The First Class Trial Starts! ... REVENGE TIME - Danganronpa

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Dude Bijuu Mike can't play this game to save his life.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/GamerPenguin231 📅︎︎ Apr 29 2020 🗫︎ replies
here we go the moment of truth I'm evil [Music] [Music] my heart is in a pit of despair after last episode of dogged Rafah welcome back my scrubs to another episode episode 4 now yes I'm super excited up dangan ronpa I think you guys know what to do at this point right thank you I want you to look at those case now meet if there are 30 worth it if you want to get to episode 5 smash like you guys actually really came through last episode and we got to like I don't know God see what is it 32 and think this what it's at and user blown up the comments so let's do this so if you missed last episode episode 3 of dog and robot go check it out alright I'll link it right here but okay this is where here's the spoilers right last episodes I can't even say it ayuh died and I'm so mad like I am so mad if it immediately after that the girl that I said that I was gonna pick as my next waifu die brutally so what the freaking heck man and so now we must do the trial in order to see who is the one that killed Sayaka we know who killed juco that was pretty obvious you guys have been telling about Twitter and things like that said not get attached to anyone in this game I will I will okay I have the hope in here alright so we just looked at the trash room we found a little bit of a discrepancy there the fact that a weap man you know is in charge of it but he was never in there but yet someone threw the crystal ball at the trashcan or the trash compactor incinerator whatever hirotaka found something do you have a second Makoto I've been covered something bustable the door to everyone's room has been April okay I know I know they switched it oh you might be to kill her yourself I can't tell you anything forget everything I just said I already know they switched them you know act like dude I had like ten steps ahead of the gay bro I'm beat you master detective alright I basically uncovered who was the killer anyway before anything knew who Leon Hajduk oh my god said she isn't here anymore she's dead oh I didn't know that hey if their City wins room why would a search it's your room man I noticed the human-shaped of blur commentary out of the depths of the hallway Oh someone's a little suspicious now Oh how does my room a pity thing to do with investigation oh but it does it definitely does no that is not a reaction to someone coming to your room he's he's a crap man oh-ho I'm on to you I am on to you so hard Leon why is he the only one that's coming to the door right he's the closest one bye she's saying so many problems with this well I'm looking through everything what am I missing trying to figure it out I just want to start the investigation but I think I'm missing something what could it be it's been 40 minutes I've done nothing you know what I wanna know where's Kyoko at she was in the room where is she now she has some explaining to do what what how long is this room bit in here I've been sick I've been recording this for 40 minutes and I didn't know this room was here oh my god well not once if they said anything about this room okay all right oh well there's knives Oh what is gone okay they're all kinds of kitchen ice too big too up but one of them's missing was it missing from the beginning I don't know I've never been in here all right is that that's probably the last thing I bet what a very suspicious thing I seen Oh Oh got various meats over here no the Queen man I get so excited all right Wow Wow I cannot believe it took me that long to figure this out she's hanging around the kitchen suspicious oh okay so we're asking her did you notice that what am I missing she said she wasn't like doing anything so oh so it wasn't missing from the beginning nope last I remembered they were all lined up in a nice neat row so when did you notice one of them had disappeared why what's forget some chief of the kitchen last night and all the knives were still there but when I finished my tea he went back into the kitchen to wash my glass one of the nice was gone singing the knife disappeared while you were drinking your tea in the dining hall in other words you were right there in the dining hall with someone who came a ticket then you should be able to say for sure you could tell everyone I did it come to the dining hall last night please I need it I need an alibi here which screws I didn't take it yes hey by the way did you really kill psychic oh my god did you just hear what I said I would never you know did you really think I murdered her well she was killed your broom so I mean you guys were supposed to be friends right but you still killed her I know they're two people becoming good friends than one killing that there's a classic drama set up so when you consider everything together I also have no idea oh my god alright finally we're getting to the frickin trial so I'm getting tired of waiting what say we just get started trust me I've been now then allow me to appoint a proper location for the proceedings please go through the red door on the first floor of the school you know I knew that was gonna be the location but I didn't know your boys got that mizu water in case you didn't know I am ready to slap some justice in the face of criminals right now and I want to see them murdered brutally for what they did to the waifu's I mean it's unforgivable so anyway let's go in I heard these are pretty crazy so here we go you're late Mikoto we've been waiting for you I bet you were afraid you would be discovered as the murderer you are shut up future wife ooh okay let's not jump to conclusions just yet save that for this trial alright let's get started then so they're all so they really are convinced I did it everyone is going against the bee I didn't do it means I could both knew that all too well but then who is the killer the one who murder Sayaka is it really one of us well I sure hope so I'm ready um I'll be the first one down there come on are you scared why would I be scared I need to uncover the truth beside you guys dead I didn't need someone else to tell me to do that it's hikers honor I swear I'll find out who the real killer is as I raised my voice to try and give myself courage I turned trembling with anticipation towards the elevator with each step forward I could feel my heart started to race faster and faster still boxes scented with heavy clunky sounds towards the school's basements I wondered to sow death row inmates filled when it his time has finally come rather than that it's not more like a defendant waiting to receive his judgement oblivious to our shared anxiety the elevator lured us further and further into the bowels of the school interesting looking what do you think doesn't it feel like a real courtroom it's like a Hollywood movie set right not even close so it's negative all right everyone find your assigned seats and sit down hurry up or you'll die the seats were arranged at a gigantic circle it was also to so everyone could see everyone else which also made it be easy pretty what has transferred their attention at ease and unease to anyone else the air seemed to grow heavy as we sat there oh yes yes sweat it up Leon and so the curtain in our first class open a deadly judgment a deadly deception a deadly betrayal it deadly riddle a deadly defense a deadly fave a deadly class trial do you want to save me I want to say okay Oh open handbook is it white want me to figure out I think I have everything I need let's go back say I don't know I didn't understand this increases damage to the opponent hey get it what are you gonna do it here increase damage to the opponent when a statement is destroyed oh that's what Sayaka gave me all right okay I guess we're ready I didn't really say anything all rise let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial so your votes will determine the results if you can figure out who done is been it only very will receive punishment but if you pick the wrong then pile punish everyone besides the blackened and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate is one of us right close your eyes [Music] there's bored of this you know there is I study I've done my homework come on let me add it it's about time to begin the debate to decide who is killer is all right let's do this first not stop debate is about to begin would you like to hear more I guess during these discussions characters will speak to one another without pause it sets you to unnerve any lies or contradictions buried with their statements but the spaces that you have to use your truth bullets to refute what they a any relevant truth bullets you found during your investigation will be loaded into the truth cylinder use the mouse to aim and then fire with the left mouse button I got a shooter okay hey close stitches tether to character statements use your truth bullets to blast the right wines now if you ran out of time you water back with you okay all right this sounds like a lot of pressure extra sleep evidence of a struggle all right I got all right good the killer must have taken her by surprise while she was in the bathroom no she did her wrist is broken something's off about what she just said because if psychiatrists at all there's no explainable app in my room but this first debate we'd like to take a real quick sidebar if you're unable to spot and review 81 flies or contradictions the argument will repeat within a group of statements some words appear in a different color did you happen to notice I did that Rivers is a potential water persist a bit a possible weak spot these weak spots build poorly though not always inaccurate sections of a personal statement the truth rules are only effective against these weak spots oh you can all you can press space to pause okay all right so like slow it down no she did she did I shoot that what am i what am I doing wrong okay I gotta get the hang of this I'm shooting you exactly big I knew that was the run part yes with the way things had been damaged I think we can definitely assume there was a stress she was definitely struggling for sure why would you assume that you weren't even there looking than obvious after taking one look at the team thank you yeah come on man I don't like you but you guys have probably since sorry I'm just dumb what's next next is the subject of the murder weapon to sound like a real trial well it's about as important as it gets my dude I would even say chairman what who was what was used to kill Sayaka it was a knife that's also very obvious they're gonna say no it was a tiger okay so kinda have you ever seen it before no it was not random are you kidding son of a branch go back ia might not fire a good time is that it oh so right you have to shoot fast enough that was what I was doing wrong you're wrong objection there's just a Saturnia ban that's good I do think it was a knife but not just any night I'm almost positive it was a kitchen knife huh a kitchen knife after the murder we discovered that one of the knives from the kitchen was missing which means that knife must be the murder one yes yes Inspector Gadget yes yes that makes sense you could sort of see the weapon sticking out of her stomach I'm had eyes in there like okay so the murder weapon was a kitchen knife but where does that get us right dude you're acting awfully suspicious right now no I have an alibi it's not gonna change that conclusion I think Leon I think we can she's right there's got to be some breakthrough somewhere just waiting for us to find it because I know des will I'm not the killer there's a bit more to learn about non-stop debates would you like to hear more okay what is it oh okay it's just telling me the things that I already read okay let's do this always write account so I guess there's no question that the kitchen knife was the murder weapon exactly I mean I don't know no I do not you see so slow but I think I think I got it though okay wait hold on okay yes over the space of what I wanted to begin with anyway I just did gets it really read it but I talked about the kitchen I am the killer anybody confuse anybody you know yeah yeah go ahead tell them tell them how you saw me or didn't see me and then proceeded to accuse me directly after that but hey I'm sure you'll do the right thing that's gonna put her in like basically jeopardy right kinda and at any point while you were there did you ever see me come into the dining hall exactly yeah we should say it that way though it's her now it's her problem what do you gather to protect each other that's kind of smarter you pay something like that I know I have some swimming to do which I'd like to ask the bear if there is an accomplice do they also become yes this is exactly what I asked last episode accomplice in other words two people can work together but one of them has no chance of profiting from it but what if like there was a way for two people to be equally at fault for someone dying what do you do just saying like there's got to be some scenario where that could happen she's like I'm asking for a friend okay oh thank you for clearing that up Monica [Music] you did definitely dad everyone hurts you go to the dining hall and I didn't take the knife so I'm not the killer Zack we're just a normal guy who'd take the knife he's the obvious candidate after all she just said she was in the dining halls I knew this is gonna happen I hate to ask but just to be sure I [Music] wasn't really thinking which means hey I know that voice if you guys ever played persona 5 I'm pretty sure that's Morgan our Morgana wait now I forget it the cat yes I knew that that wasn't against the rules Wow Wow are you saying you never spent the night I'm just kidding dude you all right I'm a girl Oh you are their death wish she's gonna actually there is one other road the writing's on the wall literally okay yeah that's true one other person did come to the dining hall while we were there what did you spit that out when I talked to you earlier didn't you say so in the first place jhunku oh my god Juuko it would make sense well I mean it did say the Leon but if Joe goes the one the did a of course like why she would it be a duh oh my god she's the one who came to the dining hall and then later she wound up dead oh the knife was too you don't think you don't think she did it to herself right or or she used the knife to defend herself okay yeah all right I gotta say I didn't expect that so the person who took the knife from the kitchen was oh oh no why my times monokuma acai acai acai you know no sorry I mean I believe I really don't know it's not monochrome I definitely won't be the one that did it the only possibility and thinking back on it she was acting kind of unusual wait a minute but the struggle I mean she was like really depressed right so like I'm just saying I came into the dining hall she didn't even look at us she just went straight to the kitchen as she left she said she just wanted a drink of water but most likely wait but she was acting strange could it be this she was hypnotized and that's why the crystal ball I'm just that sounds dumb right I don't just yeah I would lean heavily naturally the knife she took was then taken from her because why would she was killed with it why would she do that is you may not have taken the knife but you still could have killed her oh crap yeah oh crap that's kind of true huh I'm telling you we need to find the gold hand the man with gold hands or girl okay if I don't you submit they're all gonna blame me for the murder they don't understand they if they compete me everyone's gonna die it's still really like you because if the room did belong to the killer then they did something most bewildering and until we unraveled that little mystery you simply can't declare that he's the killer it would be done for me to kill her that would be too stupid bewildering what the hell are you talking about something was missing from the scene of the crime that by all rights should have been there yeah of course I definitely don't okay so the hangman's gambit will eventually take place so it's gonna explain to me what that is whatever the point of this is to reveal an important phrase relates to the incident in question you have to deduce the phrase from the letters flying around and the letters already known wait the phrase by shooting down the flying letters in the right order what the heck ah alright shoot down the wrong letters and you'll suffer damage to your influence gouge if the gauge reaches zero you've died basically okay something that should have been to the scene but was it that must be the crucial point crap what was it again well the notepad I could say that I'm assuming they was supposed to be in her room it wasn't in my room I didn't say that earlier but I have I happen to notice you know there's no note bad in her room like it or wasn't mine so I'm gonna say that if it gives you the option oh wait wait wait III really don't know okay I'm just gonna try a there's lots of bays on the screen hey here here oh yes that's right they didn't say that I forgot oh my god yeah I really the notepad really wasn't missing though yes believe me that's right there wasn't a single here on the pole yeah I forgot she said that it's been a little bit well few days yes and if I were the culprit why would I need to get rid of all the hair in my own room it wouldn't be unusual at all to find my hair at the crime scene if the crime scene is in my room [Music] proves it wasn't me because they remove their own here top top we can decide something so important based solely on the absence of some hair yes no there are other reasons that prove why I'd be on a jury this is why don't serve jury duty I would anything about the bathroom at the scene Sayaka was attacked in the main room first then fled into the bathroom right yes yeah then they ran after her got into the bathroom and stabbed her and how did the killer get into the bathroom did they have any trouble with it you mean it's fairly certain that the killer had some trouble getting into the bathroom there was clear evidence left behind yes my crappy crappy door yes the object the killer broke oh I will present my doorknob I got it I love the noise it's just like Ace Attorney watch me first it was see how the top part was unscrewed and the doorknobs about ready to fall off true hoo-wee use the tools that's what I wanted to see if we could have we would have found the killer trying to bypass the lock they ended up nearly removing the entire doorknob this is another most bewildering act for the rooms owners it also proves it as a guy too because all the girls have sewing kits and they don't have tools which again points to I'm bleeding closer to Leon because his name looks like it's red so what you're saying he wouldn't break the door in his own room but it's the only choice you have is to break it you break it there's nothing bewildering about it you still don't see okay then let's take another look at how the incident unfolded hopefully that will help you understand kyoko said it was a bewildering act I almost didn't notice at first but is that the key point here there's a bit more to learn about non-stop debate oh my god how much more okay our Smith look for the weak spots basically late like that and there's gonna be a liar a contradiction so now all reach spots are necessarily false here's the truth bullet on the wrong one and not only will you felt to refute what they said but you'll also lower your trust Oh interesting so we don't want to just like knock down everything they say even if it's a little off it could just be debate because they don't know and they're speaking out of their butt all right we have to rely on our facts and logic like literally all right make your argument all right here we go although I I think I already said it all what they do after that the killer had to try and bust down the door because saya go ahead walk nope it's the boys bathroom stupid I know that worm act the reason my bathroom didn't open wasn't because it was long after all the girls rooms are the only ones with locking bathrooms right she just like he's just making this so easy for me it was in the rules Manor they said yes it's actually the thing that probably saves my life [Music] so the reason the door didn't open was just because it was stuck but the killer didn't know that and assumed it was locked so they tore apart the doorknob to get in okey but then why would the killer even think the door was locked in the first place everyone should have known you can't lock any of the boys bathrooms the killer could easily make that mistake thanks to one important detail about the scene of the crime the killer was convinced the bathroom was locked so they didn't know that the door actually couldn't be locked in other words the important detail about the scene of the crime is that they didn't know wise oh they didn't know that crime took place in my room yes yes that's it [Music] it was my room didn't even know where he was next which is why he would switch it right like yeah that's why he was switching to be more specific what the killer didn't know was that Makoto and Sayaka had switched rooms which is what led to the misunderstanding about the bathroom and there would have been a lock on the door and they would have had to break throat so they had no idea how unnecessary their actions were ultimately we can't know if it came open by force or simply by accident but the killer must have been considerably confused with no idea how they actually got the door opened regardless it was a pointless act wasting time trying to break down a door that wasn't locked I wouldn't do I would have known exactly why it wasn't opening I anyway why don't we just right now majority will know our next on the line here someone seriously needs to do something for sure there's way more evidence or questions it does not matter how trivial they may seem Oh as a matter of fact I do have one question oh you fine it's fine just ask your question oh yeah okay so um well I was just wondering how'd the culprit get into makoto's room in the first place another very good point yes how did the killer get inside maybe Sayaka just dropped the key somewhere and the culprit picked it up that's possible right it is because she did go to the get the knife you know I will say that negative if you remember monokuma made it quite clear that the locks are all unpickable even I didn't know that [Music] I'll tell you why you otaku man because she asked me to do something in particular because of how bright she was that's the answer there's no way cycle will let someone in because where is it where is it how do I prove that she was scared switching rooms me oh god oh god all the times oh god what is this mother cook a file one say I don't know Oh brayer says she's be okay all right I got it that one it said specifically if she was frightened I was messed up bad that's why she asked me to switch rooms in the first place yeah yeah we know we know knowing what she'd been through I just can't believe she would have opened the door for anyone what if her being scared was a lie huh no she would never not might not I say okay I'm supposed to mean why would she lie about something like I know you don't want to consider it what if she wanted to kill me she did cut us I don't know what to believe anymore there's something I want to talk to you about just us to you in five minutes come see me in my room there was a note check the date place to make sure you don't get the wrong room okay catch over the next sheet of paper I better make sure I'd rip the paper out before I use it from now on it's a pretty old-fashioned technique interesting and I should also mention I found the notepad on the desk in makoto's room which means only someone who had been in Mikoto's room before the incident could have written Sayaka who switched rooms for a single night no sayaka's signature and I'm so confused why would she write that why would she wipe this I know she must have slid it under their door to let them know she wanted to meet with them and honestly even if they did I do not think they are at all involved in what happened huh what makes you say that would you like to hear what I have to say very well then pay attention all right I'm a little confused on that note it's just really confusing like why why would someone write that cuz we taught so it's not I thought it's addressed to me so now I just confused about [Music] okay I'm just I am a little confused the killer went to my room instead of SIA cos and the reason for that is it asked me because of what got switched between my me and psychos room okay so I I don't really understand it wait really now I don't remember it I think I think it's this one I think we did a shoot that only I don't know I don't know your meaningless words tired me please stop wasting my time oh I messed up oh okay we damn please switch rooms it's got to be the third one okay I think I got it right little lost here the name plates on my inside okay I knew that's what I knew that's what I wanted to say but I didn't know how to say sweet that's right the name plates got switched just like the runes themselves as a result the nameplate on sayaka's room actually had Mikoto's name [Music] so what you're saying was staying so the note would it be canceled yeah so switching the nameplates would be no problem and the one who switched the names was well of course it wasn't you right Makoto I think so right okay who did it only person who knew we had switched rooms oh man you know I gotta say I'm gonna say Stu killer I write Mirek a could have been so good but I don't know why she would do it I miss a to Kelly oh they had no idea that they were that they were actually in your room right oh yeah you're right so the only person who could have searched the name plates it was suicide [Music] no there's something I want to talk to you about just uh just us two and five minutes come see me in my room check the name plates to make sure you don't get the wrong room okay okay she did mention name plates she specifically tells the reader to check the name plate she would only have written that if she knew the name plates had been switched but why would she switch them in the first place she wanted someone to come to the room she was in and also hide the fact that it was Makoto's room what inviting someone to your room but not telling them you'd switched rooms why would anyone do that to understand that we first need to understand what happened after she invited the person into the room that's where the answer lies whoever she invited over is the culprit but we still don't know who it is you goddamn idiot yeah why would she advise someone in the room if she was scared what she paid you we just have to figure out what happened during the fight right God reminds me there was a replica sword at the murder scene was that perhaps used during the fight oh yeah what's the deal with that sword Sayaka suggested I should move on to it I thought it might come in handy if I had to defend myself it seems pretty likely that the killer used it to break psych his right wrist maybe possibly no that's what broke her wrist the reason I know is because when you look at her wrist there's no doubts oh yeah okay let's go down right there like his wrist all you have to do is take a good look at her broken wrist and it should become pretty clear right there where her wrist is all swore it's gold there was no finger is that food it sure is specifically the gold coating from the replica sword you barely have to touch that stuff and it'll stick right to you and there's some on a wrist because you got hit with a sword right there on a wrist yeah yes I'm the zeroing is what happened to my room and white lettuce I guess death that's what we need to make clear there's a bit more to learn about knots okay really more all right so it's just gonna get more confusing because all you need to know we need to shoot like the right combination of things coming out okay yes [Music] [Music] if the person with a sword really did attack first there's no explanation probably certain part of the story got damaged oh yeah the sheet yes all right I think we know what to do all right yes so what you're saying is I have absolutely no idea no no I thought that was it all right all right that's that's it that's it she didn't grab she grabbed the sword she was the one that used the sword no are you kidding me oh my god I'm gonna die I'm confused how do we save Easter that's not what okay that one doesn't work oh I have to pick the choose bullet oh I had the wrong choice bullet okay advisor we start this whole thing it was the Sheep okay all right okay I can't mess up anymore I don't think the fight started with the sword because the sword sheath had been scratched see there's a gash in it like someone cut into it with something sharp there wouldn't be any explanation for the scratch on the sheet you are going to attack with the sword you take it out of the sheath first yes so someone wasn't trying to kill somebody maybe they grabbed the sword as a defensive impulse in that situation there wouldn't be any time to actually unsought so you're saying [Music] [Applause] yeah her plumsted okay I was gonna say that the gold was on her hand but not the pause yes so she did grab the knife and she was defending herself with this could actually mean the site it was the one trying to do the killing like she did the first strike maybe could be safe to assume that's because whoever used the sword got some of it on their hand there's really no way she could have picked it up sorry but your that's bullcrap good sorry you're awful there's the serve regulation that talks about what happens to the bathrooms that night yeah the waters off yeah no water can't remove it the koomer file okay yeah not sure what is the one who damaged the chief what has to be the point without the sword it was psycho but we already said that the attack started with the person with a knife attacked first and the sword was used as an impromptu defense so cease I have learned it get out she really did first was do you understand she wasn't a blameless victim in this it was all a ruse I tell you from the kitchen then invited the culprit to the room she was staying and if it's true that she had the kitchen I'm not sure our soft-hearted makoto is capable of that kind of cutthroat behavior I'm sure Sayaka realized the same thing which is why out of all of us she asked him to switch through [Music] and she was forced to deny the tables suddenly turned on her right now you just need to concentrate on figuring out the answer to this mystery if we can't uncover who murdered SIA it's over for all of us is it really all over obviously I'm committed to finding out who he killed here but what can I do I mean as far as clues go there's nothing left I just want to know why Leon though if it is Leon like I think it is why why would she pick him I mean I guess who was she paid after all dying message yeah laughable I knew that was bullcrap right in the beginning there still might be one clue left psychic is dying I know like that's the least thing Eddie would talk to you what did you say the dying message she wrote something on the wall behind him remember one one zero oh my guys come on you're smarter than this before we get too far into that I need to ask can we really be sure that Sayaka is the one who wrote it true fatal wound left index finger yeah right yeah yeah the blood that could only be because she used that finger to write the message I means they still could have potentially like planted that too but you know she's during the fight so she'd have to use her really figure it out for the very beginning I mean it's kind of obvious right hey hero you're a computer nerd or whatever right you should know all about numbers and shrank numbers of course here we go numbers assuming they're not numbers so these first two one one look less like two numbers and more light in there oh you're right the connecting line is barely there so I assumed it was one no no you do degrees I mean come on you guys have seen it too okay if you turn her misses 180 degrees it should be crystal clear I did it I want to see you turn the message around the letters [Music] well because he has red hair that would make sense he does have very odd here oh and the thing in front of this innovator why's why I did find that crystal ball it can't be a size four here I'm so smart the birth shirt piece I found laying on the ground oh my god he's like oh my god I just turn up the volume to light man he's like jacket and shirt well I mean his jacket at least is like totally white well you don't have sleeves so your little charred piece there's no way you can say for sure who it belongs to you're right that alone isn't enough if there are some other points that may reveal the truth are you finally starting to understand the pervert maids at the button-up shirt which killer wasn't able to get rid of or wasn't able to there's something about it we need to pay attention to in order to figure out who's responsible when it was disposed of where it was disposed of how it was disposed of I could be either one of these it was more of how it was disposed of yeah because it was like they couldn't get in there yeah that's a good I think I know what you're gonna say of course you because you did it you can't reach the incinerator without opening the gate in front of the trash room right and obviously you wouldn't be able to hit the switch to turn it on either you need the key to get in and what the key was the person on cleaning duty he's trying to pin it on mmm whoever was in charge of taking care of the trash no native ascared oh they might know that's wrong there was another way to use incinerator without being the one in the clinic duty and that's exactly what proves that Leon is the real killer what was the crystal ball right that's what we're looking for yeah anyway I'm so fired [Music] there we go I think I know how someone could dispose of the evidence without using the trash room key but if you can't get past the gate you couldn't possibly turn on the incinerator oh yes you could if you use this what is it some kind of glass wall now he's incriminated become had to use the glass ball in a certain way check the raw weights it Rolaids hit do you fine with it yes they used it in order to get through it the killer simply took aim at the incinerator switch and threw the ball oh my god oh wow okay and Olli the only person that could have done that was the baseball player oh my god I gotta admit I didn't like I didn't catch on to that part I mean I would have been confident doing that'd be like I'd miss he's talking about how he did that so the only way the incinerator could have been turned on without his knowledge was because the killer was able to hit the switch without hope it weren't a god the incinerator going all they had to do was press what the shirt and toss it in never actually went inside the trash room discharged the broken glass the incinerator left running the piece of shirt that escapes to fire if the killer had been on cleaning duty the evidence that have been taking care of you Leon it would be easy because the killer is yeah it's a regular now here's what happened my closing argument is about again okay what do we do here okay so that's a complete a comic okay all right here we go hello Z Stevens oh this is really cool okay first a first first scene here BAM that looks right oh okay I forget just go over okay BAM she attacked tried to stab knife got knocked out no wait no no no she has it right here that would make sense right there the knife got knocked out of her hand boom broke her wrist I like to actually get to see it that's really cool and she at that point no wait a minute she's still alive over here so she couldn't have brought that already put that there so is there spots missing on purpose I think I think so okay that's cool so she ran in there she's scared to death of course I could I like how it even looks like him to just like without here and then he went out collected the hair went over here through eights and then he threw it and bam he hit it he threw it in there and then it came Oh interesting okay I'm pretty sure that's right I don't see how I could be wrong like we get like 20 minutes to do this my god oh wait no crap this is wrong this is wrong then because I was a little confused at how this works that's when I've got hit out of her hand that you could see it clearly right here wait but he looked back and then okay so that goes there actually dang I was so wrong now have more confidence Oh what the heck we got new ones oh my god okay oh alright nevermind I was so confused okay okay so now I'm thinking maybe that goes there and then that's when he looks we've blocked it with that yeah all right now that I understand this bore it it's gonna be so much more clear the next one oh I did it I think I did it what about this one though I don't understand this one at all so there is a piece missing then what if I'm wrong yeah see this one doesn't make any sense because he never unsheath it you never a sheath it at all you just hit it with the the things she cut it all right [Music] killer went to the room in other words [Music] she attacked him with the knife she'd taken from the kitchen earlier but then something happened that you wasn't prepared for a grab you actually wanted to fight back for his life during the struggle a strike from the sword ropes I his right wrist hey what what [Music] I'm confused okay so there's just kind of holding a wrist but they said well I guess it did technically get him sheet so he has she fit and then she ran to the bathroom that's right again strike from the sword ropes is right wrist yes all right that was it that's when she lost her brick on the kitchen finding herself the killer went after her but couldn't get the bathroom door hmm what they didn't know was that my bathroom door got stuck easy uh-huh good knew about that because I told her but of course the killer had no way of knowing so instead the killer forced the door open like that but with what strength she had remained Sayaka left a dying message to keep the killer from noticing she wrote it on the wall behind her yeah such a simple simple thing measured Ben white was it was it readable at all the killer quickly began destroying my god first they took off their shirt I mean thank God all that was there it's almost like monokuma knew and cleaned up the entire area they wanted to make sure they got rid of any trace they'd ever been there all right I'm pretty certain this is all right killer headed to the trash room to destroy their bloody shirt they tried to burn the shirt using the incinerator thing but the trash room is blocked off by an especially sturdy kid preventing access to be incinerated so they came up with a plan to use Hiro's crystal ball which he lacked in the laundry room the killer managed to throw the ball through the gate and hit the incinerator switch like he's adding the details hit boards to life and he makes the noise I [Music] mean I know they like he is evil he killed wife all right but he's probably you know he's just defending himself it was really wiper the busy boy nothing he could have done anyway enemy is completed yes it would appear that I was gonna die so now you went there to try and wash the blood out of your shirt okay yes they do repeat a lot of the same things do you object to anything that's been set object I have the evidence the first bullet time battles about oh my god this is a log this okay we have to go this is where I have to engage it a head-to-head battle we like to for this as the bullet time battle they're just gonna start they're gonna start it's like hurl the insults at me okay we have to use time and rhythm oh my god is didi argh match your poets button presses with each temple marker as they move across the screen the screen it reached the center okay I can't say I understand but let's do this you guys know how good I am it gets our hero okay and I'm alright a dance that's revolutions all right okay so you say what I was already said all right so remove the screws with a screwdriver because here's a guy oh god all right we're gonna battle this then the only way possible good old-fashioned anime battle okay all right I'm doing it I don't know what I'm doing I don't know what I'm doing I'm gonna lie to you he's he's he's getting defensive here okay I'm just trying to keep up with the tempo I failed of course I failed I ain't no thang what's going on nobody believes you know what it was hear what I say I have to say no please you gotta let me retry that they just kill you like that even it was Cooley him it would appear the one with the most votes is but cut oh my god how do I reach rise roll I got one try you want to give it another shot well of course okay okay I think I sorta understand okay wait I think I understand it oh I do understand I have facts of logic you cannot win this final strike oh shoot him where's your proof okay okay perfect okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's it I don't think I could have got that wrong I mean I said all of this so long ago okay wonder what kind of tool I mean that can be more proof than what we already have given him though you know pretty sure the two kids we got each other the boys aren't showing us your toolkit if I'm right about this the screwdriver will show bye bye bye bye bye bye Leon you deserve everything you're about to get rebuttal then it would seem we are finished here I got an e Oh I got an a I'm smart it looks like you've reached your verdict then are we ready to cast our votes you all have a lever in front of you use it to make your selection oh just to remind you must be unanimous sure you vote for someone you wouldn't want to be twice as you have to vote okay all right you'd have to be completely stupid stupid stupid stupid not to vote early on oh okay so we don't have to do that all right got it I like the cutscenes it's really cool you got it right on the money okay all right okay we know we know we know we on did you really kill say good I don't believe I wouldn't hear you say you want to say it I mean it's kind of like I said I think he had a horse she had a killer one wrong step it I mean you of course it's not like he's wrong since he went in there you expect me to just except for my death I do I do though he may be an innocent person but I don't care he killed why pretend and that's all I need to do everything's become clear you were right when I think about that honestly I'd be better off if we'd been wrong because of what we came up really is the truth then the truth is psycho was the one trying to frame me by even if that's true I can't say she was wrong after all the mastermind it's all because of that video they made her go crazy yeah she did say though and I even called it I'm like she's gonna like kill us she's really trying to kill us and yet I still love her I want you to go back to that episode and just see what I say at that point and tell me I'm not a genius all right no I did that now I understand why that person said how have you played this game before I swear that I'm spitting I swear on my life okay we don't have to do a trial to prove that I've never actually played it I even mentioned that I had a save file and I only got up until the egg the character introduction I'm just it's all in here baby oh my god we're attacking my Tacoma but yeah good idea you over it okay it's time let's see what happens yes wait a second I don't have a choice I had to kill her that's it I was just protecting myself in okay now I don't know how exactly was it self-defense when you forced your way to the bathroom did you or did you not use your very own toolkit okay yeah you did do that huh should be funny it's the one who put us in this situation well how you gonna do that here we go the moment of truth I'm evil hold it wait before we go any further I just gotta explain why this next clip is gonna look weird I got copyright claims all right that's why yesterday's video this was supposed to go up yesterday and I couldn't do it because I had to deal with this coffee right thing and I finally got it to upload without it getting copper I claimed it's just gonna look a little different the box is gonna be small but I don't you know that's pretty much the only thing I can do about it it's either that or upload it on another channel and then have you go to that channel but I didn't want to do that either so I think this is the best option all right that's all I had to say all right thank you guys for watching smash like Leon has been found guilty time for the punishment this this music is copyright I'm gonna have to mute it I'm sorry I'm pretty certain it is Oh is she is he taking him to a baseball field oh that's a good oh it's baseballs oh my god it's so fitting - oh that's ah that sucks holy sheep okay well yeah okay yeah that's bad that's bad oh my god oh my god [Music] a [Music] they have to watch it's crazy [Music] like I said his face mónica way like how he keeps it on point though you know it was the theme what we saw that was the true face of despair and I think it's time to episode guys this has been long enough don't forget to smash like if you want to see the next episode it because I mean we have quite a bit to go I can see why this game is so long but if you guys want to keep seeing it that's why you need to smash like and I would love to keep on playing other than that I'm gonna stop here alright no scrub of the day is way to break it long skirts give it a ready smash like I already said that yeah bye guys thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 435,068
Rating: 4.9815884 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, danganronpa trigger happy havoc full game, danganronpa, bijuu mike plays danganronpa, bijuumike danganronpa, bijuu mike danganronpa part 3, bijuu mike sayaka, bijuu mike reacts to sayakas death, bijuu mike danganronpa 4, bijuu mike leons death
Id: LAyqlCsPkrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 4sec (4744 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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