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I thought I was gonna make these into the ice pops but no I'm just gonna eat all the candy mmm mmm yes I'm sugar how do you do fellow kids oh yeah that's right I'm back with some more recreating tik toks finally but this time Oh this time is a very special recreating tik toks episode because every single tik tok on recreating has to do with d.i.y the thing I am worst at in this world that's right Do It Yourself is a huge trend on tic toc and is actually oddly satisfying to watch and now finally I want you to try my hand at some of them but real quick before I start I wanted to point out my super cute new merch look at it it's Dexter floating in the galaxy and it says planet seaside that's right all the merch this time is Planet Z side themed there's also these cool items that are popping up on either side of me that just dropped this weekend and some of them are only for a limited time so we should go down in the description to check out the link and see what new awesome stuff I have in there before it's gone also did you know that today is exactly 3 weeks since my birthday which means that I still have special birthday superpowers and you have to do what I say which means do it right now my birthday was three weeks ago that's not that long ago guys come on three weeks ago leave a like for my birthday and you know what I'll leave a comment below letting me know which of these DIYs was your favorite I know you haven't seen them yet but just keep it in your mind remember to do this and then once you see them do it is my birthday design and now with all that having been said let's see what we're gonna be making today all right I've seen this one before I might have done it one of my reacting to tic TOCs videos but it's this girl looking like super bubbly and cute and she's making these rainbow candy sprite popsicles I mean she's got awesome effects her lighting is on point none of that is gonna happen in my taked I'm just warning you now but yeah it seems simple I get to eat candy out of it and drink soda I mean what could possibly go wrong I don't think I could screw this up it's just sprite candy and a freezer and I gotta order those popsicle things cuz I don't have those she makes so many faces oh no this is gonna be so cute mine's gonna be so creepy alright let's go see how this goes alright here I am in my DIY space you may remember it from me mixing every cake flavor together it was disgusting but I'm feeling that this is actually be really delicious so I ordered some popsicle makers I ordered some extreme airheads that look like rainbows she uses scissors to cut them instead of just pulling the candies apart so yeah now scissors and I got a sprite as you can see I just set up my little iPhone camera in the corner there right there so I'm gonna be looking this way when I film it and then using that footage to create the wonderful tik tok recreation woo but before we get to that part we need to open these things [Applause] look how much fun they're having that's gonna be me soon it's a penguin hanging out with a strawberry and a watermelon makes sense and goodbye instructions I don't leave instructions I have tick tock tick tock always guides me through life all right we got them all set give me one extra two for some reason but there's no spot to put it so thanks all right so in order to do this tick tock I asked me you know cutely hold and model each thing in front of my phone and you guys know by now I just can't be cute it's just gonna be weird I don't remember the order in which he modeled these things so we're just gonna win it okay so how do I cutely model this is this good is this cute I have to be surprised cute like oh my god what it is Oh okay good right now then we keep going with it the cute faces modeling the things - tick-tock oh my god it smells so good okay if she gets the eat one right oh my god it's so pretty oh it smells so good feel like hers were definitely longer okay ready oh my god it's so good I don't think I've ever had these no mm-hmm tik-tok should just end there but well I thought I was gonna make these into the ice pops but no I'm just gonna eat all the candy oh gosh okay I'm eating the rest all my healthy eating out the window thanks to you two all right was that enough should I just like throw it on my face for one of them to feel like people watching this tick tock without knowing what's happening well I gotta my hair gonna be like wow this girl's got I'm crazy I'm sugar I don't know what I'm doing okay all I never mind I don't have to use the scissors because they're already short enough all right now we take these okay and then we take these and we just like wrap them nicely inside I wonder if because these are short if they're not gonna work it's good just roll it and like stick it in there gonna be cute crap I have to open another pack because I ate them and I won two short perfect now I can eat more okay now I have to like cutely show it look at this and then we're gonna eat another one mmm why is this the first time I'm eating these mmm yes oh my god new favorite candy oh wait sorry forgot some QZ model that's bright yeah okay good enough okay now we got a stir right into the camera while we pour this and hope that we don't miss Wow I'm gonna put enough rainbow in there shut up sugar stick oh no this is just an excuse for me to eat sugary bad foods that's what the best these popsicle things are made so that you can make like healthy juice pops and I'm making soda sugar pearls and sticks [Music] frappe you don't have to drink the sugary soda water soda with more sugar in it oh God my body's gonna hate me what let's see if I could do it without overflowing there is soda all over okay apparently it takes soda 20 to 30 minutes to freeze so again alright let's do one final tick-tock reaction shot okay and now I'm gonna go put these in the freezer and through the magic of editing I will be back in a second with the frozen ice pops to try yeah alright it has been like an hour and a half but I'm sure these froze quicker than that uh they're still dripping don't know if that means that they're not fully frozen yet and they look like they are all right now let's try to see if we can pull this out easily oh great it just dripped right out making a mess fantastic I guess they're not fully frozen I looked it up my Google and its head soda should freeze in 35 minutes we're gonna have to wait this was that a mistake okay it has literally been two days of having these in the freezer and every time I go to check them well let's see if it happens again because I haven't checked it in a day oh my god nevermind it worked this time last time this thick would just keep coming right out of it oh look it it's rainbows I mean you can't see it as clear cuz of the frozenness but we did it ooh all right taste us oh it's sour oh god why is it so sour now this definitely feels like it would give me a super high sugar high but it's not the worst thing okay I saw this that I had to do it it's what you can do with your old pair of leggings I feel like this actually looks cute see but there's no way there's no way so luckily I do have a pair of leggings that I have never really worn and I can test this out on it seems simple and I'm sure I'm gonna screw it up yeah like look at that actually I don't think most people would know that those were leggings all right I'm gonna do my best all right I have no real hope for this I fully intend to destroy these leggings there's no way this is gonna work out well and I also have to try and film it from above so people on tik-tok know what I'm doing luckily I've never really worn these leggings so it's okay let's weigh em out so people know that they're leggings and we're just gonna video flipping them yes there we go and then you don't want to cut the crotch ladies or gentlemen who am I to judge maybe you got some leggings bro how the heck do they set this up to film at the same time as cutting all right bye-bye leggings you know what I'm just gonna stand it up here don't mind my crude tissue box set up here actually you know what we're gonna improvise I'm gonna do the cuts and I'm just gonna show the cuts once they're done how's that I ain't no do-it-yourself tick-tock or YouTube Joe all right we do pretty big like there and then we cut like a chunk out on top got an old pair of leggings instead of throwing them out why not try to make yourself look ridiculous okay chunk gone no oh god there's chunks everywhere let's just clean this up tick tock that beautiful cutting job oh my god okay and then we cut like the inner leg part you know what I might just show their video as part of the tick-tock and then just show what I made at the end and you guys can know all the backend stuff cuz it's so hard to try and film it at the same time all right where's the crotch there it is a little bit under the crotch perfect maybe probably not this is not nowhere near perfect god oh I don't know if I let's go that thing I don't know far down I'm supposed to go I think these are just the cutouts on the I'm gonna look so stupid I need some rainbows to make me feel better while I try to look at the instructions oh my god all right that was good enough well that's it that's all I do so she puts it over a shirt first but I think I'm just gonna put this bad boy on and then film the actor for the tick-tock um I don't know if I'm ready for this does it even look like a shirt oh god no okay wait where's my head go though wait a minute I must have missed a step I think I may have cut too close to the crotch what a weird thing to say I need a spot for my head to go through oh this oh this is gonna ruin everything all right I'm just gonna have to cut it these arm holes straight across m'kay it's gonna be an off-the-shoulder shirt excuse me an off-the-shoulder shirt let me put this on and pray that I can show it on camera without getting demonetised all righty guys ready I mean saggy arms for the wind it's not awful I see what they were going for I guess I could maybe pass it off as a workout shirt that's why I put it with some yoga pants are you gonna definitely messed up with the art because I cut it all the way I didn't realize that there was a hole for your head already my bad and some of you were probably screaming okay well I gotta do the big reveal for a tic tac now I feel like in the main camera if this doesn't look awful bangable if it's just cuz the camera is so far away from me but up close in this iPhone one it looks pretty rough pretty rough I was like Batgirl we bet girl oh the bag looks so bad perfect now I have to see if Bobby likes it he's not gonna say it's fine it's not the worst it's not the worst it came out better than I thought bobby was a shirt I bought today sure wait sue Oh but is it weird you know it was ladies what did you do so that last DIY was part of blossom which is also a big YouTube channel where they do DIY stuff but while scrolling through I got very interested at this one right here so it's a whisk and then use wire cutters to cut the whisk do that and then coat them with hot glue and use it as a scalp massager what I actually love these so I kind of hope this works but it probably won't also I'm very worried about it getting caught in my hair and or scraping the bejesus out of my head you know with the metal wires but I mean hey it's a Do It Yourself that I think I can actually accomplish so we're doing it all right this make me wanna be stupid and do it yourselves ever but I mean I get it you basically take a whisk you have and don't use or whether you bought specifically for this like me like an idiot and then we had a like cut it and bend it so that it creates one of those I do love those head massages so if this actually works I will keep it and I will be ashamed of that alright so I'm definitely gonna film this one differently than the other people's we're gonna do it kind of like rainbow possible one maybe I'll pick it up and pretend like I had an idea like okay and now I don't know if I need to be really strong for this if I do need to be really strong that is then we're gonna have some problems right we need to wrap know you seem really really hard I think this is a better one oh my god this is the problem with do it yourselves okay its turn to cut oh my God my hands oh oh yes oh-ho we are working now can I just have to do that 1 2 3 4 5 more times kill me I'm gonna watch this tick tock in this video and they're gonna be like why Laurie I don't know why oh boy get this dude I thought I was about to have to give up her at Bobby cry I wanted to surprise him with it I need that rainbow energy rainbows okay what a beautiful sound whoo are you kidding me and I've been using it wrong the whole time I just found it way easier way to do it just a little too late cuz my hands already hurt Oh hot so I had to put it all the way at the top is that why oh wow this has been wire cutting 101 with Lauren someone you should never ever ever listen to this is a thousand percent why I am NOT a do-it-yourself channel last one yes Oh give me that give me that rainbow airhead sponsor me please okay so oh you like it's gonna work just like any other do-it-yourselfer I am reusing some of my materials from one of my other DIYs in order to catch the hot glue that's coming off of this thing okay so now we're supposed to hot glue the edges of this you know so you don't stab yourself in the brain you're clearly already a very smart person if you made this so when I think happen to that brain there would we know green stabbing here oh yeah come would you look at that I'm bleeding I like my finger hurts look at that I'm a true do-it-yourselfer I just hurt myself we must repurpose some more of this legging stuff it's not too bad it looks worse than it is don't mind me do you monetize me youtube it's my own blood not somebody else's it's fine but this is why you should not use this on your scalp without some padding I just showed you what would happen now I can literally say that my blood sweat and tears went into this video I think Safety's on now okay so you guys ready to watch me be super relaxed this is gonna get stuck in my hair isn't it oh oh no seams dry though alright I'm just gonna try again okay ready do for the teacup oh yeah oh no it's Oh is it stuck this may be stuck in my hair oh I lost some of the my hair stuck to it and I lost some of the hot glue in my hair well this is going great alright I think it's as good as it's gonna get it obviously messes up your hair small price to pay for you know getting jabbed in your head by metal spikes that definitely cause bleeding but I feel kind of relaxed again this I know I need to try this on Oh does it feel good just like an alien know your heads too big for this one of the safeties fell off so I'm like oh wow oh if you like oh wow it's great with me don't make this bad [Music] does it feel good I feel oh wow did you like it uh did you like it no you loved it oh it's great with me okay so this next one I have seen so much on tick tock and every time I do I'm always like I wonder if that actually tastes as good as it looks and I'm sure some of you have probably already figured this out I feel like as a college kid I should have figured this out I mean they have easy back so I was just too easy man this is basically easy back where you put the pasta does the water and you microwave it then you add the milk and the cheese I don't even think that person you can put milk okay anyway you put milk and you put cheese and then if you have butter put a little bit of that in there mix it up and you have some quick and easy mac and cheese although this is probably a more expensive way to make mac and cheese than to just buy a dollar box of mac and cheese but yeah as you can see there's a bunch of different tic tacs of people doing the same thing so I'm totally on board for having a excuse to make some mac and cheese can't really screw it up it's just cheese and noodles I'm sure some of you have done this ready but I never have and I want to see if it actually works even though I actually have regular mac and cheese in my pantry it's just that DIY life you got to make everything harder for yourself for no reason noodles we're trying to eat better so we got some whole-grain noodles right that seems like it's enough water all right so water is in there now I got a microwave at four four and a half minutes right out of the water microwaved it for four and a half minutes now I have to microwave it again because the water exploded everywhere thanks tick tock so this may be a real weird mac and cheese because all I know is Mexican shredded cheese left so it's gonna have a little bit of a Mexican's spiciness to it let's tick tock throw-in this cheese in oh yeah oh yeah and then it says that you're supposed to use like whole milk because that will make it delicious but I only have unsweetened knob and no cuz you know I was trying to be healthy then we got some Earth Balance butter because again trying to be healthy with some great protein I don't know if I mix this it definitely needs a lot more cheese than I showed on the tick tock shot okay gonna microwave alright so I mean it looks cheesy definitely would have been better if it was actually cheddar cheese and regular milk but let's taste testing normally tasting I think it needs more cheese it looks cheesy it doesn't taste cheesy we get it eating shot for the tic-tock that bite was better Bobby do you want to come try this mac and cheese just to prove to you that there's nothing wrong with it although now that I said that you're probably gonna picture 70 ingredients it's complan so what is this it's a hat it's a life hat of how to bake mac and cheese mm-hmm do-it-yourself version what do you mean do-it-yourself do-it-yourself matter what because do-it-yourself Amy making life harder for yourself aa reason cuz I have a box of mac and cheese of them in the pantry right there what are you making the bug yeah I just made it the book it's not really a do-it-yourself or a hat it's basically you kill reason if you do it yourself is because like if you didn't have a box of mac and cheese and you really want to back because otherwise you have to use all the same ingredients cheese butter milk water and noodles oh I guess it's quicker five minutes like six minutes cooking up me whatever enjoy your above muggy cheese munchies [Music] [Music] alright guys well that's it for recreating tick-tocks do-it-yourself edition like I mentioned earlier there is new merch in the store make sure to check it out using my link in the description below follow me on tic toc if you have not already you are missing out especially you can see the copyrighted versions with the regular songs over there which I can't show you here remember I told you to leave a comment earlier yeah do that now also subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 4,332,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, funny girl gamer, tik tok, recreate, cody ko, cringe, tik tok cringe, recreating tik tok, laurenzside tik tok, funny tik tok, reacting to tik tok, funny videos, tik tok memes, tik tok couples, couples pranks, couple pranks, pranks, prank, funny pranks, tik tok prank, tik tok meme, funny tik tok videos, try not to laugh, recreating tik tok videos laurenzside, diy, recreating diys, life hacks, recreating tik tok videos 8, tiktok
Id: WRHiBlhbLkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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