Why I hated Pewdiepie (w/ Pewdiepie)

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Okay *clap* *clap clap* *clap* *clap clap* *clap* (laughs) F: PewDiePie Review! R: Exactly- R: What's up? My name is Roomie and I used to f*cking hate PewDiePie- F: Ah- WHAT? F: *offense* R: And now, f*cking PewDiePie is here looking all smug and we just- F: I thought we were friends! F: Have you been lying to me all this time? R: Yes (laughs) R: Anyway, uh, we just recorded music video for Felix's channel called "Congratulations". R: There might be some spoilers for that in this video, So go watch that first. (Felix looking awkward af) F: Spoilers? R: I dunno. J: Like they're not even gonna watch the (inaudible) F: Yeah R: Shut the f*ck up Jonas! R: You're supposed to be on my side! J: Ok, sorry! R: I pay you! R: I PAY YOU! R: Anyway, so in this video, I wanted to tell a story to you guys and to Felix About how... (F: Oh, wow) ...I used to hate you now, we're friends. How did that happen? F: Well, debatable. (laughs in ad revenue) R: So Jonas has a gun off camera right now, so you got to tell people- R: It's highlighted here R: Y-you guys say it. Y-you guys say it. F: Subscribe to PewDiePie! R: NO! R: Hello?! F: No, you don't need help. F: Subscribe to Felix! R: I thought you would say subscribe to me, but ok R: Ok, go sit down. I'm happy with that. F: Okay, cool. PART 1 NEIGHBOURS R: I felt like it was gonna be weird to talk about you while you're here. R: I'm gonna try to say Felix or Pewdiepie as much as possible. R: Okay, good. One second- :O F: ...keep it in the video? R: I mean, I might. R: Ok, so explain why I hate PewDiePie... F: That's me! R: Why I hated Pew- (laughs) R: Why I HATED PewDiePie... R: We need to go back in time... F: ...to yesterday (laughs) R: So both me, and you... we made our channels back in 2010/2011. F: Okay. I see where this is going. R: Yeah, and I don't know how it was for you R: But for me, like my friends thought I was weird that I made a YouTube channel R: It was like, "Oh, you're uploading videos of yourself?" "That's kinda cringy." R: Did you have the same thing? F: I just didn't tell anyone I was making videos. R: Oh, that makes sense. R: They would ask you: "What are your hobbies" R: And I'd be like: "Yeah, I make YouTube videos" R: And they would be like: "Oh." "Why?" R: Nowadays, everyone f*cking uploads YouTube videos F: Yeah, we were first. R: I KNOW! We're like- F: We should have respect! R: (laughs) R: My grandm- my- like my- F: Yeah, your grandma should- R: ...grandma! She uploads videos now F: Oh really? R: No, she'd dead. But anyway (o shit) F: Hell yeah! F: No, don't add that in (too late now) R: And we were both from Gothenburg in Sweden, right? R: And I had a friend who went to Uni with you. R: And he actually told me about you, and he was like: R: "I have a friend in school that does YouTube" R: "And you do too, that's cool" And like "You guys should hang out sometime" R: I was like, "Yeah, sure, whatever" but that never really happened. R: I don't remember why. R: "Oh, wow, someone else does YouTube." "That's crazy!" R: "We need to hang out. That's not really-" F: Yeah, of course you need to hang out. Yeah, of course R: Yeah. F: It's funny though, cuz I probably started before you but I was way smaller than you were in the beginning R: Yeah, maybe. F: So when my friend told of you... (R: Yeah?)... I was like, "Oh, yeah, I watch him. I really liked his stuff". R: That's awesome! F: Cuz I've seen you from schmoyoho or whatever R: Oh, yeah F: It's funny cuz I liked you and you're gonna say that you hated me! R: (laughs) F: What the frick! R: What the- (laughs) F: I didn't like you at all! R: Anyway, you moved to Italy and stuff. We never ended up hanging out- (F: Thank god.) R: ...before you moved. R: People thought there was cringe to make YouTube videos, so I devised this plan... R: I wanted to be... this Swedish youtuber that took YouTube into the mainstream. R: And my friends would be like: R: "Oh, we thought there was a bit cringy, but now like YouTube is cool" R: So that was my goal for a really long time. R: One day, maybe like, the media will pick up on YouTube and I'll be the- F: The example- R: …the example. Yeah, that's what I wanted.... to happen. F: Well too bad, you weren't good enough. R: (laughs in despair) F: I'm so sorry Joel. PART 2 CONFUSED R: Right after that, something happened, and you started growing like crazy R: I didn't get what was good about the "PewDiePie" channel, and I didn't even try to... R: I was like: "What the f*ck is this? "Like it's some-" F: Oh, you didn't watch the screaming compilation? (watch out headphone users) *Felix's compilation of him getting scared and screaming at video games* R: No, I did not watch the screaming (laughs) compilation R: Playing video games versus my real skilI... R: I did this music thing that I've been working on for years and years. F: What kind of videos did you make back then? R: I was making like, cover videos. (laughs) R: I was like: "This is real skill guys!" R: It wasn't like I was envious of you per se, I had this goal and you were f*cking with it R: Everything was kinda like starting to blow up about both YouTube and you being one of the big creators- F: Was it really? R: Yeah, there was and you... R: ….weren't even f*cking there for it. You were in Italy. R: This is kinda like when I started... R: Hating (you). R: Every time I heard your name, R: And, I would hear your name A LOT. R: I would be like, irritated. I would be like: "F*ck this guy". R: Then you became the biggest YouTube channel in the world, F: Mhmm. R: And that was like the big sad moment- F: Wait, so you wanted to be the biggest channel? R: In Sweden, yeah. R: And now being the biggest channel in Sweden, was being the biggest channel in the world and I COULDN'T EVEN- F: You could never do it! (laughs evilly) R: I couldn't even... be the biggest channel from GOTHENBURG, BECAUSE YOU- R: WERE LITERALLY- F: You could be the biggest channel in (?) R: (laughs) F: You could be the biggest YouTuber on your street R: Pretty much. (x2) R: Ahhh…. J: So f*cking sad. R: Yeah. F: You must have really hated me. R: YEAH. (x3) F: (laughs) R: Whenever anyone would be like: "Oh what do you do?" "Oh, I make some YouTube videos". R: They'd be like: "Oh how many subscribers do you have?" R: And I'd be like: "200,000 or something" whatever I was that at the time. F: Which is good, probably at the time. R: Yeah, that was- that was good. R: Like there was like no one else in Sweden... apart from one guy from Sweden. R: Who had that amount, and then they'd be like "Oh, so, but I heard that PewDiePie has like 2 or 3 million R: Or something at that time, you know? R: So my 200,000 means nothing now and they would like bring it up to just put me down. F: Well sh*t, I hate this "PewDiePie" guy Both: (laughs) PART 3 TRYING TO GET IT R: Anyway, the bus kept going, just f*cking '"PewDiePie"went going on and on. R: And eventually, I started watching more of your content to try to get it. R: I've done similar things with Jake Paul and Logan Paul when they were blowing up in 2017, and R: I was like, "Oh, what's the deal with this?" and watch you in a similar way. R: As appose to Logan Paul and Jake Paul, R: I would say that watching your stuff, R: I realized that you like, seem like a nice person R: And when you watch it Logan Paul and Jake Paul, That's not the feeling I've gotte- F: What are you talking about? R: (chuckles) F: They're SO grounded. R: I started to feel like "Oh I started to actually get this now" R: That's annoying if you wanna dislike someone and like, "Oh, he's actually nice" J: It's like, someone's like J: "Man, that douchebag, f*cking *sshole, stole ma girlfriend" J: "But, he's a really cool guy" (overlapping speech) R: Like, I subscribed after that binge. I was like: "Oh, this is enjoyable". R: "Like, I'll watch this" and it started to be like, "Oh, I don't actually dislike this guy" PART 4 PEWDIEPIE SONGS R: I started a series on my channel. It was a request series. F: Why I love PewDiePie. R: (chuckles) F: Upcoming. R: (laughs) R: It was a request series... R: "What do you want me to make a song out of"? R: There was so much PewDiePie buzz, so half the f*cking suggestions was, R: "Oh, you should sample PewDiePie" R: So, I remember, I asked you on Twitter, R: Uh, I was like, "Oh, can I use some of your videos to make a remix song" R: And you were like "Yeah, for sure... IF YOU MAKE ME LOOK GOOD". F: (laughs) R: You remember this? F: No, I don't. R: I don't- I don't even know if that was a joke or not F: That must have been a joke R: I took that very seriously F: Oh R: Anyway, I was like "Oh sh*t, I gotta make him look good" F: That was your approach from the old- R: Yeah, that's the backstory of "His Name Is PewDiePie R: Which if you think about it, it's like a bit of a superhero song, its like- F: It is, yeah (x2) R: it's like this...gamer (inaudible) F: You took it literally (laughs) R: Yeah, I did! Song: HIS NAME IS PEWDIEPIE! *lit edit of Felix saying 'PewDiePie'* A YOU-YOU-YOUTUBE GAMER! R: The songs I made for you afterwards had like a bit more tongue-in-cheek R: The 'Fabulous' song is a bit like taking the piss out of you at the same time R: While that first one is so like- F: "PewDiePie is the greatest YouTuber" (laughs) R: I was just worried that you would like take the video down if it wasn't... (Felix loses it) R: 'Didn't make you look good' J: I- I just get this image of you like, sweating, J: Like a montage of you like, working really hard, going through- F: "He must like this!" J: (continues talking) F: "Doesn't have enough brofists in it!" (laughs) J: You just see Felix like whenever the video pops up like "Oh sh*t, what's this?" J: "Oh yeah (x2) that thing, ok" F: Probably. Both: (laughs) R: That request song did pretty well. You were like: "Yeah, can you make a longer version for my channel?" R: I was like "Yeah, sure. I can do that." F: Oh, I think I remember that, yeah. R: It was a big boost for me on YouTube, R: That also fed into my view of you of being like a nice guy. R: Like he was like "Oh, that's really nice of him, R: He didn't actually have to do that." F: I think I just wanted a video for a day R: I mean (x2) I get that (x2) but still, I don't know. To me, it felt like such a nice thing to do. PART 5 MEETING UP R: And then in 2014, there was a big 'YouTube Awards' in Sweden. R: I don't know if you remember this; Youtuber of the year was actually me. (enter Felix's applause) R: I won youtuber of the year. J: Finally! R: Thank You (x2) F: (still clapping) THIS IS YOUR MOMENT! R: Thank you! R: I'm just kidding- F: 3 years ago! R: I'm just kidding, that was Felix F: Oh. R: Yeah, Felix won the f*cking prize F: (laughs evilly) R: (laughs) R: You didn't even f*cking come... F: Why would I- (laughs) R: So, and- and- you (laughs) R: So I was like, "Well, I'm going to the UK anyway, because I have something else I need to do in the UK, R: So I can just bring you the thing" because we were talking about- F: Oh, that was it (x2) I remember. R: Yeah (x2) So I remember meeting up with you, first time meeting you in real life. R: You were wearing like a button-down shirt and had like a couple of the buttons open like in the top. F: Nice, nice. R: Sunglasses, short-shorts, F: (laughs) R: (chuckles) and flip-flops, and we were meeting up in the middle of the city. R: You're like walking your flip-flops in Avilés City F: (laughs) R: I just remember this so clearly. F: You- you have really interesting way of remembering strange details. F: I just came on as like, the biggest douche ever. R: No (x2), you were like a proper summer boy. That's what I'm saying. You were like a proper summer boy. F: Definitely, yeah. R: Yeah, anyway, and we went to restaurant and it was (F: I remember that.) like a little bit awkward. F: I feel like any time you eat with someone for the first time is always awkward R: Yeah, of course F: Especially when you're Swedish. R: ESPECIALLY when you're Swedish. R: We're all Swedish in here. Jonas over there is Swedish F: Swedish bois! R: We haven't said anything in Swedish so far in this video J: Bög (gay) Both: (laughs) F: What'd you say? J: Nothin. ;) All: (laughs) PART 6 BCOMING FRIENDS R: Okay, so fast-forward, I did a couple more remixes for you R: The 'Fabulous' one and the 'Brofist' one, right? R: You got a day off probably those days. F: I'll take it. Both: (laughs) F: And I'll get another day off now that we have this song! R: And that's true! F: I'm actually looking forward to it. Both: (laughs) F: Still applies Both: (laughs) R: Okay, so this part got a bit slow R: So I'm just gonna do this speaker to speed it up more R: I moved down to London and I lived there for a few years and then in 2018, R: I needed to move, and I had Felix and a few acquaintances that live down in Brighton already, R: so I moved there and we started hanging out more! *ta-da* R: And that's the story of how I went from hating PewDiePie, F: To loving PewDiePie. R: At least being friends with you. I mean- I mean F: To being in love with PewDiePie. Both: (laughs) R: I thought it was a cool journey to tell us to go from baseless hate, R: to like thinking someone's like really chill and like a friend. R: So that's cool. F: I wish I could say the same. (o shit) R: This is great guys.... F: (laughs) R: I realized early on that like "Bad Felix" only ever existed in my head, right? R: There was nothing that you could have done to not mess up my goal. Apart from deleting your channel R: Which I was actually- I was gonna give you a chance right now because if you delete your channel right now, R: I will be the most subscribed YouTube channel in Sweden. F: Oh, really? R: Yeah, so uh- F: I feel like I would pass you pretty quickly though. R: Yeah, I mean you'd make a new one. Yeah, of course. R: Yeah I'm just- like for a minute. I just- F: Just for a minute. (laughs) F: Okay, I'll do it. R: (laughs) F: F*ck it Both: (laughs) R: Moral of the story is that if you- F: Everyone will eventually love PewDiePie. R: No. F: (chuckles) R: You can baselessly hate someone and you will always be right. R: That's the moral of a story, everyone. F: What do ya mean, 'right?' "Always be right?" R: Because if you hate someone, you're right. They're bad people. F: (confused af) I mean, I know you now. R: I was- I was joking I uh, J: (shouts) R: Probably cut that out (too late) All: (laughs) "CONGRATULATIONS" R: What was your experience like, recording the music video? R: It obviously took like a lot more time than what you usually put on the video. F: I mean, it's the longest I've ever spent on a video. F: It was kinda crazy for everyone, cuz you flew back just to shoot the video. R: Oh yeah, I did. F: (laughs) From LA. You flew here, you sat down, and started working on the mix, F: while we blew up balloons in the other room. R: If you want more details on how we made this song and about the music video R: There's a behind-the-scenes video on Dave from BoyInABand's channel- F: And remember to check out PewDiePie. Link in the description. R: Yeah. F: Subscribe to PewDiePie everyone, so we can beat T-Series... AGAIN! F: Take it back NOW! R: I mean, that would be pretty awesome. R: Thanks for watching, R: Thanks Felix for being in the video, R: And I'll see you guys later (that's not a brofist Joel) (what's happening here) R: Brofist (laughs) D: At this point we were getting pretty tired F: Ahhhhhhh (all sounding drunk) F: sUcH a bIG daY! *abuse* *more abuse* (Dave attacks Felix; Felix starts shrieking) (all talking gibberish) F: It wasn't even funny, I'm so sorry
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 11,546,633
Rating: 4.9410133 out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, why i hated pewdiepie, felix, pewds, pewdie, pdp, congratulations, roomieofficial, boyinaband, satire, storytime, t series, meme, tseries, pewdiepie vs tseries, roomie, song, rap, ay congratulations, pewdiepie vs t series
Id: ojvqIumZtnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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