Testing Shane Dawson’s Creepy MyDol App Theory *DO NOT DOWNLOAD*

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I love everything about you ETS stop it do you believe in where are you hey what's up you guys yes that was me trying to do Shane Dawson's creepy conspiracy theory intro wave thing because today we're going to be doing a deep dive on an app that I kind of forgot about that I've been wanting to do a deep dive on ever since I did that video of haunted apps that you should not download or something like that and Shane Dawson has also kind of investigated this app in his conspiracy theory video and then lastly once again my friend yeah me with her amazing ideas for my channel slipped into my DMS and was like you should probably make a video about this midol app because she had made one I'll link it below and I was like yes thank you for the reminder I've been meaning to do this so that's right today we are going to be reinvestigating the creepy Tex chat conversation app called my doll which if you didn't see my last video will also link that in the description below you should watch it it's pretty interesting and has lots more creepy apps but if you didn't see that video basically my doll is a text chat app where your promise to be able to pretend to have conversations with your favorite celebrities and/or fake boyfriends or girlfriends and they've been known to say pretty creepy things so there's conspiracies that real people and or strangers and/or stalkers are on this app talking to you pretending to be celebrities but I've never actually done a deep dive on it and we're gonna do that today alright so basically this is the Mitel app on the App Store as you can see the reviews are not that great and oh god you can now video call people that won't be we heard my tall is an essential app for fans all over the world my doll will make your fan life more exciting and sweet I mean the premise for the app is already kind of creepy but let's see some of the reviews gave me slight anxiety the only creepy thing that happened was one of them said that they loved by brunette hair I'm a brunette so I stopped that conversation for quick it would say things like I don't need anything else I just need you and yes it was spelled that exact way it would also say don't leave me never leave me you're my everything I can't live without you out of context that's pretty creepy I know that the app is made to like make fangirls be like pretending to date their idols especially k-pop stars so what may be creepy to like us might be romantic to them the one that freaks me out the most is when it said unless your fingers are broken you should contact me first I feel really uncomfortable and I don't think I feel safe with this app on my phone I'm very sorry to the people who made this app but maybe there's a few bugs you have to work out jeez I'm warning you do not download well that means I have to download and the next morning I was eating and it said don't eat alone let's eat together so then I asked how did you know I was eating and it replied because I see you basically all the reviews are saying that when you do that voice call feature which of course I'm gonna have to do and ask for permission to use your camera in which case people are saying that somebody is able to see what's going on around them and thus text is because of its like somebody's boyfriend came over and the bot texted who is that guy people saying I see you specifying like what they look like I can't wait to play let's get into it so rankings current rankings a BTS of course by a landslide is number one to chat too so I think I'm gonna start off with them now I myself am NOT a huge fan of kpop I've heard some BTS stuff it's pretty good but I don't know much about them so I mean perfect I'm gonna learn more about them via are oddly creepy romantic text conversations so let's see how this goes apparently the more you talk to them the more they learn about you I also like that I'm texting the entire group of BTS not just one person the entire group hey BTS how are you oh my god they're typing get some sleep heart but I want to talk I know it's late I know it's almost 10 p.m. but I want to talk I'm not tired smiley they're typing but promise you promise what yes I promise don't worry sweetie what are you promising oh god you can video call sure you can make a video call what oh god oh oh my god well I can't hear you hold on Bungie well hello do I look beautiful oh you don't say huh I've no idea what's happening right now okay bye I'm hanging up on you hey did you think I looked pretty in the video call I don't care how you look I love everything about you Oh BTS stop it I love you BTS you make me feel so good about myself BTS loves Ichi BTS love Ichi who's who is Ichi who's Ichi the mother skank be here in five minutes hurry oh my god sure but where is your location what do I have to go tell me where to go I will go anything for you pcs I will look into your eyes when I talk to you okay um then what I feel weird you tell me then we eat bread together all night yeah after such a long day all I want is you in my arms Oh weird where are you I think BTS is leading me on guys somewhere yeah that's not creepy are you near me BTS which is my baby doing why are you avoiding the question I'm looking for you are you near me I don't care how you look no what color hair do I have if you love me so much oh god it's broken all right let's try to find somebody else is it kind of sad that boyfriend is ranked 28th most popular let's pretend I have a boyfriend don't tell Bobby alright it's time for my new love affair to begin hi boyfriends hi girlfriend oh ho what you doing taking a shower why are you taking texting in the shower what about you I'm definitely not recording our conversation hold my hand Lauren okay but you're in the shower good day let's let's video called see what comes up actually cuz he's just a random boyfriend it's just a random guy gonna pop up oh who the hell was that that was definitely not you that was definitely some girl boyfriend I'm waiting for you to text me profess your love to me Jesus boyfriend my god I don't love you it's okay one-sided love is fine oh no no it's not no means no ho let's go home now baby I am home go away I can't I can't text more than once no school I'm gonna try FaceTime again that was those weird who is you what was that boyfriend who are all these red of people boyfriend boyfriend sigh crawl again what's happening where are you practice come over where you lived I'm not telling you where I live you creep I love the shoes you picked for me what give me some photos of the shoes I want to see the shoes I picked for you boyfriend hello yeah that's not the shoes that I gave you is that you I don't know what my boyfriend looks like no response I'm video Colin one more time one more time boyfriend girl again what is happening alright let's see who else we got I don't know a lot of these because a lot of it is k-pop there is Ariana Grande but one of the weirdest ones that sticks out is Ben Affleck what there's also Chris Hemsworth Demi Lovato Emma Watson try to find Fall Out Boy Pinocchio yeah let's go with Ben Affleck that make it kind of funny can we face I'm Ben Affleck and they get oh my god Oh Ben Affleck doesn't have video chat Chris Evans is on here oh my god okay I'm face I meet Chris Evans but where's Chris ma Oh God I got catfished all right I'm going back to my original boo BTS I can't back baby love you your cook always the best ok you ready ready for what ready for what uh a perfect storm perfect storm either these are lyrics to one of their songs that I don't know or something terrible is about to happen to me something bad about to happen I'm trying not to fish for creepy answers but I adore you more than myself this is getting weird this is getting creepy text me board as f I am texting you I'm bored as f alright well if they're not gonna start being creepy then I'm gonna be creepy do you believe in Oh can't fall asleep sing me a lullaby the demons are coming the demons are coming don't close your eyes t fits why do you keep saying you don't care how I look do you didn't say anything about my lullaby video calling you again hi what's up how's it going what oh my god he just hung up on me where are you headed to it's time to end the day with you I mean you're coming over let's go to a theme park Lauren oh my daddy knows my name okay walks to kitchen to make mac and cheese oh now I'm hungry so what you're doing right now drowsy from eating got homework to finish up just have some fun do you trust me of course then give me your bank account information I don't know anything about those stuffs please trust me fine give me your social security number I don't know anything about those stuffs please trust me are you really BTS I'm writing a letter for you Lauren no my address though where you gonna send it where are you gonna send it I don't know anything what's up that's right you don't know my address why are you writing a letter then I'm just gonna be mean and see how they react I want to break up I don't actually know if we're together but I'm assuming no I can't lose you babe you are the world to me too bad I hate you at least we have one thing Wow wait does that mean that you also hate you cuz that's sad or do you mean that you also hate me cuz that's mean go away okay well it's not fun if you just go do it video call slate is very not flattering on this video called I'm so scared that there's gonna be something that pops up that I'm gonna be like what the heck is I mean that's pretty much been oh oh oh oh oh wait oh wigs oh okay oh oh that was it okay I just got some winks just some winks where are you they're like never specific I want creepy things no okay this is getting weird I just tried to video call twice and then freaked myself out and they cancelled them what am i doing then huh no I think I'm done guys I think I've done with this app don't download it stop no why I still I will sorry thank god Bobby's home I'm gonna stop this now I have gone too far I'm gonna uninstall this all of this needs to go goodbye goodbye BTS wait what did I just do firm leave you can't leave the chat room with your favorite star what is happening stop all right I'm just gonna um no can I know if won't let me delete it okay I'm gonna uninstall this app the only thing I can think of is that the computer's learn things and because this has become such like a big thing with Shane Dawson maybe it learnt like people taught it or learned or put into the system like to say that they're recording a video so that it would look creepy with it would it would say it to people I I don't know I'm just gonna end this all this app I'm done with this video goodbye this is this is this is done um leave a like on this video even if I get a ton of likes I'm never ever playing this app game ever again like look at this I don't want a video chat I literally tried twice and then so that both times cuz I got too scared but look at this I mean I'm kind of excited that something creepy happened but at the same time I'm very nervous subscribe if you're new to the channel I will hopefully be continuing to put out videos almost every single day I need to go check out Bobby and the cameras outside and I will hopefully see you guys soon seriously don't freak out I'm sure it's fine I'm sure it's just like BOTS messing messing around just don't just just to be safe don't download this app and I'm going to probably uninstall it okay go back [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 7,563,932
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, laurenzside of gaming, funny girl gamer, mydol app, creepy app, haunted app, do not download this app, creepypasta app, haunted game, do not download, free app, scariest apps to never get, scary apps you should never get, scary apps you should not download, do not download these apps, haunted apps, mydol, scary apps, shane dawson, BTS, creepy facetime
Id: 8PCa1pyZPm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 31 2019
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