Biggest Lip Sync FAILS! (Justin Bieber, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez & MORE caught)

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Oh Hi, I didn't see you there. I'm just working on my new mix anyway I wanted to talk to you guys about something. Mm-hm. It has to do with famous artists when they perform Live a lot of artists think that they can get away with Lip-syncing and you know maybe they can with you know in every man, but me with my eagle eye. I see everything let's go Okay, so this is one of the most famous lip syncs right now. It's by Selena Gomez. Let's watch Oops *Amazing laugh* as always you get one of those. "I know I f**cked up" faces And she's like doing this face I think at the end of this video we should make a compilation of all the "I fucked up" faces from all the lip syncs...uh Jonas you do that later Here's another really funny lip sync fail. It's Hilary Duff and something happens to like whatever tape recorder or like CD whatever That's playing her fake vocal. It just kinda like starts glitching great singing for a minute lol It's so weird because like as like a music producer I can hear the vocal is so freaking loud in the mix It just sounds too good like studio ish let's move on more good singing but its getting there I love that it hurts so much I got to give her kudos here like she actually just kind of like goes on without like *gibberish* she doesn't look like She's uncomfortable or anything anyway. Let's see what happens next maybe it gets worse *looks at you creepy* Also like too hard to dancing no one dances like this or this you would hear it Someone got fired over this someone really screwed up It must have been on a CD player and like the CD was skipping or something she's broken Okay, so next up is some Justin Bieber lip-synch fails. Let's watch If Justin Bieber can throw up and sing at the same time he's like the most talented guy alive That would be really impressive maybe we can do it for me now like I can just sing and then you like add in post just like vomit coming out of my mouth The side note about Justin Bieber is that he's one of the few that I know that uses auto-tune Live a lot as well and actually that can be kind of hard because auto-tune behaves kind of weirdly sometimes Here's a clip showing it in action It can be a bit hard to hear while he's singing, but in the end of this performance He starts like shouting stuff, and you can hear like the auto-tune just going nuts on his voice Calvin Harris is there and he's like a great music producer look at his face when he hears this shouting. It's really funny He's like Here's another example Justin Bieber using auto-tune live, but here It's like set to the wrong setting the wrong key, and he has to do something about it check this out So yeah after a little bit Justin felt like you know this is ruining the performance. I'm actually sounding worse He needed to do something about it That's so smooth he comes across the silica genuine and like oh there's auditory non mean Oh, I don't like this, but like in reality. He uses it a lot They were just like set to the wrong setting. I just I got a respect that I really respect that question Why? He's committing a crime, but it's being really sneaky and smooth about it. So you're like well. I mean Dexter II what's this? Now you know you get respect like he was so cool in the situation I mean you got respect how cool. They look Up your super god-awful humor all those little jokes or whatever you call them earlier in this video You just wish you could have handled it If you don't cut this out of the video, I'm gonna be very disappointed in you I can kind of understand lip-syncing if you're doing like a big dance number or something because you can't really sing that well if you're gonna Do like a really big does but she's like walking on stage here like there's nothing hard going on That's another one for the whoops I f***ed thing Jon Bon Jovi So good, I love that Okay, so this one's a doozy it actually seems like ariana grande who's known for her really strong voice switch this to pre-recorded vocals only for the high notes so I made a compilation of like how it sounds exactly the same on every concert Which obviously wouldn't be the case if she was singing live Yeah Yeah the effects metal right now, let's watch So yeah there she sang in life if she can sing in life why do you do it with a backing track It's insane to me This one actually bothers me a bit This is the thing that everyone is focused on in this moment in the show it's like oh my god She's singing these amazing high notes. She's not belting these notes like it's just flying just stupid Why do you think they do it like? this 90% of the performance is genuine does it matter if like 10% of it is helped a little bit that could be one reason but No like I don't know how much is lip synced anywhere either at any point anything could be lip synced now. You know This kind of stuff and people who hates the remote control I got the remote control for the lights right here by the way Jona see the lights earlier. I know I know Just feel a bit betrayed she sings Amazing in these things and then suddenly for like a high note that she probably can't do life that well. It goes to lip-sync It's just like I guess that's show business Okay, is it some final point. I can't hate on anyone that lip-sync. You don't really know why they do it There's a bunch of reasons if you dance And you want to do like a real music video type performance And you probably can't sing very good at the same time another reason to lip-sync is temporary vocal trouble like you're sick I like the last reason I can think of for lip-syncing is to make yourself seem like a better singer that is the ariana grande Way of things that's a reason is it a good reason I don't know. There's money involved like invested money in these people and they need to deliver life That's why they do all of these things If morals was like the very highest thing like oh I don't want to lie about anything in my show and maybe none of this would be but it's still it's like you know shy of labor's It is kind of similar these things that happen because of capitalism and because of competition in the marketplace. It's just what it is I know I still respect all of these people as singers are they're better singers than these pop stars yes me No, I mean there are better singers, but are there better pop stars now Like being a pop star is so much more than just being a good singer my grandma's a great sing actually all my grandma's her dead It's so dark no they are oh, no, what a my grandma is alive. Oh, that's even worse oh No Grandma if you're watching this I come see you after we film this okay Let me know in the comments what you guys think about Lip-synching and stuff like that or any of my like excuses that I made for them legit Or are they just like totally why the hell are they doing this let me know in the comments down below also Let me know if you want me to make a video on lip syncing in YouTube videos I think that might be interesting, but if you know you don't care Let me know as well, and I will see you next week. Bye Yeah Okay, try that again, but like without being Are you serious? Yeah? I just felt like Can you just like shut up like it's like you interrupt me in the middle of sentence, it's all the time coming when you're But you're doing all these like jokes. It's like I planned this video out Why do you like interrupting me all the time with all these speak? Why is even here like I can do this myself, it's so so annoying What's up and welcome back to my personal website do something fun. This is boring I'm bored
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 15,888,396
Rating: 4.8678613 out of 5
Keywords: lip sync, playback, caught, fail, fails, failure, funny fails, justin bieber, selena gomez, ariana grande, pop, lipsync, hilary duff, madonna, bon jovi, singing, music, funny, hilarious, singer, voice, voices, comedy, roomie, roomieofficial, vlog, vlogger, sing, song, songs, pop music, pop songs, cringe, vocals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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