your neighbor every problem has an expiry date I know you are sitting here and you're saying but Orrico ah my problem has been lasting I want you to know it may be lasting but it's not everlasting it has an expiry date Shabbat a dosa maybe you are seated here and people have put a full-stop I need you to know where people have put a full-stop that is where God pickings and you and give to people high-fiving tell them every problem has an expiry date tell your neighbor it has an expiry date sure pocket Oscar avocados sit down for one more minute my god that is the first book the second book is entitled touching heaven through prayer secrets of a prayer warrior III looked at the disciples of Jesus they saw Jesus walk on water they saw Jesus multiply food they saw Jesus raise the dead they saw Jesus clean to proceed with the touch they saw Jesus open deaf ears and blind eyes and after all these things the disciples of Jesus say teach us how to pray I began to wonder why and I realized it is because they discovered the lifestyle of Jesus was a lifestyle or prayer you can reach and perish but you cannot pray and perish because rayon is fellowship with God Raya is communion with God Raya is the meeting point between divinity and humanity look at somebody tell them you can preach and perish but you cannot pray and perish Oh Rebecca dosa may God stopped you in the spirit of prayer may God ignite your prayer life with fire I want you to get this book and know the importance of prayer Jesus and prayer the hindrances to prayer somebody say Amen I have a third book that is called the God's leading lady you are a diamond and nothing can break you in this book I have written about the different women from Scripture and what we can learn from them Queen Sheba unquenchable thirst for wisdom written on Queen Esther and her story from glass to grace and the six things that you you as a woman can learn from the life of Queen Esther I've written on the woman with the issue of blood and the seven obstacles she overcame to get to her destiny I want you to get this book I've written on Mary the mother of Jesus and how favor was a game changer in her life and how as a woman you need to walk and how you need to fly on the wings of divine favor it is free but that gives you a tract ability and acceptability when you have favor you have flavor look at your neighbor tell them when you have favor you have liver come on lift up your handset I refuse to be refused and I denied to be denied so this is a book that is tailor-made for the woman lastly I have a book before you say I do falling in love without falling into trouble yeah if you're here and you're single before you sign the dotted lines and you say I do I want you to get this book if you have a son or a daughter get this book for them you know when you marry the right man you marry a prayer partner when you married the right woman you marry a prayer partner but when you marry the wrong man or the wrong woman you marry a prayer points tell your neighbor don't Maria Brea points Maria prayer partner you don't need somebody that will be making you everything you are like Oskar Kokoschka change don't worry your prayer points a partner hallelujah sharper Casa Maria prayer partner like the way prophetess and our mom dr. Jennifer ban hallelujah Maria prayer partner so that your marriage will be an enjoyment and not an insurance so that your marriage is our fulfillment and not a frustration then temple is a crazy liar Alleluia so in this book I've written about how to identify true love how to fall in love without falling into trouble six types of men you should not marry yeah and for the men also six types of women you should not worry let me give you two examples of each hallelujah let me start with the men their soul Aman Aman tell your neighbor the Solomon man this man a the soul of on man he's polygamous in nature this is a womanizer there's a heartbreaker understand boundaries every woman is a sweetheart he will flirt with you he will flirt with your sister you are cousin your grandmother your neighbor he's a womanizer he's a heartbreaker he's polygamous in nature oh my God look at somebody tell them run away from the sauna Mon man are you listening to me I want you to read this in depth hallelujah I don't have time but let me give you one more example there the unbeliever man the Apostle Paul has admonished us not to be equally yoked with unbelievers hallelujah who cannot work together unless they are agreed I must retreat so if you are here and you are a Christian born-again woman if the man is not born again scratch him off the list he's not right for you even if you're seated here you are saying hey but this man looks like Denzel Washington if he's not born again he is not right for you even if you are saying but Annika this man is mr. t th Paul back and handsome if he's not born again he is not right for you look at your neighbor tell them he is not born again even if he's mr. t th Paul tuck in handsome and I know some of you are saying but this money's my BMW my black man with my black man with wisdom if he is not born again is not right for you who cannot walk together unless they are agreed I have never met a Christian woman that married an unbeliever that did not regret hallelujah so if you're already born again I heard our wonderful panelists discussing it about when you were both unbelievers and later there as a woman you get married that is a different case but if you're a single woman trusting God for marital settlement God will give you a believer so that you have common goals common vision can we appreciate our panelists they did an amazing job they are women of wisdom they are women of grace they're women of power they are so authentic and powerful and that they exhibit leadership can we just appreciate God for their life hallelujah so don't marry an unbeliever then we have their mama's boy I have not tell your neighbor the mama's boy I have no problem with any man that has a good relationship with his mother because any woman any man that treats his woman like a princess his evidence he was raised by a queen but the problem with the mama's boy hey you will always come second he doesn't know how to detach you know the Bible says you shall live and please the problem with the mama's boy and I don't have time to talk much about that but please run away from mama's boy look at your neighbor tell them run away from mama's boy because you will always be number 2 where that devil is a crazy liar and not because we also have men in the house if you'll not be fair for me to only give examples I say there are six but I mentioned three let me also give maybe one example on the women you should not Marie number one they suffer a woman Saphira was the wife of Ananias the Saphira kind of a woman is your partner in crime tell your neighbor your partner in crime there's Sameera kind of a woman knows how to encourage finality she knows how to encourage ungodliness she knows how to come up evil she will help you destroy yourself if you're here you are a man or you're watching us live from around the world learn away from Sameera come on look at somebody tell them run away from Saphira you are Patna in crime then we have that Jezebel woman this woman is a manipulator this woman has violent temper she is a quarrelsome woman she is the soul of this pod now from Jezebel and the last example and I believe those ones are not here their gold digger look at your neighbor tell them I am a gold Korea I am NOT a gold digger come on give to women a high fives tell them I'm not a gold digger I am a cold Korea I come with my gold like Queen Sheba you know when Queen Gemma went to visit King Solomon she kept carving her gold she was a gold Korea she was not a gold digger you know the problem with the gold digger she has no interest in you except for what she can gain from you financially but I'm bringing my generation of prophetess Rebecca that God will raise a generation of women that when it's our time to get married the only thing we are bringing should not be a bad certificate I am praying that God will raise a generation of women that when it's our time to get married we can bring some degrees some log books some title-deeds yeah bring the godmama dr. Jennifer that God will raise a generation of women we make that phone just throw eyebrows but women that also drop business plans then you a neighbor neighbor nitro eyebrows and business plans can you give to women are high if I tell them I draw eyebrows and business plans I drop off Alleluia eyebrows and business plans I am praying that there shall be no gold iike here tell your neighbor I'm not a slick when I am a real queen slick winds are the cold because what real Queens are not gold diggers you know a slick wind checks what a mantras but the real Queen checks what price the money yeah as the Queen wants to know where the man lives but the real Queen wants to know what lives in the man a slick win wants to know the size of his television but the real Queen wants to know the size of his vision that Queen wants to know where you are coming from but the real Queen wants to know where you are going as liquid is interested in your biceps but the real Queen is interested in your concepts come on touch three women tell them I am a real queen oh sit down my god [Applause] first some well chapter one first - and he had two wives the name of one was not the name of the other pnina pnina had children but hannah had no children was six and her rival also provoked her severely to make her miserable because the Lord had okay with and her rival provoked her severely to make her miserable because the Lord had closed her wound verse seven so it was ear by ear when she went up to the house of the Lord that she provoked her therefore she wept and did not it was ten and she was in bitterness of soul and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish verse 12 and it happened as she continued praying before the Lord that Li watched her mouth hallelujah verse 13 now Hannah spoke in her heart only her lips moved but her voice was not hard they are for a lie or le depending on where you went to school thought she was drunk hallelujah verse 15 but Hannah answered and said no my lord I am a woman of sorrowful spirit I have drunk neither wine not intoxicating drink but have poured out my soul before the Lord verse 19 then they rose early in the morning and worship before the Lord and returned and came to their house at Rama and elkanah new new Honda his wife and the Lord remembered her verse 20 so it came to pass in the process of time that Hannah conceived and bore a son and called his name some will sing because I have asked him from the Lord now verse 26 take note because this is our anchor scripture verse 26 and she said o my lord as your soul lives my lord I am that woman who stood by you here praying to the Lord I am that woman you know God had made hunger to become a wonder our wonder is not a wonder until it makes people wonder by that time you are living this place people will not be able to recognize you I say people will not be able to recognize you where you suffer the most is where you will shine the brightest hey I see you reintroducing yourself in the name of Jesus I said you will reintroduce yourself in the name of Jesus because after this fourth edition of I am that conference God is about to hand your insults to results God will find your mockery to victory God will pan you alimentation to love our God will pan your prep dance to breakfast God will change your story somebody say I receive now follow me for a few minutes as I laid the foundation and just Minister for few minutes and we get into prayer watch this now when you go to First Samuel chapter 1 we are introduced to elq another had two wives the name of one was pnina who had children and the name of the other was hannah and the center of my attention for I am that woman is on Hannah the Bible says because of Hannah's condition because as pnina was giving birth Hannah could not and the Bible says therefore hannah provoked her when Nina provoked a pnina mocked at her pnina kept Hannah shaken on the inside even when they went into the temple nearly to worship at Shiloh the Bible says a pnina kept on walking and provoking her because Hannah was barren and the Bible says I love Hannah because as much as pnina continued provoking her and working hard and not did not respond by AHA words Hannah did not fight her but posed with what's up I want you to know I am that woman we don't fight our battles with our words up we fight our battles on our knees look at that lady next to you tell her stop biting your butt pose with what's up stop fighting your battles with what's up begin to fight your battles on your knees I want you to know victories are won on the knees victories are won on the knees because what pepper is rooted in prayer it cannot be uprooted by the hands of men our blessing that is rooted in prayer it cannot be uprooted by the hands of men and they are for Hanna understood that ha ha ha greatest victory was going to be found on her Lisa May of course she did not talk back to pnina she did not complain now you know most of us when we go through such predicaments we start to complain but I thank God she understood complaints are not obtained us up and obtained us are not complain us up when you explain to you cut when you explain when you complain up you explain your pain for no gain look at your neighbor tell them neighbor when you complain you explain your pain for no gain tell your neighbor complainers are not obtain us are you listening to me so instead of complaining about your situation begin to pray about your situation begin to prayer about your predicament and you can imagine Hanna the Bible says in verse 10 offer us some well chapter 10 that Hannah went into prayer and wept before the Lord she went into prayer she knew that prayer was the answer I am here to tell a woman I know you've been praying but pray again the eyes power in prayer because prayer goes to goddess worship but it costs to the devil as warfare ah pray pray pray pray coz the goddess worship an impostor the Devils warfare there is power in prayer it doesn't matter where you are you can prayer from wherever you are and I love Hana she did not just pray and forget the Bible says in verse 12 she continued praying and Hana continued praying thought she was still waiting on the Lord she continued praying I'm here to tell I am that woman is not time to give up it is time to continue praying her pray until something happens a raise until something happens persist until something happens push until something happens the Bible says from the days of John the Baptist until now the days of Lucy Natasha from the days of John the Baptist until now the days of prophetess Rebecca from the days of John the Baptist until now the days of dr. Jennifer the kingdom of God are for entire length of and the violence shall take it by force look at that lady next to you tell her pray again pray again pray again pray again pray again pray again and Hana continued praying I don't know where you are and what your situation is but you can pray anywhere Moses prayed in the wilderness Elijah prayed on the mountaintop Daniel prayed in the house Nehemiah prayed in the King's presence Jesus prayed in the garden that descibe was a great room Paul braided reasona picked up pray that the rooftop Alleluia I'm afraid that the tabernacle wherever you are pray pray pray pretty much three people tell the prayer again if there is a man to prayer there is a God to answer if there is a woman to pray there is a God to answer then God that we serve is a prayer answering God and that is why the Bible says the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much faster solonian swype 17 pray without ceasing a pray again pray again pray again and if you are here and you're a woman and you are not praying I want you to know you are playing with destiny look at that woman say if you are not praying you are playing with destiny are you listening to me if you're here you are a woman and you are not praying you are playing with destiny because prayer is the button bliss of the miraculous you can change your familiy by prayer you can change your marriage by prayer you can change your children by prayer you can change your destiny by prayer prayer is the meeting point between divinity and humanity RIA is fellowship with God pray on his communion with God and her now went into prayer and you know Hannah prayed specifically she also prayed expectantly she was very specific look at your neighbor tell them tonight dress specifically I know a specific number two she was expectant you need to pray with an expectation the Bible says the expectations of the righteous will not be cut off you know in the days of Jesus many people had Jesus but nothing happened but when the woman with an issue of blood ties Jesus how about you came out of Jesus what was the difference when Alice touched Jesus they did not expect anything to happen so nothing happened but when the woman with an issue of blood ties Jesus it was a touch of faith it was a touch of expectation it was a patch of determination so immediately she touched Jesus power but you came out of Jesus hallelujah then you'll never be expectant expectation is the mother of manifestation my god those are about ipace cups watch this now I'm taking you somewhere in few minutes so therefore in must well the Bible says and Hannah continued brain and not continued brain remember she had waited on the Lord for a long time I want you to know though that vision Tyrese it will surely come to pass there is somebody here you've been waiting on the Lord for a long time I came as a prophet to declare I know in your life in your life you have no scar ibaka destra the devil is in trouble you are that woman then whenever the devil is in trouble Shabba Cardozo watch this now and the Bible says that Ellie oli you know I'm in the UK which one works mama Ellie Ellie all right at least you understand somebody say fire now as Honda was in the temple and Li watched how she was praying he misunderstood her to be drunk you know there are things you will go through in life and people will misunderstand you but I need you to know that people may misunderstand you happen understands you some of you have been misunderstood by people you have been misunderstood misrepresented you have been crucified in the court of public opinion but I'm here to tell you you are what God says you are you can do what God says you can do you can become what God says you can become can you imagine any thought she was drunk and he made a conclusion on her some of you that are here to tell people in speaking about you from a point of miss information or misunderstanding but that good news is God has the final word in your life and your destiny is not in the mouths of gossip as you are destiny is in the hands of God and when God speaks every other speaker becomes a noisemaker [Applause] look at that woman tell them when God speaks every other speaker becomes a noisemaker come on talk to one lady tell her yeah when God speaks every other speaker becomes a noisemaker God has the final word for your life and as they keep talking behind your back God will bless you before their face can i prophesy can i prophesy look at your neighbor tell them as they keep talking behind your back God will bless you before their face yeah [Applause] when you see people misunderstanding you are talking about you don't be worried when you aren't at top you become the topic when you are the head you become the headlights come on talk to one person tell them when you are the top you become the topic when you are the head you become the headlights but God has the final word tonight in the name of Jesus every negative identity that people have given you I cancel it in the name of Jesus I canceled it in the name of Jesus every negative identity that life has given you that circumstances and situation has given you I canceled it in the name of Jesus you are what God says you are you will become what God says you will become you are blessed and not curse you are the head another tell you are above and not beneath you are a royal priesthood actual sin generation you are blood wash you are redeemed you are justified you are sick that with Christ in heavenly places far apart principalities and powers of the double is a lie yeah you can somebody tell them when God speaks Brina the speaker becomes a noise maker [Applause] sit down for one minute uppercut those [Applause] tell your neighbor thank God your destiny is not in the mouth of gossipers your destiny is in the hands of God [Applause] sure bucket o sky Rebecca dosa so don't let people define you when people define you they confined you people can't make you what you are not circumstances and situations can make you what you are not I want you to know your true identity in Christ as a woman you had that woman that God ordained ah yeah watch this now I'm getting ready to close and we praise shall avocado Scott and the Bible says in prophesy can i prophesy tell your neighbor tonight is your night tonight is your night it doesn't matter how long you've been delayed delay is not denial that your neighbor to be delayed is not to be denied delay ins is not denying still you never delay ins is not denying that devil is a liar watch this now so le or Li miss understood Hana and what had to be drunk but she began to explain herself to the man of God I am a woman with a sorrowful spirit and she started to talk to the man concerning her condition of Bahrainis to be barren means to be unproductive to be unfruitful to be dry to be desert like and you may be here tonight and you're going through Bahrainis in your business in your career in your marriage in your calling in your destiny I stand on this elevated altar to declare every form of barrenness catch fire thanks fire in the name of Jesus every former Baroness in your life I command it to scatter by fire I declare from this conference you will be fruitful come on prophesy to two people tell them I will be fruitful I see you're fruitful in your marriage in your career in your finances in your destiny in your calling somebody said I will be fruitful I see somebody that has been struggling to make ends meet the Lord tells me that your khabar - in your company in your business in your finances is broken you are not born again to suffer again redemption is not reduction tell your neighbor I'm not born again to suffer again Thank You neighbor redemption is not read back soon hey Chicago star Ibaka days Carrabba Andy watch this now Jesus and so as she begun to speak to the man of God the man of God said may God grant you a petition you know there is power in the world and this man of God gave her a prophetic word may God grant your petition second Chronicles 2020 says believe in the Lord your God and you shall be established believe in his prophets and you shall prosper your prosperity is in the mouth of the Prophet by a prophet Israel was delivered by a prophet Israel was preserved ah when God sends a prophet God sends a prophet to Prophet you look at your neighbor tell them God sends a prophet or prophet you [Music] when God sends a prophet God sends a proper to accelerate your destiny and the man of God said may God grant your petition I pray for you tonight I stand here under the anointing of the host and the founder of this commission I am that woman prophetess Rebecca I connect with the anointing of our mother dr. Jennifer I declare under this corporate anointing may God grant your petition I connect with every grace I declare may God where God wants your petition whatever you can be Living God for whatever you can pray for I hear the Lord say I have seen your tears I hear the Lord say I have heard your cry I hear the Lord say I will liberate you I hear the Lord say it is burning the name of Jesus somebody shout I receive sit down for one minute I'm about to close as I close when you go to verse 19 then I close with the anchor scripture the Bible says and Hannah returned and went back and her husband knew her shall Abba kadis-kot and the Bible says and God remembered her and God remembered her one of the things I love about Hannah she refused to settle for less though Elkanah she had a husband that loved her actually Hannah's life was a contradiction it was like she was in the best of times and in the worst of times at the same time because in one hand she has a husband that loves her on the other hand she has a co wife that provoked her and kept her shaken on the inside so she would have chosen all right let me just be comforted by Elkanah but she refused to settle for less she decided to push and to pray until thing happens I am here to tell every woman don't settle for less look at that woman next to you tell her don't settle for less don't settle for a life of mediocrity when God has the best for you look at your neighbor and be careful of ELQ Anna's because L ganas are sympathizers tell your neighbor don't surround yourself with sympathizers because they will keep you comfortable in your problem sympathizers will never push you to destiny and some of you ladies here you have friends that are L Kaunas people that are telling you even if you're broke is alright even if you are struggling is alright even if you are still not married is alright even if you are you have know your body exactly it's alright tell your neighbor that double is a crazy liar I'm here to challenge you Alleluia don't settle for less don't settle for Less you need people that constructs you in life if you've done your degree somebody that can tell you go for your masters go for your PhD are you listening to me and you need to be careful that is why the Bible is clear the Bible did not tell you to make everybody your friend it only told you to love your neighbor that means love is a must but relationship is by choice look at your neighbor tell them love is a must but relationship is by choice that means I can love you but I don't have to make you my friend tell your neighbor I love you but I don't have to make you my friend if you're not going why I am going are you listening to me shoes in this remaining part of the year I want you to choose the people in your life because Association brings assimilation which brings invitation I repeat again Association brings assimilation which brings impact patient you cannot be different from those whom you closely associate with the people in your life they either increase you decrease you or neutralize you the people in your life they are either a blessing or a pardon ask your neighbor are you a blessing or a button before in your life they are either a help or a hindrance ask your neighbor are you our help or a hindrance the people in your life they ain't exalt you or exhaustion yeah your association determines your destination you are association determines your acceleration and here to tell you you can love everybody but don't make everybody your friend don't work with people that are not going your direction and avoid Elkanah sympathizers then you never don't keep me comfortable in my problem [Music] in our country we say why yay say oh yeah that means like oh yes say H it's like whoo yeah you know where you're trying to make somebody just feel comfortable you don't need people that can keep you comfortable in your situation may God give you people that will stretch you people that will add value to your life people that will add significance to your life people that will improve and benefit your life may God give you the right connections in the name of Jesus people that will help you achieve your goals people that will help you achieve your dreams people that will help you achieve the best that God has ordained for you sure is a so Hannah did not settle for less I'm closing taunt set off for less come on touch three women just tell them don't settle for less [Applause] when then it is in the corporate world in the business world don't settle for Less be all that God has ordained you to be you are limitless tell your neighbor I am a limitless don't be confined by people's opinion are you are limitless you add that woman come on lift your hand and say I am that woman I want to prophesy watch this now when you get to the book of 1st Samuel chapter 1 verse 19 and God remembered when God remembered Hanna two important things happen number one in the entire Bible we don't read or pnina again I pray for somebody can i prophesy may God give you a miracle that will silence the mouth of your enemy yeah may God give you a blessing but will silence the mouth of your enemies may God give you an open-top that will silence the mouth of your enemy somebody said that will silence the amount of my enemies I say God silencing the mouth of our enemies I said I say God silencing the mouth of your enemies banana love Jesus everybody's standing on your feet oh Jesus I have a I have some very important prayer points I need to prefer you watch this we don't hear of Vanina again after this fourth edition of I am that Women's Conference I see a miracle locating you you know pnina symbolizes an oppressor as oppressor when Nina symbolizes an adversary God will give you a miracle those that I've been talking asking where is your God saying you've been praying you've been fasting you've been giving your seed you've been suffering but where is your God may God give you a miracle that will silence the mouth of your enemies [Music] when God remembered Hana you know pnina have children but we don't know the name of our children we don't even know anything about them and you know what they did but when God remembered Hana that must tell that God gave Hana God gave Hana a major profit some will anointed the first two kings of Israel he was a judge in his wife I prefer somebody here the miracle that God will give you it will of attention adversely receive their because anointing but because anointing listen guys uh 19 people tell them you will overtake Oh chassé mahadesh I am seeing that anointing of acceleration coming up on somebody I see unstoppable momentum oh Jesus I see unusual speed coming over somebody tonight I see rare speed God is about to - what no I hearse what no eye has seen what no ear has heard what has not entered the hearts of men God is about to quicken some things around you shall avocados I am releasing spit into your ministry into your business into your career Razia kadosh kadosh car avocados what could have taken you years to accomplish you will accomplish it in months yeah Rebecca dosa what took your parents a lifetime to achieve you will not ship it in months in the mighty name of Jesus la jolla Kadesh car avocados stretch your hands to the altar I declare there shall be Victoria to this conference abundance will follow you I declare there shall be on upliftment I see the glory of God coming upon you in the name of Jesus I see healing I see financial breakthroughs I see divine direction in the name of Jesus tonight you are rising to a new level in the name of Jesus you shall not be defeated I hear the Lord say you shall not be disgraced you shall not be disappointed God is bringing you out of stagnation God is delivering you from that situation that held you captive in the mighty name of Jesus you are the prey as you have been praying shall be answered God will connect you to your destiny help us where are you filled I declare go pack and succeed somebody that is here does say get the Lord God of Israel you will have proof truth in areas your friend before God will destroy the destroyer in your life I hear the Lord said to somebody your projects will be completed I said your projects will be completed receives beat in your finances receives beat in your documents whatever is causing you tears and pain I speak as an Oracle I declare it is over I say it is over you will not be stranded in the name of Jesus you will only shed tears of joy I declare sickness will be far from you in the name of Jesus anything people declared is impossible in your life I declare he shall be possible I declare it shall be possible I declare he shall be possible I declare he shall be possible I declare I shall be possible God is sending your morning tour dancing in the name of Jesus as you are lifting your hands I want you to prep two ways specifically and expectantly mention that need that you want got to meet and also prophetess prepare the oil for me I want to unknown some people open your mouth and begin to pray Karabakh Atossa leave Bacchus korabik adesh li kirovsky [Music] [Music] I'll bet your mom Poconos oh honey Lycoris Kamala - Lee Picasa when I make every prophetic degree stretch your hands and listen to this instruction when I make the prophetic decree when I say in the name of Jesus I want you to say Amen when I make a decree when I declare you will be fruitful in the name of Jesus I want you to know you are Amen is not an encouragement to the preacher your Amen is an acceptance to a divine buttocks so I want you to say Amen you are a man men swore shall it be stretch your hands to the altar I declare from the I am Women's Conference you will be fruitful in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Jesus I declare god is making away where there is no way in Jesus tonight I declare you will break forth into new realms of glory receive in the name of Jesus you will experience supernatural practice receive in the name of Jesus there you sent your word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction father you are the great physician you are the healer you are the deliverer you are the waymaker and the miracle worker I declare on the account of Yeshua HaMashiach receive the healing power of God from the crown of your head to the sole of your feet I declare be healed right now be healed of sugar diabetes be healed of arthritis be healed of high blood pressure receive new and fresh Hoggins I rebuke hypertension receive healing of your heart healing of your blood healing of your body healing of your bones let the healing virtues of Christ respond to every sickness every growth every infirmity every affliction in the name of Jesus I declare be healed right now be healed right now being healed right now avocado scar ibaka Tosca by the redemption in Christ I stand against a very old heart that is speaking a sickness in your body I declare be healed be healed right now be healed right now be healed right now low blood sugar be healed difficulties in printing be healed hormonal imbalance be healed neck pain be healed fibroids be healed raka dos I declare be here right now in the name of Jesus somebody lift up your hands and begin to tell God thank you Oh shall avocados just lift up your hands and begin to tell him thank you shall avocados just just be seated where you are just be seated where you are I mean honest prophetic moment with the Oracle of God [Music] just lift your hands and begin to tell God thank you Oh Sal avocados Karabakh Kenosha the Lord is changing your story I hear the Lord tell me to tell you affliction will not rise a second time affliction will not rise a second time a prophetic word for one is a word for long somebody lift up your hand and declare affliction will not rise a second time the Lord tells me affliction will not rise a second time their problems you encountered last year will not follow you into this year the Lord is fighting your pathos in the name of Jesus I want you to lift your hands begin to speak him the Holy Ghost Karabakh Alaska laser yoga those tears of sorrow will not drop from your eyes the Lord says weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning the Lord is wiping away your tears the Lord is standing you alimentation to loved her the Lord says is connecting you to your destiny help us somebody lift up your hand and say Lord release my destiny help us I declare over you unlike cause that God has ordained to add value to your life to improve your life to become a blessing into your life the people that have what you need let them begin to manifest in the name of Jesus I declare when you call one helper ten will answer I hear the Lord say as they clean cannot rest in aspects of the six until motek I was or not we remember your helpers ha they shall not rest they shall not sleep until they help you in the name of Jesus it shall be well with you the Lord is preparing a temple for you in the presence of your enemies the Lord says the purple is not yours it belongs to the Lord and as the Lord silence pnina the Lord is silencing your adversary somebody open your mouth and begin to pray monoski you are long-awaited breathless happy great lists you are long-awaited breakthroughs a big release that your delay that shame of delay is breaking in the name of Jesus Thank You Holly goes Shabak I knows somebody lift up your voice lift up your voice begin to pray he shall be well with you I saw an open door before you right now I declare somebody said I declare anointing that provokes open goes come upon my life buddy said I declare any adversary open doors fire you a story will change God will make you a point of Attraction God will make you a reference point of the blessing of God he shall be well with you I said he shall be well with you I said he shall be well with you fire of the Holy Ghost I seen you Kris somebody's a higher grace somebody say higher grass higher class they are no thing that will cut the poop chute to your next level is coming up on your life in the name of Jesus avocado ski pocket Arabic adesh nice oil Ganesha I hear the Lord said no more disappointments I bless your life lee soohyuk adesh Karabakh Ragosa I see restoration everything the devas taken from you the Lord is restoring it in the name of Jesus rasca mahadesh avocados somebody lift up your hand and say I declare my story is changing my life is changing in the name of Jesus everybody's standing up on your feet in the name of Jesus stand up on your feet Oh lift up your hands above your head I'll declare all that God has ordained you to be shall ibaka dashka you shall live to be who God has ordained you to be I declare you cannot be delayed I declare you cannot be stopped your dreams will be fulfilled I said your destiny cannot be delayed you are destined it cannot be diverted you are destined it cannot be destroyed somebody said I declare my destiny shall not be delayed my destiny shall not be denied my destiny shall not be like button my destiny shall not be destroyed [Applause] Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I sing in the realm of the Spirit I see a river everybody lifting up your hands and I'm asking the Lord why am I seeing this river and the Lord says there are many women here their life has been watered by Tears and like Hana they have been crying and crying and crying but the Lord says he's wiping away your tears the law says is wiping away your tears that which has been making you cry will not make you cry anymore the Lord is opening a new chapter in your life I declare from tonight tears of sorrow somebody said I declare tears of sorrow will not draw from my eyes in the name of Jesus say I declare I will not weep concerning my marriage I will not live upon sending my children on sending my career concerning my business concerning my immigration of status I will not weep in the name of Jesus every frustration is coming to an end I said every frustration in your life is coming to an end I call an end to every frustration and I see the Lord opening a new chapter I see the Lord opening a new chapter I see the Lord opening a new chapter I see the Lord opening a new chapter and I hear the Lord say no more delay the struggle is over I want you to say three times the struggle is over [Music] hallelujah [Music] I want you to lift up your hands if you are here the Lord is telling me to pray for somebody quickly I just want to go to the anointing session by just lift up your hands I need to do this my god I am seeing a woman in the room of the Spirit it is like you are coming from Netherlands the Lord is telling me to pray for you I am seeing a woman in the realm of the Spirit it is like you are coming from Netherlands it's like you're coming from Netherlands I want to pray for you can you stretch your hands hallelujah where are you coming from you're coming from the Netherlands stretch your hands towards heart shall avocados can I have the oil can I have one I shall standing behind her the Lord is opening a new chapter in your life this is the conference you will never forget in the Chronicles of your life can you stretch your hands towards our avocado Scott Lee su yoga - Colorado scar Ibaka - ca' laser you are the deliverer of your family you know in every family liaison esta in every family there is a David in every family there is a Joseph in every family days that person that God has ordained as the deliverer and the redeemer of the family look at your neighbor say neighbor everybody sit down for one minute tell your neighbor you will not repeat history in your family you are a history maker come on talk to your neighbor tell them I am a record-breaker the Lord tells me you are the deliverer you at the Redeemer you add the deliverer you are the person that God has ordained and I hear the Lord say or the generational ancestral casas through you they are terminated you are going to rewrite this history of your family you are going to silence the voice of history in your family Rob Akkad Oscar can i prophesy to somebody here what others could not achieve in your family I declare you will achieve in the name of Jesus hands towards not as I anoint your avocados laissez agadez kaput your hands like this just pour a little avocado ska Isaiah knowing Shiraz Omega dooshka laka dose Karabakh adesh Carrabba handy lasso Yaga deskah the anointing comes for empowerment and enablement I pray for every man and woman that is under the sound of my balls may God empower you for the next level what was not within your human ability I decree and declare Nagato Scotia yonder bass oyakata-sama kylos the Lord is remembering you do you know anybody called Molly do you know anybody called Molly your name is Molly can i prophesy I said can I I don't know you but that God in whom I serve knows you stretch your hands Rebecca dosa because of time I will anoint you but make sure you see me put your hands like this I decree and declare unprecedented paper over you allow the paper that will cut up push you to the next level Lazo mega-desk the paper that was upon Joseph that under him from a prisoner to a prime minister the Famer that kind an ordinary woman like Deborah to become a judge and a prophetess in Israel the papers are untainted a shepherd boy into a king the vapor that and Moses incremental davara I release it upon your life fire of the holiness receive that grace in the name of Jesus that grace that will transform you that dress that will take you to the next level Jesus lift up your hands I don't have time but I sing in the realm of the Spirit there's a woman that came here she came in faith but as I looked at this woman she's a Muslim woman but she came in faith to this meeting and the Lord is telling me God is going to meet you at the point of your need you are a Muslim woman as I look at you in the realm of the Spirit I see you wearing like Alice you are Alice I want to pray for you you are here you attended I am that Women's Conference but you are a Muslim you are honest come from wherever you are put your hands towards Karabakh ago Skellig Edessa pecados Karabakh adesh lazy yoga desk Arabic a toasted lager diced avocado scary Ganesha lasso yoga - Arabic a Tosca I see the Lord meeting you at the point of your need right now the Lord is meeting you at the point of your expectation the Lord is saying 'i shall be well with you the Lord is saying you shall be well with your family say yoga - car blacks Yogi's broken that bondage is brokenness in the name of Jesus Oh Shabba handy stretch your hands towards oh the Lord is opening a new chapter in your life this is the meeting you will not forget in the chronicles of your life the Lord is changing your story regattas Karabakh I - somebody lift up your hand and say Lord change my story sell or change my story God will make you a point of attraction God will make you a reference point of his divine blessing the Lord tells me to tell you it shall be well with you I said he shall be well with you I said he shall be well with you I said he shall be well with you double your hands Mikado's for Rebecca - Lee pecados Karabakh adesh the Lord has anointed you for the marketplace and the Lord tells me to tell you this year what God is about to do in your life Sabich a toast everybody lift up your heads God is raising women in the marketplace and I see good racing you in the marketplace I see you a star shining and in your family Nagato scar Ibaka those scary Kadesh lease a yoga desk the Lord has called you for the marketplace Lisa yoga - Carrabba can you stretch your hands towards fuh Lhasa I don't have time tonight Lisa yoga - just a little as I anoint you lift up your hands every woman that is here that God has anointed for the marketplace and for the corporate world I release grace for the next level every limitation is broken in the name of Jesus you ask I will swipe the Lord says you as how well shine I see you a star shining I seen you pose my god I seen your doors that God is opening for you and any adversary aganist your open pore let that mutt Masari be destroyed in the name of Jesus stretch your hands towards her ya got Oscar avocados you will rewrite your family history and I'm singing your family Deborah family God has raised a David tell your neighbor I am the David of my family I am the Joseph of my family I am the Esther of my family I am the waymaker I am the deliverer I am the Redeemer but in your family I see God has raised to deliver us I see God has raised PO will make us ragged Oska reso mahadesh qey I am singing also in the rim of asparagus Karabakh honestly Lee say God has set you apart and the Lord says this year is an ear for you to seek Him or to connect yourself with me more because what God is about to do cannot be compared with anything you have seen in your life the Lord says the best part of your life is not behind you the best part of your life is ahead of you so yeah Kadesh Karabakh acoustic liquor avocados the Lord is going to erase you the note is going to empower you spiritually and I'm singing another sister holding your hand the Lord is also going to strengthen our you I put the Liberals in your family and I'm hearing like Sundy Sundy Sundy do you know anybody it's like so Shaba Cotto's Karabakh adesh everybody stretch your heads to them all / can I promise I said can I profess five do you have a sister can you stretch your hands towards a can I prophesied [Music] i cilia is a business that God is going to open for you this year you are going to do it together the Lord is bringing you into a new level of influence and wealth stretch your hands towards her I declare open everybody that is here as I'm laying my hands on her every financial burden is lifted every financial hatred is broken I declare the spring of your wealth will never got right whatever you touch with your hands from to take it will increase and multiply I took Leah from this conference and prosper Jesus receive the power to prosper receive the power to prosper receive the power to exhale from today my you see ideas we are others are not see them may you see opportunities we see them receive in the name of Jesus everybody stand on your feet Oh shall avocados look at your neighbor tell them I am that woman touch three women tell them I am that woman tell them I am that woman the Lord is telling me to unknown the hand of everybody that is here so I'm going to give you an instruction stretch your hands I want to make some prophetic decree I will do it very fast Alleluia and I want you to follow the prophetic direction stretch your hands to the altar father I want to thank you for the fourth edition of I am that woman Lord whatever you are doing in the life of your people I thank you because it is permanent somebody say it is permanent somebody said it is permanent somebody said it is permanent further as I anoint your people I declare let there be victory prosperity favor provision protection in the name of Jesus as I anoint your people I declare the Solomons anointing for resource management wisdom wealth success and prosperity I release the isaacs anointing for investment strategies I release the cyrez anointing for financial acumen the Sun Wells anointing persons inhibiting and obedience to the voice of God then esters anointing for divine favor and Kingdom strategies that anointing for governance excellence and integrity I release their Joseph's anointing for business and economic leadership strategies I release the Joshua's anointing of before for warfare success strategies there Abraham's anointing of for generation of command and blessing I release the Moses anointing as the trailblazer and as a leader I release then they have Meyers anointing as a renovator and a restorer there Ezra's anointing as an authentic worshipper of the true and living God I release that David's anointing for worship and praise I release the polls appointing for cutting-edge apostolic revelation the elijah's anointing for prophetic accuracy and insights I release the Elijah's anointing of what upper portion of power and authority I release the yuccas anointing for the discernment of the correct times and seasonal I release the Jabez anointing for intellectual growth and territorial croffer I release the disciples anointing for learning of they'll see us anointing for technological advancement I release the Christ anointing for prophetic prayer spiritual warfare signs wonders miracles and a Purpose Driven Life up in Jesus mighty name shout amen [Music] you
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 141,208
Rating: 4.7358975 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, kenyan sermon
Id: HGt-3-ZyLps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 29sec (5369 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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