Try Not To Say WOW Challenge... (IMPOSSIBLE) w/ Gloom

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stingrays are made of Bo and phones are you ready Cassie sorry Lauren I can't hear you I'm too busy at the spa oh yeah are you yeah I'm getting I'm getting relax I want to say wow oh you want to say wow do you yeah I do want to say wow well perfect because today well actually no not perfect you have to try not to say wow oh okay I can do that can you I'm hard to impress Lauren are you yes I am alright well we're gonna see which one of us says Wow more I feel like it might be me it's really easy to impress me okay all right maybe we'll both agree maybe we'll see eye to eye this time yes we can't have a discussion afterwards whether it deserves a WoW or not okay on the wah wah my dear are you ready for the first Wow maybe maybe yes take me away as I said baby I was like yeah this and all baby lavender fields from the South of France I didn't say wow but I said oh baby oh baby I want to run through that Lauren yeah it would probably smell amazing I want to put a leg over each like lavender column and I just want to it probably smells so good it's probably smells so good I want to live in that house that like house that's right in the middle oh that's right so I don't know if I'll count I'll give you the Oh baby the whole counted okay well count it again thank you thank you yes oh no these aligned handles in a subway I love when things that you have to use everyday have been put like the time and care and effort into it like this like whoo this is a WoW because like a lot of the time they spin like in any direction but they're perfectly lined up and you can see perfectly through them it's amazing and how did the person who took this picture realized like whoa this is rare I'm a capture this moment you're giving it a while yeah it's like when you walk up to a like a lake at a beach and like the water is just completely flat you're like woah woah oh that is nice no one's touched this yet it's crazy yes so they move like I like you know how you'd like you see the untouched water and you want to be the one who messes it up yes if I walked in there and I saw that I'd be the one that like messes up open just go through get all of them yeah I just ruin them all that's like untouched snow that's my fear and yes I'd touch snow the undriven snow hmm seductive oh well I guess that's a technicality it just feels so nice oh that's a perfectly white too perfectly golden brown too perfectly burnt mmm it would be such a waste though because I wouldn't even eat it oh I would like I said I like to mess up perfect stuff I'd be like I'd kick a perfectly raked pile of leaves and then I put my whole face in that pie hole face damn hole face oh oh it's hundreds of crows roosting in the snow oh they're ruining the snow what did I just say roosting Hut and I didn't know crows roosted roosting roosting that looks cool it looks like something that lives under the ocean yeah it doesn't look like what it is it looks like no definitely not or it looks like um like seeds like what am I thinking oh those things you blow Oh dandelion yeah it's like the yes yeah yeah like dandelions so tell me Lauren you walk up to a tree it's full of birds it looks perfect like that tell me you don't want to shake the tree yeah I really want to shake that tree yeah snow in the birds I want to get all of it uh-huh we're like puppies that like to just mess mess everything up everything we're like oh we want to ruin it whoo I just want to destroy it it's human nature wanting to just destroy things oh oh this one oh it is a pile of flour and it is so perfect yo can we try that at home I didn't know you could do that with flour I think you could try that you just go put in a bowl and try to like pack it down I loved it so much that one gets a while for me yeah that one's it's it's beautiful like how do you do that cuz I'm picturing and doing that and then picking the bowl up and it all just kind of falling out you can't this is this is a moment where like the person making this cake or whatever like took the bowl off and went whoa whoa and then we went out the camera cuz that's like a moment right there oh I love it so much I don't know why mm-hmm can't explain it it's like love it is like love I fell in love a little bit just now it's just perfect you just can't explain it of this one okay that's a that's a Wow for me perfect never this looks like it looks like a beehive it looks like a honeycomb it does look like a honeycomb it's always Wow whoa that makes me want to crack something open and like see if my bubbles are that cool would you drink this though oh yeah I feel like they'd go away though gonna be sad yeah it's true this is one of those like moments that only lasts just a second so I'm looking at the logo and this kind of looks like a man and a woman's hat with woman's earring just saying and he's holding the glass and he's like check out the bubbles every single glass is filled with perfect bubbles as perfect as my heart if you were guaranteed perfect bubbles I mean in care of taste crappy I've gone for it yeah I'm going for the bubbles I will just sip the bubbles just and then let somebody else check the beer this one's more of like that's really pretty I wouldn't say wow it's fruit tart art for tart art I wouldn't say it's a WoW because I could do this yeah oh just take me a really long time doesn't mean like it's not it's cool it's not like amazing it's not honeycomb bubbles yes it's not honeycomb oh I like this one ooh ooh it lines up with his veins like the leaf veins oh line with his own beads I thought that this was like you know those like acne patches you put on your face I thought I was just gonna acne patch that was like sticking to like the form at the top but that's a leaf cut into a circle and the lines are perfectly matched up what the heck I love this this is so satisfying to me it's so nice you know anybody just hearing this video that somebody else might be watching right now is what are you watching oh so their coffee is the exact same brown but inside of the mug so you can't tell where the coffee ends where the bug is this is like an optical illusion cuz I thought it was like a plate on top of a car oh my god I'm not just so perfectly now that you just said that now I'm seeing a plate on top of a cup why foo that is satisfying it's gorgeous and it looks even more delicious I like that one I'll give you that one oh wow I'm just gonna give Wow's to the things that I like I'm gonna give a WoW to you Lauren oh wait what it says the way these pumpkin seeds settle in a pot of water Wow wait so they had pumpkin seeds in a pot of water and then I guess drained the water and they they're just perfectly in a circle gorgeous oh oh oh I love this it's perfect ombre coffee it's the dream this looks like walking into a home hardware and being like ah what color do I paint my room they've got all of the beige you said this at coffee shops and be like how much cream would you like pick your color well I love like the sediments in the middle so nice how did they do this I think this is just one of those things that happened one time I made a smoothie and it was like I let it sit for a bit and then it was like white and then light pink and then dark pink and then darker pink and I was like yo that's cool why did you take a picture to share with your friends I did I did I just gotta find it somewhere far away I want to see it ooh these are perfect rows of tulips I feel like this I can here this image I can hear the whole do you think it's this bright or do you think somebody photoshopped it don't ruin my dreams that's right if we start nipping don't really mind you're gonna ruin all of them no perfectly natural I like it I want to walk through it I want to smell it why are they both wearing white oh she's there for the Instagram pictures she's like I'm not going to the tulip heaven without my photo they're like we're gonna go there to take pictures and that is all and I don't blame them I really don't yeah that's true I would do this as well I would stand right where the guy's standing to see him both colors on both sides oh yeah yeah well she's doing it please okay I don't know how this happened I can see the bottom though is this a maybe they like pushed it up from the bottom of the jar like cut the door out what that is so much work okay first of all I don't know how to solve a Rubik's Cube but this is like like imagine giving this is something I mean like solve this ha ha ha if you think a Rubik's Cube is too easy well check this out Rubik's Cube in a jar figure out how to get this out just smash it smash yeah that's what I do smash it with a hammer okay I've seen ones like this before so you're trying to say the tree grew straight up through this tire that was sitting there for that yeah because there's no way you can get that tire off that tire has been sitting there for like the better part of a decade didn't even mean to say it's just a skeleton of a stingray I honestly had no idea that stingrays had bones in that area up there but I had no yeah I had no idea I thought it was just like jello we were learning today - on top of it yeah so so like every like jelly like movement they do is with bones yeah it's amazing but it's kind of creepy at the same time so I don't know if it deserves a while yeah it's kind of freaking me out it's like one of those truths that you didn't want to know yeah and now that you know you'll never forget stingrays are made of bones oh oh it was perfect he did so he did jump it but it was like perfectly clearing it that he was kind of just like ready go for it hover dog it's so satisfying that's extremely satisfying just keep watching it Wow yes Oh water balloon thrown against metal oh that is so sick like I like how it goes in that's satisfying but then also when it falls back out this is one of the best uses of slow-mo I've ever seen it looks like flubber it doesn't over like it's like me let me out I can't fit and then he backs up and it looks like little arms being like yeah coming out it is like flubber though yeah oh my god it's rainbow it's ringing Bowater I knew it existed I've seen my fair share of waterfalls and I've never seen it like really just pop off like that yeah that's amazing nature's amazed if nature is wonderful we what oh wait Audrey Hepburn on a leaf so somebody made that yeah they had to have because like look at all the little attachments attaching her little eye it's insane this seems very tedious I would miss ya for this all but it's so worth it oh but eventually the leaf is gonna like triple up and all the hard work will be for nothing you have to like preserve it and put it in a picture frame that's what you gotta do oh that is so cute God why is that the cutest thing I always thought the snails were gross but this is kind of cute oh I love them I mean I'm praying it's not salt water could you imagine oh oh I didn't want to think about it this would be a very different video I didn't know they did it like that yeah it's like a little cat freaking out oh wait whoa horses fakers just he's just riding a mannequin they just like freezes up you don't really picture a horse on two legs like that I feel like I haven't been saying well lately it's more like oh all right oh the snail drinking was a WoW for me it was a WoW and oddly satisfying and I love everything so I like this one because it's ice not a tire but it looks like fur it looks so crunchy it simultaneously looks sharp and saw you say it sharpen I say it soft yeah who's right who's right tell us below whoa for a second I thought they were all individual I didn't realize that was all big one big quartz crystal that's so insane whenever I think of big minerals I think of like finding like a small one but I forgot that like sometimes you can get like a chunk Oh like I wonder what this sold for I wonder who bought it whatever they used it for put it in my living room sit on it like a throne gets it right on the spikes and it's going ah I'm living the dream whoa oh look Cassie it's a giant cow Wow oh wow is that cow actually a giant or is that like the way we've bred cows to be in this day and age that cow is an absolute unit it's called monster Moo oh that is so cute I want a hug monster moon I hope it's still alive how many steaks you can get from a monster Oh No fed a whole town with monster move we're the real monsters yes we are monster move was an angel oh oh I'm sorry but I find like the callus on her hand very distracting it was like all I could see I was like okay just look at the tale look at the tail okay I really like this snake I love that snake snake it's a WoW for me that snake I'm how expensive is that snake she I was like one I want it I love iridescent things oh me too I didn't know snakes came in that color me in that shade now I kind of want one I think it's just one that's the evolutionary advantage of being iridescent like I feel like everyone in the jungle was gonna be like oh there's the snake that snakes fine there's no advantage whatsoever except for looking amazing what it's a lake with a hole in it that's crazy why is there a hole in it I've so many questions where does the water go I see all this dark like around it well that's awfully ominous it is kind of creepy at first you're like wow that's amazing and then you're like what's down there it's amazing but there there's too much unknown so I'm not going near it it's kinda like space or the deep ocean I'm terrified me it's called the cheese fish he looks like a giant piece of cheese yes so I got it do you want to eat him no I don't at all he's the most unappetizing thing I've ever seen in my entire life he's cheese I can't eat him you want to eat him I want to eat him monster Moo you eat this puffer fish I'm the monster all right Cassie were you wowed I was thanks for showing me all that stuff Lauren hey you're welcome anytime if you guys didn't get your fill of enough cool stuff then make sure to go check out Cassie's channel in the description below because we did some more videos over there we did as always guys if you made it this far the video make sure to leave a like before you go and hit that subscribe button if you're new to the channel and as always I will see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 2,209,606
Rating: 4.9373512 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, try not to say wow, oddly satisfying, gloom, kassie, laurenzside gloom, react, react to, reacting to, funny, dont say wow, unbelievable
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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