This train game will stress you out...

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hello fellow engineers i am on a train oh we're going under a brick arch a stone arch and we're going over a bridge that is quite a nice bridge uh welcome to conduct deluxe now i've been a rail engineer before i've designed rails in real life and in games but i've never conducted trains uh we need to click on that to stop so we don't hit the bus there we go again before the bus comes back and then we can pick up some passengers at this station notice they're all red so they want to go to a red station uh we have these sort of switches where we can change the rails to decide where we want to go but we want to give our passengers a nice view of the sheep on this hill it's just like whales let's go that way and then you'll see there's a red station here so the passengers will get off and then our new passengers will get on so next up we gotta swap that rail so we go over to the blue station drop our passengers off oh we get some fireworks and so yeah this game looks easy right conducting a train how hard can it be well if you read the steam reviews people are mad they're mad how hard this game is i've read the difficulty ramped up pretty quickly so let's see how we get on first level don't hit the bus sounds easy so come out here go around there we're going to stop at the station pick up those people go around there we're going to stop at that station to drop people off and pick up new people and then oh god we didn't hit the bus the bus hit us well that was a rhyme uh yeah quite big explosions in these games all trains they run on nuclear power which is very very unstable look at the carnage look at the bus anyway we're trying again i assume i shouldn't have stopped the train there probably could have made it oh it's tight it was tight the bus honked at us as well all right so we're gonna go again i assume at some point i'm gonna have to break so we don't hit the bus he said it he said is that gonna be here or have i literally just done it i haven't done anything i literally haven't clicked i think we've completed the level no now now all that was close we've got quite good breaks on this train apparently right so i think we've now completed the level nice oh we didn't get three stars there anyway let's continue this level is forest pavilion more of the same but a bit more complicated there's only a bus we have to avoid i think the difficulty ramps up when all the trains appear oh god we got two trains okay they don't automatically break to not hit each other all right so we're at the point where the other train should appear so i'm gonna tell this guy to break and then when that one leaves the station now we're gonna go so now we should be good although we could meet in the middle no we're good we're good i think we've got the perfect spacing we just got to look out for the bus break go oh this is going to get pretty stressful i can tell uh we're nearly there we've got to get 50 passengers as you can see in the top we're going to miss that bus or you honked he did honk or five more now and we're done there you go sorted level complete three stars we're getting better all right this level is called hold back so i assume we're gonna have to hold back a train or holy crap where did you come from wait oh god now go oh this is gonna be a nightmare i can tell they're perfectly spaced at the moment as long as another train doesn't come oh it's just come break go break go oh this is going to be real stressful how many more passengers do we need like quite a lot all right stop stop all right now you can go now you can go right please finish the level i don't like this it's too much thinking we're good three levels in three stars we can take that oh and this next level is called switch it i assume that means there's a switch yeah there's a switch there's a switch okay you're gonna go around that way and it looks like they can loop around the middle without doing anything i'm gonna make him go straight because there's more passengers on that platform oh yeah the yellow oh idiot mats i didn't see you had yellow passengers on right you go that way hopefully they won't cross oh god all right he's going to be full of blue people so they can go straight the reds come off there and the reds are going to want to go left are they going to crash yes stop oh god okay then they got a couple of blues go straight ahead reds come up there 60 passengers 26 seconds three stars oh this is easy i don't know what the steam reviews were on about so we've completed the first level with two stars on every level i might have to go back oh we get a free gift though oh click to open what is it oh cooler train the intercity one two five oh so this is what our trains look like i see oh yeah as this one is british we will definitely have yi and then with our hundred coins we have 189 we can unlock the next level i've seen by clicking this level builder unlocked 9p oh cool we can make our own levels oh game you shouldn't let me do this well what did you expect what did you expect i can't believe this is actually my job like i get paid to do this basically anyway back to more levels all right i just had to go back and get the gold on the first level i think the reason i didn't get it initially was because there's a time so i think i paused my train a little bit too long oh that was close right that was a really small pause so hopefully we should get three stars what two why only two what how could i have done that any better i think i worked out maybe it's because we accelerated out so if we just tell them to wait until the bus is gone then we're not starting stopping and going again so that should be quicker overall 20 seconds i think that's the same as last time okay i'm feeling the frustrations already now i tell you what i've just i think i've just figured it out if i stop at a station earlier i'll get that one more per okay okay okay i got it i got it right so as you can see passengers sort of arrive at stations throughout time we're getting to the point where we're we're delivering too many passengers at the end of the level so at some point if we just pause to pick up an extra passenger then we should get the three stars so i might do it here let's wait for one more person okay and now that's the 25 and look at our time five seconds quicker ah big brain okay i get it where's our gold medal there it is that's what this game's all about baby right unlock next level we're in the green valley oh god lots of switches not a fan of this i assume another train is gonna come yeah there is balls okay so you go over there oh no we've cocked it reverse reverse reverse no oh that's so explosive wait is that a campfire did my explosion somehow set that rock formation on fire right so on this one i think we need to pause like in these areas this is another one of those like women's pads ones so if we take this guy and we pause you there and then this dude can go all the way through and then we can unpause you we can take you up that way so if you go up there oh we don't even have to pause you that was just good timing so you go around like that oh god pause that was close uh you're going up there no need to pause oh this is going quite well i think how many more people do we need quite a lot look at this i don't have to do anything bluetooth conducting is happening right here 21 seconds three stars east vale logging okay i assume there's going to be like a logging trip oh god yeah he's after us he's after us run away oh no there's another one i have to stop them from crashing as well oh bloody out okay okay i think i understand how to do this a bit better if we change that arrow to go straight ahead yes and then you go that way to take your blue ease you go straight ahead we're gonna have to pause you and then that way to drop off your reds and then you may as well pause there and fill up the train make sure that goes straight ahead and then on pause you go that way fill up your mouse or pause right now you go turn that one how many more people do you have to deliver are so many people all right pause and tee fill up all right mazel go around that way he pause that arrow straight ahead and now go and then we spin that arrow oh god is that the final people is that ten it's not quite 10. oh we could have got away with beating that train i think we just need one more person we caught the time there we cocked the timing it's ain't gonna be three stars oh three stars won't complain the mountain roulette okay what are we doing here we got oh is roulette because cars go in and we can't even see them why would anyone put a railway crossing in the middle of a tunnel it makes no sense all right go beat that bus be that bus oh no we didn't beat the bus oh this is literally roulette there's no skill here it's all just luck oh nice five-sided football pitch though all right i'll tell you what they're all grouped up so that might make this easier if it stays like that i think go now oh it's horrible i don't know where they're going all right pick up those no you're gonna have to pour it's gonna have to pause all right wait for a car to go i think we're good oh i don't like this i don't like this that's all right there's two cars going we might just pause just in case right now we're good it makes me clench every time wait did a bus just go through that i think a bus just went through there you go it's out it's out we're good we're good we're crossing we're crossing is that the final people no this is the final train your white car is gone green car yes yes we've done it oh that was so stressful man oh i don't like that i did not like that at all now we're on northbound what do we have oh it's stone arch so we go around here oh no there's loads of tunnels how am i to know where they go where are we coming out oh we're there so does that tunnel go over to that one yeah i think they're linked to like every other oh no there's another train right we're putting you on a different line then so if that's all we need to alternate we might be okay so you want to go that way now and this blue train wants to go straight and then as they come out the tunnels yep you're there i might pause you for a bit and i might pause you for a bit we got to get 30 people so if we can fill them up oh there's another train as well all right let's make both of these go so you go that way you go that way is that right oh no i cocked it they went the wrong way oh and we exploded oh man this game really makes you think okay so first off send you that way it's a shorter route and then when you come out you're gonna want to go straight so he's got the blue people and he's going straight good then he'll come out there so he wants to go that way meanwhile train behind that's just drawing goes straight ahead so if you're going first you go that oh you don't go that way bollocks night oh so this train's already got blue people and now he's just come out the blue oh i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it you go that way you go that way you go straight ahead so train out of there wants to go there train out of that one wants to go straight train out of there let's go down there and then we're gonna have to pause a train before it comes out tunnel oh god what time was it coming out of oh no we're okay i have no idea what's going on what's going on all right send them both that way so i think coming out of this tunnel is going to be two trains i'm gonna have to pause the behind one ah bollocks oh we're quite close to making that i've worked out how you get three stars as well so that's a circle like a pie chart sort of thing and it counts down if you're in the green you get three stars right so 70 if we can fill each train then that's just seven trips surely that's the easiest way to do this so we'll pause you and wait till you fill up that's more than ten that's more than ten people so we'll send you you're going that way so this train is going to go that way so you're full of people you want to go down there as well actually and you want to go straight ahead and then we're going to pause this train until it's got more people on so that blue train's coming out of there so we'll send you that way i'm gonna pause the white train send that one on its way going straight ahead i may as well just use two trains it's simpler so we'll pause you will let you fill up red wants to go down that one you're already pretty full and then the blue can go are we close to doing the level i hope so so 64. are there six people on this train if there is then we're good yes 28 seconds three stars did you see the three little things tick up so as long as we're in the green we get three stars nice busy town this don't sound fun oh god okay there's a lot going on are they all just reds oh there's a car oh i don't even see the road i didn't even see the road it's a police car [Music] oh bollocks no no no no oh no there's another trade no oh break me oh look how close it was no pause why is this train on here oh in a suck there's so much to think about right so basically when the cargo train joins oh bollocks when the cargo train joins we've just got to take people pause we've just no don't right there's the cargo train you're going right son are you balanced i thought this game was going easy but it's not although although just pause matt use pause a lot more you don't have to be so like rash about it okay so he's buggered off now so we can send these guys on their way you may as well pause you may as well go you may as well go cause you there pause you there we'll sort out this train again just relax matt you got time you have time so now you can go you can go i assume these guys are full of enough people to complete oh we're too short come on watch out for the car yes did we get green yes yes okay i'm learning as a train conductor you just gotta calm it down slow it down matt it's not the big rush that engineering is you've got time to think about things right rotunda how oh god i can't even see what i'm meant to do here what is even this okay we got purple platform up there so we'll send you up oh god we'll pause you and then you can go up as well oh look there's a blue one there now oh so is it like random every time so yellows go up there and you're on blues oh god this is gonna be confusing so you're now red you're now purples so we'll swap all those rails around you are also now purples but you are blues and blues are over there okay i think we're doing all right maybe i feel like this is gonna get complicated all right so swap that to yellow stop that to red and that's all of those sorted and then the blues are over there yellows are up there so that arrow's done this arrow's done for them oh this is going all right i think so purple is that one they're yellows i think we're pretty much there not too much to think about on this i thought it was going to be more complicated than it is although i better pause that train bloody hell oh no oh we're only six people short damn it i thought that was going a bit too well right take two i think we're pretty much done yeah 101 people three stars easy peasy lemon squeezy and then have we completed the entire map yes give me that gold trophy give him a gift so what's in the box what is in the box oh the mallard another great british engineering feat 1938 blimey i choose you oh i really want to collect all the trains now this isn't fair oh we actually get to pick what level we want to go for i'll tell you what i might have to do this one so i can see it's got a very nice bridge over there 500 coins look at that bridge all right the four loop bomb oh god i shouldn't have skipped any levels although look at our new train it's very nice what is this honestly what so where's the purp purple's over there okay all right i'm just gonna wait for that one to get filled with yellow people and then we'll go afterwards and i we're gonna have to go now because there's a train after you're asked all right yellow goes down there blue goes straight ahead nice we'll pause we'll let you fill up with purples we'll let you fill up with reds we may as well take you there and see what you get more purples okay so let's do purples first because they're pretty close together so you can go you can go they're both going to the purple station uh pause you let you go okay so to get back to yellow we've got to go up around oh god which means we're gonna have to let you go our time's completely run out oh god okay this tactic doesn't work too well oh you just they all explode so apparently these trains are wired up to some sort of explosives just to keep conductors working out their best of course everyone works better under pressure that's the thing right okay let's try and do this without pausing too much so to get down to purple you go in that way okay we could even take you around that way first pick up more passengers and then you go straight right who are you picking up mate yellows interesting so we can just do that and you're going to red so you want to go left okay i think i can cope with this if they add another train though i'm going to be annoyed there's another train bollocks all right so they're both going to red which is up there so you want to go that way as well you're going to yell so we turn that pause you you're now going to purple which is down there let's pause that train there you're going to blue so you can go up that way if we pause you you want to go to red so that's our we're actually doing well there oh level complete i really got two stars i don't think i can three star these they're getting pretty mental i was just silent throughout that but we're in close to the bridge ooh the bridge so this is the barnyard buster oh i don't like the sound of this in the slightest they've ah pause oh oh man this is hard all right so if we just swap oh you want to go to blue that you both want to go to blue oh bollocks all right i'm pausing at the middle stations i'm pausing all of them right so get rid of you get rid of you you want to go that way you can go you can go you can go pause you there you can go you can create where's blue how do you get to blue okay so you got there you got there you got that you go that way you go left to blue where's red red is up there purple is straight ahead do that you want to go all right i think we're looking good yellow you want to go straight ahead you yellow want to go up there red you can go left and then i make that one a straight ahead that one is straight ahead let's pause so you guys don't crash let's pause you yes we did it yes yes resource three stars okay i was a little bit too excited about that and then is this level gonna have the bridge it better it bloody better oh no what is this what is this right sod this i can't be asked my brain is killing me there's so much thinking that was fun there's a lot of levels to get involved with if you enjoyed guys boost like button oh and there's and there's the build thing as well there's probably loads and loads of levels you can play to your heart's content assuming you haven't had a heart attack from the stress that this game causes anyway guys peace love and trains i'll catch you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 719,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conduct deluxe, train game, rce, real civil engineer
Id: 8Ya6sLYWLuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 12 2022
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