It finally happened ... Danganronpa

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what a poor guy

losing his waifu on the 3rd episode

please like his video

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/mayabibi 📅︎︎ Apr 24 2020 🗫︎ replies
- don't you don't you do this let's take a look inside are you kidding me hello how is it going my scrubs welcome back to another episode of dangan ronpa this is episode 3 just the case that you were wondering I believe you smashed the light goal it was like 29,000 something last time I checked so I'm assuming you hit it now first of all I want to thank all the support of a second why don't you smash like if you want to see it Wow I told you the only way I'm continuing this is if we hit 30k lice consistently each episode and Here I am keeping my word can we can we work together smash like you mean it you want to see how it's done I'll show you you go to the video and they'll look he's got 31 K likes I like this I want more please give more to me that's what it means am i coming off like that one girl that's like shaving people look a man's gotta stick to his word smash like if you want to see episode 4 if danganronpa I have a feeling this episode is gonna be we're probably getting to something you know and I'm really excited for it thank you all my weep scrubs out there for smash alike and supporting yet you guys have left a ton of comments and just I love it so much so let's get going we be game let's do this if you did miss last episode I'll be sure to link in here or just go check it out alright the last episode Sayaka white boot right least mine alright you know you always got to pick one of my pick Sayaka thrills she was feeling a little scared because well someone was knocking on her door trying to get into her door that's not allowed not after 10 o'clock and so we switched rooms because I'm a gentleman not a simple gentleman and here we are that's essentially what happened there's more obviously check it out but I think we're finally gonna see it happen today someone's gonna die and I'm kind of excited and scared Oh a little extra today good morning can you believe it I was the very first one here this morning yeah now you're worried cuz last time your words Ohio they showed up late okay I can't say I'm late my makeup just would not cooperate this morning or you're out there killing someone we have to figure out who was trying to get into freakin psychic his room and I'm afraid of bust them up okay yes take it as a threat smash like okay so am I gonna scream it's for the mountain times have you not lights yet are you not entertained maybe I don't know maybe well did it like I don't know I'm just gonna sprinkle a smash like every now and again oh wow even more lay people really you are suspicious because you were already gone missing last episode and I don't trust her you okay you're kind of cute so you get up you're gonna pass Celeste she's kind of creepy though Oh a also scares me you know on second thought everyone scares me in this game it's so awful to be late look at her little hands if there's a grip your throat I feel like she's gonna rip my junk my junk dealer our Sayaka and byakuya oh they're not here oh I don't know about Bianca oh just some what diary I would definitely put psycho in the model high school or category oh yeah so yeah also last episode right they had basically held our care our parents captive monokuma yeah yeah well that's what he said at least trying to try to make us kill each other and it was working apparently there's something happen yo hey man have you seen Sayaka yeah where is she I just came straight from my room here did she forget about our break a breakfast promise I got this says she always has her stuff together oh yeah no that's not good we're getting scared I need to go I have to check on her the worst that barely left my list of prep flies at the hall where I had it first was my room where I left psychist stay for a single night oh so oh my god yes she was scared and we yeah she was supposed to be saved there's no way anyone knew that she was in there where she was supposed to be safe but over the course of that one night oh the roommate be completely transformed no no no no no no no oh why are you gonna do this to my favorite break it girl no whoo not like this do they prick you move the bed I think two bathroom check the bathroom yeah yeah check it in - don't you don't you do this let's take a look inside are you kidding me hmm you knew this was coming didn't you how many knew this was coming that's up right now tell me my heart this you guys knew you knew I picked her it's because she was the childhood best friend of course it's obvious she was gonna die first I just I had a hopeful I was hopeful but who did it where's the other one the other one that was late my god they obviously left a note here someone is to settle for a freaking junco all right I'm mad man she was so sweet I even spent my time with her she'd do it she does have pink blood though and that's worried oh god this makes me mad I'm in a bad mood now it took me a second to realize that I was screaming what I saw dug its way through my eyes and buried itself in my brain I can't believe she's dead and then everything went black this is some bull crap are you totally me that I was at the freakin end at last episode that's all they're not even titled like oh she better not die and when I opened my eyes I found myself staring at a huge ceiling it was a ceiling I remember seeing before and when I setup I saw someone looking at me again it was someone I'd seen before Oh cut me psycho that was so scary oh you're awake finally are you okay do you have any idea what's going on yeah no it's not time for sleeping get your freakin butt up huh I mean unconscious dude I had to carry you out back there wait is it a dream or not I don't think it is like I passed out from what happened I know it was a dream are you okay they obviously so was it a dream what I saw it was real that's right it did happen oh dude I don't know man who did it I don't know if they give off any clues though psychic was dead a deep dark despair worked its way through my body that exploded out of me I shot up I took off running hey what do you think you're going dude I'm starting to think he did it I have to see for myself I have to see your psychos is you can check once twice a thousand times a psychic has completely enrolled irrevocably dead no I have to see for myself listen mister man what do you think should happen if you go out there well what good is it gonna do just sitting around here I mean why are we all hanging out in the gym at a time like this our friend psychic is she's she's dead dead when I said that it finally hit me it really she was she was really gone I see what the despair comes from now none of us want to be here right now either then why shouldn't it be obvious about Akuma he told us to come here well hold on don't talk like that we all protested it I mean we remember the terrible price I like I had to pay but I'm the one who convinced him to come right now we need to do whatever he says we're as prisoners right it's not a good idea to defy him without reason we don't need to make any more sacrifices than we already have why should we listen to anything he has to say it's obvious he's the one who killed me yes yes I did have contact with her but they would never kill white food that's like me killing Natsuki or whatever oh you piece of crap he's here again unless someone violates the school regulation I absolutely will not interfere I could promise you I won't do anything that goes against the purpose of the school of your school life here my famous a safari parks throughout the world for following the bear times of one rule it's been who did it who killed her you already know the answer the one who killed her is one of you yeah Captain Obvious nobody has a reply for that one of us killed Sayaka don't be stupid that's hobbies I mean but also like if I was in the situation I could I would be like yeah the he could like appear it in thin air of course he could kill her you know right that's obvious thing to think about you guys don't look like you're about to see a dub dish shot up with the Gatling gun don't you remember what I told you when this all began what have you decided to kill psycho so that you could graduate someone just following the rules there's nothing wrong with that you're lying right of course he's lying I'm telling you he kills her no I'm sorry one of you is a bona fide killer if they wanted to the one who did it could testify they look at the little facts or that little fact yeah so he's obviously really trying to turn us against each other because obviously what it was is probably bad white without thinking I looked around and everyone they all had the same look on their faces everyone looked at each other with a combination of fear suspicion and confusion are you serious someone killed someone it is amazing what some people are capable of yes hey hold on don't assume he's telling the truth that's enough before we do anything else I like to purchase something with the stuffed animal here if one of us really did kill her that person gets to graduate from the school right come on don't play dumb that's what you said isn't it if you kill someone you get to leave you evil piece of crap why are you laughing it's cuz naive you're just so naive you think it's believed that easy you could just kill someone a walseth out of here you're super naive Debra is devilishly naive no the real thing has just begun the real thing are you ready allow me to explain the second part of the rule regarding graduation okay so I just have a question did any of the choices you know I know I can't even read the comments it's sad cuz you guys spoil the crap out of it I'm really glad I didn't I wasn't like aware of that I did read one comment though someone thought that I had already played the game they thought that they could tell that I was I was kind of faking yet I'm not wait the way I said that was never bad - but I've never played this game I will I take that back I did play it a little bit a long long time ago but I only got past the introduction so it really didn't count but I've never played this game so I'm really glad that I wasn't spoiled all right he wants to he's gonna explain the second rule or graduation just like I explained before you must kill someone if you want to leave however even if you do that there's still one more part to the agreement you had to uphold remember you refer to the rule number six which ones that anyone who kills the Pala stood it becomes blackened with will graduates unless they are I forgot to hide hide things i skipped on it i skipped an accident crap but if you are the black in the committed the murder you can't be found out by the other students that is what you're talking about is that i oh yeah yeah oh so our job now is to figure out who killed Sayaka and then torture them because that's what I feel like doing which naturally means you need to assist in the place to access to assess whether or not it's been gotten away with so a certain amount of time after a bitter eyes taking place at class trial would begin no biscuit we're going east attorney on this now all right middle game I really always wanted to play but yeah it really did go over so well last time I played it so I don't know maybe well maybe we'll revisit that later it'll begin at a few hours after the murder everyone will gather together including the blacken who committed the murder and they and the spotless students will engage in one big debate showdown okay what kind of punishment way back up there what we all die if we don't figure out who who killed you okay I don't think it's him I I don't think you could possibly kill a woman I'll probably worship them but that's it all right so he asked like what the punishment is its execution well that's not a surprise at all yeah and by execution you mean death I don't know how much how much more simpler could it be I mean come on yeah I understand I'm a good student so then make sure I understand it you die dude you die all right so juncos try to be like oh you can't do that okay he's like I can't there's always gonna be that one character that tries to stand up and be like you can't do this the evil standing here before me I'm traveling with fears but I won't give in to such evil it is my style to stick it out and resist until the very end you referred to bear this bears the dog if you really want to get out of here you have to go through me first as he said that he came charging at us although it was more of a waddle but then oh I see squeeze that kind of bear [Music] we better throw him oh my god she's dead just like that oh my god how come the first guy got off bump into her man what the heck why is he gonna kill the freaking what is this this game already hate me I literally said that she was gonna be next for me who is it now I guess the freaking one that does this lie like Oh bro well I'm so mad is she like a main character that everyone loves no way dude this is a dream something's off I don't think this is right I think she was actually gonna die me send the right thing in her I shot wide open and just like that she never moved again bro this she's right there oh my god he did say not to attack and why did you do you attacked him what I don't this can't be real yeah yeah you know he likes her too now I am painfully aware of the great power a meaning of a promise exactly that's why you got a smash like or else I feel bad but like I really don't want to do this if people don't want to see it you know I I gotta say I'm very thankful to see the support of this series it was so cool just to see you guys come together is amazing I love it I really wanted to keep a course from popping up for no good reason you know but I guess y'all needed to be taught a lesson after all what an amazing promise but now you guys to understand right you see just how serious I am define me and you get shot full of holes exploded buried alive disintegrated so if you don't want that to happen to you Oh God giucose body had been upheld with a bunch of Spears an unbelievable amount of blood started pouring out of her body is this supposed to I love like a censored version right it's supposed to be pink I mean it's good for YouTube though hey YouTube loves it it was the first time I'd ever seen the moment someone's life came to an end nobody there could defy it deny what they'd seen juco who until a second ago had been our friend was dead she died she'd been murdered in simple terms it was the death that the human being it's really all that yes it is you're just killed to freaking like talk to your wife or xud she just died and that's all just when it died and still were remarkable then the inevitable demise of the entire human race it's just as natural as the event of the end of the world itself this isn't some superhero comic so it's not like when you die you didn't really die this is reality yeah why why why did you say you wouldn't put her in prison or something I changed my mind no you've been wanting to kill this entire time kill this entire time don't be silly you can't kill time or are you being metaphorical are you saying I wanted to waste this whole time come on what do you take me for I'm not Akuma anyway none of that matters right now I have something I'd like to give you to help you in search for your blackened for the black head and a little file that has all the information I gathered about the death in question okay so it's just something we're gonna have to review okay kinda like Ace Attorney like grab our clues you know well huh I mean we know it's not JUCO I mean I don't I mean right what if it was her what's that how do I know the cause of death you ask because of the surveillance cameras picked up the whole thing I get to see it all go down wait so then you know who killed Sayaka of course I do okay so it's probably not her then if I did it I couldn't possibly pass a fair and accurate adjustment during the trial and now could I yeah so I don't think it's I don't think it's her II I don't think you would have killed her if that was the case that's a good point the judge has to be able to make the proper decision that's how that's somehow comforting now then please put your pool ever behind you the investigation all right let's do it does this get on with this well she is so suspect continue to think about it and talk about the deceased certainly is it gonna help anything oh yeah that's what you want us to do well I got a people he's probably not who I think it is rogues we've guy oh all right I gotta pick a new waifu cuz like somebody I mean you can't kill although all the girls though like someone's gotta survive right psycho though I'm so sad you she's a feisty one but I got a feel on this side of the Rope is got one of the bad people in it for sure bro it was him oh my god I'm so I just don't know before we begin that investigation isn't there something else we need to discuss oh yeah what we do you just decide what to do about securing the crime scene what do you mean you're thinking of putting someone on guard duty so no one can disturb the area oh good good idea it's a good idea I feel like a murderer wouldn't say that right they would've tried to get people like more hints bro I am strongly suggesting that's this guy I don't know why I'm also try to pay it's a like who's not talking oh there's this suspecting everyone by volunteering for guard duty you're in a position to destroy all the evidence you want odds we need two guards cuz there can't be two killers can they can there be two killers alright so far these people are really talking he all of them pretty much oh so you finally notice notice what I was looking through the monokuma file we received and I noticed something very obvious and very unusual what are you talking about go ahead take a look alright notice anything interesting about where Sayaka died she died in Makoto's door obviously they're gonna expect to be alright you know they're going to suspect me obviously wait she's right it could it be all I have once everyone's gaze turned to me hold on a sec you got it all wrong for one night I traded rooms with her I did it because she was afraid you expect us to believe that just that oh yeah that's right is the setup I tell you unless unless she's like it's still alive and just faking it I I've seen so much animate like if somebody twists that I just I can't rule that out either but if she was allied that make me happy Oh kapeniak come very convenient she say that she can't help because she's not good with blood all it takes is one glimpse and i black out oh yeah right it's pink come on girl that sounds like an excuse oh my god with my luck it's gonna be heard that she's gonna die to you alright so her time of death was 1:30 a.m. the body was discovered at Mikoto's rope and the dormitory all evidence suggests that the death took place in the bathroom the cause of death was a stab wound to the abdomen the results an injury to her right wrist specifically the wrist appeared to have suffered a fracture we have no choice but to push forward if we want to find out what happened who could cause a fracture someone with big muscles maybe all right so here we are they're guarding they obviously use a sword yeah I can tell wait if they shoot the sword the goal we just gotta look for the gold right I remember it's like a gold pattern all over him but I I think that's just part of his jacket ok the sword is the first thing I'm gonna look at I already knew that was gonna be a hint later on so does this mean it was using the tax of now okay and price it's been taken out of his cheese and I had I hadn't actually looked at the blade itself until now I shouldn't be surprised this coated in gold too on top of that some of the gold coating has come off of the parts of the blade I knew it I knew it the handle especially hey anyone I'm gonna check them obviously like I said muscles fracture soccer do you think I'm guilty too I tried to make assumptions like that I simply don't know whether or not you did this whatever decision the rest you come up with I will follow your lead I see I mean I mean she's pretty strong she could kill any of us here for sure you know I realized something while I was on guard duty the killer could have already destroyed some evidence right before anyone found the body I mean yeah there's a trash from here in the dorms right they could have saw some stuff in there that's definitely possible anyone who raised their hand to a womanís scum or deserves death that's what my brother taught me all right you okay all right you don't you just saying that makes me suspect you Oh we finally talked we haven't talked to forever she was down on her knees carefully inspecting every inch of the room dude where'd submerge receive I don't know what she's doing exactly but she needs to be concentrating pretty hard on it I want to know what is she looking at the key it has my name on it so this must be my room key if I remember correctly that's right we'll have to try keys when we switch rooms we switched keys to the psycho would have would have had the key here in my room the entire time wait if that's true then how did the killer get into the room in the first place that's a very good point KITT psychic I have forgotten to lock the door no that seems impossible yeah but told her nuts open the door maybe she dropped the key so worried and someone else grabbed it no that's not possible either psycho was in here when we switched rooms and what I would her note is how did they see that she went in here they were spying somehow is that evidence of a struggle if it if it isn't I don't know what it is so they were fighting dang it I was right there in the other room if only I'd heard something seriously that would oh yeah we can't soundproof crap yeah oh wait so we haven't even opened up our toolkit but has anyone else because that those could be weapons those are definitely weapons right oh she said there's something very unusual about my room oh no no no I need a reply to that forgot I searched the floor from corner to corner and I don't identify one single strand of hair yeah that's what the lint rollers for yeah not one hair from the victim and not one hair from you even though you've been living here you know you know now you mention it I noticed the thing while I was looking around before it it looks like the lint roller in my room have been used could someone ever use it - very interesting was it psycho or the killer oh man it's gonna be even more sad if she clean my room before she died right huh there's some scratches on the sheet they must have been made with something sharp oh there was another weapon but how the sheets get scratched up in the first place even if someone used a sword during the struggle it doesn't make sense for the sheet to be damaged I mean if you're gonna attack someone with the sword the first thing you do with a sheath it's a happy she's like this would only get in the way you could just slide off in the middle of a fight so why are there scratches on it okay we can finally go in there no I can't let it get to me I can't afford a freeze up now forced myself to push the penny down a step to the bathroom yeah there's definitely a message looking at her made it painfully clear it wasn't a dream or illusion she had lost everything that made her her Sayaka Sheba died beautifully do I be that sends that creepy iris I can't hesitate now why why decide I have to die I have to uncover the truth I have to find out what happened I wanted to give up I wanted to collapse but that thought held me up and supported me alright the message is obviously the first thing I'd want to look at and there I saw Leon oh my god it literally says Leon but that could be a setup but maybe that was her last message but how could she possibly do that are you saying that she died like she got stabbed crawled over here and then brought Leon upside down how how how could she do it upside down no that says Leon I don't care that was not numbers no way look it it totally looks like an in it's I could do this what how could he how could he think that that's like numbers oh yeah okay it does look like numbers but that's no way 1 1 0 3 7 well what did I say I suspect the Leon way no that's nevermind I was confused I I was byakuya was the what I was suspecting bite him alright we gotta check the knife I pulled out the monokuma file to verify what it what happened to our body some some sort of sharp object had been thrust into the stomach that must have been the killing blow but whatever they used to kill her where'd they get it that's something something I should look into later but according to the monokuma file is the psychic is right right wrist is broken her wrist does looks 1 a bloody that's for sure but there's something sort of literally there the gold the gold it's the sword there's some blood on yeah she wrote that she wrote it again though it could be a setup but I don't know the pulse under both her hands are it's totally spotless so how come only her finger so really here to gather evidence not to figure it out just yet so she must have broke her the plight obviously and yeah there's no blood in there so the blood came in here it was right here what kind of shampoo or the using that's gonna tell me everything the water for the shower gets turned off at nighttime so that's why they couldn't wash it off okay it looks like you found it right Mikoto the bloody numbers that's most like a psychic his dying message but it's not numbers they were questioning why it was upside down like you know like I was and they're saying it must it means that she must have brought him by turning only her hand towards the wall face so yeah so if she was against the wall like that she didn't turn over and she just kind of had her she could have put yeah it would be very easy to write a name like Leone you need to come for that I know it I'm here covered it was like the first thing I did all right I think we I think we know she's asking me how my bathroom got stuck yeah I guess I'm the only one but the door doesn't fit in the frame quite right when I first tried to use it I thought it was just locked but once you leave the trick it over some problem the bathroom door firm has been added to the truth bullets section of your handbook correct so the doors are quite fit the frame huh but actually I'm referring to the broken doorknob the doorknob right you didn't notice that I didn't huh the doorknob let me see that I need the doorknob is practically about to fall off why is it like this someone must have used a screwdriver or something similar to unscrew it whoever it was it's obvious that this was a digital why would someone to do that so psycho probably maybe went in there because there was no actual lock she used it as a lock and they and screwed it to get in there okay so yeah the only person we told was psychic about it then we switched rooms only me in her knew about him yeah oh yeah I should look into that I should look into the DVD the psychic got to yeah we should do that wait what the heck this is definitely my room but the name plate has psychic his name on it that is weird they're switched when did that happen so while the effort I put into switching rooms without anyone knowing was wholly pointless but why would anyone do that oh so they tried to kill me Oh dorne plates have been added to the truth okay yeah that's very odd you-you-you totally did it let's see what he has to say which he doesn't see what's the sweating for huh so what something doesn't seem right the monocle if I was the psychic was killed in your room I just can't stop thinking about it could it be the nameplate are you standing right dude he's standing right here he switched the names I usually try to like throw us off or something bro because so you I mean his name is literally written on the wall of course I'm gonna pick him all right let's go to the a/v room we got a look at that DVD oh there's the D okay we had to get it from a trash can all right yeah let's do it sorry say okay I have to look all right here we go what's on the DVD an image slowly appeared it looked like some kind of concert and standing on stage was her yeah we've seen this picture she was there all along with her friends she said she had been so important to her she was positively glowing there in front of the crowd so full of life seeing that image you made it harder to accept like something that she was dead my vision started to blur and darken and then the voice I'd come to despise so much began to float around in the speakers [Music] suddenly the screen went dark and the next moment I saw something I can hardly believe oh crap so I could disappear for the stage which was now in ruins but what I noticed even more than that was the figures of the other girls well who had all simply collapsed [Music] he scrap without warning the video cut off what the heck that wasn't real right there's super famous pop group everyone knows who they are is he trying to say he was even able to get to them if that really did happen everyone in the outside world must be going crazy what kind of person would take things this far not a person it's a bear so if there was blood we should definitely be checking the laundry room right cuz that makes sense people that were there rebuke blood on someone's clothes so yeah they would have had to go to the laundry room alright here's the laundry I gotta check this I don't trust it is there really nothing up here I really thought that that would be like a good place to check this one suits what about a coin I mean come on I mean I think I'd be a good at best scooter cuz I thought of that alright alright it's not in here then alright so the only place that we need to check now I think is the trash room all right here it is what the heck that's a there's a basement down there [Music] you could get so happy okay we could get in there that's in the line the trash sir this is where all the trash at the school eventually winds up how do you get this gate open only the person on cleaning duty is not in any duty this is stupid it'd be faster just to go around to ask the others okay lady duty who's done cleaning duty and how will we know that it just so happens about a Cooper talked to me yesterday asked me to take care of it but that's someone I played of Duty the school would be flooded with trash in no time so I applied for the position I was gonna start this morning but after what happened I had to add the chance to get started and since you're on cleaning duty you can open the gate in the in the front trash room of course it's my job said it would take your freaking key so we're supposed to rotate once a week so eventually you'll be in charge wait hold on you need to key to get in the trash room and the only personal cleaning Duty has to access the key what's the point of going through all that trouble why not just leave the trash room open all the time so we can throw things out whatever we want that is that seems more a Covino in other word actually anyone who kids a fellow student because black and will graduate unless they are discovered that must be why if anyone goes in and out of the trash room whatever they wanted there's been destroying evidence would be easy so is someone with high mates when it was their turn pouring hey listen anyway more important than that master where do you want cleaning duty why'd you want the cleaning Duty gig anyway I just decided to volunteer for something I didn't I knew no one else would want to do it what's the big deal liar why'd you do it hey Leon your name's right on the wall you want to take the role the girls trash of course yeah he does what are you talking about all available for 2d I would never get this guy the only thing that 3d is good for is to shower love and affection on to teehee and PPC favors if you're so worried about heap homies questionable morality there's an easy solution whenever a guy ask we do D sock Sakura can accompany them from picking up the trash and if you're as innocent as you claim where's the harmony that's not how it's supposed to anyway on to the other topic he put me since you were on clay Judi I have a favor to ask you I was just hoping to get into the trash room and look around okay so easy yeah so he's not even like you know trying to like stop us either okay well there's obviously you guys seen it I already seen it surely you weren't planning to use the trash room to destroy evidence of course not he suspects me too okay screaming hmm there's something on the ground in front of this innovator it looks like a burnt piece of something like a huh anyway this is looks like a piece of cloth in the shape it's a pair of it's part of the sleeve from a button-up shirts and now that I look at it it's definitely blood on the cup which means this is all let's the evidence this is all that's left from some of the evidence the killer destroyed and there are a lot of people there with white button-up shirts this isn't enough myself to figure out who the killer is does everyone really have a white button-up shirt though he does but he's covering it and he has both his cuffs I mean do they I'm assuming they have multiple pairs of clothes but are they all the same so that's okay what about this there are shards of broken glass scattered around the generator it looks like it used to be some kind of glass ball just about big enough to fit in the palm of your hand you know what this is oh my god they said you collect all seven a dragon will appear I love it yes so who would have a ball there's only one person it could be they should also be in the gym I better go find out for sure so the shattered crystal ball the guy with the big hair said he was like into that stuff right very strange I'm quite certain it was off last time I was down here perhaps it was the work of a fairy when would you realize what you just said you just said last time you were here the incinerator was off yes about that there could be no mistake I guess if someone stole his key so he said last time he was here that stuff all that stuff wasn't there basically hey Tommy so like someone obviously through this crystal ball to turn the Ascend rater on but how would they get all this stuff over here they said it's like 30 feet away from the fence they just try to ball things up with like throwing it like that's weird all right back to the gym you okay what are you doing here okay does this look familiar uh that's my crystal ball but it's all smashed with the egg my only buddy cuz the guy said it was blessed she said it was unbreakable it's a hundred a break wasn't actually just made of glass and not crystal and not crystal that that guy totally doopy he said obliged to the pillars of history okay yeah yeah so you can say without a doubt this belong to you yeah that's mine for sure I probably forgot it in the laundry room last night someone must have came by it snatched it wait he was in the laundry room that means anyone could have found it in tickety shadow crystal ball has been updated in the truth bullit section of the handbook I'm by the way I'm almost afraid to ask but how much did you pay for that thing everything I saved up for for to tellen four to two years like a million Wow what idiot okay so she has white she has the white shirt before she died cycle left a message she wrote out the numbers 1 1 0 3 7 do you have any idea what these numbers might mean she says no all right she's slowly shook her head I sorry I just don't okay she's so she said it or maybe she knows more than she's letting on no could it be well my scrubs I'm gonna eat it there that's really all the time I have but this episode was way more enjoyable than the other ones so far well also depressing cuz I mean I'm really bad like why does she have to be the first one let me know down the comments who do you think did it I can't read them unfortunately but you can still leave it it said you know it's funny to talk with the other people and it's just really cool thank you guys so much for the support smash like if you enjoy please smells like let's get this to 30k likes I want to continue this game that B says scrubs I'll see you in the next one bye bye now [Music]
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 382,081
Rating: 4.9831061 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, danganronpa trigger happy havoc full game, danganronpa, bijuu mike plays danganronpa, bijuumike danganronpa, bijuu mike danganronpa part 3, bijuu mike sayaka, bijuu mike reacts to sayaka's death, bijuu mike danganronpa 3
Id: ilN_YjrZ2yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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