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there are many things that are satisfying in life yeah dustin will go with it we'll go with it the sweet taste of ice cream on a hot summer's day what else is satisfying uh that's pretty much it today i am on our slash oddly satisfying been watching a lot of satisfying videos recently specifically and i think a lot of people know this about me i love videos of people using pressure washers and i want to get a pressure washer so bad i don't have anything too pressure washed but i want pressure washer satisfying pressure washing oh oh oh that's just you better go back up and get that please thank you it's just so nice it's so nice look at that i love it okay so today we're on our oddly satisfying i'm just sorting by all time uh this is an old-school drywaller don't really find this satisfying to be honest this is a hydraulic press why is there no sound with any of this i want sound i want to hear the hydraulic press working so it's compressing hot metal that i feel like you should be farther away from that when it's oh my god what the hell that's so cool what that's sick dude that's so cool oh oh now that's nice wow that person has really nice handwriting know what another thing is satisfying sign writing oh here it is here it is here we go here we go look at this ready they use these big fat sharpies i love it i love it so much and then they go they go back in and they fill in the lines god that's so nice that is so nice looking ah i can smell this video [Music] this is one of the there's like these fancy coffee tables that have a that it has a metal like marble uh in the table and then there's led lights around the around the edge of it which gives it that nice lighting but then there's a magnet that moves underneath and it makes these amazing patterns but once the pattern is finished it erases it okay so it's finished the pattern does it wait does it not it does erase itself i know that but maybe oh they just they didn't get that okay fine oh i saw this the other day it's so cool it's just mixing paint but you see all the colors and then it and then it swirls together [Music] oh all of these different shades of colors or all these different colors to make a perfect like blood red it's so cool looking 3d printed patchwork see i feel like this wouldn't actually work they're just using one of those like 3d pens so it's just like a bit of plastic i think it's just plastic and yes this is cool but i feel like it's not gonna be as structurally sound as the rest of like the brick that's there or the concrete whatever that is i think it's concrete so like yeah like it i guess you can patch it up like that but it's not gonna be the same it's plastic versus concrete oh ooh i love these i love this when they're grooming the horses and they get all the fur and stuff off oh that's so nice that's just a big metal like thing it's just a big piece of metal so nice 60 fps popeye this is cool it is it is sort of satisfying just because it's so fluid used to it being so back then wasn't it 12 frames a second or was it 24 i don't think it was 24 i think it was like 12 or something like that that's sweet oh boy you get it when it rolls over come on come on there it is but what happens after dude i've just realized he could sell it as a brand new vehicle huh say hey this has zero miles on it they could probably tell in different ways but hey this has zero miles on it how do you get a million miles out of a vehicle i know like upkeep and stuff but i did not even think that hold on three million miles what first of all that's so much driving three million miles that's crazy can a car last five hundred thousand yeah my uh my first car ever uh when it finally sort of [ __ ] the bed um it was a prius and i had 200 000 miles on it which is not i mean that's a lot but it's not crazy ooh the snowfall from a ship this is really cool when i was a kid because i grew up in the northeast we'd have snowstorms all the time and so when it was uh when it was coming down like this and big big flakes uh and we were driving in the car i would tell my mom to hit light speed she'd turn on the brights in the car and it would just look like it was light speed because you could see all of the huge flakes it was really cool [Music] now this is satisfying uh i love the light that's inside of it that's sick snowball is so round i had one of these as a kid i had one of those that kid's dead oh my god he just killed him live on camera he just killed that kid that's crazy whoa hold on burning they're burning the pollen that's so sick also i would be so afraid to do that and light the whole [ __ ] neighborhood on fire that's so cool it's like a light dust of snow almost except it's um pollen it's like tree dandruff that's sick that's so cool that first light up gosh dave how what they're going so fast and they're staying oh my god this person's precision is immaculate are they making spongebob what are they making it's not it's not spongebob that's insane the precision of those brush strokes is crazy i wish i was good at anything that'd be cool right oh it's not even marge i mean it is but it's not it's a whole new thing sweet shuffle oh whoa whoa it but then you see all the cards so that kind of negates the shuffle doesn't it oh i thought that was cake that's sick this is fabric that's crazy that they can cut that much fabric at once that must be a very sharp blade is this legal they can draw straight lines how how how how how how how how do you draw a line so straight uh i'm suspicious what sticky buns oh sticky buns for the boys is there a little dog oh that's so nice oh that's so nice would you look at that it's the simple things in life you know okay that's so nice that's wonderful this is how the dough gets the divided what do you mean [Music] how the dough gets divided for what dividing brioche buns whoa that's so cool that's so cool oh i think i've seen this do they make a they make a whole skull yeah this is sick ready and then they burn it all up that's so much work just to burn it all up but i guess the the end product is the charcoaly bit but now it looks like it's gonna break yeah i think it broke after that what are you doing mate oh my god oh my god quarantine really got us all bored he's so proud of himself at the end look at him look at that duck it's a perfect duck oh perfect color perfect perfect little coat but he swims real good wow oh my god that's amazing on so many different levels wow i love that i want to see more satisfying videos though so tweet me using satisfy if hashtag satisfy eve because i want more satisfying videos though because these were okay but i want some really satisfying stuff so go and find the most satisfying videos send them to me on twitter using hashtag satisfyeth i want some pressure watching videos i want some cool like i don't know like cool art videos i want you know you know what i want like when they cut the when they cut the soap in it's really satisfying just a bunch of satisfying stuff because these weren't as satisfying as i wanted them to be okay more stuff like this like oh that's cool anyway thank you guys so much for watching see you later [Music] you
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 293,473
Rating: 4.9885488 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, oddly satisfying videos, satisfying video, most satisfying, relaxing video, most satisfying video, best oddly satisfying, satisfying reddit, unsatisfying videos, crankgameplays satisfying, crankgameplays reddit
Id: nNgHjNd92lI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 52sec (652 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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