RETURN of The Hot Dog King

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gamers i want to bring in some production value to the channel uh to make something look uh cool and atmospheric you can add haze give it that nice depth because because and then the lights look cooler because there's haze everywhere and it kind of looks cool i bought haze in a can why i don't know i thought it would be cool wow is there even a difference on camera not even a little your hot dog king has returned baby i finally got a win and fall guys all right i finally got it baby and uh we're gonna get even more wins all right all right let's go fish one first one of the day i don't even know if i've played since i won oh i'm feeling good guys i am feeling good no please please please the hot dog king must prevail oh i almost lost there do the middle and across the line that's how you do it baby that's how you win a football game what we got second game roll out all right easy qual that stands for qualify if you want to know the uh you know the lingo that we fall guy champions have been using i don't expect everybody to get it uh but qual is uh for qualifying and if i say easy qual then like it's like easy qualification you know i'll have an easy time qualifying qualifying is what you need to do to get to the next round by the way sorry i know not all and not everybody knows the link the lingo that we use around here so don't worry about it when you've got an itch on your face and you're playing fall guys and you want to itch your face but you can't hit your face because you got to get that easy qual please follow guys gods yes come on hot dog a boy let's go let's go as soon as i got my little hot dog skin i was happy you know that's the skin that i'll wear forever just like animal crossing i'm now the hot dog king here this is the way it goes all right we got godspawn right up front nice dude starts off easy in the beginning you know just a couple of blocks here and there we've got a minute and 34 seconds left before our potential doom doesn't sound like a lot of time but it's kind of a lot of time i like that dinosaur skin that's kind of cool it's it's nice so far though hey hey stop it i will kill you the next time you try that all right doesn't seem to be any hackers this game so that's good hopefully they get all of that under control because i've been in a few games where i've been like very end final round and then there's a hacker oh boy sick dope and they just ruined the experience for everybody see now it gets a little tricky you know with the last minute in the game you got to stop just don't hold on to me ass please you're gonna start jumping over things and then people start getting in the way stop holding on to me i'll kill you dude i'm getting stream sniped for sure for sure i'm not streaming but i they know they know an ultra famous super handsome good looking youtuber when they smell one and what do they smell like hot dog water don't hold on i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i'm probably peeking the mic all over the place if this little pigeon guy he's out to get me dude and i do not appreciate it i don't appreciate it but i made it all the same thank you i hope he died i hope he died i hope he died i hope he's dead is the pigeon still here yeah he is no he's not haha oh we got two left damn all right i'm on blue team i think i'll uh i will play goalie you know somebody's got to do it so i'll i'll hang tight back here okay gamers you get those goals in all right oh damn that was almost a goal they had a some uh some good defense oh all right go get it good good good yes one for us good get the kick off nice yes not everybody likes being goalie because everybody wants to be the hero you know everybody everybody wants to be the hero you know who who scores the goals but not everybody wants to you know be responsible for what happens when maybe a goal goes in you know and i'm willing to take that responsibility because i am a true man it's one nil anybody's game at this point and i sacrifice everything for this guys guys don't just focus on one ball here whack you no i it was you all along get the kick off baby yes no now we're going to be eliminated i tried my best oh that's sad that is sad that is unfortunate but that's always a game of so it's a game of fog as you know okay here we go oh boy slime boy slime climb a mountain man i these dudes everybody's going real hard right now dude like everybody seems to be trying to push each other off it's ruthless out here this is one of the most intense matches i've seen in my lifetime and let me tell you gamers i've seen a match or two going up and around these things i hate these with a passion get out of the way what are you two doing there what are you all doing you're all terrible okay i think we're in the clear as long as i don't the whirly gig more like the whirly gag i like that little soda can that's cute all the skins are so cute in this game a lot of people wonder why this game is doing so well on twitch why wouldn't it it's a super fun game it's super cute it's also family friendly for people that care about that and like you can have a bunch of cute skins and and it's just extremely competitive in a lot of ways oh that's a strat though kind of not really but and once they add in custom games this is gonna be such a good community game oh my god it's gonna be so much fun all right we're being a big boy a big gamer man boy we're going through the middle i didn't make it all right there we go what's that dude doing you okay mister are you okay okay bye what are you doing sir don't you want to make it [Music] all right okay okay there's so many hot dogs in here dude what if all the hot dogs teamed up you know what if hey i'm so glad there's not comms on this game because holy that would be so bad just a bunch of 10 year olds constantly screaming oh my god it would be worse than modern warfare 2. oh i don't like tiptoe tiptoe makes me anxious i never make it on this one no i do always manifesting a win okay i'm gonna make it this time let's go come on mate and i'm yep end of club you just gotta be patient sometimes with that one you don't think we're gonna have a team game and then final round this is the final jump showdown i've never done this one as a final so we're about to find out i know that the floors drop out on this but i don't i don't really know where so tbh i'm a little nervy you know because i don't know where the floors drop out do they just drop out in order from right to left looks like that's what they're doing but i don't know oh they don't interesting i almost died there now oh my god it's just me and this boy over here so gotta be careful gotta be really careful if he if this dude griefs me i'm gonna be super upset about it actually because i'd like to think that that maybe he'll you know leave it up to god for what happens you know i won't touch you if you don't touch me sir do i have a bigger hitbox because i'm so tall because of my hot dog because of my meat i've never made that noise before there's gonna be so many cool skins that come out oh my god like the ninja and the mr beast skin oh my god i can't wait in the aim lab skin was the aim labs that did it with them perfect really gig run dog my guy i'm second dude here we go let's get rid of everybody bye bye everyone see you later bye bye love see you later see you later love all right bye that dude blends in with the background i don't want the fruit one either fruit shoot or the mammary fruit i don't like the fruit gate crash all right oh my god oh my god please please please okay only 29 here so you gotta go quick gamer snapchat from matt watson is it gay porn no just porn porn [Laughter] let's try again let's try again let's try again tyler gotta win that one gotta win do you think i'm annoying let's get into gamer mode let's get into gamer mode gamers only mode okay it's like only fans gamers only fans are you ready for these gamers i am i'm ready to get it up fat dub all right come on hot dogman let's go for a ride why already already trying to get me dude not fair not very epic of you gamer wow i'm bad at games how do you be good at fall guys i feel like a lot of it is just luck am i wrong am i am i completely completely wrong am i completely wrong this is not a lock based game wow dude okay i'm smelling a lot of myself right now and i should have showered i don't know what to say to you anymore justin you know i've entered this gamer state what next you know there's nothing much else that i can do you know there's not much more i can achieve once i've entered the gamer state what do you expect from me i can't do everything and everything all at once i am everyone and i am no one i am omnipotent gamer oh that's what i should have made my username instead of crank gameplay as the omnipotent gamer good all good all good things and there i am right at the front my little hot dog self look at me i'm so excited for the day all right guys let's have a nice clean good game of block party you know where you know we don't go around grabbing each other throwing each other around let's just have fun let's have a block party you know let's celebrate life it's so fragile and it can be swept away from it at any minute you know so let's let's not take it for granted you know let's live in the moment everybody grab a plate there's the lasagna uh karen and i got it all got it all catered so you know and if you're vegetarian or uh or vegan or anything we have options for you as well all right uh the kids table is in the back um and you know up up here we do have a little bit of adult beverages bud light only okay and uh it's gonna be great a great time um so thank you all so much for coming um todd is gonna be breaking out the uh acoustic guitar going to be playing a little bit of jason marazz later tonight maybe some song requests as well some ed sheeran perhaps he does have a limited song list that he can play there's a little bit of dave matthews on there maybe we can play some ants marching huh we all love ants marching don't we uh anyway thank you all so much if you do go in the house um you know there is a doormat at the front i do ask that you take the shoes off we just had the floors redone um so thank you all so much bathroom is on the left i'm gonna kill you billy i will slaughter you in the night dude you're never gonna be invited to a block party ever again okay take your plate and leave thanks well i'm going to end this here thank you all so much for watching uh eef merch is up now so if you want to check it out you can crank why am i doing this no idea anyway we're gonna end this here thank you guys so much for watching i'll see you later and uh enjoy the lasagna all right [Music]
Channel: CrankGameplays
Views: 117,195
Rating: 4.9842286 out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays
Id: V5syU13qFBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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