THIS PISSES ME OFF - Reacting to One Guy, 43 Voices Reactions

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he's so obsessed with himself

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Addicted2Granolabars 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2018 🗫︎ replies
This is one guy with 15 voices his name is Rami. His name is Rami what? Like how hard is it to say Roomie what's up? My name is Rami So I've been avoiding watching reactions to my own videos for a really long time because it makes me cringe so hard To see other people judging me when I was a kid and showed my mom my drawings I would give her the drawings and then just run away because I didn't want to see her reaction and clearly nothing has changed since I was a kid but today I will go against all my instincts and watch some reactions to my voices videos What is up you guys vlad here and welcome back to another video and today? We are going to be watching a guy. This is one guy That's so awkwardly phrased today We're going to watch a guy it sounds like you're just gonna Go watch some dude hanging out like shirtless, and it's backyards just like with His hand in his pants This is one guy with 15 voices his name is Rami His name is Rami what I got to be real with you here making a reaction video It's not like a huge work effort you're reacting to a video that took me two weeks to make and you don't have the time To check how to pronounce my name dude come on. Oh wait, so you're just going to show the entirety of my video and then talk After what is the point of anyone going to my channel if you're going to show the whole video without you talking on your channel dude, *back in the summer of 69* that took me by Surprise I do not mean to be rude, but I did not expect Something this good. He says he didn't want to be rude And then he tells me that I don't look like someone who would do something good But I'm glad I did not speak throughout the video because I enjoyed every single milli second of his voice I mean, I get that is complimenting me here And what is the point of the video even being on your channel if you're just going to show the exact same thing that's on My channel yeah guys my favorite was when he did bruce springsteen that comment down below which was your favorite one And I shall see you guys in my next video, but until then don't forget stay beautiful smile And be happy wow that was literally everything he said in the video. He said two things right one. I like the Bruce Springsteen Impression the Most and two that he enjoyed the video Congratulations, you added zero Extra value to my video you got a million views for it. That's just insane This is the kind of thing that makes me hate how Youtube works nowadays whoever can make the most and longest videos win that means that the people who rely on other people's content will actually do better than The people who create original content there's literally no incentive for me as a YouTuber to create a fully original video if I just cared about money I would just be reacting to other people's content all day I could make like 18 videos a day or something just hire an editor Fill a bunch of stuff and I would be making so much more money than I do now I'm not even hating on the reactor's they're doing the smart thing but like the fact that youtube does Nothing to separate the people who make original content from the people who show off other people's original content It's just crazy like you should boost it in some way right the people who put done weeks on the single video or whatever competitor People who then show off the same video and just add like I like this video in the end Hey guys welcome back our special guest again my brother once again are these guys a swedish model, bro Well, this is either like bro. look at his eyes are like the ocean in the bahamas. Oh my god. I didn't realize that this is what reaction videos was all about but I like it, but you know that was three years ago Just look at me. Now kids. Don't do drugs. You will end up looking like this. Oh Man, I'm so sad *but if you close your eyes does it always feel like no- *imitating(very badly)* but if you close your eyes to the Mine was good and you just had to ruin it. I'm so happy because I finally found someone who has a more awkward body language than I do Hey that's some quality singing bro. Are you coming for my turf? Are you gonna steal my thing? Who am I kidding guys you're obviously better singers than me just take it take my channel take it All you deserve it ;( What's that you say you don't want my channel ah you already have 6 million subs and I only have 2 million Ok I'll just delete my channel What's that you're asking? How you can watch this video on my channel if my channels deleted? He's really good! *chuckle* I think I'm going to start watching reactions to my own videos all the time now This is doing some really good things for my self-esteem apparently I'm a super talented swedish model. I like you. Oh, baby I'm the swedish model roomie baby like this you like it when I when I when I like the microphone alright this one's not that accurate right. It doesn't sound exactly like bruno the other ones were so accurate though What are you talking about? I'm a swedish sexy talented model my bruno mars impression is the best of all time. It's better than real Bruno Mars. Oh Man, I like choked myself. If im going to be serious here for a second I filmed the whole of one guy 14 voices this in one sitting six hours. I didn't practice anything beforehand I would say it's like the worst video out of the three I've made the Bruno mars one and Especially I think the bastille one are like Totally crapped fifteen voices and sixteen voices took like week to make each and I think they're way better And I practiced so much my name is Olya and this is jazz oh Sorry about that by the way, okay didn't like this video. Do I look like a serial killer, huh? well, you look like you're Chill dude that I dunno want to hang out at some time I love the energy and everything but why is she singing on top of my impressions? Could be singing something like what do you mean? Yeah And I mean she wouldn't notice because she's actually singing over it like she can't hear me at all he sounds just like these people yeah, I know I'm amazing I am a bit disappointed though because you haven't commented on how blue like the bahamas seas my eyes are yet? I like it when people say that. In video: bro look his eyes are like the ocean in the bahamas but seriously, why are they singing over the impressions? I don't get it Impressions on point.Yeah, i agree. F*ck yeah im great everyone bow to me cuz im the sh*t, or you know, not. *high-pitched, indescribable voice* what up guys, welcome back to MITCHHHHEL REACTS Yeah, that is his intro. No, no, no, no you can do oprah. I mean what he can do opera not oprah Maybe can you? fuck yeah I can do oprah, *theme song*, oh yeah baby, can you get me on the oprah network baby? I mean, you own it Anyway guys I'm gonna have to stop it there if you want to see videos early and get the new songs and stuff early go to my Patreon:, i will see you next time, BYE! please call me oprah. Oh What the fuck *laughs* Bro look his eyes are like the ocean in the bahamas
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 10,319,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: one guy 43 voices, one guy 15 voices, reaction, reactions, one guy, one guy 14 voices, impressions, singing impressions, roomieofficial, roomie, one guy 16 voices, 14 voices, 1 guy 15 voices, 1 guy 14 voices, 15 voices, one guy 23 voices, 16 voices, impression, 1 guy 16 voices, 1 guy 23 voices, 23 voices, singing, 1 guy 17 voices, voices, one guy 45 voices, 45 voices, reaction video, reaction time, vladteevee
Id: 87C1diMgnJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2017
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