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is the thought man he's about to appear in your struggle he's about to appear in your fire in matthew he's the messiah in mark he's the seventh miracle worker in luke he's the son of man an oracle race by god to impact generations bringing hope and tranquility to mankind every lifetime opportunity that you lost i stand in my office as godzilla i declare you will recover a voice of destiny a perfected voice to this generation with a high frequency of god's power and anointing god bless you welcome to miracle monday online service this is miracle monday where we are prophetic we are apostolic we are international from wherever you're joining us from in north america south america australia canada asia the middle east in dubai in qatar in oman in beirut lebanon and all over the continent of africa and right here in kenya nairobi our city of divine assignment you are welcome distance is not a barrier in the realm of the spirit and i know you are going to be blessed get ready get ready stay ready share the broadcast invite somebody let somebody be blessed in the name of jesus i want to share a word with you but just before i go into the hearing of god's word i also want to thank god for the great work that the natasha hand of compassion team did the past weekend in machaco's county in muah hills of donating over 10 000 sanitary towels uh you know to the gulchald initiative you know i always tell people when you empower a woman you empower a generation the rise of a woman is the rise of a nation and we are thankful unto the lord and even as christmas approaches and jesus is the reason for the season as the natasha hands of compassion team we are going to be on the front line of blessing and touching humanity you know blessing them enough in the slums in formal settlements rural settlements so all the global partners of natasha hands of compassion let's join hands together teamwork makes the dream work in the name of jesus you know as the year is coming to an end i was reflecting a lot and the word that i'm about to preach i believe is a word that will be a blessing into your life you know as the ear comes to a close i want you to reflect on your association i've said it before and i'll say it again association brings a simulation which brings impartation that means you cannot be different from those whom you closely associate with the people in your life are either a help or a hindrance the people in your life either make you better or bitter the people in your life are either a blessing or a burden there are people in your life they are either they are they either exalt you or exhaust you so i want you to know that people in your life have a significant effect it is either they increase you decrease you or neutralize you and so as the year comes to an end i want you to know it is not all the associations of 2020 that needs to go into 2021 because your association determines your destination your association determines your acceleration listen to me i am praying as 2020 comes to an end that god will disconnect you with every wrong connection that every evil connection may god disconnect you if there is a prayer i've been praying as i reflect on the ear is lord any evil connection lord disconnect me in the name of jesus when wrong people live your life wrong things stop happening and when right people come into your life right things begin to happen so i pray that god will send you the right people and there are seven categories of people that i'm praying that god will bring into your life even as we close and as we begin another year to the glory of god but let me just begin by making some prophetic decrees over your life if you have not shared our miracle monday online service continue to share to the glory of god i pray in the name of jesus that god will give you destiny supporters that god will give you destiny help us in the name of jesus i pray that god will send you the right people that god will give you recommenders that god will send people that will be a blessing into your life in the name of jesus christ i also pray that all your destiny help us wherever they are may they be compelled by heaven to stand with you in the mighty name of jesus may god connect you to the right people i decree and declare before this year is over your testimony will speak in jesus name all those that have been mocking you shall see your testimony in the mighty name of jesus christ of nazareth i declare god will connect you to the right people god will connect you to people that will add value to your life people that will add significance to your life people that will add usefulness to your life in the name of jesus i bless your life in the name of the father in the name of the son in the name of the holy ghost amen so i need you to know the people in your life they are either investors or wasters that is why there are seven people as we close the ear and as we begin another year 2021 may god send these people your way seven friends i am praying that you you will find oh you will meet up in the year 2021 and even as we finish the year 2020 in the mighty name of jesus my uncle scripture is proverbs 27 17 that says iron sharpens iron so a man sharpened the countenance of his friends that means that you cannot be able an iron cannot sharpen itself it needs another iron almost three three says two can work cannot work together unless they are agreed so i want to uh quickly pray and also mention seven people that i'm praying that god will bring into your life number one the encouragers i pray that god will send you the encourages you know that even in discouraging times and situations you know and even in discouraging situations of life these people will keep you going with their encouraging words i pray may you meet them in the name of jesus may god send you encourages people that will build you up people that will speak into your life during moments of discouragement because discouragement is not a respecter of persons anybody can be discouraged and you know discouragement is the mother of depression may god send you the encouragers in the name of jesus people that will encourage you and stand with you in jesus name number two i pray that god will send you the hand lifters these are those whose hands are strong enough to hold up yours even when you are weak i pray that you will meet them hand lifters you know i was reading acts of the apostles chapter three when peter and john were going to the temple and they met this lame man that was there from his mother's womba and you know peter said to him silver and gold have we none but as such as we have we give you in the name of jesus rise up and walk but the guy did not rise up and walk but peter to support his faith he'll he took him by the right hand and lifted him up and immediately his ankle bones received strength and one prayer i was praying is may you meet your hand lifter people that are strong enough to hold your hand in the business world in ministry in the academic field and in every aspect of your life and number three i am praying that you will meet your destiny helper you know these are people that provide their shoulders uh upon which you right to fulfilling your dream and destiny people that god has assigned to help you fulfill your dream and your vision i pray that you will meet your destiny helpers in the name of jesus number five i pray that you will meet the giver may you meet the giver these are the ones that will give you of their time they will give you of their talent they will give you of their treasure even at your hour of need you know it is god that blesses but god blesses people through people that means what you are looking for is in somebody else custody that is why you need to meet the givers that will give of their time their treasure to you in your hour of need everything you are looking for it is with somebody and may you meet the givers people that will give and invest into your life number five i pray that you will meet the recommended their recommender these are the ones who mention your name in quarters where your skills talents and giftings are celebrated you know you just need one person to mention your name positively before the king and you get an appointment in state house you just need your name to be mentioned positively before the right ceo and you get that job or that promotion so may you meet the recommender somebody that will recommend you i have met many heads of nations and it is because by the grace of god god raised the recommenders people that mentioned my name positively before the right people and i silence every evil informant that is mentioning our names negatively in the name of jesus christ of nazareth number six i pray that you will meet the committed whether things are up or down these are the ones standing with you may you meet them you know they walk with you until until all your dreams and visions are manifested may you meet the committed they will stand with you in the battles of life and lastly number seven i pray that you will meet the bad your burden carriers your burden carriers because everybody in life is carrying a certain kind of a burden and these are the people that are released into your life to help you carry your abundance you know when you're on the road uh to destiny sometimes it becomes rougher and the button becomes heavy so you need burden carriers you know they are faithful and they stay with you till your glory is revealed these are the ones whose assignment is to stick with you till you accomplish your purpose but then carriers are trusted people that you can lean on in trouble times up you know they are with you in every season and even when everybody leaves up the bird and career stay with you i was looking at the ministry of jesus christ our role model in life and ministry and jesus had burdened careers that helped him to accomplish his assignment when everyone was gone the 12 disciples were with him and i want to pray for you that you will meet these seven types of people even as we close the ear and start another year i declare helpers of destiny will begin to arise for you from all over the world in jesus name i release the anointing over your life to attract the right people may god connect you to men and women that will support your vision in the mighty name of jesus may god help you to establish friendships and relationships that will make you better financially that will make you better academically more really spiritually and every aspect of your life in the mighty name of jesus i bless you in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit amen and amen mira commanded family it is giving time and giving time is blessing time you are watching us right now from all over the world it is your time to lay your tides your offerings your partnership on the altar of this ministry you are watching us from around the world i want you to know that the kingdom of god is a kingdom of givers the father gave his son the son gave his life the spirit gave his gifts and as the body of christ we must also learn how to give especially in this critical hour when we are having the natasha hands of compassion christmas give away partner with us and help us make a difference help us put a smile on our family to the glory of god and i'm appealing to all our global partners of the natasha hands of compassion to give a donation of 30 dollars to feed three families this christmas to the glory of god so wherever you're watching me from you have your offering you have your love gift i want you to prepare it i want you to package it to the glory of god prepare it and package it to the glory of god and i want to speak a word over it in the name of jesus so if you have your tithe your tithe is the connection to the protection of your finances your tithe is what rebukes the devourer devourers are eaters of finances you are tied also is what brings judgment to the enemy of your prosperity also you have your offering please uh uh uh just indicate how you want to give to those that are giving on empire comment and pesa to those that are giving on wave comment wave to those that are giving on world remit on paypal just comment how you want to give and you can be able to do it right here to the glory of god if you need the banking details of the natasha hands of compassion or the empowerment christian church also comment and they are also on the screen let's pray in jesus name father i thank you for every tither rebuke the devourer on their behalf may their pockets never go dry may whatever you touch with your hands increase and multiply in the mighty name of jesus thank you for every giver thank you for every partner thank you for every offering as you have released what is in your hands may god release what is in his hands i bless you in the name of the father the son and of the holy spirit amen and amen god bless you for partnering with this ministry thank you for answering god's call to partner with this work as you have stood with the work of god god will stand with you may this be your december to remember may god give you a miracle that is tangible and a blessing that cannot be denied god bless you as i bring our assistant media director melissa hanif god bless you thank you mama oracle my prophet my prophet there is such a heavy anointing in this atmosphere and under this anointing i evoke the power of the blood of jesus christ over your life the blood that heals the blood that saves the blood that redeems the blood that speaks of a better message the blood that covenants us back to god by the reason of this blood receive authority over and above all things by the reason of this blood receive the ability to operate in the will of god by the reason of this blood may you receive your permanent healing may you receive your permanent deliverance by the reason of this blood receive the ability to prosper by the reason of this blood everywhere that you step may you dominate in the name of jesus i raise the standard of the blood of jesus christ over your life over your marriage over your children over your business over your finances over your projects and undertakings over that court kiss over your settlement over your citizenship in the name of jesus receive your freedom receive your healing receive your prosperity receive your dominion in the mighty name of jesus right now i step into the office of a prophet under the grace of my mother the oracle i announce to you before this year comes to an end you will encounter the supernatural in the mighty name of jesus to you who has a ministry may there be a mighty move of the supernatural may you operate in miracles signs and wonders to you who is in debt i speak supernatural debt cancellation and supernatural debt eradication in the name of jesus you will not borrow you will not lack you have a business that has gone down may it be supernaturally revived in the name of jesus may your goods and services be in high demand globally in the name of jesus you are in need of a financial miracle may you receive a major financial breakthrough supernaturally in the name of jesus i call forth money from the north from the east from the west from the south let money come to you now in the name of jesus from expected and unexpected sources in the name of jesus to you that is pursuing an education may you excel academically in the name of jesus receive the capacity to understand i speak divine enablement you have a court case i speak divine intervention in the name of jesus may you be vindicated may all the judgments be in your favor in the name of jesus in these remaining weeks of the year may you encounter the supernatural in the name of jesus amen and amen if you are just tuning in to this live broadcast i would like to welcome you to the arena of miracles miracle monday where we are prophetic we are apostolic we are international last week the natasha hands of compassion had a girl child initiative in mua hills machaco's county and we were able to give 10 000 sanitary towels to young girls and this week we are asking all our global partners sons and daughters of this ministry friends of this ministry to give a love gift of 30 which will feed three needy families during this christmas season so ensure that you give in regards to this you can give on paypal you can give on world remit you can give on m-pesa i believe the details are on screen i would now like to welcome our senior mama the be the biological mother of the oracle reverend esther wanjiru to take us to the next level welcome mama god bless you mira commander family if you're out there and you have not received jesus christ as your personal savior i would like to say after me lord jesus i come before you i'm a sinner i wash me with your blood cleanse me with your blood delete my name from the booker of death and write my name in the book of life thank you jesus for saving me and delivering me i will serve you as long as i leave in jesus name amen if you're out there go to a true church that preaches the true gospel and the lord will bless you as you grow spiritually may heaven honor you in jesus name amen there are people there out there that are watching me right now you are going through mess in your life there are people who don't know what they are going to do during this christmas there are people that are watching me right now you are sick in your hospital bed you are sick at home you don't know what to do you have gone to hospital and nothing that is happening in your life i have come with a message from the lord that heaven is going to touch you heaven is going to heal you heaven is going to turn your life around the lord is going to bless you you are in financial crisis you don't know how you pay your rent by the end of this year you don't know how you will take your children back to school in january you don't know how you pay you are on debt banker debtor you don't know how you pay individual rounds you don't know how you buy shopping for your children but i have a word from the lord that heaven will open up for you and sell cattle on a thousand years by the end of the seer you shall look back and say look what the lord has done and want to pray for those people that are believing god for financial breakthrough in the name of jesus i speak a divine turn around in your life the lord will make a way for you where there is no way i open the heavens to release the blessings of god i will risk destiny helpers to come and bless you i raise destiny helpers to bring you shopping to pay your rent to pay schoolfish for your children and i prophesy with my eyes opener that you shall not beg to eat in the name of jesus your children will not beg to eat you shall not be ashamed your children shall not be ashamed in the name of jesus you shall not cry my god overloved oneself because of what they are going through in the name of jesus i prophesy this will be the best christmas that you have ever had in your life wherever you are in your country in the name of jesus receive supernatural financial breakthrough release receive supernatural financial breakthrough in your life may the lord bless you and the bible says according to sarah luca 1727 that when peter was sent to the wrecker to catch a fish and cash out money when he caught the first fish it grasped out money if a fish carried money according to the oracle the way she tells us if you come fish carrot money your bank account will carry money your password carrying money your pockets will carry money your hardback will carry money you are worried to carry money i don't know how god will do it but what i know he will make a way and you shall carry money in the name of jesus receive in jesus name you are out there you are sick and you are you you you feel like you are going to die let me tell you god is telling me to tell you not die you will live to declare the works of the lord in the land of the living you are watching me from your hospital bed you are watching me at your home in your living room you are in you are in your bedroom and you cannot wake up but i hear the lord is touching you right now the lord is sending the angels to touch you in the every area of your life to touch you every part of your body where you are sick and heaven is healing you right now i speak i command arthritis to die from the roots i command hiv to die cancer die now in the name of jesus every manner of disease i command my grand die in the name of jesus oh jehovah breeding die in the name of jesus if jehovah healed that woman who had an issue of bread receive your hearing now in the name of jesus wherever you are sick touch where you are seeker the lord is going to touch you right now i see somebody that is swearing for us has a sweating feet you are ready and you have a swearing feet not because you are pregnant but and you don't understand why your feet are sweating the lord is telling me he's going to drain that water out of your body and heaven is going to heal you right now in the name of jesus i see somebody else you have a spinal problem the lord is telling me he's going to touch that spine so that's kind of problem and god is going to heal you and you shall walk properly in the name of jesus there is somebody who has been having migraine and you have done you you know you have been having that problem for over two years the lord is telling me he's touching you right now in the name of jesus there is somebody else you are believing god for your dad he has he has cancer he has current cancer the lord is telling me he is going to touch him supernaturally and the lord is telling me to tell you don't cry your family is crying too much because your dad has been your bread winner the lord is going to create these angels to operate on him and the lord will heal him supernaturally and one day you will give a testimony on this miracle monday what the lord did for you it's not senior mom that is talking it's the road that is talking in the name of jesus there is somebody else that is ripping you are ripping you fell down and uh when you fell down your heart the lord is telling me he's touching you where you are your heart where are your heart the lord is touching you right now in the name of jesus the lord has received your healing right now receive your healing touch that joint that is affected touch it right now wherever you are in the name of jesus the lord is hearing you right now in the name of jesus that is already you are 22 years old and you are breeding uncontrollably the lord is touching you right now there that bleeding is stopping now that bleeding is stopping now as i prophesy i am prophesying to others that are bleeding oh and it's not normal menstruation they're not distoucting you right now in the name of jesus receive your hearing in the name of jesus the lord will reverse that blood that is draining you in the name of jesus receive your hearing now in the name of jesus i see god hearing arthritis now i see god hearing cancer now i see god hearing headache now i see god touching you that is having covered 19 now you shall not die because of that covet heaven is touching you right now the lord will give you another chance like the way he gave a chance to hezekiah receive everybody that has coveted your family remember you've been affected or infected receive the healing of god in the name of jesus there is somebody else that is watching me right now you are telling me mom you know you don't know i'm jobless and i don't know what i'm going to do i have children to feed i have paid a rent to pay but i am jobless i have term actor more than three years without a job they're not just telling me to tell you he is going to create jobs for all those that are jobless because he's a job creator receive your job right now receive a high-paying job right now receive your breakthrough right now there is already that is crying you are telling saying mom remember me there is my business went down during corona virus pandemic the lord is telling me to tell you ever that that business the lord will be selected the lord is going to raise a destiny helper who will give you capital to go back to business again those businesses that are dead the lord is reselecting them in the name of jesus receive financial breakthrough to begin again in the name of jesus the lord is making a way for you in jesus name you people will not triumph over you the enemies will not triumph over you because your business went down because you are down right now you are able to pay your bills you are unable to pay your rent you are never to put table food on the table god is doing something new in your life in the name of jesus i prophesy you shall be fruitful in the name of jesus you shall be great you are bright business shall flourish your business shall rise in the name of jesus you shall be victorious you shall be celebrated you shall be successful you shall be favored you shall be blessed inaudible you shall be prosperous in the name of jesus i speak a divine turnaround you are out there you don't have joy because of what you have gone through your enemies are conspiring against you there is approach there is a conspiracy the bible says in isaiah 54 17 oh god no weapon fashion against you shall prosper and everything that speaks against you you shall condemn in the name of jesus no weapon fashion against your children now weapon fashion against her you are family you are marriage you are your ministry you are currying you are career you academics your business shall prosper in the name of jesus i speak a supernatural intervention in your life in the name of jesus the lord i hear the lord telling me to tell you the favor of god shall refer you to your house the favor of god shall follow you are children the favor of god shall follow your family the favor of god shall follow your marriage your husband your wife your brothers your sisters your country wherever you are in the name of jesus you are watching me right now and you are saying mom i am about to be deported i don't have papers i prophesy with my eyes open you shall not be deported in the name of jesus the lord shall give you favor in that country you shall have a permanent residence you shall be a citizen in the name of jesus the lord will make a way for you you are not in a fallen land you are in your father's soul walk on those streets with your shoulders high and tell the devil i am going nowhere it is god who brought me here he's god who brought me in america he's god who brought me in europe he's god who brought me in uk he's god who brought me in south africa is god who brought me in australia devil you cannot touch me i'm going nowhere i will go back to my country when i'm going to face it but not when you want me to be deported back to my country in the name of jesus may the lord bless you may the lord favor you may the lord anoint you may not turn your life around may the lord take you where you have never been before you will not go down you will not be out of the rest you shall not swim in the ocean of diseases in the ocean of sicknesses in the ocean of poverty the lord is making a way to give you a partner you shall walk down the air in 2021 you are adam is coming up you are rude is coming up in the name of jesus god is opening a new chapter every month from today chapters of blessings chapters of breakthroughs chapters of favor receive your adam receive your ruler receive your evil in the name of jesus i speak a divine turnaround in your life whatever you are believing god for receive your answers receive your breakthrough receive the favor of god the heaven will protecting you we are protecting will protect you during these holy days in the name of jesus receive divine protection your family will be protected your parents will be protected you are minister you are business you are career everything that is connected to you shall be protected in the name of jesus father we thank you and father we bless you in jesus name we pray god bless you miraculous family baruch hashem hakka vod rashem to god be the glory amen amen [Music]
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 110,408
Rating: 4.8102665 out of 5
Id: JaIs3vYzjf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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