Miitopia is hilarious

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hey yo what up my scrubs welcome to i almost said tomodachi life it's very similar though metopia the demo just came out today all right and we're gonna add some crazy things in case you don't know what metopia is it's much like tamadachi life how you can basically get me's that you created and have them do funny wacky things but the difference is instead of a life simulator and metopia it's actually like a rpg you can have them go on adventures so you still get the wacky content but it's just an rpg form i've been wanting to play this for a long time and i'm so glad it's out on the switch now they just need to release tomodachi life on the switch because look it you see how look it you have no idea how happy i am it looks so good i don't even know how long the demo is i'm gonna get the full game if you guys want to see more but i really i've always really wanted to play this i think i think i may have played it when it first came out a long time ago maybe right now we don't have any me's but that's fine i'm about to fix that you guys know for my tamadashi life series how many freaking me's i have on my 3ds but see getting them on the switch is not so easy because the switch doesn't have a camera so what you gotta do is use an amiibo all right so you gotta go copy from amiibo and bam wait the wrong one this one okay wait no that's not the me as much as i love hitachi from naruto that's not the me that i registered on here what the heck come on wait i did it wrong there it is oh i wonder who that could be she's so short this is boyfriend now i just kind of grabbed this off of online uh off of google someone created this so shout out to whoever you are bro imagine tomodachi life looking like this this looks so good i would say he's kind of like i don't know either energetic or laid back let's say laid back i'm boyfriend i'm a laid-back type of person because you just always rap and no matter what you know no matter how bad it is can we change that hairstyle though yes there we go you know how hard it is to do this on tamadashi life that's what i'm talking about oh wow does it just start can i can i add more how many me characters can you add 500 why do you need 500 all right now i just got to do that process over and over again since this is so hard uh the least you could do is smash like you know just go ahead just just tap it you don't have to tap it tap like please that's the least you can do the question is who's next huh who's next the next contestant is [Music] can i not can i not adam all right well we're just got a bunch hey you know the boyfriend gonna be lonely without the girlfriend so i just added her to oh what kind of shenanigans will they get into i had to add little misfortune always you're probably you're if you're new to the channel you probably don't know about my tomodachi life series go watch it all right i decided grow up oh man man this is like smash bros over here we got little lady i had to add myself we had a lauren side why not milkshake girl yandere-chan we'll start with this and we'll add more later the cool thing is that the same data gets transferred over when you get the actual game because that's just the demo [Music] i don't know why but i can only hear it through one ear oh fix it all right well let's start it up uh god it's been so long i don't even remember playing this game [Music] this is the world of metopia [Music] it's a world where every me can live in peace and harmony or at least it was until the grow up characters appeared oh dang they freaking died the darkness came without warning [Music] dude it's snatching up their souls and crap man the grated terrible shadow threatening all in metopia just trying to enjoy his coffee wow an unspeakable evil fiend started stealing everyone's faces and then to add insults to injury oh no we're gonna have to kill them all [Music] the fiend gave the faces to monsters one man one boyfriend one desire to rap behold a simpler trap a simple traveler [Music] yeah and hey they even kind of talked to say really this is this worked out better than i kind of thought it would to be honest another peaceful day boyfriend is wandering alone wherever the path takes him oh god who should i add next hmm wait who is this [Music] oh no it's freaking butterfly we're gonna be killing butterflies oh wow little tweaker let him go where am i ah boyfriend spies in nearby town you're looking for a girlfriend oh wow honestly dude i didn't know what to expect from this game i'm just i'm learning just as much as you guys are nah metopia so many colorful personalities you can choose any me you like to play the different roles no pressure though you can always switch things up later alright let's start casting those roles with the me characters ah this is fun wait what the heck what are these people i can get these people out of here lovey-dovey can i change them oh thank god oh wait so there's a roll okay so there's rules for a lovey-dovey couple okay well that definitely has to be the boyfriend of the girlfriend or or no i was gonna say the grump up characters but nah cuz you know milkshake girl we still you know the theories you know the theories about girl and boogeyman all right i'm gonna go and put her here all right so family i don't have enough meats for this man ding wait a minute so a sassy child who's oblivious to those around him well it's not a him but maybe we could just add that kind of fits the role except for the whole hand part all right since i have no idea what the heck i'm freaking doing i'm just going to put i'm the worried mother tries to keep her child in check but her patience is wearing thin uh whatever i'll be a mom i guess we're just gonna fill in the blanks here a self-proclaimed tour guide who doesn't do a lot of guiding okay what about what about rudy looks down on others don't blame him though he's had a hard life all right i'll put yandere-chan there sarcastic guy they're not guys what am i doing despite his flaw is the most level-headed character in town all right it's gonna be grumpa man i guess i mean i don't really think he's all that level-headed i don't i don't know what to think of him but he know how to dance always in high spirits or smiles like a ray of sunshine ah yes of course yandere chan wait no wait milkshake girl yeah yeah her smile and her non-existent bones always make me so happy when she drinks that milkshake i somehow imported exactly enough me's oh my god [Music] why what the heck man oh well you can actually walk around that's kind of cool carefree guide lauren bit boring today huh what's up with you [Music] monsters with people's faces yeah that was a really weak laugh earlier you gotta be hitting me green horde is a peaceful place a place to be lauren get it together you have no idea what's happening hey milkshake girl do you sell milkshakes cheery granny milkshake oh joyous day isn't the weather been beautiful oh an adventurer why the lug face you can't go around looking like that come on give us a smile you know you want to a smile brings happiness all right just stay away from me oh god there's miss fortune going all crazy the role actually fits her pretty well a sassy child i'm a little lady you're not dragging your little lady [Music] worried mother i'm so worried stop it little lady calm down or you'll hurt yourself dude that was basically me playing the game to be honest this child has me at my wit's end oh an adventurer please excuse me my child has so much energy it's hard for me to keep up oh well this is awkward dog you're so cute girlfriend no your cute boyfriend i feel like i'm dreaming shall i pinch you wow what a weird clone i didn't know it cloned me sarcastic guy i'm sorry what we don't see your tap often you hear visiting or something yes some kind of relaxation a vacation is it must be so nice for you i'm so jealous oh i get it you're sarcastic you don't really mean that oh no grubhub guy dubious mayor welcome adventurer it starts dancing i'm the mayor of this town i take it you've spoken to our townsfolk yes [Music] greenwood's a nice sound but i'm the mayor so i kind of have to say that huh hey what's that what where oh what is it mommy oh goodness girlfriend boyfriend it actually works out so well i don't i think they actually said that in real life this can't be good oh no it's dark lord a wicked presence who rules monsters from the shadows oh crap no i need more me's all right i i i know who i'm gonna pick i know i'm gonna pick as the me don't worry i'm adding a new character couldn't think of a better person then hey kill i tell you what i'm gonna bring the propane a wicked presence who rules the monsters from the shadows yes i just thought it'd be really funny face and i was kind of right [Music] it's he has an unmistakable face so i just thought that would be the good a good version of it [Music] no not the dark lord i tell you what i'm the dark lord thank you i've come to wreak havoc and terror on this misprolita world and i'm starting with you people are greenhorn the boyfriend's still unhappy you duty cat has the same expression i'm a dude time to taste true fear taste the meat not the heat say goodbye to your faces oh i know is it really taking their faces [Music] oh no i thought like they would be fighting alongside with me not like they would get oh crap no no crap oh the girlfriend okay so who will fight alongside with me oh it's terrible their faces hmm this will do nicely for now listen up you faceless freaks oh god get used to a life of word of this terror because that's what you're stuck with how do they eat and and those who've been spared [Music] take a nice long look at your poor little friends and despair so long no oh god dude that's actually kind of dark man this game dark little lady my poor baby don't [Music] oh adventurer i beg you please please help my little lady ah sure thank you ever so much i know please take this our family's good luck charm oh sweet nice i fear the dark lord still lurks nearby could you please take a look around this outside town bro is this like a full-on game i didn't know i didn't really know man all right let's go over here oh just like that okay i can't take this seriously man so we're trying to be a big hero i have a bad uh hate impression by the way give little ladies face back beep oh what this whole thing [Music] maybe i'll give you this one back to you but you'll have to earn it how good are you in a fight actually kind of cute though oh that's the cutest little slime ever be seeing you as if you be seeing you if you survive that is uh no just wrap your way out of this boyfriend you could do this the family's here loom is glowing oh a voice is coming from it boyfriend boyfriend can you hear me yes oh it does seem like you're hearing me what good fortune this is now you may not believe this but i'm kind of a guardian spirit what please just hear me out it seems you're in a bit of trouble my child would you like a little help sure oh excellent excellent i are best with uh upon the the uh bestow it awesome upon the the guard the awesome i can't read for crap i hear bestoweth upon the the awesome power of the guardian oh a gift of divine power sweet dude that sounds like it's gonna help a lot to be honest you've learned about jobs your job is your keys to defeating monsters you work now select the job you would like what does working have to do with beating monsters i don't want to work some are tailored more towards fighting while others are better suited for healing your weapons and okay so it's a type ah [Music] what would the boyfriend do pop star holy crap dude this is like destiny you're gonna be a pop star man inspires the party with boundless energy and magic of song what dude dude i can't believe this i mean he could lose the top hat but whatever he looks he looks styling would you look at that ho ho this is just what you need to do with the dark lord's fiends now fight oh boyfriend make your uh foes fear you baby here goes nothing it's something i singer to death i feel like i didn't pick the best class for this i think i'm more of a support character mini little lady slime that's so adorable [Music] all right well i guess i'm going to attack i don't have any magic though yes attack with your rap oh it's a critical attack yeah i just have to keep attacking i guess little lady don't you attack me better stop dude she's gonna kill me stop it oh my god double attack oh crap crap crap crap dude i have nothing i have nothing oh i have to attack so i'm guessing it's gonna work out yes easy [Music] i can picture her saying something like funny right there dude we need more misfortune i miss that game every day no i slime jelly excellent work young man boy boyfriend oh it was nothing now that child should be safe ho ho things are looking up time to make your way back to the town of greenhorn [Music] yes one face one face down yes please put her face back on it's kind of terrifying makes me a little sad too especially knowing all the things that she went through [Music] wait crap what does she say again ah i forgot what she said man it's been so long happiness for everybody or something like that you pee i'm back little lady bj mike are you okay you're not hurt are you i'm fine oh thanks for the stars thank you kind of traveler dude yeah i do just want to protect her so this like just makes sense please take those gupto so mother's appreciation hey got that money i'm gonna upgrade i wonder if you can customize their shirts and stuff too i want to make him look just like the boyfriend oh wonderful just wonderful now then boyfriend my child uh i have another task for you um you do you have seen the deeds of the dark lord and kill he's made quite the mess and that that is putting it mildly and so i commissioned you defeat the vile hang kill and save this world yes hey what are we going to get friday night versus hang kill when are we going to get a mod i'm so happy to hear that your new power should help you contend with hank hill now pop star boyfriend go forth defeat the dark lord i expect great great things from you ho ho yes i will do it all right who's next who's next choose the me to play his traveler oh okay wait oh no i need so many more meets what have i done who are these people all right obviously i need to add so many more characters but if you guys want to see an episode too i we could at least do another episode this this demo is like an hour long actually it we only got through the beginning of it i've been playing for an hour it's probably because i was adding me's and stuff but other than that guys let me know what me should i add do you want to see because i want to make this as funny as possible uh just leave comments down below and i'll take your suggestions obviously and yeah i would like to play more i want to play when the full game comes out but the cool thing is that when it does come out we don't have to we can just continue off where we left off i think so that's really cool but that's all the time i have for today alright today's script of the day goes to [Music] cupcakery 66. [Music] you
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 747,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, bijuu, mike, miitopia, miitopia switch, miitopia demo, bijuu mike miitopia, miitopia gameplay, miitopia funny
Id: WxCiRUj2fcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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