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all right guys just jumping right back in it uh welcome back to there is no game so this isn't a game don't get mistaken it might look like he but i swear it's not okay if it is unsubscribe because i'm not a liar right we are in chapter two of whatever this is it's a it's it's a book we call it i don't know what do you call it i don't know it's not a game though not a game if you missed the first episode check it out i'll link it right here all right check it out for a minute where where are we sir user are you here i'm here if you're here show me a sign i don't know i don't know what to do so in case you don't know this is the sequel to there is no game the game that came out like many years ago i played it on the channel had a ton of fun i already made one episode so make sure you check that out guys the thumbnail looks like this this game is it's a lot longer now so i don't know uh oh i'm not alone oh there's the sign yeah okay did you touch the bag i warned you about it look where that got us that got us somewhere somewhere i don't know either no where that's okay oh this place is very strange what is it those three possessions maybe we should not touch it miss voodoo kisses from gear factory okay i don't know what it means but this is freaking your computer is dirty man it looks like oh he doesn't have a video what i fixed it oh you just couldn't help yourself could you what the heck is this what do you want me to do supposed to solve a big old mystery all right what's on the screen whoa that doesn't look very sturdy no i don't think your tv works very well man oh i love causing destruction you're making things worse or i either that or is getting better we don't know until we break it completely oh what the heck that's kind of scary don't tell me you've broken another coffee cup watson oh what son is it me or is there an echo all of a sudden oh no what did you hear that looks like we have a case on our hands go inspector gadget wait no no it was not sure it's the same thing it seems to be coming from our dear neighbor wilhelm's home let's go take a look shall we all of this is most exciting indeed yes yes what on earth is going on those look like interaction icons i think we're in a game no you did not just say that stay here do the icons in the game work no no that can only mean one thing we are trapped in this world just like these fictional characters a world where it's impossible to tell what's real and what's an illusion user we've probably entered a different video game dimension do something anything hold up what you do shut up you said we weren't in the game find a way out please we should not be here okay all right all right i guess we'll just go i i don't know no more talking now we must avoid running into those characters again well i could definitely we can open this fear the consequences i don't know oh dab we're gonna stop somebody you sir are you still there have you parked all around the screen maybe maybe a way i'm doing it just hold on maybe we can use this to open this you know it's like a makeshift screwdriver now watch out i thought i saw a shot of glass i got it i got it i don't know man i'm trying to figure out trying to figure it out easy chill brah all right was there a stamp on this uh well there's a letter what does it mean okay i can't do anything with the icons poke your eye out eat it oh what it actually works did you take off one of the game's icons i think so the one with the bent corner and just what do you plan to do with that fist punch you in the face bruh i'll punch your teeth out okay i'm sorry that's pretty mean i wouldn't do that i'm not not i wouldn't do that someone's getting punched today don't touch anything else oh and where's that gonna get us stick his fist down down his mouth watch the window oh why didn't i think of that ah okay there's something written on this strange hatch unfortunately it's too small to read oh i know we need to punch that cut that we cut this down obviously that's what we need oh i can go outside though mr wilhelm open the door it's your neighbor sherlock holmes it will never work holmes what we need is a key i don't have a key the key to open a door you disappoint me my dear friend be more creative make more daring associations and think in four dimensions is that oh that's included like you're doing now all right don't make a sound user not a sound you think they hear that oh they do i think that sound oh you say what was that noise lost penny it's my lucky day your lucky evening my friend hey cracksom what okay i got a coin now oh i can do it again is he gonna find the one he just dropped another penny i'm going to be rich you'll finally be able to pay your share of the rent oh come on man you don't even pay rent that's messed up oh i bet we can collect that watch there's a reason why that takes long right surely oh i knew it i knew we had to do something with it that's mine now cheating for goodness sake holmes i have the impression that there is whispering going on around us a sort of voice with a russian accent but i'm not there is he russian i don't know the only thing i heard is the gentle rustling of the wind yeah oh with a russian accent it's just me but if that works how come this doesn't work uh i know exactly eat it eat it eat the point oh i knew it have you ever done that used a coin for a screwdriver or uh yeah a screwdriver basically like a flathead it does work depending good idea user oh but i'm doing it aren't i oh behind the scenes here okay looks like the set of the game but sing from the other side that's so cool oh i can move this ah we're gonna change things oh wait what happens if we do this now oh that okay so wait is that moving thing the the moon is that what that is what i don't know what you're going to do don't you dare go help them out oh it's cause i changed the scene ah okay so we can let them in ah the doors are drained you're already retaining i can't help myself techniques have gotten the better of this stuff thank you mr wilhelm are you there it's far too dark in here i can't be expected to walk around in the dark sherlock so try to find us some light watson otherwise me hide me you want me to do it these characters are trapped in the dark we're lucky oh yeah just put a stamp on it are you trying to stick your stamp to that device yes first to stick your stamp to something you need to get it wet oh second it's a turmeric no you just gave me a hint thank you water water oh no you can lick it oh that's disgusting oh god i feel so smart sorry flexing on you guys with my big old brain you know i don't see how that would make any more sense but okay just in case i hope it's not connected to a light source i'm sure it is dude i'm sure it is okay so now we could probably hit the the thing ah bam no no no where is the fake moon going i hope it's not why do you hate progress dude oh i knew it well done watson we can finally see better the demon got him man i get the feeling that mr wilhelm is redecorating i don't recall him having a view of the moon this place scares the living daylights out of me mr wilhelm are you dead holmes he's floating watson what has he got in his face it looks like some sort of relatively thick monochromatic parasite and it's serious well i would hope so you're a disgrace to the medical profession let me take a closer look at it i for one would rather keep my distance from that thing him actually it looks painful i just want to punch everything [Music] i can't stand hearing him stream okay so the h what does the h do don't touch that that machine doesn't look like it's plugged in anyways no more playing around we should go back to the room we started in we might be able to find our exit okay there's probably so much secrets in this game oh wait oh there's the moon oh what was that sound like a ringing bell i think it came from this odd device oh yes mr wilhelm told me about it it's a prototype of antonio muchi's teletrophone telecha with another person from a distance instantly i say and how many of them exist this is the only one of its kind then where is it going so it's useless it's useless user no more playing around we should go back to the room we started in we might be able to find our exit but but i feel like i could do more oh i see it i see it okay all right what was that oh i took off the eye rust and i i'm i'm going to be sick stop playing around with everything you come across somebody will notice us anyway it's just pixel porridge and i don't have a magnifying glass on may user no more playing around okay so we need to find a way to take the okay we need to find a way to find our exit i can't i can't talk while you're talking man let me talk for a second god we need to figure out a way to get the eye off we need to leave and then turn back around make it dark again maybe but there's probably gonna be no light now it looks like the fuses have blown well then find a way to fix it my good man i haven't finished my investigation um user no more playing around we should go back to the room we started in we might be able to find our exit look clearly that's the way we need to get it but he's standing right in front of it we need to figure out a way to get him to move if you were thinking about moving that fake wall forget about it the marks on the ground show that a piece of rail is missing oh oh my god ah that's it did you just use a letter from a nanomatopia to fix rail yes yes i did it doesn't make any sense it doesn't matter i don't know a monkey to work a hydraulic pump it's dumb hey you don't know it's how you try okay really gets me ears you gotta try things even if it seems stupid okay dude swiped their mining fine glass the fist wasn't enough for you i just hope they won't figure it out now we need the mouth i don't know what for but you know maybe we could find some uses for it developers only one more rule you're going to be able to break dab only oh oh i opened it sweet all right what the heck is this [Music] it's like space oh i think i know where we are this is what was in the tv all along this is where all the things that are used in the game are sold is that ice cream library oh i told you i had my magnifying glass in my hand watson and it suddenly disappeared joint there you go they're figuring it out that voice it's the ghost holmes the russian ghost but i'm not russian mr wilhelm you never told us you were such a talented ventriloquist you're possessed yet you're talking the one speaking i am my name is game no i'm a computer programmer what's your name i'm with a user a human and we are trying everything we can to get home do you know how we can exit your game to get homes game what game your game you are aware that the world you're in isn't real don't you oh you don't know that you're in a video game is that it i'd rather look for my magnifying glass than continue listening to your mad jabbering mr wilhelm but he's not the one user i think we're going to need mr glitch's help if he brought us into this dimension he will probably be able to get us out of here what's a video game there's got to be a way to get it off maybe some kind of ritual let's see unless of course you've got the number of the fire department how about punching this is not a beat em up uh that's funny oh my god it says ghost possession poultry guys miss voodoo 5582368 oh okay oh maybe we use the magnifying glass on the telephone then we can dial the number oh my god yes i knew that mining fine glass was a good idea except never forget the number this telephone jury is strange it's like a missed puzzle okay we need to go remember that number if i remember it i mean oh five five five two okay this is easy two three six eight that's all i gotta remember two three six eight who are you going to call with this thing um two three six eight and he said it's the only one of its kind two three six eight bam there's a connection that's strange the teletrophone is making that odd noise again someone seems to be trying to communicate with us we gotta pick it up don't worry you ghost come on watson pull yourself together it's probably mr moochie who made a second one is testing it mr sherlock holmes speaking a disenchantment ritual you'll have to find another dupe madam goodbye was it a video no but electrophoresis you're ruining this for me man this channel comes fellow is not very copyrighted oh i have a way to deal with that do i have to put that number in 2368 right don't answer it stop you again please stop calling here and playing with the light that watson gentleman needs to pick up the phone instead maybe we need to make it dark again you just plunged off friends in darkness user that's not very nice mind you nothing you do even surprises me anymore it's dark again over in this corner i say there's a bit of light over by the entrance i may have lost my magnifying glass here well done user that character isn't by the communication device anymore wow it actually works okay so maybe if i turn it back on he won't be there good we might finally be able to use this teletrophon in peace all right 2368-2368 i think you're going to have to answer mr watson holmes the russian video game is speaking to me very well are you a video game too yes three steps for a successful disenchantment i'm listening ah that's what we're interested in there must be a full moon as luck would have it it's not the case cover the victim with snow snow it's the middle of may then gently place a large cherry on top is this a ritual or a cake recipe so let me summarize full moon snow big cherry thank you madam we are screwed i like there was some sort of charity in here somewhere or if it would be it's probably here ice cream maybe it can be used as snow oh okay i didn't think of that water in a solid state but how can we get it you would think the hand would be able to do it but no these kinds of paint make me think of the three primary colors red blue and yellow except we're inside a cathode ray screen with a video signal which is a mix of red blue and green without a paint brush there's no point anyways is that what i need why am i talking about mixing colors why did i do that wait wait wait wait wait do we made it do we need to make it look like a cherry ah a red ball like a juicy cherry do you think it will do the trick yeah we'll trick the demons okay well cool so i got that on total accidents or no no because i'm smart oh whoa whoa whoa whoa and the award for unscrewer of the year goes to the user oh my god yay i'm so happy okay oh thanks man i appreciate it all right so obviously we need to go back we go down turn this baby around and then eat it ah well done jim [Music] oh what the heck i did not expect that to work i'm impressed you sir oh god you should be in there [Music] dude this game is so crazy what the heck all right i did not expect that to work i was just like you know whatever i'm trying anything uh it's so good that i'm so smart guys all right so i think we have everything right we have the cherry the snow all right let's just try there we go there you go sorry mr wilhelm it's for your own good i think well we don't have a full moon yet but let's put that on top did i just lick it did i just lick it why is that an option just wanted to see what that would do all right so we need a full moon but how do we do that i i thought it might work so i'm thinking we need to do something with the moon obviously but how do i get it over collect them gears come on lick them oh you can change the oh we have to make yellow holy crap oh wow i didn't i'm so smart perfect yes fantastic full moon yes i know i hope the game won't get wise to us you really gotta use your noodle all right you're noggin you're not no don't use your noodle okay we have all the ingredients all right so right now come on isn't anything happening look it's starting watson mr wilhelm just exploded like a beached whale oh he did he was allergic to cherries that that's gotta be it finally he has the same voice i have something did you follow me we were transported here by accident we no it can't be the user with true you're such a pain in the neck and you wonder when she left you i won't let you speak of her anyways i have to go this isn't the dimension i was heading for so [Music] and i feel like it's backwards are you talking about your trousers my good man how are we going to get past it how did i know that would work we could like reverse time with that at least i think so the passage is open again come homes let's follow the rainbow ghost come then watson it's probably just a large flying insect also if i understand right some things seem to be affected by this bug fragment it's like it reverses thereby something oh who cares let's follow them okay where is the exit i can feel it here take us home but why game you are not happy here with your new npc's npc oh did not know that sorry i meant new friends watson stop conversing with this beast you're making me doesn't seem too uneasy where are you trying to go mr glitch to a place where i will be able to unleash my evil plan what run the one that will let me what all right all right i know it's what's this [Music] what oh i can change it why would i want to do that though i wonder if it's related to that strange disc on the monitor so does this mean it's five one six do you think this copy protection system already existed i doubt it was oh there is no five on the other hand it must have been good for the photocopier market okay so i need to change the symbols to make it to where the number is possible all right i'm really just guessing here i don't know what i'm doing oh you will find a trick to get us out of this okay so that doesn't work we obviously don't have those numbers oh wait couldn't i just keep spinning it until i figure it out i'm so stupid why did i do this okay wait oh wait oh what does that do though so that turns this number to a five always so now that i have a five i could probably oh okay all right so we just need we just need one where the highest number is five oh there it is okay cool i got it green one blue five green one green one blue five what okay so gun in school maybe that's what it wants i did it yeah dude dude it's all in here it's odd here evil plan isn't it could you say that again we got cut off no there i just saw the exit which means this is where we say goodbye farewell game yes it's in the sewer farewell rainbow butterfly he disappeared into the ground here hit it how will we be able to follow him lick everything in sights oh wait no down here right have a look around this strict scenery surely he was oh oh there he is hiding in the bathtub trying to take a bath i see oh wait what does that do i am confusion okay so i i we we flipped it and it keeps keeps glitching out but what does it mean oh oh oh i forgot to check back here to break something up the ground he's on there okay all right i think i did i think i did something guys they're dead we kill them we're awful people there's the exit oh and i saved them in the bathtub i bet what happens if i didn't save them the world is ending everything is fake hang on dudes london is probably on a fault line i'm going to get us out of this mess ah darn it we can't leave them there like that let's try to get them to safety quickly before leaving oh hit them oh it works it wasn't that hard we just opened the passage for you go ahead mr horns jump that doesn't seem hold on watson we're going to swing over to the hole three two one well done holmes what an extraordinary limit this bathtub just saved our lives i didn't see much because of the screen interference but the jump animation must have been okay yeah budget cuts there now that they're safe we can leave that's funny bye gentlemen we apologize for the inconvenience saving that money i get it i i you know hey i'm sure it's a lot of money to make this like this is a lot of work man flying squirrel interactive legend of the secret of the secret legend of the secret ah this still isn't our dimension getting home is going to be more complicated than i thought okay guys all right we're gonna stop it there that was the whole hour but that was actually really cool man i mean this game really just makes me feel so smart all right today's script of the day goes to [Music] jaylen angelique [Music] you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 140,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, there is no game, there is no game bijuu mike, there is no video today, there is no game walkthrough, there is no game secret ending, there is no game 2, there is no game wrong dimension, there is no game 2020, there is no game 2 wrong dimension, no game, lets play, funny moments, do not click
Id: WN4KgG-_sNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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