One Guy, 29 Voices (My Review)

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what's up boys my name is joel from room official I'm here with my friend Dave from boyinaband and today we're gonna be looking at another voices video as you guys know as Dave also knows I am the best impressionist of a few clues you don't know what's some of the most successful impressionist of all time most known anyway so today we're gonna be looking at yet another person doing singing impressions we have Rob Cantor with his 29 celebrity impressions one original song whenever I see these types of videos the people are was better than me and then I'm like oh that's great because I'm not doing it as often anymore so I'm showing you guys some of the people you can enjoy when I'm not uploading them so this is you're trying to give away your audience as quick exactly everyone leave right now hello my name is Rob so this is the guy in doing the impressions and this is just like his friend yeah then you hate it when a guy known for something just brings a random friend in to ruin a video that's solid Jack Black it is really good right I was thinking I just might say that to the Randy Newman one I only know family guys impression of randomly I can't even remember the Toy Story song I can only remember them making fun of it but yeah that Jack Black was spawn I've watched his YouTube videos for so long and Jack Black sounds exactly like that Jack Black the u2 youtuber Jack Black [Music] you're perfect in the way that you are I feel like these ones are like kind of cheating this and like Smeagol and stuff like that it's not too hard to do the kind of type voices it's not quite as impressive as the Jack Black one ones from earlier he's nailing them but I don't think it's as hard to nail something that's yes distinctive I think blues are starting uses the guys version of Shakira Shakira is like yeah yeah it's that's good hahaha they should write like bono from u2 maybe he's on YouTube my goal is I'm not gonna do that my goal and vs. Smeagol rapid I think of my career you made one of those sorry we need to make it short call him versus no one I this is amazing yeah this is the first time my green screen actually worked out alright actually yeah yeah spectacular acting your lips are very blue okay [Music] that that's crazy that's that was pretty convincing female voice let's say that again that high note was spot-on his life convincing female honestly like that's like a level over I mean you've heard my feet [Music] so sing to your song don't be sad or steal at all perfect choice of like part of the song to do with that vowel that's horrible do you think everyone who does the Peter Griffin voice has to do this no I think it I can't do it you can't do it try it I've never really tried I'm not even gonna try I'm just gonna embarrass myself well that's why I wanted you to try no ways I'm just imagining some like horrific lemak bull version of him like badly drawn mean pizza Griffin what this is fake too early no way can a guy do different female voices this accurately I don't know like that's so good [Music] that's insane how do they do it like so nice to me you've heard my intentions okay [Music] that you are with that's solid that was a good ian mckellen how is the cheap one for a woman but for a guy that's incredibly impressive I want to like get lessons from him hey can you teach me so I can make more money how many views this is how not enough 18 million oops that's not compare that is what might be just [Music] that's not singing she [Music] sorry I'm surely not hang on has he ever talked about whether this is fake or something in like an interview yeah it's all fake oh yeah like we don't need too much more of this let's watch the land is just a few seconds [Music] so there's a follow-up video to this let's watch it right now doing music videos and using the song with his voice recorded we're gonna do some impressions of different celebrities I try to tell you what everyone knows you're perfect in the way that you Scott I'm gonna play a role of Frank Sinatra yeah you after anything a little bit because he's getting money because people believe that that's real and that's kind of eating into your it did come out pretty soon after my video and I remember seeing it kind of been blown away either that's so far above my ability or it's fake and then it got to the trumpet parts and I was like I've never heard anyone play trumpet like that I have heard beatboxes do convincing trumpet too much of like the attack and stuff sounded writes to me it's interesting and he did release this behind the scenes video a lot after the first one so you got the views and then you kind of came out with it fair enough at least admitting it but yeah like one of those you should also note that on both this video and on the other video comments are disabled God said what about likes likes aren't too bad actually I'm surprised at that I would have thought there would be more people that were annoyed yeah the casual audience will just see the good video and move on right right how many people are in you try putting Chewbacca in and put some kind of like a subtitle underneath [Applause] we're not many impressions you feel so stupid kind of believing the original one well I know this Britney Spears one I was thinking this isn't spot-on impression but the fact that it's a woman being impersonated by a man that's what's impressive well then I'm Britney Spears impression isn't great that christina was pretty good yeah so that we're actually appreciating the people who do have the talent yeah yeah it's just no one has that range no one who was uploaded to YouTube yet [Music] whether people are gonna believe it just his lip-syncing ability hello my name is Rob this answer do you think that's where the use of crappy camera quality yeah having a low weird frame rate will help with like lip-syncing if you can like get away with it that's small [Music] [Music] today we're mixing music video for perfect this is red it goes like the obscene length because obviously everything is recorded on the nice microphone so they've got to take that and make it really bad like the stuff in the room basically making it look like Rob saying it it's so close except for part part if we slide it back I like a skosh so I'm taking all the voices that rubber corded added some room tone chair squeaks redid the piano redid all the brass yes cream yeah attention to detail she did so much of what made that work it's a huge team for one video what's your feeling about this whole project like do you wish you would have done it is it stupid it's funny I definitely don't wish I would have done it it's stupid my gut is that it's a little bit it's kind of cheating but again that's it illegal in good fun and everything but then when there are people who are actually trying to do their impressions on the internet trying their best at it it feels like it's kind of taking something away from them just so many people are gonna believe this and this standards will totally be changed yeah exactly I got a lot of comments and my stuff when this came out saying that he was so much better at every right I wish I was like this is fake but I can't prove it you know what I'm just mad at this guy if he hadn't uploaded this my Gollum versus Smeagol rap I have all of those ha ha ha I'm out anyway guys that was it for this video thanks Dave for being on my channel once again subscribe today I assume when this video comes out he will still have less subscribers which is sad go subscribe to Dave I'm fine with everything I have I don't need more of anything but he does he's desperate he's pretty much homeless at this point take to crack look at him it's all true ok see you guys next time bye oh hey guys once again this video is brought to you by Jonas this beautiful shirt my beautiful shirt there's other beautiful shirts and we have a special offer for you guys that if you buy a shirt and you send a picture to me over on Twitter I will do something very special let's just try it out with Jonas one of you guys who send me a picture in one of the shirts will get this as you can see Jonas does not have enough glasses to be an attractive man so here's an additional amount of glasses and it's anymore beautiful so for a chance to be featured like this in a future video send me a picture of yourself in the merge - roomie official on Twitter that's it go buy the merch it's also very nice and it feels really good on your body head over to the shop right now and out of yeah huge thanks to my top patrons Christian Gabe Wilson Matthew barczyk kyon Wong Vicky for admin Sebastian 707 coral I this is my rent money batoon Ali Engel & freznar thank you
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 3,211,349
Rating: 4.9369946 out of 5
Keywords: impressions, celebrity, 29, celebrities, funny, comedy, humor, voices, one, guy, impression, britney spears, jack black, bono, bob dylan, peter griffin, smeagol, frank sinatra, rob cantor, sung impressions, 19 celebrity impressions, 29 celebrity impressions, celebrity impressions original song, roomie, roomieofficial, boyinaband, dave, joel, react, reaction, review
Id: nkN3wztEBJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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