the most wholesome kill in Among Us history

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ooh dan look at you with your mask yeah i figured i killed too many people well it felt dirty so i figured i'm putting i'm putting a gift in chat um for everybody but just specifically for dan as well is it a picture spencer [Applause] i'm saving it and that will text you that picture of spencer also here whoa whoa whoa we're so fast what the [ __ ] oh sorry oh i didn't mean to do that that was a nap that was fun i liked it happy accident man do it again okay bye [Laughter] oh wait i have this everybody's gonna think that i'm sus well maybe not actually because because i went back up and i it would be more suspicious i guess doing it with everybody you know big brain moves are what i'm making right now that's unfortunate there was a body right under you jaden but i know it wasn't what wait we killed the content man oh no the content king i can 100 clear ethan because he was doing the body scan and then when i tried to do it it said waiting which wouldn't happen if it was an imposter so ethan 100 crewmate i can clear lana because uh why would she not kill me in that scenario wait so drunky where was the body it was it was right under you on trash shoot yeah i saw dan standing in the middle of the snow field on his own he was really cute okay so i'm gonna tell you what was going on there ali texted me the picture of spencer and i thought it was really amazing okay that's fast thanks uh so i walked with jaden from electrical down there i was also with sean i also did the lights as well i did the wires and before so like i was i was this was my thought process i was like i feel like someone is dead in here i should check and then i did the wires and then i didn't check did you check vinyls i was on vitals actually so this doesn't help too much but i can at least promise you it's not a self report so albert and ross yeah are you guys on account i'm accounted for i was that labrador doing the thing where you line up the what's it called you line up the dots with the thing you line up is it when you line up the sword in someone's back that's crazy wait sean what were you doing lights went off and then i was on cams who are we voting for it oh we're just going forward we're skipping no i voted no too many people want ross dead that means he's good i promise you it's rot he didn't say anything at all i don't know about my whole life guys i don't know anything oh [ __ ] [ __ ] thank you huh wash don't tickle me don't tickle me around what if this emergency not today killer i found you on vitals what what does that mean i camped vitals saw that purple was dead and then called button okay but now we don't have information on where the body is i know but i just wanted to feel like a big man how does vitals work question it just tells you when someone is dead and then usually you can be like oh i'm gonna go find the body or if like you watch vitals and then someone replaces that is that okay i get it i didn't go find the body okay oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm gonna die you're fine i'm sorry wait sorry you last saw jaden i don't want to be too mean here but i did last see jayden in the office uh i don't think she would have stayed there that long but like you know you are hitting the button in the office so like you're not out of the clear here i would have reported instead of hitting a button if i was killed ignorance actually no that's true he probably would have just like self-reported hey haven't you played with toast yeah i suck i did i didn't osmosis anything no no no no no this probably wasn't him i didn't waste my button who would i literally just count vitals because i never do that and it works with me and jake alpharad with uh up in it was mr crink gumple and then alana came in at the end right right um really helped us i just like talking to people all right in the socially distanced world it's hard to get a conversation with anybody you're right you're right hey hey dan is it hey no i i promise well he promised or do you oh i went into the science uh lab i did the little flicky switch thing i did the telescope and then i was running down to the uh the airlock thing to do the electrical come on oh wow ross voted me interesting hmm you can't just keep that in mind i said i think it's a self-report she's a dead person dead person dead person why did you say dead person don't talk about that dead person what the [ __ ] i have more things in here i really have no idea who it is dan wouldn't break a promise right dan wouldn't break a promise he wouldn't break a promise no it's not damn he's not dead he wouldn't do that not to me not to me never to me reactor i will go i'll be team play oh holy crap okay so alpha is dead at cams i was heading towards reactor on the left i saw his body through the window so i decided to go you'll see a lot of people i decided to report the body instead of going to reactor in case somebody else got killed that reactor where did you see this body outside cams i know who did the kill who is that everyone put your detective goggles on because we have to pick between two people okay do we all agree this was not a self-report if we don't then it's between three people um i was alive and i didn't i i don't think he knows me i've self-reported before it's [ __ ] over every time i don't do it anymore okay this is between ethan in that i watched ethan get body scanned when i tried to get on the scanner it's that i have to wait for ethan to finish scanning even 100 percent unless that has to clear atlanta then as well yeah i promise it wasn't me [Laughter] that's not what i said i would no i would never promise i would never promise ross or drumsy whoa wait that's different people than what i said i just saw i saw ethan and dan with alpha last and then i left oh okay i want the and they were at right bottom we were all in o2 at the bottom line but i've done that wait ross yeah i don't i don't know about ross i i'm just saying between ethan and dan one of them was with alpha last and now he's dead i don't think ross could have done this kill because he was on the right with me in atlanta in med bay that doesn't clear him for any kills but he's just on the opposite side for this one agreed what are we doing what are we doing huh i'm gonna vote one of them which one i don't know it is definitely not even i think david oh [ __ ] i miss myself dan i see your dog on discord that's a cute dog yes dan what's your dog's name again that's camilla do you like her hipster hat yes very much okay last task drumsy please don't [ __ ] kill me george is gonna kill me drummer dude drums are you gonna kill me oh no oh no okay i've done all my time wait and no i haven't hm okay so i guess drumsy's fine well i've done all my tasks why are you going down there someone wasn't dan wait where are you now i don't i don't think it's ethan neither he i stayed with him the whole around yeah i was with drumsy the entire time why do you keep walking in the rooms and then leaving them i was watching ross do the asteroids also yeah he was definitely watching these i have a question where's the most bottom leftist place of the map uh uh what's it called well that's where i found the bottom bottom left this is a picture of the map that's where it is i just wanna ask real quick drumsy why you keep saying i don't think it i've been cleared since the very beginning of the game i didn't know that wait what did you what cleared you the we've talked about this like since then apparently because it's good it was occupied by you okay i didn't hear that i'm sorry but yeah two of you i trust too many of you i'm still suspicious of sean and now i'm suspicious sean did you see the the bar go up when i did the i i literally didn't i was too worried that atlanta was going to come in and try and do something hey good guys all four of us we all have to unanimously pick somebody and vote for them right now or they're going to get two kills right when the round starts albert what have you been doing yeah what are you up to i did wiring and then i went down to leftist place or whatever it's called i entered that i don't know if the timing would work out for ross it definitely wasn't alana did you get the joke it was a good joke thank you i appreciate he said he went to the leftist place and i said planned parenthood wow okay who who was with him i think this might be a self-report um oh i'm down to vote whoever honestly i'm down to vote albert because we have i feel like too many people too many people want to vote albert i don't like wait what why don't you people say that that's not too much i think that well that's true i guess that's true i'm still stuck hey why is shawn just following people around i'm not doing toss why do you keep leaving groups yeah i mean because we're not going to wait until are we voting okay i'll do that too i think it might be alana and ross they haven't accused each other once oh my god wow you you're all [ __ ] dumb you're attacking australians right now this is ridiculous [ __ ] i've ever seen oh [ __ ] oh wow i don't know why that happened we cleared a lawn okay okay okay betrayed okay okay who who's left okay so that was my mistake by calling a meeting oh no no the meeting the meeting was not a mistake the vote was a mistake and i look look i gotta talk to you um alana i'm sorry and if you forgive me say nothing cool she forgives me okay let's talk about this now i don't forgive you we still have anybody cleared from yet no no no i still called the meeting if i was bad i would have just killed somebody i don't think it's drumstick because we were we were over in the like near med bay or whatever alone was a long time that was like two rounds ago i think it's albert and ross or albert and drumsy why because ethan got clear jaden cleared me ross the timing didn't really work out i mean it could have if albert was if it's albert and ross maybe i'm down to vote albert i've been with you most of this game hey yeah but nobody follows me how are you supposed to clear me don't go near me but i don't know if drumsy is like trying to toss blame away from him it seems yeah i mean like all the sabotage then to get us off but no so could have any are you voting sean if they were bad i voted albert but man i'm going with dumb if i'm wrong you're gonna look like real dumb in a second man i i like that so wait who are we voting i love her i think it's drumsy dude where are you wait are you seriously voting no i think it might be albert ross you know what yeah it's albert ross ross just asked who are we voting to make sure it's wrong which is usually an imposter thing oh i hope i'm not wrong don't believe everything you see i'm done with my tests [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no oh no oh oh god the lights are out okay i'm going to do the lights i'm going into the lights i'm going oh no i don't like being alone in the dark i don't like being alone in the dark i don't like being alone in the dark for the love of god who could it be who is it who is god oh god oh god oh god just get the test done you know [ __ ] [ __ ] oh god oh god oh god oh god no oh god no oh god no oh god oh god oh god oh god oh i'm afraid we can do this i'll do this one oh no oh no i'm gonna get killed please [Music] ross is about to say it's me here we go here we go okay um so ethan ethan you have to remember everything we went through and also don't don't he's gonna talk a lot right now so i can't get any words it's a self-report dude think about how evil ross has been for the last few games okay listen ethan ethan don't don't don't god he hasn't been confirmed this entire round buddy but hold on wait you're wrong but drumsy was with me for like two minutes and killed me 30 seconds and then you give me 30 seconds this is like the presidential debate ended on me all right sure i'm not gonna be i'm not gonna yep you go you go drums fine fine go for it okay there's not much that i can say other than what happened in earlier rounds with us ethan uh and we stuck together a lot also i would like to uh pull your attention to exhibit a i hit the button last round and saved the game by helping us vote for albert wow what a good person thing to do hey how about all those tasks we did together remember those hey let's vote ross all right ross 30 seconds ethan you're gonna throw the game anything else what from him or me i may have thrown the game but i don't know i don't know i'm so sorry everybody i'm sorry well i don't know [Music] [Music] oh okay let's take care of the left side of the map first uh because i only have two tasks there um or maybe i'll get killed right away you're really nice dude you know who really knows i [ __ ] i don't like that one i don't like that one [Laughter] oh it's albert okay it's drumsy and albert okay all right sick dog how you not gonna report that following me like that what's that you tried to follow me into the room with the gas tank and then i darted away because i don't be alone with you and then you circled around to chase me well because you're my accountability buddy it's in the dow the lower left area it's one of those unnamed things it was right outside a door and then when i uh when i saw i have to try to remember it was either blue or purple color that i saw um it could have been both we were uh a door closed right as i found the body and i saw a a bluish hue it could have been blue or purple i think purple yeah does that include cyan because that's like a white ish no definitely yeah it was on the doctor's side semantics with the with the cyan blue shut up i hate to be that guy but i don't know this map i think i was near or in o2 when you murdered what did you do the murder there's an honest question just you know did you do crime no was it inside or outside the building so i can confirm that i saw i think it was jaden alpha and it was either sean or aaron yeah you're on electrical i'm i'm on cams i just realized that aaron wasn't being a bombastic internet funny man that's all i know yeah i noticed that too worth noting all right i got easy peasy finish my taskies easy count to peasy i know how to count to ten [ __ ] okay this was right under uh medical i went up you know when the the reactor went off i went up to the right one um it was who came up behind me there was two people i think i just passed you guys like aaron and drumsy did sure and i also came at the end um so then just as a safety precaution i went to the left one to check because i saw um alpha grad and i saw jaden walking away from it so i thought well it's unlikely but let's check the top one just for a body nothing so then i went right i quickly did the task there and then i moved in and i found um sean's body i don't have any leads i mean other than that i saw in the area i saw drumsy i saw alpharad and i saw jaden but i don't know which direction they went well i saw like fred and jayden i saw like four people that were all in the lab so like it literally could be anybody that was in there dan what were you doing i was in a room with a tree oh that's a good one that's a good one what about you aaron oh [ __ ] i was in uh electrical i just saw you at the end okay yes it's the one where it says i'm looking at this map right now it's the room that's above where it says electrical i think it's aaron he's not being bombastic enough yes i think i did it i can't lie [Music] actually i don't know i think it's aaron get my last test done and then you know those are all the responsibilities i've got all right let's follow aaron see what he do what that butt do aaron hmm what'd that butt do yeah fake that task oh baby oh baby fake that task yes you're on that for a really long time oh it's that that's why where are you gonna go big guy where are you gonna go away oh there's a dead body in there oh boy oh boy and that's a good place to put it too not everybody's gonna see that oh you goddamn that's so upsetting okay okay dan what was that why were you chasing me oh dad's dead dead i found alpha's body why are we voting aidan you were also the last person i saw with alpha and i went back to o2 to look for the body he was chasing me am i getting voted off right now and i didn't say anything yeah let's take this okay i'm very sure it's drumsy just yes actually aaron was there too wait jaden needs to speak say hey i really feel like it's drumsy because drumsy was in o2 and i was like um i don't think i want to like be with anyone alone yeah so um alpha was in o2 he came down so i was like oh okay so i did o2 felt safe they both but they both disappeared so i was like okay okay now i know you're lying you came into o2 with alpha i was in there alone and then i left and i doubled back to see if alpha was dead in there and he wasn't but now you're self-reporting him later hey why would jaden have been walking alone with with jacob earlier i don't know what they both have plague masks on they were being bird friends let's remember the tale i told at the beginning of that you're so wrong no i'm i'm not myself like you devote me just to prove that albert is wrong okay i'm also sorry dan so just keep that in mind i hope i'm not wrong i'm gonna be bad if we are i'm gonna laugh i'm gonna laugh i'm sorry all right aaron what are you gonna do this time huh bud what are you gonna do it's all closed down uh-oh uh-oh skedios oh no oh i thought they were about to double kill they could have i think they could have oh mama rock me is he why is he just standing by the thing i can just get ross what are you doing oh hey hey remember round one when i commented on the not so bombastic funnymen you were right aaron just like hanging out doing tasks so many times that i was like probably fine so who knows that was aaron i would just like to mention that the way that game went was i was accused by my accountability buddy and then murdered by my co-host all right one more game let's do this hysteria baby no matter what happens guys at the end we're all friends and we can all kiss if we want to okay something impossible today i'm only friends with you for spencer anyway that is so good so good wait [ __ ] rock me mama like a southbound train hey hey mama rock me mama like the wind in the rain why do i have that stuck in my head my dumb dumb head what's up okay okay um i have a question for dave quick okay okay um do you know if you have the t the key task up at the top uh oh uh oh [Laughter] okay okay can i button real quick i have the key task i just did it dan was with me the whole time i don't know why it was really creeping me out but he didn't i'm just like close to you man i was on cams and i can say that dan is doing the exact same thing he did to me last round and he was so scared i saw him doing the exact same thing on cams is it so bad would be afraid of dying i don't want to vote him but i i was kind of checking if people were doing keys and dan ran straight down so i don't want to accuse him but so dan if you don't know if one person has keys everybody has keys not do the keys thing because i did the cutscene skip true and i ran down skip oh you'll learn when you're older okay all around dan you know you never know you never know i'm skipping but i'm voting for jaden no self-report it's a self-report well uh uh ross what the [ __ ] i just think you could be right now i think you need to give the the the lovelies what what they need what they want yeah this isn't going to get like the reaction was pretty bombastic [Music] bring it up to 11 please all right let's do some killing huh all right lights are off somebody go over there to lights uh okay so wait what happened was i left admin i went up because of the the lights and then i realized that i because i did the cutscene skip i had still had keys so i ran up i did the keys and as i came down i couldn't see the body because the lights were still off but i saw the report button and i hit it so that was right outside of the entrance to like uh what's it called in the electrical i guess am i allowed to ask what cutscene scene skip is what is that the beginning of the game where you go um where you see that the hand come up and go right yeah you can actually click through that and then when it's showing the screen if you're like the crewmate or imposter you can actually hold a direction and it will it will actually put those those control inputs in so you can actually be running before the match even starts so like that screen that says crewmate or imposter which one did it say okay just curious yeah thanks thanks for asking though but yes the body was outside of electrical uh okay and i were in a specimen together hold on wait sorry you and who i didn't hear that jacob alpha okay um and i saw aaron in front of us and i was kind of in a perfect spot because if jayden killed me i was hoping aaron would double back he didn't but like he could have and if aaron killed me jayden would have walked up into it you were sandwiched could have also killed me and i think near laboratory and she didn't yeah and i feel like everybody could have just killed me in a laboratory with the lights out and didn't so i don't know what's going on that's fair so is this a classic skip on nine no the classic skip feel like it is wait did anyone dan what were you up to uh okay so i hit something called admin it brought up a map and then i couldn't figure out what to do with it so i walked away and then someone died you know that only imposters can access the map right that's a that's naughty that's right wait are you admitting to it wait is that true okay have we just gaslight danny that's a little bit i mean [Laughter] i'm really sorry but no that is not true i've never been more confused oh no was that too was that too quick was that too quick that might have been too quick i might have been too quick gamers i am not sure though i am not sure anybody around here hi anybody randy i just walked in with you alana and i just came up and saw the cyan body did you see who uh who was walking away uh yeah anyone got any words that would like to sing did alana did you see someone leaving the other direction ethan where was i leaving that direction i saw you it gives you a little black avatar just running away from a dead body i went up to uh i went up to [ __ ] what's it called telescope there we go uh i went up to telescope and i had the i had the like nebula looking planet you know i'm talking about okay uh and then i went down uh to go and do the wires over right in front of decontamination so that's okay i do have yeah and this is it actually in uh ethan's favor when i walked up into the the the medical area alana wasn't below the body doing the report she was above the body rough that's what i was about to ask because i was on vitals and i saw the body die and then be reported very quickly back to them um i all i can say is i saw aaron and alana i didn't see anyone else they were running in the corridor of medical damn in there was a there was a pool of lava and a little area that looked like a diving board and i was like that's that looks nice and i hung out there for a while and then someone died hey is your name red no wait wait no don't do this to dan that's so mean okay i'm devoting the lana tries to leave because i'm voting but i do trust dan wholeheartedly that's [Music] i'm just gonna try and get kills because they're they're gonna vote me immediately right i'm getting voted like i am getting voted okay there's no way that i'm not getting voted off so might as well you know all right what guys dude all right well explain how that worked huh oh well i saw it and then you i was going up the reactor and i was scared i was scared for my life and i see you do something bad i'm thinking it's a self-report guys because here's the thing here's the thing any witnesses any witnesses yeah you saw too true witnesses are against you well i saw it too listen what color am i black okay yeah okay well here's the thing i happen to know that both jaden and albert are color blind they can't actually see the color black and it's i'm a girl actually it's actually true blue it's actually can't hold on against me i trust jacob with my life thank you jayden i don't trust ethan with anything because he did it was my proof it was a self-report guys so uh oh that's it albert just vote albert just wrote dude oh i didn't know i was the last one i don't think you have to convince the murderer that he's a murderer i uh yeah i kind of i kind of threw that because i already knew that i was gonna get voted i think you did good i know i can sabotage i did just say blue by accident and uh that's not great you know let's do something what should i do what should i do let's do this kill kill oh you gotta go why are you what are you doing what are you doing kill kill into the darkness it consumes you kill kill [Music] mother rock me mother rock me mother rock me all right that was good that was good actually very good this is good stuff actually this is very good stuff because alpha's going in there getting all these kills right but can anybody see nay no one can see no one can see rock me mother like the wagonest wheel can somebody please tell me how to log the goddamn temperature i have no idea how to do this you just have to match it and then what that's it you just have to go the same yeah put it oh it goes make numbers same negative dude make numbers got it nice nice nice nice good good nice job nice job elf coming in hot with these coming in very hot with these is there anybody even left right now it's crazy this is [ __ ] nutty dude yeah there we go lights are off everything's going damn uh i don't feel alpha with my life anymore why whoa holy crap am i muted am i unmuted no oh yeah i am why don't you trust me with your life because you weren't following me and then albert and you disappeared together and now he's dead and so is many other people yeah there's a lot of people dead i'm gonna say i don't think it's ross i don't think dan has the capability of killing this many people then you're probably right i think it's jaden because i also haven't been with her the entire game oh no oh so it's definitely jacob jacob i like i actually hear the fear in jayden's voice so i'm gonna vote with her we're done okay can i can you can i give him one second can i have the floor yeah go ahead what what is that he's like i'm trying to think i was like what is my defense my defense is the same as jaden's where did albert go oh [Laughter] i i honestly was gonna pin it on dan and then jane said i don't think he could have done this and i go ah well [Laughter] oh my god good job on a good killing yeah that was a really good killing spree my strategy was to let ethan do all the heavy lifting in the beginning so i could build like rep and i was like oh i got jaden vouching for me that's going to be very handy late game and then she goes no you'd like to stick to the plague doctor pact i intentionally kept dan alive because like they called him suss at the beginning and then i was like i overestimated i actually thought dan did it until you did it to me i just think dan doesn't know what he's doing telescope i'll have you know i aligned a telescope class ah nice i completed my very first task and no one killed me so good day good thursday proud of you thanks everyone for joining us this is super fun this is really fun what [Music] you
Channel: Ethan Nestor
Views: 901,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CrankGameplays, Crank Gameplays, among us, among us funny moments, among us memes, among us all kill animations, among us gameplay, among us live, among us funny, among us imposter, among us impostor, funny moments, among us game, among us best imposter, imposter, among us with friends, among, us, among us twitch, crewmate, among us how to play, Among us kill animations
Id: MoSkvpMB5fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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