Unlocking Every Upgrade To Reach Maximum Level

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today we're going to build the stupidest rocket in the history of everything because i want to get all of the omega pieces probably going to take a few minutes but i've got nothing but time i did this get what we call the omega booster now that i've unlocked basically everything let's break some stuff first of all we're going to take a crate we're going to launch that with a coil and then we're going to attach some rockets to it expectations need to be tempered at first we're not going to go that high yet but it was high enough to earn us 47 while we're at it we're going to add not one but two rc helicopters to the mix and launch it just a little harder then it's gonna look like this the penguin has a helicopter coming straight out of his head we're going all the way to the moon helicopter number two just kicked in we're making our way very slowly upwards to eight thousand feet somehow but that was already worth three hundred dollars so we're getting good at this so then let's go ahead and trade out the box for an injector seat because i dislike that one coil gets a little bit more upgrade so we're going to go higher than ever before we're not going to upgrade the helicopter because i don't want to but this is going to take us plenty high before launching the penguin helplessly into space we're already at 12 000 feet so we're going to start earning money pretty quickly not sure how the penguin himself is going to go that high 14 000 worth 500 and that means i'm gonna trade on my helicopters for one do-it-yourself rocket and one regular rocket because variety is important then we're gonna upgrade the coil to max level while i'm at it let's make the ejector seat launcher penguin further so this time we have big rockets look at all that speed though we had a pretty good launch that carries this up further faster and i always like that speed here's a regular rocket that's not so dangerous but the dangerous part is when he gets launched out of his little chair but we're at almost 20 000 feet already so if he wants to end this run now 663 dollars so if we do this a few quick times we'll learn some easy money then we'll get much better upgrades couple of those later thirty five hundred dollars to spend on stupidity so let's try a catapult if not very often i get to play with one so i need to take advantage of this when we get one we're gonna crank it up to level six we're gonna fix the ejector seat just a little we're gonna launch an injector seat penguin out of a catapult repeatedly press any button until the catapult is cranked stop to let it go oh okay so we just kind of go like that and there we go that's a good launch we're already at fifty thousand feet and our rockets carry us gracefully up to sixty thousand and beyond sixty five thousand even so we're making progress rapidly that was twenty five hundred dollars so i think naturally we're gonna add a sonic drive which has a power of not entirely sure what that one does i don't remember but it's got lots of power and that's all that really matters to me so there we go on our usual launch our speed and drake are both maxed because it's not very aerodynamic so far we're getting a mean crosswind but that took us back to 60 000 and then our big whatever that is is going to boost us up a little bit more with the amount of power it is it doesn't really do as much as i'd hoped but once we level it up it sure will there's 72 000 plus the penguin launch so let's increase the ejector seat once the catapult once and i did the sonic drive once the diy will do a few times not sure how much of a difference that's going to make but it is going to make a difference every upgrade puts us just a little bit higher into this guy for a little bit more money this rocket maybe needs to go because it's not carrying us upwards very quickly that was its final one plus the penguin launch we broke ninety thousand forty five hundred dollars plus two dollars from daily interest so let's get rid of that rocket and replace it with a sonic burst i just like the sonic burst i just think they're neat then let's max out that catapult and while we're at the ejector seat too that way he's comfy and stylish before he's launched into oblivion there he is at max up he goes that's going very quick might have hit a few things along the way that's their problem it feels good in a way to hit things along the way so we're gonna keep going up our distance is at negative one thousand but our altitude is getting up there we might break a hundred on this one we didn't break a hundred thousand but we did make five thousand dollars i'm also going to attach what's called a steam booster to this um i'm not entirely sure what that does so we're just gonna upgrade it as much as we can also the diy rocket every time i upgrade it it gives me a lot of uh extra stuff for not a lot of money i have no idea what this is gonna do but it should take us higher into the sky ready to go good so far we're hitting less crap marginally and we've used a little bit of the steam booster so far i guess which is this one currently well so far we're at 110 000 so we're already 10 further we also hit a helicopter but we still have oh we use it like bursts or something i don't know how this works but it's carrying us upwards okay so it's got to charge up and get red hot before we release the steam but that carries up to 130 000 for almost eight thousand dollars so that means you can probably try something other than the ejector seat now i think we're going to try the volcano stronger first stage but others are weakened i like the stages anyway because they get us places faster the other boosters i'm not such a big fan of anyway they work but they're not quick but this should make the diy and sonic burst hopefully a little bit better and that just looks wildly unsafe and we get launched out of a catapult to boot so nothing could possibly go wrong with this idea that's a pretty strong launch uh okay so we're already up to here we're at 88 000 feet we have less attachments on this because it's like a toaster or whatever but we're still gonna do pretty good with this there's 114 now we get to use our sonic first it'll take us up to 122. so we made it basically as far with less attachment so that's a good sign i know he has to hurdle to the earth inside this thing sixty three hundred dollars which means it's probably time for a new launcher we're gonna go with steam shot because it's more power pretty sure nasa still hasn't thought about steam power yeah i feel like they overlooked hundreds of years of technology i'm also going to get rid of this auxiliary rocket because it's very weak compared to the technology we have these days we're going to go for maybe i think mini helpers because i think they actually help these stages right away i might be wrong about that but i don't care we're going to stick things onto this rocket and see what happens okay this one's a bit of a tricky launch we got to hit it when it's in the green zone i think or is it the red zone i don't know what i just did i don't know if i'm aiming for green or red there but we're off i can already tell i did that one wrong because we're not going super high up well we still got 99 000 feet but that's not good enough we probably just need more upgrades that's really all we need so i think we need to get this in either the red or the orange zone that's how we're going to get us the best launch am i right i feel right we're even going okay we're going upside down but we're okay so we're healthily over 110 000 feet already and still climbing strong uh might have just committed an act of terrorism they'll probably be fine anyway whatever the case we're coming up on well that might cause us some trouble this little stove thing is kind of underwhelming so we're gonna swap that out for the jet because the jet can go very quickly okay i don't love the amount of time this part physically takes because i'm a very busy person obviously but it works pretty good so we're up to actually it deflects things very nicely too because of its shape kind of like the cattle guard on the front of a train but this one's for knocking planes out of the sky big increase so far though we're already at 150 000 we still got three boosters to go probably should have been using that more along the way but just switching to this jet and then a few little upgrades has already brought us up to about 200 000 feet 215 000 feet plus whatever that thing is but that's worth fifteen thousand dollars and now the upgrades are gonna come quicker do we wanna try the omega brick it weighs 50 pounds but it has 666 conquest war famine and death i don't know what we're supposed to do with this and the upgrades cost 10 000 each i feel like we're just adding a lot of weight and i'm not really sure what the advantage of that is because i think this is really gonna work against us in a big way unless it helps us with momentum somehow but that still doesn't really make sense to me but full disclosure here i'm not a physicist i don't really know how anything works but i feel like considering the price of it we could get better upgrades than a brick we're gonna try the rocket boost instead um because it's very expensive and obviously expensive means good probably anyways i also want to swap out this launcher because this little mini game is kind of annoying me but we did have a pretty good launch there's 100 000 feet already we're definitely hitting a lot of things on our way up but we're still on our way up the rocket booster seems pretty good i still like that one the best just because it's such quick easy speed we broke 200 000 we might get 210 000 if we're lucky that one was worth fifteen thousand dollars so what we're going to do now is add the uh dark matter thing that can make us lighter we're 29 pounds currently now we're 24. then we can upgrade to sonic drive because it really deserves some attention this will be an interesting test though to see exactly what making ourselves lighter does because we're way lighter than we were last run that was a bit of an awkward launch given everything we just hit but we're going 120 already so i'm optimistic we also hit a meteor i think just while we hit a meteor twice this would have been a better run had we not hit a bunch of things but we're still doing pretty good so we're going to swap our launch out for the nuclear reactor because i'm pretty sure that's a nice easy one to work with because we just have to watch we don't physically have to do anything and risk a weird launch now pushes up a little bit higher than before see already there's 230 000 feet so that was easy progress so then we just need to do that a few times and then we can buy what's called the omega boosters i don't know much about them but they look nice they did add some white to so we're gonna shave off a little bit of weight and i don't entirely know what this is gonna look like oh those are nice big boosters they fit my jet very well too uh i feel like they're gonna be pushing us away fast normally we can't carry that kind of speed they do run out of fuel fairly quickly but i don't blame them because they give us a lot of lift but they also helped carry us up to about 255 000 otherwise known as 18 000 or enough for several nuclear reactor upgrades which carried us very lazily past 260 thousand remember when we used to fly a box into the air now we're making 20 000 per run so then once we do a few of those we can buy what's called the omega shuttle which has a top speed of 50 which is the fastest thing i've ever seen plus it gets full attachments right from the beginning it is a little bit heavy uh luckily i probably have a solution for that we just add more power so we're gonna see exactly how this works so far that's a nice launch it's pretty deflective in its shape we're already up to almost 200 000 feet so i'm gonna like this one especially when we add the other boosters to it it absolutely needs those this should be a new record we're already at 240 000. we're not even done with our first boosters there's three hundred thousand so this shuttle made a big difference and it's not even upgraded yet 344 5 6 000 for 27 000 which i think means we can buy another sonic burst they're so unbelievably cheap that how could we not and that's going to help us get some easy quick altitude and quick is the name of the game the biggest challenge right now is going to be making enough money to continually buy the upgrades because the mega parts are very expensive and here's the stronger of the little sonic burst which put us over 400 000 so every upgrade now is making a big big difference and now that we're making 35 000 per run it won't be long but upgrading things uh definitely is going to get expensive that's 25 000 for the first upgrade which basically increases top speed also better nuclear reactor max level and that's going to make for a wonderful fast launch the carat is up to 425 000 feet 36 grand so then after doing that just a few times we have 109 000 which means i can try either the omega balloon or omega rocket the balloon suspiciously has more power but rockets are rockets so we're gonna try one of those and then we're gonna cut some weight off our rocket again down to 55 pounds so now we've got many rockets oh we're pushing ourselves downwards that wasn't a great launch because we hit a bunch of things but we're still up to 200 000 feet and that rocket has lots of people to work with i feel like windy's continually adding rockets on to absolutely everything at this point we're adding rockets onto our rockets this one alone carried us to 430 000 feet and we still got three other boosters to work with which carried us up to 555 000. it really won't be long now until we're leaving orbit that was also worth 55 grand which makes me think we should just buy the omega coil right now also because it's going to be an even stronger launcher very expensive to upgrade but strong then i guess with a little bit of extra money we'll just reduce the weight a little bit more and now we're launching a rocket off of a coil nasa take notes so the coil brought us up to 635 000 and we're only gonna upgrade it more and more from here 66 647 so let's just do that one more time that way we can get rid of a sonic drive and put on a balloon we can add an omega balloon for some reason i don't entirely know what that's gonna do that's not really a great launch that's okay we'll just correct our course a little bit and we'll be just fine after we stop hitting everything ever so there's the balloon giving me power out the rear that's actually pretty good it's not exactly slow actually i said it was slow it feels slow but it's not it's carrying is very quickly by itself all the way up to about seven hundred thousand worth seventy seven thousand dollars so i'm gonna sell a sonic burst at this point for another omega rocket because you can never have too many omega things there we go now we're looking sharp uh okay yep don't know where we're going great that helped carry us up to 830 000 so every time we add no make a part good things happen uh from here forward we're probably going to be making a hundred thousand dollars per run so let's get rid of the uh rocket boosters and get more omega stuff this time we're gonna add more omega boosters those are surprisingly cheap so let's give each of these a level up and then also the shuttle needs to be leveled up also still need to do the launcher there we go we got more rockets now we're going the wrong way again but once we get all those rockets pointed in the right direction we move very fast okay that brought us over 1 million feet already so that happened very quick so since these guys are so cheap anyway let's buy more of these and then probably more of these again if we can afford that then we can upgrade our omega coil a few times feel like i'm sponsored by omega products at this point wow listen to the sound it makes okay the loud part is over we're up to 450 000. the balloon seems so quiet in contrast but that's going to carry us right past 1 million plus the uh shuttle burst almost 1.1 but speaking of which we're going to get rid of the sonic burst and we're going to add you guessed it an omega rocket plus let's give this coil some more love so this is actually the first time we launch with all omega stuff and it's only gonna get better from here okay we're already going max speed right now so we don't really need to use the other rockets now we can there we go it's so loud and it's not the most maneuverable but lucky for us most objects move out of the way once we hit them 172 000 already the upgrades are gonna come super quick now i hardly know where to start maybe just on the coil which we've already got to max level that's gonna launch us at lightning speed all the way up to four or five hundred thousand was a bit of a weird one hit a lot of stuff still 1.4 million up i think what would really help is more top speed though i think that's why our radar our speedo keeps going red because we're going beyond really what our top speed should be not sure if i'm understanding that correctly but we're going faster now i think that actually made a huge difference we had a really bad launch but like when we first launched i couldn't even see the rocket anymore my biggest enemy now is absolutely space debris we still made 1.6 million but we're hitting so much stuff along the way that really factors in a lot but we're making so much money we can upgrade our shuttle to max level next level omega so let's see if we can get a look at this launch that's not in fast forward mode by the way we're just launching that hard now and then when we apply the rockets we get this strange sound and off we go that one carried us up to 1.64 million we made 240 thousand dollars space debris is really annoying me so let's upgrade one of our omega rockets fifty thousand dollars per upgrade to start and it's already up two hundred and eighty five thousand per upgrade but i think it's making a difference as long as we're going upside down and i realized i could probably do better um times like this when the speed is naturally in the green bar waiting for the next rocket basically i theorize that if i wait for this moment right here where the first rockets run out then i use these rockets that still carries us into the red zone anyway we'll just go a lot further this way and that seems to be fairly true overall 1.8 million i am kind of curious though if i sell one of the omega boosters and put on the weight reduction thing would that actually be better because each one of these is going to make a big difference to the weight like we already went from 90 something to 77.8 and if we do a bunch of these we're gonna be like wow half the weight we were before kind of diminishing returns now but we have too much money so we're gonna take this down to 43 pounds kind of excited to see what happens here that's well we're a little bit sideways in all directions but it's a pretty good lunch overall so i'm going to let these rockets burn out their fuel the weight reduction seems to be helping uh i didn't mean to hit that sorry alien but we're already at 1.85 million and we're coming up on 2 million are we going to hit it we just broke 2 million and that's worth 320 grand by itself but now i'm curious to see if we can make it lighter like if we had another uh weight reduction thing is this gonna have a fresh start to weight reduction sure is there's 35 pounds and that's gonna get much lighter so this thing went from uh 90 something pounds to about 20 pounds and given these initial rockets that should help a lot plus i bet it's going to be fast not sure if this last weight reduction was worth it we did cut ourselves down to like half the weight but we're losing out on a lot of rocket power at the same time okay it wasn't worth it but one thing i've been meaning to play with is this button that says hack into the matrix once we open that that means we can adjust basically anything we want so say we want to give ourselves 1.5 boost power instead and 1.5 boost fuel basically 1.5 everything except for weight we're going to leave weight right alone when we're going to turn down to zero because that annoys me money we might as well turn up to about a hundred obstacle amount we're also going to turn to zero obstacle weight zero this should be an interesting result it should launch yeah okay we already boosted up to a million it's so much easier when there's nothing in your way and that brings us up to 4.8 million feet the game doesn't seem to love being here right now there's a lot of stuttering going on it also had to give us 118 million dollars for that so we'll take one of our rocket boosters up to level 10 which is the max level i don't think its appearance changed though okay then on top of that we're just gonna go number three across the board on everything so we're doubling it again at some point the game is going to give up and quit and that's probably going to be sooner than later where we're at it let's uh upgrade our rocket to higher max top speed that way it can go quicker and also the launch coil we might as well give it more power too oh we've only got 112 million dollars left over keep in mind this isn't on fast forward mode but we're already 5 million feet into the air we already broke a record from last time uh there's 10 million again this isn't on fast forward mode if we do hit fast forward it's ridiculously fast plus when i do this we're going in fast forward mode look how little fuel we're using we're at 15 million feet and we're basically not using fuel 46 hours later we're at 41 million feet the game's still surviving though so we can do better uh bad news though we lost money minus 810 million but i think we could probably change things around to hurt the game so we're gonna sell some of these oh we can't because you don't have any money well we can do in lieu of that is 0.1 for weight and then we're going to go 10 10 10 10 10 10. then we can also change our drag in red zone i think the lower number is more to our advantage so this might break the game it also might not we're gonna launch and find out i think it broke the rocket sounds like it's moving i think it actually is but you know nothing else is i thought we'd be able to push it a little bit further than that but the dragon red zone might have been the end of it so that's okay we still got lots of fun ideas to work with for this one but we hit 42 million feet and that's a personal best
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,369,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M2YZ60C2ngE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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