What happened to Monokuma!? IT BEGINS - Danganronpa 2

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oh my god that looks a lot different than the first one doesn't it flood go back my scrubs - Duncan Rafa - this is oh my god there he is boys ass withers spoilers it's bad byakuya B I cannot say his name I don't know why it's so hard for me to say byakuya byakuya Oh a little monokuma okay starting off guys first of all if you didn't know we finished Duncan wrap up one um a few weeks ago and I'm just gonna say guys thank you freaking so much for smashing 50,000 likes on last video the thing is I'm so confident that you did that that even right now I know that you guys haven't done it yet but it will happen and that's how confident I am that it's gonna happen that I'm recording the sekki game right now and I think you guys know what to do if you want to see episode two of danganronpa - goodbye despair well let's hope quite let's hope you need to smash 30k likes that seem to be a great number to hit and it just worked out so well guys I know we could smash that 50 that was pushing it I could tell 30 I mean come on they should be getting a hundred thousand likes under the saying anyway I have one good jillion questions about this and also we shouldn't have to worry about copyright I spoke to Spike Chunsoft which is like the publisher of the game or the devil hood developer I'm not good at that stuff I just talked to them they said it shouldn't happen so I won't have to do weird things anymore without further ado assuming you guys smash freaky like I just need to know what the heck everyone says this is their favorite game of dong Arafah so I want to see why and is nagito here because I know of today but I don't know the character start that new game up you guys be telling you oh my god it's like the same thing you guys are telling me that the frickin story in this one The Clash trials are just absolutely insane so I need to know again I don't know how this changes anything I'm just gonna keep it on kind gentle no is fine Hey I'm so excited can you hear me that's that's nagito right are you okay why does he look so much like freaking in Mikoto that's the thing that's what I always thought I always see pictures of him I don't know you guys think I'm a conspiracy theorist I just know everything about the games I'm just pretending I wouldn't do that it seemed pretty out of it to be honest I'm also know everyone else feels the same to since we suddenly got put in this weird situation hey are you listening I don't understand why am I here that's it just something what happened I should try to remember that first I began to think disentangling the twisted knots that have formed in my mind think think think think think as I gather the fragments of my scattered memories I began to piece together what actually happened that's right I please this is gonna recap the last game cuz I need to know what that happened they left starting PCs version one zero one okay oh wow they put the name of the game in there or is this all the video game or just the entrance that day it wasn't a typical day for me no it was it did never is is its I mean is it ever no it's not I'm just a normal character it was a day that felt truly significant oh my god she looks just like you or already a so it kind of looks like the the headmaster as well and when that long-awaited day finally came I felt proud in a way I can't really put into words I feel like I just become part of something greater than myself does that make sense actually that's exactly what it was like it was truly a dream what the heck why are they going back to hope speak you think the word would have got out the hope speakers just stay awake don't go to that school two tragedies have happened now that place was so much more than a school to meet kids who loved to play baseball will long to join the major leagues kids who loved to play soccer will join the prep team and ever since I was a kid I felt the same way about host B Academy no guys something's fishy it's like almost exactly the same as last game it's a gut so hopes peak is a government funded school for the privileged elite of society it recruits the top students from every imaginable field to inspire hope yeah we gotta have every character right whenever home speak is mentioned it's only a matter of time before someone says if you come here manage to graduate you'll be I mean if you survive that should really be the actual thing said if you survive and just so you know it's not a joke or an exaggeration at all many of the current leaders are various industries are actually illuminate this the shooter is just repeating the same thing isn't it it's like the same day I don't have to read it so you must be high school school student you must be the very best at what you do unlike other schools there are many interest exams at this Academy the only way to get in is if you're like frickin amazing yes everyone's called the ultimates but now even though I'm finally going to hopes Peak Academy the school desired more than anything else the truth is my circumstance is a little different than my peers well guess I can put that aside for now you'll find out soon enough it's nothing special we're talking about I think anyway I guess I should introduce myself first I'm not so special that I have to introduce myself and formalities are always a little embarrassing is that um Johnny Yong Bosch hey Casey I said I think it is I'm pretty sure he's the English voice of Lelouch from Code Geass and also Ichigo from Bleach I know that much so it sounds like I don't know I can't be wrong so Izzy's the same I'm just not just nothing special I just have a million girls all over me my name is Hajime Hinata IgA he not that there's only one reason I came to hopes Peak Academy because I admired hopes Peak Academy to me attending hopes Peak Academy is like being a celebrity or a superhero I'm really hoping that there's more voice acting in this game it's more like it's always been a dream of mine that's what to feel like a member of society to become someone I can be proud of I always wanted to world my PC broken that reason I always wanted to and for that reason alone I always I always always always over oh yeah I knew this is too weird it couldn't wait till now I never wanted me out painfully ordinary Wow why does this game gotta do this all of a sudden I've admired I don't want to say Doki Doki cuz everyone says Oh gets mad at me when I say it but I'm sorry that was like the first game that's ever exposed me to such weird stuff like that that's of course I'm gonna compare to everything but come on right huh what is this it's a door there's the door still I need a hurry because I need to go inside need I like the sounds and everything what need no I should Harry o be okey oh my god would they do to you dude how many doughnuts is you eat did you eat the other students it said wait a minute is that Asahina back there bro she looking different oh I have so many questions it kind of room it kind of looks like her she's got this world well the chocolate swirl on her head I have so many questions that's 1000% byakuya you guys told me that she gets bad and that was a spoiler and I'm mad that it gets a no wait first hand but whatever right oh wow okay so this episode is gonna be mainly the introduction we got to get to know the characters you know if you watch the last playthrough I mean go back and watch it or play the game yourself if they're on sale still right now so I dunno about it do a buki back there Ibuki I said that weird didn't it Ibuki I know about her and the reason why I do know about her is because let me tell you why so back in the day when I originally started YouTube I one of my favorite youtubers was a youtuber named iron shining I've actually been compared to him in the past and people would used to say that it looked like him as well as dantdm of course I mean just looking at this picture you can see why but his wife who was actually Ibuki from dong and Rafa and I you know knowing nothing about dong and Rafa I knew that that was his waifu and also he just really loved the games because he always talked about dong and Rafa but of course I never played them well this this video is about him actually couldn't each of my oh my god dude the friggin memories he's deleted his he had two channels he delivered them both and just literally disappeared from the I hope he's doing okay I don't know I don't know why he did that but I really did like him as a youtuber and I gotta say that he did inspire me to become me but yeah his wife was Ibuki as you can plainly see he actually got a cake and everything I just thought it was a really funny see so that's how I know so before you start making conspiracy theories that's how I know about Ibuki not that I've played the game that I'm just faking it like some people believe for some reason I mean that would be low right who's gonna be like for now I know I know I'm really Wyatt but come on so why is this school still allowed to beep to do this I have so many questions see for yourself we're all freshmen to these guys everyone these freshmen who were accepted in hopes Peak Academy The Ultimates but freaky I don't get it that doesn't make sense or it can be Akio over here look like he ate that Albert like come on heathered oh here we go please have the same boys please it affects me so much when they do not have the same voice actor hey why don't you just come inside for now yeah of course dude he is so big I'm sorry like what the heck dude obviously he's family never run out of money because he had him Janna buy some groceries any buds broke my boy looking like you got a nice suit you know I could be wrong I like the menu though that's a little different wait why am I being so polite I know they're called Ultimates but there's still high school students like me that's right first impressions are crucial in moments like this it's a hydride nervous system others at while and while trying my very best at cool I stepped aside closed the door behind me i sat an open seat in the back of the classroom because that's where every anime character that's not a main character will sit right I wanted to be here than a classroom door appear in front of me and then you fainted if it's all I mean now we know which I'm just interested to see where the game's gonna go now how did I walk in this classroom I don't remember something's weird um excuse me what uh uh why are we all gathered in this classroom no one said anything about coming here so is there like an entrance ceremony or homeroom or so happening now actually we were just about to discuss that matter discuss it is the same voice all right confirmed he is just really big now whatever hey hey I don't judge if that's what he wanted to do let him do it still think he's a little snake no matter how big he is the question is will he die this game we could all hope so is his legs just as long Oh am I gonna have to pick Ibuki I'm just saying am I gonna have to pick Ibuki his waifu I kind of get it out she is kind of like oh she's kinda like punk rock you know she's like super punk rock she's a cool looking character this so I I get it I don't know guys we got to see them all right there are only 16 deaths guests in the classroom and this guy is the 16th student it's obvious if you bothered to think about it oh my god this is a weird character and just what are we gonna talk about the reason we're all I gathered here the classroom first Anika burn something out of everyone here is there anyone who actually remembers how they came to the classroom okay so he's being self aware I'm just wondering like how did he get tricked again huh we all looked around at each other a surprised look on everyone's face not one person raised their hand so before you realized it you were in the classroom and then everyone here is in the same predicament no matter how you look at it it's a natural even you stupid lucky ones would agree right hmm I'm trying to like see if like anyone could be disguised as the other students or something you know so we have to remember Asahina right here Oh Mikoto then toko right and by freaking with la Kyoko so and monokuma is still life that's all we know hey what do you mean stupid-looking know in other words the moment you set foot on the campus you felt a strange dizziness and now you're here you don't know why that is what I experienced before I arrived here am I correct in assuming that's true of all of you true that happened to be too but that just wasn't just me everyone felt the same thing even if it's just a coincidence she seems really nice she sees a really nice character but as we know prince aikka i do not trust anyone no matter how pretty they are you know so you're saying it's not just a coincidence then hmm so in other words meaning we can only speculate who's responsible for this strange phenomenon but who's responsible what is it it feels like this is going to get even stranger so I noticed at the windows first hand are not there's no pickle things on the windows as you can see the put in the background so we gotta know like mondo like character almost left like mondo and soccer refused essentially yeah I don't know where you're so worried about but that doesn't sound like a huge deal oh my god he looks like Leon what do you mean I mean it's a minor problem instead of trying to figure out why we're here we're trying to figure out why we can't leave I'm sorry but she resembles freakin Asahina so much right in every way every way yeah seriously I watched him rush over to the door trying with all his might to pull it open it won't open huh oh why a little while I got here I tried to leave to go take a crap the door wouldn't budge at all hey what's going on she was all my might I couldn't open it it'd be absolutely impossible for all of you okay who's this what do you mean you couldn't open it why that's not possible she's right it's impossible because when I went through the door to open normally it wasn't locked at all though okay whoa okay so she doesn't really resemble toko but I I get the same kind of vibes from her well she's got glasses that's probably why anyone with glasses is a freak oh I like her eyes really cool there's no denying that we have been locked inside this classroom locked inside we got the same music and everything so that was like a nice little introduction there is it gonna go through the whole thing like it did before except for that guy that guy looks weird what do you mean I said I became aware of how heavy my body felt as though I feeling of unspeakable dread begin settling on my shoulders maybe dangerous or perhaps doesn't it make more sense to think that this is an entrance exam the interest exam do you mean hopes Peak Academy but according to hopes Peak Academy no such interest entrance exam exists they may say that publicly but it's impossible that is it's actually a special interest what what was that just now hey bastard whoa who's this the heck what is that a girl or a guy I can't tell a fat but why did you make that cutesy voice all the sudden I wanted to speak your blunt remark about my weight but that voice you just heard was not mine then whose is it it's actually mine who's there who are you it sounds like I came from behind the teacher's desk behind the teacher's desk all right I see where everyone has arrived let's begin there we go guys I think I already know yeah so I knew there was a girl modicum of because that's on the picture of the game oh is that is it a rabbit maybe it's not monokuma cuz Monika kuma means bear right this is so different but we know this is the same technology it's awful I don't think you should try to squeeze it oh my god am i hallucinating by the only one who's seeing this I see you too what's with this talking Chihuahua that's it your wallet does everyone know here what a rabbit is that one that one guy no I don't it's a lovable animal that's very fluffy and so up actually the Prada give you ticks probably the same don't mean to ruin your image of a rabbit let's write a singing dancing talking rabbit mascot hold on let me put processes first I could say process okey-dokey um what do you guys think I've never seen a stuffed animal that can sing dance and talk before it's probably a remote why is he wet like he or she is like wearing B oculus clothes right am I am i light this is like B Aki is like Sun or like what our daughter I don't know also I'm getting like juco vibes from this person because they kind of have the same shape going on and the freckles just saying it's probably remote control or something don't act like such a over a child's toy even if it's a remote control it doesn't look too lifelike that's pretty advanced for a toy stop its movements and mannerisms are not the issue more importantly based on what it just said it seems you know something about our current situation of course I do I'm the lead teacher of this school trip oh it's a trip now so that's how they okay all right come on hey what do you mean school trip a large group of students go on a chaperone trip with the lead teacher it's the biggest event of school year we're not looking for such a little answer now let's depart for the finest school trip yeah this is different yeah no copy right yeah Oh oh they're already there so I knew this also has something to do with an island but that's it I swear that's all I know I know nothing else huh I couldn't believe my eyes not just my eyes but my brain to the world just stopped making sense the classroom collapse like a stage set and what appeared before me was blue sky white clouds blue sea white waves no matter how I try to rationalize it it was abnormal really clinically unreasonable utterly crazy blatantly wrong okay so are we gonna get like get to like walk around and say this is no joke right where are we who's what's going on it's just weird not hearing monokuma is Monica win this game I would like to think he is I sure hope so or is it that's probably we all know that Monica is a robot right so or ditzy I'm just saying like there's so many questions after freaking that cliffhanger no reason to panic see look around are we on a camera beast rise on this beautiful ocean it's like your heart is being washed clean isn't it it washes away everything even all the bad things I'd give us the details here where in the world are we you ask well obviously we're out where it's better out where it's wetter out by the sea I understand this is the sea but what are we doing here you know your throats gonna get hoarse if you keep screaming like that well we were just at school and now we're Batsy this is impossible do not to worry the school trip is just started that's all but why are we on a school trip all the sudden you totally skipped all the stuff that comes first she's right we're all supposed to be attending hopes Peak Academy oh I see I see I don't you don't say you guys are feeling unsure about hopes Peak Academy then in that case please forget about how to speak Academy that's why we're having a school trip in the first place huh what the heck do you mean we should forget about it hey what are you talking about oh I'm sorry it's just so hard to get used to him I don't know he's just so different now just what are you scheming what I'm not escaping anything I'm doing this for everyone's sake I'm praying from the bottom of my heart that hope will grow within everyone's heart okay so that's weird isn't it so instead of despair now this thing whatever it is is all about hope first theory time every time reestablish from the last game right then it was all an inside job for us to have hope right Persall be trapped that was intentionally a good thing until Juke of hijacked it so now game is still gonna be considered a good thing I mean it is called goodbye despair right is people not gonna die in this game I mean that's what I hope but I know I'm probably wrong about that so maybe this is a good thing they're kind of replicating and getting the ideas and maybe Mikoto and into all of them are actually behind us and maybe byakuya although he is bigger is assisting you know to get things like going along you know I'm just saying they're trying to recruit more good students there's nothing dangerous in this island whatsoever so please there's no need to worry at all the lie detector test determined that was a lie I'm just guessing I don't know Aylin did you just say Island I mean yeah okay look around you're not in [Music] I can't think of anything else really a baseball game and it's certainly beautiful iiep who's prepared just for us an island pretty from other people in danger are you saying this island is inhabited it be perhaps you brought us to an uninhabited island to make us all kill each other a spot on though for the last game then alright kill each other no way bloody businesslike causing violence or inflicting pain is a big no-no on this island even the word kill just saying it horrifies me so scary yeah so what is this cool trip you mentioned what do you intend to do in this island alright I shouldn't I shall announce it to everyone right now why you all relax on this island paradise you must get along as strict in your bonds with one another that is the main role on this heart dropping school trip heart throbbing school trip spin this peaceful and relaxing day nourishing hope and lazing about free for pain and suffering truly this lovey w heart-throbbing school trip is everyone's homework dad I don't know why I said it that way what the heck does this even mean now then okay I hope we get to walk around that would be really cool I like that mechanic it goes without saying but I had no idea what she was talking about I couldn't follow her words at all and then just like that like a curtain slowly lowering or low whatever I don't know if I read that right my mind ground to a halt [Music] this is a lot different I got a filly this is not real Akane okay I need to know her name you know future wife who you never know it's hard to root to okay hey that don't look good that it look promising at all [Music] welcome to Dogon Island what is this dog it even mean okay I cannot read their names that fast okay I know that's it Buki that's like it though I'm gonna to go to the process of remembering all their names again that TV is so long in the first game okay we did read byakuya so that is his name [Music] so it's just it's the main character resembles Makoto so much like both of those characters kind of do like even with coats of would wear green right so that's just wipe seeing that character before I I thought maybe I had some kind of connection hey can you hear me oh so now we're going back okay nice little introduction there to be honest I'm also know everyone else feels the same - since we suddenly got put in this weird situation hey are you listening now that I think about it he also kind of sounds like my coat so but like as a deeper pitch just saying what I'm trying to say is I think it's bakoto but wait I don't know hey are you okay leave me alone there's no way I could leave someone alone when they look like that pill white sandy beach crystal blue ocean the sunrays beat me down on me the SOB tropical wind brushing my skin I definitely don't know what's going on I was surprised I was supposed to attend I hope this week Academy why did this why am I here the rabbit thing said we're on a tropical island you're right I have no idea what's going on that's the only thing I could say with absolute certainty welcome to Dogon island I will explain the basic controls to you but the mouse you can okay I know what to do you don't just say nothing I can figure it out so is this like considered a room okay so we have a monitor we have cameras and all that okay screens blank what's it used for camera that thing is like you could just move it we meet monitor or something I wouldn't say we're being monitored I think we're just being watched for our safety well it's a waste of time to think about it best not to worry let's just enjoy your time I mean it's kind of like a vacation you gotta say this is less disturbing it's the first game how could it be so calm in this situation like this maybe just a chill guy I mean I don't know I don't can I leave oh I just have to look around here okay uh it makes it I guess it makes sense for the degree palm trees on a tropical island okay just pointless things to say all right so is it still like repressive Eve we can like view everything okay cool that way I'm go to say I've questioned everything we don't even know if this Islands real question everything in this game that's the the lesson we got from the first game okay so just ocean hey how you feeling are you calm down I understand your confusion after everything that's happened but why don't we start with an introduction I'm Naruto Kuwait the ketone Nagato is the best okay have it's a nagito Nagato coma hey Doc wait a minute is that an anagram wait wait my co toe nah it's it's almost you can spell Makoto naegi with those words oh my god so I just did I'd really just find the secret of the game my whole toe nah a G the only thing that doesn't make sense is the D but I got it be onto something guys I'm obviously not gonna read the comments but let me obviously I encourage you to leave comments for other people to read but don't spoil the game my god [Music] the ultimate lucky students okay along with my introduction I guess I'll also tell you about my talent so you know why hopes Peak Academy chose me well even if I tell you it's my in in my case it's a pretty disappointing Talent a disappointing Talent what do you mean what are you talking about not it it's not a joke or anything that's my actual talent I'm the ultimate lucky student at least that's what I'm called anyway well it was different though because makoto's was hope right that was his talent like the ultimate hope or something if I remember what they said through a countrywide lottery apparently only one ordinary student is selected at random to attend hopes Peak Academy has the ultimate lucky student and that lucky winner just so happy to be me chosen by a lottery is that really okay I mean is luck even a real talent in the first place how strange your face looks troubled so if he's the luckiest dude he's probably not gonna dive in oh no I'm not troubled or anything that's fine that mixed feelings about this - I never thought an average talentless high school student like me whatever at your hopes Peak Academy at first I declined I told them I didn't deserve it but they told me they really wanted me to attend apparently this is so called luck of mind is a challenge and even the school doesn't fully understand to research the school picks the ultimate lucky student every year through an annual lottery hopes Peak Academy is amazing if they can actually research something as Vegas luck well thanks to that luck a guy like me was able to attend hopes Peak Academy so for that I'm grateful but on the other hand I feel a little out of place here oh sorry I have a bad habit of viewing most things through a pessimistic lens um yeah I guess that's it for my introduction mmm Nikita Cole made a cold OMA ADA I tried to pronounce the names as right as I can guys all right don't destroy me in the comments now then it's your turn yeah i'm hajime he nothing then let me ask you a question what is your ultimate Talent um I I open my mouth but the words would not for him I felt that my thoughts stalling my head if I opened a book I expected to find words and it said found blank pages oh I wonder if this memory gotta raise guys I'd only wonder yeah obviously that's what happened he doesn't remember anything my body began to shudder as waves of discomfort begin pounding against what happened it's nothing I guess I'm still pretty confused about all this I'm having trouble remembering some things I understand how you remember he might be confused after all suddenly getting into it a situation like this I'm sure you remember soon enough all right yeah then I guess we're done with our introductions for now even though I don't know what's going on I hope we can get along all right hey did somebody just beep well that's a weird sound I hastily stuck my hand into my pocket that's right this strange mechanical sound just now definitely came do they have a handbook is that it hey they do this way more high-tech now Wow I don't even know what you're this game came out but I know that the person was pretty old so I'm interested to see how they improved the gameplay in the story and everything we'll see I'm obvious I'm gonna give my review after the game what I complete it but yeah as always guys go play the game for yourself I highly encourage you to do that especially when it's a low price right now why something like this inside my pocket okay okay we know like we have to read any of this oh okay I guess so Sami was passing them out all right you seem pretty out of it when that was going on now that you mention it I kind of remember but what's this it's a knee handbook so you know just like Monaco boy this weird thing comes out of nowhere where'd you come from dice are tied so I wouldn't knowing I that's my like puppy number one question with Monaco but did you disappear a thin air do you come out of the ground like no one no one sees him coming out or nowhere you know I know what I know how to apologize like a good girl anyway don't you think it's cool that the that handbook is absolutely vital for this little trip so make sure you don't lose it yeah it's obviously we know it's gonna be important so everyone's gonna use the handbook to gather all the whole prank but hits smoke rag mitts is that what we got before yo team hope fragments as you get along with your classmates as your relationship with everyone approves you'll be able to I got the more hook and war hope fragments so we need to gather them so the flower of hope achieves his full bloom truly that is the main purpose of the school trip okay hey she's gone I stuffed animal that moves toxin also appears wherever and whenever at once regardless of what was actually controlling it it still doesn't make any sense how would you know someone's controlling it huh they didn't know that before games already putting out spoilers and what was all that about hope fragments what's her deal it's like we're in a game or something it feels like a game that's rather comforting that means we aren't going to be any danger right away see like kind of seems like he's reassuring us that we're gonna be okay just saying you're probably right but I'm more important that you don't know what to think about the other students Yeah right then I think it's best you at least introduce yourself to them that's also true but where did everyone go maybe they're exploring the island as well exploring the island as long as we're expected to live on this island we should it I mean come on yeah we're gonna explore it for example the island name is there any way to escape what about food is living arrangement range events yeah I saw some weird it's like we're not trapped it but we are at the same time all right why don't we let's introduce ourselves to the others let's do that yes but is this really okay to feel so relaxed in such a strange situation press is the tropical climate or is it that what's her name whose zombies Falls what is it Hajime let's get going right got it yeah baby right if this is a nightmare I have no idea if it's even started yet she shot what kind of nightmare is that okay you are now able to use the head like you can use it to check various information throughout the game okay all right cool yeah I know I've been around the block the school okay so let's put what it looks like down all right report card and why does have a picture of a boy and a girl they're actually more dating mechanics in this game wonder why it's okay I have so many questions I mean I thought could go on all day about all three questions I have right now all right let's leave explored the island it appears a map with this island has been installed as a handbook okay so we got a map to be honest before I arrived at the school I did some research about are you kidding me he said little the same thing that Picasso did I did research that's what he did before I haven't learned everything about every wind but I'm pretty sure I can give you some info that way you could research research stuff like that on the Internet this school is so popular there are message boards outlined dedicated to talking about his students then was I also um I don't recall sitting your name there I probably overlooked it well it's not your fault I really can't remember I'm sure my name was mentioned on there it's not a mistake that was accepted to host the Academy anyway I'll help you up what does that mean right like flex all right let's do our introductions for the million time let's go all right first island first island I just really hope it lets us go around [Music] Oh what this is so much difference I mean ha ha I'm gonna miss the first person but I'm open we'll see how it does it very interesting it also says right here explaining the pet you probably realized by now yeah but have your very own pet is that you yeah but your pet bro is based on the number of steps you take so try walking to places instead of using the map oh that actually does things okay I like that with slow sex so it's like a pedometer it's like we're trying to evolve our Pokemon alright the beach oh there's a fence oh it's Airport oh I just want to explore everything so can we just like applying people could we just see the standings of where rocket punch markets coffee okay well obviously that's where we're staying it's like a hotel okay oh my pets going off hi how's it going what do i do do i clean doesn't want me to clean why'd you go up oh maybe oh he hats I think it hatched I think was an egg before I didn't pay attention he's digivolved we have cows okay so farm that's how we're gonna live all right we have these random bridges that go into heaven apparently I mean I gotta say these games are very creative okay oh that's it so we just go into a full circle okay so it's a small island that's for sure alright so where's everyone out right now Oh everyone's kind of like spread out huh yeah guys this is a pretty long introduction we're obviously now gonna get through all of them so I probably should stop this here we're like running on an hour already it's probably gonna be a little shorter than that for you guys but yeah I mean I think this is a great place we got the whole introduction going on and next episode we'll get everyone's like input I want to know so much guys alright wait on one second let's go to the ranch hit send them to the range osami Corral it looks like a ranch though there aren't many atom animals around oh you found it you begin seriously what do you keep appearing from I can show up anyway any time the system allows me to appear anywhere on the island it's all thanks to this handy dandy magic stick mmm is she talking about that toy she's holding and I still I'm quite troubled a rash without any mood cows is like a soccer team without any balls I seen cows though what was that piece of cardboard you might want to rephrase that alright just leave it to me in my handy-dandy magic stick oh my god what who see what it's half a date turn it to a moo cow no we need tickets ooh oh my god that's a big old cow I put that cow in some roids a huge success what was all that just now okay that is enough to freak anyone out right it's probably some sort of trick or illusion she was probably trying to make us happy but I guess I had the opposite effect on you had you me trick of illusion well if you think it well rationally it makes sense a chicken just can't change into a cow now that's not normal is it yeah that wiper was in here other she is a potential waifu okay I don't want to jump to conclusions but come on I got a no I just need to know a little bit about her before we leave hey who are you dudes it's nice to finally meet you I'm a Hajime he not that all right all right Ali okay we can not do the same thing with that maybe it's just the coins is but she got swirl on her head I just needed to read her name at least all right yeah I don't want this be too long guys I'm gonna save all the introductions for next episode we got to go we got to finally know who would nagito is all right I have my theories I don't know if it's true but as always guys if you want to see more please do smash like I really appreciated the support on on last series and you know I can't wait to do this I think we're gonna have so much fun and I'm just so curious it's so fun to jump back into like a story and it just really it's a lot of fun like I do a lot of random videos and I don't always want to just do da can drop it but I just love this so much so pretty good please match like oh that be said I'll see you scrubs in the next video all right bye guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 484,121
Rating: 4.9849005 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, Bijuu mike Danganronpa 2, bijuu mike danganronpa, danganronpa 2 gameplay bijuu mike, danganronpa 2, danganronpa 2 goodbye despair, danganronpa 2 goodbye despair episode 1, bijuu mike danganronpa 2 in order, bijuu mike plays danganronpa
Id: SmjY3cUZfCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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