You're home alone, Mom and dad are gone... STAY AWAY FROM THE BASEMENT

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hey how's it going my scrubs welcome to it's not me it's my basement what's in their basement and also what are those sorry this is probably not the time mom and dad are away but you're old enough to take care of yourself now aren't you you'll be fine there's no need to worry you're more than capable of keeping everything under control right it's morning i have to make breakfast oh you click an old train set it is it isn't as fun to play with it as it used to be yeah you guys know i love these kinds of games these games the kinds of games are like so fun to play like i don't know they're so scary the bathroom i don't have to go right now well i imagine we have to go to the basement these plants are plastic if they aren't they'd be dead by now yeah dude i i wouldn't you can't trust me with plants either oh my god who left the stove on mom always told me not to use the oven unless she was around are you the one that caused the smoke marks man they need to clean this kitchen don't they what to do uh look at the drawing we're gonna get that lord here oh okay that's them this drawing has been on the fridge forever uh ego okay mom and dad told me that all the great artists signed their work at the bottom oh that's the basement dude this might be hello neighbor like it's kind of like the layout of the house a little bit i can't open the door yet i need to make breakfast first i was just in there are you kidding me all right look in the fridge good we haven't run out of jelly yet you got jelly still got bread just enough two slices gotta get that bread you know nothing i need from this cabinet come on where are you gonna make the sandwich at make the sandwich we still got you got that peanut butter jelly time that's everything i need right i can only make one sandwich but it'll have to do yeah i can i can eat peanut butter by itself too so it doesn't bother me but some people like they cannot do it sandwich made but we're running low on groceries again i'll make a list and go to the market but i have to feed them first feet who you feeding who are you feeding oh i already know what's about to happen oh geez oh geez all right let's go over here okay it's breakfast time you guys remember to share [Music] who you faded down there embry all fed i better go write the grocery list before i forget what all right all written down i guess we're going to the market today it kind of sounded like you have your parents down there and that is not a-okay okay we're going to the groceries we're going we're going to the groceries yes we are technically that's just how english person says anything an english person let me get my tea there's nothing i need to go in there for oh i thought that was outside i guess this is outside okay so we living in the apocalypse got it got it i think i know everything i need to know about this game well here we are again i hope mr baylor has it today or mrs baylor all right i need some of this stuff some cheese you got some cheese honey i like honey but it's way too sticky to break home with the way things are right now what does that mean oh amber you're back good morning oh good morning lucille uh can i have some jelly or a jam whichever you know you know i don't know the difference either you know normally i'd ask someone to say please but you're special you don't gotta sorry i don't know where i was going with that um i get that i'll get that ready for you lickety-split thank you so embry this is the third week in a row you came here dressed like this i like this outfit uh you know if your mom paw ever need help with laundry i don't mind do you think i smelled lucille oh no no no of course i just won't tell you to your face i just wanted you to know uh it's all right they'll be back around once they get over their sickness they're not sick are they um yeah yeah yeah i'm hoping they'll get better soon yeah me too thank you lucille you know i don't even watch the walking dead but i can't even hear lucille without thinking about a baseball bat you don't have any today either do you i'm afraid not kiddo oh that's miss missus is miss baylor yes uh i know i know and you know if i had any spare i'd give it to you you really don't have anything look kid all i got needs to be sold i got people to feed too you know look kid i promise next time i have extra it's all going to you all right see you later be good kid all right i'm trying to understand exactly what's about to happen in this game do i go back there's no food we have no food never mind i have to go back i've wasted time hey give us some of that bread i think we're gonna need some more hi embry uh back again i see hello mr wilson may i have some more bread please well sure of course what kind uh whatever kind right right here i'll give you some whole wheat whole wheat you know how kids be freaking they're all picky and some sourdough on the house you like that kind right yes i do sourdough is pretty bomb though you know thank you some people don't like it i like it say amber's how is everything your folks are all right right everyone is just so concerned they should really be concerned about my complexion i mean it's just it's almost as bad as me they're fine well not fine but you know all right well uh you know my kids back in town this week and if your parents want we could come over and maybe help around the house bring over some more bread oh no no that's fine mom and dad are they keep telling me they don't want anyone over they're embarrassed right right well just tell them i offered anyway hey this game got me pumped what has happened to these parents anytime they need it right i will thank you mr wilson that's all i came here for i guess there's nothing left to do but go home okay go home we will [Music] everything is put away it's getting dark already huh i'll have to feed them dinner then before it gets too dark what do you make did you just feed them peanut butter every day i hope they're not too hungry after this morning they eat more than they used to but there's only so much food i can ask for at the market if i ask for too much they're going to start wondering where it's all going you eat so much now i can hardly keep up dinner's ready okay they say you as in one person but i'm assuming there's a parent is one of them it's dinner time it's dinner time it's dinner time dinner time [Music] dinner is done i'm tired that is not a human i know what a human sounds like and that is not a human i'll go to bed so we obviously have a little kid's room it's reminding me of the child it's time to go to bed do you see how easy it is [Music] they grew so quickly i thought we'd have to wait forever it's incredibly easy for a flower to grow in the right conditions but you have to be careful too because as easy it is for a flower to bloom it's just as easy to wilt and wither away without a constant eye on things it's very easy for a flower to wilt so you must remember to take care of the little thing because without that care your whole garden will fall apart oh no oh no did they get out they're banging on the door they haven't done that in a while i should check on it right dude it sounds like some zombies oh i don't want to go down there i don't want to go down there we got chains on the door they're hungry but what do i do about it i already fed them dinner and i have to try and save as much food as i can but if they're hungry i can't just let them go hungry or else they might feed them i guess feed them what fine i'll give them just a little more food but no more than that it's time for bed after that i can't use this i need this for breakfast tomorrow not this either okay this should be enough for them i hope dude what are you going to let me know what's going on it's morning i have to make breakfast and also do chores today what chores am i doing today i should probably start making a list like mom used to okay kind of like mom's not here anymore maybe the parents are down there but they're just not what they used to be breakfast breakfast what can i make for breakfast i'll just use whatever's here i just got bread yesterday and jelly and we saw butter and stuff yeah i'll just make another sandwich i just hope it's filling enough that they don't cause a ruckus again yeah when do you eat butter yeah i should use it it's better to feed than to let it go bad just butter and bread that's no wonder why they're freaking hungry did i assume it was peanut butter was it ever peanut butter was it only just butter i always got peanut butter on the brain i can't help it it's so good i just went shopping and yet breakfast is ready again but um there was something else i have to do in here uh was it again i don't know chores yeah wait what the heck i already tried that today's the fourth of the month i almost forgot to write it down right what down today marks four months since it happened four months since the monsters appeared four months since i've been living like this for months then i've been keeping them fed so they don't eat me like they ate them oh that's crazy what monsters [Music] i have to stay here and take care of things i'm the only one who can i try to keep the house clean as clean as i can but i can't clean everything by myself and i don't know the right way to clean most of it i usually try to clean the windows the house can get really dark when they're not clean mom taught me that my parents the night they appeared the sounds that followed it sounded like they read but i didn't actually see that happen it's just what i think and since i didn't see it happen i think that maybe they weren't somehow maybe i just have to wait here for them to come back i don't know it's all very confusing i just uh what's that saying the adults say take it day by day that's what i do i mean it's working isn't it i'm okay and if i just keep these things down they're fed everything else will be okay too [Music] there's not much to do why you got a blood stain though it's not much to do at home without mom and dad around i've been reading a lot i wish i could be like the kids in these books because maybe then i know what i'm supposed to do oh the door again but this isn't their normal feeding time embry oh it's her mom okay are you there [Music] mom no it's the monsters the monsters are doing this embry it's okay mom you i know you must have been so scared but everything is better now you can open the door i'll respond no you are my mom what's that now if you're really my mom tell me something only she would know you're not going to open the door oh she ain't saying it really now after everything i do for you stop it my mom my mother would never talk like that not after being gone for so long all right kiddo this isn't funny anymore open the door before i get mad oh god respond do you really think that's going to work dad doesn't yell like that pretending to since when did you learn to talk i'm not going to open the door is it done how did they get them down there embry please let me out i'm tired of this why do you sound like that i hate this and you hate it too don't you so why are we still doing this just open the door already monster that's what you call this right that's why you won't open the door you how could you say such a thing how could you treat us this way do you really hate yourself this much what are you talking about you're talking nonsense what do you want i'm keeping you fed isn't that enough what else do you want from me i went out i wa why why are their names ambry too i would out let us out i i need fresh air why was the mom's name embry too i didn't make any sense it's okay it's not okay everything was okay i i would leave that house honestly i never understood these stories why they just keep the parents just leave them because i know they're emotionally attached but like every zombie movie they just gotta they just gotta bite your neck all right i never heard them talk before i didn't even think they could they're getting smarter i guess this reminds me of the movie um the silent place or the quiet place that's bad i don't know why but it just does but what am i supposed to do then should i just let them starve no no what am i saying if i let them go hungry then the only thing they'd have left to eat is but if i keep feeding them the way i am now no it's gonna be okay i will figure something out and i'll just keep feeding them until i do speaking of feeding it's dinner time does that mean we're going do i go back in or do i go do it back to the groceries okay no we're going in door's still closed hey we all good we all good dude i'm expecting them just to bust that door dinner time again i just hope they don't try something like they did earlier so i wonder if they are going crazy you know it kind of makes me wonder a little bit there has to be something in here i never ended up touching this cheese wheel it's kind of heavy well let's hope they're rats because that would be great they'd love it it was supposed to be good but it's probably collecting mold now the thing about cheese you just cut the mold off i think it doesn't actually ruin the whole thing some people like mold on their cheese though right i'll give it to them you got cheese i really hope they're all rats because that would really help them okay every time i come in here they're quiet i'm not going to announce it's dinner time what's stopping them from just busting through the door as soon as you open it up they got to be planning this at this point i'll just throw it down you need like a hatch or something [Music] all right they're fed it's fine everything is fine i'm going to bed i would not want to sleep here no no no no all right bedtime good time it's time to go to bed why does every freaking kid in these games have the creepiest toys i told you it's easy isn't it oh dude he got some hordes they're not human at all it's fun good that's how it's supposed to feel whenever i'm feeling worked up i don't that explains the white skin actually i just start brainstorming the next painting i want to make and i know even on the worst days i can always come back to painting to make it better will i ever be as good as painting as you are you could be you could be whatever you want really something important to remember about painting though it's true that if you make a mistake you could just paint over it but you can only paint over it so many times before it begins to look jumbled and muddy so you should just make sure you know what you're doing when you go in so your painting doesn't end up ruined dude the dad's painting was scary oh no it's the middle of the night they're banging on the door again this is the second night in a row and they're still mad or are they i would imagine so even if they're monsters they don't like being locked up no matter who you are what am i supposed to do i know food isn't the only thing they want now but food also calms them down i need i need them to be cool it's like they're off tokyo gold but with the only amount they've already but with the amount they already eat what am i going to do i don't think there's a save option so i i mean we have nothing to feed them let's go back to bed i can't i can't just give it to them i'll pretend i slept through this i'm going back to bed i don't know if that was a good choice or not surely they've run out of energy by now it's morning i have to make more breakfast how much food is left anyways i might have to go back to the market later maybe there will be meat today i think it's what keeps them the most full but i have to feed them breakfast before i leave the house why even keep them alive are they trying to like turn the parents back to like is it like full metal alchemist trying to get the philosopher's stone or what i usually try to avoid giving them cereal because it's well not the easiest to transport it's also my favorite just yeah just give them the reese's puffs i'll just throw them the box all the boxes or really have run we really have run this low haven't we i just uh i was just at the market and each visit is closer together than the last they are what's that thing the thing dad would say eating me out of the house in the home oh they don't pay no rent i've got no choice after i feed them i definitely have to go back to the market today i just hope this is enough for breakfast to begin with you've got cereal this life is clearly not sustainable why would you want to keep sustaining this even if you think they're they're your parents i mean they obviously don't want to oh my god this is not going to be good here we go again even though it's just cereal all of it together should at least be enough for breakfast oh my god i don't know why that scared me it's fine they seem fine with it i better head out then to make sure i have enough uh for dinner i haven't even looked at this tv yet should i it's the tv the dad set it up for me so i can watch vh vic that's enough for me so i can watch vhs tapes on what what year is this the days we were stuck inside but now that he isn't here i find it hard to rewind the vhs eight the videos the vhs tapes on my own i'm scared i might break them why is this yeah why is this set in such a a long time ago i like to draw and watch tv at the same time maybe one day i can do that again at least the books haven't been collecting dust dad said he painted this painting i don't like it as much as i like the other painting probably got some hidden meeting all right back to the market back again i have to talk to miss miss baylor before i go anywhere else if she has any me today i have to make sure i get his uh get to it before anyone else i'll beg her for it if i have to please miss baylor i'll take anything save it for when you get there that must be miss baylor miss baylor ambry good morning oh you seem pretty happy today ah does it show up my face i'm just excited there's good news for you today good news for me does that mean you have me today oh no not exactly it's a different kind of good news oh what is it then well you see there's a traveling doctor visiting towns today doctor i hear she's quite well known supposed to be real good yeah i know you said the doctors here couldn't help your parents so maybe he can yeah i uh i'll try and find them later than find them later then oh there's no need to go looking i can see him talking to mrs wilson right now oh really uh why don't you go talk to him i'm just so excited for you squirt i'll be watching from here on uh from here go on go introduce yourself right i guess i have to so no meat no meat oh i could save hi oh that there's a scary-looking doctor hello hi embree you're just in time oh mr wilson i actually called you mrs wilson i'm sure miss baylor already told you but this is dr d light the lights [Music] the one and only and i'm quite a delight if i do say so myself and you're ambree folks around here keeps telling me that you needed some help it's quite nice to meet you you're a doctor indeedly so you look like a clown why ambry hay now a clown oh i certainly hope i'm a funny one then hi embry why don't you introduce delight to your parents if anyone could help them she should be able to yeah right i will do my best to assist go on then lead the way okay is this gonna be good i don't know i'm scared oh this is the way to your house quite the thickest to walk through um mr d light ah it's doctor right i didn't want to say it in front of everyone else but you should go you can't help me hey don't be like that i'm sure whatever problem your family's been going through we can fix it i'm trying to tell you man i try to tell you embry you go through the market all all by yourself yes is that an issue oh i just well it seems like a long way for a child to walk all by themselves that's all i'm used to it now hey take read the read the the atmosphere man you should know all right this isn't gonna be good so ambry what do you like to do what do you mean what do you like to do what are your hobbies are you an artist the stains on your apron seem to hint at it i'm quite the artist myself you know oh nothing pardon i don't really do anything anymore i guess i read sometimes no what do you like to read um nothing i see very talkative well uh while we're still on the way why don't you tell me a bit about your parents my parents yes if i'm treating them i should know about them shouldn't i um well do you know what's afflicted them uh your parents i've been told they're very sick so sick they can't leave the house but you you seem fine i was just wondering what i should know about them before i meet them um i wouldn't worry about it i would worry about it right i understand apologies if uh ascii made you uncomfortable he has the right to know you know this walk isn't actually so bad it's nice to just stroll through nature every now and again i guess so though it surprises me you take this walk so often by yourself you're not scared of any monsters coming out to get you in the woods embry are you all right uh no sorry it just looked like i upsetted you um i'm okay oh god you seem like you're under a lot of stress as child with parents so sick the child has become their caretaker that must be so difficult please do not worry i will do all i can to return you to a normal life shut up he's like i told you you can't help me you should just go well can't i at least try i try to warn you man it's your life you really still want to see them i do oh this isn't gonna be good here we are your house seems nice very cozy yeah sure yeah whatever whatever yeah they're in there go in there please go ahead oh my quite the heavily locked door may i inquire as to what is inside my parents i mean i'd rather you didn't i'd rather you not inquire embry are they in there can we open the door what no hey hey it's all right can you tell me why they're locked up like this i don't know what's been down there or what's i don't know what's down there but whatever it is it's really bad and we can't open the door now i'm starting to think maybe the parents are actually fine they really just went out and they're actually really hungry and really mad at uh embry that would actually make a lot of sense amber you see i told you you couldn't help me i'd still like to try you're not going to leave until i opened the door right okay i will open the door i just something the matter my key is gone that's i that's i always keep it on me did i drop it at the market or something did you bring it to the market i maybe i don't know i don't remember why don't we look around for it here then oh the parents took the key or whoever it is we can check the market after we're sure it isn't here i'm sure one of the stall owners would have said something if they saw you drop it anyways that's a good point let's look around then i guess someone pickpocket maybe he pickpocketed um embry what's the room bathroom do you have to go oh no thank you for asking can't go in there oh what's the room mom and dad's room well where it used to be ah i see any keys in here what the did you find it yeah i did this doesn't make any sense i've never put the key in here before i don't even remember well i suppose it's good you found it either way yeah i guess so hmm someone coming here moving my keys what what did the super mario hacks what the heck what is this oh that that wasn't normal at all all right opening the door now oh they're gonna grab him seems like quite the long way down is there a light switch at the bottom of the stairs who what kind of idiot puts what kind of idiot like that's so stupid to put light on the bottom of the stairs it's so dangerous but uh i think the lights burnt out anyways i see well let's go on there i i've got a feeling dr d light is not gonna be delighted very much longer and he's going to become one of the victims what wait i said we could open the door i didn't say you could go down uh what do you mean of course we have to go down that's the whole point isn't it no you can't embry let's go no please let me oh i've seen this coming i seen this oh no well now they're gonna eat oh embry why he wanted to help look at the blood that is just jacked up look at that it's time for bed already you're just gonna go to bed after that freaking twisted man i knew this i knew that was gonna happen man they're obviously gonna oh no that was louder than the other times well you fed them you made them stronger they probably gotta level up you fed them human meat now though they've acquired the taste now it's too late for you oh holy crap oh look at the picture now oh you should have known the basement door's open unless the doctor survived i didn't he's gonna want revenge i didn't open it i definitely locked it before i went to bed so how is that what do i do well you're gonna go downstairs i'll go back to bed what kind of freaking stupid plan is that i have no choice i have to go down there because if i don't okay it's okay i should have saved it oh well okay okay this is the longest staircase in the world what the heck it's all dark imagine climbing downstairs in the dark that's so stupid man okay wow what a big basement we have here oh what what is this freaking death stranding oh stop i don't like this i don't like this one i'm not scared i'm not scared i should probably save well we're about to find out is that our parents or what they're just down here chilling oh who is this that looks like oh it is embry [Music] oh my god embry was the monster in the basement [Music] your embryo you why do you look like you look surprised you're you're i don't see why i thought by now you'd realize you and i are one in the same no that's not that can't be right it can't why can't it be oh that's right it's because you think we're a monster and that's not you right you're not a monster that's what you think right monster monster monster we're monsters but you're not is that right how does that make sense you're not a monster you push the doctor down the stairs what are you talking about no i didn't he fell i kept tucking on a sleeve and he he stumbled he tripped i didn't push anyone but you opened the door for him didn't you you opened the door then begged him not to look inside why did you do that he wouldn't have tripped if you just let him go he wouldn't have tripped it you wouldn't have tripped him if you kept the door shut he wouldn't have even seen the door if you hadn't let him in and maybe he wouldn't have been here to begin with if you weren't such a monster why did you bring them here [Music] oh embry what are you gonna do with yourself what have you been doing all this time feeding feeding feeding and for what i think you feed i think you feed me because you like it it makes you feel better when you do right you feed me and when you feel better dude you got to stop that smile you gotta stop that smile you feel safe nothing is coming to hurt you and you know the funny thing about that is day after day despite how much you've been feeding me i'm still hungry mother of god oh you got me wait it was a dream of course it was just a nightmare it's fine but it's gone on long enough let's investigate some more oh so it was just a nightmare that we had oh so we just going in now so now it's the real deal okay yeah i thought the eyes kind of thing was a little weird but that wouldn't make sense what no you can't cut me off like that oh that is messed up i wanted to know if the parents were down there but it's one of those things where it's open to interpretation good game though good game today's script of the day goes to the hidden rune [Music] if you guys like that be sure to smash like scrubscribe if you haven't already join the community all right join we play lots of creepy stuff like this and uh yeah i'll see you scrubs in the next one [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 2,738,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, its not me its my basement game, its not me its my basement, horror game, home alone, basement horror game, stay away from the basement, horror, game, bijuu mike horror game
Id: GQ77B0qatgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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