The Class Trial 2 Starts! ... I CANNOT BELIEVE IT - Danganronpa

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oh it had to be what oh my god [Music] i mean i'm gonna keep saying you guys smash 30k likes that's why we're here so you gotta smash it just gotta smash another 30k likes all right i'll never understand why people they go to the video and they don't smash like it's like what that's wrong with you that's what i wondered i don't know maybe you don't got thumbs or fingers it's possible some people you know i don't think it's that many i'm just saying all right i'm going to start this episode by saying uh i don't trust biakia at all all right i some of you guys would get mad at me for not trusting some of these characters but when they say such fishy things what else am i supposed to believe all right i have two theories before we start this class trial because you know these gonna take a while i believe he's very evil i mean he's he's proven that he's really evil by the things that he says to us like he's very manipulative manip yeah you get the point i think and i don't know i could be wrong i think he manipulated toko into killing uh can't remember her name i'm still trying to remember all the names chihiro who was surprisingly not grayed out because she is very dead so it may have been toco that didn't but not really it was really biakia that did it because he's an evil person could be wrong let's find out right as always we meet in here yes there's yeah i'm gonna try to just go straight to the trial yeah toco is not here oh oh crap okay that's actually really important and taco is you really don't remember kitty just kidding how could i forget yeah that little nut drop so mean a lot of you guys like toco too you've been drawing fan arts and stuff and sending them to me she's a crucial part of the class show this time okey dokey i'll go ahead and drag her out here kicking and screaming just one moment please and just like that a few minutes later he reappeared dragging toco behind him i told him i didn't want to but he forced me i can't believe you would drag a girl around oh my god thumbnail terrible you're terrible so now everyone's here right okay then hustle to the elevator let's get the show on the road this is gonna be an interesting one because we have a very uh interesting dynamic to this story we don't really know who did it this time the first try was just so easy to figure out i'm just saying like he framed it so well like he had it so perfectly figured out that he's trying to frame uh toku that you know that killed her whatever what do you think i redecorated isn't it so fresh isn't it so exciting don't waste our time with stupid questions let's get this over with good you're repairing rip prairie forget it all right let's frickin do this man smash like i'm just gonna say it sprinkle a smash like throughout the video all right we don't have to go through all the freaking tutorials anymore because i actually know how to do this uh i was kind of bad at last episode and also disclaimer i'm most likely gonna have to um do the ending sequence like i did last time with a little screen right here so it might look a little weird but i don't think there's any way for me to get around it all right well we have to set our skills that we got from um uh owie right which apparently is extraordinary focus increases the focus gouge by two uh effective during the clash trial costs 2sp so we can actually set a few well we only have like two because i only spend time with like one person oh and it's already equipped it okay all right the wife was literally giving me power in this game i love it but if all the girls are gone i ain't had no more waifus then i'm gonna be angry bro if it was her i'm going to be so mad i'm going to be so mad if she's the one that actually like gets killed oh my god i'm like i'm just totally wrong all right all right this is just judy let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial so your vote will determine that i know you can figure out who that is all right okay this is like the twisted teletubby show man first you have to make clear what was used to deliver the fatal blow well it's a dumbbell that's right that's right remember correctly make your argument all right you know i actually have to try to remember how to play this all right it appears the killer used a blunt instrument but what kind of blunt instrument could have been i know i know what it is no objection crap that certainly would make for a powerful weapon no no continue they're probably gonna give me less time during this trial because we've already done one all right i know what to do i just screwed up soccer sounds like she smoked 50 packs of cigarettes you're stupid were you not there can we agree that the object that dealt the fatal blow was the dumbbell exactly the scene of the crime it was covered in blood and there was nothing else at the scene that could have caused that kind of injury everyone else there's just like an idiot it was just some kind of thing i don't know what it was alien object consistent with the shape of the dumbbell as far as i'm concerned there's no mistake and no room for doubt on this one you were correct kyoko looked at her head wound okay owie i love you yes i'm already saying that i love you you're my waifu but you're kind of stupid that's so pretty well i mean what do you think people do when they die like they don't just freak out they gotta look of course it's like traumatizing if you don't mind i will proceed oh here we go of the culprit what although i believe the criminal behind this heinous act is always see what i mean he's trying to like say oh we already know who it is that's exactly what leon said guess who died leon right for real chihiro's killer is he's just going to say serial killer genocide jack okay yeah did he really kill chihiro he he if there's any he it's biafra voice crap a new element has been added to non-stop debates would you like to hear more of more okay sure i want to know about it i need to know all right for this debate lines of white noise will appear to disrupt your reactions the truth bullets will disappear if they hit these lines so oh we got obstacles now okay all right i'm prepared just cut off the bull crap with my bullets the culprit is genocide jack i'm short case closed as far as i'm concerned okay all right why what makes it impossible am i supposed to be shooting these come on there's no proof okay i just i have to dodge them basically jack i don't know who that is yeah he's like no one explained it okay oh it gives me time to knock them down okay so i'm just supposed to take them away there's just no proof for it oh yes there is i get it i get so excited i know i call them stupid i'm the dumb one all right i get it i might no one reason okay like we don't want to say that right we know we know exactly why well it was in the archive i know that's kind of weird what was something like that doing in the library the why of it is probably more trouble than it's worth no go ahead and tell them tell them about all the secrets in your family it outlines all the specifics of every genocide jack case in exceeding details yeah i mean come on he's hiding so much how can i trust that defining characteristics in every genocide jack case the first is that a bloody message is found written at the scene of everything okay yeah i know you guys get mad if i skip things i know but like we already went through this this could be a long episode that's right yes no that's hentai jack all right that's a different one but more important is the other characteristic and it's something that has never been made public never made public what the hell is it why don't you tell them makoto the other characteristic for every genocide jack case which the world at large doesn't know is obviously the hanging we all know uh how the victim was positioned the bloody message where the murder took place i always take yeah the murderer always takes place in a garage every genocide jack case the killer suspends the body in a certain way other than the killer the only i can't wait to get to the extension cord because that's very important definitely suspended in the same way so how did the culprit know about this when only high-level police officials were aware of it there's only one logical answer i can think of it's because the culprit in this case is the real genocide jack stop freaking uh uh shaking so much you make me mad you're saying genocide jack guys yes yes genocide jack's true identity oh he's just coming out and saying again you lied whoa is afraid of blood a really bad one genocide jack the answer is yes and no because she has split personnel [Music] why is this gonna be so complicated i know right now like a riddle is like the worst thing just come out and say it i got it let's do this oh it's right to play the freaking game um oh wait i don't even know the word they're lit they're thinking of i know what it is oh phobia it's gonna be phobia no what did i not hit it enough wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh bs what so i'm so confused again schizophrenia skits skits it is that skits but why is it no it's s i don't know how to spell apparently no what am i doing oh my god what is the word i don't i've obviously never heard this word in my life so like it's not there's no way let's get okay am i looking for o oh my god whatever i got it i only lost like two lives okay is it because genocide jack has a split i would have never guessed i read that somewhere and they thought that the suspect might have why did they call it dissociative identity disorder oh okay but still to go and say that about miss fukawa is perfectly acceptable uh i cut that out cut it out strange behavior after seeing the body is proof enough that she has a split personality where where's kyoko in all of this how come she isn't speaking of she's usually always the one to say well no hold up wait a second hold the pump the brakes a little bit the one thing that shows toco could have a split personality was her behavi well yeah obviously her behavior changed my god you're talking about how she started acting she was acting disoriented that's right think back she fainted when she saw chihiro's corpse and then when she woke up she did the whole tongue thing it freaked everyone out including me i was more freaked out than anybody maybe she was thirsty did no one try to give her water she was acting funny that's for sure melancholy tuna first completely disappeared yeah don't go assigning adjectives to my tone without her kind of feel bad for her especially if she was manipulating this in such a hero's body again she was utterly calm in other words within her is one personality that can't handle blood and one that obviously can [Music] so when togo but it would be so messed up it's our fault it's because she was scared of genocide jack even if it was true it would be messed up because like she literally can't do anything about it like that's just not fair man i guess this game isn't fair it's not really supposed to be fair the reason she locked herself in her room wasn't to keep other people from getting in it was to keep her other personality from getting out she's never acted this way before there was never any other signs for many of the other times that we've talked about her until biafra started interacting with her and also the fact that he was hiding something and he definitely didn't want to talk about it now why would he need to do that what i i really i'm really betting that he's the mastermind toko was afraid afraid of the murderous fiend inside of her of killing even more people oh yeah how can you know all this i do believe you misunderstood her what she's trying to say isn't how can you know all this no what she wants to know is how could you tell them last night before monokuma gave his motive speech toco and i had a strange conversation oh is this the conversation told me a most interesting story she said a murderous fiend lived within her and she was afraid it could appear and attack at any time i think she was like referring to her uh how she felt about you and that trepidation is what's caused her to have such a bleak attitude isn't that right toko it wasn't [Music] this is all a lie right toco said you wouldn't tell anyone oh was i wrong you promised i can't believe you lied well i mean come on you look who you're trusting here only yourself to blame you came to me with your tragic little story i didn't ask you to this is the real world not some romantic fantasy fairy tale oh so is the trial over is it done besides you broke your promise first you said that as long as you were here no matter what you wouldn't let genocide jack kill anyone but in spite of that promise no i don't believe it i still don't believe it now i just really think that she's not the one that did it because maybe she did keep her promise but he did it and then framed her it's just so simple right we'll have to figure it out okay why were the posters switched some explain someone someone explain you said if i kept my promise you would go out with me for any reason i promise how many times do i have to tell you i never said that you totally did you weren't able to do it you just couldn't resist that rush you got from killing could you i tried i swear i tried to control it but your efforts were useless what a disappointment i hate you well i thought you loved him the opening act is nearly finished all that's left is to hear from the person in question directly the person you don't wait is she gonna like transform actually like toko's body suddenly lunged backwards a huge stud echoed across the room but in the next second oh hello there is it me you were hoping to see oh is that genocide jack this has been clickbait it's genocide jill [Music] oh what the heck wait so who's jack he just transforms biafra it's me what the heck i would say i'm saying the same thing for me i like you for me or better yet let's go with genocide yeah you know let's be let's be sensitive i don't know either what happened to you that's a loser and what happened is a textbook split personality but like really she actually did it happens to be a serial killer you should turn a blind eye to one's phone oh my god like they say sound and murder is my sound and murderous body this one is so different from the one we've come to know yes well the world is composed of a front and a back unit just like how every inning has a top and a bottom or how in the depths of every truth lives a little [Music] hey you know maybe you should like get away from her you know can people actually die in the trials that are not like supposed to die so this is the murderous fiend genocide jill this is be honest insane can i ask you a question she's all nice this might be the mastermind behind our entire situation what are your thoughts on that well i'll tell you i am the mastermind of all masterminds kidding it's not true of course it's not true how dare you try oh they thought they okay she was like the mastermind behind the whole game oh another thing the police and government and society in the outside world are totally powerless i mean they just let this idiotic bloodthirsty maniac go buck wild all over okay so it's definitely her that did all those things but life is pain right to live is to hurt other people it's a necessary evil if you want to survive the act this should be enough to convince you this murderous fiend is responsible for chihiro's death no matter what happens i still don't like him that's all i'm going to say so there should be no doubt i mean he's just like like that's how he sounds to me remember what monokuma told us if someone didn't murder and graduate within 24 hours an embarrassing memory or secret would be revealed well let's assume that toko's secret was about genocide jack oh yeah no well that's not embarrassing at all though although it kind of is i don't know toko's life would have undoubtedly been forever ruined so that's why she killed someone so she had a very clear motive to never have that side of herself exposed makes sense but very very very interesting i'm sorry as much as i hate to admit it i'm not the culprit oh oh thank you jill you're awful but thank you for giving me hope that it's still bialkia because if that's true then that means i'm the best detective around on here on youtube okay [Music] [Music] yeah why would they believe her that's exactly the motive no one would believe her maybe maybe she's totally right about that but something's still bothering me well she said i need to get some more details about all of this let's do this come on i ain't so excited right now i'm not put him down i'm sorry biafra fans but like come on what am i what else am i supposed to think the status of the dead body but i didn't kill anyone those are the hate comments get them out of here [Music] okay yeah the modus operandi matches completely what more proof do we need [Music] so this is that's distracting give it up you kill her [Music] okay i just have to focus on do i not okay obviously all right all right all right all right i got this it's got i don't know that's got to be a thing i don't know no it's wrong it's wrong i knew it i i thought it was the same but i know i i can't remember really exactly the same i'm not so sure about that yeah i think there's a slight difference between the genocide jack cases in this one he's going to be talking about the extinction corridor the fact that there was no knives it seemed like he got everyone else got stabbed no you don't know well then human garbage let me tell you see what i mean look at look at scissors and i have a very particular way of doing things imagine you go to a fancy italian restaurant they're very picky about the noodles the sauce everything okay yes you go to olive garden it'd be like if that same italian restaurant started using ragu or chef boyardee oh that would be awful no creation of mine let me rephrase that in a way that maybe makes more sense there are two clear differences between the genocide jack cases and this one well it's obviously scissors come on uh the shadow of the but no the victim's fatal injury yeah she was lifting in the genocide jack murders all the victims were killed the same way oh my god okay so like yeah we can't rule out the fact that maybe maybe the killer could have stole someone's like uh ebook to get into the the locker room right but i don't think that i think it was bialcio because it took place inside of the boys locker room and he got blood on the poster which is why they switched it and why the the girls the p the poster of the girl was in the girl's locker room they didn't make any sense that's why i switched it because he did it in there why because he's a boy and he also didn't apparently have any scissors there's no scissors i don't know so use the dumbbell maybe he didn't do his homework as good as everyone as he led everyone else to believe you know they were all apparently killed with a pair of scissors yep yep yep yep but chihiro died from a blow to the head right oh yes that is remarkable ah you gotta be strange for someone who kills the same way without fail to suddenly change their method so would that be the actual like reason why she wouldn't kill someone just because she doesn't have scissors if you can't if you don't if you don't have scissors you just can't do it so just keep her keep the scissors away from her one more conflicting detail that's right in my recipe of murder if the bloody message is the tortellini then the arrangement of the body would be the pesto sauce could you please stop comparing cooking he's like i really liked italian food i'm never going to olive garden again are you saying the other difference has to do with how the body was arranged that's right the second difference is if i remember uh what was used as a suspender for sure i think it was also used to scissors her they used some kind of rope to hang her up by her wrist but i didn't think that was actually a bad thing or like a different thing well it was weird all the previous genocide jack cases something else was used to suspend them specifically pairs of razor sharp scissors more scissors that's actually that would be very hard like i gotta say he's awful or she is awful but you know that's it's pretty takes talent to do that you know some kind of talent not really good for anything use my own specially designed scissors for the murders and the arrangements do you have them with you now like i said i'm a professional so naturally i'm very picky about the tools i use you ever actually use it for cutting paper said there's two differences but he's wrong oh is there another one are you referring to me why am i actually one more difference huh my word you really didn't notice take a look at who the victims were in each genocide jack oh she doesn't murder women there's a pattern there just waiting to be discovered a pattern figure that out and it'll be plain as death it's women possibly killed that little lolly girl all right all right yeah i got it okay it makes sense i you know what i like that's so obvious but now i'm like when i look i didn't notice it i didn't notice it at all girl is it because she hero was a girl in all the genocide jack cases all the victims had something in common they were males why does it look like the japanese version of me up there oh it's me ah they were all guys yes the people i killed with such passion and conviction they're all adorable oh so her crush on biafra was a deadly one i can't he's like so since chihiro was a girl and not an adorable little man you wouldn't kill her dang now i there's no way it was her suddenly start making ramen just because they're both noodles don't be stupid you know the food right the food references really do help me actually it's the absolute reality of a one and only we get it you've clearly explained your hobby and your philosophy but that's not all there is to it oh really please explain entirely when you're forced to kill in order to survive okay what does that mean i would never kill for a reason as petty is mere survival i know she's a murderer but i believe her if by some fluke i did kill to survive why would i bother with the message and arrangement it'd make me the obvious suspect oh my god she's a murderer but i really agree with her it does make some amount that makes a whole lot of sense whatever reason i have for killing i would never leave my prized scissors a big stupid heavy dumbbell yeah she just lifted she's never looked at it in her life it's the dumbbell because you couldn't find any scissors in the school any scissors i don't just use any scissors i only use my own set of high class envy of the entire world okay whatever there still aren't any in the school how does she make them that's what i want to know like did she just go to walmart and pick them up like i would think that like after like the whoever made these special custom-made scissors seen the news about their scissors being used that way they probably stopped selling them i don't know maybe that's their livelihood i'm going too deep with the scissors oh she's she brings them she brought him out yes she's fully oh my god she i just really want to know she's going to kill somebody so i can kill anywhere anytime why would i resort i just at this point wouldn't tell her that she's wrong because i would be scared to tie a good knot well it's not rope it's an extension cord but okay you know what have we playing court here we have no idea what's going on anymore could such a heinous villain really be innocent i mean but the body really was suspended right and nobody but the police knew about that yeah that's why we figured it had to be the real deal and not some copycat killer or whatever actually hold on here there is one person i wonder uh i wonder i really wonder my god no come on it's him you look at him sweating i don't know why but his sweating face was funny because it's so obvious it's possible you could have found out isn't it uh yeah because you told us no problem gaining access to classified government documents or internal police records plus you've already looked through the genocide jack file before the scene exposed got the t on him oh silence that's exactly precisely what i'm saying right on the money push the theory of genocide jack being the killer so hard he did that's why i never trusted him you guys haters out there he rearranged the scene to disguise it and make it look like i put my stamp on it [Music] when would you say i began acting suspiciously surely you must have an answer looking back and thinking about it now the way you were acting right before we discovered the body was a little strange are you saying like when he was reading and the locker rooms they're suspicious very suspicious indeed wouldn't you agree yeah as soon as nobody searched the locker rooms let's start with the girls locker room you wanted to go to the girls locker room right away right but since you're a guy yeah how would he know truly thought of the boy's locker room first is that what you want to say the victim was chihiro a girl hence why i said we should check the girl's locker room ah he's right nothing strange about that i'd say okay on the contrary there's something very strange okay then what's so strange about it go ahead share with the rest of the class well she obviously is onto something was a clear contradiction in what bianca just said i need to make it clear to everyone a new element has been added to non-stop debates okay what is it this time a truth flashback if you aim at a weak spot and hold down the left mouse button then you'll memorize that weak spot then memorize space girl would be shot once as a single truth bullet if you shoot or change this drupal it will disappear from your truth cylinder however you can use the flashback feature as many times as you want okay yeah i never really understand it but we'll get it we'll get it so you said biafio this is not appropriate a natural reaction for any guy the victim was chihiro who was a girl so of course i would suggest we check the girls locker room first there was no time for pointless distractions what's so strange about that how did he know oh my god yeah okay that makes sense how did no one even said it like we had not have we had not have found her yet that doesn't make any sense we didn't find her yet so how could she how could he know he just i got you i caught you i caught you i caught you how did you know that wait no right that was it no i don't understand well this is the only other one what oh my god they're not gonna trust me okay this has got to be the combination that we're looking for okay i was doing it wrong i had to figure it out forgive me i'll tell you what's so strange about that because up until we actually discovered the body we couldn't have known who the victim was that's what i said though so you you're getting claimed that you went to the girls locker room first because chihiro was the victim very very smart of you makoto that's so good oh yeah what do you have now what do you got now very interesting indeed but your reasoning is still too weak what's wrong is that it surely you've got more than that go ahead show us uh it's like he doesn't even care i've got him cornered but he's acting like it has nothing to do with it you're not finished already are you there must be more to it there is i don't know there is more to it think about it there you are kyoko talked about the differences between this case and past genocide jack oh yeah the fact that it's a yeah group you're looking for is hidden oh proof that i'm the culprit you mean well you obviously didn't study it enough right the difference is but the differences between this case and the other genocide jack murders yeah i know it i know it is the fact that it was a girl if he knew it so well he wouldn't have even thought and also the library desk lamp was definitely something that was like obvious because he's the one that said he knew where it was you want me to explain it again i use my very own special scissors and i use those same scissors to arrange the body it was some kind of rope was it not the library it absolutely was no no no then there must be something very fishy yes let's go back around i only have two hearts yes you have yes i did it okay i can't afford to lose actually i'm pretty sure you have yeah because you told me because you see that rope or should i say that extension cord yes an extension cord i'm surprised there was no rope around use the extension cord in the library more than once and the same extension cord that was in the library all this time went missing after the murder and there's no way someone who uses that extension cord as much as you do wouldn't discover that fact and beyond must be the one who took the extension cord i can't imagine any other possibility wow wow i can't believe you came up with that by yourself really what you think then your conclusion is something like he's gonna say he's actually like sweating inside he's just not doing the girl's locker room then hung her up and wrote that bloody message no you killed her in the boys soccer room that's the part i don't really understand i think she went into the boys locker room because she didn't want to be founded by the girls that's what i think i intentionally made it look like genocide jack was behind it is that about right he got me again oh he's calm he's not even it's as if he's not even involved wait not even involved i asked you if you think that's what happened hell yes that's what happened so that's it right biaki is the killer i don't disagree with not disagreeing he kept calling this a game right so he'd be totally willing to do something like this to win yeah um sorry but can we hold on just a second is there a surprise i think we need to talk about this a little more do we really need to you've already decided who did it i know but still there's something that's still bothering me is that right and what pray tell is still bothering you i killed her in the girls locker room then disguised my crime specifically i dressed it up to make it look like it was the work of a homicidal psychopath yes that's what i believe what about all that bothers you wait what was that just now something's not right to hear his body was definitely found in the girl's locker room but does that mean can i really just accept what biaku has said is the truth no they switched it that's the part we need to present the scene uh uh the scene of the crime yeah scene of the crime you say you killed chihiro in the girls locker room right but are you sure about that isn't it possible that the murder took place somewhere else how disappointing oh shut up just shut up question is that even in the world of disappointments this is a truth is it really though yeah is that even your real name there is absolutely no question about this is actually like i don't know this stuff man if the crime have been anywhere else like the girls knew that the poster wasn't in there they're not gonna have some anime babe in there in their locker room i thought that there would be anything wrong with that i'm just saying she was killed somewhere else then carrie there later yes we know the murder scene rest of the murder scene that was awfully specific please tell me you have a reason for saying well you know just about the enemy white force don't you hey bianca did you just did i just take you off guard when the story suddenly moved to the crime scene maybe biaki had never even realized that the actual scene of the crime could have been somewhere else don't just move on without permission what do you mean she was killed somewhere else come on makoto if there's any chance the murder took place oh i'll show you i'll show you exhibit a got the proof that she was killed somewhere else is the poster that's hanging in each locker room is some posters the poster in the girls locker room was a picture of a big boob superman that's kind of strange why would the girl's locker room have a poster like that exactly i can't say you're wrong jill meanwhile the boys locker room had a poster of the super popular boy band tornado exactly that's a little weird that doesn't really seem to belong in a boys locker room so you're saying that maybe the posters were switched and there's one other thing i noticed about the locker rooms you know what i'm talking about right sakura you're referring to my protein coffee aren't you yes protein coffee while i was in the girls locker room earlier i spilled some protein coffee on the carpet but i noticed that after the murder the stain had been totally scrubbed away yeah well i was actually very thankful that you did that because i thought someone like wiped their butt on the carpet it was pretty nasty uh no it's not the same it's not that the stain was scrubbed away it was moved i got it the stain on the girls locker room in fact i found it on the boys locker room carpet that's definitely the stain from my protein i would know it does that mean that the carpets were switched to but why would anyone do that to move the murder scene from one locker room to the other it's certainly possible don't you think in other words in order to completely swap the scene of the crime the bloodstained poster and carpet were moved along with the dead body by doing this the killer was able to change the entire room where the murder took place i can certainly follow your reasoning but why would the culprit bother you you wanted to throw us off the sins why would they go through all that trouble yeah he wanted he wanted people to believe that a girl did because you know he couldn't go in there actually an even bigger question if the motor did take place in the boy's leftover then how did your hero get in the boy's locker room in the first place he stole leon's she's totally on thing you have to oh you that you know how trust me this is my time to shine if he's right shiro could have really got in the boy's locker room yeah we they presented us with it it's like they make character forgets is it really the possible yes i got it she must have packed her e-handbook no she didn't hack it it's the ultimate programmer after all oh crap yeah she was huh that would have been no problem dang it actually i kind of believe that now but like she just like charged the other one or something i'm talking about leo yes no that's wrong oh it's wrong i actually believe that but okay as long as i get it right i don't care i don't think chihiro used leon's handbook why not because leon's handbook was broken oh but they they were saying like that it wasn't broken there's just something wrong with it i am struck silent by how quickly you gave up plus isn't there a regulation against using someone else's handbook actually the rule states that loaning your handbook is prohibited it says nothing about borrow true in other words you could borrow a dead person's handbook all you want and you'd be safe hit the nail square on the noggin of course if it were broken that wouldn't make any sense anyway so then she must have hatched hers like i said she used her ultimate programmer skills and you can't fix any handbook the instant you open one up a security buzzer starts glaring yeah monokuma would know didn't use leon's handbook and she didn't modify her own handbook maybe mr niagi's initial assumption is just wrong it seems like there's no way she could have got into the boys locker room so i guess so i vote for biakuya oh yeah i do too is that ethan shira was killed in the girl's locker room and bianco is the one who did it really but still i don't know what else i can do i agree with you though i think you're on the right track what the you finally decide to open your mouth and that's what you've got to say there's no way she could get in the boys locker room right so why are you so sure she couldn't get in there's still one other way she could have gained access what what are you talking about what other way is there well to explain that why don't we take a little break from the trial i'd like you all to come see can we do that could we just uh have a recess here wait wait wait wait wait wait i need a recess manikuma do you think you're doing don't worry this'll make the whole trial more exciting i'm sure that thought must please huh it'll make things more exciting i instantly changed all right then i declare an official class trial recess i demand a recess for real now then what is it you want to show us it better not be boring or i'll be very unhappy i don't think it's a good idea to go outside with the killer here but all right i have no doubt it'll meet your lofty expectations now you know i want to know come on show me kyoko let's see this that was one thing i couldn't quite like answer either like why did she go into there or how did she go in there where's she taking us oh back to the murder scene wow the girls locker room you've already searched this place top to bottom what are you trying to pull missy i'd like you to examine the victim's body one more time you want to check it again sure to examine the entire body very carefully take your time just say it except in her like using our hands no wait no wait no wait away probably best if i don't run my hands all over a girl's dead body oh my god i'm freaked out or anything it's just based on religion all right i'll get back i'll do it very well i'll do it so these are big strong hands you're a girl you shouldn't have to touch a dead body what are the boys doing she's she's more manly than any of us no it's okay i think chihiro would rather have a girl yeah that's good that's good so just leave this to me sakura what is this some kind of secret i don't know why she scared me you are about that's not it at all stop screwing around okay here i go i'm sorry chihiro please excuse the intrusion putting her we got i got you on putting your hands together brief pray your soccer then begin to examine your body and i believe we will solve this particular mystery all right what is i think it's something we don't even know entire body i know you say that but oh my god oh oh my god we've only assumed this entire time that you know i i will just let you guys you know i'm sure you guys have figured this out right this is what is this oh my god i didn't see that coming wait why is there was she mad though not possible it's not possible mess okay sakura's eyes were staring while hero's life has spawned her massive frame tripled i think she's she's not a girl girl is or is what is a boy and i i i it's really ironic come from sakura but holy crap i really didn't know that i mean i see so she was actually interesting dang thank you for confirming this back so that would that that confirms it right that confirms it [Music] you're joking right i wouldn't joke about this the skirt threw everyone up you guys didn't know heck i knew that right off the bat yeah well you kidnapped me you should know that he was totally a guy he was a crush on fire i wish i had kids uh how did you know yes that certainly does make things much more exciting now let's ride this wave of excitement back to the courtroom and get oh my god and it makes more sense that's why ch hero kept saying i want to be stronger you know because like as a guy you know i feel like i don't know this just me personally but i feel like as a guy you know guys tend to be more like you know would want to say something like that and they would be they'd feel more self-conscious about not being strong especially if you were a guy but you're just like a you know a frail guy that's what i think wow that was interesting guys for keeping you waiting now then let's resume yeah but now it just makes me feel just yeah he's like i don't go to the bathroom he just tries to boy he just stays in there pick up from there yes well i don't know his reason for hiding it but the fact is chihiro was not a girl but a boy to think that chihiro was actually a guy that well i mean yeah if i would have picked chiro as waifu i definitely would have been in for a pleasant surprise wouldn't i and because the victim was male he would have had no problem gaining access to the boy's locker room assuming his handbook did in fact list his gender as male then yes that would be true does does it not tell you like if they're a guy or a girl in the report card it doesn't and that's probably why okay makes sense of course his handbook said he was a boy he dressed like a girl but he was a boy through and so then there should be no issue with makoto's initial assertion the victim was killed in the boy's locker room and was then later moved to the girls locker room and the killer could have easily used sayaka or junko's handbook to get into the girls locker room okay yep g hero really was killed in the boys locker room i still don't understand the motive for moving the body but yes that does seem plausible well i must admit i did find it rather odd i knew he felt a little off there was a certain incongruity to his female body what does that even mean so now everything has been connected all the mysteries have finally become okay well connected or clear or whatever we still think you're the killer remember oh wow he is not gonna pull something out of thin air very interesting when's he gonna start going crazy moves off in his own little world what about you makoto after everything we've learned do you still think biakuya's the killer well without a doubt biaku is the one that made chihiro's death look like genocide jack did it but but i i think he might not actually be the killer after what no but aren't you the one who would okay in the first place who else could have done it it would have been a guy right although although someone could have stole the guy's hand but leon's handbook but no they they didn't do that because they had already stated the leon's handbook wasn't working right so there was no other guy that could have used for a handbook and you can't steal someone else's that's alive i think so that means it had to without a doubt be a guy that did it you feel me oh me he's like but i'm a girl this seems to be too easy going about all this like he's enjoying us solving this that's what he wants you to believe he's acting it's it's called the poker face it doesn't have anything to do with him and you think that might be because it doesn't have anything to do with him plus the evidence he left behind was a little too how can i put it over he consciously chose to use the extension cord knowing it could connect him to the murder no that's how i see it you just slipped up when you found out the murder took place in the boys locker room it seemed to rattle you and then again when you found out chihiro was actually a guy if you really were the killer that stuff wouldn't have had any effect on you she's a good actor that's your thinking huh well it bothers me that you don't have more concrete reasons but he's actually like well you you could have okay he's just so good at making people i guess i'll mark it as correct for the time yeah when it's your life on the line you'll say it's correct correct he's right i am not the culprit i just happened to come across the corpse in the girls locker room and [Music] i'm telling you the truth well i find it very hard to believe go ahead find it very hard to believe you're free to be executed along with the rest of us no it's him why why do you do that to his body my reasons hardly matter right now uncovering the culprit is much more important wouldn't you say now then if it wasn't me who was it well i don't think i can say for sure without talking about it a little more you're oh my god i really don't know man we're all good aren't we i thought it was clear biafia did it no i'm with makoto if there's any doubt whatsoever we need to explore every possibility we were so close but yeah i guess they're right we all die here that's true very well then i'm with you too damn straight count me in do you not have a mind of your own of course i do what am i an ant or something anyway let's discuss this all as a group one more time we still have time to make our decision that's very true our lives are all on the line excellent then shall we resume our game of hide and seek but if people didn't do it then who's the real killer who murdered shiro i really don't know who would do it at this point she was murdered in the guy's locker room we already went through it there's no other motive other than beyonce don't know why biakia would choose her either that's the one thing i probably can't answer other than she was weak that was it she's weak i'm sorry he it's still really hard to okay the killer is like i can't be killed it's not genocide jack is it no it's killer's a guy it's gonna say that oh it actually would pass through i think you would need a boy's handbook to get in since leon's had book is apparently broken the killer would have had to use their own in other words it had been a guy but that's still not enough i need to find some more clues oh my god yeah okay i don't i can honestly say i really don't know celeste's account isn't there a single clue that might lead us to who did it what i thought that was wait the duffel bag where's the duffel bag but if nobody get a look at the killer i'm sure if someone saw the killer they would have said something by now he that other guy though someone saw the victim at some point even that might be enough for now yeah celeste yeah all we need right now is anything any kind yep i got it oh my god you want to know who saw the victim the killer and only the killer i don't know was that it no oh okay all right screw it whatever [Music] i believe someone else did see the victim it was celeste yeah she told us i remember now that you mention it yes i did see him really oh but i suppose only mcdonald's about this the rest of you had no idea did you that is why you're all making such ugly noises whatever just hurry up and tell us yeah now i don't know why but if there was any other guy he's acting a little suspicious and that's all i could say right before nighttime i saw chihiro yeah remember that yeah the duffel bag that's where's that at into a bag and why is it blue what is it a try jacket and then i assume he headed off to exercise a track jacket and a double bag but we didn't find anything like that at the murder scene it seems likely that the culprit destroyed them to get rid of any evidence oh but how could they destroy them they would have to be on cleaning duty and oh my god the only one that could have been on cleaning duty was wasn't it freaking uh i can't remember his name right now well i better get going i'm kind of in a hurry told me he was in a hurry but why would he be in a hurry only if someone were waiting for him so mr fujisaki was on his way to meet with someone and then they were going to work out together but hina and i had invited him to exercise with us plenty of times and he always declined well i mean now you see why because he was afraid you'd find out the secret he was hiding right which means that conversely he must have trusted whoever he was meeting with very much enough so that he was willing to risk his secret being revealed friendship the point is whoever he met up with is the culprit right so we just gotta figure out who it was but knowing what we know i can't even guess yeah you already have what you need to make the connection do i i do i have it inside you know who the killer is seriously who is it who's the killer oh my god mondo is it you or is it no ah i don't know the track jacket and duffel bag the killer disposal who was on cleaning duty that's what i need to know details of these items and it should become obvious who was waiting for him are you sure about that you really think we can figure out who did it based on two pieces of evidence that we don't have why you want to track down some fingerprints or something even if we have the equipment we wouldn't know how to use it as was noted the evidence is already gone there's nothing to get fingerprints from maybe but we can make certain inferences if we just take the time to talk it out easy for you to say could find celeste did you notice anything special about the bag or jacket the bag was just a normal duffel bag from the warehouse all the bags in there are the same so i can't imagine what would make that one special well if i remember right there was a decent variety of trap suits to choose from do you think there might be some connection between the culprit and shahiro's jacket who wears a tracksuit oh my god let's explore that and talk about he does the jacket he took but i don't see how that would be apply at all it was blue that's all i could really see oh i really i don't know what i'm doing here we know where hero was headed to the gym he was on his way to go exercise uh that's debatable why did he choose the specific track suit that he did you mean the specific track suit i got it he picked that tracksuit because it matched the one the culprit was wearing so what you're saying is the killer was wearing the same blue tracksuit as him no i don't know i think i think that was it wasn't obviously but like hold on a second mondo what did you just say what'd i say when celeste testified a few minutes ago she said i saw himself in that draft okay then i assume to head out to exercise she never said anything about the jacket's color [Applause] so why did you say chihiro's blue track i didn't even catch that i did not catch that i'm so focused on biafra being the killer that i'm not even catching it man no way he seemed so they threw me off hey celeste what color was chihiro's track suit as a matter of fact it was blue oh my gosh so she just would have mentioned that it was blue that all he would have been fine at some point in the investigation no that can't be it the bagging clothes which was on cleaning duty right time we began our investigation then the only reason he could have known what color the tracks just by chance i just happened to see it last night he walked past me and he was dying in his hands i didn't expect this at all according to celeste's testimony he was in a hurry when celeste noticed it shihiro made a point of making sure the jacket was completely in the back if you just ran into him briefly you couldn't possibly have seen what color the tracksuit was no not mondo i actually liked him he seems so nice apparently he's not here you dug your own brain perhaps but you handed him the shovel didn't you that's why you said what you did this is something that's on the tracksuit what a bunch of nonsense yeah i mean ah now i understand it was all one big left wasn't it still that's why we said you knew who did it to put them on edge that's right however mondo was my target all along i had my suspicions about him from the very beginning did you i didn't what made you so suspicious that's a good question because i hate him uh the way he talked i really don't know there was a certain turning point that tipped me off maybe you didn't notice it mondo but you tend to refer to men and women differently yeah he does talk about uh a man's promise you only call guy dude for girls it's chick and after he was killed you happen to refer to him as dude oh my god if once i picked up on that give me the flashback now see that mondo knew something we didn't eat that is a very that's a very tiny detail that i would have never noticed no i'm not the frightful one not nearly as frightful as someone capable of murdering a friend commando really you did you really killed chihiro i i i i didn't kill anyone you've been all over me judging everything i say putting words in my mouth he did it what gives you the right to treat me like a god i can't believe it wasn't beyonce this is a false accusation it's true my reasoning on that is pretty shaky that was fast well this does present us with a problem oh yeah he did say he noticed something huh he did he just didn't want to say it that's what my little ghost friend is telling me oh yeah that reminds me yeah yeah what is it actually you know now that i'm thinking about it here no tell us is your confidence what do you have here i found it laying on the ground so i scooped it up we found it on the ground right that it must belong to it's chihiro's uh it's mondo's i i don't know i really don't know [Music] i guess i really guess handbook was missing from the scene of the crime oh i crap totally sure i found it but it must hold some clue about the culprit right well that's what i was hoping but it's busted it won't even turn on they can't break imagine the culprit broke it to get rid of any evidence after the that's odd i didn't think the handbooks were quite so fragile you're right they're not that's what he said totally waterproof this one does appear to be broken as is leon sitting useless in the main hall at least i know i think just when someone dies maybe no that's not it that is a remarkably high failure rate do you think there might be some kind of mystery in there somewhere how precisely did the handbooks get broken uh by hacking it by hacking it but exploiting a bug i don't know oh that's not it it's got to be exploiting a bug oh no no really shoot [Music] we point it's it's not supposed to be that the handbook has one weak point didn't he yeah i don't remember that sure maybe i let that slip but i never told anyone what the weak point actually was but if the handbook is supposed to never break and two of them broke in quick succession then then we can only assume that someone's figured out its weakness you know what the weakness is right monokuma so what is it you're asking me i think it's a necessary piece of information if you want this to be a fair trial but if i tell you and someone else decides to come it's all sad that would be very not good just tell us already why would we want to break our own handbook oh well i have a weakness for pushy demands but you're sure you will follow their example then allow me to make a special announcement the weak point of my cutting-edge handbook is when it's exposed to high temperatures for too long it will suffer a meltdown and totally break okay so it's the they've like put it in the steam knew it room because i found the hand yeah laying on the bonus the temperature in the sauna can reach over 200 degrees strange how you don't get burnt huh it's because as your sweat evaporates it creates a cooling layer of air around your skin if the hot air of the sauna were somehow pushed directly onto your skin you'd definitely get fried that layer of air would get blown away that's why you may feel a burning when you move around so when you're in a sauna make sure to keep nice and still interesting anyway if you found the victim's handbook in the sauna then the killer must have been purposely trying to raise its temperature in order to break it meaning the culprit somehow knew its weakness but how'd they find out monokuma said he didn't tell anyone right indeed quite the mystery what if they found out by accident what do you mean by accident what if the killer took their own handbook into the sauna not knowing its weakness and it broke that is uh true he did go to the sun of course and it wouldn't be hard to figure out why and once they had chihiro's handbook they knew they had an easy way to dispose of it i won't say it's not possible but who would have done something like that i don't know of anyone who took their handbook into the sauna i might know someone who did seriously i think the one who may have taken their handbook into the sauna was what see yeah they both went into the sun end oh it had to be what oh my god it wasn't mondo it wasn't mondo it was the other one dude there's just so many that's right wait a minute he didn't wear he if i remember correctly which i hope i do he actually didn't wear any clothes or he wore all of his clothes didn't he you seem awful rattle talking could you uh no could you be could it be you know who it actually was in that case there's really one oh no no no no he he did right okay i'm freaking out for nothing uh i really thought it was him it's him oh but he's his bro oh he knew okay all right i i was mixed up maybe i thought it was the other one that wore all of us closed but here's my answer okay well still yeah that's why he was like no that's moronsky right there your handbook got broken in the sauna didn't it what why why do you keep accusing him mondo and taka had an endurance contest in the sauna not too long ago and for the contest and now i just feel stupid yeah i thought he was the one in the full clothes he'd also left his handbook in one of his uniform pockets and when it was all over mondo discovered that taking your handbook into the sonic could easily destroy him no wait hold on you've got it all wrong he would never kill i don't accept this show me the proof the actual solid proof i don't want to believe it either but i found something that proves that beyond a shadow of a doubt all right here we go make your arguments let's test makoto's assertion if what he says is correct then mondo you broke your own handbook pardon me i don't know if mundo's handbook is actually broken then that proves that what knuckles have said is right well my goddamn handbook works just fine hard reader i don't know i don't get it makoto was wrong after all [Music] oh my god that was embarrassing how long that took me to hit that what oh my god i'm gonna lose oh my god i failed i really don't know i felt i felt piece of crap that's embarrassing what i didn't try that broken handbook i thought i did all right i got it right in the first try the handbook you have right now is it really yours who's that supposed to mean the broken handbook that was in the main hall isn't that one actually yours what the heck are you talking about i didn't honestly know this coming i think mondo swapped his handbook out for one that actually worked i think he took leon's handbook and replaced it with his own after all monokuma said himself that leon's handbook never should have broken that's right the punishment it suffered wasn't nearly enough to destroy it did say that the broken handbook in the main hall is actually which would mean that the handbook mondo has right now is actually leon's but doesn't that violate the school regulation that says loaning after him he did it he died well here's how i look at it there is a rule about loaning your handbook to another student but if they're dead they're not a student it's kind of a great area i admit but no worries if anything it just makes things more interesting as such i decree that exchanging handbooks with a corpse is not well mondo if i'm wrong about this you're welcome to say so i'm happy to admit i made a mistake but you are wrong you have to be wrong bro come on you just said it's wrong you made it all up hey i feel so bad for him now although i did kind of suspect him a little bit i shouldn't be a lawyer look back on this case one more time from the beginning that way okay and we'll all see if i was right [Music] all right we're gonna close this case oh my god we're barely getting here all right so it all starts in the warehouse right she noticed it there was a bag right there that definitely goes there so chihiro rushed on into the locker room she goes uh right there goes to the boy's locker room scan that key card in i could be wrong about that but let's see he's like hey sup as he was gonna go work out that's when he was lifting those freaking mad weights bro and after that boom hit bam hit the dumbbell right there he dropped it on the ground he was obviously scared i'm gonna take a guess and say he put that there he knows there was blood on the poster then he took it off so he put him in there in the girl's locker room with the poster bianchia walks in with the oh my god why would they work together though that's the thing so biake bianchia is actually the one that walked in with the extension cord and then helped put that on the wall and then he threw in the sonnet okay all right uh am i we actually have some left over now so now i'm confused hopefully i did it right here is you first act one let's take a look back did i actually get it right on the first try tonight celeste such a hero in the warehouse correct at the time she was apparently stuffing something into a duffel bag [Music] that something was a blue tracksuit you can confirm this right celeste it looks right with bag in hand chihiro headed out even though it was officially night time she made her way to the locker room specifically the boys locker room but how could the victim who was apparently a girl access the boy's locker room ah oh no i'm already gonna die again all right i just had to switch come on that was not that bad yeah i just had a switch easy easy she was really a key which is why he was able to use his own handbook to gain entrance to the boys locker room so many twists and turns this episode guys is insane once inside he met with someone there and the person he met was the one who killed him it seems likely that the killer grabbed the nearby dumbbell approach the unsuspecting hero [Music] that would hurt so bad what oh my god oh i'm dead it don't matter yes i was right about that one i was actually worried on the poster okay that's when that happened dumbbell fell it was likely in the heat of the moment the body was arranged but the murder itself felt unclean ah come on man it was i just got him switched again didn't i unless this is only related to the whole it could be that i guess the dumbbell is kind of like pointless because it's actually right there so maybe that's it you which is why the killer hurried to try and hide yeah that makes more sense now bloody poster what are you kidding me man okay he picked her up then went to the girls locker room that's it okay okay i got it you could see my reasoning carrying the corpse into the girl's locker room a girl's handbook was necessary to get into the locker room of course but this alone doesn't prove that the killer was necessarily a girl after all sayaka and junko's handbooks had been placed in the main hall using one of those a boy could get into the girls locker room without much problem [Music] that totally makes sense it was saying that it was like inferred that he already got in there he is that when he replaced the that wouldn't make sense at all the dumbbell it was the dumbbell he moved the dumbbell oh my god great i had it all over again so annoying i don't know that one i i swear i've tried everything obviously i haven't but like i thought i did oh that was it okay and that's exactly that doesn't really make sense because it shows him putting the body down he and he picked it up last time so what did he do did he freaking just like leave the body floating in midair while you put the poster up insane poster they brought with them they got to work [Music] oh because bianca oh my god there's two there layout of the boys and girls locker room in what you might call a crime scene switch that could have been the end of things but no yakuya discovered the body and decided to intervene in the situation because of the mystery novel okay that makes sense he just wanted to be interesting that was it so after stumbling on the crime scene he went and grabbed the extension cord from the library and then he got to work he used the cord to string up to then using the victim's own blood he left a grisly message there at the scene of the crime he wanted to create the illusion that genocide jack was responsible for the sloth and around the same time that biakuya was putting together this facade the killer having already disposed of chihiro's bag and other belongings arrived at the sun there they planned to destroy the last piece of that okay they destroyed it yes and just as the killer expected somehow the killer knew that the handbook couldn't stand up because he had it yes all right [Music] isn't that right i love the art it's so cool events on him if it is that he's the killer it already already rebuilt itself if i can somehow show where mondo's handbook is right now once i do that everything will become clear all right okay element has been added fever time and nega time nega time i just want to clear that up no matter what youtube caption says that is what i said i don't trust youtube captions at all all right again i don't freaking know let's just do it i'm just gonna figure it out oh it's him though that's the battle all right let's play this guitar hero again okay i don't think i won that jackpot i got the jackpot on him i know you have no idea what's going on i hardly do either don't worry but i'm winning i i think all right oh i've almost won oh oh final start show me some evidence you're dead you're dead mates prove it i don't know i won that's all it matters is very confusing gameplay and this is good for a person that knows how to play expert on guitar hero yeah that's right mondo must have replaced his broken handbook with leon in which case we can just check each of our handbooks right now once we do that we'll gotta do that huh yeah oh he's admitting he's messing i killed him i feel so now i feel bad because he seems so like he's just like yeah i did it there's no point in fighting he wants to go down with honor results a no way i gotta oh i did awful on most of the i i did die a lot and i still got an a so hey all right that's okay wow okay i died a lot actually i got no choice man after hearing all that i gotta just give up go ahead monokuma get it over with crap ask for the goddamn verdict roger that hold on no problem no holding on time for the moment we've all been waiting for who will you elect as the blackened this time around will you make the right choice or the dreadfully wrong one what's it gonna be oh he said it like here we go in case you're wondering the vote was not unanimous kiyotaka chose the wrong answer you're treading very close to the danger zone mr ishimaru you need to be more careful i refuse to believe it there's no way he would do it sorry why are you apologizing why he still doesn't believe it he's such a good guy why did you do it oh this kind of makes me sad oh he's taking a vowel silence so allow me to explain on his behalf the story of the murder this time is the sad story of two men oh but for anyone who doesn't really want to hear it you can really press ctrl c okay yeah there was once a young boy his name was shihiro fujisaki he had an extreme inferiority complex with his own lack of strength he couldn't overcome his weakness on the country he tried to hide or bury himself further and further into weakness he had chosen that as his way out wait he wanted to die wait now nobody will be able to say anything about even though you're a boy but no matter what no matter how tightly he wrapped himself up in that shell that 40 complex might i never mind i i'm going all conspiracy theory never mind so basically the reason why chihiro went to mondo is because he talked about how like important the manly promises were so he thought he would keep a secret and oh that's messed up man he didn't have to he didn't have to do that [Music] so to keep the promise because so here asked him to keep the promise to make sure like no one said that he was uh actually like a a boy so he carried him so that's why they changed the murder scene indeed oh my god so we kept the promise though but still so why did you because no matter what i didn't want anyone to know i knew it so that's what triggered it after all the possibility of having our embarrassing memories and secrets exposed what what is this yeah what was the secret then the embarrassing memory that that he didn't want anyone to know um you know what mondo did he killed his own brother oh my god the ultimate parking leader makes all the hoodlands and rip raps okay yeah he joined because of his brother and he killed him almost every day mondo heard the gossip and whispers from the other members of the gang which is why he wanted to be the leader and he had to kill his brother for it no matter what i got away with me on the amazing on the night of his his brother's retirement ceremony mondo challenged him to street race but during the race tragedy struck oh so we didn't actually kill him though his brother just was dumb and he hit a truck wait oh no his brother pushed him oh crap okay ah laying in his kid brother's arms older brother well see that's not the same as saying he just killed them i mean sure it was an accident but hey kid the rest is up to you no matter what you got to keep the game stronger because it's the team you and me put together it's a promise between men he decided to hide the truth of what happened from everyone else in the game in order to keep the game together to keep the promise to his brother he could never admit to anyone that it was his own weakness that had caused the accident and as a result so that's why he had to do that oh my god this game was so deep man and so in order to make sure that no one's promise was broken he had to kill somebody i'm strong no i like him man i like him as soon as our killing game began he realized no matter how tough he pretended to be he was just another weakling that could die against him and then the lovely hateful monaco announced rippling the secrets in that point it was clear i would have no problem sharing light on a secret mindo killed his own brother no matter what i couldn't let the other gang members find out if that happens everything would have been ruined everything meaning my brother had worked for her to create would have been destroyed his death was okay yeah it's basically what we said i didn't know what to do about it i wasn't sure how to think we're saved but after a while the fuzzy uneasiness turned us up into a rock hard lump of anxiety way down into my stomach it was right around then the chair asked me to start working out with him and right there i he told me a secret seriously i'm sorry i'm sorry i lied to you but why why are you telling me this all of a sudden because i mean you've kept this all secret all the time if anyone found out you would what you're right but i want to change i wrapped myself in lies i'm weak i went to destroy that version of me forever his words were like a knife in my gut i felt like he was exposing the lie i'd been living myself i had to change i don't want to be weak anymore you're so strong it can't hurt right whatever secret monokuma might tell us so what you're saying is i should just say it you're saying if i really am i should be able to tell everyone my secret i was jealous i was jealous of shiro's strength he had the strength to face his own weakness oh so is that a jealousy okay well never mind i thought he was all good and that jealousy broke me all right let's roll this killing thing let's go enough enough talking no way he doesn't want him to die i couldn't keep the promise we made from one man to another i still like him though man that sucks there we go this is the part that it's gonna be all weird because of copyright problems this really sucks but i i can't can't do anything about it this is the same exact thing they play in the anime apparently and it causes problems but how's it gonna die is it from a bike i would have to guess oh he's strapped to the bike [Music] oh he has to unpop the door too [Music] it's awful [Music] the cage of death [Music] so stupid man [Music] god is he this parish freaking like crazy man oh is he being electrocuted is that what's happening whatever it is you know oh what the heck he's gone [Music] oh he turned him into butter that's probably i don't know if that's worse or what laugh at death and your soul will forever be at peace it can't be my brother another murderer and another execution i want to feel again all right guys we're going to stop this here this is been a very long uh very uh surprise filled episode but if you guys want to see more of course if you stuck around this far i want to say thank you so freaking much and smash like for more dragon rapper i'm really loving this game and i gotta say when i when you think you know enough or when you think you know what the answer is you don't really know and i feel like it's gonna get more interesting especially as there's like maybe like one or two people left that's gonna be really interesting so we'll see i hope you guys stick around 30k likes i'll see you scrubs the next one bye guys [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 482,852
Rating: 4.9800568 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, danganronpa trigger happy havoc full game, danganronpa, bijuu mike plays danganronpa, bijuumike danganronpa, bijuu mike sayaka, chihiro fujisaki death, chihiro death danganronpa, danganronpa chihiro death reaction, bijuu mike danganronpa 7, toko danganronpa, danganronpa class trial 2, toko genocide jack, bijuu mike class trial 2
Id: 9TKXnF9mMaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 47sec (5507 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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