Friday night funkin' but the Bf lost his Gf..

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beat you mike you should try out this mod it's still in development but pretty cool and it has an interesting story the boyfriend loses his girlfriend in a car crash and hurt his head he is imagining the limit demon due to it also a fun new game mechanic i don't know why i always find it funny when people make serious mods about these characters that are this tall so i don't know if this mod is going to give like off some everyday everywhere at the end of funk mod yeah i was trying to remember it i really like that one because it just it like tells a story you know of some sort so there's gonna be seven phases of recovery bro this this mod better not start making me sad all right there's the warning if you guys need it continue at your own risk the characters with hands that are like ginormous i will link it down below check it out because it's going to be uh updated more i want to see oh what the heck what the heck okay well there's the lemon team that was an accident static dev team [Music] who's ignoring you okay dude this is interesting i mine i don't feel that great today all right oh geez dude this is giving me the same vibes as the other one all right well i'm really interested to see how this is gonna go what the heck pulse and then we got phase one all right i don't know how long this is but let's see what the heck man no the boyfriend b b beep oh dick he's the the monitor speaks the language of the boyfriend hello there glad to see you're awake ah who are you dude i'm not used to seeing the boyfriend talk at all well i'm vp of course who else would i be i anyway i'm here to make sure you're feeling okay i mean i'm not feeling the best it's okay boyfriend i'm not either okay what oh no no no this is terrible i know it's not that we need to cheer you up stats i can't be letting any of my patients feel sad not while i'm around dr senpai wouldn't want that doctor senpai wouldn't want that to happen now would he i i guess he does look really sad though glad to see we're on the same page what to do what to do oh i know why don't we sing together sing sing here yep i mean you know what why not i'll give it a shot it'll be nice to sing again after all this time wonderful i can do the music and you boyfriend will sing along i'm so excited oh this is kind of sad it was not the girlfriend here i guess i had two of them open crap i was wondering where the other noise was coming from oh so there was supposed to be no music here got it [Music] sir this is the hospital you do not sink in here it's okay dr senpai is here oh wow nice little remix there i like that [Music] they've got the beep too dude i hate hospitals i just had to go to one well not me personally but i wasn't one freaking sucks a microphone yeah he's always got his microwave on him at all times well this is a lot harder than the regular tutorial [Music] [Music] what do i say sometimes you don't say anything just vibe out oh so we've unlocked phase one there's dr senpai so that was robo heartbeat so this is lovely medicine you know i i don't i guess i ain't gonna know what to think uh about senpai being nice or will he that's what we're gonna find out this is uh very unique what the heck who are these people they're not even humans i mean i know there's demons in this world but i figured there'd at least be humans so pants how was that oh i was like don't tell me there's a character that's a pair of pants now no like beep beep that was great you're a grey singer boyfriend thanks beepy the door creaks open huh there he is huh you're not supposed to be out oh it kind of sounds like the same the same thing too i could just hear that who left a heart monitor in here i swear to god i literally told them to wait was that thing never actually alive holy crap man okay i think i'm starting to understand actually what's going on oh my god the limit demon i just noticed that look i'll be back in a bit for a final checkup before we discharge you in the meantime just stay uh put all right sure dude he was just like so he's hallucinating i guess that does make sense he was in a car wreck oh what he took his friend hey thank you for waiting sorry about all that the staff around here have been loaded with work well anyway let's get started shall we we only have a few things to check up on first off let's discuss how you're feeling i understand that you've been through a lot this past month just want to make sure that uh the stress hasn't caused anything to get worse and then all your medications are working as intended dude i don't know let's give me some creepy vibes man if you have any concerns let me know think you can do that sounds good oh i can't get away from the limit wonderful bro where'd he come from why would they have that picture in here when did sip i become a doctor it's just i don't know it's just so funny because like friday night [ __ ] is not supposed to be serious at all but yet like i don't know something it's just something's funny about it to me but i don't know what the mod creator had in mind you know so like no shade i just think it's kind of funny i don't take them too seriously it's a good mod though okay hey so when did you have a change of heart senpai like i thought you hated me so did he like become human is this before he became a demon so if the girl they didn't really talk about the girlfriend dying yet if she did okay okay wait hey look at his face i didn't even see that down there [Music] all right now you have my attention [Music] okay yeah is that the new mechanic you were talking about because that's very interesting it's so unsettling he's so like quiet or like not it's slower than normal hey may have been in a car accident but still [ __ ] i still [ __ ] [Music] oh chill chill dude the sound of heart monitors is awful sound just every hospital sound is an awful sound [Music] all right so from what you're telling me some symptoms are still present but overall i don't think we need to change anything as for your condition you did say that your thoughts were fuzzy correct yeah sort of like i don't know really like they were in a haze or something it's sort of hard to explain if i'm being honest well that is to be expected we still need to make sure that it isn't anything too major so just to be safe let's do a few cognitive exercises cognitive exercises is one of those rap huh like what math no no no not math that would be cruel it is math is very cruel don't worry it's nothing too hard i'm just gonna say a few words and praises and i want you to repeat them back to me sounds good i can do it great let's get started he starts playing that song crisscross everybody clap your hands imagine oh this is kind of like a mexican a little twist on this [Music] i don't know i'm just getting that feeling might be a zelda [Music] hey [Music] he's lying it's and i missed two okay i missed that [Music] this crap man i mean you i i just i'm in the hospital you think you can go a little easy i want to know more about that limit even though stop okay i only missed 35 it's fine 35's fine oh i need to sleep [Music] well good news it's some bad news yeah the good news is at least from what i can tell the fuzziness you're describing isn't impairing your ability to function normally and you're quite the good rapper of course i can't be certain without more testing but for the meantime i'm gonna say that you should be fine however it's still concerning that it's happening even if it seems like nothing now it could turn out to be something much worse later down the line i'm at a loss senpai what did you go to school for your medications seem to be working fine so it can't be because of that plus the head trauma you received from the accident was shown to have not left any lasting impact no no no no no [Music] is there anything that you're not telling me what does a liberty passage what do you mean like is there anything else that's been bothering you tell yes oh boy you know he's going to find out about me right how could he not now i can't think of anything sorry i'm just as confused as you are what's funny is it we played uh the hd mod and this kind of in that uh in that mod they made up the story too that like he was that the limit demon was a hallucination so this is interesting how they did this uh in the same one well all right then i just uh good good to go my my hey hey kid you there you are leaving this place once they find out about me you're trapped here but hey good luck okay first thing one first thing what the final rap before they release me imagine you go to the hospital they make you rap just like i don't even know how to rap [Music] [Applause] [Music] this one's fine oh my god it's so surprising everything does that [Music] i just want to give the boyfriend a hug you know what i mean look at him he looks so sad [Music] oh crap okay i'm not used to that [Music] oh i want to know why simply be looking like that on the bottom looking like a glitchy mess and that should be everything we just have some paperwork for you to sign and then you can head out wait i can leave yes you can leave that's literally why we're doing all this remember i just really are you sure that there isn't anything else enough that i know of unless there's something you forgot to mention no i didn't forget anything they bring in a picture here we just love to give all of our exit patients a whole bucket of lemonade not the lemonade bro he can never go past the lemon tree ever it's just dang i've been here for over a month after everything that happened i just well i just thought this would be the new normal i can understand that many of my past patients who've had extended stays have had a hard time getting used to the idea of leaving being cooped up in a hospital for so long can make you feel like you're never getting out of it it can be kind of surreal when the time comes for you to actually be discharged yeah so i just learned this recently they can like from being in a hospital for a long time especially depending if he has like major surgery you can have some like hallucinations just from being in the hospital and like you could start to like kind of go a little crazy just being in there because you're just like it's i don't know i forgot there's a term for it but it's really interesting actually no kidding like yeah i just i couldn't imagine anyway i'll need you to fill out these discharge forms before you can go all right give me a second and with that you're good to go if any of your injuries give you any trouble take some painkillers but use moderation okay got it and thank you doctor uh part dr charles heart to you you're joking no i'm not joking and yes i have heard all the puns that you could possibly think of well doctor once again thank you i can tell that you put a lot of heart into your work bruh sorry that was bad it's fine i don't i don't mind i'll be heading out now get changed and one of the nurses will see you out leela said that she'd be letting you stay with her until you figure things out so i'll let her know that you're ready bro there's a whole visual enough thanks again for everything man no problem stay safe boyfriend the door closes oh god really put a lot of heart into your work was that the best you could do hello are you here is there a person inside that meaty frame could you shut up lemon man but you you go all day ignoring me a-hole the least you could do is be polite and his lemon monster boyfriend not lemon man listen i don't have the time for this you know the rules and so do i did you just rick roll me did you just rip will be your limit but [Music] don't bother me i boyfriend continue living my life i think i think there's supposed to be a will see simple meh i swear to god how did i put up with this for so long i mean you usually just hang out with that lady friend of yours man does she look tasty uh yeah i guess that's what i usually did didn't i oh i miss her me too monster me too he misses her oh the lady got a sweet side when normally he would be sour anyways we should probably go now dang i was starting to like our new home and i don't want to hear a peep out of you once we leave this room okay fine i'll be quiet are you happy kid i'm overjoyed [Music] that was really long wait how can i forget to die i want to know why they're not humans that must be the hallucinations right yeah because everything looks so wacky you know until basically the doctor comes in and then everything kind of looks normal from there yeah this ain't knows toy story oh actually pressing anything it doesn't do anything oh yeah so you don't even get all glitchy until like later i see all right all right [Music] well i don't know what to expect but okay today scrub of the day goes to [Music] phantom and ghosties [Music] i always appreciate when you guys send me stuff thank you check out the mod like obviously there's gonna be seven weeks like that was like a whole week and and i mean i love what they did with it honestly it was really cool i personally don't take like these mods that seriously but i think it was an interesting story and i do really like especially that weird mechanic with the whole upside down thing yeah until next time [Music] so you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 3,881,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, bijuu mike friday night funkin, fnf mods, friday night funkin mods, friday night funkin static memories, friday night funkin static memories mod, fnf, fnf mod, friday night funkin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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