You'll Want To Buy EVERYTHING In This Video

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what i need and wanted pretty disappointing though right until so i might have a problem i was going through my tick tock favorites and i noticed that the majority of them lately are all tick tocks of things that i want to buy and plan to buy i'm going to buy them all a lot of these i can't justify buying they're just they're just cool and because i don't want to be alone with my problems i'm going to spread this problem to all of you i'm going to show you all of the things that i plan to buy from tick tock so that you guys can also plan to buy them too and we can all just go broke together i literally have like 25 things on this list so i'm just gonna jump right into them and you can let me know in the comments below how many of these things that you are going to buy along with me this little device is actually a laser keyboard when you turn it on it projects a keyboard that actually works that you want there's no way just like you would an ordinary keyboard it connects to your phone tablet or any other bluetooth how small and portable it is for working on the go okay so i want this but i feel like it doesn't work that well i have seen people buy and test it though and it i mean it works it's just not practical it's just really cool that's why i want to buy it but it's not practical i just don't i don't understand how it works it's crazy it's magic it's black magic okay so this next thing is actually like in my shopping cart i'm going to buy it it's basically this holographic window treatment that turns your windows into a holographic like glass art i don't know why they rated it five out of ten maybe it was just this one so i'm gonna find one that's reviewed better but i saw this and i was like i need this for my office right now the windows to my office have like shades over them constantly because i'm always worried somebody's gonna look in like workers or people near the house and they're gonna recognize like the setup or just see the equipment we have so this is perfect because you won't be able to see what's through the window privacy but also it's so pretty it'll make the office look like it's all multi-colored this is actually crazy a fruit soft-serve ice cream maker that can turn any fresh fruit into soft serve ice cream in just a few seconds my mouth is watering i want this so bad okay i'm a hundred a hundred percent getting this after i'm done being pregnant i mean i could probably use this while i was pregnant but now we've come so far i just need to get it at some point like soon i should probably get this this would be so good in the summer but yeah i've been on an ice cream kick lately and i feel like this would give me that same t oh my god the texture's perfect bought this a few months ago it's amazing okay i'm sold i'm getting this i'm sorry see i told you guys i have a problem this is all i do i just stare at these tick tocks i'm like i want it do i need it can i justify it i don't care i want it okay so i want this really bad both the tesla and the wrap but oh my god look how pretty i've never seen a more beautiful car i didn't know this existed i really want it but i'm very hesitant because if anybody knows that my car looks like this i will be very easy to find and spot in public and that makes me very nervous but dream car aesthetic yes oh it's so pretty needs black wheels oh my god yes if this car had black wheel yes random tick-tock commenter yes okay so a projector that you can use in your bathtub because it's that small i want this i've really wanted a projector for so long but they're always like those big bulky things that i don't know where to put it this projector is a game changer i could watch stuff anyway i could watch stuff outside at night okay that's it i need it i need it for the summer all these things are so useful for this summer gonna be trapped at my house not going anywhere with a baby slash waiting for everybody to get vaccinated i need these things they are necessities not me thinking that was 70 when it's actually 350 okay maybe not a necessity we'll see saw the original video genius now i want to try it so i got one i think it's another projector but oh my gosh it's raining it looks like a window oh real wow so it's a window projector to make it feel like you have a window what are you doing i really wanted this though because my office like this recording room has no windows and i thought it would be amazing because there's nothing on that wall you guys can't see but there's nothing on it i can put the oh i can put the projector there and put the oh it's half see see this is what happened just like i don't need this this isn't something i need and then i start like rationalizing it and trying to find spots for it but i have a shelf i could put it on and then i could project over there and i could just look and pretend like i can actually have sunlight but it's not oh no i'll think about it i'll think about it leave a like if i should get the fake window it was able to give you vitamin d like an actual window could then it would be really worth it because it'd be a health reason but i don't think it does show me the coolest thing you own yes please not expensive what what okay completely unnecessary no reason to need this or want it but i i need and want it oh my god i would get no work done i would just keep doing that on my desk all day oh my god by the way i'm gonna try and find all of these things on amazon and link them in the description for you guys because like i said i want you guys to be in this with me i'm digging the hole for both of us we're both going in it goodbye money for things i don't need and can't justify thanks tick tock what this is me see this is me every time i see something on tv talk i'm like should i do it she did it oh my god okay okay what's funny is growing up we had heelies they were called i don't know if this is the same company but they were not that cool you could not just hit your shoe and have the wheels pop out you had to like take them out and also they were really expensive and my parents wouldn't let me have them i really actually want these though definitely once i'm not pregnant anymore because i'll be too nervous to fall this is probably not safe for a pregnant person as soon as i'm done though this is happening by the way if i do buy any of this stuff i will make tick tocks about it don't worry i want to share with you guys the best five dollars i have ever spent five dollars a popcorn pop smart instant microwave popper so i can put kernels in add the little pot of butter pop it in the microwave no for a solid three minutes and wait and it pops inside of there and that's no fuss and you get amazing air popped popcorn so simple first looking at this i was like oh but you could just microwave a bag of popcorn this probably one tastes so much better too it's probably so much better for you and three is probably so much cheaper because you can just buy the kernels you have to buy like the packaging and everything oh need it i ordered this off of amazon it's for a pool or like a hot tub i don't have any of those so i'm just gonna use it for in my room i do have a pool what is it side of the white boxes are these pool lights and let me show you what they do i was just telling bobby we should get some cool floating lights that's really cool even for a room yeah it's just the best purchase ever this is what they look like with the lights off i feel like i'm in avatar okay yeah i need these i might use them for the pool i was literally just telling bobby that we should get like cool floating lights for the pool for the summer so we can sit outside and just stare at it next to our projector that we're gonna get so we can watch things outside oh my god our outside is gonna be lit this year thanks tic toc this little item here from amazon is about to blow your mind when it's pitch black in the middle of the night it actually senses motion and will light the way how perfect is this for kids what um how perfect is that for me i hate i never turn on the light when i'm going to the bathroom in the middle of the night because it wakes you up and then it takes longer to try and fall back sleep but yeah this is actually really good for kids or you know me i made it i got the lucky charm cereal candle excuse me it smells just like the cereal oh no oh it would make me want to eat it though time for cereal oh marshmallows i feel like i feel hungry though i want to eat it yeah yum that is really cool and i want to know what that smells like but it would just put me in a constant state of hunger number one number two i'd be very scared that i or somebody else would attempt to eat it and die but i want it it could be deadly but i want it literal best thing i've ever gotten from amazon all right let's hear it i could literally watch anything like it's so cool what okay it looks absolutely ridiculous but this is pretty genius it makes you look like jar jar binks from star wars but worth it maybe it's a whole new level of laziness of course it's worth it this is by far my coolest amazon bike this drink dispenser makes it so convenient just to grab your drink my god it's like a store you can fit the size to your fridge this is a game changer okay yeah i think i need this too this is perfect we have like a fridge down in the garage that holds all the drinks because we tend to have people over a lot this would be perfect i feel like i was at a store because i don't get to go to the store anymore okay i found two different tick tocks of this thing i there's no need for me to have this but i want it or i want to be able to buy it for my future kids okay so this is the other one it gives you this little car bank card like a fake one and you use that and a pin to access your money so it's like a piggy bank but high tech and it oh it's it's so cool and unnecessary and cute that's it i'm getting it for my kids just so i can play with it like mom what are you doing uh don't worry i'm not stealing your money i just wanna you know play with your fake atm machine that i bought you all right this is our ice cream ball we found off amazon and it makes homemade ice cream in 10 minutes so we've already mixed up the ice cream mixture and we're going to pour it into this end of the ball and screw on the top all right on this end we're going to fill it with salt and ice we just put on both ends and now we're going to kick it around for about 10 minutes and wait she's going to go kick the ball around the ice cream ball around what oh my gosh yum okay so so far we're making fruit ice cream and ball ice cream i'm excited for the summer cover you can stick it right over here okay i've seen last up is this pink wireless keyboard with a built-in stand it connects to your device with bluetooth and you can even watch directly on your phone from it without any sort of wires i feel like crying because i know i'm gonna end up buying so many of these things regret maybe not i don't know that's why i'm making this video so that i can get money from this video to sustain my tick tock product bad buying habits so thank you all leave a like as currency to feed my addiction please the more likes i get the more well no not the more money i get but the more i will buy all of this stuff and try to find more so i can make another one of these and continue justifying my problem for work reasons idk who needs to hear this but you need this case for your ipad i need a new ipad a detachable bluetooth keyboard and you can change the background to whatever color you want it also has a place for your apple pencils magnetized up here bye bye the reason i like it is because my case right now i have a keyboard case for my ipad but it only slants up in one direction so if i want to use it in certain positions i can't fix the slang it's just stuck in this one but this looks like you can actually adjust like it stands straight up there's no slant and the colors ah uh going along with ipad stands it's so simple and i don't know why i haven't thought to buy one of these yet because bobby and i use the ipad all the time in the kitchen we usually do a lot of work up there so we usually have the ipad on playing something to watch while we're working but also while we're eating and it takes up so much freaking space on the table because the table's not that big and i can't always see it because it's on the table like below eye level this is why why haven't it's such simple things that would make life so much easier and i just don't think of them until somebody shows me them that's the genius of tick-tock if you're a germaphobe like me then yeah this is just genius fill it with your favorite liquid sanitizer and take it with you to sanitize anything questionable it's so simple and so cute and it's like ten dollars i mean i guess you have to use i wonder i guess you can't use the gel one you have to use like the real liquid one which i do have because it was my only option over the pandemic so this would actually help use it a lot better because right now when i try to use it it just goes everywhere ah so simple people are geniuses amazon gadgets you didn't need this rainbow making bath bomb to see if it actually worked and it is mesmerizing just watch it go oh my god oh my god yes i mean i'm still traumatized by bath bombs but this makes it less traumatizing this makes me want to try bath bombs again i haven't since the incident the incident is linked in the description below if you have no idea what i'm talking about all right you guys this is the coolest thing you're going to love this too bag sealer and cutter all you do is preheat it by pressing and holding for three to five seconds before using and then simply slide it along the edge of any bag and it's sealed air tight and then the other side has a tiny blade that can be used to open your bag so perfect for snacks chips you name it and you never have to wonder where your chip clips are i told you like these are all ones i've saved because i saw it and i was like this is genius and i need it and i just haven't got around to buy it yet but now after making this video i'm probably gonna go buy all of them because i forgot how cool all of this is so yeah i see this everywhere off amazon for like 20 bucks and it's supposed to be holographic pretty disappointing though right until you throw the flash on oh my god i forgot how pretty it was but that kind of sticks so it's but i mean even the black when it's not lit up like this looks cool but i feel like when you're holding it and bringing it out with you how often does it look like this i need to know because she said when the flash is on so does light need to be directly pointed at it is it better to wear during daytime events instead of nighttime events i need to answer these by buying it okay i think that's all my heart and wallet can take because i literally have this is gonna sound like i have a legitimate problem but i literally have anxiety right now because i want these things and i don't have them i've just been sitting this is stuff i've collected over months and i've just been sitting on it because i just i can't i actually hate buying things unless i can 100 justify it the majority of this i can't but i want it and i i'm gonna start slowly getting it by justifying it for different reasons i'll be like yeah it's a health reason it's a it's something for the summer it's something for the kids oh my birthday's coming up not soon i still have like two more months but yeah if you enjoyed seeing my tick tock product addictions then make sure to leave a like before you go like i mentioned and i will keep collecting them and do another one of these in the future and also if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos if you're new why not subscribe it's right over there it's completely free unlike all of this stuff and like i mentioned i will try to link whatever products i could find on amazon and things in the description below just to be helpful slash remind myself where the products are to buy and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,066,388
Rating: 4.9847631 out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok made me buy it, tik tok made me buy it, amazon finds, things I bought, products, must haves, amazon, react, reaction, funny, bath bomb, tesla, holographic, weird, trying, I bought, I tried
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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